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About this blog

This blog is aimed to raise awareness among people about our “Disturbing Ecosystem”. Our
Ecosystem is calling for help! Many species of flora and fauna are categorized as Endangered species
by WWF and in 2 or 3 years of time, some of those species will be disappeared from our planet

This is an alarming call to us to take part to conserve our flora and fauna. At the same time, our
jungle and forest are also in danger because of our act. Deforestation is a pressing problem in most
countries in the world especially in Southeast Asia. Year to year, our forests are gradated to
plantations, housing areas, new development town, etc.

Through this blog, we should know that something has to be done for our biodiversity. Otherwise,
our next generation and next next generation will never get to know the vast species of flora and
fauna as well as our mother nature, the jungle.

About our team

Our team consists of 2 teachers from SMA Kota Gelanggi 3, Pahang Malaysia. And our mentor is
from Johor, Malaysia. For information, our school, SMA Kota Gelanggi 3 is situated in a rural area
surrounding by palm oil plantations in Pahang, Malaysia which is called Jerantut.

Infamous Canopy Walk Jungle trekking is one of activities here

Jerantut is famous for our Taman Negara National Park. The famous Tahan Mountain in located in
this national park. Taman Negara is nestled between 3 states in Malaysia, namely largest in Pahang
which cover an area of 2,477km2, Kelantan (1,043km2) and Terengganu (853km2), with a total area
of 4,343km2. It is the largest national park in Peninsular Malaysia and known to be the world's oldest
tropical rainforest.

Our team members

Nik Kamariah binti Nik Ismail

Nik (back) is our leader. She is our IT geek and an

expert in coding. Nik is a history teacher but she is
really interested in IT. She holds a Master in Computer
Science and she is a very passionate and responsible
towards her job. Nik is nature lover and her hobby is
hiking. While hiking, she always thinks of raising
awareness among people to love nature and
appreciate it as it is.

Nurjihan binti Ahmad Thirmizir

Jihan (front) is our second member. She is responsible in collecting information and data
arrangement for our blog. She is an English Teacher cum our translator. She is a naturalist as she
appreciates the environment around her. She is a diligent and she is always curious about many
things especially about the nature. She hopes to educating people through this blog.

Our mentor

Noremey bin Rasip

Here is our mentor for this blog. He is an assistant director in Bahagian

Teknologi Pendidikan Negeri Johor. He is also an IT expert which he
always teaches teacher about IT and computer at his workplace. He
hopes this blog will be an ‘open eyes’ to other people about our mother

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