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Dear Trudi McGlade,

I’m concerned that a Guild Staff member has used her position to access my private
information and misused it. I have received an email from the Guild staff member to my
private email, that I have provided to the University. I also received a phone call five
minutes before I received the email, from the University’s’ main number and believe it may
be from the same staff member.

While I’m not concerned with the content of the email. I am concerned that my private
email was used, and potentially my phone number as well, and that other private details
may have been accessed and misused. Also I am concerned that proper procedures were
not followed by Hazel Mangazva (Guild’s Student Assist Officer) and Kombo (Guild President
(2019), Guild Secretary(2020)).

I spoke to Kombo in private on the 18 October 2019, during the conversation he asked me
how I was, as he had not seen me for a while. I said that I was uncomfortable about going
into Guild because of something Hazel had said to me and actions she had taken against
other Guild Council members. This conversation was private and we were discussing many
things as friends. I thought it was in confidence, and at no point did I think what I was saying
to Kombo regarding Hazel making me feel uncomfortable, was going to get back to Hazel. As
I was leaving the Metior job, at the end of the year, I didn’t see the need to officially say
anything or make a formal complaint.

Kombo has then spoken to Hazel about this, without my knowledge. She has then emailed
me (6:09pm, 22 November) and potentially called me (6:04pm, 22 November). I have never
given Hazel my phone number or my private email address. I have attached the email and
the message I received when I did not pick up the phone. I believe Hazel could have only
accessed this information through the University database and if she did this, then that
would be a misuse of the information, I had supplied to the university upon my enrolment.

I am writing to the University and not the Guild for two reasons: 1) I don’t feel comfortable
that the Guild will address whether or not this was a misuse of access to my private
information; and 2) I believe this issue falls under University policy. I know and understand,
I signed a privacy clause when providing the information to the University, but I feel in this
case, it was an unethical misuse of my information and I’m extremely uncomfortable and
concerned that a Guild Staff member used my information in this way, when they should’ve
gone through Evan Battalis, Kombo Mashumba or my work email.

What should I do next? I would like the University to investigate and confirm whether or not
this was a misuse of my information.

I’m ok if you need to call me to clarify anything or if you need further information.

Kind regards

Laura Ives Hicks

Mobile: 0435858216

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