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Science 3: Unit C Jolene Hehn

Lesson Duration: 40 minutes January 22nd, 2020

Keystone Arch

Stage 1: Desired Results

General 3–8: Evaluate the suitability of different materials and designs for their use in a building task.
Specific 3.8.1: Recognize that functional structures must be sufficiently strong and stable and that
Outcome(s) unstable or weak structures are often unsafe to use.
3.8.5: Apply procedures to test different designs.
3.8.6: Apply procedures to test the strength of different methods of joining.
Learning Students will:
Objectives - Recognize that an arch must be strong and stable to be safe.
- Test different designs of arches.
- Test the strength of the method of joining used in arch building.
Student Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):
Students will understand that structures must be How do arches stand alone with glue or other
strong and stable to be safe. adhesive?
Students will understand how to test the strength of
different methods of joining.
Adaptations (TQS #4):
N/A: the activities are applicable for students with modification and adaptations through class discussion and
group work.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence (TQS #3)

Formative Observation: Students will be Summative N/A
Assessment observed in learning to ensure Assessment
and assist with understanding.
Discussion: Students will answer
questions and discuss the role of
the keystone in an arch.

Stage 3: Learning Experience (TQS #3)

Prior to Bag of Ice (or two) Resources to Ice Cubes
Lesson: Bring: PowerPoint with link
Time: Content/Description Notes/Materials
Overview with student’s lesson activities and expectations:
- Review with students the role of arches.
- Introduce our keystone activity
5 minutes - Evaluate how the structure remains standing without
- Practice good listening skills
- Participate in class discussion
- Be a respectful and active group member.

Review with students our learning about arches

- Shape
- Length
- Strength: how are they strong?
Science 3: Unit C Jolene Hehn
Lesson Duration: 40 minutes January 22nd, 2020

Activity 1:
This portion of the lesson will be dedicated to continuing
development of our understanding of arches.
Provide students images of arches to view at their table.
- How do these structures remain standing under the weight
of gravity?
- How do these structures stand without adhesive like bricks
Once students begin to form an answer or are stuck we will move into
our activity of building an arch and creating a keystone.

Activity 2:
This portion of the lesson will be dedicated to students constructing a
arch using ice cubes to understand keystone.

Question: Will ice cubes form an arch like the rocks in an arch
Get students to:
- Work in partners
- Place the 2 base ice cubes down
- The next person will put the next ice cubes on the arch.
- The next person will then put the next 2 ice cubes on the
arch (while the second person is still stabilizing the ice
- The final person will put in the keystone once the 6 ice cubes
are in place.
The students will try to build the arch before the ice melts.
Once everyone has completed their bridges, get them to clean up the
water and ice.

Activity 3:
This portion of the lesson will be dedicated to students discussing and
understanding the importance of a keystone.
Students will discuss at their tables:
- When you were building your arch bridge, what was
- When you were building your arch bridge, what worked
- What is a keystone?
- How did your arch stay up without any glue or tape?
Once students are beginning to understand the role of the keystone,
show them the following video to provide additional support and
5 min Conclusion:
Review with students our learning outcomes:
- Students will understand that structures must be strong and
stable to be safe.
- Students will understand how to test the strength of
different methods of joining.
Science 3: Unit C Jolene Hehn
Lesson Duration: 40 minutes January 22nd, 2020

Ask students:
- How do arches stay up without glue or tape?
- What is the role of the keystone arch?
Students will show me they are ready with all materials put away
before they will line up for gym class.
Reflection (TQS #2):

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Lesson:

- Highly engaging activity
- Student discussion of concepts associated with arches including weight distribution was STRONG
- Video’s used for explanations helped solidify concepts

- Potential to discuss methods for creating the arch beforehand
- The transition between ending our activity and beginning our discussion was difficult.

Improvements or Alternative Ways to Teach the Lesson:

Overall, I believe this lesson was highly engaging and challenging for students to build conceptual knowledge of
building. The students were actively involved and searching for answers to their question of how are arches stable
under gravity. However, in the future I wonder if it would be beneficial to discuss or brainstorm potential
strategies for creating an arch before students begin. I think this would help struggling students with problem
solving skills by allowing them to think back to the ideas we brainstormed and trying potential strategies. Overall, I
think the lesson was highly successful in continuing students’ development of understanding regarding arches.

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