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Bad Distress same ton

Module 37: Motivational Concepts Good =Eustress on the body

Motivations aneed or desire that energizes and directsbehavior

In their attempts to understand motivated benavior ,

psychologists have viewed it from four perspectives :
fixed Patterno Instict theory (now replacedwith evolutionary

perspective ( Involuntary) (cannot be taught or

- focuses on genetically predis posed behaviors
tacomplex series of behaviors
*happen at a certain maturational point in time

torrent levels
on onres o Drive - reduction theory Food ) (water I (see) ete . ..
. - focuses on how we respond to inner pushes
When you
ignore a need . and pulls the drive will grow .

* Youcannot ignore physiological needs creates an aroused state that

a orive motivates all orgcenism to satisfy that need

• Arousal theory

- focuses on Ronding the right level of stimulatie

o Abraham Maslow 's heirarchy of needs

- Foucuses on the priority of some needs
others. over

Instinct - a complex behavior that is rigidly
throughout a species and is unlearned

physiological need abasic bodily requirement

homeostasis - a tendency to maintain a constant or balanced

State (just right satisfed peeling) Balance ♡
incentive - a positive ornegative environmental stimulus that
mothratesbehavior la reinforcement ) Intrisic (selk drive)
* intrinsic motivators and extrinsic extrinsic Couter orires)
Drive -reduction Theory getting good grades 2
makes me dead - good graces
(Need linove good Drive-theorema mook good for college

Terkes -Douson law - the principle that performance onerases with

grousal only up to a point, beyond which performance (everyone was a sweet)
varies wickly sree

than si


hare fullest potential

necas &

PerformancelevelArousal and performance 1. o peage

Gexcitement Shumanist • achieve this

high need = boredom theory Fransen Maslons & deniqod

O gr/selt actuarcanon giving back (selfless)
se needs a needs
Esteem wees = self esteem needs
need nobores .
Bebgingressi love I personas a
- goals
Safety needstshelter * Primary
Physiological news
90% of the world does Need C vs 1 Want
not & Love
recreve then primary- Primary s La secondary
- needs *Sleep, food,water friends & family
Theory I Bia Idea tunconditional positive recard

Instinct I There is a csenetic basis for unlearned,species &

Theory Itupient behavior so similarity due to arpast wine onstinct intalleet
Drive -reacion physiologreed reed creates a phesiological drove that l - ention
theory Imothrates a a
drive- reducing behavior wouny home - Morens
w doesnot explaint
y some scheufort
housal lour, reed to maintain ,un optimal level of arousal
Theory I'mothreates behaviors that meet nophysiological need
wobes not explain motivation To address our complex news
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Module 38° Hunger Motivation

glucose - a foom a sugar that circulates in

the major source of energy for body tissues the blood and provides

The Hupothalamus controls hunger,blood supply to the area allow

the thepothalamus to respond to the blood chemistry /
* in the lymbic system
the reward susten (invoured in addiction ventomeerid
to + the off switch
the onswitch friggers
Appetite Hormones " * open mouth
-praderwillie * closed worth
- Increases Appetite - Syncome - Anorexies

Neuro tangwitter Ghrelin - hormore secreated by an empty stomach

lo Orexin ra honger hormone released by the hypothalamussasiation

Foodated Decreases Appetite

• Insulin - screated by the pancreas
To reptin - Hormore secrected by feat cells when abundant

•PVY - Digestive track honnore

set point the point at which your "weight thermostat" may be

set. When your book falls below thiswedght, increase honger and
lower metabolic rate combine to restore weight.

basal metabolic rate the body's resting rate of energy out put
#how fast we bum calories :
Situational Influences on Eating
• Arousina Appetite
- action movies

•Friends and Food

-we eatmorewhen we're with others

• Serving size is significant

- Larger plates = more food = biggerbites

• Selections stimulate
- food variety stimulates eating

• Nudging nutrition

- Ik butts or vea is offered first

1. become more likely to take it. then individuals

obesity - a BMI of30 or higher

overweight - BMI25 + .

* there is a gene that can precispose werght gain

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Losina unwanted weight :

Bean only if you feel motivated and self- disciplined.
* Permanent weightloss requires a life - long change in
eating habits combined with increased excersise

• Excersise and get enough sleep

• Minimize exposure to tempting food cues

• Limitvariety and eat healthy foods

• Theduce portionsizes

• DON'T starue all day and eat one big meal at night

•Beware of binge eating

•Before eating with

to eat others decide how much you're going

• Remember most people lapse

• Chart your progress online

• Connect to a support group

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Module3 9 : Sexual Motivation

asexual having no sexual interest /attraction to others

testosterone - the most important mate sex hormone

- the additional testosterone in mates stimulates the
ainen growth of the male sex organ , during the Betel perroo
ogentive and the development of sex characteristics donny

une puberty
Disabled gir






i - sex hormones, such as estradiol

- they ontribute to temale sex characteristic and

Secreated in greater amounts by Remates

- Estrogen levels peak around ovelation .

* In nonhoman animals this promotes sexual


* The more estrogen = high sex drive

or testosterone

sexual response cycle the four stages of sexual responding

(describce by Masters and Johnson ) excitement,plateau, orgasm,
and resolution different for remaks & mates
Excitement (the build up)
#malesto singthe genital areasbecame engorgedwith blood,causing
have a thout the penis Iclitoris to swell. Awoman's vagina expanes
excotementwe atosecreates lubricant, and her breasts and nipoles
sex orive may enlarge
Plateau :
Aman's penis becomes rolly engoreged , and pre-com may
appear. Awoman's vaginal secretions continue to
onas 3
1. Top ofPage

from grandfather to granson the sperm count

Orgasm : (climax ) is cut in half
in the remate Muscle contractions appear all over the body and
orgasm the
cenix spasms, are accompanice by rurther increases in breathing pulse , and
'suctiony" the
spem into the blood pressure rates. The pleasurable reelina on sexual release is
asmuch the same in both sexes
positive constation with conseption

Resolution :
younger The body returus to an unaroused state genital blood
climas e
tatter but can vessles release blood. Men enter refractory seriod of a
go againsooner
& Rew minutes to a day or more women's refactory period
sometime is much shorter and can have multiple orgasms .

non existant
retrocory period

ogical influences :
• sexualmaturity
• sex hormones,especially
tesissturore Hot Psychological Infeveres:
• exposure to stimerating
• sexual fantasies
elly/sexual /


Traditionalholes &
anything biovegretly Sexual Dysfunctions :
arry (wrong) has a great o
terpart in n
sex motivation ? sexual - Eractive disorde

Motivation - Premature ejaculation

- Female orgasmic disorder

Indicralistic Egalitratran - Paraphilices deviantbehaviors!

Social-cultural • Exhibitionism, fetishism,
Influencet and pedophilia
- Learning lofamily and society values
•religious personal values
Collective Traditional
cultures Gender Tholes ultural expectations
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Module 40 : Affiliation and Achievement Asian
& Culturally B. Individuallistic JapanCollective Society interes
affiliation need: the need to build relationships and to feel
part of a group homans are social
• Aristotle's social animal animals

ostracism - deliberate social exclusion of individual or groupsout)

* the pain of being shut out Time out > FOMO (Fear of missingout)

Sit Shiva - Jewish culture where people gather

Mobile Networks and Social Merce, "Sit. andcomfort eachother
•Mobile Phones -used inbanishment as well

• Texts
• The Internet
Social Networking
* females have a higher reed to fit in

narcissism - excessive self- love and selk absorption

hievement motivation a desire for significant accomplishment

for mastery of skills or ideas for control, and for attaining a high

Standard .

grit passion and perseverance in the pursuit of long - term goals

DesfonetionBenefits: 1. parent /child

- EnhancedSoriral secure attachements,2. Rriends & significant other

- Attachment arealonnection &

•Anxious attachment Consecure attachment)
•Insecure avoidant attachment (pessimist :whatever) :

I pick the right person to follow

Mentor - 2. Become a person for others to follow
1 Top ofPage

Modore 41: Theories and Physiology of Emotion orEmotion

voon first?

emotion - a response of the whole organism ,involving:

(1)physiological arousal - crying from onions
(2 ) expressivebehaviors
(slconscious experience when you know Canticipation )
Crying - tears, vocalization , increased respiration,nose runs

rodily functions conphysiologicalresponses to a stimows.

- Body -Lang
James - Lange Theory - the theory that our experiences of emotions
is our awareness of our physiological responon
Stimetus arousal emotion

*not all emotions are learred or expressed in the same way

- different for every person
Cannon -Baill (veterans thinking about war experiences )
Cannon - Bard theory - the theory an emotion arasing Stimus
Simotaneoushe vrygers physsrogial responses and the subjective
experience or that emotion.&emotionalsimuld triggersbodily responses
* fear #1 most

- Functional2 the amygda

ASINGER can lee excitedor afraid or excited

two factor the schanchter -Singer theon that to experience
emotion one mist:be prysreally arouse and cognitively cable
that arousal out the lambre system
is the emotional center

tour experience of emotion :

general arousal and concrous

Appraisal cognitive cable


Emotional torespone

isnecessary -
Regulation -
v a Lazarus /
Schachter -singer
Event Hones
* Adults control
theor emotion

Zanjonc /
salivation Skin Respiration
Autonomic Nervous System Contals Physiological Arousal
Pupilsoralate Decreases | Perspires ) Increases | Accelerates

Pupis Contract T Dries Decreases

Innibbits Preorreo

Digestion Adrenal Immune system


secrebe stress
hormones - Sympathetic nervous system
arousing to fight Flight/Freer
- Para sympathetic NS
carming Cregan balance)

I- Verks Dodson Law

Optimal arousal theory
• Emotions
Activates Decreased
I scretion Enhanced

stress ,
ankien &

polygrar - a machine used in attempts to detect lies that measures several

of the physiological responses

Le Bouch : Some embodied responses happen instanty,without

concious appraisal
1 - Being startled by a sound in the woods

Lazarus : Cognitive appraisal ("Is dangerous or not ?" I some time

without our awareness - defines emotion
- the sound is just the world
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#interpersonal skills being

B - soft skills

Ex : Autism
Module 42 : Expressina Emotion able to read other's emorrons
* Peoplewho cannot detect other'senstions have social pragmatic disorder
• facial feedback effect - the tendency of facial muscle states to
trigger correspondina feelings such as Rear, anger , or happiness
nonverbal behavior is extremely culturally based
-space buloble burping
- pointing -Kissing
- clapping

•behawior kedback effect - the tendency of benavior to influence
own and others' thoughts , reelings, and actions .

mostly body movements , facial

• our communication is through
expressions , and voice tones

•Women tend to read emotional eves more

mae empathy easily and to express

•Cultures dotter in the amount or emotion they express

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Module 43 : Stress and

a Illness

Stress - the process by which we percieve and responsed tocertain

events,called stressors, that we apprise as threatening ar
Stresstol Event
challenging Threat challenge
Stress appraisal stress sweet spot
C Aroused,
Distraction focused
general adaptation Syndrome- Selye's concept of the body's
adaptive response to stress in three phases - alarm , resistances
exhaustion . stress to

tend - and -befriend response

others (tend) and bond with anosech under stress,people
from others support to

heath psychology - a subriele of psychology that provides

psychology's contribution to behavioral medicine
Stress illness :
Diabetes o*caused by like style
•Corinary Heart Disease

psychoneuroimmunology - the study of how psychologiquespreural,

and endocrine processes together attect the immune system and
resulting health
•B lymphocytes . • Macrophage
•Tampocires Naturalkiller cells (Nk cells) .
coronary heart disease the clogging of the vessels that
nourish the heart muscle , the leadine cause of death in
many developed countries ve symproms
1 Chrentalhealth)

Chronie stressors Excessive inflincation

sressors Excessive inflincation f cardiac Drease
Comoro a se
1. Top ofPage

Type A: Friedman and Rosenman 's terms for competative

hard - driving, repatrent , verbally aggressive, and anger
prone people

and Rosenman's
Type B : Friedman

relaxed people. term for easy goine

Catharsis in psychology the near

energy relieves agressive urges that releet they agress"

distress (-) eustress (+).

- Catastrophes
significant like changes
- Daily hastes Selxe's general adaptation syndrome AS

- Alarm OMG !
- Response No!!'
- Exhaustion shut Down
nd- and - befiend a
Babysteps Be your own
bes forend
- hyperfocus in chunks Take brows
Positive self- talk
• Allow Joy
(orggeit foror )

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Module 44 : Health and Happiness

aerobic exercise - sustained exercise that increases heart and
lung Rituess

mindrolress meditation - a reflective practice in which people

attend to current experiences in a non guage and accepting

- Heathy behaviors .

nvolvement a social support >- Better

. - Positive emotions -

feel -good,do- good phenomenon - people's tendency tobe

helpful when in a good mood .

Positive psychology - the scientific study on hirran Harishines

with the goals of discovering and proming strengths and
virtues that help onerretals and communiors to turine

subjective well being - our

sense of satisfaction with like. feelings of happiness or our
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adaptation - level phenomenon -

vocements relative to a neutral

experience. our tendency to form

level defined by our prior

relative deprivation - the preception that one is worse off
to those with whom one compares oneself

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