Eca Lab Introduction

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Electronic circuit design requires accurate methods for evaluating

circuit performance. Because of the enormous complexity of modern
integrated circuits, computer – aided circuit analysis is essential and can
provide information about circuit performance that is almost impossible to
obtain with laboratory prototype measurements. Computer – aided
analysis permits.

1. Evaluating the effects of variations in elements, such as resistors,

transistors, transformers, and so on.
2. The assessment of performance improvements or degradations.
3. Evaluating the effects of noise and signal distortion without the need
of expensive measuring instruments.
4. Sensitivity analysis to determine the permissible bonds due to
tolerances on each and every element value of parameter of active
5. Fourier analysis without expensive wave analyzers
6. Evaluating the effects of nonlinear elements on the circuit
7. Optimizing the design of electronic circuits in terms of circuit

SPICE is a general – purpose circuit program that simulates

electronic circuits. SPICE can perform various analyses of electronic
circuits: the operating (or the quiescent) points of transistors, a time-
domain response, a small-signal frequency response, and so on. SPICE
contains models for common circuit elements, active as well as passive, and
is capable of simulating most electronic circuits. It is a versatile program
and is widely used both in industries and universities. The acronym SPICE
stands for Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis.

Unit recently, SPICE was available only on mainframe

computers. In addition to the initial cost of the computer system, such a
machine can be expensive and inconvenient for classroom use. In 1984,
MicroSim introduced the PSpice simulator, which is similar to the Berkeley
SPICE and runs on an IBM-PC or compatible. It is available at no cost to
students for classroom use. PSpice, therefore, widens the scope for the
integration of computer-aided circuit analysis into electronic circuits
courses at the undergraduate level. Other versions of PSpice that will run
on computers such as the Macintosh II, VAX, SUN, and NEC are also


The development of SPICE spans a period of about 30 years.

During the mid-1960s, the program ECAP was developed at IBM [1]. Later
ECAP served as the starting point for the development of program
CANCER at the University of California (UC), Berkeley in early 1970s.
SPICE2, which is an improved version of SPICE, was developed during the
mid-1970s at UC – Berkeley.

The algorithms of SPICE2 are general in nature but are

robust and powerful for simulating electrical and electronics circuits, and
SPICE2 has become a standard tool in the industry for circuit simulations.
The development of SPICE2 was supported by public funds at UC-
Berkeley, and the program is in the public domain. SPICE3, which is a
variation of SPICE2, is designed especially to support the computer – aided
design (CAD) research program at UC – Berkeley.

SPICE2 has become an industry standard and is now referred

to simply as SPICE. The input syntax for SPICE is a free-format style; it
does not require that data be entered in fixed column locations. SPICE
assumes reasonable default values fro unspecified circuit parameters. In
addition, it performs a considerable amount of error checking to ensure
that a circuit has been entered correctly.

PSpice, which uses the same algorithms as SPICE2 and is a

member of the SPICE family, is equally useful for simulating all types of
circuits in a wide range of applications. A circuit is described by statements
that are stored in a file called the circuit file. The circuit file is read by the
SPICE simulator. Each statement is self-contained and independent; the
statements do not interact with each other. SPICE (or PSpice) statements
are easy to learn and use.


The commercially supported versions of SPICE2 can be divided into

two types: mainframe versions and PC-based versions. Their methods of
computation may differ, but their features are almost identical to those of
SPICE2. However, some may include such additions as a pre-processor or
shell program to manage input and provide interactive control, as well as a
post-processor for refining the normal SPICE output. A person who is
familiar with one SPICE version (e.g., PSpice) should be able to work with
other versions.
The mainframe versions are

HSPICE (Meta-Software), which is designed for integrated circuit

design with special device models
RAD-SPICE (Meta-Software), which simulates circuits subjected to
ionizing radiation.
IG-SPICE (A.B. Associates)
I-SPICE (NCSS Time Sharing). IG-SPICE and I-SPICE are designed
for interactive circuit simulation with graphic output.
Precise (Electronic Engineering Software)
PSpice (Mentor Graphics)
Cadence –SPICE (Cadence Design)
SPICE –Plus (Valid Logic)

The PC-versions are

All Spice (Acotech)

IS-SPICE (Intusoft)
SPICE-Plus (Analog Design Tools)
DSPICE (Daisy Systems)
PSpice (MicroSim)


PSpice allows various types of analysis. Each analysis is invoked by

including its command statement. For example, a statement beginning
with the .DC command invokes the DC sweep. The types of analysis and
their corresponding .(dot) commands are described below.
Dc Analysis is used for circuits with time-invariant sources (e.g.,
steady state dc sources). It calculates all node voltages and branch currents
over a range of values, and their quiescent (dc) values are the outputs.

Dc sweep of and input voltage/current source, a model parameter, or

temperature over a range of values (.DC)
Determination of the linearized model parameters of nonlinear
devices (.OP)
Dc operating point to obtain all node voltages (.OP)
Small – signal transfer function with small – signal gain, input
resistance, and output resistance (Thevenin’s equivalent) (.TF)
Dc small – signal sensitivities (.SENS)

Transient Analysis is used for circuits with time-variant sources (e.g.,

ac sources and switched dc sources). It calculates all node voltages and
branch currents over a time interval, and their instantaneous values are the

Circuit behavior in response to time varying sources (.TRAN)

Dc and Fourier components of the transient analysis results

Ac Analysis is used for small-signal analysis of circuits with sources

of variable frequencies. It calculates all node voltages and branch currents
over a range of frequencies, and their magnitudes and phase angle are the

Circuit response over a range of source frequencies (.AC)

Noise generation at an output node for every frequency (.NOISE)


As a circuit simulator, PSpice has the following limitations:

1. The student version of PSpice is restricted to circuits with 10

transistors only. However, the professional DOS (or production)
version can simulate a circuit with up to 200 bipolar transistors (or
150 MOSFETs).
2. The program is not interactive; that is, the circuit cannot be analyzed
for various component values without editing the program
3. PSpice does not support an interactive method of solution. If the
elements of a circuits are specified, the output can be predicted. On
the other hand, if the output is specified, PSpice cannot be used to
synthesize the circuit elements.
4. The input impedance cannot be determined directly without running
the graphic post – processor, probe. The student version does not
require a floating-point co-processor for running Probe, but the
professional version does require such a co-processor.
5. The PC version needs 512 kilobytes of memory (RAM) to run.
6. Distortion analysis is not available in PSpice . SPICE2 allows
distortion analysis, but it gives wrong answers.
7. The output impedance of a circuit cannot be printed or plotted
8. The student version will run with or without the floating – point co-
processor (8087, 80287, or 80387). If the co –processor is present,
the program will run at full speed; otherwise it will run 5 to 15 times
slower. The professional version requires a co-processor; it is not

Note: The component values in circuits may change depending on

specifications.So the experimental procedure should be given more

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