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Hard-wired Controller

Hardware components-
Memory (2048*16bit)
MDR, AC -16bit

MAR, PC -12bit
(PC, MDR, MAR with increment and Clear signals)
Input output registers- INP, OUP - 8bit
ALU works with AC only and carry is indicated by flag E
Interrupt flag R (R sets When IE is set and any or both of FGI/FGO set)(when processor s interrupted , interrupt cycle resets R)
Interrupt Enable Flip flop is IE (set / reset by instruction ION / IOF)
Input and Output operation also set/reset flags FGI and FGO
(FGI set when external device write data in INP register. When INP read by processor it resets FGI)
(FGO is reset by processor when new data is written in OUP. Set by external device when it reads OUP)
A sequence generator(SG) generates 8 clocks (SG is reset by instruction after its completion. Disable signal to SG is controlled by instruction HLT.
SG is enabled from external switch)

Following instructions are incorporated-

memory reference instructions-
AND, ADD, LDA, STA, BUN(branch unconditional), BSA(branch and save return address), ISZ (increment memory and skip next instruction if memory
becomes zero)
(These are MRI. Memory can be referred directly (given address contains info. ) or indirectly (given address contains the address where the info. is stored ) )
Non MRI -Register based instructions-
CLA (AC=0), CLE(E=0), CMA(AC=1's complement of A), CME(E=1's complement of E), CIR(AC rotates right with E),CIL(AC rotates LEFT with
E),INC(Ac=AC+1), SPA(skip next instruction if A15=0),SNA(skip next instruction if A15=1),SZA(skip next instruction if AC=0),SZE(skip next instruction if
E=0),HLT(disable sequence generator)
Non MRI -I/O based instructions-
IN,OUT,SKI(skip next instruction if FGI=1),SKO(skip next instruction if FGO=1),ION(enable IE F/F),IOF(disable IE F/F)
Format of16-bit instruction-
15 14 12 11 0
I opcode Address/non mri inst. bits

3-bits of opcode selects one of the 7 mri instruction(000 to 110) or non mri instructions(111)
I in case of mri , identifies direct(I=0) or indirect (I=1) instructions
in case of non mri instructions register reference (I=0) or I/O reference (I=1) instructions
12-bit , in mri refers address, in case of non mri it identifies register or IO instruction

Flow chart of normal instruction execution-

Flow chart of interrupt execution-

Micro operations of hardwired controller

(normal execution R=0)
R'T0 : MAR <- PC
R'T1 : MDR<- M[MAR] , PC <- PC+1
R'T2 : MAR <- MDR(11-0), I <- MDR(15), Decoder <-MDR(14-12)
(interrupt execution R=1, first two memory locations for interrupt handling data and instruction)
RT0 : MAR <- 0, MDR<-PC
RT1 : M[MAR] <- MDR
RT2 : PC <- 0
RT3 : PC <- 1 , IEN <- 0 ,R <- 0 ;Reset
(In non-mri instruction, when I=0, T3,T4 cycle is idle)
D'7IT3 : MDR <- M[MAR]
D'7IT4 : MAR <- MDR
memory reference Instructions
D0T5 : MDR <- M[MAR] D4T5 : PC <-MAR , Reset
D0T6 :AC <-AC . MDR , Reset
D1T5 : MDR <- M[MAR] D5T5 : MDR <-PC
D1T6 : AC <-AC + MDR ,E <-carry , Reset D5T6 : M[MAR]<- MDR, MAR <-MAR+1
D5T7 : PC <-MAR , Reset
D2T5 : MDR <- M[MAR] D6T5 : MDR <- M[MAR]
D2T6 : AC <-MDR , Reset D6T6 : MDR <-MDR+1
D6T7 : M[MAR] <-MDR, if MDR=0, PC<-PC+1, Reset
D3T5 : MDR <-AC , Reset
D3T6 : M[MAR] <-MDR , Reset

Register instructions- I/O instructions-

D7I' (conditional for register reference instruction) D7I (conditional for I/O reference instruction) Address
Address bits- b11 to b0 used to identify particular bits- b11 to b0 used to identify particular instruction
instruction D7IT3b11 – IN ; AC< INP, FGI=0; Reset
D7I'T3b11 - CLA ; AC<-0; Reset D7IT3b10 – OUT ; OUP<-AC, FGO=0; Reset
D7I'T3b10 - CLE ; E<-0; Reset D7IT3b9 – SKI ; if FGI =1 ,PC<-PC+1 ; Reset
D7I'T3b9 - CMA ; AC<- 1's complement of AC; Reset D7IT3b8 – SKO ; if FGO =1 ,PC<-PC+1 ; Reset
D7I'T3b8 - CME ; E<- 1's complement of E; Reset D7IT3b7 – ION ; IE=1 ; Reset
D7I'T3b7 – CIR ; A15<-E,...............E<-A0; Reset D7IT3b6 – IOF ; IE=0 ; Reset
D7I'T3b6 – CIL ; A0<-E,...............E<-A15; Reset
D7I'T3b5 – INC ; AC<- AC+1; Reset
D7I'T3b4 – SPA ; if A15=0 , PC<-PC+1 ; Reset
D7I'T3b3 – SNA ; if A15=1 , PC<-PC+1 ; Reset
D7I'T3b2 – SZA ; if AC=0 , PC<-PC+1 ; Reset
D7I'T3b1 – SZE ; if E=0 , PC<-PC+1 ; Reset
D7I'T3b0 – HLT ;disable SG

Control signals
example for PC- has four control signals – enable(read), load(write),increment, clear and clock
PC(E) – T0+D5T5+
PC(L) - D4T5+D5T6
PC(I)- R'T1+RT3+D6T7(MDR')+D7I'T3b4(A15')+D7I'T3b3(A15)+D7I'T3b2(AC')+D7I'T3b1(E')+D7IT3b9(FGI)+D7IT3b8(FGO)
PC( c) - RT2

Design combinational circuit using these control signals for PC

MAR- has four control signals – enable(read), load(write),increment, clear and clock

MDR- has three control signals – enable(read), load(write),increment, and clock

Memory- has two control signals – enable(read), load(write),

AC -

Circuit for interrupt ( R and IE flags)

(To'T1'T2')(IE)(FGI+FGO) sets R flag

Complete schematic diagram showing all hardware components ,and logic circuit to generate control signals -

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