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26th Year of Publication

Vol: 26 No. 02
Monthly February 2020


Kashmiris mark India’s Republic Day as Black Day

Maqbool Butt, Afzal Guru remembered on
martyrdom anniversaries
Why solidarity with the oppressed
Pakistan’s unwavering support to Kashmir cause reaffirmed

“Pakistan will continue to raise the issue of Jammu and Kashmir at every
available forum. India’s illegal actions of August 5 have further strengthened the
bond between the people of occupied Kashmir and Pakistan. The Government
and the people of Pakistan will continue to extend their political, moral and
diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people until they get their legitimate right to
self-determination as per the UN Security Council resolutions.”

(President, Dr Arif Alvi, in his message on

Kashmir Solidarity Day, 5th February, 2020)

“We express our unshakable solidarity with the people of Indian occupied
Jammu and Kashmir and assure that Pakistan will always stand shoulder-to-
shoulder with them. Pakistan will continue its full moral, political and
diplomatic support until the Kashmiri people realise their legitimate right to self-
determination in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the relevant
UN Security Council resolutions.”

(Prime Minister, Imran Khan, in his message on

Kashmir Solidarity Day, 5th February, 2020)

“Pakistani nation is standing firm with Kashmiri brethren. The army is diligent
in performing its duties. The struggle for Kashmir’s freedom is alive due to the
sacrifices of armed forces and Kashmiris. We will continue to support Kashmir
till the dawn of freedom.”

(Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, in his message on

Kashmir Solidarity Day, 5th February, 2020)
Kashmir Insight
Vol: 26, No.02 , February 2020
Editor: M Raza Malik, Sub Editor: Benazir Khan
Printed & Published by All Parties Hurriyat Conference AJK
Ph: +92-51-4861457, Fax: +92-51-4861458
Printers: Web Brothers, Printers, Publishers, Al-Rehman Plaza, 44-H, Haider Road, Rawalpindi
Ph:051-5566348, Fax: 051-5516142


The people of Jammu and Kashmir have been
Editorial engaged in a peaceful struggle to get freedom from
the illegal occupation of their homeland by India for
Kashmiris’ struggle deserves attention of world . . . 02 the past over seventy-two years. They have rendered
Cover Story supreme sacrifices and are determined to offer more
to take their just and indigenous freedom movement
Kashmir Solidarity Day observed to its logical conclusion. The Indian occupational
troops despite using all kinds of brutal tactics have
with enthusiasm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
miserably failed to intimidate the Kashmiri people
Reports into submission.
Kashmiris mark India’s Republic Day Kashmiris living on both sides of the Line of Control
and across the world observe the 26th January, the
as Black Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 Indian Republic Day, as Black Day, every year, to
Maqbool Butt, Afzal Guru remembered give a loud and clear message to India that they
reject its illegal hold on Jammu and Kashmir. The
on martyrdom anniversaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 observance of the Black Day is also aimed at
reminding the world that India’s claim of being a
Justice continues to elude victims of 1990s
democratic republic are false as it is denying the
massacres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Kashmiri people their democratic rights including
the right to self-determination. This year, the
observance of the Black Day had a special
Images speak louder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 significance as it was observed when the entire
occupied Kashmir was under continued military
Human rights situation
siege since August 05, last year, when Narendra
HR violations by Indian troops in IOK during Modi government repealed the special status of the
occupied territory and clamped a strict lockdown.
January 2020
It is unfortunate that the international community
Raies Ahmed Mir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 has not played its due role in bringing about a
Article durable and amicable settlement to the Kashmir
dispute, which is the bone of contention between the
Why solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris! two nuclear arch-rivals of the region, Pakistan and
India, and the main threat not only to regional but
Muhammad Raza Malik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
also the global peace. Even the UN has so far failed to
Reports implement its resolutions, which acknowledged the
right to self-determination of the Kashmiris and
MEPs angered by deferment of vote
called for holding of plebiscite in Jammu and
on India’s CAA, Kashmir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Kashmir. This apathy of the world community has
resulted in the continued sufferings of the Kashmiri
people and a sense of complete impunity to New
A chronological account of developments Delhi for the gross human rights violations - in fact
crimes against humanity - being perpetrated by
on Kashmir (162) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Indian troops and police personnel in occupied
Beauty thy name is Kashmir.
India must take the observance of the Black Day by
Sonamarg: The meadow of gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
the Kashmiris seriously. It should accept the reality
Literature that it would not be able to continue its illegal hold
on Jammu and Kashmir for long at the dint of its
Hard work never goes waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
military might and should take steps to resolve the
lingering Kashmir dispute in accordance with the
Kashmiris’ aspirations without any further delay for
Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 peace and prosperity in South Asia.

ndia claims to be the largest democracy of the accordance with the aspirations of Kashmiri
world but it is resorting to the worst kind of people, India’s persistent intransigence has
brutalities to continue its illegal hold on remained the main impediment in achieving this
Jammu and Kashmir and force the Kashmiris to objective. Every year, Pakistanis express
surrender their just cause. Indian troops, solidarity with the struggling people of the
enjoying unbridled powers under draconian laws territory on 5th February and reassure that they
like Armed Forces Special Powers Act, Disturbed are with their Kashmiri brethren in their struggle.
Areas Act and Public Safety Act are committing The deplorable aspect of the matter is that the
grave human rights violations in the occupied international community has not discharged its
territory. Since 1989, when the Kashmiris obligations towards settling the Kashmir dispute
intensified their liberation struggle, the troops yet, resulting in the continued sufferings of the
have killed nearly one hundred thousand Kashmiris. This attitude of the world has
innocent Kashmiris besides subjecting emboldened New Delhi to continued with its
thousands others to custodial disappearance. repressive policy in the
H o w e v e r, despite occupied territory.
exhausting all its Even the United
resources and Nations, which has
applying brutal played an important
years, New
EDITORIAL role in resolving many
disputes across the
Delhi has miserably g l o b e , h a s
failed to succeed in disappointed the
its nefarious designs Kashmiri people so far,
to suppress the putting a question
freedom sentiment of the Kashmiris. mark even on its own credibility.
It is a well established fact that Jammu and The holding of discussion in the UN Security
Kashmir is an internationally-recognised Council twice and the resolution moved in the
disputed territory. Even New Delhi had European Parliament on the prevailing grim
acknowledged this disputed character of situation in occupied Kashmir after India’s 5th
Kashmir after it took the dispute over the August move are welcome developments.
territory to the UN Security Council in 1948 and However, more needs to be done to force New
promised that the Kashmiris would be given an Delhi to end its brutalities against the besieged
opportunity to decide their fate by themselves people of occupied Kashmir.
through a plebiscite to be held under the The Kashmiris’ peaceful struggle deserves due
supervision of the World Body. But this attention of the global community, which should
commitment still remains unfulfilled even after come forward in a big way and demonstrate its
the passage of several decades. And now the complete solidarity with the people of Jammu and
Narendra Modi-led communal government Kashmir by helping them in achieving their
illegally annexed occupied Kashmir on August fundamental right, the right to self-
05, 2019, by abrogating the special status given determination. The UN must take steps to
to the territory under the Article 370 of the Indian implement its resolutions that provide the best
Constitution. roadmap for the settlement of the Kashmir
While Pakistan has always advocated a just and dispute to save the Kashmiris from the Indian
peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute in brutalities.



Kashmir Solidarity Day observed with

Pakistan’s all-out support to Kashmir cause reiterated

n order to show unity with the besieged people of Indian two union territories - Jammu
occupied Kashmir in their just struggle for securing their and Kashmir and Ladakh. The
inalienable right to self-determination and to pay tributes to the bifurcation of the territory came
Kashmiri martyrs, Pakistanis, at home and across the world, into effect on October 31, last
observed Kashmir Solidarity Day on 5th February 2020 with the year. A strict lockdown and
renewed pledge to continue their moral, political and diplomatic communications blackout has
support to the Kashmiris at all international fora. Every year, been in place in occupied
February 5 is observed as a day of solidarity with the Kashmiris. This Kashmir since August 5. The
time around, however, the day was observed after India revoked the continued suspension of
special status of occupied Kashmir in August last year in breach of Internet service has crippled the
all international laws, and since then the entire population of the economy and badly affected the
occupied territory has been under lockdown. masses as it has made it
Narendra Modi-led government in New Delhi had on August 5, 2019, impossible for them to pay utility
repealed Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, stripping occupied bills, make applications or just
Kashmir of its special status. It also divided occupied Kashmir into send a message to their families



outside the territory. them.

The day dawned with special Prime Minister Imran Khan in his message said that the
prayers for the progress and unprecedented length of restrictions imposed in occupied Kashmir
prosperity of Pakistan, eternal has fully exposed the fiction of India's democracy and its disregard for
peace for the souls of the basic human norms.
martyrs of Kashmir freedom Addressing a special session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir
movement and early liberation Legislative Assembly in Muzaffarabad, Prime Minister, Imran Khan,
of Jammu and Kashmir from the said that it was his belief that Kashmir would now be liberated soon
Indian occupation. One minute due to the annexation plan implemented by the Indian Prime
silence was observed at 10.00 Minister, Narendra Modi, in occupied Kashmir. Modi committed a
am to pay homage to the blunder on August 05 and he could not step back from it now, he said
Kashmiri martyrs. Human adding that Modi’s entire campaign was based on anti-Pakistan
chains were formed at Kohala, rhetoric and was bent upon implementing his extremist RSS-ideology
Azad Pattan, Holard, Bararkot after coming into power.
and Mangla Bridge that link The special

Azad Jammu and Kashmir with session of

rest of Pakistan. A z a d
Pakistanis came out on streets Jammu and
and avenues across the country Kashmir
to participate in rallies and Legislative
make human chains on the Assembly
occasion of Kashmir Solidarity was also
Day. Members of the federal and addressed
provincial governments joined b y A J K
citizens at various rallies, public P r i m e
meetings and seminars Minister,
organised to express support for Raja Farooq Haider Khan.
the people of occupied Kashmir In his massage on the Kashmir Solidarity Day, Chief of Army Staff,

and their right to self- General Qamar Javed Bajwa, said, “Pak Army is diligent in

determination under the United performing its duties. The struggle for Kashmir’s freedom is alive due

Nations resolutions. to the sacrifices of armed forces and Kashmiris. We will continue to
President Dr Arif Alvi in his support Kashmir till the dawn of freedom.”
message on the Kashmir On the eve of Kashmir Solidarity Day, the Senate and National

Solidarity Day said, it has been a Assembly unanimously passed separate resolutions calling upon

battle of hope against India to reverse the annexation of Jammu and Kashmir. The

overwhelming odds, of courage resolutions also reassured Pakistan’s support to the people of

against fear, and of sacrifice occupied Kashmir in their freedom struggle.

In Islamabad, a rally was held to express solidarity with the Kashmiri
against tyranny; but through all
people. It was attended by female members of the Parliament and
of it, the Kashmiri people have
women belonging to different walks of life. The rally, marched
persisted, unrelenting and
towards the UN office. Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on
proud like they have always
Information and Broadcasting, Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, presented a
been, to deny India the perverse
memorandum highlighting the oppression of Indian armed forces in
gratification of subjugating



occupied Kashmir to the UN occupied Kashmir. The speakers and United Arab Emirates held
Resident Representative in at these events lamented the events in connection with the
Pakistan, Julien Harneis. UN’s failure to implement its Kashmir Solidarity Day to
Banners and posters depicting resolutions on Kashmir despite reaffirm steadfast support to the
the atrocities of Indian troops on the passage of several decades. people of K a s h m i r. The
the people of occupied Kashmir On the other hand, participants of these events
were erected along all major demonstrations, rallies, strongly denounced the
roads in Islamabad. seminars and other events were continued lockdown imposed by
Big rallies, processions, arranged in different parts of the India in occupied Kashmir.
seminars and other events were world to show solidarity with the Speakers at several events held
held in all major cities of the oppressed people of occupied in Turkey in connection with the
c o u n t r y i n c l u d i n g Kashmir. Kashmir Solidarity Day said that
Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Kotli, The speakers at a protest the Kashmir dispute between
Bagh, Rawalpindi, Lahore, demonstration held by the civil two nuclear powers, Pakistan
Sialkot, Sheikhupora, Chakwal, society in front of Dhaka Press and India, was a pressing issue
Attock, Mianwali, Dera Ismail Club in Bangladesh demanded that the international

Khan, Sargodha, Faisalabad, freedom and justice for the community should take up.
Jhang, Multan, Bahawalpur, oppressed Kashmiri people. The participants of different
Bahawalnagar, Vehari, Karachi, In Herat, Afghanistan, banners events in the UK in connection
Hyderabad, Sukkur, Khairpur, and posters were placed on the with the Kashmir Solidarity Day
Larkana, Shikarpur, Ghotki, roadside and in front of reiterated the pledge that the
Naushahro Feroze, Quetta, Pakistani Consulate depicting British Kashmiris and
Gwadar, Kohlu, Dera Bugti, Indian atrocities against Pakistanis would continue to
Musakhel, Peshawar, Mardan, Kashmiri people. support the people of occupied
Karak, Bannu, Mingora, An awareness programme Kashmir in their just struggle for
Jamrud, Timergara, Batkhela, regarding Indian atrocities in securing their right to self-
Bisham, Lakki Marwat, Kohat, occupied Kashmir was arranged determination.
Landi Kotal, Ghallanai, in Mashhad, Iran. Indian A protest was held by the

Parachinar, Shangla, Kohistan, atrocities were highlighted students of City University

Battagram, Torghar, Mansehra, through photos, songs, video London in front of 10 Downing

Swat, Gilgit and Skardu to clips, banners and speeches by Street. The students chanted

express unity with the people of participants. slogans against the brutalities of
Pakistani Embassies in Japan Indian forces in occupied



Kashmir and fascist policies of representatives of international Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali
Modi against the minorities. civil society regarding Indian Gilani, and other Hurriyat
T h e P a k i s t a n H i g h atrocities against the innocent leaders including Mirwaiz Umar
Commissioner to the UK, Kashmiris. Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed Shah
Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, A protest demonstration was and Professor Abdul Ghani Butt
addressing a seminar held at the organised by Pakistani and in their statements and
British Parliament in London Kashmiri diaspora in front of massages expressed gratitude to
said that Indian troops were Norwegian Parliament in Oslo to the people, government and
committing unabated crimes demonstrate solidarity with the leadership of Pakistan for
against humanity in occupied people of occupied Kashmir. The observing the Kashmir
K a s h m i r. The British protesters chanted slogans Solidarity Day. They said that
parliamentarians and other against India. Pakistan’s continued support to
speakers urged India to end the Speakers at an event held in the Kashmir cause had always
lockdown and restore connection with the Kashmir been a source of encouragement
communications network in Solidarity Day by the All for the Kashmiri people in their
occupied Kashmir immediately. Pakistani American Council in just freedom struggle.
The Kashmir Council The observance of
Europe organised a Kashmir Solidarity Day
candle light vigil in shows Pakistan’s
Brussels, the capital of continued support to the
Belgium, to express K a s h m i r i s ’
solidarity with the internationally-
oppressed people of acknowledged right to
occupied K a s h m i r. self-deter mination. By
Addressing on the observing this day,
occasion, the KCEU government and people of
New York said, the unflinching
Chair man, Ali Raza Syed, Pakistan highlight the fact that
resistance by the people of
condemned the atrocities being the suffering people of Jammu
Kashmir is a living proof that
committed by Indian troops on and Kashmir deserve attention
they are not going to
the people of the occupied of the international community,
compromise, far less abandon,
territory. which should come forward in a
their demand for Azadi (freedom)
A protest demonstration was big way and play its role in the
which is their birthright and for
organised by Pakistan Geneva settlement of the Kashmir
which they have paid a price in
Association and Pakistan Swiss dispute. The observance of the
blood and suffering which has
Friendship Forum in front of the day also sends a loud and clear
not been exacted from any other
UN office in Geneva to support message to New Delhi that it has
people of the South Asian
the Kashmiris’ struggle for an obligation to fulfill its
subcontinent. The speakers
securing their right to self- commitments of giving the
included Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai,
determination. A briefing Kashmiris an opportunity to
Senator Khalid Shaheen, Sardar
session was also held at decide their fate by themselves
Sawar Khan and Sardar Amerjit
Pakistani Mission in Geneva through a free and fair
where Ambassador Khalil plebiscite.
Meanwhile in occupied Kashmir,
Hashmi apprised the (Humayun Aziz Sandeela)
the Chairman of All Parties



frisking in Srinagar city and

other parts of the territory in
the name of so-called security
While the Kashmir Valley
remained under strict military
Kashmiris mark India’s Republic Day lockdown, Indian troops and
police personnel were

as Black Day deployed in strength to keep a

watch on the movement of
people. The forces’ personnel
had set up check points on
every road and chowk where
commuters and pedestrians
were frisked and vehicles were
checked thoroughly.
In Srinagar, all roads leading
towards a cricket stadium,
where the main function of
26th January was held, were
sealed with barbed wire and
barricades were erected
around the venue.
Unprecedented arrangements
were made in and around the
stadium. The Indian forces
also used quad copter drones
fitted with cameras for
surveillance around the
A close vigil was maintained on

ashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and across
the world observed India’s Republic Day, the 26th all vehicles and pedestrians
January, as Black Day to impress upon the world to take entering the city. Police
notice of India’s continued denial of right to self-determination personnel carried out surprise
to the Kashmiri people. checking of the vehicles on the
Call for the observance of the Black Day was given by the APHC entry and exit points in the
Chairman, Syed Ali Gilani, and other Hurriyat leaders and summer capital. The cops also
organisations including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed frisked motorcyclists and
Shah, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, Muhammad Ashraf passengers of vehicles in the
Sehrai, Hilal Ahmed War and Mir Shahid Saleem. This year, the city. The occupation
observance of the Black Day was also aimed at registering authorities also ordered
protest against the unrelenting military siege and lockdown of closure of all tuition and
occupied Kashmir, which continued on 175th day on January coaching centres as well as
26. computer institutions.
India’s Republic Day also brought more miseries to the already The day was marked by a
besieged people as Indian troops intensified checking and complete strike in occupied



Kashmir and anti-India

demonstrations and rallies in
Azad Kashmir, Pakistan and
world capitals.
The All Parties Hurriyat
Conference in a statement
issued in Srinagar said that
the observance of India’s
Republic Day as a black day by
the Kashmiris all over the
world had once again proved
that the people of occupied
Kashmir reject India’s illegal
hold over their motherland.
The APHC emphasised that the suppressing the Kashmiris’ voice through military might for the
Kashmiri people were past over 72 years.
determined to continue their Hurriyat leaders, Engineer Hilal Ahmed War and Muhammad
struggle till they achieved their Shafi Lone, in their statements in Srinagar said that no law could
inalienable right to self- justify the presence of Indian troops in the occupied territory.
determination. The APHC also Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League and Jammu and Kashmir
hailed the initiation of six Warseen-e-Shuhada also resented India’s Republic Day
resolutions in the European celebrations in occupied Kashmir.
Parliament against India and In Azad Jammu and Kashmir,
p r o t e s t r a l l i e s a n d
demonstrations were held at
different places against India’s
continued illegal occupation of
J a m m u a n d K a s h m i r. T h e
participants of these events
showed complete solidarity with
the freedom-loving people of
occupied Kashmir who have been
facing the worst kind of Indian
state terrorism in their just
struggle for freedom for the past
several decades.
i n f a v o u r o f t h e The All Parties Hurriyat
implementation of the UN Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir chapter held a protest
Security Council resolutions demonstration outside the Indian High Commission in Islamabad
on Kashmir. to mark the Indian Republic Day as Black Day. The protesters
The All Parties Hurriyat were holding banners and placards bearing anti-India slogans. A
Conference Chairman, Syed number of black balloons filled with gas were released in the air on
Ali Gilani, in a statement the occasion.
issued in Srinagar said that The Hurriyat leaders addressing the protest demonstration said
India was not a real democratic that India had no right to celebrate its Republic Day in Kashmir as
country as it had been it had occupied the territory through military might and against



the will of the Kashmiri people.

They denounced the Modi-led
Indian government for
scrapping the special status of
occupied Kashmir and
dividing it into two union
territories on August 05, last
year. They said that since then
India had imposed military
siege and curbs on media and
turned the territory into a
military garrison.
The leaders said that the
purpose of repeal of Kashmir’s
special status was to change suppress the freedom allowed to go waste.
its demography by settling sentiment of Kashmiris but The Youth Forum for Kashmir
Indian citizens in the territory. would never succeed in its also held a protest
They said that the Kashmiris nefarious designs. demonstration in front of
had pledged to foil India’s all They asked Pakistan National Press Club,
tactics and conspiracies and government to further Islamabad, to mark the Indian
would render every kind of accelerate its efforts to Republic Day as Black Day.
sacrifice to get rid of Indian highlight at the international The protesters were holding
yoke. level the Indian brutalities banners and placards with
The Hurriyat leaders said that against the people of occupied anti-India slogans. They
raised high-pitched slogans
against the Indian atrocities in
occupied Kashmir.
A protest rally organised by
APHC-AJK was held outside
Lahore Press Club to condemn
the forced occupation of
Jammu and Kashmir by India.
The rally was led by APHC-AJK
leader, Engineer Mushtaq
Mahmood. Addressing the
participants, Engineer
Mushtaq said that India had
no right to celebrate its
since August 05, 2019, Kashmir. They said that New
Republic Day in occupied
occupied Kashmir had been Delhi should read the writing
Kashmir where it had violated
converted into a big prison. on the wall as the people of
all democratic rights of the
They said that the authorities Kashmir would not give up
had arrested Hurriyat leaders their just freedom struggle.
Hurriyat AJK leaders and
and activists and sent them to They said that the Kashmiris
repr esentatives including
jails of India and the territory. had given unprecedented
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani,
They said that India had been sacrifices for the Kashmir
Altaf Ahmed Butt, Abdul
using every brutal tactic to cause which would not be
Majeed Mir, Imtiaz Wani and



Mushtaq Ahmed Butt in their

statements in Islamabad said
that India being illegal
occupier of Kashmir had no
justification to celebrate its
Republic Day in occupied
Meanwhile, hundreds of UK-
based Sikhs and Kashmiris
marked India’s Republic Day
as Black Day by holding a
demonstration outside the
Indian High Commission in
London. The demonstration
was jointly organised by blackout in the occupied territory to suppress dissent.
Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK, India’s Republic Day was observed as Black Day in Paris. The
Khalistan Movement UK and Chairman of France-based Jammu and Kashmir Forum, Mirza
Global Pakistan and Kashmir Asif Jaral, on the occasion led a demonstration, which was
Supreme Council. attended by a large number of Pakistanis and Kashmiris.
The demonstrators from The participants of the demonstration raised high-pitched
across London as well as slogans like “India is terrorist”, “Modi is terrorist”, “Kashmiris
Birmingham and other cities want freedom” and “War till freedom of Kashmir.”
traveled to Aldwych on Leaders of the organisations highlighting the issues of France,
Algeria and Palestine also
participated in the demonstration.
The demonstrators holding banners
and placards in their hands
reiterated the pledge that no
compromise would be made on the
Kashmiris’ right to self-
The Kashmir Council Europe
(KCEU) held an anti-India
demonstration on the occasion of
India’s Republic Day in front of
Indian Embassy in Brussels, the
capital of Belgium.
coaches and buses, carrying The demonstrators led by KCEU Chairman, Ali Raza Syed, urged
placards and banners calling New Delhi to give the people of Jammu and Kashmir their right to
out the Narendra Modi-led self-determination. The protesters also handed over a
Indian government’s atrocities memorandum to the officials of the embassy which emphasised
in occupied Kashmir. The that India should end brutalities on the Kashmiris and fulfill its
protesters said that the Indian promise of giving them an opportunity to decide their fate by
government’s celebration of themselves.
Republic Day was hypocritical The KCEU Chairman, Ali Raza Syed, addressing the
as it continued to impose a demonstrators said that the fascism of Modi government had
curfew and communications exposed the so-called democratic face of India. (KI Report)



Maqbool Butt, Afzal Guru remembered

on martyrdom anniversaries
occasion while paying glowing
tributes to Muhammad Afzal
Guru and other Kashmiri
martyrs said that their sacrifices
would not be allowed to go
On February 11, life remained
paralysed in occupied Kashmir
due to the complete shutdown to
mark the 36th martyrdom
anniversary of Muhammad
Maqbool Butt. Indian
authorities imposed strict
restrictions to prevent anti-

n occupied Kashmir, complete shutdown was observed on 9th India protests. Indian troops
and 11th February, 2020, on the occasion of the martyrdom were deployed in strength all
anniversaries of prominent liberation leaders, Muhammad across the occupied territory
Maqbool Butt and Muhammad Afzal Guru. while the roads were blocked
Muhammad Maqbool Butt was hanged in New Delhi’s Tihar Jail on with barricades.
February 11 in 1984 while Muhammad Afzal Guru was sent to the Scores of women and children
gallows on February 9, 2013, in the same jail. The dead bodies of the defying cur few and other
two leaders remain buried in the premises of the prison. restrictions assembled in
Call for the strike was given by the All Parties Hurriyat Conference T rehgam area of Kupwara
Chairman, Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq-led Hurriyat district, the hometown of
forum, the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front and other pro- Muhammad Maqbool Butt, and
freedom leaders and organisations. All shops and business s t a g e d a n t i - I n d i a
establishments were closed while traffic was off the road. Stringent demonstration.
measures in the name of security were taken by the occupation Shahmali Begum, the mother of
authorities to prevent anti-India demonstrations. Hundreds of Shaheed Maqbool Butt, led the
personnel of Indian army, police and paramilitary forces patrolled demonstrators. Several people
deserted streets in the territory, which continued to remain under were injured when Indian troops
military lockdown and gag on internet on 191st consecutive day on opened fire on protesters. Many
February 11. were arrested by the troops on
On February 09, the occupation authorities imposed restrictions in the occasion.
Sopore, Baramulla and Srinagar, by deploying Indian troops and A JKLF spokesman in a
police personnel in strength to prevent people from visiting the statement in Srinagar said that
family members of Muhammad Afzal Guru and expressing solidarity the participants of the protest
with them on his 7th martyrdom anniversary. Despite restrictions, a rally demanded the release of all
large number of people including Hurriyat leaders and activists illegally detained Kashmiri
visited Tarzoo, Sopore, and participated in a condolence gathering leaders and activists including
held to mark the anniversary of Afzal Guru. Speakers on the Muhammad Yasin Malik, Farooq



Dar and Zahoor Ahmed Butt.

Meanwhile, the All Parties
Hurriyat Conference Azad
Jammu and Kashmir chapter
held a seminar in connection
with the martyrdom
anniversaries of Muhammad
Maqbool Butt and Muhammad
Afzal Guru in Islamabad on
February 10.
The APHC-AJK Convener, Syed
Abdullah Gilani, chaired the
function. On the occasion,
Hurriyat leaders highlighted the
unprecedented sacrifices of the
Kashmiris’ sentiment for freedom despite the blatant use of military
martyrs for the freedom cause
force and brutal tactics. They asked New Delhi to accept the ground
and reaffirmed the Kashmiris’
realities and create an environment conducive for peaceful resolution
resolve to accomplish the
of the Kashmir dispute.
mission of their martyrs. Special prayers were offered for all the Kashmiri martyrs including
The Hurriyat leaders said that
Muhammad Maqbool Butt and Muhammad Afzal Guru. Those who
India in violation of all moral
attended the seminar included Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, Syed Yousuf
values and constitutional
Naseem, Mahmood Ahmed Saghar, Abdul Majeed Mir, Abdul Majeed
obligations martyred
Malik, Shamima Shawl, Adeel Mushtaq Wani, Haji Sultan Butt,
Muhammad Maqbool Butt on
Sheikh Abdul Mateen, Nazir Ahmed Karnai, Advocate Pervez Ahmed,
Mian Muzaffar, Manzoor -ul-Haq Butt,
Mushtaq Ahmed Butt, Syed Muzaffar
Hussain Shah, Zahid Ashraf, Dawood Khan
Yousafzai, Saleem Haroon and Imtiaz Wani.
The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front
held a demonstration outside National
Press Club, Islamabad, to pay rich tributes
to Muhammad Maqbool Butt on his 36th
martyrdom anniversary.
Flanked by dozens of JKLF leaders from
Rawalpindi and Islamabad, the JKLF
spokesman, Muhammad Rafiq Dar, on the
February 11, 1984 and occasion, as chief guest, said that Maqbool
Muhammad Afzal Guru on Butt sacrificed his today for better tomorrow of Kashmiris and
February 09, 2013. They said showed them a path to tread on for the achievement of freedom from
that the Kashmiris had made Indian subjugation. He said that for his active role as student activist,
unprecedented sacrifices for Maqbool Butt was forced by the Indian authorities to migrate from
their right to self-determination occupied Kashmir to Pakistan. “Kashmiri mothers have given birth to
and were still sacrificing their thousands of Maqbools since his martyrdom,” he added.
precious lives for the Kashmir Rallies and functions were also held in different areas of Azad Jammu
cause. and Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, and capitals of some European
They maintained that India had countries including Brussels and London to pay tributes to
failed to suppress the Muhammad Maqbool Butt.



Meanwhile, the APHC statements eulogised the hanging of Maqbool Butt was an
Chairman, Syed All Gilani, in a sacrifices of Muhammad act of illegal execution by the
statement issued in Srinagar Maqbool Butt and Muhammad Indian state. No member of his
paying glowing tributes to Afzal Guru. They said the best family was allowed to see him
Muhammad Afzal Guru and way to pay tributes to the before execution and his body
Muhammad Maqbool Butt martyrs of Kashmir, including was not handed over to his
described their executions as Maqbool Butt and Afzal Guru, is family which amounts to brazen
the most shameful acts of the to remain united and steadfast violation of international law.
Indian government and a blot on in the ongoing freedom struggle.
After a gap of nearly 29 years, a
the so-called democratic face of They said that New Delhi had left
similar kind of judicial murder
India. no stone unturned to crush
was committed when
Hurriyat forum led by Mirwaiz people’s resistance and resolve
Muhammad Afzal Guru was
Umar Farooq in a statement in for the settlement of the dispute
executed on flimsy grounds.
Srinagar remembering Maqbool and every day new suppressive
Afzal Guru was not provided the
Butt and Afzal Guru said that methods were being employed in
proper legal aid to defend
the best way to pay tributes to this regard. They appealed to the
himself in the court of
the Kashmiri
law. He was left at the
martyrs was to
mercy of the court,
remain steadfast in
which instead of
pursuance of
d e m a n d f o r holding a fair trial made

settlement of the a mockery of justice by

Kashmir dispute issuing a controversial
according to the judgment that will
will of the Kashmiri continue to be the
people. subject of a legal debate
T h e J a m m u as a contentious verdict
Kashmir Liberation in the judicial history.
F r o n t i n a The execution of Afzal
international community to take
statement in Srinagar paid Guru triggered powerful debates
note of the Kashmiris’ sacrifices
homage to Muhammad Maqbool particularly the legal fraternity
and the repression unleashed by
Butt and Muhammad Afzal within the Indian state itself was
Guru. It said that Maqbool shocked over the court ruling,
Muhammad Maqbool Butt was
Butt’s struggle and sacrifices which said, “The collective
hanged on 11th February in
represented the oppressed and conscience of the society will be
1984 in Tihar Jail of New Delhi.
subjugated humans and Afzal satisfied only if the death
Guru also treaded his path and He was sent to the gallows
penalty is awarded to Afzal
laid down his life for a sacred despite the fact that his trial was
cause. shrouded in controversy. The
The fact is that the judicial
Other Hurriyat leaders legal experts still believe that
murders of Maqbool Butt and
including Bilal Ahmed Siddiqi, there had been several legal
Afzal Guru exposed the
Yasmeen Raja, Khawaja Firdous flaws in the case since its
partiality and prejudice of
Ahmed Wani, Abdul Samad beginning in 1966. Kashmiri
Indian judiciary against the
Inqilabi, Abdul Majeed Mir, lawyers claim that the action of
Kashmiri people. In both the
Farooq Ahmed Tawheedi, the then Indian government was
cases the instrument of justice
Mahmood Ahmed Saghar and totally in contravention to the was badly compromised.
Syed Ijaz Rahmani in their Indian law saying that the (KI Report)



Justice continues to elude

victims of 1990s massacres
action in a brutal manner.
A few days later on January 25,
two patrolling parties of the
Indian Border Security Force in
H a n d w a r a o p e n e d
indiscriminate fire on
thousands of peaceful and
unarmed people who were
protesting against the Gaw
Kadal massacre. More than 20
people were killed in the BSF
firing in the township during the
second carnage that occurred
after Jagmohan Malhotra’s

n occupied Kashmir, justice continues to elude the families of appointment as Governor of the
the victims of Gaw Kadal, Handwara, Kupwara and Sopore occupied territory.
massacres carried out by the Indian troops in 1990s even after On January 6 in 1993, more
the passage of over two decades. The relatives of the victims termed than 50 people were martyred
the mass killings as the worst examples of Indian state terrorism in and hundreds others injured
the occupied territory. They demanded of the international when the BSF troops resorted to
community to pay heed to the woes of the oppressed Kashmiris and indiscriminate firing in Sopore
conduct impartial probe into all massacres to bring the involved in vengeance of the killing of one
Indian troops and police personnel to book. of their colleagues in an attack.
Around two hundred civilians were butchered by the Indian forces’ The troops had set the market of
personnel during incidents of carnage in the month of January in the town ablaze gutting down
1990s in Gaw Kadal, Handwara, Sopore and Kupwara. more than 350 shops, houses
More than 50 persons were killed and hundreds others injured in and other structures.
the indiscriminate firing by the personnel of Indian Central Reserve On January 27 in 1994, the
Police Force (CRPF) on January 21, 1990, at Gaw Kadal in Srinagar. personnel of Punjab Regiment of
The CRPF troops opened fire on peaceful demonstrators who were Indian Army opened
protesting against wanton arrests and molestation of several women unprovoked and indiscriminate
by the troops in Chota Bazaar locality of Srinagar during the fire near a bus stop in Kupwara
previous night. The incident took place soon after communal to punish people for observing
Jagmohan Malhotra was appointed as the Governor of occupied shutdown on India’s Republic
Kashmir to suppress the mass uprising in the occupied territory. Day (26th January). The
It merits mentioning here that on January 20, 1990, Jagmohan’s bloodbath had left 27 civilians
first television address as Governor of the occupied territory was dead.
very provocative and a direct threat in which he said that if anybody Complete Shutdown was
created a law and order problem ‘Meray haathon say aman ka patta observed in Gaw Kadal area of
khisak jaye ga (the cards of peace I’m carrying will slip away from my Srinagar on 21st January to
hands)’. And in less than 24 hours the threat was translated into mark the martyrdom



anniversary of the victims of the

deadly massacre. All shops and
other business establishments
were closed in Gaw Kadal,
Basant Bagh, Kani-Kadal,
Chota-Bazaar, Budshah Chowk
and others areas while traffic
remained off the road.
The occupation authorities
increased the deployment of
Indian troops and police
personnel in the city to prevent
people from staging anti-India
With justice eluding the victims
for the past three decades, like Pandit, a survivor.
every y e a r, Handwara “I was in higher secondary school then. My friend Shabbir was with
remembered one of the worst me. The soldiers came threateningly close to us and we though they
massacres of the Kashmir are merely chasing us away but then they started firing on the
history. On the fateful day, gathering and I heard people crying ‘khudaya marekh ha (God, we are
thousands of people marching being killed)’,” he said.
from Langate, Qalamabad, Aijaz Ahmed Sofi, a local resident, said several protesters tried to save
Rajwar, Kulangam, Unisoo, themselves by trying to enter the residence of a member of the so-
Chowgal and other villages called Kashmir Assembly, Muhammad Ramzan Chowdhary, but were
greeted by a volley of bullets from
his guards.
“It pains us that we have not been
given justice but every colonial
power has been using the
methodology of denying justice to
victims, humiliating them and
justifying their sufferings,” he
Meanwhile, the families of the
victims of Kupwara massacre
continue to await justice even after
the passing of twenty six years.
On 27th January in 1994, a day
assembled at Handwara Chowk, after India’s Republic Day, Indian
protesting against Gaw Kadal troops had massacred 27 civilians in Kupwara town. Local people had
massacre. told the media and investigation agencies that a day before the
“We remember BSF personnel carnage took place, an army officer had asked the local shopkeepers
entered the police station and not to observe shutdown and attend the Republic Day celebrations at
when they came out they the local camp. However, the shopkeepers didn’t turn up at the
showered bullets at us. I ran for celebrations. But the next day, when they were opening their shops,
my life but saw many people Indian soldiers came in trucks and fired at them indiscriminately,
fall,” said Showkat Hassan killing 27 people and injuring scores others. (KI Report)


04-01-2020 Srinagar 09-01-2020 Srinagar

14-01-2020 Pulwama 16-01-2020 Doda


The oppressive policies of the successive Indian governments on occupied Kashmir for decades have led
to rise in anti-India sentiment among the Kashmiris and the Narendra Modi-led communal
government’s move of revoking special status of occupied Kashmir has added to this alienation, hatred
and hostility against New Delhi.
Occupied Kashmir has been reeling under brutal and inhuman lockdown where restrictions on
movement of people and means of communications have been imposed by India since August 5, last
year, when it repealed the special status of the territory. The people of the occupied territory particularly
the residents of Kashmir Valley have suffered immensely due to continued strict military siege.
Washington-based US Congress’s think tank, Congressional Research Service while summarising the
recent developments in occupied Kashmir in a report said that India’s action of abrogating Article 370
and Article 35A of the Indian Constitution sparked international outrage as unilateral changing of
Kashmir’s status could harm regional stability.
The members of the European Parliament also condemned India for using diplomatic clout and the
European Union’s business interests to influence the move to delay a vote on the resolutions moved by
626 MEPs over Citizenship Amendment Act and Kashmir.
It is high time for the global community to come forward and play its role in the settlement of the
Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people to save them from the
Indian brutalities and to ensure durable peace in South Asia.
Following is a day-to-day account of human rights violations by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir
during January 2020.

January 01: Indian police arrested a youth, Raies

Ahmed Lone, in Gund area of Ganderbal.
January 03: The police arrested two youth in
January 04: Indian police arrested three youth,
Nisar Ahmed Dar, Bashir Ahmed Mengnoo and
Wali Muhammad Sheikh, from Srinagar and
Kishtwar areas.
January 05: Indian troops during cordon and
search operations and house to house searches
harassed several families in Palhalan area of
Baramulla district.
January 06: The troops arrested a youth, Rakesh
Kumar, at Arnia in Jammu district.
January 07: Indian troops killed 18-year-old, Zahid
Hassan, during a cordon and search operation in
Awantipora area of Pulwama district.
A 10th class student, Tehseen Nazir, was killed and a
woman, Haleema, was injured after a speedy
vehicle of Indian police deliberately hit them near
Nowgam Chowk in Srinagar. Four people including
Compiled by 62-year-old Muhammad Yousuf sustained injuries
when Indian police resorted to indiscriminate firing
Raies Ahmed Mir on the people protesting in the area against the
The police arrested four youth, Khizar Muhammad
Sheikh, Bashir Ahmed Sheikh, Zahoor Ahmed Butt
and Devi Daas, in Kishtwar district.
January 08: The police arrested a civilian,



Muhammad Parvaiz Butt, in

Parmandal area of Samba
district in Jammu region.
January 10: Indian troops
during house raids arrested
over three dozen persons
including Nisar Ahmed Dar,
Sajjad Ahmed Dar, Amir
Ahmed Butt, Sameer Ahmed
Najar, Mudassir Ahmed Khan,
Abdul Aziz Khan, Muhammad
Arif Mir, Mubarak Ahmed
Ganai, Showkat Ahmed Mir,
Shabbir Ahmed Mir, Javaid January 15: The troops killed
search operation at Gujar Basti
Ahmed Sofi and Jamaat-e- an MBA graduate, Haroon
Gulshanpora in Tral area of
Islami activist, Mufti Imran Abbas Wani, during a cordon
Pulwama district.
Wani, as well as a cleric, Shabbir Indian police arrested a youth, and search operation in
Ahmed, in Srinagar, Budgam, Shahid Shafi Dar, during a Gandana area of Doda district.
Bandipora, Kulgam, Pulwama, cordon and search operation at Indian police arrested a civilian,
Shopian and Kishtwar districts. Nowgam Kokernag in Jahangir Ahmed Parray, during
January 11: Indian police a house raid in Awantipora area
Islamabad district.
arrested DSP Devinder Singh January 13: The troops killed a of Pulwama district.
and three youth, Syed Naveed youth, Aadil Gulzar Ganai, January 16: The police arrested
Ahmed Shah, Rafi Ahmed and ten youth during cordon and
search operations in Srinagar,
Pulwama and Doda districts.
January 19: Indian police
arrested a civilian at Shangas in
Islamabad district.
January 20: Indian troops
killed three youth, Wasim
Ahmed Wani, Aadil Ahmed
Sheikh and Amir Ahmed Dar,
during a cordon and search
operation in Wachi Littar area of
Shopian district.
The police arrested two youth,
Irfan Shah and Muhammad
Rafiq Ganai, from Pulwama and
Irfan Ahmed Mir, while they during a siege and search
Banihal areas.
were travelling in a car at Mir operation in Behrampura area
January 21: The troops during
Bazaar in Kulgam district. of Budgam district.
cordon and search operations
January 12: Indian troops Indian police arrested a youth,
used brute force, assaulted
killed three youth, Umar Fayaz Tariq Ahmed Ganai, during
people and damaged a house in
Lone, Faizan Hamid and Adil house raids in Gund area of
Rajpore and Khrew areas of
Bashir Mir, during a cordon and Ganderbal district.



Pulwama district.
January 22: Indian troops
killed a youth, Saifullah, during
a cordon and search operation
at Zantrag Khrew in Pulwama
January 25: The troops killed
three youth, Qari Yasir, Burhan
Sheikh and Moosa Usman,
during a cordon and search
operation at Hariparigam in
Pulwama district.
Indian police during house
raids arrested over fifty youth
venue of official function in Mohalla in Kulgam district.
including Muhammad Amir Indian police arrested 19-year-
Srinagar, were sealed. The
Butt, Sameer Ahmed Najar, old Sajid Farooq Dar in Pattan
Indian forces also used quad
Ashiq Ahmed Ganai, Waseem area of Baramulla district.
copter drones fitted with
Ahmed Khan, Irshad Ahmed January 28: Indian troops
cameras for surveillance
Sheikh, Hilal Ahmed Wani and during massive cordon and
around the stadium. In order to
Altaf Ahmed Dar in Srinagar search operations harassed and
quell possible protests, Indian
and Bandipora districts. assaulted several people at
authorities also suspended call
Malangpora in Sopore and in
Heerpora and Aglar areas of
January 29: The troops during
cordon and search operations
harassed and thrashed several
people in Bandi Payeen and
Chandoosa areas of Baramulla
January 30: The troops
arrested a youth, Fayaz Ahmed
Mir, during a search operation
in Bumhama area of Kupwara
January 26: The occupation and internet services on mobile January 31: Indian troops
authorities imposed curfew- phones which had been killed three youth during a
like restrictions in the name of restored only a day earlier after cordon and search operation at
security to prevent people from remaining shut since August Ban Toll Plaza near Nagrota on
staging anti-India 05, last year. Srinagar-Jammu Highway. The
demonstrations on the occasion January 27: Indian troops troops also arrested three other
of India’s Republic Day. All killed a youth, Shahid Ahmed youth, Sameer Ahmed Dar,
roads leading to a cricket Thokar, during a cordon and Sartaj Ahmed Mantu and Asif
stadium in Sonawar, the main search operation at Makroo Ahmed Malik, in the area.



MEPs angered by deferment of vote on

India’s CAA, Kashmir
The writer of the draft
resolution, Shaffaq Mohammed
MEP, said the CAA must be
judged on the basis of
international law and must be
repealed if it contradicts it.
Michael Gahler, MEP from
Ger many, who has thrice
headed the EU Election
Observer Mission to Pakistan,
was of the view that the vote
should take place on March 2 -
10 days before Narendra Modi’s
visit to EU.
Phil Bennion MEP, a Liberal

he European Parliament on January 29, 2020 announced to
delay a vote on a resolution against India’s controversial Democrats member of the

Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) and lockdown in Renew Europe Group from UK,

occupied Kashmir, angering many members of European said that Modi’s India was

Parliament (MEPs) who had originally brought the resolution. deceptive and Europe failed to
The MEPs condemned India, saying it is using diplomatic clout and comprehend the manipulation,
the European Union’s business interests to influence the move to aggression, discrimination, and
delay the vote. They said that by deferring the vote, the EU has fascist tactics of the Indian
chosen business interests over human rights. government.
“European Parliament should not surrender before Indian power,” The vote on the debate was
said MEP Scott Ainslie. moved to March.
In what is being considered a major step towards fascism, the After Pakistani Prime Minister
Narendra Modi government has systematically introduced laws in Imran Khan’s relentless global
India aimed at stripping off the citizenship of many minorities, campaign against India over the
particularly Muslims. abrogation of Jammu and
India exerted an enormous amount of diplomatic pressure on the Kashmir’s special status and
European Parliament and the European Union, threatening them the controversial Citizenship
with the cancellation of Indian Foreign Minister, Subrahmanyan Amendment Act, the European
Jaishankar’s visit to the EU - set for February 17 - if the vote went Union (EU) Parliament on
ahead. January 26, 2020 decided to
Nordic Green Left MEP, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, said that the debate and vote on a scathing
recently-passed laws in India - namely the CAA and National resolution against the forcible
Register of Citizens (NRC) and the revocation of Articles 370 and annexation of occupied
35A - all conflicted with democratic values and violated Kashmir in clear violation of
international law. She said that Modi government’s repression of United Nations Security
Kashmir was tantamount to fascism and should be condemned. Council resolutions.



Out of 751 members of the EU The draft resolution urged India to repeal the discriminatory
Parliament, 626 moved six amendments to its citizenship law and said, the new law violates
resolutions on both the issues. India’s international obligations to prevent the deprivation of
The diplomatic offensive by the citizenship on the basis of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic
EU against India comes ahead of origin as enshrined in human rights treaties.
Prime M i n i s t e r, Narendra It demanded of the government of India to immediately engage in
Modi’s visit to Brussels for the peaceful dialogue with various sections of the population and to
India-EU summit in March. ensure that security forces comply with the United Nations Basic
The resolution also condemns Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement
enforcement of new citizenship Officials.
laws by New Delhi that The resolution also mentioned the violence that ensued at the
discriminate against Muslims. Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi earlier in the month,
The resolution, drafted and referring to the university as “a leading location for students
supported by lawmakers from protesting against the CAA and the National Register of Citizens
the Renew Group, calls upon (NRC)” and where “police witnessed the attack but refused to control
the European Union and its and arrest the mob”.
member states “According to the
“to promote the I n d i a n
implementation Constitution,
o f t h e U N I n d i a i s a
Security Council sovereign secular
resolutions on democratic
Kashmir”. republic and
T h e d r a f t including religion
resolution as a criterion for
condemned the citizenship is
unilateral t h e r e f o r e
changes made to fundamentally
the status of unconstitutional,
Kashmir by ” r e a d t h e
I n d i a a n d resolution.
deplored that India has so far It said the CAA “sets a dangerous precedent and represents an
not implemented the UNSC intensification of the [Indian] Government’s Hindu nationalist
resolutions calling for a agenda”, adding that “it is difficult to view the CAA in isolation, as
referendum to allow all both the amendment and the NRC could deprive minorities of their
Kashmiris to determine the citizenship of India” while “only Muslims excluded from the NRC will
future status of Jammu and have difficulty winning their cases at foreign tribunals”.
Kashmir. It also viewed with “The CAA marks a dangerous shift in the way citizenship will be
concern the rise in tensions determined in India and is set to create the largest statelessness
between Pakistan and India - crisis in the world and cause immense human suffering,” it noted.
both being nuclear weapons It reminded the Indian government of its obligations under the 1992
states - which it said were UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or
fuelled by the controversial Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, which establishes the
decisions of the government of obligation of countries to protect the existence and identity of
India on Kashmir and religious minorities within their territories and to adopt appropriate
citizenship. measures to ensure that this is achieved. (KI Report)



permanent border is more like a

statement made by a military
officer than by a diplomat.
Hurriyat leaders and

A chronological
organisations including Zafar
Akbar Butt, Muhammad Azam
Inqilabi and Jammu and

account of developments Kashmir National Front also

reject the statement of S K

on Kashmir Lambah. They say that Kashmir

is not a border or a land issue
(162) between India and Pakistan but
is an internationally-recognised
political dispute concerning the
future of millions of Kashmiris.
May 16: Glowing tributes are
paid to prominent liberation
leaders, Mirwaiz Molvi
Muhammad Farooq and
Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone, on
the commencement of
Martyrdom Week to
commemorate their martyrdom
People in large numbers attend
the functions of the recitation of
Holy Quran held at the
headquarters of All Parties
Hurriyat Conference and Awami
Action Committee in Srinagar
and mosques and shrines across

KMS Research Desk the territory. Prayers are offered

for Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad
May 15: Complete shutdown is observed in Srinagar and other parts Farooq, Khawaja Abdul Ghani
of the Valley against the illegal detention of Hurriyat leaders, Lone and martyrs of Hawal.
activists and youth in the wake of sham parliamentary elections. The Chairman of All Parties
Call for the strike is given by the veteran Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Hurriyet Conference, Mirwaiz
Gilani. Umar Farooq, leads a mammoth
The veteran leader in a statement in Srinagar says that the Indian rally from Jamia Masjid to
police and other agencies are punishing the people of Kashmir for Hawal Shaheedi Chowk amid
boycotting the recently-held so-called parliamentary elections. high-pitched pro-freedom and
Syed Ali Gilani rejects the assertion of Indian Prime Minister’s anti-India slogans. Addressing
special envoy, S K Lambah, that there can be no redrawing of the rally, he reiterates the
borders between India and Pakistan, saying that the people of Kashmiris’ resolve to continue
Kashmir will not accept any solution, which goes against their the mission of their martyrs till
wishes. He says that the statement of Lambah is unrealistic and complete success.
based on New Delhi’s traditional rigid approach on Kashmir. He says It was 21st of May in 1990 when
that Lambah’s suggestion of converting the Line of Control into a unidentified gunmen shot dead



Mirwaiz Molvi Farooq in

Srinagar. Seventy mourners
were also martyred when Indian
troops opened fire at his funeral
procession in Hawal area of
Srinagar. On the same day in
2002, Khawaja Abdul Ghani
Lone was assassinated by
unknown attackers, when he
was returning after addressing a
gathering at Mazar-e-Shuhada
in Srinagar.
May 17: The APHC Chairman,
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and the
veteran Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali India. He says that Bharatiya Janata Party and Congress are two
Gilani, while reacting to the faces of the same coin.
results of India’s Lok Sabha The Awami Action Committee organises a blood donation and free
elections, say that the change in medical camp in the premises of historic Jamia Masjid in Srinagar as
guard in New Delhi means a part of the programmes being organised in connection with the
nothing for the Kashmiris Martyrdom Week. A large number of people including the APHC
unless India changes its policy leaders and activists donate blood while doctors from different
on Kashmir. hospitals examine hundreds of patients, who are also provided free
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq medicines.
addressing a public gathering in While majority of the people boycott the recent farcical polls, the
Srinagar expresses the hope counting of the votes shows that around 35,000 voters express their
resentment against the so-called polling
process by pressing ‘none of the above’
button on the electronic voting machines.
May 18: The Chairman of All Parties
Hurriyat Conference, Mirwaiz Umar
Farooq, calls upon the upcoming Indian
government to resolve the Kashmir dispute
through tripartite talks among Pakistan,
India and true Kashmiri representatives
for ensuring durable peace in South Asia.
Presiding over a seminar at the APHC
Headquarters in Srinagar, Mirwaiz Umar
Farooq says that the change of faces and
governments will make no difference until
that the new dispensation in New Delhi changes its policy on Kashmir.
New Delhi will not look Kashmir Protests erupt in Khanyar area of Srinagar over the mysterious death
through military prism and will of a local youth, Mushtaq Ahmed Gilkar, during illegal detention at
initiate measures to resolve the Central Jail in Srinagar. Massive protests also rock Kunzer town of
lingering dispute. Baramulla over criminal assault on a teenage girl by an Indian
Syed Ali Gilani in a statement in soldier. The girl later develops serious complications and dies in a
Srinagar says that the hospital in Srinagar.
Kashmiris do not expect
resolution of the dispute with Compiled by: Showkat Ali
the change of government in To be continued...



Sonamarg: The meadow of gold enticing attraction for golfers

from all over the world. The
world's highest 18-hole green
At a height of 2,740 metres, Gangabal. It is also the take off golf course is at Gulmarg.
Sonamarg in occupied Kashmir station for the drive to Ladakh Khilanmarg:
is the last major point in the across the Zoji La Pass, through It is a highland meadow, just 4-
which the km from Gulmarg. Khilanmarg
Srinagar-Leh is accessible by foot or by pony.
Road passes. From here, the view of the snow
The major peaks and the limpid waters of
fascination at the Wullar Lake is a breathtaking
Sonamarg one, unfolding view upon view
Nilagrad of Himalayan splendour.
A mountain Slightly lower than Gulmarg is
river meets the shrine of Baba Reshi - a
the Indus at Muslim mystic saint visited by
the Baltic people of all faiths.
c o l o n y , Dras
Nilagrad, 6- Dras is the coldest place in the
km away world after Siberia during
f r o m winter. It lies close to the Line of
Kashmir Valley before the Zoji Sonamarg. The water of the river
La Pass into Ladakh. At the Pass Control. It is located at an
is reddish in colour. People of the altitude of 3,230 metres and 60-
the lush green Kashmiri Baltic colony think that the water
landscape abruptly switches to km west of Kargil on the road to
has curative power for many Srinagar is a small township
the barren, dry landscape of diseases. Inhabitants of the
Ladakh. Sonamarg is thus not lying in the centre of a valley of
colony visit this place every
only a good base for treks but the same name. Winter
Sunday to bath in the river.
also a jumping off point for trips temperature is sometimes
Bisansar Lake and Krishnasar
into Ladakh. known to plummet to less than
The passage to Sonamarg is minus 40 degrees Celsius.
These are two beautiful lakes that
through the Sindh Valley, which add to the
presents yet another bewitching beauty of
facet of countryside in Kashmir. Sonamarg.
Sonamarg is framed by snowy The Bisansar
mountains against a sapphire Lake stands
sky. Sonamarg literally means at an altitude
the 'Meadow of Gold' and of 4,084
although this could be due to the metres, while
profusion of flowers that wrap crossing the
the meadow in the spring, it is river at
also possible that the name Nichinai
originates from Sonamarg's Pass, with its
decisive trading position in the l o v e l y
days when this was a main route n a t u r a l
into Central Asia. The Sindh beauty. During the spring and summer,
River flows through the place The Krishnasagar Lake is however, the valley around the
and is bountiful with Trout and situated at an altitude of 3,801 township becomes very
Mahseer. metres and is famous for Trout astonishing as the gently
Sonamarg is the base of major fishing. undulating hillsides turn into
treks that pass along several Gulmarg lush green pastures splashed
mountain lakes - Vishansar, All through the summer and well with a variety of fragrant wild
Kishansar, Gadsar, Satsar and into the autumn, Gulmarg is an flowers.


down my life in your service, I
Hard work never goes waste request you to seek a job in the
administration for your slave,
(A Kashmiri folklore)
my son. I do not quite relish his
being here.”
Ghulam Qadir lived in the house befitted the scion of the great
of the great Sheikh as did his He told his master how other
house; he could, therefore, pay servants in his household felt
father. The latter was first only scant attention to his
employed in the household as a jealous of father and son, and
studies. Ghulam Qadir's mind, cursed them behind their backs.
groom. His wife died in the on the other hand, seemed to be
village to which the family “I can stand anything except a
so constituted that letters, curse against my only son,” he
belonged and the stable-man sentences and whole lessons
brought the little boy to live in said.
found a fertile soil there. If the
the house of the nobleman. Here His words moved the heart of the
money spent over the young
he assisted his father in the stable Sheikh, who himself had only
master of the house did not yield
and sometimes was entrusted one son. In his own heart he had
result commensurate with its
with errands by the ladies of the an additional motive and that
magnitude, it at least made up
household. His chief claim to his was to gain respectability in the
through the education of the
board and lodge with the eyes of society. Before long the
rustic urchin.
illustrious family was his Sheikh, a big feudal lord, got
Ghulam Qadir grew into a Ghulam Qadir - the son of his
companionship with the young
shrewd lad. He could strike a trusted servant - appointed as a
Sheikh, the nobleman's son.
good bargain and gained clerk in the office of the district
Though Ghulam Qadir had to
advantage by his boldness and collector who was only too
remove horse-dung from the
dash where faint-hearted men pleased to embrace a chance to
stable or to attend to other
older in age failed. Very soon he oblige a big landlord like the
unpleasant duties he kept
was promoted to assist the bailiff influential Sheikh.
himself unusually clean. His
and keep accounts. This was a
father persuaded him to wash his Ghulam Qadir was an intelligent
single advance in his position
clothes frequently. In winter clerk and came to have a reputa-
that delighted his father but
when it was cold he went to the tion for efficient work. He
filled other domestics with pangs
bath and made free use of the disposed of the work allotted to
of jealousy. He discharged his
warm water in the boiler after him in no time every day and was
duties admirably and his master
other members of the household also able to assist other clerks in
was pleased with him. He never
went to bed. Those who did not the disposal of their cases.
made any secret of his apprecia-
know him could hardly suspect Consequently he got to know the
tion of Ghulam Qadir's ability.
that he was a stable-boy. Those work in all sections of the office
who saw him frequently always One day Ghulam Qadir's father that gave him a sort of a key-
quoted the Kashmiri adage that saw his master in a jovial mood position. The district collector
one should wash one's hands and was assiduous in keeping his was pleased with him and
clean before touching him. exalted spirits aloft. When he appointed him as his own
perceived that the moment was Munshi or confidential clerk.
Well, Ghulam Qadir was a
opportune, he said, “Sire, may I
groom and errand-boy in the Munshi Ghulam Qadir, or
make a humble request?”
house of the Sheikh and a Munshi Ji as he came to be called
companion of the nobleman's “Do so, for I am much indebted to now, had learnt another precious
son. It was never intended that you and your son for your lesson by instinct kind that was
Ghulam Qadir should receive faithful service. What do you that “more things are wrought by
any bookish education. But being want?” establishing proper public
exposed to it in the company of “Father,” said the servant, “I relations than this world dreams
the young Sheikh he could not have grown gray eating your of”. In a year or so the Munshi
help remembering the same salt. It is my great good fortune. found himself transferred to the
lessons and picking up literacy. My son has bloomed into a executive line as a girdawar with
His blue-blooded companion young man eating your bread. scores of patwaris under him.
was a boy of varied interests as While it is my ambition to lay Ghulam Qadir now found it

FEBRUARY 2020 30
necessary to come to the notice of Sheikh. This
the hakim-e-ala or the provincial done, the
governor and he sought the good mushir-i-maal
offices of his erstwhile master, found the
the Sheikh. Not long after, the young man
governor went on a tour of the very useful.
part of the country where the
The Sheikh once
Sheikh had his estate. It was in
called on the
his own interest for the latter to
entertain the governor. At a
and Ghulam
dinner held in honour of the
Qadir too
governor the Sheikh
figured in the
commended his protégé to the
conversation. “I
kind attention of his august
have not been
guest. Munshi Ji was in need of
able to do
just this introduction. He won his
anything for
place nearer and nearer to the
your kinsman,”
heart of the governor by the
s a i d t h e
efficient discharge of his duties.
minister. The
The governor also received
Sheikh spoke
occasional presents from the
Sheikh and he was intelligent
meaning that it
enough to understand that the
was never too
latter would feel obliged if he
late to begin.
pushed up Ghulam Qadir. In a
couple of years, therefore, he got A couple of
him appointed as a naib- days later when with him. Ghulam Qadir was
tehsildar. Ghulam Qadir saw the mushir-i- silent. The Sheikh reiterated his
maal in the course of his official question but the other was still
The old groom in the house of the
duty the former put him the hesitant.
Sheikh was beside himself with
question: “How are you related
joy and urged his son to take “You had better kill me sir,”
to the Sheikh?”
steps to settle himself in married replied Ghulam Qadir.
life. Ghulam Qadir, however, After a slight demur he replied:
But the Sheikh was eager and
was not satisfied yet and consid- “I am his son-in-law, sir.”
promised to forgive him. It was
ered such a development “Oh really!” observed the then that Ghulam Qadir revealed
premature. He had a higher minister. “I am very sorry. I have the truth.
ambition and marriage, he felt, not been able to do anything for
“Son . . . in . . . law!” His face
would hinder rather than help its you. Please convey my apologies
turned red in anger. But that was
realisation. He picked up the ins to your father-in-law. I shall try
not for long, for he added, “You
and outs of his new job till he felt my utmost to find a way to help
have reached your present
confident that he could hold his you.”
position through hard work and
own against even the veterans In a week or so Ghulam Qadir intelligence while my own son
amongst his subordinates. He became a tehsildar. The minister has come to no good. I really
prepared to win the good graces sent a message to the Sheikh could not get a better son-in-law.
of the mushir-i-maal, the expressing the hope that he
supreme head of the revenue You are my son-in-law indeed,”
would feel somewhat satisfied at and he determined to entrust his
administration of the State. This the promotion of his relation,
time he did not trouble the daughter to him.
adding that he had learnt of their
Sheikh himself but played his Thus the groom's son was
intimacy only a few days earlier.
cards so well that the governor married to the daughter of his
offered his good offices to When Ghulam Qadir met the master. It was a proud day for the
introduce him to the mushir-i- Sheikh next he asked him how he groom and prouder still for the
maal as a relative of the great had described his relationship Sheikh.

FEBRUARY 2020 31

Black Day Group (CCG), led by former Union Minister

The Kashmiris on the Black Day, this year, on Yashwant Sinha, in a recent report said that
India’s Republic Day once again reiterated many people believed the events starting from
their resolve to continue their struggle till they August 5, 2019 and the subsequent ratification
achieve freedom from the Indian bondage. The of the Indian government’s decisions in the
observance of the Black Day should serve as an Indian Parliament demonstrated that it was
eye-opener for New Delhi, which must end of politics in Kashmir and a process of
understand that it has miserably failed to controlling the Kashmiris by force had begun.
suppress the liberation sentiment of the The Kashmiris believe that Indian government
Kashmiri people who are committed to wants to marginalise and annihilate them. This
continue their struggle till they are given an fear is expressed most vividly as a fear of
opportunity to exercise their right to self- demographic change by permanently settling
Indian citizens in occupied Kashmir. There is
The observance of India's Republic Day as also fear of National Register of Citizens and
how it could be used to legitimise the settlers.
Kashif Bhatti

Letters to Sargodha
Israeli model in IOK
New Delhi had announced that after the

Editor revocation of Article 370 and 35A, Indians will

be able to buy properties in occupied Kashmir
thus effecting a change in the demographic
Black Day by the Kashmiris should be composition of the territory.It is the Israeli
understood in its historical perspective. New model that India is applying to create a Hindu
Delhi has been resorting to the worst kind of majority in occupied Kashmir. There are
state terrorism to continue its illegal hold on widespread fears among the Kashmiris, who
Jammu and Kashmir and to force the Kashmiri speak about night raids, massive arrests,
people into subjugation. However, it has failed extreme torture and regular beatings by the
to succeed in its nefarious designs despite Indian armed forces which have taken over the
killing hundreds of thousands of innocent villages in the Kashmir Valley.
Kashmiris and subjecting thousands to The Narendra Modi-led Indian government has
custodial disappearance. failed to deliver on its promises of better
The world community in general and the security conditions, improved governance and
United Nations in particular must play an rapid economic development - three factors
effective role in the resolution of the lingering cited repeatedly for the August 5, 2019, move to
Kashmir dispute on durable basis to ensure revoke special status of occupied Kashmir.
permanent peace and stability not only in But it is the controversial Citizenship
South Asia but also in the world. Amendment Act (CAA) and the countrywide
Sohail Ali protests over the law and use of force on
protesters that have shocked both the Indians
and the world alike. The large scale of protests
Region in turmoil
by Indian students, women, Muslim and
India has changed drastically as the second Christian communities, Dalits, urban and
term of Modi government has begun. The rural workers, and many others have shown
revocation of Article 370 that granted special the fragility of Indian secularism. The violence
status to occupied Kashmir has put the region unleashed on the protesters by armed thugs
into turmoil. The Indian decision was in affiliated with the ruling party and the local
violation of International law and even India’s police outraged the world and became the front
own constitution. India has no legal or page news. Fears are rising that the BJP
constitutional right to change the disputed government is going for ethnic cleansing of
status of Jammu and Kashmir as recognised by minorities, particularly Muslims throughout
the UN through several resolutions of its India.
Security Council. Naveed Chaudhry
The New Delhi-based Concerned Citizens Lahore


Atrocities by Indian troops
(January 1989 to January 31, 2020)

Total killings 95,496

Custodial killings 7,136

Civilians arrested 158,506

Structures destroyed/damaged 109,462

Women widowed 22,911

Children orphaned 107,784

Women gangraped/molested 11,178

Including custodial killings

Source: Kashmir Media Service (

No Forced Unions

“... With all deference to this Parliament, I would like to say that the ultimate decision
will be made in the minds and hearts of the people of Kashmir and not in this
Parliament or at the UN....
“If, however, the people of Kashmir do not wish to remain with us, let them go by all
means; we will not keep them against their will, however painful it may be to us. We
want no forced marriages, no forced unions...
“I want to stress that it is only the people of Kashmir who can decide the future of
Kashmir. It is not that we have merely said to the United Nations and to people of

(Indian Prime Minister,

Jawaharlal Nehru’s statement in
Indian Parliament, August 07, 1952)

All Parties Hurriyet Conference Azad Jammu And Kashmir

P. O. Box No. 2617, GPO Islamabad.
Ph: 0092-51-4861457, Fax: 0092-51-4861458 (Islamabad)
0092-5822-432344 (Muzaffarabad)

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