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26 New vision @ Gentex COVER STORY 4 Editorial: Beleaguered diesel could
Creating a vital ADAS partner through home-grown R&D and use a break—or a breakthrough
manufacturing in (of all places) western Michigan. 6 SAE Standards News
32 Positioning for hybrid growth Kickoff to begin testing program to validate SAE
J2954 wireless charging Recommended Practice
8 Supplier Eye
BorgWarner “modularizes” to provide OEMs optimal electrified-
Will you be an active participant or passive
driveline flexibility.
10 The Navigator
For future vehicles, communication equals trust

ON THE COVER 12 Technology Report

Gentex production member Sara Chanthala visually inspects a 12 Tenneco readies new semi-active digital
circuit board that will control the operation of a glare-eliminating suspension for 2020 | CHASSIS
rearview mirror. The “smart mirrors” include diplays, microphones, 14 New 90-degree turbo V6 leads Audi’s
forward-facing cameras, blind-zone alerts and other electronic hybridization blitz | POWERTRAINS | PROPULSION
features. (Gentex Corp. image)
16 GKN using modular control algorithms for added
systems integration | SOFTWARE
18 U of M students engineer new autonomous
shuttle system | AUTONOMOUS
20 Road Ready
Follow us on social media 20 Jaguar’s 2018 E-Pace shares Land Rover bones
22 Ford pumps powertrains for 2018 F-150
24 2018 Subaru Crosstrek moves to new global
@SAEAutoMag @saeaei SAE Magazines
35 Product Briefs Spotlight: Materials
38 Reader Feedback
39 Companies Mentioned, Upcoming
Ad Index
22 40 Q&A
Nissan’s Ponz Pandikithura on EV lifecycle value
Automotive Engineering®, September 2017, Volume 4, Number 8. Automotive Engineering
(ISSN 2331-7639) is published in January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September,
October, and November by Tech Briefs Media Group, an SAE International Company ®, 261 Fifth
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Ryan Beckman
Bill Visnic
Editorial Director PA/DE:
Desiree Stygar

Lindsay Brooke
Midwest/Great Lakes:
Ryan Gehm
Associate Editor
Chris Kennedy
+1.847.498.4520, x3008
Jennifer Shuttleworth

Beleaguered diesel could use a break— Associate Editor
Midwest/Central Canada:

or a breakthrough Lisa Arrigo Bob Casey

Custom Electronic +1.847.223.5225
Products Editor
Start talking car-business “big picture” war, but the battle with fast-moving Rocky Mountain States/NM:
with engineers and the discussion in- electrification technologies, too. Late Contributors Tim Powers
variably comes to diesel. Is diesel “stick- summer saw German automakers in a Kami Buchholz
Detroit Editor
a-fork-in-it” done? desperate-looking, Cash for Clunkers- Southern CA, AZ, NV:
Stuart Birch Tom Boris
The blowback from Volkswagen’s mimicking gambit to tweak the engine- European Editor +1.949.715.7779
diesel shenanigans for now has caused management software of up to 5 million Jack Yamaguchi
Asia Editor
diesel compatriots BMW and Mercedes- vehicles to bring oxides of nitrogen Northern CA, WA, OR,
Western Canada:
Steven Ashley, Dan Carney,
Benz to almost completely withdraw (NOx) output in line with today’s Euro 6 Terry Costlow, Richard Gardner,
Craig Pitcher
diesel models from U.S. showrooms. regulations. Oh, and a €500-million Bruce Morey, Paul Weissler
The VW scandal generated plenty of fund to improve urban air quality.
still-fomenting blowback in Europe, too. But diesel has an emissions-perception DESIGN International
crisis that isn’t going away. Maybe the Europe – Central & Eastern:
But even with pressure from ongoing Lois Erlacher
Creative Director Sven Anacker
gasoline-engine design innovations— answer is to tackle it head-on. Got an Ray Carlson
Britta Steinberg
Mazda just announced it is ready to emissions problem? Prove to the doubters Associate Art Director
launch a production compression-igni- you can solve it—and then some.
tion gasoline engine in 2019, for exam- Honda might be adopting exactly that SALES & Europe – Western:
Chris Shaw
ple, and there’s a growing menu of approach. The company recently crowed MARKETING +44.1270.522130
hang-on electrical enhancements for its new European-market 1.6-L iDTCI Joe Pramberger China:
gasoline engines—diesel doesn’t quite diesel was one of the world’s first engines
Alan Ao
look dead. After all, what car company to be certified under the watch of the Debbie Rothwell
Marketing Director
can turn its back on 40% thermal effi- newly-adopted Worldwide Harmonized
Shigenori Nagatomo
ciency that comes as easy as falling out Light-Vehicle Test Procedure. A crucial Martha Tress +81.3.3661.6138
of bed in the morning—bundled with the component of the WLTP is data modeled Recruitment Sales Manager
+1.724.772.7155 South Korea:
luscious, customer-pleasing torque a from on-the-road emissions testing—yes, Eun-Tae Kim
hybrid can’t hope to match? the very same scrutinizing that originally
Ford powertrain chief engineer Pete exposed VW’s cheating. REGIONAL
Dowding recently told me that diesel’s Honda admits its new diesel achieved SALES Integrated Media
battered at the moment, but points to a its high marks with some slick engine- North America Consultants
strong, high-volume truck market design enhancements and, uh, “a new New England/Eastern Canada: Angelo Danza
where diesel still is a magic word. Ford NOx Storage Converter (NSC) system Ed Marecki
truck buyers, he said, are hungry for the with larger catalysts and a higher con- +1.401.351.0274
Patrick Harvey
coming 3-L V6 diesel for the F-150 next tent of noble metals (silver, platinum CT:
spring. And after an emissions-scandal and neodymium) that store nitrogen Stan Greenfield Todd Holtz
+1.203.938.2418 +1.973.545.2566
scare of its own, FiatChrysler sold the oxide gas until the regeneration cycle.”
EPA on an emissions-system repro- If you’re reading “added cost,” go to the Mid-Atlantic/Southeast/TX: Rick Rosenberg
MD, DC, VA, WV, KY, TN, NC, SC, +1.973.545.2565
gramming and FCA’s Ram brand is back head of the class. GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, AR, OK, TX
Ray Tompkins
in business with its popular diesel for But until aftertreatment expense can +1.281.313.1004 Scott Williams
light-duty pickups. be reduced or an innovation improves +1.973.545.2464
But the diesel pandemic that engine-out emissions, the best thing
Volkswagen started in the U.S. has bled to the industry can do is to keep bragging
Europe—now even the famously diesel- about acing those new real-world tests. SUBSCRIPTIONS
worshipping continent has picked up the “Future mobility will definitely de-
torches to pursue the Frankenstein mon- pend on state-of-the-art diesels as
ster. Several large cities have diesel bans well,” BMW chairman Harald Krüger
on the books or in play. Britain and declared in a recent statement.
Jill Kaletha
France propose to prohibit all internal- I agree. But just to be on the safe +1.574.347.4211
combustion vehicle sales by 2040. side, the industry needs to get cracking
Even in Germany, the cradle of all to produce the next big diesel-emis-
things compression-ignition, diesel sions breakthrough.
might be losing not just the perception Bill Visnic, Editorial Director


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Kickoff to begin testing program to validate SAE J2954 wireless
charging Recommended Practice

AE International Ground Vehicle two-way communication with utilities to enable
Standards activity is recruiting industry billing, reservation of parking spaces and other
participants for a Cooperative Research features also useful for autonomous vehicles.
Project (CRP) for Safe and Interoperable The project involves conducting testing at
Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) for charging hy- three laboratories in the United States: Idaho
brid and electric vehicles. National Laboratory (INL) in Idaho Falls, ID;
Automotive Engineering spoke with Jesse Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in Argonne,
Schneider, Chairman of the SAE J2954 IL; and TDK Research and Development Corp. in
Taskforce, regarding standardization related to Cedar Park, TX. Keith Wilson, SAE’s Project
the upcoming SAE WPT CRP testing program Manager, Technical Programs - Global Ground
kickoff. “The Recommended Practice for SAE Vehicle Standards, said that bench testing will
J2954 is on track to be released later this year, Jennifer begin in the fall, followed by the full-vehicle test-
which will provide design and testing guidance Shuttleworth ing beginning in 2018.
for Wireless Power Transfer and alignment for Associate Editor He explained that “many international auto-
Plug-in Hybrid/Electric Vehicles. Completion of Jennifer.Shuttleworth makers and suppliers have joined this coopera-
the Recommended Practice for J2954 is the next tive effort that includes bench and vehicle test-
step in the standardization process and provides ing, which will give us valuable data to validate
specifications up to 11kW, WPT 3,” he said. Part the future standard.”
of that massive, fast-track effort by the SAE J2954 Task Force To date, seven OEM participants (BMW, Ford, General
to release the final SAE J2954 Standard involves both OEM Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan and Toyota) and seven wire-
and supplier participation in actual vehicle and infrastructure less charging suppliers (Continental, Delphi, IHI, Kaist, Lear,
validation testing for the draft SAE J2954 standard. Qualcomm and WiTricity) have submitted letters of intent to
In support of this CRP, scheduled to begin this fall, OEMs join the project.
and manufacturers of wireless electric vehicle supply equip- “One of the benefits of being involved in this CRP is that
ment (WEVSE) will provide WPT systems, collect data, final- participants can share and receive test data from other ve-
ize test procedures, validate processes and publish the stan- hicles and WEVSE systems that will be used to refine the
dard SAE J2954 – Wireless Power Transfer Standard of Light standard,” Wilson said.
Duty Plug-In/Electric Vehicles and Alignment Methodology. Interested participants may contact Keith Wilson at
The goal is to complete the CRP in one year, ending in the for further details.
second quarter of 2018.
Achieving safe and interoperable wireless charging between
plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric ve- Autonomous Standards Webinar
hicles (PHEVs) and WEVSE infrastructure requires standards In other Standards-related news, SAE International is hosting
for connectivity, safety and communications that ensure that all “Autonomous Vehicle Standards – A Comprehensive Discussion”
electric vehicles (EVs) can recharge safely and with high effi- on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at noon (U.S. EDT).
ciency at any wireless charging station—and in addition have Sponsored by National Instruments, this SAE Standards
Webinar will provide an overview of the cur-
rent key standards in the Automated Vehicle
Sector: SAE J3016 (Taxonomy and
Definitions), SAE J3018 (Safe Testing of
Highly Automated Vehicles on Public Roads),
and SAE J3131 Automated Driving Reference
Architecture. Speakers for the event are Dan
Bartz, Automated Vehicle Engineer/Strategist,
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, and Barbara
Wendling, Principal Engineer - Automated
Driving, Mercedes-Benz R&D, North America.
The session will be moderated by SAE
International’s Lisa Arrigo.
Registration and further details can be

found at
Testing WPT3 wireless-charging coil sets from WiTricity. starthere.jsp?ei=1156012.


Free Info at
Will you be an active participant or passive bystander?

ver the past several months, there has repair and ultimately, recycling.
been increased visibility to the march There are other examples. Several OEMs have
of both electrified powertrains (still implemented or considered SMC (sheet-molded
using an internal-combustion engine) composite) rear decklids to drive mass reduction,
and fully-electric vehicles penetrating the indus- tooling-cost reduction and gain the ability to
try. Several Europe-based premium OEMs have paint and assemble these systems offline to re-
signaled that one should only expect the ICE as duce complexity at the final assembly plant. The
part of a larger electrification strategy into the lower tooling cost (and speed to market) of using
next decade. molds versus dies is a significant advantage.
In prior Supplier Eye columns, we’ve noted The impact of tooling, materials, specialized
that there will be a reduction in the pace of the processes and joining technologies all have a
development of all-new ICEs as OEMs shift capi- Michael Robinet downstream impact which requires one to think
tal and resources toward electrification. For Managing Director beyond the obvious.
most automakers, it is not a matter of if but IHS Markit The machine tool industry should especially
when—the ‘when’ being the contentious part. michael.robinet take note of these structural shifts. Driven by a
It is important, though, to highlight that elec- discerning customer base, there will be a healthy
trification is just one cog in the drive towards cadence of all-new or major vehicle launches
reduced vehicle emissions. Other powertrain impacting styling for exterior and interior com-
improvements, aerodynamic improvements, re- As the ponents. Combined with the slow but steady
duction of parasitic loses and lightweighting
also are critical to this mission. In addition to
industry shift towards common platforms, it will alter the
dynamics of changes beneath the skin.
these major shifts, the march towards SAE Level retools itself Another factor is the OEMs’ waning focus on
4/5 vehicle autonomy will have a significant im-
pact on the industry ecosphere—sales, service,
for vehicle powertrain investment. As the number of new
engine families designed globally decline into
finance and the role of suppliers of all tiers. This autonomy and the next decade, opportunities for new tool
includes those involved in raw materials, ma-
chine/tool build, sub-assemblies and final pro-
electrification, build and machine replacement and upgrading
due to process turnover will start to slip as well.
duction. Changes will increasingly be apparent— it is doubtful Beyond the obvious shifts towards increased
particularly for those that don’t have to manage the entire electrification and increased levels of autono-
a presence in the aftermarket. my, virtually every functional system will be
A couple of examples should put this in per- supply base altered, enhanced or possibly eliminated.
spective. Think about a component as simple will benefit. Within these shifts, Tier 1 suppliers and OEMs
as a front strut tower. On many vehicle plat- will seek to simplify production systems, opti-
forms, we already have witnessed the selective mize value and reduce waste. Those down-
shift of these from a heavier multi-piece fabri- stream suppliers involved in high-capital-re-
cated steel assembly to an optimized one-piece quirement industries should especially take
cast aluminum structure. The downstream im- note and understand their role in the value
pacts are profound. equation.
The steel-to-aluminum substitution alters the As the industry retools itself over the next
manufacturing strategy for both the OEM and couple of decades, it is doubtful the entire sup-
supplier. It demands a new joining/isolating ply base will benefit.
process (rivets/fasteners) away from traditional Scale economies, global- and major-market
spot welding and spurs a drastic reduction in capability, leverageable intellectual property,
the number and types of tools and molds, as value-driven partnerships and the ability to be
well as sub-assembly requirements. In this case, proactive with customers will determine future
the shift to a cast-aluminum structure cascades prosperity.
through the entire supply chain. It also impacts Being an active participant instead of a pas-
raw material supply, the approach to vehicle sive bystander will be critical.



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For future vehicles, communication equals trust

t’s said that communication is the key to trust. It’s far from a flawless process, though.
Between us humans, we need to honestly Regardless of whether someone is riding in the
communicate our intentions to build trust. But vehicle, these machines will have to provide
in any relationship, communicating can be a feedback to other vehicles and pedestrians
complex problem and parties often don’t draw about their intentions and in turn read signals
the same conclusions from the same message. from other entities in the driving environment.
Now shift the relationship from person-to- As we hopefully have learned, adding technol-
person to person-to-automated vehicle with ogy to any ecosystem typically adds a range of
“intentions” that may be far more opaque. That’s new challenges and problems. A stroll down a
the challenge facing Dr. Melissa Cefkin and her Manhattan street bombards people with sights
colleagues at Nissan—and every other company and sounds of traffic and personal interactions. In a
involved in autonomous-vehicle development— Sam Abuelsamid world of autonomous electric vehicles, the sound
as we move into the next era of mobility. Senior Analyst and visualscape changes dramatically. Such new
Although we traditionally think of vehicle de- Navigant Research stimuli can be overwhelming.
velopment as the province of engineers and de- Sam@ “People will have to adapt and change to the
signers, the promise of automated driving has new visual cues they must interpret,” said Cefkin.
drawn a plethora of new skillsets into the pro- “They need to understand quickly if the car has
cess. Along with lawyers, ethicists and data sci- seen me, in order to build the necessary trust.”
entists, there are anthropologists like Dr. Cefkin. Self-driving Nissan and Toyota, among other OEMs, have
As a principal scientist and design anthropolo-
gist at Nissan’s Silicon Valley research center,
vehicles shown concept automated vehicles that leverage a
variety of interesting external-display techniques
Cefkin and her team are studying how people will have to designed to provide these messages. Nissan’s IDS
perceive vehicles that don’t have human drivers
and how they will coexist in future cities.
clearly provide Concept has a digital signboard in the windshield
that displays messages to other road users.
Traversing a busy subway station, throngs of feedback However, if every automaker goes its own way
people seem to move seamlessly, but there are
constant glances around, microexpressions de-
to other with these feedback systems, it will make it expo-
nentially more difficult for pedestrians to interpret
tected on faces or movements of a shoulder as vehicles and an automated vehicle’s likely behavior.
someone slips through the crowd. When you pedestrians “I’m personally committed to developing har-
cross a busy street, you may exchange a quick monization,” Cefkin added in regard to these
glance with an approaching driver and that’s all about their signals. While preliminary discussions have be-
it takes to judge whether it’s safe to go—or intentions. gun on standards, it’s still premature to lock
whether it’s better to wait and let the car pass. down much of anything.
Humans are remarkably adaptable and sensi- Another approach Cefkin highlights is motion
tive to nuances that make society work. It’s cues. For all the perception limitations humans
something we learn as we grow from infancy. have, it appears “the most expressive thing
about vehicles is their motion.” People can de-
tect changes in acceleration, for example, that
give clues to intent.
In the two years since Cefkin joined Nissan,
much of the public effort around vehicle autono-
my has been directed at developing the core
technologies of perception, mapping and con-
trol. But her feedback-stimuli efforts are equally
important to the deployment process.
Done wrong, the results of poor communica-
tion between people and automated vehicles
“could be most profound with mistrust and dis-
comfort” that kills adoption before it can really
take hold, Cefkin warns.
With the untold billions of dollars invested—

Nissan’s IDS Concept displays messages that normally might be relayed between two and yet to be invested—in autonomous-vehicle
humans via exchanged visual cues. development, I doubt anybody wants that.


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Tenneco readies new semi-active digital suspension for 2020 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
systems. It offers eight discreet damping Douglas Patton
settings with or without a driver interface President
(it can be driver activated through an in- Cuneyt L. Oge
fotainment screen or drive mode selector) 2016 President
and uses a simplified “gateway” module Mircea Gradu, PhD
that provides cybersecurity and commu- 2018 President Elect
nication with the vehicle’s existing con- Robert L. Ireland
troller area network (CAN) bus. Vice President – Aerospace
Carla Bailo
No added sensors Vice President – Automotive
DriV is “unique in the market,” claimed Landon Sproull
Tenneco Vice President and Chief Vice President –
Technology Officer Ben Patel in a June Commercial Vehicle
release. He said the damper’s simplified Pierre Alegre
design and ability to quickly adapt to Treasurer
road surfaces and conditions “make it David L. Schutt, PhD
an excellent option for manufacturers Chief Executive Officer
looking for an easy-to-integrate solution Gregory L. Bradley, Esq.
Inside Tenneco’s DRiV damper showing the modular design. The Secretary
for improved ride performance in any
unit offers eight discreet damping settings with or without a vehicle segment, at an affordable cost.” Haoran Hu, PhD
driver interface and includes a simplified “gateway” module. As Automotive Engineering experi- Alain P. Jablonowski
enced in a series of low-speed test drives James R. Keller
One enduring challenge of engineering commer- of Chevrolet Silverados over and through strate- Donald Nilson
cial pickup trucks is how to make the vehicles gically placed surface events and chicanes at Eric Tech
ride and handle comfortably when unloaded Waterford Hills Raceway near Pontiac, MI, the
Gareth Williams, PhD
without diminishing their crucial hauling and DRiV dampers improved both ride and handling
Todd Zarfos
towing capabilities. Since 2002, chassis-technol- while significantly reducing shake, bounce and
ogy supplier Tenneco has offered continuously brake dive. There was no question that the
SAE Publications Board
variable semi-active suspension (CVSA) systems DRiV-equipped truck, both unloaded and with
David B. Stout - Chair
to address this need, but it soon will launch a 400 lb (181 kg) of ballast behind its rear axle,
Mohamed El-Sayed, PhD
simpler, less expensive semi-active damping sys- was dramatically better in feel and performance
tem called DRiV (Digital Ride Valve). It is aimed than the near-identically equipped stock truck. Derek J. Logan
initially at pickups and truck-based SUVs. Daniel Keil, Chief Engineer of Tenneco’s OE Ronald D. Matthews, PhD
Tenneco’s CVSAe systems use an external Business, Vehicle Dynamics and Product June Ogawa
electronic valve to adjust damper compression Engineering, explained that the DRiV system Dr. Andrew C. Pickard
in real time to road inputs and the vehicle’s doesn’t require sensors added to the vehicle Mark Zachos
body reactions to them. Their infinite damping body or chassis. “The PCBA, the printed circuit
curves (within minimum/maximum limits) are board inside the damper, has sensors, acceler- SAE Sections
created by a computer algorithm that drives ometers and all the electronics intelligence in- and Affiliate Activities
SAE International offers educational and
the valve’s reactions to wheel and body mo- tegrated into it,” he said, “and we use data networking opportunities at the grassroots
level through more than 80 sections
tions provided by sensors on the vehicle. The from sensors already on the vehicle. We also around the world. Sections are currently
costlier CVSA2 system uses two electro-hy- get steering, braking, tow/haul and off-road located in Belarus, Canada, Colombia,
Ecuador, Egypt, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy,
draulic valves to independently control both mode CAN message data from the vehicle.” Malaysia, Mexico, Romania, Russia, Taiwan,
U.K., Ukraine, U.S., and Venezuela. SAE
compression and rebound for a larger tuning Regarding vehicle integration, OEMs will also operates affiliates in Brazil and India.
range and higher levels of comfort and control. have to integrate communications to the gate- More information about sections, along
with a complete listing and links, can be
But the simpler DRiV digital suspension tech- way [the interface between Tenneco’s and the found at
nology now under development for a 2020 OEM’s system] and harnesses to the DRiV sys-
launch has an integrated modular design with tem will have to be completed. Then, “the cali-
sensors and software controls nestled inside the bration will be a joint effort between us and
damper itself. With no external valve or electronic them,” Keil said. “It fits in the same space
control unit, Tenneco says DRiV is easy to inte- where a normal shock does, so the rest of the

grate into the vehicle’s existing suspension with suspension does not have to be touched.”
little re-engineering of mechanical or electrical Gary Witzenburg


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New 90-degree turbo V6 leads Audi’s hybridization blitz

Audi’s all-new 3.0-L turbocharged gas- reaching BDC, the compression phase
oline V6, rated at 354 hp and 369 lb·ft starts later than in a conventional en-
(264 kW and 500 N·m, respectively) gine. This allows a high geometric com-
debuted recently in the 2018 SQ5 cross- pression ratio of 11.2:1—with combustion
over. The V6 is the first engine pro- occurring in a relatively small combus-
duced under a new powertrain strategy tion chamber.
that sees Audi lead development on V6 Compared with the compression
engines, handing responsibility for gas phase, the expansion phase has been
V8s to Porsche. Audi retains control of extended and the longer expansion of
the 3.0-L and 4.0-L TDI diesel engines. the gas increases efficiency.
Development of vee engines and fuel The twin-scroll turbocharger lies within
cells is concentrated at Audi’s the vee with the exhaust branches from
Neckarsulm R&D site with 2,500 engi- both banks running separately until merg-
neers led by the recently appointed Dr. ing directly ahead of the turbine wheel.
Franz Bäumel. Speaking to Automotive This configuration contributes to im-
Engineering at the SQ5 media launch, proved throttle response and the wide
Bäumel predicted that by 2025, one- peak torque band from 1370 to 4500 rpm,
third of Audi’s fleet would be electrically according to Audi engineers. Peak power
powered, the balance by ICEs. Beyond The all-new EA839’s bore and stroke measure is developed from 5400 to 6400 rpm.
84.5 x 89 mm. The deep-skirted cylinder block
that date, the ICE would continue to be
uses steel liners and employs a balance shaft.
developed as it is “the best compromise The turbocharged is packaged within the vee. Hybrids across the range
for power and efficiency,” in addition to Powertrain engineer Andreas Fröhlich
hydrogen and gas-powered vehicles. was keen to emphasize that the V6
engine weighs 379 lb (172 kg). starts Audi’s mild-hybrid program when
‘Strategic cooling’ The new TFSI (direct-injected and it launches for the 2018 A8. It uses an
Designated EA839, the new, long-stroke turbocharged) engine family, which integrated belt-driven starter to aug-
V6’s bore and stroke measure 84.5 x 89 includes a high-performance 2.9-L vari- ment the standard starter, allowing the
mm. The deep-skirted cylinder block ant rated at 450 hp (335 kW) and 442 engine to be switched off and discon-
uses steel liners. Unusually for a contem- lb·ft (600 N·m) includes centrally-locat- nected from the transmission for up to
porary V6, its cylinder banks feature a ed injectors, which Audi engineers 45 s ‘coasting’ at speeds between 18
90° vee; a factor in this design is to claim are vital in the operation of the mph (30 kph) and 100 mph (160 kph).
package the turbocharger within the B-cycle combustion process that also is Audi engineers claim 0.7 L/100 km con-
vee. To offset the second-order vibration used on VW’s EA888 gasoline 4-cylin- sumption savings on the current NEDC
inherent in this layout, a balance shaft is der unit. The company bills B-cycle as a cycle. A lithium-ion battery in the 48-V
located within the vee. Newly developed further development of the Miller cycle. loop restarts the engine within 300 ms.
rings for the aluminum pistons help re- In the B-cycle process, the intake The fuel saving for the mild-hybrid version
duce friction. In fully-dressed form, the valves close well before the piston is 0.2 US gal/62.1 mi on the NEDC cycle.
reaches BDC. This unusually short The automatic coasting function is
opening time keeps the fresh- controlled via the forward-facing cam-
gas flow comparatively era and the radar system. However, if
small, artificially creat- the camera is obscured by rain, for ex-
ing a smaller dis- ample, the system won’t operate.
placement. When Fröhlich explained that Audi is the
the piston moves “center of excellence” for the technol-
back up after ogy within VAG and that there will be a
rapid roll-out of this mild hybridization
across the model range. All Audis will
feature the technology before the end
Quattro driveline of this decade and it will be used on
in the 2018 SQ5 is both gasoline and diesel engines mated
in the vanguard to either direct-shift gearboxes (DSG)
of Audi’s or torque-converter automatics.

hybridization play. Ian Adcock


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GKN using modular control algorithms for added systems integration

At its Lohmar, Germany, R&D facility, GKN developed a new
GKN Driveline is creating modular con- range of controllers
trol algorithms for new applications in- to manage its
cluding integration of drivetrain software advanced electrified
into a vehicle’s overall control system. drivetrains such as
Control software for an AWD or electric used in the BMW
i8 with 2-speed
driveline system demands more than a
megabyte of code in multiple layers, while
the sheer volume of software code per
vehicle has increased dramatically. One ary teams from its Lohmar, Auburn Hills teams throughout this process.
2019-model SUV using GKN technology (USA) and Shanghai facilities. This is crucial because for many pro-
will feature 10 times as much software The company’s specialist teams mod- grams GKN is “entirely responsible for
code as its 2014 predecessor, according to el the system’s physics and graphically the software development and integra-
Michael Schomisch, the Software and create control algorithms to embed into tion,” Schomisch said. “Each controller
Electronics Manager at Lohmar. a microprocessor. After simulation and contains various layers of software.
He noted that with rapidly increasing rapid prototyping facilities provide early These include the basic operating sys-
technical complexity of vehicle systems validation, GKN undertakes rig tests tem, connectivity applications, and the
comes “the increasingly challenging and vehicle integration activities on drivers for electronic actuators.”


task of synchronizing the various sys- OEM development programs at its win- A general-application software layer
tems to work together.” To do this, ter test sites. Software development provides the interface between the
GKN’s “unique” modular algorithm ap- and integration teams are fully incorpo- driveline’s functions and other electric
proach brings together multi-disciplin- rated into the vehicle engineering systems in the vehicle. These different


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16 September 2017 Free Info at AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING


for vehicle occupants to be disturbed communicate with other vehicle sys-

by a high-pitch whine resonating from tems, so that data can be analyzed and
the electric driveline through the ve- acted on as part of the control strate-
hicle structure. gies. It also has to securely accept
Equally crucial: the software devel- over-the-air (OTA) updates.
oped to manage the driveline can Stuart Birch

GKN Twinster AWD system, as fitted to

the Opel Insignia.

layers of software interact but have

“distinct areas of responsibility,” he said.

Providing control on multiple levels

Driveline energy losses have been reduced
by around 25% on recent programs,
Schomisch said, and now account for only
10% of the total energy losses associated
with transferring torque from the motor to
the wheels. Much of this progress has
been achieved through more precise con-
trol of the driveline subsystems.
For example, in GKN’s Twinster twin-
clutch rear drive module that is fitted to
the current Ford Focus RS and various
GM vehicles, a vehicle dynamics control-
ler manages the on-demand AWD, limit-
ed-slip and torque vectoring strategies
(including the over-speed offset which,
in the Focus RS, is exploited further with
Drift mode), and the integration with the
vehicle’s ABS and ESC systems.
The system is operated by an actua-
tor controller and a vehicle dynamics
controller. The actuator controller man-
ages the twin-clutch actuation to
achieve very fast response rates. It also
monitors and adapts to clutch tempera-
ture, compensates for clutch wear, man-
ages the wide clutch opening (to re-
duce drag torque) and delivers a self-
diagnostic capability.

New controllers for electric drives

Even more complex software is used to
control GKN’s eDrive. A completely
new range of controllers was devel-
oped to manage advanced electrified
drivetrains, including the system in
BMW’s i8, which has a 2-speed elec-
tronic transmission.
For this system, software within the
driveline plays a vital role in managing
the frequency levels emitted from the
components; it would be unacceptable

AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING Free Info at September 2017 17

OA_201708_DRIVON_AZ_4.5x7.25_inch_SAE_Automotive_Engineering_en_RZ_ZW.indd 1 04.08.17 12:02

U of M students engineer new autonomous shuttle system
Evolving to stay relevant in the fast- embraced autonomy as one of its core (40.2 kph) and quick battery-charging
changing Engineering world is a chal- areas of emphasis. Why not provide an capability. All the controls and equipment
lenge faced by every institution of high- autonomous shuttle to ferry visitors be- necessary for by-wire operation have
er learning. In 2013, educators at the tween the Amtrak station and the mu- been designed, built and tested in the
University of Michigan’s Dearborn cam- seum, pondered one U of M-Dearborn laboratory per the university’s new edu-
pus inspired by a National Academy of educator. A few months of study re- cational doctrine. GPS maps now in hand
Engineering study took this evolution vealed the broad scope of such an un- will enable the first test vehicle to drive
seriously with an initiative called dertaking, the idea evolved into a more- autonomously on the planned 1.8-mi
“Preparing the Engineer of 2020.” attainable on-campus service dedicated (2.8-km)-long campus route sometime
Outdated lectures, text books and lab to faculty, staff and student use. next year. By the end of 2018, free shut-
experiments were replaced by a fresh Anthony England, dean of the College tles are expected to be in full service.
Design, Build and Test curriculum. New of Engineering and Computer Science, The next phase is fundraising—secur-
lean-startup courses addressing cus- recognized the merits of the project and ing partners willing to share some of
tomer discovery techniques were add- authorized seed funding earlier this year. the cost in exchange for access to the
ed. The goal was to assure that engi- Engineering professors and their stu- autonomous shuttles and their operat-
neering students graduated with the dents then began building the shuttle’s ing environment. Industry partners cur-
skills they’d need to be productive at foundation: selecting a suitable vehicle rently are supporting 60% of the re-
the very start of their careers. platform; engineering drive-by-wire sys- search conducted at U of M- Dearborn.
A prime example of the Design, Build, tems for guidance, propulsion, braking, Explained Sridhar Lakshmanan, an
Test approach is an autonomous shuttle and signaling; and creating three-dimen- Electrical and Computer Engineering pro-
under development for implementation sional GPS maps of the campus. fessor, “Standards for the performance of
at the Dearborn campus next year. The The vehicle of choice is a six-passenger lidar and other sensors don’t exist today.
seed for this project was planted when Polaris GEM. This light-weight “neighbor- Our live autonomous laboratory provides
the nearby Henry Ford Museum hood” EV has a top speed of 25 mph an excellent means of filling that void.” He
adds that autonomous capability will be
phased in incrementally.
“We’ll start with the GPS map base,
which identifies roadways, traffic signs,
and the like, but not variable hazards
such as pedestrians,” he noted. “Then
we’ll add stereo-camera vision devel-
oped in our Visual Odometry lab to de-
fine the location and trajectory of any
object in the shuttle’s path. Lidar sen-
sors—also under study here—will add
more size, distance, and object move-


ment detail.”
Lakshmanan and Richardson are
quick to point out the key difference
between the Dearborn shuttle and a
similar service that begins later this
year at the University of Michigan’s Ann
Arbor campus.
“The French supplier NAVYA is manu-
facturing the Ann Arbor shuttles in
ready-to-operate form,” noted
Lakshmanan. “While that system will be
useful for gathering autonomous ve-
hicle data, engineering students there
Stereo-camera vision developed in the UofM-Dearborn Visual Odometry lab, along with lidar will miss out on the design, build, and
sensors under study, will define the location and trajectory of objects in the shuttle’s path. The test opportunities we’re offering with
development team aims to improve the route infrastructure by programming traffic signs and our Dearborn project.”
overhead lights to communicate with the driverless vehicles. Don Sherman


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Jaguar’s 2018 E-Pace shares Land Rover bones

Based on an adapted Land Rover D8 architecture,

Panoramic roof is fixed for the Jaguar E-Pace; opening facility would have increased weight mostly steel and with transverse engine, the 2018
and therefore raised the center of gravity and cost. Cd is 0.325. E-Pace gets AWD but one version will be FWD.

Jaguar revealed its all-new 2018 E-Pace Steel-intensive body First ‘Active’ AWD
compact SUV in London in July. The Graham Wilkins, Chief Product Most fuel efficient of the Ingenium en-
5-seat E-Pace joins its larger F-Pace Engineer, said the car’s architecture is gines is the 110-kW (148-hp) diesel driv-
cousin to take the company further into derived from the D8 used for the Land ing only the front wheels—the first FWD
SUV territory. The E-Pace also is the Rover Evoque and Discovery Sport. Jaguar since the X-type. The diesel uses
first Jaguar to be produced outside of The integral-link rear suspension is low-flow injectors to help toward a
Britain, in Austria and China. conceptually similar to that used for combined fuel consumption figure of
Initially, with its U.K. facilities close to the XE, XF and F-Pace. Wilkins noted 4.7 L/100 km and 2124 g/km of CO2
capacity, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) has that the electric-assist steering “ben- emissions. That’s with 6-speed manual
partnered with engineering and con- efits a great deal from learning with gearbox and 17-in wheels.
tract-manufacturing specialist Magna the XF and XE.” The gasoline versions deliver a choice
Steyr in Graz, Austria, for E-Pace pro- Riding on a 2981-mm (117.3-in) wheel- of 183 kW or 221 kW (245 or 297 hp).
duction. Beginning next year, it will also base, the E-Pace measures 4395 mm Engineers said upgrades to the car’s
be manufactured for the Chinese mar- (173 in) long overall and stands 1649 twin-scroll turbocharger deliver up to
ket at Chery JLR’s facility in Changshu. mm (65 in) tall. It is powered by vari- 26% more air compared to the previous
The forthcoming all-electric Jaguar ants of JLR’s 2.0-L Ingenium family of version. A CVVL (Continuously Variable
I-Pace will be Graz-built, too. diesel and gasoline units (see http:// Valve Lift) system is fitted. The gas en-
Jaguar labels its new transverse-en- and (http:// gine is paired with either the 6-speed
gined AWD a “compact performance SUV, with a manual or close-ratio ZF 9-speed 9HP.
with sports-car looks,” noting that the power spread from 110 kW to 221 kW The Active Driveline AWD setup is
vehicle borrows some aesthetic cues from (147 to 297 hp). The torquiest among claimed to be a first for Jaguar, with
the F-Type coupe. An optional R-Dynamic these produces a claimed 500 N·m (369 advanced torque-biasing providing
pack further adds to its image. lb·ft). Best claimed acceleration to 100 rear-drive characteristics, including
Director of Design Ian Callum and his kph (62 mph) is 6.4 s and the car’s CO2 power-oversteer drifts; nearly 100% of
team were determined to distinguish the rating is 124 g/km. available torque can be transferred to
car from the common SUV signature, he Unlike its aluminum-intensive stable- the rear axle when required. Two inde-
told Automotive Engineering. It’s a tough mates, E-Pace has a steel-intensive pendent electronically-controlled wet-
task, so they used a similar coupe-like body structure and chassis. Variants plate clutches distribute torque be-
roofline to that of the F-Type. weigh (EU unladen) between 1775 tween the rear wheels.
Said Callum: “The most challenging kg/3913 lb (front-drive D150 version) The car has a specially tuned semi-
thing is to get a car of this type’s size and and 1894 kg/4176 lb for an AWD P300. solid mounted front subframe designed
proportions to look dramatic and exciting. Aluminum is used for the hood, front to provide a stiffer structure including
We worked to make it look different from fenders, roof panel and liftgate. solid mounts. This contributes to “ex-
other SUVs; to make it look very dynamic. High formability (0.7-mm/.027-in ceptional drive dynamics,” according to
Proportion is everything, including the thick) steel is used for the bodysides— Mike Cross, Chief Engineer, Vehicle
wheels which are 21-inch.” To disguise another contributor to mass reduction, Integrity. Aluminum suspension compo-

front-end overhang, the car has cham- as is the cast-magnesium cross-car nents are used extensively.
fered corner, he added. Cd is 0.325. beam. Stuart Birch


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Ford pumps powertrains for 2018 F-150

For 2018, Ford has modate the twin direct-injection (DI)
enhanced power and and port fuel-injection (PFI) setup that
efficiency for three of all 2018 F-150 engines use, so horse-
the F-150 pickup’s five power is up by eight, to 290 hp, and
engines and revised torque runs to 265 lb·ft (359 N·m), a 12
front-end styling with lb·ft (16 N·m) hike.
a total of six new
Pete Dowding, Ford Powertrain’s well-
travelled chief engineer, told Automotive
Engineering the cost of moving all the
F-150’s engines to the direct- and indi-
rect-injection layout is justified by the
increased fuel economy the design per-
mits—largely because of the higher
compression ratios (CR) available from
overlaying PFI onto DI. At high load, DI
cools the cylinder sufficiently to main-
It’s tough at the moment to sell a car to a pickup fresh, so for 2018 the light-duty tain a high CR without high-octane un-
U.S. customer, so wily automakers—or F-150 line gets a light face-freshening and leaded. At lower loads, “the DI system


those at a fortuitous place in their product tasty rework of its powertrain lineup. bleeds off,” Dowding said, and PFI takes
cycles—are doubling down on trucks and At the starting end of the F-150’s priority, delivering efficient cylinder-fill
crossovers. Regardless of that, nobody current five-engine range, the former while still reaping the BMEP benefit of
would ever expect Ford to hang back 3.5-L V6 is reduced to 3.3-L, but fear higher compression.
when it comes to keeping the F-Series not: its all-new cylinder heads accom- For the newly-downsized V6, the twin-

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22 September 2017 Free Info at AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING


injection system
allows a CR in-
crease from 10.8:1 to
12:1. For the heavily-
revised 2.7-L turbo-
charged DOHC V6,
the next engine up
the F-150 food
chain, CR goes from
10:1 to 10.3:1 and for
the pickup’s lithe
“Coyote” 5-L DOHC
V8, CR is boosted
from 10.5:1 to 12:1.
The equally im-
portant benefit, Thanks to direct and port fuel injection, the 2018
however, is a slight F-150’s 2.7-L turbocharged V6 has substantially
more torque and increased fuel economy.
but meaningful fu-
el-economy boost
for all three engines. Depending on 4x2 or 4X4 configuration,
fuel efficiency increases by at least 1 or 2 mpg in the city or high-
way cycles or on both drive cycles.
As a final tweak for 2018 fuel-economy ratings, the 2.7-L
and 5-L engines now all are backed by Ford’s 10-speed auto-
matic transmission introduced last year for F-150s using the
3.5-L turbocharged V6 in standard and high-output configu-
ration. Only the 3.3-L V6 continues in 2018 with a 6-speed
automatic. The 10-speed automatics all feature stop-start
technology as standard.
The 2.7-L turbocharged V6 maintains its existing 325-hp
rating but torque is increased by 25 lb·ft (34 N·m) to an even
400 lb·ft (542 N·m) for 2018.

Plasma-coating for high volume

In addition to the 5-L V8’s performance upgrades, the engine
also now features the plasma-transfer wire arc (PTWA) bore-
coating technique Ford introduced in 2010 for the high-per-
formance 5.4-L V8 powering the 2011 Mustang GT500—and
also was used for the cylinders of the 5.2-L variant of today’s
“Voodoo” V8 family in the Mustang GT350.
From the start, Ford said it was testing the process in the
hope of decreasing its throughput time, making it applicable
to higher-volume engines.
“We always had this vision we could move that forward,”
Dowding said, “to cascade it through to the rest of the Coyote
family. It’s pretty exciting.”
In a detail for hard-core Ford V8 aficionados, Dowding said
the use of the PTWA cylinder coating enabled a slight increase
in bore, generating an overall displacement that’s now 5.04-L
compared with 4.94-L for the superceded V8 with its iron cyl-
inder liners. Dowding said the engine also drops somewhere
between 5-7 lb (2.3-3.2 kg) by losing the cylinder liners.
For the plasma-coated V8, power increases from 385 hp to 395
hp and torque from 387 lb·ft (525 N·m) to 400 lb·ft.
Bill Visnic



2018 Subaru Crosstrek moves to new global platform

To create the 2018 Crosstrek, concept on how they are designed is
FHI engineers increased shared with all of our car lines, and how
the wheelbase by they go together is the same.”
1.2-in over the The Crosstrek’s latest AWD system
previous model. doesn’t have the ability to disconnect
Overall length an axle to reduce driveline losses
and width are
Numata said fuel efficiency could be
also increased.
Ground clearance improved by decoupling when AWD is
is 8.7 in. not needed, “but the vehicle’s behavior
would be different compared to cou-
pled. So thinking on the safer side,
Subaru decided for it to be coupled all
Twenty years ago, Fuji Heavy Industries The 2018 Crosstrek rides on a 104.9-in the time.”
(FHI) engineers first leveraged the sub- (2664-mm) wheelbase, an increase of 1.2 Still, the 2018 Crosstrek delivers best-
compact Subaru Impreza platform to in (30.4 mm) over the previous model. in-class AWD EPA economy at 27 mpg
create the popular Forester CUV. They Overall length and width are increased city, 33 highway and 29 combined with
again used Impreza to create the 2012 0.6 in (15.2 mm) and 0.9 in (23 mm), the CVT and 23/29/25 with the stan-
Crosstrek, which became the brand’s respectively. The 60/40 split flat-folding dard 6-speed manual.
third-best-selling model in the U.S. and seats and widened liftgate opening pro- Also, Hill adds, “it’s not an apples-to-
number two in sales among B-segment vide improved cargo loading and greater apples comparison with the competi-
CUVs. Now comes a much-improved, utility. Ground clearance is 8.7 in (221 tion. Because the ‘boxer’ engine has a
second-generation 2018 Crosstrek; mm); wheels are 17 in. direct feed off the back of the engine,
company engineers claim it’s 95% new. Besides the vehicle’s new exterior with the front axles coming right out of
It’s underpinned by the all-new and and interior, the vehicle is equipped the transmission, we have less losses to
substantially stiffer Subaru Global with an upgraded (80% new), direct- begin with.”
Platform (SGP), which brings improved injected 2.0L horizontally-opposed The wider-ratio-spread CVT, com-
ride, handling and NVH attenuation, as ‘boxer’ four-cylinder gasoline engine, plete with seven driver-selectable ra-
Automotive Engineering determined dur- Active Torque Vectoring driveline, trac- tios, is engineered and built in-house by
ing the recent media launch. Crosstrek is tion-enhancing X-Mode for off-road use FHI, but the chain and some other key
the second Subaru underpinned by the (standard with the continuously-vari- components are jointly developed with
new SGP, following the 2017 Impreza. able transmission), a new multimedia suppliers. “Our drivetrain layout is
Eventually all new models—from the 2019 system with Android Auto and Apple unique, so we can’t buy off-the-shelf
Ascent three-row CUV to new WRX, CarPlay capability and many new driv- transmissions,” Hill said. “We have to
Forester, Legacy and Outback models— er-assist technologies. make our own.” And Numata confirmed
will use this architecture. that there are joint programs with
Alternative to axle decoupling Toyota beyond the BRZ/Toyota 86
With 12% more high-strength steel and 9% sports cars, especially in electrification.
more hot-press steel than the previous
platform, the SGP is claimed to be 70% More power please
stiffer torsionally and 90% (front lateral) One important feature available is
to 100% (rear subframe) stiffer than the EyeSight Driver Assist Technology,
outgoing architecture. The platform is sourced from Hitachi Automotive
designed to accommodate multiple pow- Systems. It uses twin stereo cameras
ertrains, including EVs and hybrids. mounted high on the inside of the
Project Senior Manager Shinichi windshield behind the mirror. “Dual
Numata confirmed that as learnings cameras are quicker-reacting than a
accumulate from one new vehicle to the radar/single camera system,” Hill ex-
next, the development process be- plained. “They detect distance more
comes somewhat easier, faster and correctly, similarly to human eyes,”

more cost-efficient. “This Subaru Global Numata added. “Another advantage is

The 2018 Crosstrek includes a new multimedia Platform is basically a process of how a that they are not in the front bumper
system with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay platform should be built,” he says. “The where someone can smash into them in
capability and many new driver-assist major parts are not physically the same a parking lot.”
technologies. [from one model to another], but the Gary Witzenburg


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Creating a vital ADAS partner through Gentex’s move into

home-grown R&D and manufacturing in biometrics (above) is a
logical growth play for both
(of all places) western Michigan. its current mirror business
by Lindsay Brooke and for ADAS opportunities.

n first glance, it appears to be a passive rectangle of reflec- than 31 million mirrors last year, helping it achieve
tive glass. But the full-display mirror, or FDM as its maker $1.679 B in sales and dominant automotive market
Gentex Corp. calls it, comes alive when you start the ve- share. (The company also produces dimmable aircraft
hicle. In the Cadillac CT6, XT5 and Chevrolet Bolt EV windows and sophisticated fire-protection sensors; the
where it debuted in 2016, the FDM pulls an image from a rear mount- latter helped launch Gentex in 1974.)
ed, high-definition camera and streams it onto an LCD display em- All the electronic, software, chemical and industrial-
bedded in the mirror module. design IP comes from Gentex’s global R&D and head-
The result is a high-value safety feature: enhanced, real-time video quarters complex in Zeeland, Michigan, bolstered by
of the scene behind the vehicle. It’s presented in a 40° field of view— key collaborations. All manufacturing, including imag-
more than double the lateral scope of a traditional optical rearview ing systems, microphones, glass-bending and thin-film
mirror. Because the driver is actually seeing through the rear-mount- products is done in-house, too.
ed camera, the FDM makes the vehicle’s roof pillars and rear seat “We see a couple different ways to stay current in
head rests disappear to the eye. The view is unobstructed. the market.” said Steve Downing, Senior Vice President
The FDM is as tech-intensive as any system in the vehicle. A tiny and CFO. “Beyond our own home-grown R&D, we’re
high-dynamic-range camera in the module reduces nighttime glare always looking for and at start-ups and asking if the
by adjusting the lighting contrast on a per-pixel basis—“pixel-level core technology they’re developing fits our strategic
intelligence” is how company engineers describe it. Ten patents cover geography and capabilities. Working through new in-
the hardware design, the video streaming and wide angle de-warp- novative ideas from other companies and helping
ing (correcting the lens’ inherent geometric distortion) and the hy- them get to market quicker with our development and
drophobic coating that enables the rear camera to shed raindrops. expertise is one of the two ‘fuses’, along with in-house
Self-adjusting electrochromic mirrors are Gentex’s core product R&D, that we try to light. Because you never know

and a multi-functional technology platform that’s well-suited for scal- which one will get you to the finish line.”
ing into autonomous-vehicle systems. The company shipped more The company, whose Homelink system pioneered


The Automotive Division of the Society of Plastics Engineers
(SPE®) is announcing a “Call for Nominations” for its 47th-annual

Call for Nominations Automotive Innovation Awards Gala, the oldest and largest
recognition event in the automotive and plastics industries. This
year’s Awards Gala will be held Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at
• Most Innovative Use the Burton Manor in Livonia, Mich. Winning part nominations (due by
September, 13, 2017) in 9 different categories, and the teams that
of Plastics Awards developed them, will be honored with a Most Innovative Use of Plastics
award. A Grand Award will be presented to the winning team from all
category award winners. An application that has been in continuous use
Go to to submit for 15 years or more, and has made a significant and lasting contribution
to the application of plastics in automotive vehicles will be honored with a
nominations and get more information.
Hall of Fame award.
For more information on the Society of Plastics Innovative Part Competition Categories:
Engineers, visit • Aftermarket • Hall of Fame
• Body Exterior • Materials

Sponsorship • Body Interior

• Chassis/Hardware
• Process, Assembly &
Enabling Technologies
Opportunities • Electrical Systems
• Environmental
• Powertrain
• Safety
This annual event typically draws over 700 OEM
engineers, automotive and plastics industry
executives, and media. A variety of sponsorship
packages - including tables at the banquet, networking
receptions, advertising in the program book,
signage at the event and more are available.
Contact Teri Chouinard of Intuit Group at

2016 Sponsors

VIP Reception & Afterglow Sponsor Main Reception Sponsor Wine & Flowers Sponsor Student Program Sponsor

Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsor
Advertising Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Free Info at

V2H (vehicle-to-home) communications, has been at-
Gentex’s FDM in the tracting not only university engineering graduates, but
Cadillac XT5 showing
also a growing number of Silicon Valley electronics
conventional mirror
mode (top) and real- and software veterans. They’re moved by an innova-
time streaming-video tive corporate culture and the moderate cost of high-
mode, below. quality living in western Michigan.

Biometric opportunities
“Part of the Gentex culture has always been to have
engineering close to manufacturing, so engineers and
scientists get to see and touch their ideas. It doesn’t
get outsourced to southeast Asia,” noted Neil Boehm,
Vice President of Engineering. “The group that creates
all the test equipment for production sits right next to
the hardware group for electrical. We have our own
applied-materials group in electrochromics who do
enhanced infra-red emitters, polarizing and new UV
technologies. You can literally watch the processes
developed, watch the equipment being built, then
watch your idea become embodied in a product.
“That’s a strong part of our recruiting pitch: We’ll

fund your ideas, run them down and find out if there’s
a marketplace for them,” he said.

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28 September 2017 Free Info at AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING

VP of Engineering Neil Boehm (left) and Senior VP and CFO Steve

Downing are bullish on Gentex’s place within the growing connected-
and-autonomous vehicle revolution.

Boehm and Downing are geeked about Gentex’s latest au-

tomotive technologies that were among the “hits” of the 2017
CES. They include a new three-camera rear-vision system that
streams video in multiple composite views and an RF tag-
based Integrated Toll Module, developed with partner
Transcore, that allows you to drive across the U.S. and into
Canada and Mexico and never have to deal with the multiple
road-toll protocols currently employed. Gentex has develop-
ment contracts with two customers for the toll module, expect-
ed to enter OEM use in 2019.
There’s a new mirror-integrated biometric system that uses
iris (eye) scanning to authenticate the driver and deliver cus-
tom vehicle security and convenience/transactional features,
and a next-generation, cloud-based Homelink. TDK Technology
Driving new mobility.
With 60 million units in the field and nine million being
added per year, programmable Homelink has been described
as the original automotive connection to the Internet of
Things. Downing explains that evolving the technology from
RF-based to wireless (and 5G) enables it to remotely control
DC-DC converters and
not only the owner’s home garage door, security gates and
on-board chargers
home lighting, but also to Nest thermostats and control and
in industry-leading small size
monitor other in-home appliances.
“We had to create a Bluetooth energy connection between
the HomeLink module and an app on the user’s mobile Rare earth and ferrite
phone,” Boehm explained. “The nice thing about it is, we’ve magnets for high-efficiency
developed app functionality that can be integrated into the motors
OEM’s app, ‘talks’ to the cloud and operates their home-auto-
mation devices—individually or an entire ‘scene’—with one Pressure sensors and TMR
button in the car.” He said Gentex is working with multiple angle and motion sensors
customers for 2019 production. for high-precision applications
Gentex’s new biometric technology also is being developed

for use in conjunction with HomeLink, Boehm and Downing

told Automotive Engineering. Aluminum electrolytic
“When we totally connect the car with the home—unlock the capacitors and MLCCs
garage, disarm the security system—and drive anywhere and with high reliability

lower false-acceptance rate than everything but DNA.
Boehm and Downing see biometrics as key to the
ride-sharing ecosystem and for SAE Level 5 autonomous
vehicles. Beyond security authentication, the technology
also has great convenience potential: adjust the seat and
steering wheel, upload the driver’s radio presets, GPS
connections and link with a smartphone. “It can be a
major OEM-to-consumer ‘touch point,’” offers Downing.
And it can also play a role in the driver-alert function
that’s vital for handing back control of the vehicle to the
driver during the transition from SAE Level 4 operation.
“That’s the question all our customers are asking and
it’s the next step for us—looking at complete-vehicle
cabin monitoring,” Boehm explained.
He said iris-scanning cabin monitoring “has got to be
One section of the electronics manufacturing area within Gentex’s part of the mix” that may include regular checks of the
western Michigan complex.
driver’s heart, breathing and other vital signs during
autonomous operation.
seamlessly pay tolls, we need some way to authenticate the user. That’s “The trick is, can I do it with the same camera? To


why we started looking at biometrics,” Downing said. Gentex partnered properly analyze a drowsy-driving situation, the system
with Delta ID, a company whose custom software algorithm looks at typically wants to see both eyes,” he noted. “Do you
patterns in the driver’s eye iris through a regular camera and a near-IR need one camera to scan your iris and authenticate
camera. It then memorizes, digitizes and authenticates the patterns. you, then have another camera to do the cabin moni-
Experts say iris scanning is far more secure than fingerprints, with a toring? It might require a new optical configuration.

30 September 2017 Free Info at AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING


Less Weight.
Endless Benefits.
BONDERITE® Metal Pretreatment
Solutions for Protective Coatings
on Lightweight Constructions.

Henkel BONDERITE® Next Generation Metal

Pretreatment solutions enable vehicle
lightweighting by processing up to 100 %
aluminum. These protective conversion coatings
Clean-room wafer inspection in the Zeeland manufacturing facility. lead to improved corrosion resistance and bring
ecological, economical and performance
And it must be robust and offer full redundancy.”
Downing noted that Gentex is “getting close” to having benefits. The sustainable Henkel BONDERITE®
booked business for its biometrics technology. systems can easily be integrated into existing
production lines without cost-intensive
Beyond exterior mirrors modifications and decrease process steps while
The company’s new camera monitoring system (CMS) uses saving time, lowering energy requirements and
three cameras to provide an all-inclusive view of the sides and reducing waste generation.
rear of the vehicle. The side-view cameras are integrated into
downsized exterior mirrors. Their video feeds are combined
with that of a roof-mounted camera and “stitched” into mul-
tiple composite views that are streamed to the driver via mir-
ror-integrated display.
For the moment, the CMS appears to be the ideal combina-
tion of digital vision and the redundant/fail-safe simplicity of
a base mirror. With Tesla and others pushing toward vision
systems exclusively, for aero and aesthetic benefits, what
does a mirrorless future portend for Gentex?
“Replacing multiple mirrors with multiple displays is not
going to be a one-size-fits-all approach,” Boehm stated. “At
CES we demonstrated that there is a hybrid solution now; we
don’t go from a mirror to a display immediately. You bring
them both together to allow the consumer to choose what
technology they’re comfortable with, realizing that the physi-
cal mirror provides a fail-safe for if the camera fails or the lens
is too dirty to function.”
“We’re pitching evolution versus revolution,” Downing said.
“Going 100% displays-and-cameras gives up near-field visibil-
ity and has a tremendous amount of cost. You can’t do it with
17 million vehicles in one shot. It has to be phased in so the
OEM can make a profit. The consumer will decide this, I think.”
Added Boehm: “When mirrors start disappearing with the
advent of Level 5 cars, we have some technologies that will
truly help those vehicles serve their users even more.”


‘P’ is for preparedness: Driveline architecture positions P0
through P4 for electrified-propulsion technologies now under
development and/or slated for production by BorgWarner.

Positioning for hybrid growth

BorgWarner’s modular strategy provides OEMs optimal electrified-driveline flexibility.
by Lindsay Brooke

ive years ago, few predicted the high level of ing in the next (2019-2021) production cycle.
technology fragmentation in powertrains, Already arriving in Europe from Audi and other German OEMs,
drivelines and fuels that exists in 2017. Nearly the 48V systems provide greater onboard electrical capacity for
everyone now agrees, however, that hybridiza- CO2-reducing features such as engine e-boosting and for ADAS
tion of all types is essential to meeting the latest (advanced driver-assistance systems) sensor suites, which including
European, North American and Asian emissions regu- their actuators can gobble up to 5 kW, experts say.
lations—and to connect to the long-term full-electric “We’re going to see North America adopt 48V because it has

future. Whenever that comes. such interesting economics,” Barlage asserted. The technology is
“We see it as a ‘spectrum of electrification’ from often described as delivering about 70% of the performance of a
stop-start systems all the way to pure EV—and every- conventional (powersplit-type) dedicated hybrid for roughly 30% of
thing’s in play,” observed John Barlage, Director of the cost. BorgWarner engineers also considered system architec-
Product Strategy, of BorgWarner PowerDrive Systems. ture and packaging in developing a broad new portfolio of 48V and
Like other Tier 1 powertrain systems planners, he sees higher-voltage hybrid-power modules aimed at P2 (drivetrain posi-
“very large volumes” of 48V hybrid applications com- tion 2) applications.



Director of Electrification Joel Maguire says BorgWarner’s

strategy is to “play in all hybrid architectures.”

The product-development team designed what

Maguire calls “a nice, compact motor-generator ‘form
factor’ based on a broad set of OEM vehicle-packag-
ing requirements,” optimizing use of the e-motor’s
magnetic material for P2, P3 or P4 applications, de-
pending on what the OEM needs. “Some [competi-
tors’] powersplit and even P2 architectures have had
to compromise because their hardware wasn’t so
‘comfortable’ in terms of its flexibility with the existing
In the so-called P2 location, the electric motor is located between vehicle package,” he told Automotive Engineering.
the combustion engine and transmission (see diagram). The other BorgWarner’s P2 module features an axial length
industry-recognized hybrid positions include (starting from the front of 6.57 in (167 mm). Rated peak torque is greater
of the vehicle) P0 (belt-alternator-starter, or BAS); P1 (such as than 330 N·m (243 lb·ft). Peak power is greater than
Honda’s IMA in the flywheel position); P3 has the motor on the trans- 80 kW (107 hp), according to the company. It is engi-
mission output shaft ahead of the final drive; and P4 describes elec- neered for both on-axis (meaning located on the
tric rear-axle drives, often called “through the road” AWD hybrids. same axis as the transmission input shaft, engine
The latter also offers torque-vectoring functionality. crankshaft and torsional damper) and off-axis fit-
“P2 offers a lot of very interesting driveline opportunities,” Barlage ments. The latter, mounted piggyback on the trans-
observed, “including paired with dual-clutch (DCT) and even auto- axle case, is a chain-driven solution designed for the
mated-clutch manuals [see sidebar]. It also presents a very nice com- tight packaging needs of smaller transverse-engine/
bination for plug-in hybrids. A P2 with PHEV capability actually deliv- front drive vehicles.
ers better overall efficiency in pure electric mode than a powersplit “The key savings [for the off-axis design] is the space
type. If you want to go on the autobahn, or want to electrify a truck, from wheel-to-wheel; it avoids potential tear-up, with
you want a P2-type hybrid.” zero length in axial growth,” Maguire explained. “You
eliminate the alternator and can integrate the AC com-
pressor on the same chain drive and can still run the
On- and off-axis compressor off the 48V when the engine is off.”
“P-zero BAS systems were the starting point of our development Both P2 modules include a disconnect clutch nested
with the same 48V motor module used in the other positions,” ex- within the e-motor and an integrated dual-mass fly-
plained Joel Maguire, BorgWarner’s Director of Electrification. The wheel, enabling integration with popular transmissions:
engineering strategy “has economies of scale by applying a com- planetary step-type automatics, DCTs, continuously vari-
mon electric machine across the locations.” able (CVTs) and automated manuals. The BorgWarner



Performance Can manual transmissions live in the ADAS era?
Adhesives BorgWarner says yes, hopefully
Electrification was supposed to spell death OEM interested in the application, cur-
for the manual transmission. The same has rently in advanced development.
been said for a manual transmission’s pre- Integrating a manual transmission for
sumed incompatibility with automated-driv- advanced driver-assistance systems, not a
ing functions. But BorgWarner is in the final simple task, also is in the works. Wet- and
stages of developing a new clutch-automa- dry-clutch versions are being evaluated.
tion technology that allows electrification “One of the beauties of the automated
with a manual transmission. clutch with ADAS is it can intervene in an
Known as the Active Manual emergency event; we’re in the process of
Transmission Clutch, or AMTC, the clever trying to implement that,” reported Joel
technology employs an actuator and elec- Maguire.
tronic controls to provide “sailing” function- While the control algorithms and fric-
Optoelectronics ality for increased fuel economy and lower tion material will be necessarily sophisti-
emissions without giving up the traditional cated to enable sailing and automatic
manual-shift experience. launches, the system also needs to be
“We have demonstrator vehicles run- “smart” and able to interface with the au-
ning around in Europe with such a system,” tonomous emergency braking system to
noted Brad LaFaive, Vice President, Sales, open the clutch upon an emergency road
Transmission Systems. Some applications event and allow the vehicle to be stopped
retain the clutch pedal and hydraulic op- safely out of harm’s way.
eration. “But we have controls that over- The same situation with a traditional
ride that for ‘sailing’ and for stop-start ma- manual transmission would have resulted in
neuvers, or to avoid wearing out your left a stalled vehicle and a delay in restarting
leg in heavy stop-and-go traffic,” he said. the engine, Maguire noted..
Sensors LaFaive added that BorgWarner has an L.B.

The production AMTC unit employs

an actuator and electronic controls
to provide “sailing” functionality
without giving up the traditional
gearchange experience. It’s
also a key to integrating manual
gearboxes with ADAS.

engineers note another P2 advantage: comes a triple-clutch arrangement—or

reasonably straightforward use of the what BorgWarner calls “K-Zero” with
existing engine and transmission. the disconnect clutch connected to the
“With P2 you’re dropping a module e-motor and the K1 and K2 clutches
in between the engine and trans. For handling the shifting between the two
sure, it’s not a perfectly ‘clean’ addi- gear clusters.
More information: tion,” Barlage said. “But compared “Our strategy is to play in all architec- with a dedicated hybrid transmission tures, from P-Zero to P4, so as we see

it’s still less expensive and requires a OEM movement into any of the hybrid
lot less modification. And it’s scalable.” positions, we’ve got a system engi-
Engineered into a DCT, the P2 unit be- neered for them all,” Maguire noted.


Nickel-PTFE-nanodiamond coatings High-strength aluminum alloys
Nanodiamond material spe- Constellium HSA6 from
cialist Carbodeon (Helsinki, Constellium N.V. (Amsterdam,
Finland) has worked with The Netherlands) is a new
metal finishing specialist CCT generation of high-strength
Plating (Stuttgart, Germany) 6000-series alloys designed
to develop a new electroless to help automakers meet
nickel polytetrafluoroethylene growing demand for lighter-
(PTFE) and nanodiamond weight vehicles. The material
composite coating. Electroless is in production for several
nickel-PTFE (EN-PTFE) coatings offer anti-adhesive and 2017 and 2018 model year vehicles, including the Mini
low-friction properties, but are traditionally soft and wear Countryman. Suitable for extrusion-based crash manage-
quickly in abrasive conditions. By adding NanoDiamond ment systems, body-in-white structural components and
particles to the EN-PTFE coating, Carbodeon claims to have battery enclosures, the company claims Constellium HSA6
improved the abrasive wear resistance of these coatings allows designers to optimize extrusion shapes and reduce
without compromising the sliding or release properties. The wall thickness to achieve weight savings of 15-30% com-
nanodiamond material consists of small, spherical diamond pared to conventional aluminum alloys. With ultimate tensile
nanoparticles that are specially treated to make them dis- strength higher than 400 MPa, Constellium HSA6 also pro-
perse in coating liquids and carry a positive electrical charge vides enhanced recyclability, machinability and corrosion
on their surfaces. Target applications include: automotive resistance. Alternately, Constellium HSA6 can provide 15-
components, including engine parts, chassis parts and body 30% additional strength to reduce intrusion in the event of a
mechanisms; plastics forming molds, including complex crash, thereby enhancing protection of batteries, cooling
structures, moving cores and slides; military applications systems and other critical vehicle systems, according to the
requiring hard wearing and lubricant-free operations; and company. Pictured are crash boxes ready for assembly to
printing and textile production equipment and machinery. crash management systems.
For more information, visit For more information, visit

High-speed camera Engine ion sensor

Fastec Imaging’s Detroit Engineered Products
(San Diego, CA) (DEP) Inc. (Troy, MI) offers a
IL5 5MP high- commercial prototype of an
speed camera Engine Ion Sensor that in-
enables users to creases fuel economy, lowers
record high- hazardous emissions and
speed events for can enable multiple fuel
airbag and auto- types. According to the com-
motive compo- pany, the DEP Engine Ion Sensor has multi-purposed spark plugs
nent testing, and glow plugs (gasoline and diesel engines) to acquire and in-
troubleshooting, and safety using slow motion replay. The terpret the ion signal from each combustion event that takes
Fastec IL5 offers recording speeds of over 630 frames per place on a cycle-by-cycle, cylinder-by-cylinder basis. The DEP
second (fps) at HD 1080p resolution, over 3200 fps at VGA Engine Ion Sensor can provide many engine performance param-
resolution and more than 29,000 fps at smaller resolutions. eters acting as a “super sensor” for misfire, knock, pre-ignition,
According to the company, images can be saved to an SSD NOx, soot (particulates), flame speed, peak pressure, burn dura-
or SD card while recording high-speed bursts of hundreds or tion, IMEP (indicated mean effective pressure) and more.
even thousands of images at a time. Built for flexibility and Intelligent algorithms inside DEP’s patented mini-controller, de-
ease of use, the Fastec IL5 camera can be controlled over veloped by the company, provide active feedback and control to
Gigabit Ethernet via Fastec FasMotion software on a PC/Mac the engine control unit, resulting in what the company claims is a
or via the built-in web interface with a web browser on a PC, strong increase in fuel economy, reduced NOx and soot emissions
Mac, tablet, or even a smartphone. and options for the use of cheaper and more plentiful biofuels.
For more information, visit For more information, visit


Forming the Future PRODUCT BRIEFS

THE Vehicle sound-generating 1200-V discrete IGBT

system Infineon
Bruël & Kjær’s (Duluth, Technologies AG
GA) VSound Type 3115 (Munich, Germany)
vehicle sound-generat- has expanded its
ing system—from both 1200-V discrete IGBT
interior and exterior product portfolio by
perspectives—enables offering up to 75 A.
virtual NVH prototype evaluation in the The devices are co-
context of a real vehicle, without the need packed with a full-
for a PC in the vehicle. This system, part of rated diode in a TO-247PLUS package.
a suite of tools, can be used to evaluate The new TO-247PLUS 3-pin and 4-pin
targets, candidate sounds and sound de- packages serve the growing demand
livery strategies for real vehicles, for dem- for higher power density and highest
onstrations and for final sign-off by senior efficiency in discrete packages. Typical
management. According to the company, applications with a blocking voltage of

CUSTOM VSound delivers exceptionally high-quali- 1200 V requiring high power density are

ty audio signals—from complete engine drives, photovoltaic and uninterruptible
sounds to simple looped sounds—using power supplies; additional applications
MOST ADVANCED audio algorithms similar to those used by include battery charging and energy
IN THE INDUSTRY the Brüel & Kjær NVH Simulator. To con- storage systems. Compared to a regular
trol the sound output, VSound uses ve- TO-247-3 package, the company says
hicle parameters such as throttle, rpm and the new TO-247PLUS package can pro-
For more than a century Newcomb Spring speed from the CAN-bus system. vide double current rating.
has been recognized as the industry For more information, For more information,
leader, with unmatched capabilities visit visit
and expert services. Our precision
manufacturing processes produce
the highest quality custom springs, Accumulator design and Automated Guided Vehicle
stampings and wire forms with: assembly process platform
To address the disadvan- Agile1500
• The best spring calculator tages mainly in the tradi- Automated
- the Springulator®
tional manufacture of Guided
diaphragm accumulators, Vehicle
• CNC forming up to .625” Freudenberg Sealing (AGV) plat-
wire diameter
Technologies (Weinheim, Baden- form from Comau (Turin, Italy) features
Württemberg, Germany) developed a the flexibility to be deployed across a
• (U0UUV]H[PVU+LWHY[TLU[[OH[ new approach—one that the company wide range of manufacturing and non-
& equipment says requires fewer process steps, fewer manufacturing scenarios. According to
components and shorter installation Comau, it is the first AGV within the
times. Joining the two halves of the new platform and fully expresses the
aluminum housing—using electromag- company’s open automation design
netic pulse technology—and filling the approach. Modular, scalable and com-
gas side with nitrogen are handled in a pletely reconfigurable, Agile1500 can
single step. Electromagnetic pulse carry up to 1500 kg (3310 lb) with a
forming uses powerful magnetic fields maximum speed of 1.7 m/s. With these
to reform electrically conductive mate- characteristics, Comau claims the new
rials without contact. This technology AGV can significantly facilitate core op-
can be used to join the same type of erations including just-in-time and just-
material or different types. Freudenberg in-sequence production, as well as opti-
uses it to create a firm bond between mized logistic flows inside the factory,
the diaphragm accumulator’s upper and improved warehouse management and
lower shell. better overall production efficiency.
For more information, For more information, visit visit


▸ Ruggedized hardware for extreme conditions
▸ Using latest and innovative technologies

Oil change valve

Global Sales Group (Redmond, WA) offers
a new and improved EZ Oil Drain Valve
with optional hose connectors that can
replace an existing drain plug for fast, clean
and easy oil changes. According to the
company, there is no need for special tools:
just turn the lever of this nickel-plated brass ball valve and drain
the engine oil. When it’s time for an oil change, the lever lifts and
a quarter turn opens the valve. To close, the lever is returned to
its original locked position. Screw in the optional hose end (sold
separately) and connect a hose to drain the oil to a remote re-
ceptacle. For routine oil analysis, a small sample of oil can be
drained from the valve without shutting off the engine. The EZ
Oil Drain Valve is available for all engines with 30 different sizes
to fit cars, pickup trucks, vans, farm tractors, motor homes,
heavy-duty trucks, buses, and construction equipment. Automotive Testing Expo USA | Novi, MI
For more information, visit
24.10. - 26.10.2017 | Stand 13032

DataConcentrator software package

Instrumentation Technology Systems
(ITS) (Northridge, CA) offers licensing
availability of its DataConcentrator
Free Info at
software package that enables seam-
less collection of test data from many
sources such as sensors, data acquisi-
tion systems, and data loggers, then
populates the data in a SMPTE 291M Type 02 KLV packet struc-
tured by the user. Sampling KLV payloads at each video frame
time permanently synchronizes data acquisition with video
capture. ITS says this eliminates the tedious and time-consum-
ing post-production process to align data with video, critical
when motion behaviors are required for product testing/evalu-
ation. In the case of autonomous cars, DataConcentrator can
be used to sync the sensor and data collection with video to
evaluate how the vehicle is performing, confirm that correct
decisions are being made and reaction time is sufficient.
For more information, visit

High temperature, flexible epoxy

EpoxySet, Inc.’s (Lincoln, RI) EC-
1030FL is a flexible, two-part epoxy
designed to replace silicones for pot-
ting, encapsulating and casting appli-
cations where temperatures up to
200°C (392°F) are required. This sys-
tem will prevent stresses to components, while temperature
cycling without degradation. The company claims EC-1030FL
offers superior bond strength compared with silicones to many
engineered plastics as well as metals, ceramics and glass while
reducing costs. The EC-1030FL has a 10-15 min work time,
which makes it suitable for production environments.
For more information, visit


Getting on top of cybersecurity technology attracting more people into bikes in general. Just
Just read the August issue online and found the “Hacked!” sto- having this feature for slow-speed parking lot maneuvering
ry interesting. There is no doubt that there will be increasingly would be beneficial.
bold cyber attacks on vehicles. The prospect of an independent Karen Bononi
(or even dealer) technician installing malware into a customer Columbus, OH
vehicle, whether intended or not, and the vulnerabilities of so
many “attack surfaces” in general, should be taken very seri- How about an article on the Honda ASIMO robot? This amaz-
ously by the electrical architecture development teams. ing machine keeps getting more articulate, capable and
Pzoom99 “smart” and is a great example of Honda Motor Co. tech.
Dan Quinn
The “Hacked!” article in August Spartanburg, SC
Automotive Engineering only scratches
the surface regarding the threat “win- Praise for SAE Technology
dow” that’s seemingly open wide for eNewsletters
over-the-air software update mischief. I Great articles, keep it coming, thanks.
work as an electrical-systems tech at a Roger Ebanks
large, multi-brand dealership in the Director, Product Quality
Chicago region and can see OTA turning and Customer Services
into a disaster unless the auto companies Toyota Canada
can make the vehicle firewalls bullet-
proof. Please publish more articles on Active aero and Don Sherman
OTA and cybersecurity, thank you. Your story on the Lamborghini active
Jim Dickerson aerodynamics package was interesting
Joliet, IL [August AE]. When I saw that Don
Sherman’s name is on this article as well
Please publish more information about as the sub-story on General Motors’ aero
the Auto-ISAC group, it could be the be- patent for Corvette, I thought this must be
ginning of auto industry solidar- the same legendary Sherman of
ity and technical cooperation on Car and Driver fame?
the important issue of cyberse- MGV65
David Bentz There’s only one Don Sherman
and we’re proud to report that his
Thanks to our readers for your work will be appearing in
comments about our August cov- Automotive Engineering from
er story. Clearly interest in the time to time. Don, a graduate me-
cybersecurity topic is booming chanical engineer, is a long-time
within the mobility industry. SAE SAE member, a keen technology
International is committed to be- reporter and the ‘dean’ of vehicle
ing in the vanguard of cyber road-testers. Glad you liked his
knowledge and standards, includ- Lambo aero feature.—Ed.
ing active involvement in Auto-
ISAC. Coverage of these topics
will be ongoing in Automotive
Engineering. —Ed.

Self-balancing motorcycles
Good info in your article on
Honda’s self-balancing motor-
cycle project and its relationship to the future of the motor-
cycle [August AE]. It is impressive that Honda engineers de- READERS: Let us know what you think about Automotive
cided to not use a gyroscope solution but not surprising, as Engineering magazine. Email the Editor at Lindsay.Brooke@
Honda always has gone its “own way” with two-wheelers We appreciate your comments and reserve the
including the first to offer airbags on the Gold Wing. I’ve right to edit for brevity.
been a rider for 20 years and can see self-balancing


Company Page
Apple.......................................................................................................24 Freudenberg Sealing Technologies....................................................36 Mini.......................................................................................................... 35
Argonne National Laboratory...............................................................6 Fuji Heavy Industries............................................................................24 National Academy of Engineering......................................................18
Audi................................................................................................... 14, 32 General Motors......................................................................6, 17, 38, 40 National Instruments..............................................................................6
BMW..........................................................................................4, 6, 17, 40 Gentex.....................................................................................................26 NAVYA......................................................................................................18
BorgWarner............................................................................................ 32 GKN Driveline..........................................................................................16 Nissan........................................................................................... 6, 10, 40
Bruël & Kjær...........................................................................................36 Global Sales Group................................................................................ 37 Polaris......................................................................................................18
Cadillac....................................................................................................26 GSR Capital............................................................................................40 Porsche....................................................................................................14
Carbodeon.............................................................................................. 35 Henry Ford Museum..............................................................................18 Qualcomm................................................................................................6
CCT Plating............................................................................................. 35 Hitachi Automotive Systems...............................................................24 Ram...........................................................................................................4
Chery.......................................................................................................20 Honda.......................................................................................4, 6, 33, 38 Renault....................................................................................................40
Chevrolet.......................................................................................... 12, 26 Hyundai.....................................................................................................6 SAE International............................................................................. 6, 30
Comau.....................................................................................................36 Idaho National Laboratory....................................................................6 Subaru.....................................................................................................24
Constellium............................................................................................ 35 IHI .............................................................................................................6 TDK Research and Development..........................................................6
Continental...............................................................................................6 Infineon Technologies..........................................................................36 Tenneco....................................................................................................12
Delphi........................................................................................................6 Instrumentation Technology Systems............................................... 37 Tesla...................................................................................................31, 40
Delta ID...................................................................................................30 Jaguar.....................................................................................................20 Toyota............................................................................................6, 10, 24
Detroit Engineered Products............................................................... 35 Kaist...........................................................................................................6 Transcore................................................................................................29
Eaton.......................................................................................................40 Lamborghini...........................................................................................38 University of Michigan...........................................................................18
EPA............................................................................................................4 Land Rover.............................................................................................20 Volkswagen........................................................................................ 4, 14
EpoxySet................................................................................................. 37 Lear............................................................................................................6 WiTricity....................................................................................................6
Fastec Imaging...................................................................................... 35 Magna Steyr...........................................................................................20 ZF ...........................................................................................................20
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.................................................................4, 6 Mazda........................................................................................................4
Ford........................................................................................... 4, 6, 17, 22 Mercedes-Benz....................................................................................4, 6


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Europeans are migrating away from diesels, but the Renault-
Nissan Alliance is a major diesel manufacturer. What does that
mean for the near term?
We need a transition between there [ICE-only powertrains] and
a lower-carbon footprint. We have lots of data on how electric
vehicles (EVs) work, how to optimize them and most impor-
tantly, what customers do and don’t like about them. We have
a very good blueprint of how we can move and migrate our
portfolio to where it’s more electric, zero emission carbon-free
future. What’s not known right now is how soon that timeline
Ponz Pandikithura said programs will be. What’s the bridge?
such as Nissan’s partnership with
Eaton for battery recycling may You believe 2022-23 will be “the tipping point” in terms of
help reduce EV ownership costs. battery technology that will enable Nissan to produce an EV
for the same price as a 1.2-L Qashqai CUV [the U.S. market
Rogue Sport]. From the customer’s point of view, what does
that mean?
Total cost of [EV] ownership over the lifecycle drops dramati-

Nissan sees 2023

cally—and perceived value goes up.

Nissan thinks reducing total cost of EV ownership will be part-

‘tipping point’ for ly achieved by extending the battery’s life beyond the vehicle;
the company is partnering with Eaton for its xStorage pro-
EV costs gram whereby partially depleted batteries with upwards of
70% capacity can be reused—presumably making a better
A lot has happened in the electric-car segment since 2014 “business case” for customers?
when the Nissan Leaf was the world’s best-selling BEV. The What if we found a way to plug in your car that gave you back
advent of Tesla’s Model S, X and Model 3, along with GM’s Bolt the battery’s original efficiency? Or, we do a software flash giv-
EV and development at other OEMs have pushed the Leaf out ing you new features in the car you didn’t originally have?
of the electric-car limelight. Today, EV reputations are all about
range—and in that metric, the current Leaf can only muster 172 If the ownership model has to change, then, will the way in
km (107 mi) between charges with its 30 kW·h battery. which emissions are calculated on a more-realistic and equi-
However, Nissan revealed its all-new Leaf just after table lifecycle analysis also change?
Automotive Engineering contributor Ian Adcock sat for a talk It’s cradle-to-grave. It’s the manufacturing process that goes
with Ponz Pandikithura, Nissan Europe’s VP Product Planning. As into components, the power that goes into production; our ap-
a side note, also not long after this interview, the company an- proach is an overall environmental footprint.
nounced it was selling its EV battery-making business—including
production facilities—to private-investment firm GSR Capital. Do the authorities and other OEMs understand that cradle-to-
grave approach?
Yes. [But] do they like it, or will they
act on it, that’s a different question.
We’re a publicly-quoted company
with shareholders and we have to
optimize the resources they’ve in-
vested in as best we can.

You believe that a mandated zero-

carbon-footprint market would
cause Nissan and the other OEMs to

lose money on every EV they make?

[Yes, but] our firm belief is that in
the long-term future, we will get to
In early 2017, Nissan partnered with BMW to expand public access in the U.S. to DC fast-charging zero-emission cradle-to-grave—and
stations for electric vehicles. the market will reward us.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. U.S. EDT
The fast-paced, customer-driven automotive industry has taken on the Speaker:
challenges of rapidly changing power demands for electric, hydrogen,
hybrid, and gas-powered vehicles. This 30-minute Webinar looks at
how tightening regulations, global competition, and demands for safer
vehicles have set the course for placing the powertrain front and center
in technological development.
Sirisha Lavu
Product Manager,
Hybrid and
Electric Mobility
Sponsored by: Solutions,
Hosted by:
TE Connectivity

For additional details and to register visit:


Thursday, September 28, 2017 at Noon U.S. EDT
When vehicle engineers set out to develop new Speakers:
cars and trucks, their attention is increasingly
on reducing noise, vibration, and harshness to
create a customer-pleasing driving experience.
NVH attenuation is also critical as more quiet
electric propulsion solutions are developed.
This Webinar brings NVH research and vehicle- Jianmin Guan Dr. Pranab Michael
Saha, P.E. Thibeault
integration experts together to provide a look Director,
Vibration and Co-Founder Lead Design
at next-generation NVH designs, technologies, Acoustics and Principal Engineer:
Solutions, Consultant, Microphones,
and materials. Altair Engineering Kolano and Saha PCB
Engineers Inc., Piezotronics Inc.,
USA MTS Systems

Sponsored by:

Hosted by:

For additional details and to register visit:

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