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13 Perforating

James Barker Phil Snider

Halliburton Energy Services Marathon Oil Company

13-1 INTRODUCTION barrel (2-in. or shorter) to velocities up to 3300 ft/sec.

This velocity is sufficient for the hard, armor-piercing
After an oil or gas well is completed, the wellbore is
bullet to penetrate casing, cement sheath, and formation.
isolated from the surrounding formation by casing and
However, bullet-penetration performance decreases sub-
cement. Establishing fluid communication between the
stantially in high-strength formations and when very
wellbore and formation, for either production or injec-
high-strength casing is used (Bell et al., 1995;
tion, requires some perforating operation. Perforating is
Thompson, 1962). Currently, bullet perforators are
the process of creating holes in the casing that pass
used infrequently, but they still have applications in
through the cement sheath and extend some depth into
the formation. The formation penetration can range soft formations, brittle formations, or where consistently
from essentially zero to several inches, depending on round holes in casing (for ball sealers) are needed (King,
the perforator used and the mechanical and physical 1995).
properties of the materials being penetrated. The holes Another perforating method involves the use of high-
may be dispersed in an angular pattern around the inter- pressure water jets or sand-laden slurries to abrade a hole
ior of the wellbore; this dispersion is called phasing. The into the casing, cement, and formation. The slurry is
number of shots per linear foot can vary, typically ran- pumped down the tubing and turned at the bottom by
ging from 1 to 24 (or more if a zone is perforated several a deflector and nozzle arrangement that allows the fluid
times); this number is referred to as shot density. Figure stream to impinge directly on the casing (King, 1995).
13-1 shows the geometry of a typical perforated wellbore. Holes and slots can be made, and the casing can even
Different methods can be used to create perforations in be cut completely by manipulation of the tubing. In
wellbores; bullet perforating is among the oldest. Hilchie another method, a tool that uses a pump to force high-
(1990) reports that the original bullet perforator was pressure fluid through a flexible, extending lance is con-
conceived and patented in 1926, but it was not until veyed downhole. In this process, the lance jets its way
the 1930s that the method started to gain widespread into the formation. A major advantage of this method is
use. The bullet gun performed most perforated comple- that very clean tunnels can be created with little or no
tion operations into the early 1950s, but little new devel- formation damage. The major drawback, however, is
opment work has been done on bullet perforators for the that the process is slow and expensive, and the holes
past two decades (Bell et al., 1995). In the bullet-perfor- must be created one at a time. Thus the process is
ating method, propellant-driven bullets are shot through impractical for long intervals.
casing and cement into the formation. A steel carrier, A third method to perforate wellbores, called jet per-
called a gun, is used to convey the bullet penetrators forating, involves the use of high explosives and metal-
downhole. Firing is accomplished by sending an electri- lined shaped charges. Jet perforating is by far the most
cal signal down a wireline to ignite the propellant. The widely used technique to create perforations in wellbores.
burning propellant accelerates a bullet through a short Bell et al. (1995) report that over 95% of all perforating

Damaged Zone
(Caused by Drilling)

Cement Sheath

Crushed Zone Diameter

Perforation Diameter

(Dependent on
Shot Density)

(Cement to End
of Perforation)

Entrance Hole
Diameter in

= Phase Angle

Figure 13-1 Perforated wellbore geometry (after Bell et al., 1995)

operations are performed with shaped-charge jet perfora- these components are called ‘‘high explosives.’’ When
tors. Jet perforators can be conveyed downhole by a initiated, high explosives react supersonically in a process
variety of means: slickline, electric line, coiled tubing, called detonation. By comparison, ‘‘low explosives’’ react
and production tubing. Since jet perforating is the most subsonically in a process called deflagration. Propellants
popular method used today, the remainder of this chap- and gunpowders are examples of low explosives, while
ter will be devoted to describing the technique and the TNT is an example of a high explosive. Low explosives
hardware associated with it. are generally not used in jet-perforating applications, but
are used instead in other oilfield situations, such as set-
ting plugs and packers and taking core samples from the
formation sidewall.
Jet-perforating systems comprise different explosive
13-2.1 Primary and Secondary High Explosives
components that are linked to form an ‘‘explosive
train.’’ Figure 13-2 shows schematically a typical perfor- The family of high explosives can be subdivided into two
ating gun and the explosive train inside it. The pertinent categories: primary and secondary. Primary high explo-
explosive elements of the train are (1) an initiator, or sives are used in initiators only; their sole purpose is to
detonator, that is used to start the explosive process, start the detonation reaction with a small energy input
(2) a detonating cord that is used to transmit detonation (usually by electrical heating of a filament wire or by
along the longitudinal axis of the gun, and (3) shaped impact). Examples of primary explosives are lead azide
charges that perforate the casing and penetrate the and lead styphnate. They are sensitive to energy inputs
cement sheath and formation. The explosives used in from heat, flame, friction, impact, and static discharge.

Tucker (1972) reports that some primary explosives are

sensitive to energy inputs as low as a few ergs; this pre-
supposes that they must be used with great care. The oil
industry still uses devices that contain primary explo-
Charge Carrier sives, but it is rapidly moving away from them because
of their sensitive nature.
Secondary high explosives are used in all three compo-
nents (detonators, detonating cord, and shaped charges)
of the explosive train. The secondary explosives are much
less sensitive to external stimuli than are primary explo-
sives, and therefore, they are much safer to handle.
Because of their insensitivity, they are somewhat difficult
to initiate, but once initiated, they release tremendous
amounts of chemical energy in microseconds. Although
Explosive Charge TNT is a common secondary explosive, its relatively low
thermal stability prevents it from being a viable oilfield
explosive. For oilfield use, the most widely used second-
ary explosives are RDX, HMX, HNS, and PYX. These
four explosives differ in thermal stability and are neces-
sary because of the wide range of downhole temperatures
encountered worldwide. Table 13-1 gives additional
information about these explosives.
Detonating Cord

13-2.2 Thermal Decomposition

The thermal stability of explosives is important because
explosives are energetic materials with decomposition
rates that are exponential functions of temperature. At
room temperature, where the decomposition rate is
extremely small, the effective shelf life of an explosive
can be a million years—but the same material will react
within microseconds at 1500oF (Army Material
Command, 1972). Other decomposition rates and corre-
sponding lifetimes exist between these two extremes.
The decomposition of explosives is a process that gen-
Figure 13-2 Perforating gun and explosive train erates heat and releases gaseous byproducts (Cooper,

Table 13-1 Secondary explosives used in oilfield applications

Detonation Velocity Detonation Pressure
Explosive Chemical Formula Density (g/cm3) (ft/sec) (psi)
RDX C3H6N6O6 1.80 28,700 5,000,000
Cyclotrimethylene trinitramine
HMX C4H8N8O 8 1.90 30,000 5,700,000
Cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine
HNS C14 H6N6O12 1.74 24,300 3,500,000
PYX C17H7N11O16 1.77 24,900 3,700,000

1996). This decomposition is commonly called ‘‘thermal not take place, which means it is entirely possible that a
outgassing,’’ and if the heat generated by decomposition violent event can occur. Thus, the time-temperature limits
can be balanced by heat dissipation to the surroundings, should never be exceeded; further, it is important to recog-
then the explosive quietly decomposes until none nize that no safety factor has been built into the curves,
remains. If, however, the heat generated by decomposi- and that this safety factor must be accounted for when
tion is not removed quickly enough, then it is possible for planning downhole jobs requiring the use of energetic
the process to become unstable, and the reaction can materials. One must always consider the accuracy of the
accelerate uncontrollably until an explosion occurs downhole temperature measurement or estimation and
(sometimes called ‘‘thermal runaway’’). The process can the amount of time the explosives will remain at that tem-
be stated in simple terms as follows: perature under worst-case conditions, and adjust plans
accordingly. Past experience with various exposure times
2 3 has shown that a minimum safety factor of 50% should be
Rate of Rate of heat Rate of heat
temperature 6 generation loss to the 7 applied when choosing the explosive type. For example, if
¼ f6
4 due to  7 the estimated time on bottom is 60 hours, then 30 more
rise in the surroundings due 5
explosive decomposition to conduction hours (90 hours total) should be added when selecting an
explosive from the time-temperature chart.
The curves are applicable for conditions where the
The rate of heat generation caused by decomposition is an explosive is exposed solely to the effect of temperature.
exponential function of temperature as mentioned before, In the case of gun systems where the explosive compo-
while the conductive heat loss is not. As temperature nents are exposed to both temperature and pressure, the
increases, the heat generated by decomposition quickly time-temperature relationship is different. As an exam-
begins to dominate and can result in a variety of out- ple, HMX detonating cord is normally rated to 400oF for
comes, including catastrophic thermal explosion. To one hour at ambient pressure as shown in Figure 13-3,
aggravate the process further, it is possible for gaseous but laboratory tests show it can undergo violent reaction
byproducts generated by decomposition to serve as cata- after only 8 minutes when subjected to the simultaneous
lysts to the reaction, thereby increasing the rate even conditions of 400oF and 15,000 psi. Thus, pressure serves
more. to accelerate the decomposition reaction.
Figure 13-3 depicts a set of time-temperature curves
that have been experimentally generated for various
explosives. They provide guidelines about the probability
13-2.3 Initiators
of quiet decomposition versus violent events. As long as a
particular explosive stays below its time-temperature Initiators currently used with perforating systems are of
curve, it will function properly. If the time-temperature two general types: electric and percussion. For wireline
relationship is exceeded, quiet decomposition may or may conveyed systems, the most common mode of initiation

Temperature, °F

450 HNS

250 RDX

1 10 100 1000
Time, hr

Figure 13-3 Time-temperature curves for example explosives


is an electrical detonator, more generally referred to as tentional sources. The stray current is converted to heat
an electroexplosive device, or EED. Hot-wire detonators by I2R heating in the resistors rather than the bridgewire,
are one common type of EED and Figure 13-4A shows resulting in a safer device. Other recent improvements in
such a device in its simplest form. Safety improvements EEDs, such as the elimination of sensitive primary explo-
have been made by detonator manufacturers such as the sives, have also added to the safety of the devices.
incorporation of safety resistors in the legwires (Figure Exploding foil initiators (EFIs), exploding bridgewire
13-4B). These so-called ‘‘resistorized’’ detonators can detonators (EBWs), and deflagration-to-detonation tran-
impede stray current flow (up to a small level) that sition (DDT) detonators are examples of EEDs that do
might be picked up in the detonator circuit from unin- not contain primary explosives.

Ignition Charge

Shunt Primer Charge

Base Charge
Leg Wires Insulated Plug
Bridge Wire (1 ohm)

A Hot-Wire Detonator

Safety Resistors
(2 x 27 ohm)

Bridge Wire (1 ohm)

B Resistorized Detonator

Primer Cup
Ignition Mix Closure Disk

Firing Pin

Secondary Explosive
Spacer Primary Explosive

C Percussion Initiator
Figure 13-4 Initiators for perforating systems

The relative safety among the different types of EEDs Jacket

can be evaluated, to a first approximation, by comparing
the threshold instantaneous powers to fire the devices.
Table 13-2 shows these powers; those for EBWs and
EFIs are extremely high and their safety is unquestion-
able; however, they require downhole firing modules and
special firing panels to function. The hot-wire and resis-
torized detonators are much simpler to fire, but are also
the most susceptible to hazards; thus, their use is depen-
dent on operational restrictions such as radio silence.
The RF-protected DDT devices are between these two
extremes and attempt to offer greater margins of safety
without the need for special ancillary equipment (Motley
and Barker, 1996).
For tubing-conveyed perforating, the initiator most
Figure 13-5 Cross-sectional view of a detonating cord
commonly used is a percussion-initiated device (Figure
13-4C). Percussion devices function by having an appro-
priately contoured firing pin strike a relatively sensitive
used. Cords made from HNS and PYX are typically
part of the initiator. The pinching and shearing of explo-
slowest, with velocities ranging from 20,000 to
sive inside the initiator generates a flash that reacts with
21,000 ft/sec. The RDX and HMX cords are faster,
primary and secondary explosives to achieve detonation.
with velocities approaching 26,000 ft/sec. Velocities just
Because percussion detonators do not have legwires or
over 29,500 ft/sec have been achieved by preconditioning
bridgewires, they are not susceptible to electrical hazards.
HMX cords with pressure (the applied pressure increases
Nonetheless, the percussion devices must still be handled
explosive density inside the cord, thus boosting detona-
with appropriate care because they are designed to func-
tion pressure and velocity). This characteristic is some-
tion by impact. Typical impact energies for functioning
times used when trying to avoid shot interference
are approximately 5 to 7 ft-lb.
(described later) in ultra-high-shot-density systems.

13-2.4 Detonating Cord

13-2.5 Shaped Charges (DP and BH)
As mentioned previously, detonating cord is used to
transmit detonation along the axis of the perforating The shaped charge, or jet perforator, is the explosive
gun, sequentially initiating each charge as the detonation component that actually creates the perforation. It is
wave passes by. Figure 13-5 shows a cross-sectional view based on the same technology used by armor-piercing
of a detonating cord. It is simply a core of secondary weapons developed during World War II. The history
explosive that is enclosed by a protective sheath. The of the shaped charge and its principle of functioning is
sheath can be a single-component material such as lead well documented and is described in detail by several
or aluminum, or it can be composed of layered materials recent authors (Walters and Zukas, 1989; Carleone,
such as an extruded plastic jacket over a woven fabric 1993; Halleck, 1995). The shaped charge is a simple
braid. Detonating velocities can differ among cords pri- device, containing as few as three components, as
marily because of the properties of the explosive being shown in Figure 13-6. The complication, however,

Table 13-2 Threshold powers to function various electroexplosive devices

Device Type Threshold Power Relative Safety Uses Primary
Hot wire 0.25 W 1 Yes
Resistorized 13.8 W 55 Yes
RF-protected DDT 187 W 748 No
Exploding bridgewire 125 KW 5  105 No
Exploding foil 1.5 MW 6  106 No

Explosive and it serves to illustrate that the hydrocodes correctly

Case model the physics of the penetration process as long as
the dynamic material properties for both the shaped
charge and the target are well known.
The process of liner collapse and jet formation begins
with the initiation of the explosive at the base of the
charge. A detonation wave sweeps through the explosive,
chemically releasing the energy of the solid explosive.
The high-pressure gases at the detonation front (approxi-
mately 3 to 5 million psi) impart momentum, which
forces the liner to collapse on itself along an axis of
symmetry. Depending on the shape and material of the
liner, different collapse and penetration characteristics
will result. If the liner geometry is conical, a long, thin,
Figure 13-6 Shaped charge perforator stretching jet will be formed as shown in the hydrocode
results of Figure 13-8a to 8e. The penetration of the jet
into the target is relatively deep and the hole diameter is
resides in the physics of liner collapse and target penetra-
small. Walters (1992) reports that strain rates of 104 to
tion; the extreme dynamic conditions that exist during
107 (in./in.)/s occur during collapse and that peak pres-
collapse and penetration involve the disciplines of elasti- sures along the centerline reach approximately 29 mil-
city, plasticity, hydrodynamics, fracture mechanics, and lion psi, decaying eventually to about 2.9 million psi.
material characterization (Walters and Scott, 1985). It is The jet-tip velocity can reach values up to 26,000 ft/sec
only since the introduction of powerful computer codes, for a copper liner. The fraction of the liner that consti-
called hydrocodes, that the mechanics of the collapse and tutes the jet is around 20% (Walters and Zukas, 1989);
penetration processes can be studied in detail (Walker, the remaining 80% is in the form of a slower-moving slug
1995; Regalbuto and Gill, 1995). Much insight into the that generally does not contribute to penetration.
mechanics of the collapse and penetration processes has If the liner is parabolic or hemispherical as shown in
recently been gained with the development of hydrocodes Figure 13-9a to 9e, a much more massive, slower-moving
because they allow the viewing of explosive events on a jet will be formed that has shallow penetration. However,
microsecond-by-microsecond basis. Figure 13-7 shows the hole diameter created during penetration will be rela-
the predicted penetration of a jet in a steel target com- tively large. For hemispherical liners, the jet-tip velocity
pared to experiment. The agreement is virtually exact, is around 13,000 to 20,000 ft/sec and the jet represents
about 60 to 80% of the total liner mass (Carleone, 1993).
The remaining 20 to 40% constitutes the slug. Therefore,
the liner design has a tremendous influence on the pene-
tration characteristics of a shaped charge, which is why
the shape of the liner is used to categorize a jet perforator
as either deep-penetrating (DP) or big-hole (BH). Typical
DP charges create hole diameters between 0.2 and 0.5 in.,
with penetrations up to several dozen inches in concrete.
They are used primarily for perforating hard formations.
By comparision, the BH charges are generally used for
perforating unconsolidated formations. They typically
produce hole diameters between 0.6 and 1.5 in., and
their penetrations seldom exceed 8 in.
The hydrocode results of Figure 13-9a to 9e also
explain an often-confusing phenomenon that occurs
with big-hole charges; namely, that the hole in the gun
A – Experiment B – Hydrocode
is smaller than the hole in the casing. The hydrocode
Figure 13-7 Experimental hole profile versus hydrocode pre- graphics illustrate how this can happen: the jet exits the
diction (after Regalbuto and Gill, 1995) gun at a relatively small diameter and continues its devel-


Fluid Gap Jet
Conical Liner Slug

t=0 t = 1.1 x 10-5 sec


Liner Collapses
to Form Jet

t = 6 x 10-6 sec t = 2 x 10-5 sec

Jet Penetrates

Later Stages of Liner

Collapse Produce
Slower-Moving Slug

t = 9 x 10-6 sec

Figure 13-8 The deep penetrating (DP) charge

opment and expansion in the annular gap between gun lurgy. The importance of the liner in charge performance
and casing. The presence of fluid in the annulus cannot be overemphasized; Walters and Zukas (1989)
encourages the jet to mushroom because of the fluid’s consider the liner to be the most important shaped-
impeding nature. If designed properly, the jet will have charge design element. Attributes of a good liner mate-
attained a proper balance between its diameter and velo- rial are high density, high ductility, and high sound
city just at the moment of casing impact. Thus, for a speed. Mixtures of powdered copper and tungsten are
given charge design, there is an optimal ‘‘focal length’’ excellent choices for oilwell DP perforators; a small
for big-hole charges that will produce the most uniform amount of powdered lead or tin is added to serve as a
holes with the largest diameter in casing. Many service binder. Liners for DP charges today routinely contain
companies therefore recommend that big-hole gun sys- high percentages of tungsten (55% or more is not
tems be centralized whenever possible. uncommon); experimental evidence shows that the
Many of the recent advances in shaped-charge technol- higher density of tungsten generally results in deeper
ogy are related to manufacturing techniques and metal- penetration in hard targets. Liners for big-hole charges

Fluid Gap
Carrier Stretching

Parabolic Liner

t=0 t = 2.3 x 10-5 sec

Large Hole in

Liner Collapse
and Inversion Small Hole in

t = 1 x 10-5 sec t = 5 x 10-5 sec

Slow-Moving Jet

Concentration of

t = 1.5 x 10-5 sec

Figure 13-9 The big-hole (BH) charge

are usually fabricated from wrought materials. Copper of explosive safety are followed, the industry has a very
was the most popular material until recently, when the good safety record. Nonetheless, accidents have
industry began to shift from copper to brass alloys. occurred and their outcome can be very unforgiving.
Experimental results indicate that the presence of alloy- Human error frequently causes industrial accidents,
ing elements (primarily zinc) in the brass cause the jet to and much design effort is expended to reduce the fre-
break up and leave less liner debris in the perforation quency of these errors. Accidents have occurred in all
tunnel. parts of the life cycle of oilfield explosives, ranging from
the manufacture of bulk powder to the final disposal of
unusable product.
13-2.6 Safety and Accidents
Within the oil and gas industry, document API RP-67
With the use of explosives, perforating operations have (1994) provides recommended guidelines for the safe
the potential to be dangerous. However, when the rules handling and use of explosives at the well site. These

guidelines cover operational practices in the field and is too low. Von Holle and Trimble (1977) experimen-
design recommendations for surface and downhole tally measured temperatures of copper jet tips to be
explosive-related equipment. around 7508 to 1100oF, well below the melting point
of materials such as steel.
Experimental evidence soon confirmed, however, that
13-3 THE PENETRATION PROCESS the hydrodynamic approximation was not valid for all
Jet penetration from a shaped charge occurs by the jet stages of penetration. In fact, since the jet possesses a
pushing material aside radially. The process is analagous velocity gradient (which is why it stretches), there is a
to a high-pressure water stream penetrating a block of point where the velocity is insufficient to allow material
gelatin—the shear strength of the gelatin is so low that it strength properties to be neglected. For the oil industry,
offers essentially no resistance to the water stream. The Thompson (1962) was the first to publish data showing
water stream pushes the gelatin aside radially as it pene- that perforator penetration decreased as a function of
trates, leaving a hole. Material is not removed, but is increased formation compressive strength. His data cor-
only displaced. related to the semi-logarithmic expression:
Essentially the same penetration process occurs with a
shaped charge jet penetrating a target, only at much ln lpf ¼ ln lps þ 0:086ðC1  C2 Þð103 Þ (13-1)
higher pressures (Figure 13-10). The earliest penetration
models (circa 1940s) assumed the jet and target were
incompressible, or Bernoulli, fluids. This allowed the where lpf is the penetration into the producing forma-
strengths and viscosities of the jet and target materials tion, lps is the penetration into the test sample in in., C1
to be neglected, an assumption called the hydrodynamic is the compressive strength of the test sample, and C2 is
approximation. This hydrodynamic approximation is a the compressive strength of the producing formation
rational assumption for the early stages of jet penetration in psi.
since the impact pressure far exceeds the yield strength of Thompson’s work was later expanded by Berhmann
most materials. For example, the impact pressure gener- and Halleck (1988) where they confirmed his conclusions
ated by a copper jet against casing is approximately 15 to and also noted that penetration differences in various
30 million psi, whereas the yield strength of typical high- targets were not only a function of compressive strength,
strength casing is only around 100,000 psi. Thus, even but also of the target type (concrete or Berea) and charge
a material as strong as steel is weak when compared to design.
the stresses resulting from high-velocity impact. For penetration of rock downhole, not only is the
Temperature plays a negligible part in the penetration compressive strength important but also the downhole
process. Not only is the time frame too fast for any effective stress, which is equal to the overburden stress
significant heat transfer to occur, but the temperature minus the pore pressure. This ‘‘effective stress’’ acts to
make the rock stronger and thus more resistant to pene-
tration. Work by Saucier and Lands (1978) showed that
penetration decreased with increasing in-situ effective
Steel Casing stress, up to a plateau of 5000 to 6000 psi. Penetration
models were refined further when it was realized that
compressibility effects should be considered when pre-
dicting penetrations in porous targets such as formation
rock. Furthermore, if the jet possesses a higher sound
Copper Jet Penetration speed than the target, it is possible for localized shocks
to occur during the penetration process, reducing pene-
tration. Regalbuto et al. (1988) proposed using the bulk
Interface Pressure
15-30,000,000 psi
sound speed of the target as a simple means to account
for compressibility and shock effects. Later work by
Jet Tip Velocity Halleck et al. (1991) used the bulk modulus to account
13-26,000 ft/sec
for compressibility and found that penetration decreased
with increasing bulk modulus.
Figure 13-10 Schematic of penetration process (after Walters In summary, several factors are known to reduce jet
and Zukas, 1989) penetrations in formation rock under downhole condi-

tions when compared to penetrations obtained in con- 13-4 THE DAMAGED ZONE
crete surface shots. Table 13-3 gives laboratory data
During the jet-penetration process, some damage occurs
that shows how these penetrations decrease for a typical
to the rock matrix surrounding the perforation tunnel as
shown in Figure 13-11. The altered zone is called the
Finally, Ott et al. (1994) proposed a model for predict-
damaged (or crushed or compacted) zone and results
ing penetration in downhole formations based on con-
from the high-impact pressures that occur during perfor-
crete penetration in surface test shots. The simple
ating. The damaged zone consists of crushed and com-
method is used in several popular nodal analysis pro-
pacted grains that form a layer approximately 14- to 12-in. in
grams. An underlying assumption in the model is that
thickness, which surrounds the perforation tunnel (Asadi
penetration of stressed Berea targets is about 70% that of
and Preston, 1994; Pucknell and Behrmann, 1991). Later
concrete. From Table 13-3, if the concrete penetration of
work by Halleck et al. (1992) shows that the damaged
15.49 in. is multiplied by 0.7, a predicted Berea penetra-
zone is nonuniform in thickness, and it actually decreases
tion (in stressed rock) of 10.84 in. is obtained. This is
down the length of the perforation tunnel. The greatest
18% greater than the experimental result of 9.21 in.
damage occurs near the entrance hole where the impact
Thus, some researchers believe that the model is too
pressure from jet impingement is greatest, while the least
simple for reasonably accurate results, while other
damage occurs at the tip of the tunnel where the impact
researchers maintain that it is more than adequate for
stress is least. There is some evidence that big-hole
practical engineering purposes.
charges (especially those with explosive loads exceeding

Cement Damaged Undamaged

Casing Permeability, kd Permeability, k

Open Perforation

Charge and Core Debris

Pulverization Zone
Grain Fracturing Zone
Compacted Zone
(with Damaged Permeability
from Perforating, kc

Figure 13-11 Perforation-damaged zone (from Bell et al., 1995)

Table 13-3 Penetration reductions for a 2 18-in. capsule charge

Target Strength Effective Stress Penetration Comments
(psi) (psi) (in.)
Concrete 6600 0 15.49 Benchmark surface shot
in concrete
Berea sandstone 7000 100 10.25 Reduction caused by
change in target material
Berea sandstone 7000 1500 9.21 Reduction caused by
increased effective stress
Nugget 13000 100 6.68 Reduction caused by
sandstone higher strength target

23 g) may cause damaged zone layers that approach 1 in. guns are available in a wide range of sizes, from small-
Laboratory studies indicate that the permeability of the diameter guns (1-16 in. OD) that will pass through 2 38-in.
damaged zone can be 10 to 20% of the surrounding virgin tubing to large-diameter (7-in. OD) guns that are made
formation (Bell et al., 1972). To restore effective commu- to run in 9 58-in. casing. Ratings up to 30,000 psi and
nication between the reservoir and wellbore, several tech- 500oF are available, and the guns can be run on either
niques are used in an attempt to remedy the effects of the wireline or tubing. Because these guns are much less sus-
damaged zone. One technique is underbalanced perforat- ceptible to leaks than are port plug guns, they are often
ing, in which the operator tries to remove damage by top-fired. Gun intervals of more than 2700 feet have been
backflushing or surging the formation. Another techni- shot with these types of guns, and a wide variety of
que is extreme overbalanced perforating in which an mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical firing mechanisms
attempt is made to circumvent perforation-induced are available to mate with them. Hollow carrier guns also
damage by creating microfractures that pass through absorb explosive shock when the charges are detonated,
the crushed zone. The overbalance pressure can come protecting the casing from potential damage. They also
from either a pressurized wellbore or from downhole pro- retain a significant amount of charge and gun debris after
pellant charges. Additionally, shaped-charge research detonation.
today is concerned with developing ways to make the Capsule perforating guns consist of charges that are
penetration process less damaging through new liner geo- enclosed, or encapsulated, by a protective cap as shown
metry and metallurgy. in Figure 13-13. The charges are affixed to a carrier,
which is generally a set of wires or a flexible strip, and
are usually conveyed by wireline. Since there is no thick-
walled carrier present with a capsule gun, the charges can
be larger than those used in hollow carrier guns and still
Figure 13-12 shows the three general types of gun sys- pass through downhole tubulars. This is especially
tems used in the industry today: ported, scalloped, and advantageous in through-tubing operations where
capsule. Both ported and scalloped guns belong to a small-diameter guns are necessary for passage, yet max-
family called hollow carrier guns. These guns are rela- imum penetration is desired. As an example, for running
tively heavy-walled, sealed tubular conduits that are used through 278-in. tubing, an operator can run either a 2-in.
to convey the explosive train inside them, and to protect OD hollow carrier gun with 7.5-g explosive charges or a
the explosives from the surrounding wellbore environ- similar diameter capsule gun with 15-g charges. Because
ment. The port plug gun possesses an economic advan- of its larger size, the capsule charge penetrates nearly
tage over the scalloped gun because it can be used as twice the depth of the smaller charge, and the hole size
many as 100 times. However, the port plug gun must in casing is approximately 20% bigger. However, the
also make an individual seal at each charge, increasing primary drawback to capsule gun systems is that the
the likelihood of fluid leaks when it is run downhole. If a detonator and detonating cord are exposed to the effects
hollow carrier gun leaks and the explosives are sur- of the wellbore-fluid environment. Fluid intrusion can
rounded by fluid during detonation, the gun will rupture occur at the interface between the detonator and deto-
upon firing and stick inside the casing. Therefore, port nating cord, which necessitates the use of special sealing
plug guns are generally used where wellbore conditions techniques. Also, as mentioned earlier, the time-tempera-
are not as demanding, such as in wells with moderate ture relationships that are valid for hollow carrier guns
hydrostatic pressures and temperatures. Recommended are not applicable for capsule gun systems because the
limits for reliable operation of these guns is around explosive train is exposed to the simultaneous effects of
20,000 psi and 325oF; however, with special attention temperature and pressure.
they can be run to 400oF. Port plug guns are generally One unique variation of the capsule gun uses ‘‘elon-
run on wireline and are fired from the bottom using a gated’’ charges that articulate, or pivot, on a carrier
‘‘fluid-disabled’’ electric detonator. This type of detona- through a 90o rotation. This pivoting allows the charges
tor is designed to disable itself if submerged in fluid, to remain folded and to pass through downhole tubulars,
preventing the problem of a ruptured gun in the event and to open up when it is time to fire. The charge per-
of an inadvertent leak. formance for this type of system is impressive, but the
The scalloped hollow carrier guns are used in the most mechanical complexities of the equipment and the large
demanding well conditions, and are the mainstay of tub- amount of debris left downhole after firing may be unde-
ing-conveyed perforating (TCP) operations. Scalloped sirable.

Firing Head
Firing Head Firing Head

Port Plug


Reusable Carrier Disposable


Shaped Charge Shaped Charge Shaped Charge

Tandem Sub

Tandem Sub

Detonator Bottom Sub

Bottom Sub
Bottom Sub

Ported Scalloped Capsule

Figure 13-12 Gun system types


Cap nal boundary effects on penetration: 4-in. diameter for

charges 15 g or less and 7-in. for charges exceeding 15 g.
This is a single-shot test and is conducted at ambient
Liner O-ring Seal
Section 3: This test evaluates how perforator perfor-
Retention mance may be changed after exposure to elevated tem-
Explosive Ring
perature and time. It is a multiple-shot test conducted at
atmospheric pressure using steel targets. After firing, the
penetration in steel is compared to the penetration of
charges that have not been thermally conditioned,
which gives a measure of charge degradation after expo-
sure to elevated temperature.
Section 4: This test provides a measure of flow perfor-
mance of a perforation tunnel under simulated downhole
Figure 13-13 Capsule charge
conditions. With respect to downhole perforator perfor-
mance, it is the most representative of the four tests;
13-6 PERFORMANCE MEASURES OF however, it is also the most costly and is therefore used
on a limited basis. The test is a single shot test and the
target is quarry rock or an actual well core. Three pres-
(API RP-43)
sures are applied as part of the test: (1) pore pressure to
To evaluate the performance of jet perforators and gun simulate reservoir formation pressure, (2) an external,
systems, a series of standard tests was developed by the confining pressure on the core to simulate overburden
industry and is described in API RP-43 (1991). These stress, and (3) a wellbore pressure that simulates the
tests allow a fair comparison of different charges and effects of underbalanced perforating. Typical values of
gun systems so that operators can choose the appropriate the three pressures might be 1500 psi pore pressure,
explosives and hardware for conducting perforating 4500 psi confining pressure, and 1000 psi wellbore pres-
operations. The four sections of tests are described in sure. This combination of pressures provides an effective
the following paragraphs. rock stress of 3000 psi and 500 psi underbalance.
Section 1: This test evaluates the performance of multi-
ple-shot perforating systems in concrete targets. The
minimum concrete compressive strength is 5000 psi and 13-7 COMPLETION TECHNIQUES FOR
the casing is grade L-80. The test is conducted at ambient HARD ROCK
temperature and atmospheric pressure; recorded data
Selection of a perforating system for a completion must
include both hole diameter and target penetration.
be made with a reasonable understanding of what addi-
Because multiple shots are fired, Section 1 testing can
tional stimulation, if any, will be required for the well.
account for the effects of charge-to-charge interference.
Certain stimulation methods may not be possible if the
Interference occurs whenever the case fragments of a
well is perforated in a manner that did not take future
detonated charge impact a neighboring charge and
activities into consideration. For example, some forma-
‘‘interfere’’ with jet development. Interference is espe-
tions are stimulated during hydraulic fracturing with a
cially likely to occur in high-density gun systems where
limited number of perforations to divert fluids into dif-
the charges are very close to each other. Since the Section
ferent layers of a formation. This technique usually is
1 test is the most economical of the four to conduct, it is
conducted with 30 or fewer holes in the intervals to be
the most widely used. However, it is the least simulative
stimulated—not in wells where entire intervals were pre-
of downhole conditions since the target is not a fluid-
viously perforated with high shot-density perforator sys-
filled formation rock under stressed conditions.
tems. Perforating planning is therefore difficult; a system
Section 2: This test evaluates perforator penetration in a to maximize initial well productivity is not necessarily the
hydraulically stressed (3000 psi) Berea sandstone target. best system for subsequent well stimulation. It is critical
It is generally used only for deep penetrating charges. for the completion engineer to have a good understand-
Two target diameters are specified to account for exter- ing of the formation characteristics and discuss future

well activities with other individuals (such as the geolo- sp ¼ sH þ sV þ swb (13-3)
gists) to determine a mutually agreeable approach.
Below, the method of estimating the individual compo-
nents of the perforation skin is outlined.
13-7.1 Natural Completion Perforating Calculation of sH
‘‘Natural’’ completions can be defined as those wells with rw
sufficient reservoir permeability and formation compe- sH ¼ ln (13-4)
rw0 ðÞ
tence to produce the desired volumes of reservoir fluids
without the need for additional stimulation. On these where rw0 ðÞ is the effective wellbore radius and is a func-
wells, effectively communicating the undamaged forma- tion of the phasing angle :
tion to the wellbore is critical. The more important per-
forating parameters include perforator depth of 8
< Iperf
penetration, charge phasing, effective shot density, per- for =0
rw0 ðÞ ¼ 4 (13-5)
centage of the productive interval that is perforated, and : a r þ I  for 6=0
 w perf
underbalance levels. Perforator hole size in the casing
string is less important, except in wells with extremely The constant a depends on the perforation phasing and
high deliverability (high permeability) potential. can be obtained from Table 13-4. This skin effect is nega-
Well geometry does not allow all perforating para- tive (except for  ¼ 0), but its total contribution is
meters to be optimized economically, and numerous usually small.
technical articles have been written about how to predict
inflow performance from a wellbore based upon the per- Calculation of sV To obtain sV , two dimensionless vari-
forating parameters (Locke, 1981; McLeod, 1983; Hong, ables must be calculated:
1975; Karakas and Tariq, 1988). Many operators and sffiffiffiffiffiffi
service companies have developed computer programs hperf kH
based upon these technical articles to assist the engineer hD ¼ (13-6)
lperf kV
in gun systems selection based upon specific well criteria.
One of the standard comparison methods of perforator
where kH and kV are the horizontal and vertical perme-
systems is the use of productivity index ratios, which are
abilities, respectively, and
defined as Jp/J, where Jp is the productivity index of the
perforated well and J is the productivity index of an sffiffiffiffiffiffi !
open-hole well. rperf kV
rD ¼ 1þ (13-7)
2hperf kH

13-7.2 Calculation of the Perforation Skin Effect The vertical pseudo-skin is then

A mechanism to account for the effects of perforations sV ¼ 10a hb1 b

D rD
on well performance is through the introduction of the
perforation skin effect, sp, in the well production equa- with
tion. For example, under steady-state conditions
  a ¼ a1 log rD þ a2 (13-9)
kh pe  pwf

re and
1412B ln þ sp
b ¼ b1 r D þ b2 (13-10)
Karakas and Tariq (1988) have presented a semianalyti-
cal solution for the calculation of the perforation skin The constants a1 ; a2 ; b1 , and b2 are also functions of the
effect, which they divide into components: the plane- perforation phasing and can be obtained from Table 13-
flow effect, sH; the vertical converging effect, sV; and 4. The vertical skin effect, sV , is potentially the largest
the wellbore effect, swb. The total perforation skin effect contributor to sp; for small perforation densities, that is,
is then large hperf , sV can be very large.

Table 13-4 Constants for perforation skin effect calculationa

Perforation a a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2
08 0.250 2:091 0.0453 5.1313 1.8672 1.6E-1 2.675
1808 0.500 2:025 0.0943 3.0373 1.8115 2.6E-2 4.532
1208 0.648 2:018 0.0634 1.6136 1.7770 6.6E-3 5.320
908 0.726 1:905 0.1038 1.5674 1.6935 1.9E-3 6.155
608 0.813 1:898 0.1023 1.3654 1.6490 3.0E-4 7.509
458 0.860 1:788 0.2398 1.1915 1.6392 4.6E-5 8.791
From Karakas and Tariq, 1988.

Calculation of swb For the calculation of swb, a dimen- From Equations 13-9 and 13-10 and the constants in
sionless quantity is calculated first: Table 13-4,
rw a ¼ 2:025 logð0:027Þ þ 0:0943 ¼ 3:271 (13-17)
rwD ¼ (13-11)
lperf þ rw
b ¼ ð3:0373Þð0:027Þ þ 1:8115 ¼ 1:894 (13-18)
swb ¼ c1 ec2 rwD (13-12)
From Equation 13-8,
The constants c1 and c2 also can be obtained from Table
13-4. sV ¼ 103:271 2:370:894 0:0271:894 ¼ 4:3 (13-19)

Finally, from Equation 13-11

13-7.2.1 Example: Perforation Skin Effect rwD ¼ ¼ 0:33 (13-20)
0:667 þ 0:328
Assume that a well with rw ¼ 0:328 ft is perforated with 2
shots/ft, rperf ¼ 0:25 in., (0.0208 ft), lperf ¼ 8 in. (0.667 ft), and with the constants in Table 13-4 and Equation 13-12
and  ¼ 1808 . Calculate the perforation skin effect if
kH =kV ¼ 10. Repeat the calculation for  ¼ 08 and swb ¼ 2:6  102 eð4:532Þð0:33Þ ¼ 0:1 (13-21)
 ¼ 608 .
If  ¼ 1808 , show the effect of the horizontal-to-verti- The total perforation skin effect is then
cal permeability anisotropy with kH =kV ¼ 1:
Solution: From Equation 13-5 and Table 13-4 ð ¼ 1808 Þ sp ¼ 0:4 þ 4:3 þ 0:1 ¼ 4 (13-22)

rw0 ðÞ ¼ ð0:5Þð0:328 þ 0:667Þ ¼ 0:5 (13-13)

If  ¼ 08, then sH ¼ 0:3, sV ¼ 3:6, swb ¼ 0:4, and there-
Then, from Equation 13-4 fore sp ¼ 4:3.
If  ¼ 60o , then sH ¼ 0:9, sV ¼ 4:9, swb ¼ 0:004, and
0:328 therefore sp ¼ 4.
sH ¼ ln ¼ 0:4 (13-14)
0:5 For  ¼ 1808, and kH =kV ¼ 1, sH and swb do not
change; sV, though, is only 1.2 leading to sp ¼ 0:9, reflect-
From Equation 13-6 and remembering that hperf ¼ 1/
ing the beneficial effects of good vertical permeability
even with relatively unfavorable perforation density (2
0:5 pffiffiffiffiffi shots/ft).
hD ¼ 10 ¼ 2:37 (13-15)
13-7.2.2 Example: Perforation Density
0:0208  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Using typical perforation characteristics such as rperf ¼
rD ¼ 1 þ 0:1 ¼ 0:027 (13-16)
ð2Þð0:5Þ 0:25 in. (0.0208 ft), lperf ¼ 8 in. (0.667 ft),  ¼ 1208, in a

well with rw ¼ 0:328 ft, develop a table of sV versus per- These variables are used in Equations 13-4 to 13-12 for
foration density for permeability anisotropies the calculation of the skin effects contributing to the
kH =kV ¼ 10, 5, and 1. composite skin effect in Equations 13-23 and 13-24.
Perforating past the near-wellbore damage can greatly
increase wellbore productivity. Drilling fluid solids and
Solution: Table 13-5 presents the skin effect sV for
filtrate invasion, cement solids and filtrate invasion, cre-
perforation densities from 0.5 shots/ft to 4 shots/ft
ated emulsions, and destabilized formations caused by
using Equations 13-6 to 13-10. For high perforation den-
drilling and vibrations can all reduce near-wellbore per-
sities (3 to 4 shots/ft), this skin contribution becomes
meability permanently or temporarily. Figure 13-14 is an
small. For low shot densities, this skin effect in normally example showing that productivity index ratios can be
anisotropic formations can be substantial. For the well in greatly improved if the perforating charge can penetrate
this problem, sH ¼ 0:7 and swb ¼ 0:04. past the depth of damage. In most cases, however, the
depth of damage surrounding the wellbore is uncertain,
Table 13-5 Vertical contribution to perforation skin effect but openhole resistivity data can be used as a first
sV approximation. The engineer should compare the shal-
low, medium, and deep resistivity curves (after determin-
shots/ft kH =kV ¼ 10 kH =kV ¼ 5 kH =kV ¼ 1 ing the depth into the formation that each measure is
0.5 21.3 15.9 7.7 made) and this should provide some sense of depth of
1 10.3 7.6 3.6 at least fluid invasion. For example, if the medium and
2 4.8 3.5 1.3 deep resistivity curves measure essentially the same value
3 3.0 2.1 0.9 and are significantly different from the shallow resistivity
4 2.1 1.5 0.6
curve (which only measures approximately 1 in. from the
wellbore), the depth of invasion is probably somewhere
between the shallow and medium measurement points.
Perforator penetration is also believed to be a critical
13-7.2.3 Near-Well Damage and Perforations parameter in wells where natural fractures are prevalent.
In this instance, charges with the deepest penetration are
Karakas and Tariq (1988) have also shown that damage more likely to encounter the natural fracture system.
and perforations can be characterized by a composite Charge phasing is an often overlooked variable that
skin effect has significant importance in many formations. Many
through-tubing wireline perforator systems are designed
k as ‘‘zero-degree’’ phased guns to maximize formation
ðsd Þp ¼ ðsd Þ0 þ s (13-23)
ks p penetration and entry hole size by decentralizing the
gun and placing all perforations in the same plane
if the perforations terminate within the damage zone from the wellbore. Productivity ratios can be reduced
lperf < rs ). In Equation 13-23, (sd)0 is the open-hole (typically 5 to 10%) because of the more tortuous path
equivalent skin effect by Hawkins’ formula. If the per- that the formation fluids have to travel to enter the well-
forations terminate outside the damage zone, then bore. Where natural fractures are prevalent in the forma-
tion, perforating gun systems phased to penetrate at
ðsd Þp ¼ sp0 (13-24) different directions are also desirable; there is a higher
probability of contacting the fractures, and gun systems
where is sp0 evaluated at a modified perforation length with phasings of 458, 608, 908, 1208, and 1808 are com-
lperf and modified radius rw0 . These are monly used. Zero-degree-phased guns also have the addi-

tional drawback that, by placing all of the perforations in
k the same plane, the casing is more susceptible to failure
lperf ¼ Iperf  1  s rs (13-25)
k due to reduced yield strength (King, 1989).
Effective shot density is an important perforating
and parameter not only to increase the number of flow

paths to the wellbore, but also to contact thinly lami-
k nated hydrocarbon layers. Many completion engineers
rw0 ¼ rw þ 1  s rs (13-26)
k believe that four shots per foot will always provide com-


Productivity Index Ratio


Input Parameters

Horizontal Perm 10.00 md

Vertical Perm 4.00 md
Damaged Zone Perm 0.50 md
0.30 Damaged Zone Length 6.0 in.
Distance to Top Perf 0.0 ft
Shot Density 4.0 Spf
Phasing 90.0°
Tunnel Diameter 0.40 in.
Wellbore Radius 4.00 in.

2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
Perforation Length, in.

Figure 13-14 Improved productivity index ratios when perforating charge penetrates past the depth of damage

parable inflow performance to an openhole completion, 13-7.3 Underbalanced Perforating

but this ‘‘rule of thumb’’ can be quite misleading. Higher
Underbalanced perforating is defined as perforating
shot densities become more advantageous in natural
with the pressure in the wellbore lower than the pres-
completions with high formation permeabilities and, as
sure in the formation. When used properly, this techni-
discussed later in this chapter, high shot densities are
que has effectively provided higher productivity
critical in cased-hole, gravel-packed wells. It is important
completions. Numerous technical articles have been
for the completion engineer to realize that perforating
written to compare this technique with overbalanced
systems are mechanically complex and that not all
perforating both in the laboratory and in field studies
charges that are run into a well automatically result in
(Allan et al., 1985; Bell, 1984; Bonomo et al., 1985;
effective perforations being created or contacting pro-
Behrmann, 1995; Halleck and Deo, 1989; and King et
ductive formations. Studies within industry (Keese, and
al., 1985, among others). Underbalanced perforating
Oden, 1976; Hushbeck, 1986) suggest that 50 to 70% of
creates an environment where formation fluid flow can
the perforations are actually effective. This factor should
immediately begin to enter the wellbore, rather than
be considered when designing the completion.
have the well in an overbalance condition where com-
Some wells are perforated in only a portion of the
pletion fluids and other particles continue to be lost into
productive pay because of geologic and drilling con-
straints or as an effort to reduce water and gas influx; the formation. At the instant of perforating, the pres-
this technique is referred to as a partial completion. Well sure differential to the wellbore is believed to help clear
productivity from a partial completion is impaired, and the perforations and remove crushed rock, debris, and
lower productivity will result because the formation explosive gases from the formation. Formation fluid
fluids must converge to enter the wellbore (Cinco-Ley type and reservoir permeability are the two primary
et al., 1975). factors influencing the amount of underbalance level

to remove a portion of the crushed rock and other that should be used based upon log data from the adjoin-
damage mechanisms from the near-wellbore area. ing shales.
King et al. (1985) and others published the results of a The studies cited above and others suggest that the
large number of underbalanced perforating jobs in which instantaneous underbalance must be followed with con-
initial well productivity was compared to subsequent well tinued sustained flow of several gallons per perforation
productivity after acidizing. Figure 13-15 shows the to further clean the perforation and to remove the
results of this study and plots the formation permeability crushed rock and other materials that have been loo-
versus total minimum underbalance necessary to achieve sened. This point is critical and well documented, yet is
clean perforations in oil zones in sandstones. Figure often overlooked on many jobs. A large influx of hydro-
13-16 shows similar data for gas zones. Higher draw- carbons into the well is undesirable because of the
downs are necessary in gas wells, probably because gas increased complexity it will cause if other well activities
has a lower drag coefficient and cannot move particles as are planned. Underbalanced perforating is operationally
readily. As seen in these two figures, a few hundred psi of much easier with tubing-conveyed perforating systems or
drawdown may be sufficient in a high-permeability for- if a single wireline perforating run is possible. Proper
mation such as Berea Sandstone, but low-permeability underbalance levels and continued flow are often not
formations of a millidarcy or less may require a total effectively used on wireline operations where multiple
underbalance of several thousand psi to effectively clean gun runs are required. Achieving appropriate underba-
the perforations. Subsequent laboratory studies lance levels with other intervals contributing flow and
(Behrmann, 1995) suggest that even higher underbalance backpressure is operationally difficult. Continued well-
levels than those in Figures 13-15 and 13-16 are neces- flow after perforating concerns some operators because
sary. In unconsolidated formations, sand influx can of the possibility that debris can be produced above the
potentially stick the perforating guns, and articles perforating guns and wireline being retrieved from the
(Crawford, 1989) suggest the maximum underbalance wellbore.


Formation Permeability, md


Acid did not improve production
Acid did improve production

100 1000 10,000
Total Underbalance, psi

Figure 13-15 Formation permeability vs. minimum underbalance to achieve an undamaged completion in oil zones (after King,



Formation Permeability, md




0.1 Acid Did Not Improve Production

Acid Did Improve Production

100 1000 10,000
Total Underbalance, psi

Figure 13-16 Formation permeability vs. minimum underbalance to achieve an undamaged completion in gas zones (after
King, 1989)

13-7.4 Extremely Overbalanced Perforating are used to fracture the formation and to divert fluids to
all intervals. The high flow rate through relatively narrow
In many low-permeability formations, remaining reser-
fractures in the formation is believed to enhance near-
voir pressures are insufficient to effectively clean the per-
well conductivity. Field data also suggest that high initial
forations, as suggested by King et al. (1985) and others.
pressures are more likely to create fractures within the
In other instances, formation competence is question-
perforated interval and to limit height growth.
able, and the risk of sticking the perforating guns with
Perforating systems have also recently been developed
high underbalance levels makes the use of underbalanced
to release proppant material downhole with the gun
perforating methods an operational risk. Extremely over-
detonation so that the extremely overbalanced fluids
balanced perforating is a near-wellbore stimulation tech-
and nitrogen rushing to the formation carry erosive
nique (Handren et al., 1993; Pettijohn and Couet, 1994;
and propping materials. Most of the extremely overba-
Snider and Oriold, 1996) used in conjunction with the lanced perforating jobs are currently designed with pres-
perforating event. The method has gained popularity sure levels set at a minimum of 1.4 psi/ft of true vertical
within the past few years because of the large number depth. The technique is also being used to obtain a pro-
of wells that could not be effectively perforated using duction test in very low-permeability formations before
underbalance techniques. Extreme overbalance perforat- more large, expensive stimulations. While most jobs are
ing also provides perforation breakdown in preparation being conducted using tubing-conveyed perforating sys-
for other stimulation methods, and therefore, eliminates tems, some completions with short intervals have used
the need for conventional breakdown methods, e.g. wireline perforating methods.
breakdown of perforations in carbonate formations.
During extreme overbalanced perforating jobs, most
of the tubing is pressurized to high overbalance levels 13-7.5 Perforating for Remedial Cementing,
with compressible gases above relatively small volumes Hydraulic Fracturing, or Other Stimulations
of liquids. The gases have high levels of stored energy; In many instances, perforating operations are conducted
upon expansion at the instant of detonation, the gases primarily to create a conductive path to allow remedial

cement squeezing or for stimulation of the formation the fracture plane report good success. Perforating
with treating fluids such as massive hydraulic fractures with 608 or 1208 phasing is recommended to improve
and acidizing (discussed in Chapters 11 and 17 respec- the chances of the perforations being in line with the
tively). In each case, it is important to fully understand fracture plane if fracture orientation is unknown or it
the objective of the subsequent activities before selecting is economically unjustifiable to obtain the information.
a perforating system because the selection criteria are The effect of perforation orientation on fracture initia-
quite different. tion and propagation relative to the in-situ stress direc-
For remedial cementing, it may be assumed that the tion is discussed in Chapter 6.
perforating objective is to allow cement to subsequently Sufficient perforations should be placed to reduce
be placed in a non-cement-filled void behind the casing. shearing of the fracturing fluids transporting the prop-
If it is believed that no cement or solids bed exists behind pant. Although it is not recommended, some wells con-
the casing, a few perforations placed in a single plane tinue to be stimulated with a limited number of
will be sufficient, but in most instances the downhole perforations used to divert flow to different intervals.
wellbore configuration is much more complex. It is Several problems that exist with this limited-entry
important to visualize the well and also to realize that method can be reduced but not eliminated. In addition
most wells have deviation that must be considered. In to the problems of shearing the fracturing fluids through
many instances, the casing will be uncentralized and the perforations, one of the biggest problems noted in the
lying on the low side of the hole either against the field is effectively communicating each perforation of
formation or against drilled solids and other mud fil- known size with the desired fracture plane. It is recom-
trates. If a liquid-filled channel exists, it is more likely mended to (1) verify the perforation diameter with the
to be on the high side of the hole. Expensive methods shaped charge manufacturer for the specific weight and
are available to orient the perforator in the direction of grade of casing and clearance; (2) centralize or decentra-
the channel (if known), generally, the best choice of a lize the perforating gun such that each hole has the same
perforator system is a high-shot-density perforator sys- clearance and subsequently should be of the same dia-
tem that creates holes at least every 308 around the meter; and (3) always acidize or break down each per-
wellbore. Specialized gun systems with specific-applica- foration and attempt to remove near-wellbore
tion shaped charges are available if it is desired to cre- tortuousity prior to the limited-entry fracture stimula-
ate holes in an inner string of casing without damaging tion. Limited-entry perforating is a good application
an outer string of casing. These gun systems generally for which to consider the use of bullet guns; the created
require the perforating charge to be placed directly hole is of a known size and less damage to the sand face
against the inner casing wall. outside the wellbore may occur.
For hydraulic fracturing with proppants, the first For acid stimulations in carbonate formations, per-
important parameter to consider is perforator entry foration hole size is less important because proppants
hole size in the casing to eliminate proppant bridging. are not normally used. As stated previously, perforator
Entry hole size in the casing should be at least six times system selection should be conducted with subsequent
the average grain diameter of the proppant (Haynes and operations in mind. If a ‘‘ball-out’’ acid job is planned,
Gray, 1974). It is important to realize that technical data specially designed shaped charges or bullets that create
suggests that the hydraulic fracture rarely exits the well- no burr on the casing wall can be used; this technique
bore region from the perforations (Behrmann and Elbel, will improve the ability of the ball to seal on the casing
1992). The perforation event creates a damaged area wall.
that is difficult to break down; in most instances, the
fracture will initiate between the cement and the casing
and travel a certain distance around the casing before 13-8 COMPLETION TECHNIQUES FOR
the fracture extends. This tortuous path around the well- UNCONSOLIDATED SANDSTONES
bore not only creates additional frictional forces, but it
can lead to premature screen-outs of the hydraulic frac-
13-8.1 Perforating for Cased Hole Gravel-Packing
ture stimulation. These types of issues are addressed in
additonal detail in Chapter 6. In fields where fracture Unlike natural completions, perforating for gravel-pack-
orientation is well-known, operators who began perfor- ing requires a completely different philosophy to opti-
ating with 180-degree phased perforating systems and mize well productivity. Chapter 18 of this textbook
oriented the perforations to be in the same plane as addresses gravel-packing operations in greater detail,

but a brief overview is appropriate here. A wellbore cross which, for a specific well, simplifies to
section for a natural completion and a cased-hole gravel-
packed completion are shown in Figure 13-17. In a nat- C 1 q C 2 q2
ural completion, formation fluids entering the perfora- pwfs  pwf ¼ þ 2 (13-28)
kg A A
tion tunnel can flow unimpeded into the wellbore. In a
gravel-packed completion, a primary objective is to pre- Ultimately, the two key parameters to well productivity
vent unconsolidated formation sands from entering the (q) for a gravel-packed completion are area open to flow
wellbore, and a series of ‘‘filters’’ is created to hold back (A) and permeability of the gravel in the perforation
the formation sand while still allowing fluid flow. As tunnel (kg).
shown in Figure 13-17, fluid flow entering the perfora- The area open to flow (A) is essentially the number of
tion tunnel of a gravel-packed well still must flow linearly perforations multiplied by their respective cross-sectional
through the sand and gravel in the perforation tunnel area. Most completion engineers perforate with at least
and inside the annulus of the well before entering the 12 holes per foot in casing sizes of 7 in. and larger.
gravel-pack screen. Although this linear flow path is Recognizing that area is a function of diameter to the
only a few inches long, the materials inside it second power, it is important for the completion engineer
have a tremendous impact on well productivity. to realize that small increases in perforation diameter can
Equation 13-27 is the inflow performance equation for increase the total area substantially. Big-hole perforating
a cased hole gravel pack: charges are generally designed to be shot in a centralized
condition inside the wellbore, and substantial increases in
cross-sectional area can be achieved by simply shooting
qBl 9:107  1013 ðqBÞ2 l
pwfs  pwf ¼ þ the perforating gun in that manner. As can be seen in
1:1271  103 kg A A2
Figure 13-18, a 26% increase in cross-sectional area can
(13-27) be achieved by centralizing the gun, and uniform hole

Typical Cased-Hole Typical Cased-Hole

Completion Gravel-Packed Completion

Cement Cement
Casing Casing
Production Production
Tubing Tubing

Packer Packer

Oil Perforations Perforations

Screen Gravel

2 in. Formation Sand

40-Mesh Gravel Permeability
Permeability 500 md
27,500 md

Fluid Flow
Screen 3 bbl/d
0.8 cp Oil

Tunnel Diameter Pressure Drop

0.4 in. 14.79 psi
0.7 in. 4.84 psi

Figure 13-17 Wellbore cross section for a natural completion and a cased-hole gravel-packed completion


9 5/8-in. 47-lb L-80
Entry Hole Size, in.

9 5/8-in. 53.5-lb P-110


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Total Clearance from Spot Face, in.

Figure 13-18 Loss in big-hole charge performance if the guns are not centralized

sizes are created. If a perforating gun were to become have published technical articles describing how conven-
stuck because of formation-sand influx upon detonation, tional big-hole perforating charges crush a significant
it would also be easier to fish from the wellbore if it were amount of formation material that essentially creates
centralized. Uniform hole size is also operationally desir- an excellent filter cake, thereby reducing injectivity. It
able for completion and production operations, so there is very likely that the types of perforating systems used
are few negative aspects to using centralized guns for big- before injection for stimulation, including gravel-packing
hole perforating operations if the centralization system is operations, will change in the next few years as a result of
properly engineered. these studies. Reduction in explosive gram weights of the
Again referring to Equation 13-28 in its simplified charges, liner material types, penetration requirements,
form, the other key parameter to cased-hole, gravel- and other charge design parameters are likely, and efforts
pack well productivity is kg, permeability of the gravel now focus on injectivity subsequent to perforating.
in the perforation tunnel. Gravel-pack sand permeability
will be discussed in Chapter 18, and permeability values
in excess of 40,000 millidarcies are common. This num- 13-8.2 Perforating Unconsolidated Sands without
ber is extremely high and is as much as two orders of Gravel Packs
magnitude greater than many formation sand permeabil- In some instances, it is desirable to complete wells with-
ities. The key to perforating strategies for gravel packing out gravel-packing the well, yet sand production could
is therefore to help ensure that the high-permeability occur. Some engineers have assumed the use of big-hole
gravel-pack sand can be placed in the perforation tunnel, charges as an approach because the larger holes have less
which means that removal of perforating debris and flow velocity per perforation, but most studies and field
other activities that impair injectivity is essential. Most tests indicate the opposite. Perforating these wells with
completion engineers attempt to perforate under- high-shot-density guns (12 or more shots per foot) with
balanced and flow the well to remove crushed rock and deep penetrating charges is recommended as the best
perforating debris before gravel-packing. method to reduce sand production potential. The deep
Removal of all of the perforating debris and crushed penetrating charge destroys a smaller radius around the
rock with subsequent flow is operationally difficult and is perforating tunnel in the near-wellbore area. Big-hole
ineffective in some cases. Many current perforating- charges can destroy the integrity of a much larger area
industry studies are focused on injectivity subsequent around each tunnel and even reach the point where the
to perforating, rather than flow testing. Blok and damage areas between perforations become intercon-
Behrmann (Blok et al., 1996) and other researchers nected. When the perforating holes and the surrounding

damaged rock are interconnected, continuous sand pro- on one of these logging runs (such as the resistivity log-
duction is more likely to occur. Deep-penetrating charges ging suite) as the basis for future reference. This same
also provide greater depth of penetration into unda- logging suite also contains a gamma-ray log that mea-
maged formation material away from the wellbore. sures formation radioactivity. After casing is set, a sub-
Studies within industry suggest this approach is less sequent gamma-ray log and casing-collar log are run in
likely to produce sand than using big-hole charges. combination. When the gamma-ray logs are cross-refer-
In field operations in unconsolidated sandstones, enced, the casing-collar log can ultimately be compared
stable arch bridges occur at the set producing rate. If to the resistivity log depths.
the producing rate is adjusted, sand production may
occur for a short period of time until a different-shaped
stable arch occurs. It is important for field personnel to 13-10 PERFORATING SUMMARY
realize that, when increasing a well’s producing rate, In summary, the importance of perforating strategies is
sand production may be only temporary and will cease often underestimated during completion operations,
after a few hours. leading to potential problems. The perforation provides
the entire conduit between the wellbore and the forma-
tion and can affect inflow performance issues and well-
13-9 DEPTH CORRELATIONS stimulation and completion-design issues. The perforat-
ing strategy needs to be planned as early as possible in
One of the most important and often overlooked per- the well design, since it may ultimately even affect the
forating considerations is depth correlation. Desired size of casing and tubulars used in the well. When per-
perforation depths are always related to openhole forations are placed in the well, they are difficult, if not
logs, and it is important to realize that drilling depths impossible, to plug effectively without damaging the
and the depths of cased-hole logs will all vary. Drilling adjacent formation. Placing perforations in a well is simi-
depths are based upon pipe tallies, and wireline depths lar to the simple analogy of cutting a board; it is difficult
are influenced by line stretch, line size, wear of the to add unperforated casing back into the well, just as it is
counter wheels, and other measurement devices. Use impossible to add wood to a board that has been sawn
of a gamma-ray log on the perforating run is one of too short.. More seriously, however, it is important to
the best methods to ensure proper depth control, but respect the explosives used in perforating operations.
this approach is not always available or economically They are hazardous, and accidents can occur if they
feasible, so correlations using cased-hole casing collar are not handled carefully or if proper procedures are
logs, (CCLs), is common. The depth correlation is to not followed. It is not easy to determine a perforating
be made to openhole logs, and different corrections strategy for the well, and all of the individual topics dis-
may be necessary if perforating more than one interval. cussed in this chapter deserve consideration. The ulti-
It is also important to measure the distance from the mate objective is to maximize well performance, but
measurement device (CCL or gamma ray) to the top poor perforating strategies can easily reduce productivity
perforation and to make that adjustment to correla- and revenue streams 10 to 50%.
tions. New engineers should develop a standard techni-
que for these depth corrections, but it is advisable to
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