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Preparation of Standard Solutions.

 To know the preparation techniques of standard base solutions.
 To understand the concept of dilution and its calculation.

Date of experiment:
24 September 2019.

In titration, acid in buret will reacts to base in the conical flask in a known
concentration to form water and a salt and involves the combination of H+
ions and OH- ions to generate water .This reaction is known as neutralization
reaction.This is we called as standard solution.

The standard solution can prepared by weighed method.The mass of

solute is calculated and weighed.After that the solute will be dissolved with
distilled water in a beaker and it will transfered into volumetric flask. More
distilled water added to get the required volume and concentration of the
solution. Standard solution also can be prepared by dilution method.

The process of dilution is involving mixing of a concentration solution with

additional solvent to give a larger final volume.Thus, we can know the
relationship of the molarity before and after the dilution process.This means
that the molarity before the dilution is directly proportional to the molarity after
the dilution.

M1=Initial molar concentration
M2=Final molar concentration
V1=Initial volume of solution

V2=Final volume of solution
Analytical balance, beaker 100 mL, burette 50 mL, conical flask 250 mL,
dropper, funnel, glass rod, pipette 25 mL, volumetric flask 100 mL, distilled

Hydrochloric acid,HCL 0.1M, Sodium hydroxide,NaOH, thymol blue indicator.

Experimental procedures:

a) Preparation of standard solutions

1. 2.00-2.50 gram of solid sodium hydroxide was accurately weighed in a dry

100 mL beaker and the weight of the sodium hydroxide was recorded.
2. 30 mL of distilled water was added into the beaker and the solution was stir
until dissolve.
3. The solution was removed into a 100 mL volumetric flask by using cone-
shaped funnel and a glass rod.The beaker and glass rod was rinsed
with the distilled water.
4. The distilled water was carefully added into volumetric flask until it
reached the calibration mark.Then, a stopper was placed and the flask
was slowly shaked.

b) Dilution

1.25 mL of the sodium hydroxide solution from procedure a) was pipetted

and placed it into a 100 mL volumetric flask.
2.Distilled water was added until it reached the calibration mark.Then, a
stopper was placed and the flask slowly shaked.

c) Standardizing the solutions

1. 25 mL of the sodium hydroxide solution obtained from procedure b) was

pipetted and placed into a 250 mL conical flask.
2. 3 or 4 drops f thymol blue indicator was added into the conical flask.
3. 0.1M of standardized hydrochloride acid was filled into burette until it
reached the zero mark.
4. The sodium hyroxide from step number 2 was titrated with the
standardized hydrochloric acid from step 3 until first change in colour
was seen.It was changed from colour of blue to yellow.
5. The volume of standardized hydrochloric acid used to change the colour
was determined.
6. With extra care, the procedure c) from step 1 until 5 was repeated twice.


a) Preparation of standard solutions

1. Weight
Weight of beaker + solid NaOH : 58.2268 g
Weight of beaker : 55.7779 g
Weight of solid NaOH : 2.4489 g

2. Calculate the concentration of the prepared sodium hydroxide solution


Weight of NaOH= 2.4489 g

Volume of distilled water used=0.10 L

The concentration of NaOH solution= 2.4489 g / 0.10 L
= 24.489 g/L.

3. Calculate the concentration of the prepared sodium hydroxide in molar.

Concentration in g/L= Molar mass x Molarity.

Molarity=concentration in g/L / Molar mass.

=24.489 g/L / 39.997 g/mol
=0.6123 mol/L.

b) Dilution

1.Calculate the number of dilution (dilution factor) made.

Dilution factor=Final volume of solution/ Initial volume of solution

Initial volume of NaOH=25 mL

Final volume of NaOH=100 mL

DF=100 mL/ 25 mL

2.Calculate the concentration of diluted sodium hydroxide in molar.


M1=0.6123 mol/L M2=?

V1=25 mL V2=100 mL

(0.6123 mol/L)x(25 mL)=(M2)x(100 mL)
M2=(0.6123 mol/L x 25 mL)/ (100 mL)
=0.1531 mol/L

c) Standardizing the solutions.

1. Result of titration:
Molarity of standardized hydrochloric acid: 0.1 M
Volume of pipette used : 25 mL

Reading of burette (mL) No. of titration

1 2 3
Final reading 41.50 39.80 39.90
Initial reading 0.00 0.00 0.00
Volume of HCl 41.50 39.80 39.90
Average volume of HCl 40.40

2. Calculate the molarity of the titrated sodium hydroxide.

HCl + NaOH NaCl + H20

MaVa = a
MbVb b


(0.1 M)(40.40 mL)= 1

(Mb)(25.00 mL) 1

Mb=(0.1 M)(40.40 mL)

(25.00 mL)

=0.1616 M

3.Calculate the molarity of the original sodium hydroxide used.


(M1)(25 mL)=(0.1616M)(100 mL)

M1=(0.1616M)(100 mL)
25 mL

M1=0.6464 M


 In this lab session we can calculated the concentration of prepared NaOH

is 0.6123 mol/L while the titrated NaOH is 0.1616 M and the concentration
of original NaOH used is 0.6464 M.The percentage different of
concentration prepared NaOH and original NaOH is 5.57%.The differ of
concentration is due to slight errors in the process of measuring the
weight of the solid NaOH as the presence of air currents that can affect
the intricate mechanisms of the analytical balance and some errors during
titration process.

 We can know and identify that HCl solution is a standardized solution

because it has the accurate and known concentration a substance which
Is 0.1 M.The HCl was used to help determine the concentration of NaOH
Solution which the concentration is unknown.

 We can know the process of titration is involving the neutralization

reaction.1 moles of HCl will reacts with 1 moles of NaOH to produce 1
moles of NaCl and 1 moles of molecule water.Then, the accurately
measured amount of standardized solution which is HCl solution added
during titration to the NaOH solution in the conical flask until the colour of
the thymol blue indicator changes from pale blue to pale yellow that is
indicating the endpoint of the titration.

 We recommended to follow the correct procedure based on the manual

lab and use the conical flask instead of beaker during titration to avoid
chemocal spillage during the experiment.We also must apply the right
techniques of titration to get the accurate result at the end.

 Using the right techniques of titration is very crucial. A right handed person
must titrate use left hand and swirl the conical flask using the right hand.

 We should follow up the precaution of the titration experiment before the
experiment started to avoid any error and get the accurate value.For
examples we must make sure no air bubbles in the nozzle of the burette
and make sure that our eyes are parallel to the meniscus of burette and
pippete reading.


 The concentration of prepared NaOH is 0.6123 mol/L while the titrated

NaOH is 0.1616 M and the concentration of original NaOH used is
0.6464 M.
 The concept of dilution is M1V1=M2V2, so the molarity of solution before
dilution is directly proportional to the molarity of solution after dilution.


1. Give the meaning of standardized solution.

Standardized solution is a solution that contain a known and accurate
concentration of a substance.

2. State various uses of a conical flask.

1.It is used for the preparation of microbial cultures in microbiological.
2.The tapered sides and narrow neck of the flask allow the contents of the
flask to be mixed by swirling, without the risk of spillage.
3.It can be used to measure the volume of liquids. But this is not
recommended for very accurate measurements of volume.
4.It is placed under the burette during titration process.
5.Its narrow necks can support filter funnels.
6.The mouth of the flask can be closed using a cork to stop gaseous
substances from escaping.

3. During the titration process, can a beaker be used instead of conical

flask? Why?

Can not use a beaker instead of conical flask because beaker has a wide and
large open surface and it will increase the probability to chemicals spillage
occur during experiment.Besides that it will be harder to swirl the beaker
during titration as the whole body has the same size not like a conical flask
which has a narrow neck to ease people to hold and swirl it.

4. Compare the molarity of NaOH solution obtained from result a) 3 and c)

The molarity of NaOH solution obtained from a) 3 is 0.6123 mol/L while in a) 3
the molarity is 0.6464 M. The molarity of NaOH from a) 3 is smaller than the
molarity of NaOH from c) 3.

5. In an acid-base titration reaction, a 25 mL of NaOH solution requires

23.30 mL 0f 0.093 M HCl solution.Therefore, calculate the molarity of
the NaOH solution.
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H20

MaVa = a
MbVb b

Mb=Molarity of the NaOH solution.


(0.093 M)(23.30 mL)=1

(Mb)(25.00 mL) 1

Mb=(0.093 M)(23.30 mL)

(25.00 mL)

=0.0867 M



 Zeynep Eslek and Aysen Tulpar . Solution Preparation and Conductivity
Measurements: An Experiment for Introductory Chemistry. Journal of
Chemical Education 2013, 90 (12) , 1665-1667. DOI: 10.1021/ed300593t

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