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February /14/2020

1. What are the pedagogical strategies you are considering to use in this face-to-face
practice? Include deep description of each strategy.

The Communicative Approach is based on the idea that learning a language successfully
comes through having to communicate real meaning. In the Communicative Approach, the main
objective is to present a topic in context as natural as possible.

Language learning is learning to communicate and effective communication is sought. (When

learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will
be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language.)

Contextualization is a basic premise. (Meaning cannot be understood out of context. Teachers

using this approach will present a grammar topic in a meaningful context. Example: If the new
topic to teach is Present Continuous, the teacher will not mime the action of ‘walking’ and ask:
What am I doing? I am walking. Instead, the teacher will show, say, pictures of her last trip and
tell the students something like: I have pictures of my vacation. Look, in this picture I am with my
friends. We are having lunch at a very expensive restaurant. In this other picture, we are swimming
at the beach.

Practicing question forms by asking learners to find out personal information about their
colleagues is an example of the communicative approach, as it involves meaningful

 Who do you live with?

 How often do you use a mobile phone?
 How do you get to school every day?
 How much television do you watch in a week.?
 Tell us about a teacher you really like?
 Are you going to do anything special this weekend?
One of the best known lists is that of the five characteristics of the communicative method, drawn
up by David Nunan (1996):

 It emphasizes communication in the foreign language through interaction.

 It introduces real texts into the learning situation.

 It offers learners opportunities to think about the learning process and not just about the

 Gives importance to the personal experiences of the learners as elements contributing to

the learning process in the classroom.

 It tries to relate the language learnt in the classroom to activities carried out outside the

2. What are the differences between didactic and pedagogy as disciplines? Make a
wide description.
In short, Pedagogical science is the methodical and scientific orientation of educational work,
didactic science is of teaching.

 Pedagogy scientifically answers the question "how to educate". Didactics does it with the
question "how to teach?
 Pedagogy is the science that guides the work of the educator. Didactics guides a specific
aspect of it: his or her work as a teacher.
 All future-oriented science is in turn based on the explanatory science. In order to know
how to educate, one must know what man is like, how he grows: pedagogy is based on
psychology, and on evolutionary sociology. In order to know how to teach, one must know
how to learn: didactics is based on the psychology of learning.
 All science is equally supported, through interdisciplinary work, by auxiliary disciplines.
Pedagogy also draws on anthropology and sociology. Didactics is based on method, on
handling the media, on curriculum design, etc.
3. Describe 5 activities that you will do in the classroom in an English class, explain
the theoretical background of the strategy and the author linked to the activity.

 Simulation games (role playing)

 Interviews
 Exchange of information between students
 Games
 Language exchange
 Surveys
 Working in pairs
 Learning by teaching
Doughty and Long (2003) define a series of principles that can be used as a guideline for
implementing CLT.
1. Using tasks as organizational principles has to do with the focus on meaning by giving
learners “a purpose to use grammar in a meaning context”. A task can be defined as an
activity in class that involves learners interaction with language and focuses on meaning
rather than form.
2. Promoting learning by doing refers to how new knowledge can be better retained in long-
term memory if it is tied to real-world events and activities.
3. Input needs to be rich, since the learner needs to be exposed to the language from various
sources to develop native-like language skills. That input, however, must be
comprehensible to the students.
4. Input needs to be meaningful, comprehensible and elaborated. The assimilation of new
knowledge heavily depends on how easily it can be attached to already existing knowledge.
5. Promoting cooperative and collaborative learning by pairing or grouping students
together so that they can work cooperatively on a task. This practice promotes
communicative interaction in the target language.
6. A focus on form approach emphasizes a form-meaning connection, teaching grammar
through communicative contexts.
7. Providing error corrective feedback is important for the learner, but it is a long term
process. It depends not only on how the teacher provides the feedbacks, but also on
individual learner factors.
8. Finally, recognizing and respecting affective factors of learning is essential for teachers
to understand and provide learners with an environment where they can feel motivated.

4. How is your English level according to the European Framework? Explain some
strategies you will use to help the students to improve their English level.
I think my English level is between b1 and b2, I sincerely think that the jump from B1 to b2
is an important jump in language learning. It's when you start to feel comfortable talking about the
abstract and meaning. I've been working on getting to level b2 in English by reading and watching
movies and practicing.

5. Explain some strategies you will use to manage discipline and bad behavior of the
As future teachers we must use assertive communication to ensure spaces and learning
opportunities for our students.

We have to increase the practice of assertive communication in the classroom to favor student
learning, in emotional climates that motivate interest and favor positive emotions.

The school climate is essential for learning in a constructivist context, all the material or activities
programmed by the teacher will have greater echo in the students if the classroom environment
generates interest, motivation, towards the contents, or themes.

We believe that in the institutions, information and training workshops should be held in assertive
communication with teachers.

6. Prepare and draft 5 questions for an interview with your supporting teacher. The
questions must include the following topics:
A. What’s the best way to teach English?
B. Can you describe some of the methods that you use to make your lessons exciting and
C. How do you motivate students to learn?
D. How will you integrate the use of technology in your classroom?
E. What is the best advice you can give a student teacher?
Castanyer, Mayer-Spiess, Olga. La asertividad: expresión de una sana autoestima (32a. ed.),
Editorial Desclée de Brouwer, 2009. ProQuest Ebook Central, Recuperado
Todo sobre comunicación. (s.f) La comunicación asertiva en la escuela y en el aula. Recuperado

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