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JOT OPEN THE SEAL UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. vet (T) NT=Nov, 2019 Marked Cop Medium ? Telugu SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST —Q. Booklet No. WOOK . Candidate’s Roll Number Paper —Il Time allowed : 120 Minutes Total Questions: 100 Maximum Marks : 100 [INSTRUCTION : Please check that OMR Answer Sheet No. and Question Booklet No. match with each other, If they do not match immediately replace the Question Booklet and OMR Answer Sheet. Candidate should fill the correct |Question Booklet No. in OMR Answer Sheet. Instructions to Candidates Read the following instructions carefully before you answer the questions. Answers are to be SHADED on @ SEPARATE OMR Answer sheet given, with a HB pencil. Read the Instructions printed on the OMR sheet carefully before answering the questions. 1. Please write your Roll No. very clearly (only one digit in one block) on the OMR Answer sheet as given in your admission card. Please see that no block is left unfilled and even Zeros are correctly transferred to the appropriate blocks on the OMR Answer sheet. For all the subsequent purposes, your Centre Code No. and other details shall remain the same as given on the Admission Card. 2. Paper-ll (Scholastic Aptitude Test) consists of 100 questions (Q. Nos. 1 to 100). All questions carry one mark each. 4. Sinceall questions are compulsory, do not try to read through the whole question paper before | beginning to answer it. 5. Begin with the first question and keep trying one question after another till you finish all the questions. 6. If you do not know the answer to any question, do not spend much time on it and pass on to the next one. If time permits, you can come back to the questions which you have left in the first instance and try them again. 7. Since the time allotted to the question paper is very limited, you should make the best use of it by not spending too much time on any question. 8. A blank page is provided for rough work at the end of question paper. 9. REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO SHADE ANSWERS ON A SEPARATE OMR ANSWER SHEET PROVIDED. 10. Answer to each question is to be indicated by SHADING the circle having the number of the correct, alternative in the OMR Answer sheet from among the ones given for the corresponding question in the booklet. 11. Now turn to the next page and start answering the questions. 12. The OMR Answer sheet consists of two copies, the ORIGINAL COPY and the CANDIDATE'S COPY. Do not separate or displace them. Do not darken the bubbles in two copies of OMR Answer sheets separately. After the examination, you should hand over the original copy of OMR Answer sheet to the invigilator of the room and can take away the Candidate's copy of OMR Answer Sheet with them. 13. The candidate need not return this Question Paper booklet and can take it after completion of the examination. No candidate should leave the examination hall before the end of the examination. PAPER — Il SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST (Q. Nos. 1 to 100) Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Subjects, Total Questions of each subject and Marks allotted :- e@ Physics 13 Questions 13 Marks e@ Chemistry 13 Questions 13 Marks e Biology 14 Questions 14 Marks e@ Mathematics 20 Questions 20 Marks e History 12 Questions 12 Marks @ Geography 12 Questions 12 Marks e@ Political Science 08 Questions 08 Marks e@ Economics 08 Questions 08 Marks (ii) | SHADE the correct alternatives in the OMR Answer Sheet provided, from amongst the ones given against the corresponding questions in the Question Booklet. For shading the circles, use a HB pencil. 1 PHYSICS netexcoenn. OY -P O%-Q A 186 lL 4186 F53, B. Lar os6 2 3.6% 106 5) © 18S a5 6 3. 107 a6, D. 1356 4 3.68255) SS POT Orr RK TALD. () A-4,B-3,C-1,0-2 @ifa-3, B-4, C2, D-1] (3) A-1, B-3,C-4, D-2 (4) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3 PSS (A) 2 OG SOLS Seasy coos, Sriw SrGbedy, Sons (R) | Sado QRS Sodsnd! SOK (1) [erSs (A) SHotw Steady (R) ew Hed} Is (R), PSN (A) S HOGI Dasdciee, (2) gas (A) SHosw Sees (R) ev Hes, SPD Sede (R), BPdw (A) S HOG DSO | we. (3) gra (A) Hehedw SD, Sead (R) HHAHSD. (4) ara (A) OOD BQ Sosy (R) Raho. 20 Red wehoddsdy SOAS Gowsd SEES Dot Aid oridour B05 Dodo arisnd’ eodem. dwdnd? cvs DddwrP 30 Wo.dd. cand 2s Doty we RDD God HADoewsS _ HS Ddyeev. (2) 5070.00. 2) 300.2, efor. (@) 7070.20. Sob POS’ "emo densa’ Loc TED a 2 4 cemsnd a) Sey odo Ode, eRAdD HyMoeDVO. soca (R) : rode, werd aye So Fed. (1) arses (A) Showy srdeahy (R) ew ays. wrdcasn (R) BPA (A) SH LOGI Deddiea. (2) was (A) Bos Seeady (R) ew HAS, WD Sead (R), Aw (A) S HOD Der SOD. (fers (A) een SD Soran (R) CIF (4) oS gpa. Bas (A) (A) eeD FD sGeasy (R) pdeotkind oxo Dey (2) 03744 @ (3) 374A (4) 375A 7. adsodrmoado Sirs Md so sSecn (9/7 ) A. dr 1. 25.95 B. rhebey 2 Cc a 3 D. words 4. $0 OS ROM. (2) A-4,B-2,C-3, D-1 (2) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4 eepy P9100 W, 220 VTP anGorierda, een ‘QB 60 W, 110 ViP SngGoeterBSO. e003 PQ ov 2) 5:12 (3) 12:7 (4) 5:7 x x x A x v Xx B x x x BD Dewad EADHOOS) (2) $8 roca Dendy A Swot BALD SSIKpob. (2) S88 280688 edie Toaso. ()|sé cos, ASS GSsSD Too. (9) 36 cious, B SS eed) soos. aS OS a6 Fic s5 Qo crvisad® dund eons FP, B8KD Sedo __ (ros « Srkaw 330 Dy) (n[B3SGe)\ (2) 0.4 7asaoen (3) OS reemen (8) 0.6 2eepe> 11, BAS cheatorr 2 OND 2.8 Ade soorsd SSD Thy, Mew TPgaw 20 o.ds wD ROSS Heys Gai Duy Qosd Soypesurr SO SO Taos (2) 2070.02. (8) 100.00 () 4020.20 22 aA dda ublow soodnd ways Sorby gain. (1) 20dxy, Deo, L¥ady, exded.Sy, (2) Rev, WD SH, XedxD (3) Dddxy, exo KRWXD, Deo 18. QOS GSyeasnS¥ 17.0. Avodd od Doc DOsII SD coy, De YBDoersw 20 wd coriind! DAEAD. SK GOITER 0.1 Wola SAYS OoDoexso __t? Scena. (i jew 0.4 0Bo. car deen] (2) Sey eaGSKD 0.4 700.02 Coro Sevens. (2) dich pao cordorP 0.8 0.0d. Sevens, (4) cicdypaeKy 0.8 200.05. chro Scena. 14. 45, 3p, Sd eRyHGD DugAv Gs, SGoes STD CHEMISTRY Hoey Dens HOGI x (1) n=4,/=0, m,= 41/923, /=2, m= 1 in=5,/=3, m= 0 (2) n=4,/=0, m, = 0;923,/=2, my =-15 n=5,/=3, m,=-2 @fn=4, 7=0, m, = 0; n=3, /=4,m= 0 (4) n=4, /=0, m,= 0; n=3, /=0,m,= 0; n=5,/=1,m,= 0 AL*,Mg?*, 07>, Fo SP gow wise Fara NOVO. () R < Mgt < AB < 0? eo wos @)Mg?* < F< 0% < Al** @) fares < Mg? < Fo < 077 @) Alt B>C>D — @ifB>A>0>C] (3) B>A>C>D (4) D>C>B>A 18. ‘A’ ex Sareda Ill A AYRDS DSO. "B” ox AVOSD VI ACOSO DOO D drew Rocbors deny PaO (1) AgBe A.B 19. Good POT Orr axkixtesod, nods 270688 8.s/ard A. HH 1. 193 B. BrBr 2. 366 Cc HC) 3. 432 D. HBr 4. 436 (ufA-4, B-1,C-3,0-2) (2) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1 (3) A-4,B-3,C-1,D-2 (4) A-3, Br4, C-2, D+1 f CH, -C-C- COOH | OH Bast, IUPAC SAD () 3-32 6gS eas 2 Cu D Wend Loses FeSO, sos 9 DOERPOS doch AyD eadsaD Ddycooood ? (a) "A" SebosD * (2) "® BxBo8D °C" (3) “B" Sooup “C" 2, Pb(NOS)) CPST POG VSBS od Ddycd essa dor Ww)B& waa cx.) (2) Derrros0 AES - SxDey (3) OE wADBE - MD (4) Seroos REE - DD ODL \d 6: Som HT Hog dowdy, (ayffFe, Cr NZ 2) Fe, Ni, Cu 3) Fe, Cr, Cu (4) Fe, C, Ni ann deogereysdo eStore gorand’ wSOyo Sarewe KON FSH (4) CN, SIP (2). N,Si.GP else cn] (@ BSLNC BdbS6eS0 Of -P A. &BS l B. addS 2 C. dn8d5S 3. 2 spi 57S D. Boss 4. Isp? F5}S ROP 2ekOODHO. (N53, B-4, CDA) (2) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2 (3) A-2, B-3,C-1,D-4 (4) A-3, B-2, C-4,D-1 28. Broo (A): DIS epen Dcdyeaderr staygo. SERED (R) | 2B eK? Hoax SOA, Sd Stir foaen sons TO ASD woe. (1) grSd (A) Sow Seeady (R) ev HAS. DDosw PAW (A) Seas (R) HODIWOO. (2) edd (A) Sos SOewsw (R) ew HES. 6d BPS (A) H SOradw (R) AODNO Sed. (3) [25s (A) Hes SA, Sees (R) ewe. (4) aes easy. (A) coro BQ, Sdn (R) 2m. 28, 29, 30, 3 33, BIOLOGY 85 SeoF'D Sogo? to Go wad __ woe. 1) Sea gspaan (8) 08839 2) dd cergon (a Bogs Gero sees SS eee easy & boda so _" sm RowohokOO. (3) eee 2) gd (4) Soen0e00 aot TaeS'D Tavs SOAS Sopa (1) extoxo depen fea) 8) 3850 (4) ROsPen SPHDD SoOS'D BBOWMD Doyoebso. CO) xe (2) 6g Xe (3) Qo xt (4) SoSH So POT DoBSov SD AGoD 0) oss 2) God, Exe] ges BOHTTD) ELSODEP D0 09 (10 (1) B2KDy, (3) Fete 2S exp eka vebsbod Elbo CS) offers] (4) BéSen WoSTEAS ent owns Deodw doiwso (1) 25 06§ seven @) aay (2) By 6g seven %. & $d mud wamo- 1x sebo- 1g ercetods. sod -1 sed -Il Sogo dogseo 1. $Y. BomYo dagsen 2. erersoo DSO Pd 3. @sven Todo zohgowasen 4. shoe (ESB Ce D2) @) A, 8-3,C-2,0-4 (3) A-2, B-1, C-3,D-4 (4) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3 power 38. SHH SewRYeD ITA seven (2) BIDS cass su mderreD 2) gawd sre (3) pres wd seven 36, DOSES ewan (@) Sango Fda (4) Ree FADD OY 7. SaGod PI "fh BY wis OB, dads (3) exo Dre Acer (4) rere Hocren 8. 1800 OS ea7D aass, onvGo SNH. (1) ExDors Daw SOA So= + o a -b +b 2 ca ybra $00 sxaSdE° AB = 1070.20, BC = 1270.0. Axdosw AC = 14%0.p. 022% AD = A B D () 5700.03 (3) 7730.00. 2 (4) 8730.02 P(x) = x243x+k eoved choy, aowyw ci, B Said og - f=5 wax k Devs (a) 2 4 (2) -3 (4) 5 49. aS Koay adolo GA dhe, aeaine 53.3 odd TPGaP de as UA fivsnm SoPoo) 3 Woda ddp SOM as So QUITS ae 2. O03 & OM} Soangyr SV Foandy Dass, ar Go - ) (Q) 30.20. 2) 42.20. M 5 6 a4 = 5 Zor eG (9) 50a «fox ] . @) 3 4 wo 3 54. S06 Sedna ABC SE DE || BC SoD 723 a 3 AD = 5 BD 8C = exas9DE = amis A 50, Spee - | Xen SAD essa SOHd- II Revd Sons exetcoceen. soS-1 so -1 yp E A sec O° B sin 0° c cot 0 B ic () 15%00.Da aipwodo] (1 Act, Bre, C-3 ° (3) 3230.92. (4) 4730.00. (3) A-3, B-1, C-2 (4) A-2, B-1, C-3 ones omens] 88. So POO emoes rg> 51 = 5 Sot LF = 7 wos Dead (2) 1 (4) 3 6 52. (a, 2a) (a, 3a) S008 (3, 1) Dochagen wow ‘a’ Devs Wy2_2y 4 1 aS Vdd hag, dow ot, Bem ae + BF = 2 2) 4x + 5y =9 Poin Bx + ky = 18 Soo wssceven exsdod Aaiten SOM eos k=10 @)tan @ + cot 8 = 5 ead tan?0 + cot?@ = 23 fosec. 60° xX + cos 45°y = 4006p (tan 60°, sec 45°) Docayrboer Fapan. 56, cos 30°x + sin 30°y = 3 Shay ADO ax, PH A.(2,3)B. 0,6) C. (2v3, 0) D. (0, 23) (3) C S80%D D (4) A Sod D a= pigq?,b = p2q*raoe waire Soc Aomye a SoD b; p Svdasw q SEPA Woayen WON a, b OS.APd @ peg? ) p3q? ®) pq! co) OP = 4%0.Da SoD ZOPA = 60° wedy, Desire 0 Soghtaw er SERS AP HyOySa> eeonnd dd OGD (1) 270.0b 2) a0.8s . 2s wee ercorr Sense 20 SH 1, 2, 3 20 Aoayer SOraDAD. a6 48 w OP ot 2s Swe By wO2 Sdoin 3 0 POLL Hoay rd Loereps mo. a3 10 20 @ 1 @ 3 5 10 6n ‘ry RB Koay xew 2” eaoxsn = Sox 'n aye th n a9 (2) 10 (4) 12 6 HISTORY. SOYSES 006 SeerGo 29 & wreBA "BY Rote olor” Tr ROLAYC. wkd eer REPRE SriCIo BDH. (1) BS es Srocgo (2) Doc Sous degen doeiDorsHo0. (3) SSowexd EAv Sra, SDyoeicto. wud - 18 wedo- | dD HOrP BKK) S05) BKWAD HIIGWOD HODNH PDD DocvSods. wom -I wed - IT A. Sas 1. SvetgOd B. gas 2. arQ6 Cc. weézzo 3. BIS D. #0 4. BBS AY (1) A-1, B-2, C-3,D-4 (2) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1 (2) Ja-3, B-4, C-2, D-i (4) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1 BORE Rowobodks DMS arxwexy Logs SeUsand warcyod i Suegaapsoc ii, SoS TROY SrSdio. it omegs a “al | iy, iti, ii, 1 (4) ii, i, iti, 4. aspera, HDI Gash, Hor Legotto SNH 26? (a) PIAS encio (2) SrmS Sw,Vw Sarco (3) Savas HIT Co) Doser yo av do d dxos09 Hh dtarr BOL AOD DoS Ter KBSSODD. cr NETPAD oS Bnaddy OYoedA « SeobB Aes Da ey Babe DEeSclo, (2) erdswero Yerprorioo. 4) SB Gene Sedo adybo ayer LOBDoco%. wees es Eby! 4.4 web SIC. 8.1946 & moa Seg) Reser DSH Saxigo Relbwas dard tho Orb Ducko ohocsd. Caton 2 SOHH AMA geoT BP ROAD. oan sayeee soos Pane ND? ) AB&C 2) (K&B Sa. (3) B& C Sogo (4) A&C Sega 66, 67. peo - | F wedo- iD LOrp wkd Sos axe aiegwed sods GOD Deed od. soh-I so -I A. Bod 1. BS B. BQabo 2. sof C. FHM 3. (Bad D. Pod 4. Sé6o%r (2) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1 (3) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4 (4) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4 nn? POS oo Aohsaten HOG 2 Soares I igo to Rago 8. Axdyovrraerde 0S (SDR es) C. BERL Seehee Bo 68, 0. SS; 7aszrd0 ) ABC&D @) D.CB&A aifo.nsac] (4) A,D.B&C BAY ELON Hoeohoe) HOLD eho. (1) BorPed socio whoo. 2) URIS HB 70. 1945 SoS ede wird ob eycod ‘ago Sux Swe Hoetod” ST sGvosas Bio wDDeere, SG SuxoS'S sous Savod Bio SHH Sa", ocd. wk wT eae 23 ode BND, (1) QS Sodho Trae Ded wo¥ato vod SELES ete QHEPNB Doeksd Shoes ctinggo Bereto thao. @) wee Carrexd GrdorP Gace GOS Soya, sysvratty OO Bora (8) Boeke S005 cig Send DOS Wy, 3d POot0b. 11, "BOOS" (Zollverein) O&O 2s (1) Sey, ) (3) Somer oavay (4) Sots Dia 72, Sots axe Doves, Dyke, exyoerod! ISH howwoo FI (1) NATO (3) CENTO. (2) SEATO copexrsan)} 15. GEOGRAPHY HGSod www are HD aed TY (1) Sow 2) ages oe | (4) emegoes RNG cirelexi wddsorr eddod seo (2) ap (2) Boro oot oe] SOD dodrocbexd wsKoo FD WH LHS (1) 250 208. Sob OS ETS (2) ewaias SS (3) 100 700.Dd, So OS PPSAPS Sgarebo ey DKS eh ()Taegioapea. of Sea RSD) (4) | SosD Il ABAD SSD. (2) 11 aosbonaeo. @ Wis wedemd! BHO Dat Star SSowdrrene. DH Se chap a) Ted Syexdebvod. (4) 2b dervdarven SQaa @B) 70. aPOiSOe BELLS Hoerotod) OSD aro. (2) eanstadainid Hooen0e) BT EFO9 (2) wonxtda ddoin dx ents Car BTGS 3 aero QePSdo 67,5 $0 OS S20 DH Doky, ~ () (2) xpde5 (3) des (4) S005 79, 80. So PAD ackxtedaw. so8-1 or 1 awed edo 2, FSse SOsrso 3 SOS) -Il $5046 B80 BOOST 94 Sdow 34 adaren 26 parson A B c aod verde rd 4. SareFen D, APS vetev 2D? (2) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 (4) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1 (3) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4 Co 83. BPE SID) OTP () @aso a + Goto OVS Sew SDyo wV) omy) ~ SaterE Hoa + Modo Mots exostte aya (2) (@atmre toa, - Qovo TNS Sev SdYS wPY Koay) - SxteFED Loay + Potdo Avot: ex0tiexdd DYYO TY Hoay) () (erro Hoa, + Qoito TD wed Syd TV Hoa) + SoerO Hoax, + Bowls Mods an0tkexd DOO TY 0ay) (4) (@aper Roay, - Qowo TAS sex Sy SPV) Hoag) - SwTEPO Hoax - Qotto sod srotine DOYS ary Hom) wo |: Sax, OR_OS' WS Seereio Su voy oc ent. Ep |: SOV? aS Doarwren, Aes Seen, 08S dgddo DOdar was atdasd Gob. (4) UI Siew AHS. (2) U1 PSD GHA. @) | PHoxBAoTdIl Pgo KD). (a) ((aSpo dy SOI So RBS] TED - dara Sew 00d ABS ago. adSiired wiswen d,5 Sud Sum axoroeran beencered'd MosscTardy, com arGd ard Herds TRaPOS'D PS TID HHSYO. wpb] @) be (3) a,b (4) dase Rebpuocd RAD tens 88 84, Sob SYS KOSAD. (1) Gays wsrvae die BosoH'D SPD) wey sriroaiventre. (2) Atos 3 Swagorr 2BH8 OQ Reo Dd\G0d. 85, 86. POLITICAL SCIENCE VSS Hays Sowhod Sod wquhd ayayew 4 (Wierdsss Doo cas, BAW wee wampotto WD sKYOd. Besa — Se,ev Rocieyod > DBsdovtextey. pe acon aA LOW oyay/eo aasan? apes (1 A) dot (8) (4) (A) Sxbodn (8) Soci Se. 2 (3) (B) soreio Soho - 18 wes Ila OOP BSD Sood mets atogwed xogss GAD DoesWod. woSo-1 soS>-Il waka ag o(Qdo A. SAD 1 GQ OSE B. DMK 2. @&F30 Cc. AGP 3. Srotarc D. BLD 4. Soard (1) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 (3) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1 PORES Sox Forde DQ)Svs Hoeodor) ROD. 20? (1) cocgern Hoes. @) OB eaQs do, So ayes ugowo Serandod. (3) DRO SOD DA FTOATB RB ODS (4) mor See w ID) svd! 88. SePrreSjos — WoewoloD) —_ Socs BRA axe & ems tod Suexdd day Saves wrattnen Sores Hoarend teed. (Been BS QS Ardy ayo Ey Adan Wi Semw “edy SO Goercd Bo akede oped” xoabo oyn/o DQ/O? off aR] 6 sgt GB (4) (A) S2Botk (B) Sochre seeD %. Dor, Yodo D Ghd HATO Heed eoocherEnd? Soe Dxsfoawxy cod ? = (1) RAYE Sgro wen Dario, OAS Serannd Deen. (2) Row Disren, Dede Srdouw eraycen x ¢ ce (8) 2oQTD worde, aiiie vere, Mae Deven. __ B ye? ()/] 53 ADwdQS, TSS ages coro sOhodd | 88, Seth Se BH arGEES tow OBWodtod. 91. SoS apes OF & 2028. casas BH ASTM woe. A 6 SH BW BAe Kowyod? | dand! acyahs UafUd Sonodeld Saves | oy wha =P Se la WY () A - Soyer exrS exfivS, B= wes ob AN y ce © BE ecpim Do Be AS oy | mz (2) A- R805 ar aciitvo B- OD, aces, | SOye ex7S wolSYSD - aarp edo | 1) agora, m9 BI] A - BotS DD ack B- Sper aS] axfray HNoBerew Do eS C- ON, ach D- aor pd] 6) wsgoray HDI Doh Qed wy dogyos 50 - 20 wa BO, exckcoo, B- Sey exe woBwS (4) lnerorey, 099 SaaS Sw,w dom c - RBS SD acho, D- Bx pd - ecu 2, “aoby Severe" & Loeofhe’) Soci areata arpa{ed SOgwO 20? (1) Heve_o 2D FEE etsdo (2) Seabee ad8 oy ona, © oud aah vaso )295 Seas gore vwosvw arriaryangem Dott. ECONOMICS. 93. $65 exbs AMDSAd Fenced op exdapsv BOS SAI ? a (0) exday ago (3) Day Segshareo (8) Dargo dap avdastn axthaye Sto w Tom owed’ eather DS. Roederer (WADA SpsrravsrOev. (iJeoxpe dasstordoen. (lijeeroF wywroo. (iv)ssoto ePceapen Srbotin BO Spee Td. 2) () &xd080 (i) 2) (i) 2808p (ii) 2) (i) S080 (v) (4) () BBo8w (iv) | 95, OOD zxeven HS wD women. (1) Sh den (2) oQev @) (4) Bon aBoky gd 6. Sod et 2) sp53 wd BODE ada) (UNDP) 8) 12,600 emdSS crexy Ser eodisodd Deb),55 BORD eaPOLLD Ged) Geren - GUS Geren. (4) 1,035 DOSS cre sod hs Feo 7. exrotn Gt) Geren - dey, era ceren. [WHOL areas HOHS SOodod $08 TOS HOO, {) O9 away GBso wosTBad arderyy HSeeS50 Baines. (il) @2)59O BOSS rE SA 952406. {iii) 825gO Tochewasy Sees easreor Dodavodd drerodAod. (iv) COSTBa areFarjyH$ Hovododd Aaaroay rTOOWOO. (2) (ii) Oa» (iii) Sra (3) (iii) S68 (iv) SrSA (4) 2 a9 (Hare. 50 WAH Swodsoraed eased agebe. (artes extra DGoev. a es Bio Hood aeiey (irae wD martes Gro sh Sorcdéo. (ivJOB2 areeyo Sd Grav sd, SwDOsDe. (1) ()) Sod (i) Seo (2) (i) AxBoxa (iv) Sogo (3)[Only (0, (i) 280% (ji) Soreso (4) dob 99. LEP ottos Aoeohoc) HOPI. (1) Sr CotoS'D GA) SOYSeraren Svar wore Soy. 2) Biod* Dar dortod? GS dow eo GPO Dochevary o. (8) 25% een ardorhod' OOdoww car). 100. Osdrae DoeoIs voto SLO. aayS Somer Erbibad, Orosinebuxd Rode) Voekr Agawery Tare e@xpaveorses bDdvartey wstorer Tetocdo.. cexsoverd Sager Giod’ Ofioinexd eoarsodocde, decerpbat aretexos Sowohed Sasairex Foobe. () a b,dasgao 2) b,c dag RES) dy 0% NTS EXAMINATIONS -NoU JA Cortipjed that We have thevaghh verijedl Yee quastion paper and ansiored He gunbors fo upload 1 inital Kay im Be Leb of Ke DGE fer te Cnvienent J skill; . O Mat — vvosy! Navan esther pet Coben | ctber lanl — a zens cnnanLe sole @ Maly — N-RomaksismaRas 91.9 maew eA wath) Sens, eigenbs sla. © Physic and _— T0-Sinivoan Roe A 6 so-(P's) Chambhy a ry ees Edtone © Brolo — “nampa Bhack Jule O leyoniplo - oe Ht Row ys : OL21 @ kiorm (0 and Goagrpy.— —|4 Kote i fhe i ag, (We Mg —&

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