Function 2

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1. With reference to your ship’s manual briefly describe procedures and safety precautions you
will take when opening the hatch covers on board your ship?.
Answer No.1
In MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19, the type of the hatch cover is Single Pull and The Type of
Hatch Cover on board my ship is FV TYPE-YASIO with hydrolic. The procedures and The
safety precautions to open this hatch cover are :
- Check on the rail of the hatch cover. Make sure no obstruction on the rail.
- Check on the hatch cover clip. Make sure the clip is off from the hatch cover.
- Check on the stopper of the hatch cover.
If all of the above are clear then start the hydrolic pump and the hatch cover can be

2. With reference to the manufacturer’s literature, briefly draw up a plan for maintenance of
hatch covers for your ship’s for a period of 1 year.
Answer No.2
Maintenance for hatch cover is give grease every 3 months and every month we need to
check the condition of the hatch cover visually. For example, if rust coming from hatch cover
we need to do chipping as soon as possible and painting again so on damage caused by rust
on the hatch cover.

3. Under the supervision of your senior officer, detail crew, take all safety precautions and
open or close one hatch cover independently.
Answer No.3
The precaution we take to open and close one hatch cover was :
- Make sure the railing of the hatch cover is clean and free from obstruction.
- Make sure the stopper on the position when to open and free the stopper when closing.
- Turn on the hydraulic and open or close the hatch cover.

4. What was the last cargo your ship carried in its holds? What checks will you carry out after
cleaning the hold to ensure that the hold is ready for loading? Answer using bullet points.
Answer No.4
 The last cargo was rice in bags.
 The check that need to do are :
- Check on the bilges to make sure it is clean and dry.
- Check on the main hull and the v-ladder or australian ladder to be clean.
- Check on the frames of the ship to make sure there isn’t any left our from the previous
- Check on the wall of the hold to be clean and also the floor of the hold.
5. List items that can be thrown overboard at sea according to MARPOL. Also state the
minimum distance from land where these items can be thrown.
Answer No.5
 Food waste comminuted or ground
- Discharge permited in minimum distance of ≥ 3 nm from the nearest land.

 Food waste not comminuted

- Discharge permited in minimum distance of ≥ 12 nm from the nearest land.
 Cargo residues not contained in wash water
- Discharge permited in minimum distance of ≥ 12 nm from the nearest land.
 Cargo residues contained in cargo hold wash water
- Discharge permited no minimum distance to the nearest land except in special areas it
has to be ≥ 12 nm from land.
 Cargo of animals which died during the voyage
- Discharge permited as far from the nearest land as possible.

6. List items that cannot be thrown overboard at sea at any time according to MARPOL.
Answer No.6
- Plastics.
- Synthetic rope.
- Crockery.
- Fishing nets.
- Rags.
- Plastic garbage bag.
- Bottles.
- Paper.
- Clinkers.
- Fishing gear.
- Incenerator ashes.
- Cooking oil.
- Floating dumage.
- Lining.
- Glass.
- Metal.
- Other similiar refuse.

7. How many holds does your ship have? Take a look at the capacity plan and list both the bale
and grain capacity of each cargo space.
Answer No.7
There are 2 cargo holds on board my ship MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19. The volume of
capacities are :
 Total of Cargo Holds (Grain) : 15.738.28m3.
- No.1 Lower Hold : 3603.60 m3.
- No.1 Upper Hold : 3531.97 m3.
- No.1 H. Coaming : 809.25 m3.
- No.2 Lower Hold : 3606.06 m3.
- No.2 Upper Hold : 3378.15 m3.
- No.2 H. Coaming : 809.25 m3.

 Total of Cargo Holds (Bale) : 14.864,77m3.

- No.1 Lower Hold : 3324.92 m3.
- No.1 Upper Hold : 3399.14 m3.
- No.1 H. Coaming : 809.25 m3.
- No.2 Lower Hold : 3297.45 m3.
- No.2 Upper Hold : 3224.76 m3.
- No.2 H. Coaming : 809.25 m3.

8. Find out the load density of various cargo spaces on board your ship. For example :
No.1 Hold : Tank top
Tween deck
Main deck
Hatch cover
Answer No.8
My type of ship is 9000 D/W Tween deck General Cargo Ship. Cargo spaces on board my ship
is only inside the hatch or hold. So the deck strength of cargo hold no. 1 and no.2 :
- On Tank Top : 20.0 t/m2.
- On 2nd deck : 3.8 t/m2.
- On Hatch (2nd deck) : 3.8 t/m2.
- On Tween Deck : 3.8 t/m2.
- F/Span : 0.7 m.

9. You have to load a homogenous bulk cargo up to summer deadweight capacity of your ship.
Distribute the quantity of cargo in each hold such that all holds are evenly loaded to the
same percentage capacity.
Answer No.9
1. We must know the capacity of the hold by using ( L x W x H ).
2. We must know the weight of total cargo that will be loaded.
3. We must know the SF (Stowage Factor) and use
the formula : T = T : weight of the cargo.
V : volume of the cargo hold.
SF : stowage factor.
4. We can’t loading compeletly straight, so we need to check the draught every time on the
loading process.
10. Using bullet points, list the procedure followed on board your ship for cleaning hold bilges.
Also mention the type of cargo that you loaded after cleaning.
Answer No.10
The next cargo after cleaning will be sugar (grain) while before it was used for rice in bags, so
we need to do a proper cleaning on the bilges. The procedures are :
- Spray and cleaning using sea water.
- Then pump out the water from the bilges.
- Spray again using fresh water.
- Then pump out the water again from the bilges.
- Next sweep the garbage inside the bilges.
- Then mop down the bilges until it is dry and clean.
- Put on cover on the bilges cover and close it.
- And turn off the bilges pump.

11. Name all the compartments on your ship, which have bilges. Draw a plan showing the
location of the bilges sounding pipes on your ship.
Answer No.11
Compartments that have bilges on board my ship MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19 :
- Bilge Tank (C).
- Bilge No. 1P.
- Bilge No 2P.
- Bilge No.1S.
- Bilge No.2S.
Drawing on the next page.

12. Draw a plan showing the air pipes, temperature pipes and bilge sounding pipes on board
your ship. Colour them according to the recommended colour coding system.
Answer No.12
Drawing on the next page.

13. What sort of bilge pumping arrangement is present on your ship? Draw the bilge pumping
arrangement plan of your ship in your technical journal.
Answer No.13
The pumping system is using eductor pump which is fire G/S pump or fire bilge pump.
Drawing on the next page.

14. Your ship is filled with a common bilge line on port and starboard with branches to each hold
bilges. Say you are unable to pump out hold bilge of number 3 hold – port side. Explain how
you would go about removing the bilge water.
Answer No.14
If we are unable to pump out in bilge number 3 port, we still have starboard side to pump
out. Because the bilge line is connected between port and starboard, we can drain the water
through starboard bilge. We just need to push all the water to starboard side until port side
is dry.
15. What is the capacity of your fresh water tanks? How do you receive fresh water?.
Answer No.15
The capacity of fresh water tanks are as follows :
 Fresh water tanks (P) = 62.64 M3.
 Fresh water tanks (S) = 62.64 M3.
 A.P.T (C) = 143.14 M3.

Total of Fresh Water Tanks on board my ship is 268.42 M3. For receive fresh water we must
prepared hose bunker fresh water and connector from berth hose connected and start for
bunker fresh water. Sometime we take from fresh water tanker or from ashore we have
fresh water but only procedure fresh water for daily consumtion.

16. You are told that a boat carrying 10 tons of stores including deck and engine stores and
provisions and spares. Will be coming just as you are about to anchor. There is not much
time at the anchorage as the ship has to go for loading. How will you organise picking up the
Answer No.16
In that condition, we can make the boat to follow us to alongside and continue to pick up
the stores in port. Just moored the boat to the ship and continue pick up these items. It will
be easier to load this stores at port rather than at anchorage.

17. When one of fresh water tanks is opened on board your vessel – carry out an inspection of
the tank and make a report. Use the above points for guidance.
Answer No.17
For carry out inspection of the tank we need to :
- Get permit to go inside the tank.
- Check oxygen level.
- Keep someone outside with SCBA to stand by if something goes wrong.
- Check on the tank.
- Check on the paint.
- Check the cleaness of the tank.
- Check on the smell of the tank.

18. What is the coating applied in freshwater tanks on your ship. Give reasons why this coating
is used (refer to manufacturer’s literature).
Answer No.18
The coating applied for fresh water tanks is jotun penguard HB white. The reason is because
this type of coat is not smell and also it is very easy to dry, this coat also easy to use and
19. The chief officer on your ship wants you to lead a team to do repair to a pipe line in the fore
peak tank. Prepare a check list of items you will check prior to making that entry?.
Answer No.19
 Open all of the manihold of the fore peak tank.
 Check the level of oxygen inside the tank.
 Get permit to go inside.
 Someone need to stay outside with SCBA on stand by. If something goes : wrong then he
can go to rescue.
 Use proper communication.
 Use blower to make some air inside the tank.
 Make sure to use PPE.
 Make sure the safety of the tank before go inside.

20. Under supervision of your senior officers-make one stage knot.

Answer No.20
From the practice on the supervision of chief officer, I have able to knot with figure eight
(bow line).
21. Practice the following knots – heaving line knot. Monkey fist, man rope knot, bowline on a
bight and record your officers observations in your technical diary.
Answer No.21
Under supervision of chief officer, I have practice the heaving line knot, monkey fist, man
rope knot, bow line, and other knot.

22. What knot would you use when tying a pilot ladder? State in brief giving reasons.
Answer No.22
A knot that is used when trying to tying a pilot ladder is with hitch knot and double hitch
knot. The reason is because this kind of knot when get some pressure or weight, it will more
tight and fastened. Also it is more safety for pilot ladder.

23. Match the knot with their most suitable use :

Reef knot. Lower of bucket in the water
Monkey fist. Hoist up a person
Timber hitch and half hitch. Man rope ends
Bowline. Weight the end of the heaving line
Bowline on the bight. Lower a4 x4 into the hold
Clove hitch and half hitch. Bending a halyard to the flag line
Man rope knot. Pilot ladder made fast on deck
Round turn and 2 ½ hitches. Tie up a package
Sheet bend/bowline. Tie a flag to unfurl at the top of mast
Double sheet bend. L/B painter made fast to boats lifting hook
Timber hitch. Lower a sand bag
Rolling hitch. Drag a round log in the hold
Sheet bend. Shorten a rope
Marline spike hitch. Lower a chipping hammer and scraper to surveyor
in tank
Sheet band. Secure messenger rope to the wire hawser
Blockwell hitch. Attach a steadying line to cargo hook
Figure of eight. Life line in life boat
Carrick bend. Temporarily join to broken mooring lines

Answer No.23
 Reef knot : Lower a 4 x 4 into the hold.
 Monkey fist : Weight the end of the heaving line.
 Timber hitch and half hitch : Lower a sand bag
 Bowline : Bending a halyard to the flag line.
 Bowline on the bight : Hoist up a person.
 Clove hitch and half hitch : Lower of bucket in the water.
 Man rope knot : Man rope ends.
 Round turn and 2 ½ hitches : Drag a round log in the hold.
 Sheet bend/bowline : Temporarily join to broken mooring lines.
 Double sheet bend : Shorten a rope.
 Timber hitch : Tie up a package.
 Rolling hitch : Pilot ladder made fast on deck.
 Sheet bend : Lower a chipping hammer and scraper to surveyor in tank.
 Marline spike hitch : Attach a steadying line to cargo hook.
 Sheet band : Secure messenger rope to the wire hawser.
 Blockwell hitch : Tie a flag to unfurl at the top of mast.
 Figure of eight : L/B painter made fast to boats lifting hook.
 Carrick bend : Life line in life boat.

24. Practice all whippings and seizings mentioned here and record this in your technical journal.
Answer No.24
All whippings and seizings are practiced with the surpervise of second officer on the 28
October 2015.

25. Give a few examples in every day practical life at sea where whippings are used and where
seizings are used.
Answer No.25
Some examples of the use of whippings and seizing are :
- Stowage some equipments in the store.
- Tie up a bucket.
- Tie up a package.
- Tie up bags, etc.
26. Take a tour of yourslap – list places where a rope splice is used and name the splice. Record
this in your technical diary.
Answer No.26
List places where a rope splice is used :
- In mooring line to make eyes splice or connect the mooring time which broken.
- Wire splice by using iron splice.

27. List the advantages and disadvantages of splices made of a manila rope and a polypropylene
Answer No.27
 Manila rope :
a). Advantage :
- not slip.
- more stronger.
- using for man rope/pilot ladder.
b). Disadvantage :
- difficult to make strong in splice.
 Polypropylene rope :
a). Advantage :
- strong for mooring.
- strong to make connection in splice.
b). Disadvantage :
- Slippery.

28. With the permission of the chief officer – assist bosun in splicing a 8 strand plaited hawser
by doing both eye and short splices. Try and do the next splice independently and record this
in your technical diary.
Answer No.28
Mooring line also rope for lashing cover :
1. Function of eye splice is to make or eye in the end of rope.
2. The function of short splice is to joining two ropes together.

29. On board your ship explain the procedure followed for cutting a wire rope.
Answer No.29
The procedure for cutting a wire rope :
- Prepare the equipment that is needed to cut the wire.
- Whip the wire and mark the place where to cut the wire.
- Use the wire cutter to cut the wire rope.
30. Take a tour on you ship and examine all wire ropes used. List the wire ropes, their diameter,
lay and the spice used, in your diary.
Answer N0.30
 Rescue boat davit : 16 mm.
 Free-fall lifeboat davit :16 mm.
 Cranes :28 mm.
 Combination pilot ladder : 12 mm.
 Accomodation ladder : 12 mm.
 Provision crane :
- Hoisting : 14 mm.
- Luffing : 12 mm.
 Bunker davit : 8 mm.

31. When renewing lifeboat fore and aft gripes, parcel and serve the sections of the gripe wire
which makes contact with the sides of the boat.
Answer No.31
On board my ship, the system of the life boat is free fall so we don’t have grips rope wire
attached to the life boat.

32. List the types of ropes used on board your ship and where are they used.
Answer No.32
List and type of ropes used in MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19 are :
 Manila rope
It’s used for the pilot ladder, man rope, and also for mooring line.
 Polypropylene rope
It’s used for mooring lines and monkey ladder.
 Nylon rope
It’s used for heaving line and lowering down equipment in the hold.

33. List all places where wires are used on board your ship. For example : cranes, mooring wires,
lifeboats, mast stays. Againts each wire mention the construction of the wire and its lay.
Answer No.33
In MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19, we used wires for :
 Cranes (2 cranes).
 Bunker cranes (port and starboard).
 Provision cranes.
 Accomodation ladder (port and starboard).
 Combination pilot ladder (port and starboard).
34. Have you ever seen a vernier calliper? Measure each of the wire ropes, recorded in
assignment 1, and compare it with the diameter mentioned on their certificates. Repeat the
measurement until you are site about the correct way of measuring the wire rope.
Answer No.34
Yes, I have seen a vernier calliper. My measurement is the same as the certificates. With
vernier calliper, I did measurements on all wire rope that is used in my vessel. Those are :
 Rescue boat davit : 16 mm.
 Free-fall lifeboat davit : 16 mm.
 Cranes : 28 mm.
 Combination pilot ladder : 12 mm.
 Accomodation ladder : 12 mm.
 Provision crane :
- Hoisting : 14 mm.
- Luffing : 12 mm.
 Bunker davit : 8 mm.

35. Note down in your journal, the procedure adopted for breaking out a new coil of wire rope
on board your ship.
Answer No.35
On board my ship, to breaking out a newcoil of wire we need to make report to our
company that we will change the wire than we take out the new coil of wire and log it down
along the deck so the wire change will be easier, then we put grease to the new wire and cut
the old wire on one end andspilce it together with the new wire. Than using the winch we
take the new wire to be placed on the drum.

36. Your ship is trading in an area of very rough water. What precautions you will take to protect
the wire ropes or the exposed part of the crane cabinet?.
Answer No.36
Precautions that need to be taken is that :
- Always keep the maintenance of the wire.
- Give grease to the wire.
- Cover them if possible.

37. In your own words, explain what precaution you would take to prevent damage to a coil of
Polypropylene rope?
Answer No.37
Precautions on polypropylene rope to prevent it from damage are :
- Don’t keep it in wet condition because this type of rope will be easily get damage in wet
- In the cold temperature, keep it secure from the ice like put cover on it.

38. Make a simple sketch of the heavy lift gear on board your ship and describe its operation.
Answer No.38
On MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19, we don’t have any heavy lift gear because we are using
39. What safety precautions should you take when lifting a heavy lift from a barge onto the ship.
Answer No.39
The safety precautions that needed in lifting a heavy lift are :
 The weather is good for loading.
 The mooring line between the ship and barge must be tight and strong.
 A good communication between ship and barge.
 Make sure the items are handled with a tight and strong rope before lifting.

40. Draw a diagram of one the cargo winches on board and briefly explain its principle? Use your
journal for this.
Answer No.40
Drawing on the next page.

41. Draw a table to show the planned maintenance system which is followed on board your ship
for winches.
Answer No.41
Interval Part Work
1 month Put grease in the wire AB/Bosun
1 month Check the motor Oiler
1 month Check the oil Oiler
3 month Check the condition of the wire AB/Bosun

42. Refer to the crane manual on board the ship and briefly record in your book what planned
maintenance you would carry out on cranes.
Answer No.42
The planned maintenance is only every month greasing some points in the cranes and check
the oil level in the cranes.Also yearly greasing on 5 points in the crane.

43. Briefly describe the crane you have on board the ship including the size and length of the
wire used for falls, its safety features, its safe working load and its operational controls.
What safety precautions should you take prior to rigging the crane for cargo operations?
Answer No.43
Cranes’ wire size is 28 mm and length is 190 m. The safety features on the crane is that we
have emergency stop and emergency escape through the window. Safety precaution need
to take is that check the wire is well grease and all niples on the crane are well grease, check
if the wire is damage or not. And last give a little brief to crane operator to operate the crane
and explain about the emergency stop and emergency escape to make sure in case of
emergency, the crane operator can help himself.
44. Your ship has just docked in a port prior to commencing loading using the ships derricks. List
the checks and inspections you will carry out on the cargo handling gear.
Answer No.44
List of checks and inspections that will be carry out :
- The movement of derricks.
- SWL should be noted.
- Wire condition.
- Greasing of the wire.
- Motor of the derricks.
- Oil in the motor.

45. After going through the modules on cranes-compare and differentiate between a crane and
a derrick.
Answer No.45
The difference between crane and derrick are :
Derrick Crane
Hydraulic system Electrical system
Rotate 1800 Rotate 3600
Moving using different wire and winch Using 2 winch
Not efficient More efficient

46. Following an inspection what condition would force you to reject a runner wire and a
shackle. Record this assignment in your journal and show it to your chief officer.
Answer No.46
 Wire :
- Reject if the safe working load is not full fill like it should.
- Reject if damage is found.
- Reject if the wire have to be changed as in the requirement.
 Shackles :
- Reject if it is found damage or cracks.
- Reject if the safe working load is not like it should be.
- Reject if there is any deformation.

47. From your trim and stability booklet obtain relevant information and calculate the maximum
intake of coal cargo (SF 42CF/T) with a departure condition (85% bunkers). Plan to sail with
an even keel draft. The ship is floating in SW (1.025). Find the hold by hold disposition as
well as maximum SF/BM, using the loadicator under the guidance of chief officer.
Answer No.47
The print out from the loadicator and drawing on the next page.

48. Make a sketch of the ballast piping and pumping system on board. Estimate the ROB ballast
quantity on board in the loaded condition.
Answer No.48
49. If you are on a container ship, what is the procedure for loading and discharging of reefer
containers? Also describe the procedure for monitoring the reefer temperatures daily.
Answer No.49
The procedure for loading reefer container :
- Position of plug must know.
- Position of reefer must be easy to make some monitoring.
- Must to know the temperature must steady.
- Check temperature regulary, write time and present temperature.

50. When loading general cargo on board your ship look at a copy of the bill of loading and copy
into your journal the items are recorded.
Answer No.50
The items are recorded in the Bill of loading :
 The names of shipper, consignee and carrying vessel and the name and address of the
name and address of the person to be notified upon arrival of the shipment.
 Description of the cargo (provided that is not bulk cargo). Inculding any shipping marks,
package numbers in the consigment, content cubic measurement, gross weight, etc.
 Part of loading and part of discharging.
 Full detail of freight, term of the contract of carriage and terms payment.
 The date that the cargo was received for shipment and loaded on board the vessel.
 Number B/L signed on be half of the master or his agent.
 Master signature (or his agent) and the date.

51. Differentiate between bill of loading and cargo manifest?

Answer No.51
 Bill of loading :
- Bill of loading is a receipt for cargo brought on board a vessel.
- It state the condition and term in which the cargo was delivered to and received by the
- It is also form of evidence that the carrier (ship owner) has received the goods and has
promised to transport the cargo it’s destination.
- Bill of loading called “Document of little”.

 Cargo Manifest :
- Document that contains all that is important information concerning the cargo that the
vessel is carrying to it’s destination.
- Cargo manifest is made by the agent. It is contain name of the vessel, port of loading,
port of destination, bill of loading number, shipper, consignee and cargo particular.
52. Refer to the IMDG Code. Your ship is supposed to load a cargo of DIMETHYL KETONE (UN
NO.1090). Note down in your technical diary the page number you will refer to in the code,
the class number, the packaging group, the subsidiary risk if any, EmS No. And MFAG no.
Look up at each table and note all the requirements.
Answer No.52
DIMETHYL KETONE is found on page 46 in IMDG Code volume 2. This material count as class
number 3. The packaging group of this item is II. This materialis colourless, clear liquid with a
characteristic mint-like colour. The flash point is -200C to 180C. The explosive limit is 2.5% to
13%. It is immiscible with water. EMS No. F-E, S-D. This cargo does not in MFAG No. Because
it is not a dangerous cargo.

53. Has your ship loaded any dangerous cargo during your voyage? If so list the dangerous cargo
loaded and compare these with the segregation table to see if they have been properly
stowed. Do this independently and confirm your results with your chief officer.
Answer No.53
So far MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19 never loaded any dangerous cargo. Mostly we carried
rice in bags, sugar, coil, pipes, steel products, plywood and commuter train which is not a
dangerous cargo.

54. What sort of cargo gear do you have on you ship ? list them. Briefly write down the planned
maintenance that is needed to be carried out.
Answer No.54
Cargo gear we have is cranes and grabs. The maintenance is only every month give grease to
this crane and grabs. Also when this crane and grabs on operation mode, when they running
for 24 hours, they have to be stop to give grease first and then they can start again.

55. Has your ship loaded different types of cargo in the same hold? If so explain what type of
cargo was loaded and how where they separated.
Answer No.55
No, it hasn’t. On board my ship MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19, never had different type of
cargo in the same hold. Always homogen cargo. Only there was one time where in one cargo
hold loading different of the cargo. The cargo was coil and commuter train. There were 2
different type of cargo hold. One is commuter train and the other one is coil. They were
separated by check the condition of cargo and temperature of cargo hold.

56. List all different separation materials you have on board.

Answer No.56
Separations material we have on board are :
- Rope.
- Chalk.
- Markers.
- Paint.
- Plastic sheet.
- Layers or dunnage.
- Paper rolls.
57. Have you seen the cargo plan for the last voyage of your ship? If so list the cargoes carried,
quantities, port of loading and discharging.
Answer No.57
The last cargo that was carried is 1 unit train car.
Total quantities : 35 KT.
Port of loading : Hongkong.
Discharging port : Kobe, Japan.

58. You are working on a general cargo ship and the chief officer has given you a cargo plan
againts which he has advised you to load cargo. The foreman informs you that there has
been a change in plan and thequantity of a particular break bulk cargo has been increased
and he wants you to load this. As a duty officer what would you do? Explain your reasons.
Answer No.58
What is needed to do :
- Check on the capacity of the hold. Can it be loaded more or not.
- Check on condition of the draft.
- Check on the new cargo plan from chief officer.
- If everything is ok, then we can start the loading. But if there is doubt in the loading then
we should call chief officer.

59. Pick up a old voyage booking list and prepare a pre-stow plan for that port.
Answer No.59
Drawing on the next page.

60. How many different type of containers can you stow on your ship? For e.g. 20’, 40’,
refrigerated etc. Which are the dedicated slots for stowing 20’ and refer containers?
Answer N0.60
MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19 is a general cargo, so it doesn’t load any containers. Containers
are only for container ship.

61. Note the markings on a 20 foot and 40 foot container.

Answer No.61
My ship is a general cargo, we don’t carry any container so I could not take any note on the
container’s marking.

62. When loading containers in a port, you find one of the containers badly damaged. What
should you do? Explain your reasons.
Answer No.62
- Check the position of the container in which bay and tiers.
- Report to the duty officer and chief officer.
- Write the time, date, in the port log book.
Reason is because a damaged container can affect the ship’s stability. It also influence to
the other container. It can make the position of the other container not straight up or
one time other container could fall down.
63. Make a checklist of items you should check when loading containers in a port.
Answer No.63
- Is the vessel securely moored.
- Aware of the local weather forecasts.
- Tide condition.
- Draft been checked for available depth of water and log entry made.
- Make sure all lights working properly.
- Understood the standing order from chief officer.
- Understood the cargo plan.
- Ballasting operation in accordence to the ballast plan.
- Ballast sounding taken at reguler interval.
- Ballast vent to be checked.
- Deck clear from oil leak.
- Secure other tools that is not used.
- Security watch being maintained.

64. On your container ship, draw and describe the arrangements for lashing deck containers on
all hatch covers with special reference to the fittings used. Correct terminology of fittings.
Describe briefly the functions of each fittings.
Answer No.64
My ship (MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19) is a general cargo, not a container ship.

65. You are on a general cargo ship and you receive an order that you will loading a heavy
machine on top of your No.2 hatch cover weighing about 150 tonnes. Describe briefly the
precautions you would take a prior to loading and the procedures you would follow to
secure the load.
Answer No.65
The precautions and procedure to loading and secure the load :
 Knowing the capacity of the hatch cover No.2. It should be more than 150 tons.
 Knowing the shape of the machine. Will it make obstruction for navigational watch or
 Check the beam is strong to handle the force and the pressure of that machine.
 Prepare lashing for the machine.
 Keep stability of the ship.
 Calculating for the load operation.
 Keep the ship to up right when loading.

66. Draw the ventilation arrangement on board your ship and state clearly which of the
ventilators are natural type and which ones are forced ventilation type.
Answer No.66

67. What cargoes did your ship carry in last 6 months. List them and state the ventilation
requirements for each type.
Answer No.67
68. State in the following cases if ventilation is required.
Dew point of outside air Temperature of cargo hold
a. 26.9 C 250C
b. 26.00C 26.50C
Answer No.68
a. In this case, the air condition inside the cargo hold is less than outside air. So, we can
just open the ventilation and let the natural ventilation to working, because the air from
outside is capable to come into the hold and circulate the air.
b. In this case, the air temperature inside the hold is higher than outside temperature. So,
we need to open fully the hatch cover or use fan or blower to force the air from outside
to go inside the hold to have circulation.

69. List the precautions you would take prior to a deballasting operation. Draw in your journal
the bilge and ballast system of all your ship.
Answer No.69
The Precautions to a deballasting operation:
 Open the over board valva and pressure valve to 40%.
 Open the bilge or ballast tank’s valve you want to open.
 Check on the power for the main pump.
 Start, the pump 1 and 2.
 Open the pressure valve to 100%.

70. Does your ship have an auto heeling system? Desribe the system with a block diagram.
Answer No.70
In MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19, we don’t have any auto heeling system.

71. Your chief officer has instructed you to maintain a deck watch at an anchorage port that is
prone to pilferage and pirates. Explain the precautions you would take.
Answer No.71
The precautions that need to be take :
 Check all doors are closed and locked.
 Maintain a good look out.
 Routine patrol
 Prepare all equipment for anti-piracy.
 Call officer on duty if you see something.
 Report the condition and situation to the bridge.
72. You see 2 cranes or derricks having the same SWL. One uses a single whip and the other uses
a gun tackle for runner. Assumsing that all other parameters like the required lifting height
and the slew angle are constant. Explain with reasons :
i. Which of the cranes will have a small diameter wire rope for runner.
ii. Which of the cranes will have fitted a longer runner wire.
Answer No.72
i). Crane that will have a small diameter wire rope for runner will be crane that using gun
tackle, because this system put the stress on the wire less by giving longer wire so, it is not
going straight to the weight but it going around the crane first then to the weight.
ii). Crane that will have fitted a longer runner wire will be crane that using gun tackle
because this system caused the runner wire have to go around the crane first then go for the

73. You are told to check that all companion ways on the outside of the accomodation provide
safe access. Detail items that you would check prior to making your report.
Answer No.73
List that need to be check are :
 Emergency exit from engine room and steering gear must be locked from inside, so we
can go out from the inside but can’t go in from outside.
 Close the passage way from the enterance to the bridge.
 Close galley, hospital, CO2 room, and accomodation door.

74. What cargo gear do you have on board? Inspect the gear as detailed in this module and
make an inspection report.
Answer No.74
On board my ship, the cargo gear we have is cranes with grabs. The condition of this crane is
still in good condition because my ship is just seven years old. So, the maintenance that was
carried every month makes the cranes and grabs in good condition. All cranes also just got
changed their running wires. Every month also we did greasing to the cranse and also grabs.

75. On completion of cargo discharge at your next port,a ccompany the duty officer to the cargo
holds for a hold inspection. Make a report on any recent damage noted using correct
nomenclature. There after assist the chief officer in preparing a stevedore damage report in
the format specified by your company for this purpose.
Answer No.75
Drawing on the next page.

76. Does your ship have a deep tank for carrying liqiud cargoes? If so, what were the last six
cargoes carried in them. State briefly preparation, loading and precautions taken when
carrying the above cargoes.
Answer No.76
MV SRIKANDI INDONESIA 19 doesn’t have any deep tank to carry liquid cargo. She only has
ballast tank and fuel tank.
77. Sketch a deep tank and name its strength members.
Answer No.77
My ship is a general cargo. She doesn’t have any deep tank.

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