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MG309 Strategic Management

Assignment: 2 Group Project

Topic: Strategic Planning
Course coordinator: Dr. Suwastika Naidu

Group Members:
Kishan Krishneel Goundar(S11145264)
Kishan Chandra(s11145252)
Executive Summary

“ This project will be focusing on the Ba lodge, which was situated in Ba town. It is purposely to
investigates how the strategic plan in the Ba lodge hotel from the past to the present and will
examines what objectives which was implemented in the business. A brief history of the Ba
lodge hotel is provided and its operation is initially outlined how the organization structure. The
discussion will focus on how the company diagnostic the situation using the positive model of
changes based on the emphasis skill and understand how the change occur in the organization
and in what way this organization change through over time . ”

“ Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus
energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are
working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and
assess and adjust the organization’s direction in response to a changing environment. It is a
disciplined effort that produces fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an
organization is, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future.
Effective strategic planning articulates not only where an organization is going and the actions
needed to make progress, but also how it will know if it is successful . ”

There are many different frameworks and methodologies for strategic planning and management.
While there are no absolute rules regarding the right framework, most follow a similar pattern
and have common attributes. Many frameworks cycle through some variation on some very basic
phases: 1) analysis or assessment, where an understanding of the current internal and external
environments is developed, 2) strategy formulation, where high level strategy is developed and a
basic organization level strategic plan is documented 3) strategy execution, where the high level
plan is translated into more operational planning and action items, and 4) evaluation or
sustainment / management phase, where ongoing refinement and evaluation of performance,
culture, communications, data reporting, and other strategic management issues occurs.

“ Strategic planning is the process of developing a plan, guideline or roadmap for your hotel, for
example Ba lodge. Which is based on its mission, vision, values and stated goals and objectives,
which indicates the specific strategies and tactics or actions that will be taken to achieve these
goals . ”

“ Strategic planning should guide the efforts of the entire hotel; however, it is not unusual for
more than one strategic plan to be in place; an overall hotel plan, for instance, that drives the
development and implementation of other related plans that might include marketing plans, HR
plans, finance plans or department-specific plan.The importance of strategic planning at all levels
is twofold: first it puts a stake in the ground in terms of what the hotel is hoping to achieve and
second, it serves as a guide for employees to direct their activities and resources (time and
money) toward goals and objectives that have been considered and adopted by the organization
as a whole . ”
SWOT Analysis of Ba lodge

Analysis of the Ba lodge

Simply put, a SWOT Analysis is a rundown of all Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and
Threats facing a particular industry or niche. Herein, we will provide an outlook for the hotel

industry as a whole with a particular focus on its primary business strengths, weaknesses, and
how these pitfalls can be harnessed into natural advantages . ”

Image Curtesy- LinkedIn


“ There is no question the hotel industry such as Ba lodge hotel, is a vast sector that is responsible
for millions of FJD Dollars in the form of revenue. That being said, a SWOT analysis of the
hotel industry is, therefore, paramount. Its magical allure lies in the fact that it can help hoteliers
globally to develop and implement sound and robust business strategies. As we might expect
with an industry with such a massive financial muscle, we need to have a clear-cut business
strategy . ”
If you are a hotel manager, owner of a hotel or restaurant, travel enthusiast or a wannabe
entrepreneur in the hotel industry; understanding the SWOT analysis of hotel industry is a must.
Background of Hospitality and hotel industry might help to understand the zest of Service in the
hotel industry and hospitality and explore the analysis further.

Strengths of Ba lodge

“ Right off the bat, we will have to admit that the hotel industry’s strengths vary from one region
to another. Every region has its own advantages and disadvantages. But, the first step in the
SWOT analysis of the hotel industry begins with an incisive look at its universal primary
strengths . ”

1. Provides Safe Abode Away from Home

“ It is undeniable that the hotel industry provides safe accommodation for people when they are
away from their homes. The industry itself boasts millions of decent rooms. With a variety of
hotels across the globe – from boutique hotels to the grandeur international name brands and
everything in between, always a hotel will fit a customer’s needs. They offer everyone a place to
kick back and relax away from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life and work. Without the
hotel industry, vacations and road trips would not be safer or even possible . ”
2. Contributes to the Local Economy

“ As an industry that wields significant financial power, the hotel industry can certainly tide things
over in the local economies. Sure, it is local attractions that bring masses to the community, but it
is the hotels that keep them there. When people stay in a place, they consume local services and
goods. They will visit local malls, eat in local restaurants, and shop in local stores. In addition,
where do all those top dollars end up? That is right – within the community. Therefore, the Hotel
industry is a boon to the community . ”

3. It is a Mammoth of an Employer

“ Again, the hotel industry is an enormous sector that employs many people in myriad disciplines.
Think in the line of management, groundworks, landscaping, banking, service, and entertainment
to name a few. There are many Astonishing facts about hotel industry with key facts being that
within the next couple of decades 1 out of 10 people could be a hotelier or hospitality
professional . ”

4. High-Profit Margin

Although the hotel industry requires huge initial capital, it is still a worthy investment as the cost
of labor is lower, and the profit margins are higher.

Weaknesses of the Hotel industry of Ba lodge

Now, this is a crucial part of the SWOT analysis of the hotel industry. After all, mastering the
weaknesses is what that gives hotels the competitive edge. Let us look at a few of the weaknesses
that we need to be careful with, when working with Ba lodge hotel.
1. High Hotel Rates

“ Here is the thing: high-end hotels charge hundreds of FJD Dollars to stay there for a single
night. The problem is that these rates are not within reach of an average household in today’s
world. Therefore, the hotels are losing customers to competition inside and outside the industry.
In essence, there is a limited demographic that the hotel industry can market their services and
products to. Although there are affordable hotels out there, they usually offer lower standards of
services – and maintenance . ”

2. Unfavorable Tax Rates

“ In some countries, the hotel industry is subjected to an unfair tax structure, which, in turn, takes
the cost of offering hospitality services to a completely new high. Get this: some rooms attract
specific taxes, which are charged per night spent there. As if that is not worse enough, some
hotels also receive higher sales taxes when pitted against other sub industries such as bed and
breakfasts . ”

Opportunities to the Ba lodge

“ The Ba lodge is here to stay; there is no question about that. The best news is that every
community has a raft of attractions and landmarks worth visiting. What hoteliers have to do is
add a little flair to them, and people from all walks of life will journey miles to partake in their
beauty. In principle, the hotel industry has an opportunity to enjoy a year-round influx of
customers thanks to its modern structure. During peak season, hotels typically take in domestic
and international tourism – and local tourists during the off-season. Moreover, this is the magical
allure of the hotel industry. The world is being globalized; there are more booking and travelling
options. Technology is providing a hand in helping the hotel industry grow. The Future of
Hospitality and the Hotel industry is bright for sure . ”
Threats to the Ba lodge

“ This again is a crucial part of the SWOT analysis of Ba lodge. Alternative lodging like Airbnb
has already posed enough threat to the hotel industry . ”

1. Boutique Alternatives: Cheaper and more robust hospitality services are mushrooming each
day. Airbnb is the primary threat to the hotel industry, for that matter.
2. Prevalent Conditions: Civil unrests in some foreign countries can dampen down hotel
industry both directly and indirectly.
3. Worse-Than-Expected Economies: The hotel industry is still reeling back from the
aftermath of the world’s recession. Unfavorable interest rates and low disposable income has cut
down dramatically footfall in most hotels across the world.
Competitor Analysis

"Competitors of a company, according to Oman, are the different options considered by

customers. They can be divided into two categories. Direct competitors offer similar products
and services. Indirect competitors, on the other hand, sell slightly different products and services
but still have the same group of customers with the same need to satisfy. The indirect
competitors can also be called substitutes. Identifying indirect competitors starts from the
customer. Considering what the customer could use to satisfy the same need as with the
company’s product helps to see what the indirect competitors are” (Oman 2011.).

“ In order to be successful in your business, you need to know your competitor’s strengths,
weakness, strategies, product & services and other business factors. Ba lodge hotel takes heed of
their competitors, whether it be a local or international competitor, they will and always had a
strong and firm strategies to defend themselves from failing and will always assured their
investors and customers that they are aware of their competitors . “Knowing the strengths,

weaknesses and likely actions of the competitors is essential when planning a strategy for the
company. go so far as to point out that since competitive advantage is always in relation to the
competition it is impossible to know even one’s own company properly without knowing the
competition” (Hooley et al. 2008, 116.). Still, as Porter points out, some competitors are

beneficial to the industry and are therefore classified as good competitors. Good competitors can
for example increase industry demand and deter entry from new entrants without presenting too
severe a threat . “A good competitor also knows the rules of competition and plays by them, has a

clear weakness and recognizes it, knows how to set prices according to costs and has goals that
can be reconciled with the goals of the company” (Porter 2004a, 207–214.). Just like running

horses, competitors can also make a company perform better . ”

Competitor Survey:

“ This research will be based on the findings which will be taken from the sources selected and
will present a critical reflection with reasoning behind the method by formulate the organization
changes occur within the Ba lodge . ”

“ The methods that were used in order to gather information for our research project was through : ”

Primary Qualitative method

 Questionnaires were distributed to the certain in the Ba lodge customers .

“ ”

Secondary method

 Internet research for the collection of data from the website .

“ ”

“ Most of this information is precise and timelines information, which evidentially talks on the
subject of the reviewed based on the assignment’s topic that is strategic planning
perspectives of the large firms. And that, this information has helped us a lot in conditions of
structuring as well the research strategy and right method are discussed . ”

“ Strategic planning is the link between a great idea and business success. Based on the purpose
for your business, a smart strategy helps you develop a plan of action. To help you and your team
stay on track, meet at regular intervals to assess and enhance your strategy. Employee
involvement is a key to motivation, aligning personal goals with your company mission.
Analyzing company, team and individual performance is a great way to keep everyone working
together. In small business such as Ba lodge, a strategic game plan can help you do more than
just survive. You can thrive and win . ”
Oman, J. 2011. Understanding your competition. URL:
business/understanding-your-competition. Accessed: 08.09.2019.

Hooley, G., Piercy N. F. & Nicoulaud, B. 2008. Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. Fourth
edition. Prentice hall. Harlow, England.

Porter, M. E. 2004a. Competitive advantage. Creating and sustaining superior performance. First Free
Press Export Edition. Free Press. New York.

Burnes, B. (2004b). Kurt Lewin and the planned approach to change: a re-appraisal. Journal of
Management Studies. Vol. 41(6), pp. 977-1002.

Cooper, A. H. (1985). Strategic planning in education: A guide for policymakers. Alexandria,

VA: National Association of State School Boards of Education, 4.

French, S. (2009). Action Research for Practicing Managers. Journal of Management

Development.Vol 8 (3), pp. 187-204.

Kippenberger, T. (2000). Two contrasting theories of Change: Theory E and Theory O. The
Antidote. Vol. 5 (7),

Kotnour, S. A. H. T. (2015). Integrating the Organizational Change Literature: A model for

successful change. Journal of Organizational Change Management. Vol. 28. (2), pp. 234-262.

Waddell, M. D., Creed, A., Cummings, G. T. & Worley, G. C. (2011). Organizational change,
development and transformation. Engage Learning. Australia.

Zaffane, R. (1996). Dynamics of Strategic Change: Critical Issues in fostering positive

organizational change. Leadership and Organization Development. Vol. 17 (7), pp. 36-43.
Plagiarism Declaration

We want to declare the content of this project is consisting of individual contribution of each
group members. The other sources we use have been supported and clear attribution and citation
to resources used. All sources used and borrowed are been acknowledge. We understand that
plagiarism can lead to failure in our project and for worse expulsion or termination form USP.

Therefore, we want to declare from our signatures that our work contains no plagiarism.

Name of Student student ID Signature Date

Kishan Krishneel Goundar S11145264 11 October 2019

Kishan Chandra S11145252 11 October 2019

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