Kuo2018 CASTING 3

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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology



Design of casting systems for stainless steel exhaust manifold based

on defective prediction model and experimental verification
Jenn-Kun Kuo 1 & Pei-Hsing Huang 2,3 & Hsin-Yi Lai 4 & Wei-Jen Wu 3

Received: 3 April 2018 / Accepted: 17 September 2018

# Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2018

High-performance exhaust manifolds are expected to operate in high-temperature and corrosive environments. Any cavitation or
surface corrosion induced by casting defects can cause air leakage, reduce exhaust efficiency, and shorten the lifespan of the
device. In this study, we sought to eliminate casting defects by optimizing the gating system used in the production of an SUS316
stainless steel exhaust manifold, based on the probability and distribution of porosity defects, as determined using the retained
melt modulus (RMM) model. Mold flow analysis and experiments were conducted to configure gating systems to operate under a
variety of processing parameters. Our predictions pertaining to defect formation were in good agreement with experiment results.
Simulations revealed that side gating systems improved flow stability and reduced the encapsulation of gas in the cavity of the top
gating section. The resulting scheme increased the casting yield from 24% (using the original casting scheme) to 28%.
Experimental verification using non-destructive testing methods revealed that the proposed scheme succeeded in eliminating
all of the porosity defects from the cast exhaust manifold.

Keywords Investment casting . Mold flow analysis . Retained melt modulus . Shrinkage

1 Introduction or controlled. Figure 1 illustrates a number of common casting

defects, including porosity defects, short pours, and surface
For thousands of years, the objective in casting has been seek- voids, which occurred in the production of exhaust manifolds
ing to expand the range of the alloy materials, while increasing using the empirical rules established by the foundry.
the casting yield and eliminating casting defects [1–5]. In the Numerical simulation has proven effective in predicting the
past, most casting manufacturers in Taiwan developed casting likelihood of casting defect formation and a powerful tool in
solutions based on trial-and-error, i.e., repeatedly testing and the design of casting schemes [6–9]. Keste et al. [8] used finite
modifying casting schemes until a feasible scheme was element method (FEM) to analyze shrinkage-induced residual
achieved. Unfortunately, this process is costly in terms of time stress distribution in castings with the aim of optimizing the
and materials, and defects cannot be predicted with accuracy casting design and minimizing residual stress. Vasva and Joshi
[9] described the principles underlying the application of
FEM-based computer simulation to the process of casting
* Pei-Hsing Huang A351 CF8 corrosion-resistant housings. Optimization of the
phhuang1970@gmail.com; huangph@yuntech.edu.tw gating system during the manufacturing cycle can lead to sub-
stantial savings in time and capital expenditure. Chalekar et al.
Department of Greenergy, National University of Tainan, [10] used computer simulation to develop methods to prevent
Tainan 70005, Taiwan, Republic of China blowholes, shrinkage cavities, cold shuts, and misrun defects
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Yunlin University in the investment casting of corrosion-resistant steel pistons.
of Science and Technology, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan, Republic of Huang et al. [11, 12] used AnyCasting software to optimize
China various processing parameters for A356 aluminum alloy cast-
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Pingtung ings with the aim of minimizing shrinkage and porosity de-
University of Science and Technology, Pingtung 912, Taiwan, fects. Dou et al. [13] used ProCAST software to establish
Republic of China processing parameters for the investment casting of turbine
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng-Kung blades. Chen and Yang [14] used AnyCasting simulations to
University, Tainan 701, Taiwan, Republic of China
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 1 a Casting defects

commonly encountered in
exhaust manifolds; b, c, and d,
respectively, show enlargements
of porosity defects, short pours,
and surface voids marked in a

analyze the flow and temperature fields for sand casting ex- experiments to evaluate the proposed solution in terms of
haust manifolds, based on predictions pertaining to the loca- casting defect prevention.
tion, size, and type of defects. Li et al. [15] employed a cellular
automation (CA) algorithm to simulate grain growth during
investment casting in order to predict the distribution of met- 2 Experimental and numerical methods
allurgical microstructures. Huang et al. [16] used numerical
software to simulate transient turbulence in a gating system in 2.1 Materials and process parameters
which the cross-sections were constricted using a V-shaped
notch. Using ProCAST to simulate the casting processes, SUS316 stainless steel (C: ≤ 0.08%; Mn: ≤ 2.00%; Si: ≤
Zhi et al. [17] was able to eliminate casting defects at the 1.00%; P: ≤ 0.045%; S: ≤ 0.03%; Cr: 16.00–18.00%; Mo:
hub and eye of 200ZJA impellers. Huang et al. [18–20] used 2.00–3.00%; Ni: 10.00–14.00% [25]) was adopted for the
the RMM method and Niyama criterion for the simulation of exhaust manifold because it possesses good resistance to high
casting defect formation and defect distribution. Their aim temperature oxidation and corrosion and is well suited to
was to reduce casting defects associated with short pouring, welding. Table 1 lists the thermo-physical parameters of
turbulent flow, and shrinkage defects by improving the gating SUS316 stainless steel that include density (ρ), specific heat
system and relocating the risers. Fang et al. [21] used (S), coefficient of thermal conductivity (K), liquidus tempera-
ProCAST to simulate the filling and solidification of an ex- ture (Tl), solidus temperature (Ts), latent heat (L), dynamic
haust manifold. They enlarged the risers to increase the feed viscosity (μ), and solidification shrinkage (rs). The coefficient
capacity and decreased the length of the main sprue to reduce of thermal expansion and the thermal conductivity were
shrinkage defects. Liu and Zhang [22] employed FEM to sim- shown to vary significantly with temperature and were there-
ulate the LPDC of an exhaust manifold. They adjusted the fore adopted as variables in this paper. The physical parame-
filling velocity, filling pressure, and boost rate to reduce cast- ters, such as density, specific heat, and latent heat, varied little
ing defects and surface roughness. Lai et al. [23] sought to with temperature; therefore, they were treated as constants in
predict the location of shrinkage defects in an exhaust mani- the simulations. In mold flow analysis, we designed five sets
fold through analysis of the casting scheme. They employed of casting parameters based on the liquidus and solidus tem-
sequential and directional solidification to produce pore-free peratures of the material. Refractory zircon sand was used as
castings with no shrinkage defects. Wang [24] applied the lost- the ceramic shell material with a ceramic shell temperature
foam process to the casting of exhaust pipes and cylinder (Tceramic) ranging from 1050 to 1250 °C, pouring temperature
heads with a focus on slag inclusion, porosity, and cracking. (Tpouring) ranging from 1550 to 1650 °C, pouring speed
In this study, we employed mold flow analysis using the (Vpouring) ranging from 4 to 11 cm/s, and shell thickness (δ)
RMM model in the development of a casting scheme for 6 mm. Gravity casting and air-cooling were employed. Details
stainless steel exhaust manifolds. We then conducted of the parameter sets are listed in Table 2.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Table 1 Thermo-physical
properties of SUS316 stainless ρ (kg/m3) S (J/kg·K) K (W/m·K) Tl Ts L (kJ/ μ rs
steel [25] (°C) (°C) kg) (g/cm s) (%)

Variable Variable Variable 1444 1392 289.98 0.03053 3.16

(7980@300 K) (494@300 K) (13.43@300 K)

2.2 Numerical simulation method (2) The Navier-Stokes equations were used to predict the
pressure and velocity fields (i.e., the conservation of mo-
In this study, the numerical simulation of investment casting mentum):
was conducted in three stages: pre-processing, analytical cal-
∂u⇀ ⇀
þ ρu⇀⋅∇ u⇀ ¼ −∇ p þ μ∇ u⇀ þ f
culations, and post-processing. Pre-processing involved ρ ð2Þ
meshing the physical model of the gating system and estab-
lishing the casting conditions and physical parameters. (3) The energy conservation equation was used to calculate
Analytical calculation involved the analysis and calculation thermal conductivity, the temperature field, and the so-
of the physical phenomena associated with the casting pro- lidification process:
cess, such as the evolutions of the flow field, temperature
field, and heat transfer. It also involved the prediction of de- ρ þ ρH∇ ⋅u⇀−∇ ⋅ðk∇ T Þ−q ¼ 0 ð3Þ
fects based on solidification theory using the RMM method.
In post-processing, simulation and calculation results were (4) AnyCasting employs the three-dimensional Navier-
quantified for presentation [3, 5, 25]. Mold flow analysis in Stokes equation and the volume of fluid (VOF) equa-
AnyCasting employs FDM for the numerical calculations. tion for molding free surfaces. The VOF is based on
FDM is superior to other numerical methods in terms of con- the concept of a fluid volume fraction, which origi-
vergence speed and iterative computation. We based the three- nated from the volume-tracking feature of the Marker-
dimensional mesh segmentation of the gating system on a and-Cell (MAC) method [26–29]. Within each of the
Cartesian coordinate system, in which the gating system was grid cells used for calculations (control volume), it is
divided into numerous hexahedral elements of appropriate customary to retain only one value for each character-
size. The mesh and hexahedral elements formed the basic istic of the fluid (e.g., velocity, temperature, pressure
calculation grids used in the numerical simulations. …). As long as we know the amount of fluid in each
Numerical calculations pertaining to filling and solidification grid cell, it is easy to locate surfaces, determine sur-
as well as the pressure field, velocity field, and temperature face slopes, and derive surface curvatures (https://
field during the casting process were based on the continuity www.flow3d.com/resources/cfd-101/general-cfd/free-
equation, Navier-Stokes equations, energy conservation, the surface-modeling-methods/). That is because the air-
volume of fluid (VOF) function, and k-ε equations, as shown liquid interface is located in cells that are partially
below [3, 5, 25, 26]: filled with fluid or between cells that are full of fluid
and those with no fluid. The basic kinematic equation
(1) The continuity equation was used to predict the filling for fluid fractions is as follows [25–29]:
process (i.e., the conservation of mass):
∂F v ⇀
þ u ⋅∇ F v ¼ 0 ð4Þ
∂ρ ∂t
þ ∇ ⋅ðρu⇀Þ ¼ 0 ð1Þ
where Fv is the fraction of fluid function.
(5) The standard k-ε equations dominate the evolution of
turbulent flow, as follows:
Table 2 Design parameters used in manifold casting process
∂k e ∂k e ∂ ut ∂k e
Exp.1 Exp.2 Exp.3 Exp.4 Exp.5 þ uj ¼ uþ þ Pk e −ε ð5Þ
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σke ∂x j
Casting material SUS 316
Shell mold material Zircon (Zr) sand
Mesh number 3,015,488 ∂ε ∂ε ∂ ut ∂ε
Tceramic (°C) 1050 1050 1050 1150 1250 þ uj ¼ uþ
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σε ∂x j
Tpouring (°C) 1550 1600 1600 1600 1650
Vpouring (cm/s) 11 9 7 5.5 4 ε ε2
þ C ε1 Pk −C ε2 ð6Þ
δ (mm) 6 ke ke
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

ut ¼ ρC μ k 2e =ε ð7Þ poured into the sprue cup flowed past the transverse runner
and ingates/gates into the mold cavity. The air originally in
the cavity escaped via vent holes, as shown in Fig. 2. The
In the equations above, u denotes the flow velocity vectors diameter of the sprue cup was 90 mm, and the dimensions
(m/s); ρ indicates the density (kg/m3); p stands for pressure (Pa), of the vertical runner were ø62.5 mm × H20.3 mm. Below,
μ is the dynamic viscosity of the molten flows (mPa·s); T refers the main sprue was a transverse runner that acted as a
to the temperature (°C); t denotes the time; k denotes the thermal buffer for the molten metal. The tops of the two ends of
conductivity (W/m·K); f represents the body force of particles; q the transverse runner had vent holes that allowed air in the
symbolizes the volume heat flux; H is the enthalpy (J); uj repre- cavity to escape and thereby reduce pressure within the
sents the velocity component in the corresponding direction; ke gating system. Molten flow filled the exhaust manifold
indicates the turbulence kinetic energy; ε denotes the dissipation cavity from the upper four inlets. The length, width, and
rate of turbulence kinetic energy; ut represents the turbulent (or height of the ingates were 30 mm, 12 mm, and 19 mm,
eddy) viscosity; Fv denotes the fraction function; and σk and σε respectively. The gating system in the numerical simula-
are the Prandtl numbers corresponding to turbulence kinetic en- tions was divided into 3,015,488 mesh grids, and the yield
ergy ke and the rate of dissipation ε, respectively. The parameters of this casting scheme was approximately 24%.
used in the turbulence model in Eq. (7) were treated as constants: We used the RMM model to evaluate the potential of
Cμ = 0.09, σk = 1.00, σε = 1.30, Cε1 = 1.44, and Cε2 = 1.92 [25]. casting defect. The unit of MR was cm. The probabilis-
When a calculation cell was empty (i.e., no fluid inside), the tic defect parameter was adopted to get more realistic
value of Fv was zero. When a cell was full, Fv = 1. When the predictive results. In RMM model, the probabilistic de-
fluid interface was included, 0 < Fv < 1 [25, 26]. fect parameter is defined as the rate of shrinkage during
We employed a variety of numerical models to predict the solidification multiplied by the casting constant [33].
formation of casting defects [3, 5, 30–32], among which, the This method makes it possible to identify areas with a
Niyama criterion is the most common. However, this semi- high likelihood of defect formation simply by searching
empirical prediction method is based on instability in heat conduc- for elements with a relatively low MR value. The prob-
tion, which is affected by the size and shape of the casting [33, 34]. abilistic defect parameter is dimensionless, with a value
We therefore adopted the statistical RMM model to evaluate the between 1.0 (highest likelihood) and 0.0 (lowest likeli-
probability of shrinkage cavity formation when implementing the hood). Figure 3a–c illustrates the probabilities and dis-
optimum casting conditions derived through numerical simula- tributions of defect formation in case 0 using the RMM
tions. The RMM model allowed us to view areas where shrinkage model with the process parameters of Exp. 3. Red and
cavity was likely to occur, as follows [3, 5, 25]: blue, respectively, indicate areas with high and low
probabilities of shrinkage defect formation. In Fig. 3a,
M R ¼ V R =S R ð7Þ the exterior of the pattern tree in case 0 shows apparent
casting defects concentrated mainly at the surfaces and
where VR and SR denote the volume and surface area of isolated
along pipe joints. In Fig. 3b, we can see many gray
melt at the time when the critical solid fraction was reached at
areas at pipe joints, indicating short pour defects, which
each mesh [25]. Our predictions regarding the formation of
could severely compromise structural rigidity and cause
shrinkage cavities and porosity defects in the RMM model were
leakages. Figure 3c presents an enlargement of
based on the formation of isolated retained melts resulting from
uneven temperature distribution during solidification. Smaller SR
values refer to melts of greater concentration. Larger VR values
refer to larger pool regions associated with the isolated melt.
These two conditions facilitate the formation of shrinkage de-
fects. Thus, a lower RMM value indicates a higher likelihood
of defect formation [3, 5].

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Simulation results and experimental verification

of initial casting scheme (case 0)

Case 0 involved a top gating system for the exhaust man-

ifold. During the casting process, molten metal that was Fig. 2 Initial design of gating system for exhaust manifold (case 0)
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 3 Probability of shrinkage

defect formation in case 0 (Exp.
3) estimated using the RMM
model: a configuration of pattern
tree, b, c top and bottom views of
exhaust manifold

shrinkage porosity defects in the bottom half of the 3.2 Improvements in design of gating system
exhaust manifold. for exhaust manifold
Figure 4 shows the actual exhaust manifold cast for the
scheme of case 0 as well as the location of defects. The results obtained in experiments and simulations for
Figure 4b, c presents close-ups of the pipe joint, showing case 0 revealed severe defects at the pipe joint and on the
defects in the shape of irregular pores. We speculate that surfaces of the castings. We developed four casting
these sites lack sufficient feeding during solidification, schemes (cases 1~4) in an attempt to overcome these issues,
resulting in isolated retained melt forming shrinkage po- as shown in Fig. 6. In case 1, two tapered ingates were set at
rosity defects. Figure 4d presents the surface of the cast- the pipe joint with the aim of eliminating defects in that area
ing near the ingate, showing many pine hole defects, the by providing effective feeding during solidification. Case 2
formation of which may be due to inadequate venting of was similar to case 1, except that the ingates were moved
air during the filling process. Figure 5a–d presents X-ray slightly upward toward the surface of the pipe to keep it at a
images used in non-destructive inspection. The dark gray distance from the joint in order to facilitate post-processing.
spots indicate pores in the interior and exterior of the The placement of two thin plates (L52 × W50 × H4.5 mm)
casting. The casting defects in this experiment are consis- at the sides of the joint and the four ingates were meant to
tent with the results of numerical analysis. provide adequate feeding. In case 3, we arranged the

Fig. 4 a Distribution of defects in

experimental verification of case
0 (Exp. 3). b–d Enlarged views of
surface shrinkage porosity and
pinhole defects in a
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 5 a–d X-ray images of

manifold casting obtained in case
0 (Exp. 3)

exhaust manifolds in a vertical pattern tree, placed tapered the side of downsprues to facilitate post-processing (i.e.,
ingates at the top and bottom of three downsprues, and removal of the castings), and the dimensions of the ingates
connected the three downsprues by a bottom runner to in- were adjusted in the hopes of reducing splash and increas-
crease the yield. In case 4, the ingates were made level with ing ventilation during the filling process.

Fig. 6 Improved gating system designs: a case 1, b case 2, c case 3, d case 4

Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 7 Predictions of defect

formation in case 1 (Exp. 4): a
isometric view, b cross-sectional
view, and c bottom view of
casting scheme

3.3 Numerical analysis of improved gating system the sides of downsprues. Finally, in case 4, we employed
designs bypassed oblique ingates along the downsprues for filling
the cavity. The oblique shape of the ingates provided adequate
Mold flow analysis of case 1 (Exp. 4) revealed that as the molten feeding for the joint and improved the stability of the flow
metal cooled, solidification began at the outer edges of the ex- field during casting. The tapered ingates were made level with
haust manifold and gradually progressed inward. However, the the sides of downsprues to facilitate removal. The widened
thicker joint dissipated heat poorly, resulting in isolated retained runner also made the flow field more stable and greatly facil-
melt. We speculate that the pouring speed influenced defect for- itated removal of the casting. The simulation results in Fig. 10
mation. A pouring speed of 5.5 cm/s and higher ceramic shell show that the casting scheme of case 4 significantly reduced
temperature had the greatest effect on reducing defect formation, defect formation.
as shown in Fig. 7. In case 2, placement of the thin plates at the
joint facilitated feeding during solidification and led to the accu- 3.4 Prediction of gas pressure in gating system
mulation of defects. Unfortunately, the thin plates inhibited heat
dissipation and ventilation, and this overall design hindered dip- A good gating system should vent air from the cavity during
ping and coating in ceramic slurry, as shown in Fig. 8. the filling process to reduce the amount of gas remaining in
In case 3, we employed bypassed tapered ingates on the the cavity during solidification, thereby reducing porosity de-
runner sides to feed the joint site and improve the stability of fects in the resulting cast. In Fig. 11, dark red and dark blue,
the flow field during pouring. The simulation results in Fig. 9 respectively, indicate areas of higher pressure and lower pres-
show that the casting scheme of case 3 (Exp. 3) reduced the sure. In Fig. 11, we included the most important aspects of the
probability of defect formation and increased the yield to 31%. various casting schemes in order to clarify the profiles of
However, removal of the casting from the casting tree was trapped gas and pressure in the castings. This is the reason
hindered by the tapered ingates, which were not level with for the difference in the viewpoints in case 0~case 5.

Fig. 8 Predictions of defect formation in case 2 (Exp. 2): a isometric view, b cross-sectional view, and c bottom view of casting scheme
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 9 Predictions of defect

formation in case 3 (Exp. 3): a
isometric view, b cross-sectional
view, and c bottom view of
casting scheme

Figure 11a shows a considerable volume of residual gas near gating system in case 2 included additional ingates to enhance
the ingates of the exhaust manifold in the initial scheme (case ventilation. Nevertheless, simulation results indicate that this
0). We speculate that poor ventilation hindered the venting of was insufficient to entirely overcome the ventilation problems.
air during casting, which increased the likelihood of micro- As shown in Fig. 11d, we adopted a side gating system in case
pore formation. Figure 11b indicates that the ventilation in 3 in the hope that air in the cavity would be discharged
case 1 was far superior to that of case 0. Nonetheless, the smoothly from the bottom of the cavity upwards. Our simula-
surfaces of the exhaust manifold indicate that some of the air tion results revealed that this scheme was far more effective
was unable to escape, thereby necessitating further improve- than the previous casting schemes. Nonetheless, some of the
ments to reduce the trapped gas. As shown in Fig. 11c, the gas was still trapped along the top rim of the exhaust manifold.

Fig. 10 Predictions of defect

formation in case 4 (Exp. 3): a
isometric view, b cross-sectional
view, and c bottom view of
casting scheme
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 11 Predictions of trapped gas and pressure in various gating system designs: a–e case 0 to case 4 in different views

We determined that this casting scheme was the most effective shows the revised scheme using tilted ingates to improve ven-
in terms of ventilation; therefore, all subsequent improve- tilation in case 4. This design was shown to eliminate almost
ments were based on this overall casting scheme. Figure 11e all of the gas trapped in the cavity.

Fig. 12 Flow velocity of ingates as a function of pouring time: a initial casting scheme in case 0 and improved casting schemes in b case 1, c case 2, d
case 3, and e case 4
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 13 Casting scheme of case 4:

a wax tree; b ceramic shell mold;
c pouring; d cast tree

3.5 Flow analysis of gating systems An ideal gating system design allows the molten metal to
flow at a moderate velocity through the ingates, thereby min-
Liquid metal forms readily thin-film oxide layers on the sur- imizing flow instability, slag entrapment, and gas encapsula-
face of the melt. During the pouring process, the surface of the tion in the cavity. A moderate flow velocity also prevents the
liquid metal is susceptible to turbulent flow. In cases where the formation of defects and enhances casting quality. In our sim-
local velocity of the molten metal exceeds a certain threshold, ulations, we placed virtual sensors at the ingates to observe the
the liquid metal may fold over itself trapping a pocket of gas velocity of the molten metal flowing through the cavity, to
[1]. Gases associated with the oxidized film are often serve as the basis for the design of the gating system.
entrained within the cavity during pouring. Once solidified, Figure 12a–e, respectively, display the flow velocity curves
this results in bifilm defects, which can greatly undermine for the casting schemes in case 0 to case 4. Figure 12a shows
mechanical properties [1, 35]. We monitored changes in the that the maximum flow velocity (60 cm/s) occurred when the
velocity of the flowing liquid metal to avoid these difficulties. molten metal reached the ingates where it began filling the
The highest flow velocity is likely to appear in the lowest exhaust manifold cavity. A sustained high flow velocity was
region of the casting or in the narrowest sections of runners; shown to undermine flow field stability in the cavity between
therefore, we set virtual flow sensors at the ingates to facilitate 1 s and 4 s and decrease the stability of the flow field. As
analysis. shown in Fig. 12b, the top gating system in case 1 presented

Fig. 14 a–d X-ray images of

exhaust manifold using casting
scheme of case 4
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

the same difficulties encountered in case 0, i.e., a flow velocity using the gating system design in case 4. The thickness of the
of 65 cm/s produced an unstable flow field at the pipe joint casting determines the amount of X-ray radiation that can
during the filling process. Figure 12c presents the flow veloc- penetrate through to the silver halide of a negative film to form
ities in case 2, in which the ingates were larger than those in a distinct shadowgraph. Thin structures allow the penetration
case 0. Increasing the number of ingates (case 2) also dredged of high energy X-rays resulting in darker spots. Thick struc-
the flow of the molten metal and slowed the flow velocity tures prevent the penetration of high energy X-rays resulting
down to 55 cm/s. This had the effect of stabilizing the flow in brighter spots. Figure 14a–d presents X-ray shadowgraphs
of molten metal in the cavity to below that of case 0 and case of the exhaust manifold fabricated using the casting solution
1. Figure 12d, e presents the results obtained using a side of case 4. These images revealed no dark gray spots or defects
gating system. In case 3, locating the ingates higher than the in any area of the exhaust manifold.
bottommost runner resulted in the formation of a shallow run-
ner well capable of buffering the flow of molten metal into the
cavity. However, the limited depth of the well greatly reduced
the effectiveness of this solution. The ingates in case 4 were 4 Conclusions
made level with the sides of three downsprues to facilitate
removal of the castings. Note that the molten metal underwent This study employed numerical simulations to perform mold
free fall until striking the bottom of the runners. The lack of flow analysis with the aim of reducing shrinkage and short-
buffering in this configuration resulted in unstable transient pour defects in exhaust manifold castings. Experiments were
flow during the first 3 s in case 4, as shown in Fig. 12e. conducted to evaluate various gating system designs and pro-
Nonetheless, the cross-sectional size of the ingates in case 4 cess parameters. Analysis of molten metal flow was used to
far exceeded that in case 3. After t = 3.5 s, the flow velocities predict the formation of defects. Our objective was to reduce
had rapidly stabilized at between 10 and 35 cm/s until the the probability of defect formation and enhance the casting
exhaust manifold was completely filled at t = 15.5 s. quality and yield. The conclusions of this study are outlined
in the following:
3.6 Experimental verification and non-destructive
testing 1. Defect distribution revealed that porosity defects at pipe
joints were caused by insufficient feeding. A failure to
The results of mold flow analysis and defect prediction re- take into account the effects of ventilation also resulted
vealed that case 4 produced a stable flow field and eliminated in numerous porosity defects on the surface of the exhaust
shrinkage defects. This configuration also produced a feasible manifold casting.
yield of 28% with directional solidification. Thus, we adopted 2. Flow analysis of the top gating system led to improve-
the design of case 4 as the basic casting solution for all sub- ments that had a mild effect in reducing the number of
sequent experiments. We first heated wax material to 56 ± defects. Unfortunately, this ingate configuration and the
2 °C and injected it into the mold at an injection temperature use of thin plates to improve feeding increased the time
of 65 ± 2 °C and injection pressure of 22 ± 2 kg/cm 2 . and costs of post-processing, thereby precluding these
Following the completion of injection (18 s), the pressure schemes from further consideration.
was maintained for 3 to 6 s to prevent the formation of de- 3. The side gating system was shown to vent nearly all of the
pressions or holes on the surface of the pattern or in the interior gas trapped in the cavity. Mold flow analysis revealed that
of the wax mold, as shown in Fig. 13a. Dipping and coating increasing the temperature of the ceramic shell to 1150 °C
were repeated until a ceramic shell mold with thickness of and increasing the pouring speed to 5.5 cm/s reduced the
6.0 mm had formed. However, this process required waiting probability of defect formation. Leveling the ingates with
for the binder and zircon sand to air-dry, which added up to a the side of downsprues facilitated removal of the castings.
processing time of five to seven workdays. We placed the Moving the tapered ingates away from the pipe joint of
ceramic shell in a Taichi energy-saving calcination kiln to the exhaust manifold promoted ventilation while facilitat-
sinter for approximately 45 min until the ceramic shell tem- ing post-processing (i.e., grinding and cutting).
perature reached 1050 °C, as shown in Fig. 13b. Molten metal 4. The introduction of a side gating system reduced fluctua-
was then poured into the cavity at a pouring temperature of tions in the flow velocity and splashing during the filling
1600 °C, as shown in Fig. 13c. After air-cooling, the exhaust process. It also allowed the smooth discharge of air from
manifold was removed using a shell removal machine, as the cavity upward from the bottom.
shown in Fig. 13d. 5. The yield in case 0 through case 4 was 24, 34, 23, 31, and
Non-destructive testing is used to detect hidden voids and 28%, respectively. Case 1 and case 3 presented high yield;
defects in a variety of casting materials. We employed X-ray however, case 4 was superior in terms of post processing
inspection to identify defects in the exhaust manifold created and quality.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Funding information This study was financially supported by the vibration-induced fatigue damage. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 74:
Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. under grants MOST 106- 1275–1282
2221-E-020-014 and MOST 106-2622-E-020-004-CC3. 17. Zhi X, Han Y, Yuan X (2015) Casting process optimization for the
impellor of 200ZJA slurry pump. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 77:
Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdic- 1703–1710
tional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 18. Huang PH, Luo JY, Hung SC, Lin CJ, Cheng HH (2014) Optimal
pouring system design for investment casting of cladding thin-plate
heater using metallic mold flow analyses. Appl Mech Mater 627:
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