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a) Based on the analysis of the features of the site, is it suitable for crop production? Explain why.

The site visited is moderately suitable for crop production. General flaws in the area that may contribute to
unsuitability for crop production can be easily fixed with tools and material inputs. Moreover, the site has a
favorable condition as permitted by the effect to the climate around the area by the nearby mountain ~ Mt. Maria
Makiling. Additionally, the site is maintained by professionals in the field of agriculture under the UPLB
administration that specializes in the field. Considering the most crops are old, it can be inferred to be suitable.
b) Based on physical factors and biological factors, is the specified crop suited to the area? Explain.
Lanzones, as the main crop planted in the site, are suited in the area, however, some physical factors of the
soil may delay its life cycle, growth and development specially in the mineral content of the soil, and the type of
soil (due to the generally wet climate throughout the whole area and nearby areas), can be factored out since most
of this problem can be fixed with material inputs and proper management under the guide of professionals in the
institution. In terms of biological factors, pests around the area can be easily manage with usual techniques on pest
management and prevention.
c) What are the crops suited to the area? Why are they so?
Considering the clay soil and low level of nitrogen in the soil, crops with nitrogen-fixing abilities like
legumes, perennial crops like sesbania, are not only suitable but would improve the health of the area. Nitrogen-
fixing crops would benefit any crops that would be planted together with it. Perennial crops would strive to the
clay type factor of soil due to their strong grip in the soil, they may also improve the quality of the soil by sipping
in excess water in the soil, preventing the clay development in it. Generally, some vegetable crops may be suited
in the area, however, due to clay soil, management of which, may be hard to manage. The optimum water and
temperature are some of the reasons why such crop would be suited in the area.
d) What is/are the factor(s) in the site that may not favor successful production of crop(s)?
The dominance of scale insects, type of soil, competition, age of crops, security and low level of some
minerals in the soil may not favor successful production of crops in the area. Some crops may not be able to strive
and grow optimally in the area because these factors may slow down or render useless some required inputs needed
by the crop to grow and optimally develop to produce market-worthy products.
e) What are the measures which may be considered to overcome these factors (i.e., provision of
irrigation facilities, drainage canals, land forming and soil fertility restoration, etc.)?
Basic inputs of mineral nutrition in the soil, proper management techniques applied, application of drainage
canals to the sloping side of the area may be considered to overcome these factors. Additionally, it is better to add
nitrogen-fixing or soil-fertility fixing crops, in order to restore the optimum health and fertility of the soil of the
area that will highly contribute to the optimum growth and development of crops to be planted in the site meant
for market.
f) Which do you prefer, a demand-market driven, or climate and soil determined farm plan? Briefly
explain your answer.
I prefer climate and soil determined farm plan because, climate and soil determined farm plan would
produce optimum and high quality and high yielding crops in the area that most consumers would choose rather
than a low quality produce that is typically harvested through the plan based on the demand in the market.
Additionally, the climate and soil determined plan, is almost one hundred percent sure to utilize a farming area,
while the demand-driven plan that is not sure whether the farming are would be fully utilized.
g) Will the suitability rating of the given site differ from one crop to another? Why or why not?
The suitability rating may differ from one crop to another because not all crops have the same requirements
for optimum growth and development. Moreover, the suitability rating is the overall analysis of specific factors, it
is quite better to check on the specific factors rather than on the general suitability rating, since, varying factors
may or may not say the same general suitability rating.
Ian Kenneth Badong | AGRI 32 UV-4L | Exercise 1 Study Questions
a) Based on the analysis of the features of the site, is it suitable for crop production? Explain why.

b) Based on physical factors and biological factors, is the specified crop suited to the area? Explain.

c) What are the crops suited to the area? Why are they so?

d) What is/are the factor(s) in the site that may not favor successful production of crop(s)?

e) What are the measures which may be considered to overcome these factors (i.e., provision of
irrigation facilities, drainage canals, land forming and soil fertility restoration, etc.)?

f) Which do you prefer, a demand-market driven, or climate and soil determined farm plan? Briefly
explain your answer.

g) Will the suitability rating of the given site differ from one crop to another? Why or why not?

Ian Kenneth Badong | AGRI 32 UV-4L | Exercise 1 Study Questions

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