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Andrew’s Episcopal Church Family

All the People of St. Andrew’s Priest:
Vestry: Rev. Carol Parker
Sr. Warden-Nancy Condron Rev. Steve Uffelman
Jr. Warden-Scott Cooper
Jerry Parker, Pat Tennant, Rector Emeritus:
Merry Kishbaugh, Bud Maxwell, Rev. Larry Ferguson
Seth Crawford, Irene Stiles, Jan Uffelman
Executive Committee: Deacon:
Nancy Condron Rev. Al Wintermute
Scott Cooper Rev. Janet Warner
Jerry Parker
Building Committee: Musicians:
Stan Wiggins Karen Berg
Secretary: Sally Burger
Debi Allen Gary & Rita Bowne

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am–noon Diocesan Web Site:

Phone/Fax 1-541-447-5813 Diocesan E-mail:
Web Site: National Church Web Site:

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

East First & Holly St.
PO Box 299
Prineville, OR 97754

Mission: We, being in love with Christ,

worshiping as Episcopalians,
share our joy by reaching out to all and
caring for one another.
Green Ministry Column
Green Ideas for the Christmas Coming Soon to
St. Andrew’s
Since Christmas decorations were in the stores
before Halloween, people have probably done Your Budget Committee Meeting. If your group will
their Christmas shopping by now. In case there be asking for financial consideration a written re-
is more on your list, some of these ideas might quest with details needs to be turned into the office
be of benefit. no later then December 31st.
1) Plan the shopping trips so as to save gas
and time. Also if you group/committee will be submitting a re-
2) Buy gifts that have as little as possible pack- port of your activities over the past year or your
aging, farmers markets have soaps, candles, hopes and dreams for the coming year. Please have
handmade items, etc. it to Debi in the office by January 5th for inclusion in
the Annual Meeting packets.
3) Try to buy organic and local foods and items.
The date for the Annual Meeting will be announced
4) The old holiday lights use more electricity soon. Thank you for all your help.
than the new LED lights.
5) Create your own wrapping paper or pretty
cloth bags or use colorful sections of the THE JESUS LINE
6) Give a coupon for time to spend together, a The Jesus line is a group of lines
chore to be done, a donation made, etc. On the inside of a dredging barge
7) Buy a planted tree instead of a cut-down The dredge is used in the shallow straits
Christmas tree but at least recycle the tree Where silt has filled up river’s charge.
8) Christmas cards can be recycled either with I saw and heard of this wonderful barge
On the Hist’ry channel yesterday
mixed recycling or by sending them to St. Intrigued by the mechanism itself
Jude's Ranch for Children, Recycled Card The safety features they’d designed their way.
Program, 100 St. Jude's Street, Boulder
City, NV 89005 Every few feet along the bow deck
They’ve attached safety lines called “straps”
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, In case a worker should happen to fall
He could reach a strap to firmly grasp.
Denise & Bill
Did You Know!!! It’s the only thing that might save his life
For the dredger’s surf would force him through
Grinders . . . beneath the huge metal frame
First Plate Offering The first plate offering each
Where the sand and bottom beneath are chewed.
month is deposited into the St. Andrew’s Discretion-
ary Fund. These funds can be accessed by our Min-
“We call it the Jesus line”, he said
istry Team for community or individual needs in
I’d not heard this term and I stopped to note
emergency situations.
The “Jesus line” the captain explained
He’s the only one can save him . should he miss the
Offerings of Thanksgiving Offerings to the little
church go out into our community to assist those
that are in need. We call this the Outreach Fund or
We all have a “Jesus line” each day
the Birthday/Thank Offering.
Not a visible one like this dredger crew
Just a reminder, when things go wrong
A weekly e-mailed diocesan newsletter and an-
Jesus is there . . . just for me . . . just for you.
nouncements is available to all. Anyone who would
like to receive this newsletter needs to send their e-
P.A.T. ©
mail address to Jeanie Senior, Diocesan Communi-
Patricia Ann Tennant, January 2010.
cations Coordinator at and
ask to subscribe. This will also be posted in the Fel-
lowship Room.
Date 1-02 1-09 1-16 1-23 1-30




Lector Pat Tennant




Altar Guild




Please contact Cindy Wiggins regarding openings on the schedule.

Or visit our web site at:

Birthdays Dates to Note

Mary Moore 1-06
TBA 3:30 pm PCOM Meets
Doreen Seaber 1-10
Jean Gillis 1-11 4th 7:00 pm Worship Committee Meets
Alex Reimann 1-18 12th 6:00 pm Vestry Meets
Bernice Fickardt 1-21
Alvyne Leonard 1-22
Please let Debi in the office know if you
would like to use the building. If it is a non-
Anniversaries church meeting forms will need to be filled
Lee & Marcia Kiefer 1-01
Date 12-05 12-12 12-19 12-24 12-26
Christmas Eve

Musician Sally Burger Sally Burger Gary & Rita Sally Burger Sally Burger
Worship Nancy Condron Cindy Wiggins Nancy Condron Nancy Condron Cindy Wiggins

Lector Pat Tennant Gregg Henton Gregg Henton


Preacher Nancy Condron Scott Cooper Laura Cooper Steve Uffelman Paul Morton

Worship Carol Parker Scott Cooper Laura Cooper Steve Uffelman Paul Morton


Altar Guild PolliAnne Grover Cindy Wiggins Dorless Reid Cindy Wiggins - Cindy Wiggins

Hospitality Wingtermutes Spreier Wiggins

Flowers Burger Johnson Mclain Christmas McCormack

Service HE MP MP HE HE

Birthdays Dates to Note

Les Allen 12-07 TBA 3:30 pm PCOM Meets
Gordon Moore 12-11 7th 7:00 pm Worship Comm. Meets
Casey Davenport 12-17 15th 6:00 pm Vestry Meets
Chloe Crawford 12-20
Dorless Reid 12-21
Sue Tennant 12-23
Janet Warner 12-25
Scott Cooper 12-26
Denise Steffenhagen 12-28

Scott & Laura Cooper 12-05
Bill & Denise Steffenhagen 12-05
Keith & Doreen Seaber 12-08
Meeting in Fellowship Sally’s Christmas Recital
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

Each month on the first Thursday Sally Thursday, December 9th at 7pm.
Burger has suggested there be a no host lunch- All are Welcome.
eon. This is an opportunity for those who wish to
attend to meet in fellowship. The December
luncheon will take place on the 2nd. Contact Jean
Gillis 447-7125 for more information. Seeking to Serve
Discretionary & Outreach
Bits –n– Pieces Funds

Meeting times: The Worship Committee meets Because of your generosity in October we were
the 1st Tuesday at 7:00pm. The Vestry meets able to help:
the 2nd Wednesday at 6:00pm. PCOM & Altar
Guild meetings will be announced in the bulletin. 1 family with their rent
1 person with a night’s lodging
Please check your weekly bulletin for any chang-
es. We thank you for your generosity and ask that
you continue to support and pray for those in
Home Eucharist: if you are unable to attend ser- need within our community and the world.
vices and would like to receive communion at
home please contact: Debi in the office 447-5813.

Winter is coming…. October Financial Information

And we will have more people coming to the Total Income: $ 10,056.02 **
church for assistance. To help members of your Total Expense: $ 9,419.07
community, please donate to the St. Andrew’s Balance: $ 636.95
Discretionary Fund. These monies help people
within our community who are struggling finan- Date Attendance General Operating
cially. With the economy the way it is we have Funds/Donations
more requests then ever for help. Please note
your donations “Discretionary Fund” any help you 10-03 31 680.00
can give will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
10-10 20 364.00
Opportunities 10-17 31 1,208.50
If anyone is interested in being a server of 10-24 28 408.00
lunch at the Senior Center on the fourth Friday of
every month while representing St. Andrew's Episco-
10-31 28 307.00
pal Church, please call Al Wintermute at 350-3286.
The serving time required is 10:30am to 1pm and in-
cludes a free lunch.

Jeannie has read of a worthy project for the To meet our expenses we need to receive
Episcopal Church Women. A lady has people send $ 785.00 a week.
her grocery coupons which she clips and mails to
army bases in foreign countries for army wives and **Income reflects:
personnel to save at the PX. A box could be set up in $ 125.02 to the Outreach Fund, $ 260.00 to St. An-
the kitchen. Jeannie will mail them. Let her know of drew’s Discretionary Fund, $ 4.00 was donated to
any interest. the Lawn Care Fund.
We received an additional $ 6114.50 from the
Batchelor Memorial it was deposited to the Morgan
St. Andrew’s Announcer

Minutes of the Vestry Meeting St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Minutes of the Worship Committee Meeting
November 11, 2010 November 2 , 2010

Present: Jr. Warden Scott Cooper, Vestry members Seth Present: Anna Ferguson, Cindy Wiggins, Rev. Steve
Crawford, Pat Tennant, Irene Stiles, Jan Uffelman and Uffelman and Sally Burger
Bud Maxwell.
Anna opened the meeting with Prayer. The agenda was
Scott opened the meeting by leading The Vestry in the set.
Daily Devotions for Early Evening Prayer from the BCP.
Advent Prayers: Eucharistic Prayer B and Prayers of
Scott noted that two St. Andrews parishioners were elect- the People 5 will be used during Advent.
ed to public offices on Nov. 2. Seth Crawford was elected
as a County Commissioner and Steve Uffelman was re- Christmas Eve: 10pm was tentatively set for the Christ-
elected to the City Council. St. Andrews is fortunate to mas Eve service. Sally will be checking with the Presby-
have members willing to serve community as well as terian and Lutheran Churches to see what their times
church.” are so we can avoid conflicting times and hopefully
share musical resources (choir members). Sally will get
October Minutes: Bud moved to accept the minutes as this information to Debi who will e-mail it to the Worship
presented, Seth seconded, all in favor. Committee. Instead of Carols being sung for 1/2 hour
before the service they will be incorporated into the ser-
Finances: We received an additional memorial donation vices. Sally has ordered the music “Mary did you
from Bob Batchelor’s estate; this was deposited into the know?” to sing on Christmas eve.
Morgan Stanley Account. An update was given on the
number of commitment cards sent and received back. Assistants: It was mentioned that at a recent Eucharist
Questions were answered. Jan moved to accept the fi- service the Worship Assistant was not knowledgeable in
nancial reports, Pat seconded, all in favor. It was report- the position to assist with Eucharist service. Steve has
ed that the Money Market account is overdrawn on paper volunteered to work with those wanting to assist in Eu-
by approximately $43,000. Sue Crawford will be asked to charist services. Anna will speak to Larry regarding
come in and help straighten out this account. Worship Assistant training, we also have a manual from
the Diocesan Office on lay ministries.
OCF Grant: We received a letter from the OCF denying
our yearly application. Scott will follow up on this. Schedule: Scott Cooper has set up a web-site for St.
Andrews which includes an on-line schedule.
Central Oregonian: It was discovered that we are not on
the rotation to submit an article for the Faith Based Col- Diocesan Prayers: St. Andrew’s is on the list for Dioce-
umn. Scott will contact our clergy to see if anyone is in- san prayers on December 5th. The question was asked
terested in being on the rotation. if we would like to add something. PCOM will work on
this at their next meeting.
Bishop Nedi: Bishop Nedi has requested to meet with
the Vestry on Tuesday, November 16th at 7pm. Collegi- Lesson Intro’s: Cindy is working on November intro’s
um will be held here on November 17th. and Anna will do the December ones.

Seth mentioned the need for servers at the Senior Center

on the St. Andrew’s Friday which is the 4th Friday of each
month. Debi will send out an e-mail to all. Meeting adjourned 8pm. Next Meeting December
7th at 7:00 pm

To the Worship Committee: The Vestry strongly urges Christmas Eve Services
the worship committee to fill in the openings on the

Meeting adjourned 7:50pm. Watch your Sunday Bulletin

Next Meeting December 7th at 6:00 pm for more information.

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