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MARCH 2018

This Project Feasibility Study entitled “A Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry

Services for Apartments in Cebu City”, prepared and submitted by Mathew Anthone

L. Dausin, Aires S. Jugalbot, Kathleen Joy A. Nepomuceno, Jessa Mae S. Perez,

Geonica C. Candongo, Rosalie Escoreal in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting, is hereby accepted and

recommended for Oral Examination.



ACCEPTED as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of

Science in Management Accounting.


Dean, College of Commerce

APPROVED by the Tribunal at the Oral Examination with the grade of __________

Ms. Jasmine Perez, CPA Mr. Alejandro Galang, MMExM

Member Member

Ms. Kristine June Uy, CPA


This Project Feasibility is the fruit of hard work and dedication of the proponents

whose barriers became their most powerful asset as they worked together. The

collaboration of different individuals and the members made this study a success. On that

account, the proponents would like to express their sincerest gratitude to countless

names who made this study into realization.

To the Almighty God, for enlightening the minds of the members with His

everlasting wisdom, and glory. Everything would seem impossible without Him.

To Ms. Meradel M. Costan, the adviser and guide of the proponents or

researchers, for all the time, patience, knowledge, and insights that drive the members to

their full capabilities.

To the respondents, who enthusiastically shared their precious time in satisfying

the crucial information for the study and to the tenants or owner and land lady of the

apartments that are keen in helping the proponents in gathering the data needed.

To the panelists, who willingly reached out a helping hand despite of the hectic


To the Perez family for the accommodation, hospitality, food and other needs that

they have offered for the proponents or researchers in the span of their study.

To the proponents, who have given out their blood and sweat in making this

feasibility study be possible and successful within the given time.

And last but not the least, to the family and friends of the proponents or

researchers, whose support and guidance inspired them in performing their best to the
completion of the Feasibility Study, as well as providing both financial and emotional

support, paved the way to the success of this study.







Researchers or Proponents





Rationale of the Study




Research Environment

Research Respondents

Research Methodology and Instruments



















Advertising and Promotion

Company Logo 40



Project Timetable


Form of Business Organization

Organizational Structure 48


Job Specification and Qualification 50

Working Schedule 51

Recruitment Program 54

Compensation 55

Employee Benefits 56

Management Policies and Regulations 58

Violations and Sanctions 60



Registration of Business Name 62

Procurement of Business Permits and Licenses 64

Registration with the Bureau of Internal Revenue 65

Application for Social Security System Membership 65


Income Taxes 67

Percentage Tax 67

Annual Registration Fee 68













Current Ratio 111

Equity Ratio 112

Debt – Equity Ratio 113

Return on Sales 114

Return on Investment 115

Payback Period 116












Table No. Title Page No.

1 Service Capacity for Household and Restroom 19

2 Service Capacity for Laundry 20

3 ` Service Capacity for Household after 2 years 20

4 Service Capacity for Laundry after 2 years 21

5 Total Occupation of Respondents 26

6 Frequency of Cleaning Their Room 27

7 Willingness of the Respondents 28

8 Preferred Day for the service 29

9 Preferred Services to Avail by the Respondents 29

10 Preferred Rate 30

11 Daily Demand for Cleaning Restroom Service 31

12 Daily Demand for Cleaning Household Service 31

13 Annual Projected Demand for Restroom and Household 32

14 Daily Demand for Laundry 32

15 Annual Projected Demand for Laundry Service 32

16 Projected Demand 33

17 Projected Supply 34

17.1 Competitor’s share 35

18 Projected Demand – Supply Gap 35

19 Potential Market Share 36

20 Cleaning Service Schedule 52

21 Laundry Service Schedule 53

22 Employee Compensation 55

23 Estimated Projected Cost 70

24 Gantt Chart 43

25 Cleaning Service Schedule 51

26 Laundry Service Schedule 52

27 Compensation 54

28 Violations and Sanctions 59


Figure No. Title Page No.

1 Service Flow Chart 10

2 Cloth 11

3 Duster 11

4 Sponges 11

5 Toilet brush 12

6 Mop 12

7 Rubber gloves 12

8 Broom 12

9 Dustpan 13

10 Cleaning Supply Cart 13

11 Trash bag 13

12 Cleaning supplies 13

13 Combo washer dryer 14

14 Cabinets/racks 14

15 Basket 15

16 Weighing scale 15

17 Laundry supplies 15

18 Table 15

19 Telephone 15

20 Computer 16

21 Office supplies 16
22 Vehicle L300 16

23 Uniform – cleaning workers 17

24 Uniform – laundry workers 17

25 Schedule 1 18

26 Schedule 2 18

27 Yearly computation (household) 19

28 Yearly computation (laundry) 20

29 Location 22

30 Office View 22

31 Office Lay – out 23

32 Business Logo 39

33 Gantt chart 43

34 Organizational Chart 48

35 Violations and Sanctions 60

36 Socio-Economic Desirability 131

37 SWOT Matrix 138


Note No. Title Page No.

1 Project Feasibility Cost 71

2 Permits and Licenses 71

3 Furniture and Fixtures 72

4 Machineries and Office Equipment 72

5 Production Supplies 73

6 Salaries and Wages 74

7 Rent Expense 74

8 Office Supplies 74

9 Utilities Expense 75

Schedule No. Title Page No.

1 Projected Annual Revenue 88

1.1 Comfort Room Services 88

1.2 Household Services 88

1.3 Laundry Services 89

2 Salaries Expense 89

2.1 Service Employee 90

2.2 Office Employee 90

2.3 13th Month Pay 91

3 Employer’s Contribution Expense 91

3.1 SSS Contribution Breakdown 92

3.2 Philhealth Contribution Breakdown 94

3.3 PAG-IBIG Contribution Breakdown 96

4 Production Supplies 97

5 Office Supplies 98

6 Furnitures and Fixtures,net 99

7 Machineries and Office Equipment, net 100

8 Utilities Expense 100

9 Rent Expense 101

10 Prepaid Rent 101

11 Security Deposit 102

12 Repairs and Maintenance Expense 102

13 Depreciation Expense 103

14 Accrued Utilities Expense 103

15 Accrued PAG-IBIG payable 104

16 Accrued Philhealth payable 105

17 Accrued SSS payable 106

18 Accrued Salaries payable 107

19 Accrued Percentage tax payable 107

20 Permits and Licenses 108

21 Project Feasibility Cost 109

22 Income Tax Expense 110


Appendix No. Title

Letter to Barangay Captain

Letter to Panelist


Contract of Agreement

Appendix A Business Name Application Form For Sole


Appendix B Barangay Clearance

Appendix C Mayor's Permit

Appendix D SSS Employer Registration (R-1)

Appendix E SSS Employment Report (R -1A)

Appendix F SSS Personal Record (E-1)

Appendix G SSS Contributions Payment Return (RS-5)

Appendix H Philhealth Member Registration Form (PMRF)

Appendix I Employer Data Record (ER 1)

Appendix J Philhealth Report of Employee-Members (ER 2)

Appendix K Philhealth Employer's Remittance Report (RF-1)

Appendix L PAG-IBIG Membership Registration Form (MRF)

Appendix M PAG-IBIG Member's Data Form (MDF)

Appendix N Monthly Remittance Return of Creditable Income Taxes

Withheld (Expanded) (1601-E)

Appendix O Monthly Percentage Tax Return (2551M)

Appendix P Application for Registration (1901)

Appendix Q Payment Form (0605)

Appendix R Application for Authority to Print Receipts and Invoices


Apartment is a room or suite of rooms designed as a residence and generally

located in a building occupied by more than one household. Some people find it more

convenient living in an apartment according to their necessity such as for maintenance,

community, safety, lower responsibility, amenities, and accessibility. Having an apartment

in the city means it would be a few meters from everything you need. The people living in

the apartment wanted convenience to lessen their burden. Mostly, they lack time on doing

their daily routine task like cleaning the room and washing their clothes because of their

strict schedules. The alternative available for them are to hire residential cleaner and

laundry wash provider rather than giving them the chance to invest their energy in

routinely activities that requires their minimal time. The proponents decided it to be an

opportunity to conduct a study about investing in a business in line with their needs. They

come up with the objectives to promote cleanliness for the health benefit and to address

the concern of tenants especially employees and students who seek convenience for not

having enough time due to activities that demands more of their time. The proponents

have chosen a group of women in Pasil, Cebu City who wanted to be employed in order

for them to have income for their daily expenses which is the aim of the proponents as a

contribution to the growth of our community. For the convenience of the employees, the

proponents decided to locate their main office which operates from 8 am to 5 pm in Pasil,

Cebu City. The proponents choose three apartments in Cebu City because it is accessible

to the workers. Thus, the proponent have decided that it would be effective to conduct a

feasibility study entitled “A Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry Services for

Apartments in Cebu City”.

The Problem and its scope |1




The rationale of the study

The apartment is a room or suite of rooms designed as a residence and

located in a building occupied by more than one household. Convenience and

necessity are some of the reasons why people consider staying in an apartment.

Some would even consider staying in the apartment for maintenance, safety,

lesser responsibility, amenities, and for accessibility. An apartment in the center

means you’ll be just a few meters away from satisfying every need you may have.

Apartment owners even consider a home.

People living in an apartment or what they call tenants want convenience to

lessen their burden knowing most tenants are employees and students. The type

of individuals who experienced tight schedules. Tight in a way that their

responsibilities demand much of their time living some of their works left undone

compromising their time for their chores, and duties. Hiring residential cleaners

and availing laundry services would be their alternative to address such concerns

rather than doing things by themselves. With their minimal time for routinely

chores, these available alternatives would already constitute a big help. It is the

opportune time to conduct a study about investing in a business like that. Thus,

the proponent has decided to perform a feasibility study entitled “A Proposed

General Cleaning and Laundry Services for Apartments in Cebu City.”

The Problem and its scope |2

To promote cleanliness for health benefit and to address the concern of the

tenants of not having enough time for routinely activities are two of the proponents’

objective of why conducting such study. Employees and students seek

convenience; as such, they are the major target market of the study. To be

successful, it should have a team of reliable cleaners and washer. Employees who

have just about the same passion for the business. With the aim of the proponents

to also employ for a contribution to the growth of our community, group of women

in Pasil, Cebu City are employed for income generation to help sustain for their

daily expenses. As a requirement, a worker should possess the character of being

trustworthy, dedicated, and professional.

The business offers comfort room, living room, and laundry services. In the

conduct of the service the tenants’ privacy, security, and assets are considered.

Measures and protocols are laid down to ensure quality service. Hence, the

proponents reassure that employees are trustworthy. To make sure an appropriate

conduct of service proponents prepares control management that about the rules,

legal aspects and consequences for misconduct of the business to surely respond

to the need of the tenants. The study, proponents, and employees exist to attract

and maintain loyalty from tenants.


This study aimed to respond the lack of time of tenants for routinely activities

by providing general cleaning and laundry services. Particularly, answer the

following queries:
The Problem and its scope |3

1. Proposed project feasibility in the following aspects:

1.1 Management

1.2 Marketing

1.3 Technical

1.4 Legal and Taxation

1.5 Financing

1.6 Financial

1.7 Socio-Economic Desirability

2. With the proposed project, what finding can be drawn out to make it

more efficient and effective?


The importance of this study is to give knowledge and reference to future

researchers who wish to engage in the same type of service or enhance the studies

made by proponents and to offer convenient to the tenants, government,

proponents, and future researchers/readers. Benefits attained by the said sectors

from this study and its results are discuss as follows:


It is intently for the tenants being the main target of this study. The time for

routinely activities will not anymore bother them. Comfort room, living room, and

laundry are the services they could avail. Also, it can help them in their time

constraint in doing some important things.

The Problem and its scope |4


The information related to this study will be used to evaluate the study’s

effect on the community. Through checking the demand stipulated, if met,

conclusions can be drawn out to know how efficient and effective the study is.


Best effort, time and knowledge were invested by the proponents to

accomplish their proposed research. In the course of their study, the proponents

developed the values of understanding, patience, and cooperation. To provide an

opportunity for work was what the proponents made sure to offer.

Future researchers/readers

The study will serve as a reference for future researchers who would show

same interest in the research.


A research design is a systematic plan that the proponents used to study

the different components of the proposed study. It involves the target market,

instruments that the proponents used and the respondents of the study.

Research Environment

The proponents will make use of surveys into its target market to determine

the feasibility of the proposed study. The scope of the study covered 110 units of

Apartments in Cebu City.

The Problem and its scope |5

Research Respondents

The proposed study covers respondents from the tenants in the Apartments

in Cebu City where in most respondents are the employees and students.

Research methodology and instruments

This study used the descriptive-survey method in conducting the research.

An intensive questionnaire was prepared by the proponents to gather information

relevant to the study. Moreover, appropriate interviews were also conducted to

collect more data from the respondents. Comprehensive researches and

additional data pertinent to the study were also accumulated from the internet to

support the study.


In the course of the study different terms have been used, with that definition

of the unfamiliar words are provided;

1. Amenities

Any feature that provides comfort, pleasure, or convenience such as

convenience store and laundry facilities directly on the residents that

live within the premises.

2. Assets

Something valuable that an entity owns.

The Problem and its scope |6

3. Descriptive – survey method

In survey method research, participants answer questions

administered through interviews or questionnaires. After participants

answer the questions, researchers describe the responses given. In

order for the survey to be both reliable and valid it is important that the

questions are constructed properly. The questions were written for

better understanding and clearer comprehension of the respondents.

4. Intensive

Concentrated on a single area or subject or into a short time; very

thorough or vigorous.

5. Invest

Provide or endow someone or something with a particular attribute.

Technical Aspect |7



The fundamental and operation flow of the project is discuss thoroughly in

this chapter where deemed essential for this study because this factor responds

to the technicalities and the basic structure of the study.

All aspects are to be deliberated thoroughly for the service to be

appropriately exposed in the market and attract the target market. Every part of

the study must be taken into consideration for the business operation to have a

favorable result.

The technical aspect is also considered as the framework of the study since

it involves all the information from where and to how the service is administered. It

would help the proposed study to be more precise and to prevent failures.

This chapter contains the important data that would support the proposed

study. It also indicates how to manage and render it in the most constructive way.

In addition, this chapter also entails the service flows, designs, materials, tools,

equipment, and utilities that are used in the execution of the study. The capacity

of the service, location to which the service is to be rendered and the layout of the

structures are also provided.

The technical aspect’s objective is to check the viability of the proposed

study and can likewise be a reference for the fulfillment of the project. It is a
Technical Aspect |8

requisite to fully follow the technical aspects of the proposed study to prevent any

unpleasant result.


The proposed study is entitled “Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry

Services for Apartments in Cebu City.”

This study intends to provide general cleaning and laundry services,

especially those who lack time for cleaning their rooms and for washing their

clothes in the apartment. What the proponents aim of this study is to promote

cleanliness for the well-being of each person in the apartment building and provide

an open opportunity for work to unemployed moms in Pasil, Cebu.

For the comfort and satisfaction of the customers, the proponents decided

to offer specific services for general cleaning to lessen its price. Both cleaning for

comfort room and living area are offered.

The business will operate for the whole week. As a starting business, the

laundry service is only limited to the tenants in apartments for exclusivity.


The proponents proposed general cleaning and laundry services laid down

the following steps to avail the services:

Technical Aspect |9

1. The assigned workers for the day will gather at the main office situated at

Pasil, Cebu City.

2. At the same time, the operation officer assigns the workers to their

designated apartment and rooms.

3. The operation officer together with the workers for cleaning and laundry

travels to the apartment bringing with them the necessary equipment.

4. Upon the arrival to the Apartment, the operations start at eight (8) a.m. until

five (5) p.m. It has 1 hour and 30 minutes allocated to each apartment unit

and a 10-minute break after every apartment unit finished. For the lunch

break, the proponents allocated 1 hour and 10 minutes.

5. As the household and restroom cleaning services start, the laundry workers

pick-ups the laundry from the apartment units. The operations officer

together with the laundry workers travels back to the office for the start of


6. To ensure the operations, the operation officer will travel back to the

apartment to track and oversee each room.

7. As the household and restroom cleaning services end, the operation officer

is tasked to collect the money to each assigned room with the official receipt


8. At the end of the month, list of transactions will be given to the apartment

owner for the commission.

T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 10

Service flow chart

• Gathering of workers at the main office and preparation of cleaning

materials to be brought to the apartment.

• The operation officer assigns the workers to their designated

apartment and rooms

• Arrival to the venue. Start of cleaning services.

• Start of Laundry Services

• The operations officer together with the laundry workers travels

back to the office for the start of laundry.

• The laundry workers pick-ups the laundry from the apartment units.

•The operations officer travels back to the Apartment for tracking each room
to ensure the operations are done well.

•End of household and restroom cleaning services. The operation officer

collects money from the assigned room with the official receipt given.

•End of laundry services. The workers prepares the finished laundry to be

pack and will be delivered by tomorrow.

Figure 1
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 11


There should be certain tools and equipment to promote efficient and

effective conduct of the proposed business and to carry out its business operation.

The following are the tools and equipment used for the operation of the study.

For Cleaning


It is commonly used to absorb water and oils.

Figure 2


It is an implement used for cleaning and one that

removes dust

Figure 3


It is a tool or cleaning aid consisting of soft, porous


Figure 4
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 12

Toilet brush

It is a tool for cleaning a toilet bowl.

Figure 5


It is the best mop you will ever use. It allows you to

clean smarter not harder.

Figure 6

Rubber gloves

It protects your hands while cleaning, especially when using

acid-based cleaners or if you suffer from skin sensitivity.

Figure 7


It is a long-handled brush of bristles or twigs used for


Figure 8
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 13


It is a flat handheld receptacle into which dust and waste can

be swept from the floor.

Figure 9

Cleaning Supply Cart

It is a movable storage system that is mounted on casters

for easy transport of housekeeping tools and cleaning


Figure 10

Trash bag

It is a disposable bag used to contain rubbish

trash or garbage.

Figure 11

Cleaning Supplies

They are substances used to remove dirt, including

dust, stains, bad smells, and clutter on surfaces. They

are consumables used in cleaning.

Figure 12
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 14

For Laundry

Combo washer dryer

It is a combination in a single cabinet of a washing

machine and a clothes dryer.

Figure 13

Cabinets /racks

It is where the clothes are stored after washing and


Figure 14


It is a basic accessory when ironing the clothes.

Figure 15
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 15

Weighing scale

It is used to measure the weight of the clothes.

Figure 16

Laundry Supplies

They are consumables used for cleaning laundry.

Figure 17

For Office


It is a table or counter, as in a library or office, at

which a specific job is performed or a service


Figure 18


It is a telecommunications device that permits two or

more users to conduct a conversation when they are

too far apart to be heard directly.

Figure 19
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 16


It is a device that accepts information (in the form

of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some


Figure 20

Office Supplies

They are consumables regularly used in offices.

Figure 21

Vehicle L300

It is used for transportation of workers.

Figure 22
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 17


It is a type of clothing worn by workers.

Figure 23 Figure 24


To prevent misunderstanding, the proponents design a schedule of

activities to be done. It is highly expected that the schedule shown below must be

followed strictly to be productive.

T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 18



07:00-07:30 AM Gathering of workers
Preparing of necessary materials
07:30- 08:00 AM Going to apartments
08:00-12:50 PM Start of cleaning
12:50- 02:00 PM Lunch break
02:00- 05:00 PM Start of cleaning
Schedule 1
Figure 25

07:00-07:30 AM Gathering of workers
Preparing of necessary materials
07:30- 08:00 AM Going to apartments
08:00- 08:30 AM Collecting clothes
08:30- 09:00 AM Going back to office
09:00- 12:00 PM Start of laundry
12:00- 01:00 PM Lunch break
01:00- 04:00 PM Start of laundry
04:00- 05:00 PM Start of packing laundry
Schedule 2
Figure 26

Service Capacity

The process of determining the service capacity needed by an organization

is service planning in which case it meets the changing demand of its services.

Effective capacity is the highest level of work that an organization is capable of

accomplishing a certain work in a given period of time. Proper observation on the

efficiency and quality management should be implemented. The management

should impart a thorough and careful attention on this aspect to achieve the
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 19

objective and goals of the business. Part of competent and excellent management

is the verification of the capacity to meet the demands of the customers. Thus, to

attain such progress, the production capacity must be carefully and extensively


The total employees for each day depends on the demand of the cleaning

services. In connection to laundry operation, the availability depends on the

employees of that day.

Household and Restroom

Employee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total
1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1680
2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1680
3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1680
4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1680
Table 1

For household and restroom cleaning services, each employee can render

both household and restroom services for 5 apartment units in a day. The figure in

table 1 above explains the total capacity of each employee in a year is 1680. It is

computed and shown in figure 27.

Apartment units in a day 5

Number of days 7
In a week 35
Number of weeks 4
In a month 140
Number of months 12
In a year 1680
Figure 27
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 20

Laundry Employees
Employee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total
6 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 8,064
7 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 8,064
8 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 8,064
Table 2

For laundry services, the capacity of one washing machine is 6 kilograms

with 4 laundry processes in a day. The figure in table 2 above explains the total

capacity of one washing machine in a year is 5760. It is computed and shown in

figure 28.

Clothes laundry in a day 24

Number of days 5
In a week 120
Number of weeks 4
In a month 480
Number of months 12
In a year 5760
Figure 28

Due to the increase in demand for the year 2021 onwards, the proponents

decided to employ 2 more workers.

Household and Restroom
Employee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total
1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1,680
2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1,680
3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1,680
4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1,680
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1,680
6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1,680
Table 3
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 21

Laundry Employees
Employee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total
7 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 8,064
8 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 8,064
9 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 8,064
Table 4

The cleaning service has two options either cleaning for restroom or

household. Cleaning for restroom and household require 1 hour of service. Since

it has the same capacity in a week which is computed and shown in Table 1 and

Figure 27.

The minimum demand for laundry services is 4 kilograms for each

apartment. To finish one laundry cycle, 6 kilograms can be finish for 1 hour and 30

minutes. That would 24 kilograms in a day found in Table 2 and Figure 28.


Location is one of the essential factors that dictate your business. It helps

increase your expected profit depending on its needs and wants of the specific

target market. Before we choose our service location, we consider different factors

like travel time, rush hour traffic, the price of rent and security.

We choose our location because of the following reasons:

 Accessibility to our workers living in Pasil, Cebu City

 Security

 Only minutes away to our target market

T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 22

 Light traffic on the way to our target market

Figure 29

Proposed Office Site: Sto. Niño St., Cebu City, Cebu

Figure 30

Our main office is located at Sto. Niño St., Cebu City, Cebu. The rental rate

of the office is Php 8,500 per month.

T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 23

Office Layout

Figure 31


The use of utilities plays a vital role in different instances. It is one of the key

factors in ensuring its success. The needed facilities are the following:


Water is essential in so many ways. In the operation, washing and

for cleaning are the uses of the water. The Metropolitan Cebu Water District

(MCWD) will be the one to provide for the water. Its water quality has been
T e c h n i c a l A s p e c t | 24

approved by the Department of Health (DOH) with regards to the safety and

health measures.


Electricity is crucial in operation. Without it, the functions can no

longer be capable of extending service. The use of machinery and

equipment will not be realizable if there is no electricity. The electricity will

be provided by the Visayan Electric Company (VECO) which has been

consistent in supplying throughout the city.


Communication takes a massive part in the world. It will serve as a

bridge between the Customers and the housekeepers. It is a competitive

advantage to have many means of communicating with the housekeepers.

Landlines can be used to entertain them efficiently. The Philippine Long

Distance Telecommunications (PLDT) will be the internet provider.


Internet plays an important role for our proposed study. It helps us

advertise through our website online and gathers more apartments which

are interested. Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT)

would be our provider for such utility.

M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 25



The marketing aspect is considered to be one of the most important aspects

in the business since it contributes greatly to the success of the organization. It is

the process of perceiving, understanding, stimulating and satisfying the customers’

needs, wants and expectations through the conduct of the service specially

selected target market which is better than the competitors.

Marketing aspect needs to have a thorough analysis in order for the

business to prosper. It includes conceptualizing, pricing, promoting and distributing

the proposed service. It also aims to investigate the data on supply and demand

basing on the impact affecting these factors.

The proponents conducted a survey in order to meet the objectives of the

study. This was done in order to obtain the needed information, which would help

determine the viability of the proposed project.

Target Market

A well-defined target market is an important aspect of the marketing

strategy. The target market is a group of consumers at which a company aims its

products or services. It is important to identify well its customers to enable the

business to develop an effective strategy that will surely give the customer’s

M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 26

The target market for the Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry Services

for Apartments in Cebu City are only the occupants of the identified

Apartment which includes (1) Kim Tons Apartment, (2) Femanel Apartment

and (3) Ceddarwood Apartment.

Methods of Data Collection

Data collection enables the proponents to come up with an analysis and

decision. In order to gather information with regards to the feasibility study, the

proponents distributed questionnaires to the respondents which will serve as viable

information for the proposed service.

Population of the target market and Respondents

The population of three apartments in Cebu City is presented in the

following table.

Total Occupation of Respondents in all Identified Apartments

n = 110


Student 41 37%

Worker 30 27%

Professional 35 32%

Others 4 4%

Total 110 100%

Table 5
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 27

Based on the table 6, 41 out 110 (37%) are students, 30 out of 110 (27%)

are workers, 35 out of 110 (32%) are professionals and 4 out of 110 (4%) has no

occupation. So majority of the respondents are students.

Frequency of Cleaning Their Room

n = 110


Everyday 26 24%

Once a week 50 45%

Every weekend 34 31%

Once a month 0 0%

Total 110 100%

Table 6

Table 7 shows that out of 110 respondents, 50 out of 110 (45%) of them

cleaned their room once a week, followed by every weekend 34 out of 110 (31%)

and everyday 26 out of 110 (24%).

M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 28

Willingness of the Respondents to Avail the Proposed General Cleaning

and Laundry Services

n = 110


Very Interested 55 50%

Interested 31 28%

Average 7 6%

Not Interested 17 16%

Total 110 100%

Table 7

As shown in table 8, half of the total respondents are very interested to avail

the general cleaning services while 31 or 33% are interested, 17 or 18% are not

interested and 7 or 8% are average. In order to come up with the willingness rate

of the respondents, we get the total sum of responses very interested, interested

and average which is equivalent to 93%. This rate will be the basis to compute the

projected demand.
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 29

Preferred Day for General Cleaning and Laundry Services to be rendered


Monday 17

Tuesday 17

Weekdays Wednesday 20

Thursday 17

Friday 18

Saturday 18
Sunday 28

Table 8

Table 9 shows that out of the days in a week, the respondents preferred the

service to be rendered on Sunday (21%) followed by Wednesday (15%), Friday

(13%) and Saturday (13%) and also, Monday (13%), Tuesday (13%), and

Thursday (13%).

Preferred Services to be availed by the Respondents


Comfort Room Cleaning Service 84 90%

Laundry Service 81 87%

Household Cleaning Service 70 75%

Table 9
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 30

Preferred rate that respondents are willing to pay


70 pesos 69 82%
Comfort Room Cleaning
Service 75 pesos 10 12%
n = 84
80 pesos 5 6%

40 per kilo 71 88%

Laundry Service
45 per kilo 6 7%
n = 81
50 per kilo 4 5%

70 pesos 58 83%
Household Cleaning Service
75 pesos 7 10%
n = 70
80 pesos 5 7%

Table 10

As shown on the table above, for comfort room cleaning service the

respondents preferred to pay 70 pesos, for laundry service at 40 pesos per kilo

and for household cleaning at 70 pesos.


Demand is the key factor why the business still exists. Demand is the

number of prospective customers that are willing to buy goods or to avail services

at a given price at a given set of assumptions about the product and the

environment in which it is being offered.

To determine the projected demand for the next five (5) years the projected

population of the Apartments need to be computed using the past years’ population

as the bases.
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 31

For their 3 years of operation there is no increase nor decrease on the

population of apartment since the start of their operation, 2014. Thus, the average

population is constant based on the standard capacity of the apartment. Thus on

an annual basis the population will be 110 units.

Projected Demand

The projected demand is necessary in the study because it will tell the

condition of the business if it will be implemented. The projected demand of the

general cleaning service is provided below.

Table 11 Table 12

Note that the projected demand of 84 for restroom and 70 for living room

(see table 10) only pertains to units who will avail for the service. Table 11 and 12

illustrates in details the demand of service on daily basis.

M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 32

The projected demand for household and comfort rooms will be stated in

terms of number of hours, refer to table 13.

Annual Projected Demand for comfort room and household

Service Demand
(hrs.) No. of weeks No. of months Annual Demand
Comfort Room 117 4 12 5616
Household 85 4 12 4080
Table 13

Projected demand for laundry will be stated in terms of kilograms, which

you can refer to table 14.

Laundry Services
No. of
Apartments Kilograms Total
Monday 11 4 44
Tuesday 13 4 52
Wednesday 10 4 40
Thursday 12 4 48
Friday 12 4 48
Saturday 13 4 52
Sunday 10 4 40
Total 81 320
Table 14

Annual Projected Demand for Laundry Service

Demand No. of weeks No. of months Annual Demand
320 4 12 15360
Table 15
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 33

Projected Demand

Percentage of Percentage Projected

Respondents of Availed Demand
Services Year Population
that are willing to Services (Table 16
(Table 13) avail
(Table 10) and 18)

2019 110 84% 90% 5616

2020 110 84% 90% 5616

Room 84% 90% 5616
2021 110
Service 2022 110 84% 90% 5616

2023 110 84% 90% 5616

2019 110 84% 87% 15360

2020 110 84% 87% 15360

Laundry 84% 87% 15360
2021 110
2022 110 84% 87% 15360

2023 110 84% 87% 15360

2019 110 84% 75% 4080

2020 110 84% 75% 4080

Cleaning 2021 110 84% 75% 4080
2022 110 84% 75% 4080

2023 110 84% 75% 4080

Table 16
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 34


Supply is the amount of a product (goods or services) that producers are

willing to sell or to provide at various given prices when all other factors being held

constant. It also refers to the competitors’ ability to supply the demand of the public.

Projected Supply

Services Year Demand Projected Supply
(Table 16)

2019 5616 0

2020 5616 0
Comfort Room Cleaning 5616 0
2022 5616 0

2023 5616 0

2019 15360 3072

2020 15360 3072

Laundry Service 2021 15360 3072

2022 15360 3072

2023 15360 3072

2019 4080 0

2020 4080 0
Household Cleaning 4080 0
2022 4080 0

2023 4080 0

Table 17
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 35

Apartment 1 Apartment 2 Apartment 3 TOTAL %

(51/60 Units) (25/30 Units) (17/20 Units)

Personal 43 17 14 74 80%

Laundry Shop 8 8 3 19 20%

Table 17.1

Considering the existing laundry shop within the vicinity of the proposed

project we were able to determine the competitors share equal to 20%. The said

competitor share did not include those who prefer to wash personally since we

believe that with effective pricing we can capture the said market.

Projected Demand – Supply Gap

Projected Demand – Supply Gap

Projected Projected
Services Year Supply Demand-Supply
(Table 16 and Gap

2019 5616 0 5616

2020 5616 0 5616

Comfort Room
Cleaning 2021 5616 0 5616
2022 5616 0 5616

2023 5616 0 5616

Laundry Service 2019 15360 3072 12288

M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 36

2020 15360 3072 12288

2021 15360 3072 12288

2022 15360 3072 12288

2023 15360 3072 12288

2019 4080 0 4080

2020 4080 0 4080

Cleaning 2021 4080 0 4080
2022 4080 0 4080

2023 4080 0 4080

Table 18

Potential Market Share

Since the Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry Service for Apartments

in Cebu City is new to the market, its market share is equivalent to 100%. See

table below for reference.

Potential Market Share

Projected Service
Demand Capacity
Services Year Market Share
(Table 16 and (See Chapter 2,
18) Table 1 and 2)

2019 5616 6720 100%

Comfort Room 2020 5616 6720 100%

Service 2021 5616 6720 100%

2022 5616 6720 100%

M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 37

2023 5616 6720 100%

2019 12288 17280 80%

2020 12288 17280 80%

Laundry Service 2021 12288 17280 80%

2022 12288 17280 80%

2023 12288 17280 80%

2019 4080 6720 100%

2020 4080 6720 100%

Cleaning 2021 4080 6720 100%
2022 4080 6720 100%

2023 4080 6720 100%

Table 29


One crucial part in the realization of the profit of the business is how to

connect the services offered to the consumer. The market strategy of the business

plays an extensive role in attaining the desired income and potential customers.

Marketing strategy is a business' overall game plan for reaching people and

turning them into customers of the product or service that the business provides.

The marketing strategy of a company contains the company’s value proposition,

key marketing messages, and information on the target customer. The marketing

strategy informs the marketing plan, which is a document that lays out the types

and timing of marketing activities. Marketing strategy should have a longer lifespan
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 38

than any individual marketing plan as the strategy is where the value proposition

and the key elements of a company’s brand reside.

Advertising and Promotion

Promotion is communicating with the public in an attempt to influence them

toward buying the offered services. The business institution might communicate in

person through direct selling or in a retail store, via the internet through a website

or social media platform, electronically through email or text messaging (SMS

marketing), just to name a few of the more popular business communication

channels, but it's the intention to influence the consumer that defines promotion

and sets it apart from other communication with customers and/or clients. This is

one big factor in terms of marketing especially to a business that is new to the

market. As to the proposed business, it uses the following as part of the promotion:


The propose business is a new entry to the market, this being said, it will be

crucial to gather customers moreover to establish good relationship with them.

Thus, the center of our marketing strategy will be socialization. We believe that in

order for our business to thrive, we must reach out to people and give them

genuine reasons to subscribe to our services. We believe that in order for our

business to thrive, we must reach out to people and give them genuine reasons to

subscribe to our services. We will be channeling our resources towards inbound

marketing, as it allows us to connect with potential clientele and stay in touch with
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 39

them at all times. We will be having our own website, blog and newsletter

programs, but we will also be taking our business to the social media platform,

where the goal would be to change people’s general perception towards cleaning

service businesses and keep them informed about the advantages and benefits of

hiring a cleaning service company, using both a direct and indirect (more subtle)

approach. our business to the social media platform, where the goal would be to

change people’s general perception towards cleaning service businesses and

keep them informed about the advantages and benefits of hiring a cleaning service

company, using both a direct and indirect (more subtle) approach.

Figure 32
M a r k e t i n g A s p e c t | 40

Company Logo

A logo is a symbol used to identify a company. Its purpose is to distinguish

it from different companies. In a company’s logo is its nature, mission and what it

provides to its customers.

Company’s Logo Explanation

The researchers choose this design as the company logo, for it is a perfect

description of what the company has to offer like laundry and cleaning services.

The person in the left describes the employees who rendered their best services

for the satisfaction of the customers. Blue symbolizes the color of the water which

is a key factor in maintaining the cleanliness of rendering the services.

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 41



The achievement of certain aims are the goal of all profit and non-profit

organizations. Aims are considered the heart of every organization for it is the

reason for the business’s existence. Strategies and processes that are set forth by

the management should be monitored regularly for it to be effective and to check

for an aspect that needs to be developed or changed. The strategies are

established to utilize the organization’s resources to achieve these aims.

This chapter assists in the selection of organizational structure wherein

there is planning and organizing of the decisions and its enforcement to all the

personnel of the business. This chapter entails the qualifications of the selection

of the staff involved in executing the proposed project. Internal policies are also

laid out in this chapter for these are very beneficial in reinforcing and classifying

the conduct expected of the staff.

In carrying on the proposed project the management aspect is considered

critical for it plays a relevant role. It also deals with the functions of managing a

business, these are planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. It

involves how the management handles every situation especially problems that

affect the whole organization. This chapter also exhibits the timetable of activities

before and during the actual operating period of the proposed project.
M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 42


The pre-operating period is the period of preparation for the business to

operate. In this period, the administration should organize the needed activities

and requirements in running the business. Pre-operating activities will aid the

proponents in ascertaining the success of the project or the failure of the proposed

project. To start the project it is vital to perform the necessary activities.

Creating a profit-generating business includes careful planning from the

insignificant detail up to the significant matter. Some activities must be made

before the commencement of a normal operation. These activities are needed to

have sufficient knowledge of how the project operates and how to manage the

project appropriately.

The following are the pre-activities to be conducted:

1. General Project Planning

2. Negotiation and Leasing of the Office

3. Securing of Permits

4. Recruitment and Orientation of Workers / Hiring of Employees

5. Training

6. Sourcing of Funds

7. Acquisition of Materials/Equipment

8. Advertisement
M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 43

9. Normal Operations

Project Timetable

It is important that all activities are categorized and scheduled well.

Preparation before starting the proposal is the key to ensure success. To ensure

success, one must maximize the time allocated for each step. Before the

implementation of the proposed study, the management needs to flourish a proper

project timetable to guide its activities. It will use a project schedule to ensure the

quality of the service since it shows the schedule of tasks and undertaking.

Therefore, making a project timetable is essential to show the schedule of each

pre-operating activities with their allotted time.

Figure 33

Gantt chart

A simplified Gantt chart is shown to organize all the necessary pre-

operating activities and their required time of completion.

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 44

General Project Planning

Planning is a main management function involving the formulation of one or

more detailed plans to achieve the optimum balance of needs or demands with the

available resources. It wouldn’t be easy to start a mission without a thorough plan.

It would be like starting a journey without any point of direction or destination. A

planned and organized contribute to the success of every organization. This phase

includes the gathering of data and information needed in the analysis to know the

possibility of the project. In four (4) weeks this phase can be completed.

Negotiation and Leasing of the Place

An office is needed to store the cleaning tools and other equipment for the

operation of laundry service. It will also be the place to gather the employees.

Negotiation with the owner of the apartment will also take place in during these

allotted days. It will acquire four (4) weeks to accomplish.

Securing of Permits

For the business to operate legally, it must comply with the requirements

set by the government. It comprises the permits and licenses. It includes the

authorizations that should be passed to the barangay of Pasil since target

employees will be coming from the abovementioned area and the owner of

Apartments where the business will operate. All these legal documents must be

filed and accomplish so that there will be a smooth flow of the operation. Within

two (2) months this phase can be accomplished.

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 45

Recruitment and Orientation of Workers / Hiring of Employees

The success of this project depends on the effectiveness and efficiency of

the workers. It is the process wherein the organization/ management would

determine the suitable workers that would cope-up with the aim of the proponents.

The proponents or management will also be responsible for the orientation

regarding on how to conduct the service. As a starting business, the target

employees will only be less than ten persons. An allotment of four (4) weeks is set

for this process that shall include both hiring and orientation.


In ensuring to provide best services for the clients, there should be training

for the hired employees to test how they do well in their work. The proponents

decided to hire a certified housekeeper to train the employees. The employees will

undergo practical and seminars to enhance their abilities. A period of two (2)


Sourcing of Funds

A sole proprietor will run the business. The setting up of service will be fund

by the proprietor. Without it, the proposed study cannot be put into existence and

even start its operations. An allotment of 3 months is given to this phase. While

planning is ongoing, the sole proprietor will generate the necessary capital

investment needed knowing that he is likely funding the business.

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 46

Acquisition of Tools/ Materials/ Equipment

Tools are also needed to assist the employees in rendering their service.

These are also the starter of the business operation without these tools no

operation or service will be done. Two moths will be allotted to quote and acquire

such tools.


In attracting tenants and prospect investors, there is a need for the

proponents to introduce the proposed study and the aim of the project to help

unemployed women earn income by also providing a less hassle service for

tenants residing in apartments. The proponents will use social media as one of the

tools to advertise and promote the advocacy of the proposed study. Flyers will be

distributed, and tarpaulins will be posted not just in the identified apartment but

also to neighboring apartments’ for future purposes. This phase will be accomplish

within six (6) weeks.

Normal Operations

After the completion of the above – mentioned activities, the normal

operation of the business will commence immediately.

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 47


During this period, all the plans and preparations will be put into actions.

The efficiency of procedures, rules, policies, and regulations will be put into test

during this period. This is needed to organize the flow of operation to commence

better services to people.

Creating guidelines is necessary in this period to have a productive

operation. The management must address referring to the Form of Business

Organization, Organization Structure, Personnel, Job Specification and

Qualification, Working Schedule, Recruitment Program, Worker Benefits, and

Management Policies and Regulations.

The Form of Business Organization

The form of business organization should be deliberated carefully because

this affects the management. With that being said, the proponents must choose

the kind of business organization that completely fit the business.

The proponents chose the sole proprietorship to be adopted by the

proposed project. A sole proprietorship is an organization managed by one person

or businessman. The sole proprietor shall fund the business for the

commencement of the service and to aid its operations.

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 48

Organizational Chart
Figure 34

Organizational Structure

Organizational structure defines how the activities of task allocation,

coordination, and supervision achieve the organization aims. It determines the

execution of the roles, power, responsibilities and the flows of information between

the different levels of management. It is considered as the viewing glass of all

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 49

operation of the business so that employees would know their responsibilities and

tasks fully.

It’s always important that your business is run in an orderly manner, so

everyone is on the same page. The organizational chart shows the proposed

organizational structure of the study.


For the cleaning service to commence its service in Apartments, the

management must classify its personnel for the simplification and division of labor.

The management must look for personnel that is best fitted for the position to meet

the expectations of the tenants. Different positions in the service will be described

in the succeeding pages.

Owner/Operations Officer

• Responsible for managing the business

• Monitors all the transactions conducted in the operations of

the business

• Responsible for hiring and training employees

• Has leadership skills and decision-making skills

• Decides the flow of the service process

• Responsible for monitoring the employees

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 50

• Responsible for the whereabouts of the employees

• In charge of driving the service van from Barangay Pasil to the


• In charge for the safety of the workers

• He or she will also function as a company driver.


• In charge for the laundry of the tenants

• In charge of walk-in customers for laundry

• In charge of cleanliness of tenants' rooms

• Responsible for preparing the materials to be used for the

cleaning service

Job Specification and Qualification

These are the characteristics that a volunteer/s must possess to perform

the job and a reasonable quality of service. It includes personal data, educational

attainment, and experiences in order to assess the qualifications and

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 51


• Female at least 19-50 years old.

• At least high school graduate

• With or without experience

• Must be mentally and physically fit

• Have positive attitude

• Efficient and dedicated to their work

Working Schedule

Our proposed study “Cleaning and Laundry services for Apartments in Cebu

City” will be operating for the whole week except all official holiday like Christmas

Day, Lenten Season and New Year, with 8 hours of operating time each day.
M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 52

Table 20
Cleaning Service Schedule
M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 53

Table 21
Laundry Service Schedule
M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 54

Recruitment Program

Employing the right person is the most important part of any business. A

best recruitment and selection process reduces the turnover. This process

includes choosing the most efficient, productive, and effective employee that would

be suitable for that kind of specific job for the business to meet its goal. Effective

recruitment plan means getting the right people for the right job; this includes a mix

of recruitment strategies and variety of communication processes to ensure that

the pool of candidates is qualified.

The applicants should personally submit their letter at the office. He/she

should bring the following initial requirements:


• Resume

• 2X2 picture

• Barangay clearance

• Police clearance

• NBI clearance

• Transcript of Records

• Driver’s License
M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 55


• Bio-data

• 2X2 picture

• Barangay clearance

• Police clearance

• NBI clearance

• Medical certificate


Compensation is the total amount of monetary and non-monetary value

given by the employer to an employee in return for work performed as required,

Sales commissions, overtime pay, bonuses, recognition checks and rewards, and

other non-cash benefits are also included apart from salaries and wages. A good

compensation package motivates and satisfies the workers for the work they

rendered. The table below shows the compensation of the employees. All figures

are subject to deductions base on holidays and other instances.

No. of Weekly
Position Rate per day
employees compensation
Supervisor/Driver 1 450 3150

Workers 5 366 1830

Table 22
M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 56

Employee benefits

Businesses must not only focus on how to earn income and profits, but he

must also consider and be aware of the benefits that an employee is entitled to

receive that are favorable at the employees’ side even though the law does

stipulate this. The mandatory benefits are as follows:

Social Security Systems (SSS) Contributions

SSS is suitable to the needs of the people throughout the Philippines which

shall promote social justice and provide meaningful protection to members and

their beneficiaries against the hazards of disability, sickness, maternity, old age,

death, and other contingencies resulting in loss of income or financial burden.

This is mandated by the Republic Act No. 8282, Section 9, otherwise known

as the “Social Security Act of 1997”. The employer will contribute to the social

security benefits of the employee. The monthly contribution will depend on the

actual monthly salary of the employee.

Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF)

This HDMF is also known as PAG-IBIG (Pagtutulungan sa kinabukasan:

Ikaw, Bangko, Industriya at Gobyerno) fund is an answer to the need of the national

savings program and an affordable shelter financing for the Filipino worker. The

fund was mandated by Presidential Decree No. 1530. The employer will contribute
M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 57

not less than P100.00 to the employee’s PAG-IBIG fund, and he will remit this

contribution, and this shall be deducted from the employee’s payroll.


The employer is to contribute to the medical assurance of the employee by

the Republic Act 7835 on Medicine Program that is administered by the Philippine

Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth). The contribution of the employer

depends on the monthly salary of the employee.

13th Month Pay

As mandated by the Presidential Decree No. 851, the employee shall

receive a bonus salary that is equivalent to one (1) month, regardless of the nature

of his/her employment, not later than December 24 of every year.

Service Incentive Leave

By Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, every employee is

entitled to a yearly service incentive leave of five days with pay.

Sick Leave

Employees can avail of this benefit when the employees cannot report to

work due to illness, accident, or any other debilitating medical issues. It is the

obligation of the company to pay the worker an equivalent full day salary as

mandated by the Philippine Labor Laws, given that the worker still has to leave

“credits” equivalent to seven work days.

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 58


Policies in every organization define what is appropriate and inappropriate

in the principal place of business for all the employees. For it to be effective, it must

be provided and explained to both new and existing employees.

These guidelines help employees know what is expected of them with

respect to standards of behavior and performance. Policies are also helpful in

adopting a consistent and transparent response in situations involving employee

interaction. Violators of such policies shall be subject to proper disciplinary action

or penalty which will be deliberated by managers or business-owners.

The guidelines that are to be abided by the employees are enumerated


1. Absenteeism is strictly discouraged. Employees are only allowed to have

two absences every month.

2. Tardiness is strictly observed. Every employee must report to work at

least 10 minutes before the time. Working time is from 8:00AM – 12:00NN

and 1:00PM – 5:00PM.

3. The employees who work more than six hours are provided with a 1-hour

lunch break and are allowed to take reasonable toilet breaks, whenever they

need to.

4. If there are unforeseen absences or there is a need for an early leave for

work, the employee must notify the manager the soonest. Unexcused or
M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 59

unreported absence for more than three days are considered as job

abandonment and the management may take necessary disciplinary action.

5. Observed cleanliness in the workplace at all times.

6. The employees should respect their colleagues. The management

doesn’t allow any discriminatory behavior, harassment or victimization.

7. The employees must be clean and well-groomed and must wear the

prescribed uniform of the company.

8. Smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks inside the principal place of

business are strictly prohibited. Reporting to work drunk or under the

influence of drugs is forbidden.

9. The employees should treat the company’s property, whether material or

intangible, with respect and care and shouldn’t misuse company equipment

or use it frivolously.

10. The company discourages employees from accepting gifts from clients

or partners and prohibits briberies for the benefit of any external or internal


11. The employees should fulfill their duties with integrity and respect

toward customers, stakeholders, and the community. Supervisors and

managers mustn’t abuse their authority.

M a n a g e m e n t A s p e c t | 60

12. Employees who are proven guilty of doing physical acts of violence or

threats to harm a person or property shall be terminated, penalized or

reported to officials.

Violations and Sanctions

Violators of the company’s rules are subject to consequences. The

limitations of all the employees or what we call rules are provided for them to act

accordingly as expected from an employee. The sanction of a violation depends

on the level of the offense an employee has committed.

Figure 35
L e g a l a n d T a x a t i o n A s p e c t s | 61



Starting a valid business venture includes abiding by the rules and

regulations implemented by the local and national government. These laws dictate

responsibilities upon which businesses must accomplish and maintain. It includes

the filing of designated documents and payment of taxes.

This chapter discusses information and steps that a business must take to

operate legally under the chosen jurisdiction. The legal aspect discusses

measures to keep the business legitimate. The taxation aspect, on the other hand,

it contains the different taxes which applies to the business and how these taxes

must be timely paid.


The legal aspect discusses the requirements to initiate a business

enterprise. These requirements include the registration of the business name,

securing licenses and permits, and with the Bureau of Internal Revenue for

taxation purposes. Failure to comply with the requirements will deem the operation

illegal. As for the service business, particularly cleaning service it is wise to operate

it as a sole proprietorship or partnership, you should consider using a legal form

that protects you from personal liability, such as a corporation or a limited liability

company. Unlike many other types of businesses, such as professional or

L e g a l a n d T a x a t i o n A s p e c t s | 62

consulting, your cleaning business will operate in other people’s offices or homes,

and you likely will have employees engaged in a significant amount of physical

activity. These facts increase the likelihood that an employee or another person

could be injured, or that a customer’s property could be damaged by you or one of

your workers—in which case you would want the business, not you personally, to

be responsible for any liability.

Registration of Business Name

In order to commence business operations, it is necessary to register the

business with the proper agency in order to gain exclusive rights to the business


Generally, to establish a single proprietorship business in the Philippines

the nationality of the applicant mattered. The owner must be a Filipino citizen, at

least 18 years old. Filipinos whose names are suggestive of alien nationality must

submit proof of citizenship such as birth certificate, PRC ID, voter’s ID, passport.

If the applicant has a foreign sounding name, acquired Filipino citizenship by

naturalization, election or by other means provided by law, he must submit proof

of his Filipino citizenship such as: - Naturalization certificate and Oath of

allegiance, - Valid ID card issued by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) or

Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC)

To register a sole proprietor business, the following are the requirements to

be accomplished:

Register a business name at Department of Trade and Industry

L e g a l a n d T a x a t i o n A s p e c t s | 63

 Application for Business Name

Basic requirements for Sole Proprietorship

1. Come-up with one (1) business name such as:

 Wiseang Cleaning and Laundry Service

2. Search in the DTI’s website if there’s an existing name similar to yours

3. If your business name is available, fill-up Business Name (BN) Application


4. Submit your completed BN application form to DTI’s offices/branch

5. Wait for your DTI Certificate of Registration

After acquiring a DTI Certificate of Registration, you may now proceed and

register to Local Government Units (LGU), such as Barangay and Mayor’s Office:

Registration with Barangay

1. Go to the barangay where your business is located to secure and fill-up

application form

2. Submit your completed application form together with the following:

 Certificate of Business Registration from DTI

 Two (2) valid IDs

 Proof of Address such as Contract of Lease (if rented) or Certificate

of Land Title (if owned)

 Claim your Barangay Certificate of Business Registration

L e g a l a n d T a x a t i o n A s p e c t s | 64

Procurement of Business Permits and Licenses

For the company to operate smoothly without violating any governmental

rules and regulations, the business should secure the permits and licenses

necessary to operate the business. These includes:

Business Permits

This permit is obtained from the City Treasurer's Office. After filing four (4)

copies of the permit, it will be forwarded to the Mayor's Office for its approval

together with the following documents:

1. Secure the following documents (original and photocopy):

 Barangay Clearance with the official receipt of payments


 Sanitary Permit

 Fire Safety Inspection Permit

 Community Tax Certificate of the employees

 Zoning Clearance

 Other requirements from national and local government agencies, as

the case may be.

2. Evaluation of Business Application

3. The applicant will proceed to the Permit and Licensing Division to have the

application form issued. The Business Permit Line Office Personnel will interview

the applicant and assess the filled-up and notarized application form.

4. Issuance of billing statement.

L e g a l a n d T a x a t i o n A s p e c t s | 65

5. The applicant pays at the City Treasurer's Office Collection Section and receive

an Official Receipt.

6. After the compliance of all requirements and after payment, the Permits and

Licensing Office will issue the duly signed Business Permit.

Registration for Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)

1. Go to the Regional District Office (RDO) where your business is located

2. Fill-up the BIR Form 1901 – Application for Registration (for Sole Proprietor)

3. Submit completed registration form together with the following:

 Certificate of Registration form DTI

 Barangay Clearance

 Mayor’s Business Permit

 Proof of Address such as Contract of Lease (if rented) or Certificate

of Land Title (if owned)

 Valid IDs, if applicable.

Pay the Registration Form (BIR Form 0605)

Register your book of accounts and receipts/invoices.

Claim your Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303)

Application for Social Security System Membership (SSS)

The Philippine government is bound to protect the welfare of employees

and workers in the country. That is why through labor and social security laws, it

mandates and obliges businesses and employers to ensure that their hired
L e g a l a n d T a x a t i o n A s p e c t s | 66

employees or laborers are covered by viable tax-exempt social security service

and protection against the hazards of disability, sickness, maternity, old age,

death, and other contingencies resulting in loss of income (Republic Act No. 8282,

Social Security Act of 1997, Section 2. Thus, if you own a company and employs

people to carry out your business, you have to comply with the law and register

your business with the Philippine Social Security System (SSS). The requirements

for registration are as follows:

 Report of Employee-member

 Employee’s data record

 Monthly contribution

 Quarterly contribution

Sickness notification

The following forms must be filed in order to become a member:

 Form R-1 (Employer Registration)

 Form R-1A (Employment Report)

 Form E-1 (Personal Record)

 Form R-3 (Contribution Collection List)


Taxation is very important for any country's government to function well.

Taxes are the sources of government revenue, which is used for government

services. Thus, taxation is an inherent power of the sovereign state which means
L e g a l a n d T a x a t i o n A s p e c t s | 67

that the state needs not be empowered by its constitution or any mandate for it to

be allowed to tax. Profits, in any sources are subject to taxation. Thus, the following

are applicable taxes for the proposed business:

Income Taxes

Income tax is a tax that governments impose on financial income generated

by all entities within their jurisdiction. By law, businesses and individuals must file

an income tax return every year to determine whether they owe any taxes or are

eligible for a tax refund. Income tax is a key source of funds that the government

uses to fund its activities and serve the public. Since the propose business can be

a member of the Barangay Micro Business Enterprise (BMBE) designation, it can

avail for tax exemptions. An exempt BMBE is not liable to income tax on its

business income and on the compensation it pays to its employees. However,

when the business expands in the future it may no longer be able to meet the

requirements of a BMBE thus, it will now be subjected to income taxes.

Percentage Tax

As the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) defines it, Percentage tax is a

business tax imposed on persons or entities who sell or lease goods, properties or

services in the course of trade or business and are exempt from value-added tax

(VAT) under Section 109 (w) of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended,

whose gross annual sales and/or receipts do not exceed Php 1,919,500 and who

are not VAT-registered.

L e g a l a n d T a x a t i o n A s p e c t s | 68

Annual Registration Fee

An annual registration fee of P500.00 shall be paid on or before the last day

of January every year after the initial recognition. BIR Form No. 0605 must be filed

and paid upon payment of annual registration fee for new business and for

renewals on or before January 31 of every year.

F i n a n c i n g A s p e c t | 69

Chapter VI


In the conduct of the business, more than idea and concept, sourcing of

fund does also need to be considered. While for humans the blood gives life, in

business the funds are similarly important with blood for humans. Funds, being the

source of life to every business, should be given focus and be wisely dealt with by

future proprietors.

The proponents believe that the proprietor needs to be financially capable

because it is necessary for the initial set-up of the business which would determine

whether it has sufficient capital for the proceedings, an adequate amount of cash

to pay its debts, and enough resources to implement its service in the market.

Hence, these funds are intended to support the expenses incurred about its

operations. This aspect also provides benefits to the business in obtaining its


Sourcing of funds as a start-up for the business should be made available

by the proprietor. Such should be able to cover for the possible expenses the

institution may incur. A good source of financials can be beneficial if properly taken

F i n a n c i n g A s p e c t | 70


In order to start a business, a source of finance is needed. Source of

financing may be in any form – equity or debt. The proprietor should know where

to source its capital. This capital is necessary for the business activities such as

acquiring equipment, tools, machinery, rent on the production site, salaries and

wages of the workers and other preliminary expenditures. The capital to run the

business operation shall be coming from the sole proprietors’ own fund.

Initial Capital Requirement

The implementer’s estimated project cost is Php 600,999.00 to commence

it business operation. These costs compose the pre-operating expenses, property

and equipment, and the estimated working capital. This initial capital is required to

start the ordinary operation of the business.


Particulars Note Amount Total
Pre-operating Cost
Project Feasibility Cost 1 7,160.00
Permits and Licenses 2 10,550.00
Advertising and Promotion 3 - 17,710.00
Property, Plant and Equipment
Furniture and Fixtures 4 15,285.00
Machineries and Office Equipment 5 469,700.00
Production Supplies 6 28,180.00 513,165.00
Working Capital
Salaries and Wages 7 35,124.00
Rent Expense 8 25,500.00
Office Supplies 9 2,201.00
Utilities Expense 10 7,299.00 70,124.00

Table 23
F i n a n c i n g A s p e c t | 71

Note 1
Project Feasibility Cost
Particulars Quantity Units Unit Cost Total Cost

Photocopy 100 copies 0.5 50.00

Printing 1,000.00

Bookbinding 2,000.00

Plagiarism and Grammar Test 250.00

Food Expense 560.00

Panelist's Honoraria 3 per head 1000 3,000.00

Panelist's Snacks 3 per head 100 300.00

TOTAL 7,160.00

Note 2
Permits and Licenses
Particulars Total Cost

Barangay Clearance 100.00

Police Clearance 100.00

Notarial Fee 100.00

DTI Registration 500.00

Mayor's Business Permit 700.00

BIR Certificate 600.00

VECO Installation 3,500.00

MCWD Installation 4,950.00

TOTAL 10,550.00
F i n a n c i n g A s p e c t | 72

Note 3
Furniture and Fixture
Particulars Quantity Units Unit Cost Total Cost

Office Chair 1 pc 669 669.00

Office Table Set with Chairs 1 pc 3316 3,316.00

Cabinet for Finish Laundry 2 pc 2300 4,600.00

Inventory Cabinet 2 pcs. 2100 4,200.00

Locker 1 pcs. 2500 2,500.00

TOTAL 15,285.00

Note 4
Machineries and Office Equipment
Particulars Quantity Units Unit Cost Total Cost

Service Truck 1 pcs. 260,000.00 260,000.00

Washing Machine w/ dryer 3 pcs. 65,000.00 195,000.00

Computer set with printer 14,700.00

TOTAL 469,700.00
F i n a n c i n g A s p e c t | 73

Note 5
Production Supplies
Particulars Quantity Units Unit Cost Total Cost

Sponge 5 pcs. 20 100.00

Mister Muscle 10 pcs. 225 2,250.00

Room Freshner 10 pcs. 250 2,500.00

Detergents 10 Kg 85 850.00

Plastic Bag 5 packs 345 1,725.00

Feather Duster 6 pcs. 75 450.00

Broom and Dustpan 6 pcs. 65 390.00

Toilet Brush 6 pcs. 120 720.00

Mops 5 pcs. 250 1,250.00

Brush 6 pcs. 25 150.00

Rubber Gloves 6 Pairs 90 540.00

Towels 10 packs 200 2,000.00

Cleaning Supply Cart 5 pcs. 1999 9,995.00

Weighing Scale 2 pc. 950 1,900.00

Basket 6 pcs. 235 1,410.00

Uniform 10 Shirts 150 1,500.00

Spray Bottles 6 pcs. 75 450.00

TOTAL 28,180.00
F i n a n c i n g A s p e c t | 74

Note 6
Salaries and Wages
Particulars Employees Daily Monthly Total Cost

Service Employee 4 366 5856 23,424.00

Operation Officer 1 450 7200 7,200.00

Trainors Fee 1 450 - 4,500.00

TOTAL 35,124.00

Note 7
Rent Expense
Particulars Unit Cost Total Cost

Rental Fee 8500 25,500.00

Note 8

Office Supplies
Particulars Quantity Units Unit Cost Total Cost

Bond paper – short 2 Ream 120 240.00

Bond paper – long 2 Ream 130 260.00

Tape 5 Pc 12 60.00

Markers 5 pcs. 34 170.00

Ink 1 pcs. 870 870.00

Fastener 2 Box 45 90.00

Staple Wires 5 Box 22 110.00

Folders 20 pcs. 5 100.00

Scissors 2 pcs. 35 70.00

Trash Can 1 Pc 75 75.00

Stapler 2 pcs. 60 120.00

Pens 6 pcs. 6 36.00

TOTAL 2,201.00
F i n a n c i n g A s p e c t | 75

Note 9
Utilities Expense
Particulars Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Water Utilities Expense 1 2500 2,500.00

Electricity Utilities Expense 1 2000 2,000.00

Internet w/ phone Expense 1 1299 1,299.00

Fuel 1 1500 1,500.00

TOTAL 7,299.00
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 76



To determine how the owner’s equity, sources of capital, revenues,

investment returns, expenses and other monetary concerns are raised providing

the financial aspect is a necessity. Evaluating and understanding this aspect of a

business can help owners and executives accomplish desired profit. This aspect

can also help owners in choosing the best decision for the venture. Potential

investors may also see it as a means of gaining knowledge to help predict future

performance and operations of the enterprise. Planning and forecasting should

be appropriately done to determine if the company will obtain profit or not.

Financial feasibility is the study to realize if the proposed business is

possible after improving its factors, circumstances and its total costs and which

would probably gain revenue. To put it clearly, it means that the proposed business

should yield higher rate than the expected return which would help in determining

whether the firm should continue or not.

It is significant that the final forecast must be prepared first to inspect it in

formulating for the projected financial statements.

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 77


Financial Assumptions

Introduction. The following are the assumptions used in making the

projected financial statements:

Pre-operation and Operation

1. The pre-operation will start five months before the conduct of the


2. The business operation will start in January 2019.

3. The business organization will be a sole proprietorship entity.

4. The business will adopt a calendar year.

5. The business will operate for the whole week with normal operation from


6. The initial capital required is P600,999.00

7. The operation would have a total of 320 days.

8. Every end of the month rent expense will be paid. In the first two months

of rental, advance deposit amounting to 17,000 is required. Another one

month deposit as security deposit which will be considered a noncurrent

asset in the statement of financial position will be held amounting to 8,500.

9. The business shall make the SSS, Pag-ibig and Philhealth contributions

on their respective prescribed schedules. Contributions for the last month

shall accrue at the end of every year.

Service Capacity
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 78

1. The service capacity will vary for the next five years of operation due to

changes in resources and demand.

2. The demand for comfort room and household will increase by 10% in the

third year of operation and remain constant for the next following years.

3. The demand for laundry services will increase annually by 10% starting the

third year of operation and remain constant for the next following years.

4. Due to increase in demand on the third year of operation additional of 2

workers will be hired in the third year of operation.


1. All service revenues will be on cash basis.

2. Price will remain constant for first two years of operation and an increase

of 7% on the 3rd year and remains constant for the next years.

Labor and Salaries

1. All regular employees regardless of their designation who have worked at

least six months during the calendar year are entitled to 13th-month pay

payable every 2nd Sunday of December of each year equivalent to one

month of his basic salary.

2. On the first two years of operation, there will be no additional employees

unless there is resignation or termination. However, on the third year due to

increase in demand new employees will be hired.

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 79

3. All regular employees are entitled to receive employee benefits. SSS,

PhilHealth and Home Development and Mutual Fund Contributions shall be

paid within the first week following the month applied. There will be an

accrued contribution for one month at the end of the year.

4. There will be no increase in the employees’ salary for the first five years of

operation unless mandated by law.


1. Purchasing all furniture, fixtures, and equipment are purchased through


2. The useful life of each furniture and equipment are as follows.

Furniture / Equipment Useful Life

Office Chair Five years

Office Table Set with Chairs Five years

Cabinet to Finish Laundry Five years

Inventory Cabinet Five years

Locker Five years

Service Truck Five years

Washing Machine w/ dryer Eight years

Computer set with printer Five years

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 80

3. Depreciable assets are depreciated using the straight-line method over its

estimated useful life.


1. During its first year of operation project study-related costs are charged as

an expense.

2. Production supplies below will be purchased monthly and are expensed

outright when bought.

Mister Muscle
Room Refresher
Plastic Bag

3. Production supplies below will be purchased every after six months and

are expensed outright when bought.

Feather Duster
Toilet Brush
Rubber Gloves

4. Production supplies not mentioned are assumed to last for the next five


5. Production supplies are expected to increase by 20% starting on the 3 rd

year of operation and remain constant until its 5th year of operation. This
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 81

only applies to supplies acquired monthly and such are treated expensed


6. Office supplies to increase by 5% annually starting in the 3 rd year of

operation and will remain constant up until the 5th year and treated

expensed outright.

7. Purchasing of the Office Supplies is done annually and expensed outright.

8. As the company incur Repairs and maintenance this will be charged to


9. At the end of each month, SSS Contribution, PhilHealth Contribution, and

Pag-ibig Contribution are to be accrued.

10. Utilities limited to water and electricity are expected to increase by 5% on

the 3rd year of operation and remains constant until the end of 5th year and

are to be billed after the end of the month and within five days after its

receipt is deemed a necessary to be paid.

11. Rent Expense remains constant for the next five years.

12. Permits and licenses are expected to remain constant every year.

Repairs and Maintenance

1. Will start on the 3rd year with estimated amount of P5, 000 fixed for the

next years.
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 82


1. There shall be a security deposit equivalent to 2 months and is refundable

at the end of the lease term or if the lessee no longer occupies the premises.
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 83


Projected Statement of Financial Performance
For the years ended December 31, 2019- 2023
Sched 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Revenue 1 ₱1,170,240.00 ₱1,170,240.00 ₱1,352,880.00 ₱1,352,880.00 ₱1,352,880.00

Less: Cost of Service
Rent Expense 9 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00
Utilities Expense 8 87,588.00 87,588.00 91,967.40 91,967.40 91,967.40
Salaries Expense 2 304,512.00 304,512.00 407,628.00 407,628.00 407,628.00
Depreciation Expense 13 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00
Commission on Service 117,024.00 117,024.00 135,288.00 135,288.00 135,288.00
Gross Margin 494,119.00 494,119.00 550,999.60 550,999.60 550,999.60
Less: General Expense
Office Supplies 5 2,201.00 1,900.00 2,032.80 2,032.80 2,032.80
Production Tools 4 112,815.00 111,315.00 133,578.00 133,578.00 133,578.00
Repairs and Maintenance assumption - - 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Employer's Contribution 3 54,287.04 54,287.04 149,697.36 149,697.36 149,697.36
Permits and Licenses 20 10,850.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00
Project Feasibility 21 7,160.00 - - - -
Advertising 22 - - - - -
Net Income from Operations 306,805.96 324,716.96 258,791.44 258,791.44 258,791.44
Less: Income Tax 23 50,861.19 54,443.39 41,258.29 41,258.29 41,258.29
Net Income after Income Tax ₱357,667.15 ₱379,160.35 ₱300,049.73 ₱300,049.73 ₱300,049.73
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 84


Projected Statements of Financial Position
For the Years Ended December 31, 2019-2023
ASSETS Schedule 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Current Assets

Cash PSCF ₱581,911.78 ₱1,043,969.54 ₱1,410,968.89 ₱1,776,015.62 ₱2,141,062.35

Prepaid Rent 10 17,000.00 - - - -

Total Current Assets ₱598,911.78 ₱1,043,969.54 ₱1,410,968.89 ₱1,776,015.62 ₱2,141,062.35

Non-current Assets

Machineries and Equipment, net 7 407,760.00 345,820.00 283,880.00 221,940.00 160,000.00

Security Deposit 11 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00

Furniture and Fixtures, net 6 12,228.00 9,171.00 6,114.00 3,057.00 -

Total Non-current Assets 428,488.00 363,491.00 298,494.00 233,497.00 168,500.00

TOTAL ASSETS ₱1,027,399.78 ₱1,407,460.54 ₱1,709,462.89 ₱2,009,512.62 ₱2,309,562.35


Accrued Utilities Expense 14 7,299.00 7,299.00 7,663.95 7,663.95 7,663.95

Accrued SSS Contribution 17 3,340.00 3,340.00 5,790.00 5,790.00 5,790.00

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 85

zccrued PhilHealth Contribution 16 800.00 800.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00

Accrued Pag-ibig Contribution 15 3,507.84 3,507.84 15,192.56 15,192.56 15,192.56

Accrued Percentage Tax Payable 19 2,925.60 243.80 281.85 281.85 281.85

Income Tax Payable 23 50,861.19 54,443.39 41,258.29 41,258.29 41,258.29

TOTAL LIABILITIES 68,733.63 69,634.03 71,586.65 71,586.65 71,586.65


Owner's Capital 958,666.15 1,337,826.50 1,637,876.24 1,937,925.97 2,237,975.71

TOTAL OWNER'S EQUITY 958,666.15 1,337,826.50 1,637,876.24 1,937,925.97 2,237,975.71

EQUITY ₱1,027,399.78 ₱1,407,460.54 ₱1,709,462.89 ₱2,009,512.62 ₱2,309,562.35


Projected Statement of Cash Flows
For the years ended December 31, 2019 - 2023
Sched 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Net Income PSFP ₱357,667.15 ₱379,160.35 ₱300,049.73 ₱300,049.73 ₱300,049.73

Depreciation 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 86

Net Cash before Changes in Working

Capital ₱422,664.15 ₱444,157.35 ₱365,046.73 ₱365,046.73 ₱365,046.73
Add/Deduct changes in Working Capital

(Increase) in Prepaid Rent 10 (17,000.00) 17,000.00 - - -

(Increase) in Security Deposit 11 (8,500.00) - - - -

(Decrease) in Accrued Utilities Expense 14 7,299.00 - 364.95 - -

(Decrease) in Accrued SSS Contribution 17 3,340.00 - 2,450.00 - -

(Decrease) in PhilHealth Contribution 16 800.00 - 600.00 - -

(Decrease) in Pag-IBIG Contribution 15 3,507.84 - 11,684.72 - -

(Decrease) in Percentage Tax Payable 19 2,925.60 (2,681.80) 38.05 - -

(Decrease) in Income Tax Payable 23 50,861.19 3,582.20 (13,185.10) - -

Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operations ₱465,897.78 ₱462,057.75 ₱366,999.35 ₱365,046.73 ₱365,046.73
Cash Used from Investing

Equipment and Tools Note 5 469,700.00 - - - -

Furniture and Fixtures Note 4 15,285.00 - - - -

Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing (484,985.00) - - - -

Cash from Financing
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 87

Investment by the owner EPC 600,999.00 - - - -

Withdrawals by the owner - - - - -

Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing 600,999.00 - - - -

Increase (Decrease) in Cash 581,911.78 462,057.75 366,999.35 365,046.73 365,046.73

Add: Cash, Beginning - 581,911.78 1,043,969.54 1,410,968.89 1,776,015.62

Cash, End ₱581,911.78 ₱1,043,969.54 ₱1,410,968.89 ₱1,776,015.62 ₱2,141,062.35


Projected Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 - 2023
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Owner's Equity,
Beginning ₱600,999.00 ₱958,666.15 ₱1,337,826.50 ₱1,637,876.24 ₱1,937,925.97
Add: Profit 357,667.15 379,160.35 300,049.73 300,049.73
Less: Withdrawals - - - -
Owner's Equity, ₱958,666.15 ₱1,337,826.50 ₱1,637,876.24 ₱1,937,925.97 ₱2,237,975.71
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 88
Schedule 1
Projected Annual Revenue
Schedule 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Estimated Production

Comfort Room Household 1.1 393,120.00 393,120.00 463,320.00 463,320.00 463,320.00

Household 1.2 285,600.00 285,600.00 336,600.00 336,600.00 336,600.00

Laundry 1.3 491,520.00 491,520.00 552,960.00 552,960.00 552,960.00

TOTAL 1,170,240.00 1,170,240.00 1,352,880.00 1,352,880.00 1,352,880.00

Schedule 1.1
Comfort Room Services
Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Comfort Room
Services 5616 5616 6177.6 6177.6 6177.6
Multiply x Service
Price 70 70 75 75 75
Revenue 393,120.00 393,120.00 463,320.00 463,320.00 463,320.00

Schedule 1.2
Household Services
Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Household Services 4080 4080 4488 4488 4488
Multiply x Service
Price 70 70 75 75 75
Revenue 285,600.00 285,600.00 336,600.00 336,600.00 336,600.00
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 89

Schedule 1.3
Laundry Services

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Laundry Services 12288 12288 12288 12288 12288

Multiply x Service
Price 40 40 45 45 45

Revenue 491,520.00 491,520.00 552,960.00 552,960.00 552,960.00

Schedule 2
Salaries Expense
Particulars Schedule 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Service Employee 2.2 281,088.00 281,088.00 289,872.00 289,872.00 289,872.00
Office Employee 2.3 - - 86,400.00 86,400.00 86,400.00
13 Month Salary 23,424.00 23,424.00 31,356.00 31,356.00 31,356.00
TOTAL 304,512.00 304,512.00 407,628.00 407,628.00 407,628.00
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 90

Schedule 2.1
Service Employee
Particulars Note 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Monthly Salary 7 23,424.00 23,424.00 24,156.00 24,156.00 24,156.00
Multiply x 12 months 12 12 12 12 12
TOTAL 281,088.00 281,088.00 289,872.00 289,872.00 289,872.00

Schedule 2.2
Office Employee
Particulars Note 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Monthly Salary 7 7,200.00 7,200.00 7,200.00 7,200.00 7,200.00
Multiply x 12 months 0 0 12 12 12
TOTAL - - 86,400.00 86,400.00 86,400.00
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 91

Schedule 2.3
13th Month Pay
Particulars NOTE 2019 2019 2020 2021 2023
Service Employee 7 23,424.00 23,424.00 24,156.00 24,156.00 24,156.00
Office Employee 0 0 7200 7200 7200
TOTAL 23,424.00 23,424.00 31,356.00 31,356.00 31,356.00

PARTICULARS SCHEDULE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
SSS 3.1 27,000.00 27,000.00 46,812.00 46,812.00 46,812.00
PAG -IBIG 3.2 4,800.00 4,800.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00
PHILHEALTH 3.3 22,487.04 22,487.04 94,485.36 94,485.36 94,485.36
TOTAL 54,287.04 54,287.04 149,697.36 149,697.36 149,697.36
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 92

SSS Contribution Breakdown
Monthly Employees Employers
Year Employees No. Rate/day Salary Contribution Contribution TOTAL
Monthly Annually Monthly Annually

2019 Service 4 366 23,424.00 272.50 13,080.00 562.50 27,000.00

Office 0 450 - - - - -

TOTAL 23,424.00 272.50 13,080.00 562.50 27,000.00 40,080.00

2020 Service 4 366 23,424.00 272.50 13,080.00 562.50 27,000.00

Office 0 450 - - - - -

TOTAL 23,424.00 272.50 13,080.00 562.50 27,000.00 40,080.00

2021 Service 6 366 64,414.83 272.50 19,620.00 562.50 40,500.00

Office 1 450 7,200.00 254.00 3,048.00 526.00 6,312.00

TOTAL 71,614.83 526.50 22,668.00 1,088.50 46,812.00 69,480.00

2022 Service 6 366 64,414.83 272.50 19,620.00 562.50 40,500.00

Office 1 450 7,200.00 254.00 3,048.00 526.00 6,312.00

TOTAL 71,614.83 526.50 22,668.00 1,088.50 46,812.00 69,480.00

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 93

2023 Service 6 366 64,414.83 272.50 19,620.00 562.50 40,500.00

Office 1 450 7,200.00 254.00 3,048.00 526.00 6,312.00

TOTAL 71,614.83 526.50 22,668.00 1,088.50 46,812.00 69,480.00

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 94

Philhealth Contribution Breakdown
Year Employees No. Rate/day Salary Employees Contribution Employers Contribution TOTAL
Monthly Annually Monthly Annually

2019 Service 4 366 23,424.00 100.00 4,800.00 100.00 4,800.00

Office 0 450 - - - - -

TOTAL 23,424.00 100.00 4,800.00 100.00 4,800.00 9,600.00

2020 Service 4 366 23,424.00 100.00 4,800.00 100.00 4,800.00

Office 0 450 - - - - -

TOTAL 23,424.00 100.00 4,800.00 100.00 4,800.00 9,600.00

2021 Service 6 366 64,414.83 100.00 7,200.00 100.00 7,200.00

Office 1 450 7,200.00 100.00 1,200.00 100.00 1,200.00

TOTAL 71,614.83 200.00 8,400.00 200.00 8,400.00 16,800.00

2022 Service 6 366 64,414.83 100.00 7,200.00 100.00 7,200.00

Office 1 450 7,200.00 100.00 1,200.00 100.00 1,200.00

TOTAL 71,614.83 200.00 8,400.00 200.00 8,400.00 16,800.00

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 95

2023 Service 6 366 64,414.83 100.00 7,200.00 100.00 7,200.00

Office 1 450 7,200.00 100.00 1,200.00 100.00 1,200.00

TOTAL 71,614.83 200.00 8,400.00 200.00 8,400.00 16,800.00

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 96

PAG-IBIG Contribution Breakdown
Year Employees No. Rate/day Salary Employees Contribution Employers Contribution TOTAL
Monthly Annually Monthly Annually

2019 Service 4 366 23,424.00 408.48 19,607.04 468.48 22,487.04

Office 0 450 - - - - -

TOTAL 23,424.00 408.48 19,607.04 468.48 22,487.04 42,094.08

2020 Service 4 366 23,424.00 408.48 19,607.04 468.48 22,487.04

Office 0 450 - - - - -

TOTAL 23,424.00 408.48 19,607.04 468.48 22,487.04 42,094.08

2021 Service 6 366 64,414.83 1,198.30 86,277.36 1,288.30 92,757.36

Office 1 450 7,200.00 129.00 1,548.00 144.00 1,728.00

TOTAL 71,614.83 1,327.30 87,825.36 1,432.30 94,485.36 182,310.71

2022 Service 6 366 64,414.83 1,198.30 86,277.36 1,288.30 92,757.36

Office 1 450 7,200.00 129.00 1,548.00 144.00 1,728.00

TOTAL 71,614.83 1,327.30 87,825.36 1,432.30 94,485.36 182,310.71

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 97

2023 Service 6 366 64,414.83 1,198.30 86,277.36 1,288.30 92,757.36

Office 1 450 7,200.00 129.00 1,548.00 144.00 1,728.00

TOTAL 71,614.83 1,327.30 87,825.36 1,432.30 94,485.36 182,310.71


Production Supplies

Particulars NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Sponge 6 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,440.00 1,440.00 1,440.00
Mister Muscle 27,000.00 27,000.00 32,400.00 32,400.00 32,400.00
Room Freshner 30,000.00 30,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00
Detergents 10,200.00 10,200.00 12,240.00 12,240.00 12,240.00
Plastic Bag 20,700.00 20,700.00 24,840.00 24,840.00 24,840.00
Feather Duster 900.00 900.00 1,080.00 1,080.00 1,080.00
Broom 780.00 780.00 936.00 936.00 936.00
Toilet Brush 1,440.00 1,440.00 1,728.00 1,728.00 1,728.00
Mops 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
Brush 300.00 300.00 360.00 360.00 360.00
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 98

Rubber Gloves 540.00 540.00 648.00 648.00 648.00

Towels 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00
Cleaning Supply Cart 9,995.00 9,995.00 11,994.00 11,994.00 11,994.00
Weighing Scale 1,900.00 1,900.00 2,280.00 2,280.00 2,280.00
Basket 1,410.00 1,410.00 1,692.00 1,692.00 1,692.00
Uniform 1,500.00 - - - -
Spray Bottles 450.00 450.00 540.00 540.00 540.00

TOTAL 112,815.00 111,315.00 133,578.00 133,578.00 133,578.00

Office Supplies
Particulars NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Bond paper 9 240.00 240.00 252.00 252.00 252.00
Bond paper 260.00 260.00 273.00 273.00 273.00
Tape 60.00 60.00 63.00 63.00 63.00
Markers 170.00 170.00 178.50 178.50 178.50
Ink 870.00 870.00 913.50 913.50 913.50
Fastener 90.00 90.00 94.50 94.50 94.50
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 99

Staple Wires 110.00 110.00 115.50 115.50 115.50

Folders 100.00 100.00 105.00 105.00 105.00
Pens 36.00 36.00 37.80 37.80 37.80
Scissors 70.00 - - - -
Trash Can 75.00 - - - -
Stapler 120.00 - - - -

TOTAL 2,201.00 1,900.00 2,032.80 2,032.80 2,032.80

Furniture and Fixtures, Net
PARTICULARS Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Office Chair 669 535.20 401.40 267.60 133.80 -
Office Table Set with Chairs 3316 2,652.80 1,989.60 1,326.40 663.20 -
Cabinet for Finish Laundry 4600 3,680.00 2,760.00 1,840.00 920.00 -
Inventory Cabinet 4200 3,360.00 2,520.00 1,680.00 840.00 -
Locker 2500 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 -

Total Furniture and Fixtures,

Net 12,228.00 9,171.00 6,114.00 3,057.00 -
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 100

Machineries and Office Equipment, Net
PARTICULARS 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Service Truck 260000 238,000.00 216,000.00 194,000.00 172,000.00 150,000.00
Washing Machine 195000 157,000.00 119,000.00 81,000.00 43,000.00 5,000.00
Computer Set 14700 12,760.00 10,820.00 8,880.00 6,940.00 5,000.00

Total Machineries and

Office Equipment, Net 407,760.00 345,820.00 283,880.00 221,940.00 160,000.00

Utilities Expense
Particulars NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Water Utilities Expense 10 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,625.00 2,625.00 2,625.00
Electricity Utilities Expense 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00
Internet w/ phone Expense 1,299.00 1,299.00 1,363.95 1,363.95 1,363.95
Fuel 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,575.00 1,575.00 1,575.00

TOTAL 87,588.00 87,588.00 91,967.40 91,967.40 91,967.40

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 101

Rent Expense
NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Rental Fee 8 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00
Multiply No. of months 12 12 12 12 12
Total Rent Expense 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00

Prepaid Rent
Particulars NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Monthly Rent 8 8,500.00
x no. of months 2
Total Prepaid Rent ₱ 17,000.00 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 102

Security Deposit
Particulars NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Monthly Rent See Assumption 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00
x no. of months 1 1 1 1 1
Total Prepaid Rent ₱ 8,500.00 ₱ 8,500.00 ₱ 8,500.00 ₱ 8,500.00 ₱ 8,500.00

Repairs and Maintenance Expense
NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Repairs Fee Assumption 0 0 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Multiply No. of months - -
Total Repairs Expense 0 0 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 103

NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Furniture and Fixtures 3,057.00 3,057.00 3,057.00 3,057.00 3,057.00
Machineries and Equipment 61,940.00 61,940.00 61,940.00 61,940.00 61,940.00

Total Depreciation Expense 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00


Accrued Utilities Expense

SCHED 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Utilities Expense 8 87,588.00 87,588.00 91,967.40 91,967.40 91,967.40
Add: Utilities Payable, Beg. - 7,299.00 7,299.00 7,663.95 7,663.95

Total 87,588.00 94,887.00 99,266.40 99,631.35 99,631.35

Less: Prior Year Payment - 7,299.00 7,299.00 7,663.95 7,663.95

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 104

Current Year Payment 80,289.00 80,289.00 84,303.45 84,303.45 84,303.45

Total Payment 80,289.00 87,588.00 91,602.45 91,967.40 91,967.40

Accrued Utilities Expense, End 7,299.00 7,299.00 7,663.95 7,663.95 7,663.95


Accrued PAG-IBIG Payable

SCHED 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Accrued PAG-IBIG Payable 3.3 42,094.08 42,094.08 182,310.71 182,310.71 182,310.71

Add: Utilities Payable, Beg. - 3,507.84 3,507.84 15,192.56 15,192.56

Total 42,094.08 45,601.92 185,818.55 197,503.27 197,503.27

Less: Prior Year Payment - 3,507.84 3,507.84 15,192.56 15,192.56

Current Year Payment 38,586.24 38,586.24 167,118.15 167,118.15 167,118.15

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 105

Total Payment 38,586.24 42,094.08 170,625.99 182,310.71 182,310.71

Accrued PAG-IBIG Expense, End 3,507.84 3,507.84 15,192.56 15,192.56 15,192.56

Accrued Philhealth Payable
SCHED 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Accrued Philhealth Payable 3.2 9,600.00 9,600.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00

Add: Utilities Payable, Beg. - 800.00 800.00 1,400.00 1,400.00

Total 9,600.00 10,400.00 17,600.00 18,200.00 18,200.00

Less: Prior Year Payment - 800.00 800.00 1,400.00 1,400.00

Current Year Payment 8,800.00 8,800.00 15,400.00 15,400.00 15,400.00

Total Payment 8,800.00 9,600.00 16,200.00 16,800.00 16,800.00

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 106

Accrued Philhealth Payable, End 800.00 800.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00


Accrued SSS Payable

SCHED 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Accrued SSS Payable 3.1 40,080.00 40,080.00 69,480.00 69,480.00 69,480.00
Add: Utilities Payable, Beg. - 3,340.00 3,340.00 5,790.00 5,790.00
Total 40,080.00 43,420.00 72,820.00 75,270.00 75,270.00
Less: Prior Year Payment - 3,340.00 3,340.00 5,790.00 5,790.00
Current Year Payment 36,740.00 36,740.00 63,690.00 63,690.00 63,690.00
Total Payment 36,740.00 40,080.00 67,030.00 69,480.00 69,480.00

Accrued SSS Payable, End 3,340.00 3,340.00 5,790.00 5,790.00 5,790.00

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 107

Accrued Salaries Payable
SCHED 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Accrued SSS Payable 2 304,512.00 304,512.00 407,628.00 407,628.00 407,628.00
Add: Utilities Payable, Beg. - 25,376.00 25,376.00 33,969.00 33,969.00
Total 304,512.00 329,888.00 433,004.00 441,597.00 441,597.00
Less: Prior Year Payment - 25,376.00 25,376.00 33,969.00 33,969.00
Current Year Payment 279,136.00 279,136.00 373,659.00 373,659.00 373,659.00
Total Payment 279,136.00 304,512.00 399,035.00 407,628.00 407,628.00
Accrued SSS Payable, End 25,376.00 25,376.00 33,969.00 33,969.00 33,969.00

Accrued Percentage Tax Payable
SCHED 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Accrued Percentage Tax Expense 1 2,925.60 2,925.60 3,382.20 3,382.20 3,382.20

Add: Utilities Payable, Beg. - 2,925.60 243.80 281.85 281.85

Total 2,925.60 5,851.20 3,626.00 3,664.05 3,664.05

Less: Prior Year Payment - 2,925.60 243.80 281.85 281.85

Current Year Payment - 2,681.80 3,100.35 3,100.35 3,100.35

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 108

Total Payment - 5,607.40 3,344.15 3,382.20 3,382.20

Accrued Percentage Tax Payable, End 2,925.60 243.80 281.85 281.85 281.85

Permits and Licenses
NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Barangay Clearance 2 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Police Clearance 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Notarial Fee 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Mayor's Business Permit 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00
Fire Safety Clearance 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
Sanitary Permit 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
BIR Certificate 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
DTI Registration 500.00 - - - -
VECO Installation 3,500.00 - - - -
MCWD Installation 4,950.00 - - - -

TOTAL 10,850.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 109

Project Feasibility Cost
NOTE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Photocopy 1 50.00 - - - -
Printing 1,000.00 - - - -
Bookbinding 2,000.00 - - - -
Plagiarism and Grammar Test 250.00 - - - -
Food Expense 560.00 - - - -
Panelist's Honoraria 3,000.00 - - - -
Panelist's Snacks 300.00 - - - -
TOTAL 7,160.00 - - - -
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 110

Schedule 22

Income Tax Expense

Schedule 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Net Income from
Operations PSFP 306,805.96 324,716.96 258,791.44 258,791.44 258,791.44
Less: Percentage Tax
Taxable Income After
Tax 306,805.96 324,716.96 258,791.44 258,791.44 258,791.44
Additional personal
exemption (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00)
281,805.96 299,716.96 233,791.44 233,791.44 233,791.44
Threshold Amount 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00

Income Tax on
Threshold Amount 211,805.96 229,716.96 163,791.44 163,791.44 163,791.44

Income Tax on Excess

of Threshold 42,361.19 45,943.39 32,758.29 32,758.29 32,758.29
Add: Bracket 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00
Total Income Tax
Expense ₱ 50,861.19 ₱ 54,443.39 ₱ 41,258.29 ₱ 41,258.29 ₱ 41,258.29
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 111


Current Ratio

The analysis measures the ability of the project to meet currently maturing obligations from existing current asset.

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Current Assets 598,911.78 1,043,969.54 1,410,968.89 1,776,015.62 2,141,062.35

Current Liabilities 68,733.63 69,634.03 71,586.65 71,586.65 71,586.65

Current Ratio 8.71 14.99 19.71 24.81 29.91

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 112

Equity Ratio

It is a debt ratio used to measure a company’s financial leverage.

Equity Ratio = Total Owner’s Equity / Total Assets

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Total Owner's Equity 958,666.15 1,337,826.50 1,637,876.24 1,937,925.97 2,237,975.71

Total Assets 1,027,399.78 1,407,460.54 1,709,462.89 2,009,512.62 2,309,562.35

Equity Ratio 0.93 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.97

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 113

Debt – Equity Ratio

It is calculated by dividing a company’s total liabilities by its stockholder’s equity. It also shows the extent to which

shareholders’ equity can fulfill a company’s obligation to creditors in the event of a liquidation.

Debt – Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Owner’s Equity

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Total Liabilities 68,733.63 69,634.03 71,586.65 71,586.65 71,586.65

Total Owner's Equity 958,666.15 1,337,826.50 1,637,876.24 1,937,925.97 2,237,975.71

Debt-Equity Ratio 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 114

Return on Sales

This measures the rate of return on sales to calculate how efficiently a company is at generating profits from its


ROS = Net Income/ Net Sales

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Net Income 357667.152 379160.352 300049.7338 300049.7338 300049.7338

Net Sales 1170240 1170240 1352880 1352880 1352880

Return on Sales 31% 32% 22% 22% 22%

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 115

Return on Investment

This measures the rate of return of capital invested by the owner.

ROI = Net Income / Owner’s Equity

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Net Income 357667.152 379160.352 300049.7338 300049.7338 300049.7338

Owners' Equity 958666.152 1337826.504 1637876.238 1937925.972 2237975.705

Return on Investment 37% 28% 18% 15% 13%

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 116

Payback Period

It involves the computation of the payback period, which refers to the length of time required by the project to return

the initial cost of investment.

Year Net Investment Net Cash Flow Payback Period

2019 600,999.00 581,911.78 19,087.22 1.00

2020 19,087.22 1043969.54 (1,024,882.32) 0.02




F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 117


Scenario Scenario Scenario

1 2 3

Increase Decrease Increase Decrease

Sales - 4% 4%

Direct Labor 5% 5%

Advertising Expense 5% 5%

Repairs and Maintenance 6% 6%

Utilities Expense 6% 6%
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 118



Projected Statement of Financial Performance
For the years ended December 31, 2019- 2023
Sched 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Revenue ₱1,170,240.00 ₱1,170,240.00 ₱1,352,880.00 ₱1,352,880.00 ₱1,352,880.00
Less: Cost of Service
9 102,000.00
Rent Expense 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00
8 97,485.44
Utilities Expense 92,843.28 92,843.28 97,485.44 97,485.44
2 428,009.40
Salaries Expense 319,737.60 319,737.60 428,009.40 428,009.40
13 64,997.00
Depreciation Expense 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00

Gross Margin ₱590,662.12 ₱590,662.12 ₱660,388.16 ₱660,388.16 ₱660,388.16

Less: General Expensessss
5 2,032.80
Office Supplies 2,201.00 1,900.00 2,032.80 2,032.80
4 133,578.00
Production Tools 112,815.00 111,315.00 133,578.00 133,578.00
assumption 5,300.00
Repairs and Maintenance - - 5,300.00 5,300.00

Employer's Contribution 3 54,287.04 54,287.04 149,697.36 149,697.36 149,697.36

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 119

Permits and Licenses 10,850.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00
Project Feasibility 7,160.00 - - - -
22 -
Advertising - - - -
Net Income from Operations 403,349.08 421,260.08 367,880.00 367,880.00
Less: Income Tax 23 50,861.19 54,443.39 41,258.29 41,258.29 41,258.29
Net Income after Income Tax ₱454,210.27 ₱475,703.47 ₱409,138.29 ₱409,138.29 ₱409,138.29

INCREASE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Revenue - 1,170,240.00 1,170,240.00 1,352,880.00 1,352,880.00 1,352,880.00
Utilities Expense 6% 92,843.28 92,843.28 97,485.44 97,485.44 97,485.44
Salaries Expense 5% 319,737.60 319,737.60 428,009.40 428,009.40 428,009.40
Repairs and Maintenance 6% - - 5,300.00 5,300.00 5,300.00
Advertising Expense 5% - - - - -
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 120


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net Income 454,210.27 475,703.47 409,138.29 409,138.29 409,138.29
Net Sales 1,170,240.00 1,170,240.00 1,352,880.00 1,352,880.00 1,352,880.00
Return on Sales 39% 41% 30% 30% 30%


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net Income 454,210.27 475,703.47 409,138.29 409,138.29 409,138.29
Owner's Equity 958,666.15 1,337,826.50 1,637,876.24 1,937,925.97 2,237,975.71
Return on Investment 47% 36% 25% 21% 18%
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 121



Projected Statement of Financial Performance
For the years ended December 31, 2019- 2023
Sched 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Revenue 1 ₱1,123,430.40 ₱1,123,430.40 ₱1,298,764.80 ₱1,298,764.80 ₱1,298,764.80

Less: Cost of Service
9 102,000.00
Rent Expense 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00
8 91,967.40
Utilities Expense 87,588.00 87,588.00 91,967.40 91,967.40
2 407,628.00
Salaries Expense 304,512.00 304,512.00 407,628.00 407,628.00
13 64,997.00
Depreciation Expense 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00
Gross Margin ₱564,333.40 ₱564,333.40 ₱632,172.40 ₱632,172.40
Less: General Expense
5 2,032.80
Office Supplies 2,201.00 1,900.00 2,032.80 2,032.80
4 133,578.00
Production Tools 112,815.00 111,315.00 133,578.00 133,578.00
assumption 5,000.00
Repairs and Maintenance - - 5,000.00 5,000.00
3 149,697.36
Employer's Contribution 54,287.04 54,287.04 149,697.36 149,697.36
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 122

20 1,900.00
Permits and Licenses 10,850.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00
Project Feasibility 7,160.00 - - - -
22 -
Advertising - - - -

Net Income from Operations 377,020.36 394,931.36 339,964.24 339,964.24 339,964.24

Less: Income Tax 23 50,861.19 54,443.39 41,258.29 41,258.29 41,258.29
Net Income after Income Tax ₱427,881.55 ₱449,374.75 ₱381,222.53 ₱381,222.53 ₱381,222.53

DECREASE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Revenue 4% 1,123,430.40 1,123,430.40 1,298,764.80 1,298,764.80 1,298,764.80
Utilities Expense - 87,588.00 87,588.00 91,967.40 91,967.40 91,967.40
Salaries Expense - 304,512.00 304,512.00 407,628.00 407,628.00 407,628.00
Repairs and Maintenance - - - 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Advertising Expense - - - - - -
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 123


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net Income 427,881.55 449,374.75 381,222.53 381,222.53 381,222.53
Net Sales 1,123,430.40 1,123,430.40 1,298,764.80 1,298,764.80 1,298,764.80
Return on Sales 38% 40% 29% 29% 29%


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net Income 427,881.55 449,374.75 381,222.53 381,222.53 381,222.53
Owner's Equity 958,666.15 1,337,826.50 1,637,876.24 1,937,925.97 2,237,975.71
Return on Investment 45% 34% 23% 20% 17%
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 124



Projected Statement of Financial Performance
For the years ended December 31, 2019- 2023
Sched 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Revenue 1 ₱1,123,430.40 ₱1,123,430.40 ₱1,298,764.80 ₱1,298,764.80 ₱1,298,764.80

Less: Cost of Service
Rent Expense 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00
Utilities Expense 92,843.28 92,843.28 97,485.44 97,485.44 97,485.44
Salaries Expense 319,737.60 319,737.60 428,009.40 428,009.40 428,009.40
Depreciation Expense 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00 64,997.00

Gross Margin ₱543,852.52 ₱543,852.52 ₱606,272.96 ₱606,272.96 ₱606,272.96

Less: General Expense
Office Supplies 2,201.00 1,900.00 2,032.80 2,032.80 2,032.80
Production Tools 112,815.00 111,315.00 133,578.00 133,578.00 133,578.00
Repairs and Maintenance - - 5,300.00 5,300.00 5,300.00
Employer's Contribution 54,287.04 54,287.04 149,697.36 149,697.36 149,697.36
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 125

Permits and Licenses 10,850.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00
Project Feasibility 7,160.00 - - - -
22 -
Advertising - - - -

Net Income from Operations 356,539.48 374,450.48 313,764.80 313,764.80 313,764.80

Less: Income Tax 23 50,861.19 54,443.39 41,258.29 41,258.29 41,258.29
Net Income after Income Tax ₱407,400.67 ₱428,893.87 ₱355,023.09 ₱355,023.09 ₱355,023.09


INCREASE DECREASE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Revenue 4% 1,123,430.40 1,123,430.40 1,298,764.80 1,298,764.80 1,298,764.80

Utilities Expense 6% 92,843.28 92,843.28 97,485.44 97,485.44 97,485.44

Salaries Expense 5% 319,737.60 319,737.60 428,009.40 428,009.40 428,009.40

Repairs and Maintenance 6% - - 5,300.00 5,300.00 5,300.00

Advertising Expense 5% - - - - -
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 126


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net Income 407,400.67 428,893.87 355,023.09 355,023.09 355,023.09
Net Sales 1,123,430.40 1,123,430.40 1,298,764.80 1,298,764.80 1,298,764.80
Return on Sales 36% 38% 27% 27% 27%


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net Income 407,400.67 428,893.87 355,023.09 355,023.09 355,023.09
Owner's Equity 958,666.15 1,337,826.50 1,637,876.24 1,937,925.97 2,237,975.71
Return on Investment 42% 32% 22% 18% 16%
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 127


Comparative Analysis


Income Statement
2019 357,667.15 454,210.27 427,881.55 407,400.67
2020 379,160.35 475,703.47 449,374.75 428,893.87
2021 300,049.73 409,138.29 381,222.53 355,023.09
2022 300,049.73 409,138.29 381,222.53 355,023.09
2023 300,049.73 409,138.29 381,222.53 355,023.09
2019 37% 47% 45% 42%
2020 28% 36% 34% 32%
2021 18% 25% 23% 22%
2022 15% 21% 20% 18%
2023 13% 18% 17% 16%
2019 31% 39% 38% 36%
2020 32% 41% 40% 38%
2021 22% 30% 29% 27%
2022 22% 30% 29% 27%
2023 22% 30% 29% 27%
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 128



One of the important aspect that must take into consideration in establishing

the feasibility and viability of the proposed general cleaning and laundry services

is the socio-economic desirability. Such aspect takes into account the necessity to

consider the effect of the proposal towards the limitless sectors of the society.

Every business entity, whether it is long-term or short-term, their primary goal is

one and the same – to gain profits, however, those persons composing the society

are in fact, the reasons of its being. Likewise, the said proposal is regarded to

affect the economy since income produced out of the offered services will boost

the country’s economy as a whole.

This chapter considers the desirability of the service not only from the

perspective of the proposal but from the viewpoint of the society as a whole.

Among the numerous sectors that can be benefited from the proposed study once

implemented are the following:


The operation that are taken by the government have a great and important

effect and influence to a country’s economy. The government earns additional

revenues from the payments for permits, licenses, and tax collection done by the

proposed study. Such taxes and other dues levied by the government will be

utilized to improve the public funds appropriated for progressive projects and

programs and can be considered to promote the economic development,

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 129

stabilization, and growth. The said amounts will serve as financial aid of the

business to the government.


Employment has been one of the basic human rights, yet, plentiful remain

to be unemployed because of lack of job opportunities. The implementation of the

proposed study will increase employment opportunities to the few people in the

community. Such opportunity will also, provide them a potential source of income

to support and provide assistance to their families. It could help address and lessen

the rate of jobless individuals and improve and promote economic stability.

Moreover, the ability of those persons to be hired would then be used, making

them constructive citizens.

Related Industries

A business cannot stand on its own without the necessary help that are

provided from significant related industries and outside control, also, for them to

complement its operations and carry on its existence. The implementation of this

proposed study will able to generate more sales by increasing more clients which

leads to higher sales and profits. For this proposed study, among related industries

to be assist are the tools and machineries supplier and producer of the cleaning

and laundry materials and other institutions as the need increases.

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 130

Prospective Competitors

Competition has always been an element affecting a business’ operation.

And so, the prospective competitors would also be benefited from the proposed

study as this could be their basis for improving the services that they are offering.

Target Market

Most, if not all workers and students at present don’t have enough time to

do other things aside from their daily works and of the tiring schedule. As an

outcome, most of them cannot manage to their cleaning and laundry works. With

the implementation of this proposed study, especially tenants of the three (3)

Apartments will have less burden in doing such chores and will be provided with

quality service and utmost care. In addition, they will also enjoy incentives for

patronizing the services offered.

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 131


A Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry Services for Apartments in Cebu City


Generates revenue More government

Government from taxes, projects and
permits, and programs will be
licenses implemented

Potential source of
Employment income, reduce
opportunities unemployment, and
economic stability

Help other
industries to Higher sales and
Related Industries generate more profits
sales; promotes
their growth

Prospective Basis for

improvement of Expand services
services offered

Quality service; saved

Contentment from
Target Market time and less burden
the services offered
upon availing of the

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 132



SWOT analysis is a basic, straightforward model in environmental scanning

which helps the company evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

threats of the organization. It also entails the objective of the business and is

important to take into account the external and internal factors that affect the firm

both directly or indirectly. The SWOT analysis distinguishes the internal factors

(strengths and weaknesses) and also the external factors (opportunities and

threats). It plays a crucial part in planning the business because this involves

decision-making which means this makes businesses continue operating. The

SWOT analysis also helps business owners to formulate effective strategies to

stand out in the market.

It is essential in making plans on how to compete in the market and

to achieve a satisfying result of these strategies. Every factor has to be monitored

carefully since it all affects the performance and success of the business. SWOT

analysis is a fundamental framework to yield strategic options based on a

situational analysis. It is needed to help the business build platform in the market

by supplying data that is helpful in using the business resources productively.

Thus, the proponents greatly believe that the SWOT analysis is very

significant in determining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of

the business.
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 133



New Entrants in the Industry

The proposed project is a new entrant to the market. Therefore, the

business should be well-prepared for the possible barriers that the existing firms

would pose. The company should promulgate the quality and should aim to build

a good relationship with new customers by dealing in a licit way. Weaknesses

should not be taken negatively instead the business should take over it on a

positive note, new businesses also draws attention from the market. The quality of

the service rendered to customers is an important factor to be considered in the

operation. Having that theory, an establish reputation shall govern the industry by

carefully choosing the employees who are equipped and well-trained.

Poor Quality of the Service

Most tenants are hesitant to apply for this service because they are doubtful

that the money they will be paying will not be worth it for the service they will

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 134

Doubts in the service for their security of assets

It is one reason why people are hesitant to indulge in this kind of service;

they feared that there would be theft or breakage in their home. They worry about

the security of their assets.


Future Competitor

Future Competitor In every market, there will always be existing and future

competitors of every business. This threat can be considered as an opportunity for

every business to introduce and improve the quality of the service rendered to

customers. The organization shall not focus on the threat of future competitors;

somewhat focus on customer satisfaction and development of strategies. Also, this

threat can be aided by improving facilities in order to sustain and give quality

service to customers.

Downturn Economy

Inflation, a factual undertaking in our society is one great example of a

downturns in the economy that cannot be prevented On a positive note, this threat

can prove the viability and stability of an organization when it deals in such

situations. It makes room for the development of managerial abilities and wise

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 135




Benefits of the service offered

The proposed business services benefits are mold to meet the needs and

demand of the people living in an apartment in the city. Inside the busy town, the

people that are mostly occupying in an apartment are students or people with a

career to uphold, with this kind if people time is precious for them and a little time

available for them to have would likely be spent for relaxing. Hence, their needs to

clean their room would possibly be the less of their concern.

Convenience of Service

The offered services will be provided directly to the consumers. Hence there

is no need for the tenants to travel to look for external laundry service provider.

With this said, delivery system is set-up to facilitate the flow of operation. The

industry will provide its services in the manner that is most convenient to the

customer, including arranging for visits according to the tenants suitable and

preferred time. The business also has limited competitors in laundry services and

no competitors with the other services offered. Through this, the proponents

expected steady and consistent market demand.

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 136

Well train employee

The consumers are assured that all employees will be well taught to exude

professionalism from all of their actions and conversations. Thus, the tenants can

trust that the employees will provide them the best and comprehendible quality


Assurance of assets

People have legitimate concerns regarding cleaning services in their home

and the possibility of theft and breakage. These concerns have been eliminated

or significantly reduced through a comprehensive screening and training process

for employees. , Along with that tenants should be around when the service is

conducted as part of the service protocol set by the management.


Increase in the demand of the market

The tenants in the apartment are mostly students and people with a career

to uphold which requires due amount of time and their attention hence, the least

of their concern would be cleaning their rooms. This situation will give an

opportunity for cleaning services to be an option in the market. Thus, the shifts in

consumer consumption habits that are moving toward increased utilization of

cleaning services will result to increase of demand in the market.

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 137

Limited Competitors

The services that the business is proposing is basically new to the market

with only a few active competitors in the market. Hence, the proposed business

has the advantage of gathering more customers, and since the industry is focusing

on catering customers in the apartments, the competition is very thin.

Steady Growing of Industries

The growth of the economy in our country gradually increase the

infrastructure of apartments and dormitories which gives an opportunity to the

proposed business to reach more potential customers who are in needs of its

services making the industry more profitable.

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 138


 Convenience of the  New Entrants in the
service Industry
 Well train employee CONVERT  Poor Quality of the
 Assurance of assets Service
 Doubts in the service for
their security of assets


 Increase in the demand of  Future Competitor
the market  Downturn Economy
 Limited Competitors
 Steady growing of

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 139




This study was aimed to determine the feasibility and viability of the

Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry Services for Apartments in Cebu City.

Explicitly, the following queries are answered.

1. Is the proposed project feasible regarding the following aspects?

1.1 Technical

1.2 Marketing

1.3 Management

1.4 Taxation and Legal

1.5 Financing

1.6 Financial

1.7 Socio-Economic Desirability

1.8 SWOT Analysis

2. Based on the findings, what recommendations can you give for the

proposed project?
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 140

Research Methodology

In this study, the descriptive survey method of research was used. Using the

questionnaire made by the proponents, data were gathered from the total

population of the specific target market are the occupants of the apartments. The

apartments currently have a total of 110 units. It covers professionals, employees,

and students. This amount has become the basis for sample size of this study.

The proponents decided that the sample size would be the total population of

the apartments


The following findings have been achieved based on the data of the

previous chapters, to wit:

Technical Aspect

The proposed office for the general cleaning and laundry services will is

located at Sto. Niño St., Cebu City, Cebu near the workers and the target market.

The space to be occupied by this proposed business is a commercial building.

Marketing Aspect

Based on the survey conducted by the proponents, the establishment of a

general cleaning and laundry services is needed to cater the demand of the

respondents regarding cleaning and laundry. About 37% are students residing,

27% are workers, and 32% are professionals in the said apartments which make
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 141

it demandable for their lack of time if they do their laundry and cleaning. Out of the

110 respondents, only 93 are interested or willing to avail of the service offered by

the firm.

Management Aspect

Sole Proprietorship is considered to be the most appropriate for this

business since the owner will have full control on the business transaction and

operations. For guidance, the owner must employ a supervisor, driver, laundry

personnel and cleaning personnel. The desired business hour for this business is

from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and will operate one week.

Legal and Taxation Aspect

The proposed business must comply with the requirements needed by the

Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and

Department of Labor and Employment. The business must secure permits and

other local permits, filling with BIR and the application of SSS, Philhealth, and Pag-

ibig. The owner and employees will be subject to income tax.

Financing Aspect

The proposed project requires an initial investment of Php 600,999.00.

Allocated for the purchase of equipment, furniture and fixtures, supplies and other

costs and expenses needed to finance and support the establishment of cleaning

and laundry services. The source for the financial need of the firm relies on the

personal investment or account of the proprietor of the business or from any loan

granted to the sole proprietor of a financial institution.

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 142

Financial Aspect

If the proposed firm is pursued the capital investment of the proprietor will

be reacquired after 1.02 years. It is projected that in the first year of operation, the

business will acquire a profit of 454,210.27. The four succeeding years of

production is projected to have a profit of 475,703.47, 409,138.29, 409,138.29 and

409,138.29 respectively. The return of investment for the year 2019, 2020, 2021,

2022, 2023 are 37%, 28%, 18%, 15% and 13% respectively.

Socio-Economic Desirability

This business would bring benefit to the potential implementer, society, and

economy. This proposed business has a high sociological and economic

desirability since it will provide employment opportunity to unemployed individuals.

It will also offer a high-quality service to the public especially to the students and

employed individuals who will benefit from the usage of the service. The

government will also profit from the payment of taxes and other legal documents

needed for the implementation of such business.

SWOT Analysis

The proponents have detected varied of strengths such as decent quality of

service, accessibility of the business location and acquiring of well-trained and

trustworthy staffs. However, the proponents also discovered some weaknesses of

the proposed business such as being a new entrant in the industry, and because

of it, costly advertising is needed for it to be known and implemented. The high

cost of some expenses is also seen to be a weakness for the proposed business.
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 143

The proponents also predicted that there might have an increase in demand by the

steady growing of industries and the presence of limited competitors, but the

proprietor would also have to consider the future competitors that may enter to the

same industry.


After a thorough study of all the aspects in this feasibility study, the

proponents have concluded based on the data presented of the Proposed General

Cleaning and Laundry Services for apartments in Cebu City is attainable, socially

and economically desirable and financially feasible.


With the findings, to improve the profitability of the proposed business, the

proponents further recommended the following:

 Intensify the advertisement of the industry to embolden customers to avail

the service

 Escalate market strategies and continually improve a good quality of

services towards customers

 Provide excellent feature of security and amenities of the business

 Supervise the control of materials used for the operations.

F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 144
F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t | 145
University of San Jose – Recoletos
Magallanes Street, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu
(032) 417 9500

November 25, 2017

Hon. Juluis O. Guioguio

Barangay Captain
Anix Bldg, L. Flores St, Cebu City
Cebu, 6000 Philippines

Dear Hon. Guioguio:

Greetings of Peace!
In partial fulfillments of our requirements for Project Feasibility, we fourth year students
of University of San Jose - Recoletos, taking up Bachelor of Science in Management
Accounting would like to ask for your permission to conduct a research study entitled “A
Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry Services for Apartments in Cebu City”.
In connection with this, we would like to ask your good office to allow us to use your
materials as one of our references and to conduct our survey and interview in your
vicinity. Rest assured that the data we will gather will remain absolutely confidential and
to be used on academic purposes only.
We hope for your positive response on this humble matter. Your approval to conduct
this study will be greatly appreciated. For further questions please contact us at
Thank you very much!

Respectfully yours,

Mathew Anthone Dausin

Group Leader

Received by:

Hon. Juluis O. Guioguio

Barangay Captain
University of San Jose – Recoletos
Magallanes Street, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu
(032) 417 9500

January 4, 2018

Ms. Kristine June D. Uy, CPA

Chairman, Accountancy and Finance Department
University of San Jose - Recoletos
Magallanes Street, Cebu City

Dear Ms. Uy:


The Accountancy and Finance Department acknowledges that currently there is a need to bridge the gap
between what is being taught in the classroom and what is being demanded by the industry. As such, the
department has always been supportive of the emerging trends in the Philippine education system such
as the implementation of outcomes-based education.

As fourth year Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting students, we are currently conducting a
feasibility study entitled, “A Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry Services for Apartments in Cebu
City”. We will have our oral defense this coming January 6, 2018, 5:30 to 7 PM at the Business Resource
Center (BRC).

In this connection, we humbly ask you to be one of our panelists for the said activity. You are to critique,
evaluate, ask questions, and suggest recommendations to improve our study. We believe that your
knowledge and expertise can surely be of great help in the success of our study.

Thank you so much and Adelante!

Respectfully yours,

Mathew Anthone L. Dausin

Team Representative

Noted by:

Ms. Meradel Costan, CPA

University of San Jose – Recoletos
Magallanes Street, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu
(032) 417 9500

January 4, 2017

Ms. Jasmine Perez, CPA

Faculty, Accountancy and Finance Department
University of San Jose - Recoletos
Magallanes Street, Cebu City

Dear Ms. Perez:


The Accountancy and Finance Department acknowledges that currently there is a need to bridge the gap
between what is being taught in the classroom and what is being demanded by the industry. As such, the
department has always been supportive of the emerging trends in the Philippine education system such
as the implementation of outcomes-based education.

As fourth year Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting students, we are currently conducting a
feasibility study entitled, “A Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry Services for Apartments in Cebu,
City”. We will have our oral defense this coming January 6, 2018, 5:30 to 7PM at the Business Resource
Center (BRC).

In this connection, we humbly ask you to be one of our panelists for the said activity. You are to critique,
evaluate, ask questions, and suggest recommendations to improve our study. We believe that your
knowledge and expertise can surely be of great help in the success of our study.

Thank you so much and Adelante!

Respectfully yours,

Mathew Anthone L. Dausin

Team Representative

Noted by:

Ms. Meradel Costan, CPA


Ms. Kristine June D. Uy, CPA

Chairman, Accountancy and Finance Department
University of San Jose – Recoletos
Magallanes Street, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu
(032) 417 9500

January 4, 2017

Mr. Alejandro Galang

Faculty, Accountancy and Finance Department
University of San Jose - Recoletos
Magallanes Street, Cebu City

Dear Mr. Galang:


The Accountancy and Finance Department acknowledges that currently there is a need to bridge the gap
between what is being taught in the classroom and what is being demanded by the industry. As such, the
department has always been supportive of the emerging trends in the Philippine education system such
as the implementation of outcomes-based education.

As fourth year Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Management Accounting students, we are
currently conducting a feasibility study entitled, “A Proposed General Cleaning and Laundry Services for
Apartments in Cebu, City”. We will have our oral defense this coming January 6, 2018, 5:30 to 7PM at the
Business Resource Center (BRC).

In this connection, we humbly ask you to be one of our panelists for the said activity. You are to critique,
evaluate, ask questions, and suggest recommendations to improve our study specifically on the
Marketing Aspect. We believe that your knowledge and expertise can surely be of great help in the
success of our study.

Thank you so much and Adelante!

Respectfully yours,

Mathew Anthone L. Dausin

Team Representative

Noted by:

Ms. Meradel Costan, CPA


Ms. Kristine June D. Uy, CPA

Chairman, Accountancy and Finance Department
Cleaning and Laundry Services Contract
Agreement for Services, Policies, and Procedures

This agreement for cleaning services between _________________________ (hereafter referred to as

"Client") and WISEANG Cleaning and Laundry Services (hereafter referred to as "Contractor") is made
and entered into upon the following date: 02 / 06 / 2018.

The apartment stated in this agreement is found at the following address:


The Client would like to have the above mentioned apartment maintained on a regular basis. The Client
and Contractor hereby agree to the following terms:

1. Client will give Contractor access to the inside of the apartment during regular business hours and any
additional mutually agreed upon times.

2. Client will receive 10% of net sales every end of the month commission from the Contractor as
compensation for the

3. Services to be performed by Contractor include the following: washing and folding clothes; vacuuming
of carpets, dusting, and polishing of furniture; cleaning of floors, bath tubs and shower stalls, toilets, sinks
and all sink fixtures; in addition removal of trash from the interior trash containers and brought to the
outdoor dumpster.

4. For the mode of payment, the tenants will have to pay for the contractor and at the end of the month,
the contractor would provide a summary of transactions for that month to the client.

5. Contractor will begin performing Cleaning and Laundry Services on January 3, 2019 Thereafter,
Cleaning and Laundry Services shall be performed on a mutually agreed upon schedule.

6. Either party may terminate this contract with written notice. Any payment for above mentioned services
owed by the Client shall be due and payable at the time the agreement is terminated.

Either party may terminate this contract at any time by supplying a written notice of termination on a
specified date to the other party, with at least two weeks’ notice prior to the stated date of termination.

If there is any litigation needed between the Client and Contractor it shall be filed and tried in the
Contractor's local jurisdiction.

In agreement to the above mentioned terms the Client and a representative of the Contractor shall sign

______________________________________ Date____________
Signature of the Client

______________________________________ Date____________
Signature of Contractor


Office of the Punong Barangay

________________, Cebu City, Cebu

(Required under Sec. 152, Par. (c))

This is to certify that ___________________, doing business under the style and
name _______________________, (if any) is legitimately engaged in the business of
______________ (refer to footnote), with address at ____________________ Cebu
City, Cebu.

The applicant has been doing business within the barangay since __________
and known to the community as peace loving and law abiding citizen. (Write “Not
applicable” at the blank space in case of first application).

His/Her business establishment does not encroach on any public road or street.

Issued pursuant to Sec. 152, par (c) of R.A 7160 otherwise known as Local
Government Code of 1991.

Barangay ________________, Cebu City, Cebu __________ 20__.



Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting


Address: 285 SB Cabahug St., Ibabao – Estancia Mandaue City

Date of Birth: July 9, 1997

Place of Birth: Cebu City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address:




Magallanes Street, Cebu City, Philippines
2014 – 2018



Sudlon Maguikay Mandaue City
2010 – 2014



Ibabao – Estancia Mandaue City
2004 – 2010

Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting


Address: 03-532 Purok Talong, Catarman, Lilo-an, Cebu

Date of Birth: September 21, 1997

Place of Birth: Catarman, Lilo-an, Cebu

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address:




Magallanes Street, Cebu City, Philippines
2014 – 2018



Consolacion, Cebu City, Philippines
2010 – 2014



Catarman, Lilo-an, Cebu City, Philippines
2004 – 2010

Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting


Address: 130 A-Lopez St., Balaga Drive, Labangon, Cebu City

Date of Birth: April 29, 1996

Place of Birth: Cebu City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address:




Magallanes Street, Cebu City, Philippines
2013 – 2018



Sanciangko Street, Cebu City, Philippines
2009 – 2013



Basak, Pardo, Cebu City, Philippines
2003 – 2009

Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting


Address: Canton Village, San Isidro, Talisay City Cebu

Date of Birth: December 24, 1996

Place of Birth: Cebu City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address:




Magallanes Street, Cebu City, Philippines
2014 – 2018



N. Bacalso Avenue, Basak Pardo, Cebu City, Philippines
2010 – 2014



San Isidro Road, Talisay City, Philippines
2004 – 2010

Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting


Address: Lower Tabok, Mandaue City

Date of Birth: June 21, 1997

Place of Birth: Cebu City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address:




Magallanes Street, Cebu City, Philippines
2014 – 2018



Highway, Maguikay, Mandaue City
2010 – 2014



Lower Tabok, Mandaue City
2004 – 2010
Rosalie Escoreal

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


Address: Libo, Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu

Date of Birth: September 7, 1990

Place of Birth: Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address:




Magallanes Street, Cebu City, Philippines
2014 – 2018



Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu
2003 – 2007



Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu
1997 – 2003

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