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At a point in the test section of a supersonic wind tunnel, the pressure and density of the ___.

a. 501 K

b. 278 K

c. 349 K

d. 425 R

The components of drag for a finite transonic airfoil are

a. profile and wave drags

b. profile drag only

c. profile, wave and induced drags

d. skin friction, wave and induced drags

Consider a wing in a high speed wind tunnel. At a point on the wing, the velocity is 850 ft/s. If the test
section flow is at a velocity of 780 ft/s, with a pressure and temperature of 1 atm and 505⁰R,
respectively. Calculate the pressure coefficient at the point.

Which of the following statements is true about supersonic flow generation?

a. The value of exit pressure must be equal to inlet pressure.

b. The value of exit pressure must be equal to choked flow pressure.

c. The value of exit pressure must be less than to the choked flow pressure.

d. The value of exit pressure must be greater than the choked flow pressure.

A high performance F-16 fighter is flying at Mach 0.96 at sea level. What is the air pressure at the
stagnation point at the leading edge of the wing?

The flow velocity downstream of an oblique shockwave is.

If X is the speed for maximum L/D, the speed you would fly at for best angle of climb is

A. X

B. Less than X

c. Greater than X

d. 1.32 times X
The rate of climb at service ceiling for a single engine aircraft at max gross weight is

a. 0 fpm

b. 50 fpm

c. 100 fpm

d. 200 fpm

The purpose of the blade twist is to

a. ensure tip speed does not go faster than Mach 1

b. reduce angle of attack at the blade root

c. produce even thrust distribution across the propeller

d. bend the propeller backward at the tip

The function of turbine in a turbojet engine is

a. vaporize the fuel

b. drive the compressor section

c. drive the gas directly to the atmosphere

d. increase the velocity of the stream

Which of the following statements is true about airfoil thickness?

a. Critical Mach number increases as the thickness of the airfoil increases

b. Critical Mach number has nothing to do with airfoil thickness

c. Critical Mach number decreases as thickness decreases

d. None of the above

Which of the following is a consequence of flying at maximum operating Mach number in a commercial

a. Coefficient of pressure moves forward

b. Coefficient of pressure moves rearward

c. Coefficient of pressure remains the same

d. None of the above

Supercritical airfoil is better than conventional shapes on the following aspects except

a. fuel capacity

b. strength to weight ratio

c. sweep angle

d. trailing edge devices

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