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Number System N A B C

            ...
 D R  D R  D R  D R
Classification of Numbers:
Natural Numbers (N) : 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . . . Here  D  means the remainder when N is divided
 R
Whole Numbers (W): 0,1, 2, 3, 4, . . . .
Intezers (Z) = –  , . . . . –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .  by D

p Rule 2:
Rational Numbers (Q): (where q  0 )
q If N = A + B + C.... then the remainder when N is
divided by D is equal to the sum of the
Irrational numbers (R – Q) = x n  Z and  ,e remainders when A, B, C ... are divided by D.
N A B C
Rules related to Even and odd numbers             ...
 D R  D R  D R  D R
odd + odd = even odd + even = odd
even + even = even odd × odd = odd General divisibility Rules
odd × even = even even × even = even
Let us a take a number ABCDEF. In decimal system
odd any number  odd even any number  even
this number can be written as
100,000A + 10,000B + 1000C + 100D + 10E + F
Converting recurring decimals into fractions
Divisibility Rule for 2:
Model 1: We can easily observe that from rule 2, if ABCDEF
If all the digits after the decimal point are recurring, Say has to be divisible by 2, 2 must divide all the six terms above. It is evident that except F remaining
n digits numbers are divisible by 2. So if F is divisible by 2
then the number ABCDEF is divisible by 2.
  x  999....(n  times) Divisibility Rule for 5:
n  digits
Since all the terms except F is divisible by 5, the
number is divisible when F is divisible by 5, or F
Model 2: If only some of the digits are recurring, Say must be 0 or 5.
x.ab cde
Divisibility Rule for 4:
abcde  ab We can see that Except last two terms 10E and F,
 x.ab cde  x 
99900 the remaining terms are divisible by 4. so If the last
two digits are divisible by 4, the entire number is
Laws of Indices divisible by 4.

Divisibility Rule for 8:

1. xm  xn  xmn Except last three terms the remaining terms are
2. xm  xn  xm n divisible by 8. So if the last three digits are divisible
by 8 then the number is divisible by 8.
3. x  
 xmn
Thumb Rule: for 2, 4, 8, 16... we need to check the last
0 1, 2, 3, 4 ... digits. Observer there 1, 2, 3, 4 are the
4. x = 1
powers of the divisor with base 2.
5. m ax  a m
Divisibility Rule for 3, 9:
m x n x x 100,000A + 10,000B + 1000C + 100D + 10E + F =
6. mn a x  a n  a m  a mn 99999A + 9999B + 999C + 99D + 9E + (A + B + C +
D + E + F)
7. n a x  m amx n
We can see that Except (A + B + C + D + E + F)
y x xy xy remaining terms are divisible by 3, 9. If the digit
m xy m  m 
8. a   ax    ay   m a
   
  =am sum is divisible by 3, 9 respectively, then the number
ABCDEF is divisible by 3, 9. (A + B + C + D + E + F)
is called digit sum of a number.
Divisibility Rules
Divisibility Rule for 11:
Rule 1: 100,000A + 10,000B + 1000C + 100D + 10E + F =
If N  A  B  C.... then the remainder when N is 100,001A + 9,999B + 1,001C + 99D + 11E + (-A + B
divided by D is equal to the product of the remainders - C + D - E + F)
when A, B, C ... are divided by D.
From above we know that except (-A + B - C + D - E
+ F) the remaining digits are divisible by 11. So if the
Formulas on Factors and Coprimes
difference between the sum of the digits in the even
places and odd places is 0 or multiple of 11 then the
Formula 1:
number is divisible by 11.
The number of factors of a number N = ap .b ...
Divisibility Rule for 6, 12 or any composite number: is (p+1).(q+1).(r+1)...
If a composite divisor can be written as a product of
co-primes and each of these co-primes divide the Here ap .b ... is the prime factorization of N.
given number exactly, then that number is divisible
by the divisor. So if 2, 3 divide the given number Formula 2:
exactly then 6 divides that number exactly. Similarly,
divisibility for 12 is to check divisibility for 3, 4. The sum of factors of a number N = ap .b ...

Divisibility Rule for 7, 13, 19 ap+1-1 bq+1-1 cr+1-1

can be written as   ...
W e use a special property to solve questions a-1 b-1 c-1
involving division with the above numbers.
If the divisor can divide a number in the format of Formula 3:
n The number of ways of writing a number as a
10  1 then we can group the given number into
numbers of n and put positive and negative signs 1
product of two number =  (p+1).(q+1).(r+1)...
alternatively from the right hand side. For example, 2
(if the number is not a perfect square)
13 divides 1001 which can be written as 103  1 .
Similarly if the divisor can divide a number in the
If the number is a perfect square then two
format of 10n  1 then we can group the given num- conditions arise:
bers into numbers of n and put positive signs.

Divide the given number into several groups of 3 digits 1. The number of ways of writing a number as a
and put + and - signs alternatively from right hand product of two distinct numbers =
side. Then find the sum and divide with 7, 13 to get 1
remainders.  (p+1).(q+1).(r+1)...-1
Fermat’s little theorem
2. The number of ways of writing a number as a
 ap 1  product of two numbers and those numbers need
If P is a prime number then   1
 p R 1
 (p+1).(q+1).(r+1)...+1
not be distinct=
Wilson’s Theorem Formula 4:
The number of co-primes of a number = N =
If P is a prime number then (P - 1)! + 1 is divided
1 1 1
ap .b ... (N) = N   1-    1-    1-  ...
 P  1 ! 1   a  b  c 
by P the remainder is 0.  P
 0
 R Formula 5:
(or) this can be written algebrically (p - 1)! + 1 = 0 N
(mod P). The sum of co-primes of a number N= (N) 

Euler’s Totient theorem

Formula 6:
a  (N) The number of ways of writing a number N as a
If a, N are coprimes with each other then,   1
 N R product of two co-prime numbers = 2n1 where
n=the number of prime factors of a number.
 1  1 p q
Here  (N) = N  1   1   ... where N = a  b  ...
 a  b  Formula 7:
given, a, b ... are prime numbers.  Number of factors 
Product of the factors of N =  
N 2 
Power Cycle
 (p 1).(q1).(r 1).... 
Power =  
N 2 
1 2 3 4 5
2 2 4 8 6 2 Rules on Counting Numbers
3 3 9 7 1 3
n(n  1)

7 7 9 3 1 7 1. Sum of first n natural numbers =

8 8 4 2 6 8
4 4 6 4 6 4
2. Sum of first n odd numbers = n2
9 9 1 9 1 9
3. Sum of first n even numbers = n(n + 1) 1 1 2 2
 33 % or 33.33% ;  66 % or 66.66%
3 3 3 3
4. Sum of the squares of first n natural numbers =
n (n  1)(2n  1) 1 3
 25%;  75%
6 4 4
5. Sum of the cubes of first n natural numbers = 1 2 3 4
 20%;  40%;  60%;  80%
2 5 5 5 8
 n (n  1) 
 2  1 2
 16 % or 16.66%;
6 3
1 2 2 4
 14 % or 14.28% ;  28 % or 28.56%
7 7 7 7
H.C.F of Numerators
H.C.F of fractions = 1 1 3 1
L.C.M. of Denominators  12 % or 12.5% ;  37 % or 37.5% ;
8 2 8 2

L.C.M of Numerators 5 1
 62 % or 62.5% ;
L.C.M. of fractions = 8 2
H.C.F. of Denominators
7 1
 87 % or 87.5
Important formulas in HCF and LCM 8 2

LCM Formula 1: 1 1
 11 % or 11.11%
The least number leaving remainder r in each case 9 9
when divided by x, y, z = (LCM of x, y, z) + r
1 1
The series of such number will be (LCM of x, y, z)  n  9 % or 9.09%
+r 11 11
Here n is a natural number.

LCM Formula 2: Formula 1:

The least number leaving remainders x1 , y1 , A
A is what percentage of B?   100
z1 when divided by x, y , z where (x - x1 ) = (y - y1 )
= (z - z1 ) = a is (LCM of x, y, z) - a. The series of
Formula 2:
such numbers will
A is how much percent greater than B?
(LCM of x, y, z)  n - a
  100
HCF Formula 1: B
If a, b, c are the remainders in each case when A, B,
C are divided by N then N = HCF (A-a, B-b, C-c) Formula 3:

HCF Formula 2: B-A

A is how much percent less than B?   100
When A, B, C are divided by N then the remainder B
is same in each case then N = HCF of any two of
(A-B, B-C, C-A) Formula 4:
If A is increased by K% then the new number is
Useful Formulas Method 1:
(100  K)
1. (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab (100+K)%  A = A
2. (a – b)2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab 100
3. (a + b)2 = (a – b)2 + 4ab
4. a2 – b2 = (a – b) (a + b) Method 2: Calculate K% of the given number and
5. a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2 – ab + b2) add to the original number A.  A  (K %  A )
6. a3 – b3 = (a – b) (a2 + ab + b2)
7. (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3 Formula 5:
8. (a – b)3 = a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 – b3 If A is decreased by K% then the new number is
Method 1:
(100  K)
x (100  K)%  A = A
x%  100
100 Method 2:
Calculate K% of the given number and subtract from
Percentage conversions:
the original number A.  A  (K %  A )
 50%
2 Formula 6:

AB Suppose A invests Rs. x for ‘p’ months and B in-

A%(B)  B%(A)  vests Rs. y for ‘q’ months, then (A’s share of profit) :
(B’s share of profit) = xp : yq.

Formula 7: 2. Working and Sleeping Partners :

If several percentages are acting on the same num- A partner who manages the business is known as a
ber then we can add all the percentages. working partner and the on who simply invests the
x1%(K)  x2 %(K)  ..  ( x1  x2...)%(K) money is a sleeping partner.

Formula 8:
If a number K got increased by A% and B% succes-
sively then the final percentage is given by Sum of observations
1. Average or Mean =
AB  Number of observations

A B %
 100 
2. Weighted Average:
Note1: If decreased then substitute +A% with -A% If the average of ‘m ’ quantities is ‘A ‘ and the aver-
Note2: Any two dimensional diagram like square, age age of ‘ n ‘ other quantities is ‘B ‘ then the aver-
rectangle, rhombus, triangle, circle, parallelogram,
sides got increased or decreased by certain percent- mA  nB
age of all of them put together is = C =
ages, then the percentage change in the area can mn
be calculated by the above formula.
Alligation Rule
Ratio and Proportion
Alligation rule helps us to find, in what ratio two mixtures
If two ratios are equal then we say they are in pro- with different concentrations are to be mixed to get a tar
portion then get concentration.
a:b :: c:d  a  d  b  c
a c m n Number of Units
or   ad  c d
b d Concentrations
There exist four types of relations between 2 variables:
1. Direct Proportion Final Concentration
2. Inverse Proportion
3. Direct Relation
4. Inverse Relation
B-C C -A
1. Direct Proportion:
If two variables x, y are directly proportional then m BC
x  y or x = ky where k is a constant. Alligation rule= 
n CA
2. Inverse proportion:
If two variables x, y are inversely proportional then
Replacement Formula
y or xy = k where k is a constant. The general formula for replacements is as follows:
3. Direct relation: n
 x
If two variables x, y are in direct relation then, FC=IC   1- 
x = k + ny  V
Here K and n are some constants.
4. Indirect relation: FC = Final concentration
If two variables x, y are in indirect relation then, IC = Initital concentration
x = k – ny x = replacement quantity
V = Final volume after replacement
Partnership n = number of replacements

1. Ratio of Division of Gains : Time and Work

(i) When investments of all the partners are for the
same time, the profit is distributed among the part- 1. If A can do a piece of work in x days, then in 1 day, A
ners in the ratio of their investments. 1
Suppose A and B invest Rs. x and Rs. y respectively will do of the total work.
for a year in a business, then at the end of the year :
If ‘A’ worked k days at this rate, he could complete
(A’s share of profit) : (B’s share of profit) = x : y.
(ii) When investments are for different time periods, k
then equivalent capitals are calculated for a unit of of the total work.
time by taking (capital  number of units of time). 2. If A is thrice as good as B, then
(a) In a given amount of time, A will be able to do 3 Key Formulas:
times the work B does.
Ratio of work done by A and B (in the same time) = Profit or Gain = Selling Price - Cost Price = SP - CP
Profit = CP  (Profit%)
(b) For the same amount of work, B will take thrice
the time as A takes.
Ratio of time taken by A and B (same work done) = Loss = Cost price - Selling price = CP - SP
1:3 Loss = CP  (Loss%)
3. Efficiency is directly proportional to the work done
and inversely proportional to the time taken.
SP  CP Profit
Profit % =  100   100
 Total work  CP CP
 Efficiency  
 days 
CP  SP Loss
1. If ‘A’ can do a piece of work in x days and ‘B’ can do it Loss % =  100   100
in y days, then the fraction of work done by A and B
1 1 xy Important: Profit or Loss always calculated on Cost
together in 1 day = x  y  xy
price Only.
or, time required to complete the work by both the
Discount = Marked price - Selling Price = MP - SP
men = x  y
MP  SP Discount
Discount % =  100   100
Pipes and Cisterns

This consists of problems on how long it will take Calculating Selling price from Cost price:
for different pipes of different diameters to fill a
cistern; the time taken to fill a cistern when one pipe In the profit case selling price is greater than cost
is filling it while another empties it, etc. price, and this case we gain some profit. That is
we are increasing the cost price by some percent-
Concepts age to get the selling price. This can be done in
several ways
1. If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours and another
pipe can fill it in y hours, then the fraction of tank In profit case:
1 1 xy CP  (Pr ofit%)  CP  SP
filled by both pipes together in 1 hour = x  y  xy
(100  Pr ofit)%  CP  SP
or, time required to fill the tank by both the pipes =
(100  profit)
xy   CP  SP
In loss case:
2. If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours and another CP  CP  Loss%  SP
pipe can empty it in y hours, then the fraction of
tank filled by both the pipes together in 1 hour = CP  (100  Loss)%  SP

1 1 y–x
–  Calculating Selling Price from Marked Price:
x y xy .
MP  MP  discount%  SP

Profit loss and Discount MP  100  discount  %  SP

Cost Price: The rate at which a merchant buys Calculating Cost price from Selling Price:
goods. This is his investment
Selling Price: The rate at which a merchant sells his This is the reverse operation of the above
Marked Price: The rate at which a merchant rises
his price above the cost price (may be anticipating In profit case:  CP
(100  Pr ofit)%
some hagglers)
Eg: A person sold a watch for Rs.1500 making 25% profit.
1500 100
CP =  1500 
125% 125
In loss Case:  CP
(100  Loss)%
Eg: A person sold a mobile for Rs.12000 making 20%

12000 100 3. 1 Train with speed speed V1 and 1 moving

loss. CP =  12000 
80% 80
person with speed V2
Case 1: If both are moving in same direction
A man sold two articles for Rs. P each. On selling first, he
Length of The Train (m) = [Speed of the Train - Speed
gains x% and on the other, he loses x%. This trans-
action always result in loss. of the Man] (m/s)  Time taken to cross the man (s)

Loss % =
 Common Gain and Loss 2 = x2 Case 2: If both are moving in opposite direction
1 00 100 Length of The Train (m) = [Speed of the Train +
Speed of the Man] (m/s)  Time taken to cross the
Two important Relations when Profit/Loss, Markup and man (s)
Discount involved:
4. 2 Trains with speeds V1,V2
 100  Pr ofit / Loss%   100  Discount%  Case 1: If both are moving in same direction
CP    MP  
 100   100  [Length of The Train 1 + Length of the Train 2](m) =
[Speed of the Train1 - Speed of the Train 2] (m/
 100  P/ L %   100  Markup%   100  Discount%  s)  Time taken to cross (s)
   
 100   100  100 
Case 2: If both are moving in opposite direction
Time Speed Distance [Length of The Train 1 + Length of the Train 2](m) =
[Speed of the Train1 + Speed of the Train 2] (m/
1. Distance = Speed × Time s)  Time taken to cross (s)
2. 1 km/hr = m/s Boats and Streams
3. If the ratios of speed is a : b : c, then the ratios of
Downstream motion of a boat is its motion in the
1 1 1 same direction as the flow of the Stream.
time taken is : : : , when distance is constant.
a b c Upstream motion is exactly the opposite.

Total distance travelled There are two parameters in these problems.

4. Average speed = 1. Speed of the Stream (S): This is the speed with
Total time taken
which the river flows.
2. Speed of the boat in still water (B): If the river is
Relative Speed:
still, this is the speed at which the boat would be
1. If two objects are moving in ‘opposite directions’ moving.
towards each other at speeds u and v, then relative The effective speed of a boat in upstream = B – S
speed = Speed of first + Speed of second = u + v. The effective speed of a boat in downstream = B +
2. If the two objects move in the same direction with
speeds u and v, then relative speed = difference of 3. The speed of the boat in still water is given as B
their speeds = u – v. 1
= (d  u) , and the speed of the Stream S =
3. If the two objects start from A and B with speeds
u and v respectively, and after crossing each other 1
(d  u) ,where d and u are the downstream and
take a and b hours to reach B and A respectively, 2
upstream speeds, respectively
then u : v =
a Circular motion
Tips for solving questions on trains The problems in circular motion deal with races on
a circular track to calculate the time of meeting at
D=SXT the starting point and anywhere on the track.

1. 1 Pole and I Train: 1. If two people A and B start from the same point,
Length of The Train (m) = Speed of the Train (m/ at the same time and move in the same direction
s)  Time taken to cross the pole (s) along a circular track and take x minutes and y min-
utes respectively to come back to the starting point,
2. 1 Train and 1 Platform then they would meet for the first time at the start-
Length of the Train + Length of the Platform (m) = ing point according to the formula given below:
Speed of the Train (m/s)  Time taken to cross the First time meeting of A and B at the starting point =
platform (s) (LCM of x and y)
Note: This formula would remain the same even if
they move in the opposite directions. n
 R 
= P  1  –P
2. If two people A and B start from the same point  100 
with speeds m km/hr and n km/hr respectively, at
the same time and move in the same direction along
a circular track, then the two would meet for the first
time by the formula given below:
Time of the first meeting
In rectangle opposite pairs of sides are parellel
Circumference of the track and equal. All four sides are perpendicular to
= Relative speed . each other. Long side and short side lengths are
different. 4 right angles exist.

"Race" is a competition of speeds. All participants a
of a race are required to run a specific distance; Area = ab
whoever does it in the minimum will be the winner Perimeter = 2(a + b)
of the race.
W hen all participants reach the finishing point at In square all 4 sides are equal. Opposide sides
the same instant of time, the race is said to end in a are parellel to each other. 4 right angles exist.
"Dead Heat"
The various types of phrases used in problems on
races and their interpretations are as follows: a a

1. A gives B y meters: This means, both A and B a

start at the starting point at the same instant of time,
but while A reaches the finishing point, B is y meters Area = a2
behind. This indicates that A is the winner of the Perimeter = 4a
Diagnol = 2a
2. A gives B t minutes: This means, both A and B
start at the starting point at the same instant, but B Triangle:
takes t minutes more as compared to A to finish the
race. Here also, A is the winner.
a c
3. A can give B a start of y meters: A starts from h
the starting point and B starts y meters ahead, but
still both A and B reach the finishing point at the b
same instant of time. So, the race ends in a dead
1 1
heat. Area =  base  height = bh
2 2
4. A can give B a start of t minutes: A starts t abc
minutes after B starts from the starting point, but Area = s(s  a)(s  b)(s  c) where s 
still, both A and B reach the finishing point at the
same instant of time. So, again the race ends in a
Rightangle Triangle:
dead heat.
A pair of sides are perpendicular to each other.
5. A gives B y meters and t minutes: A and B
start at the starting point at the same instant, but
while A reaches the finishing point, B is behind by y
meters, and, B takes t minutes compared to A to
complete the race. So, B covers remaining y meters
y meters in extra t minutes. This gives the speed of
B as y/t. b
Simple Interest and Compound Interest Area = bh

P T R
Simple Interest = SI =
 R 
Amount in Compound Interest = A = P  1 
 100 
Compound Interest = CI = A – P

Hypotenuse = d = h2  b 2 Area =  d1  d2
Equilateral Triangle:
All the three sides are equal. Angle between any
two sides is equal to 60. Trapezium:
Only a pair of lines are parellel to each other.
Other two sides are not parellel.
a a
h b

a h
3 2
Area = a a
3 Area =  h  (a  b)
Height = a 2
Perimeter = 3a

Isosceles Triangle: r
Two sides are equal. O

a a 2 22
h Area = r here  3.1416 or 
b Perimeter = 2 r
Area = 4a2  b2 Semi Circle:

Isosceles Right angle triangle:

Two sides are equal and these two sides are O
perpendicular to each other. r r

r 2
Area =
a d
Perimeter = r  2r

a Ring:
Two circles which are concentric forms ring.
1 2 Bigger circle radius = R, and smaller circle radius
Area = a
2 =r

Two opposite pairs of sides are parellel. But there R
is no perpendicularity. r
2 2
b h b Area = R  r

a Sector:
Area = base  height = a  h
Rhombus: r
All 4 sides are equal and diagnols are perpendicu-
lar to each other. Sides are not perpendicular to B
each other. Perpendiculars bisect each other.
l C

Area =  r 2

Perimeter =  2r  2r

Volumes Volume =
2 3
All rectangular rooms look like cuboids. Lateral Surface area = 2r 2

h Total Surface area = 3r 2

l Plane Geometry
Volume = lbh
Total surface area = 2(lb + bh + lh)
Lateral surface area = 2 (bh + lh) Triangle and Angle:

a a

b c x

3 1. The sum of three angles of a triangle is 180°.

Volume = a
a  b  c = 180°.
Total surface area = 6a2 2. The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum
of the two interior opposite angles.
Cylinder: x  a  b
Pythagoras’ theorem: In a right angle triangle the
h square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the
squares of other two sides.

2 A
Volume = r h

Total surface area = 2rh + 2r 2

Lateral surface area = 2rh


r AC 2  AB 2  BC 2

1 2
Volume = r h
3 Pythagorean triplet: There are certain triplets which
2 2 satisfy the pythagoras’ theorem and are commonly,
Lateral surface area = rl  r h  r called pythagorean triplet.
For example: 3, 4, 5; 5, 12, 13; 24, 10, 26; 24,
Total surface area = r 2  r h2  r 2 7, 25; 15, 8, 17

Sphere: Circles
1. If two circles have equal radii, then both circles are
2. The perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle
4 3 to a chord bisects the chord.
Volume = r

Total surface area = 4r 2

Hemi Sphere:

r B

3. Equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the
4. Equal chords of a circle subtend equal angles of the
centre. B A


C 
11. If two chords AB and CD intersect each other
internally, then
D PA × PB = PC × PD

5. The angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre

is double the angle subtended by it on A
the circle in the other segment.

2 B

12. If two line segments (extended chords) PA and PC

6. Angles subtended by a chord in the same segment intersect each other externally, then
are equal. In the below figure, DE makes equal PA × PB = PC × PD
angles at F and G.
7. The angle in semicircle is 90°. AB makes 90° at C. A
C  P

A C 13. If PBA is a secant and PT is a tangent segment,
D E then
PA × PB = PT2
8. Tangent is perpendicular to radius.
9. The length of the two tangents that can be drawn A
from an external point to the same circle, are B
equal. PA = PB


14. Sum of all the interior angles of a polygon = (n – 2)

× 180°
B where n is the number of sides in the polygon.
10. Alternate Segment Theorem: The angle made by
a chord and tangent to the circle is equal to the angle Coordinate Geometry
made by the chord in the alternate segment. This is
called the alternate segment theorem. Formula 1.
BPC  BAP and APD  ABP Distance between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is

 (x 2  x1)2  (y 2  y1)2

Formula 2.
The area of a triangle whose vertices are (x1, y1), (x2,
y2) and (x3, y3)

1 y 2  y1
= [x (y – y3) + x2(y3 – y1) + x3(y1 – y2)] y  y1  (x  x1)
2 1 2 x 2  x1

Formula 3: Formula 11:

The coordinate of the mid-point of the line joining Intercept form: The intercept form of a line is
 x1  x 2 y1  y 2  x y
the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is  ,   1
 2 2  a b
Line joining vertices to the mid points of the opposite W here ‘a’ is the intercept on x-axis and ‘b’ is the
sides of a triangle are called medians. intercept on y-axis.
Point of intersection of medians is called ‘centroid. The point of intersection of any two lines of the form
y = ax + b and
Formula 4: y = cx + d is same as the solution arrived at when
Centroid of a triangle. The centroid of a triangle whose these two equations are solved.
vertices are (x1 y1) , (x2 y2) and (x3, y3) is
Formula 12:
 x1  x 2  x 3 y1  y 2  y3 
 , 
 3 3  The length of perpendicular from a given point (x1,
Point of intersection of perpendicular bisectors of
sides of triangle is called as ‘circumcenter’. Point of y1) to a given line ax + by + c = 0 is ax1  by1  c  p ,
intersection of altitudes of triangle is called ‘ortho- (a2  b2 )
where p is the length of perpendicular. In particular,
Formula 5: the length of perpendicular from origin (0, 0) to the
Angle made by the line with the positive direction of c
x - axis is called the inclination of the line. line ax + by + c = 0 is
If  is the inclination, then ‘tan ’ denotes the slope a  b2

of the line.
Slope of the line joining the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
Formula 13:
y 2  y1
is x  x ; (x1  x2 ) . The slope is also indicated Distance between two parallel straight lines ax + by
2 1 + c1 = 0 abd ax + by + c2 = 0 is given by
by m.
c1  c 2
a2  b2
Formula 6:
If the slopes of two lines be m1 and m2, then the lines
Formula 14:
will be
If m1 and m2 are slopes of two straight lines, then
(i) parallel if m1 = m2 (ii) perpendicular if m1m2 = –1
Area of quadrilateral formed by points (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
acute angle () between them is given by
(x3, y3) and (x4, y4) taken in order is m1  m2
tan  
1  m1 m2
1 x1  x 3 x2  x4

2 y1  y 3 y2  y4
Consistency of Equations

Formula 7: W hen a system of equations has at least one

In ABC if AD is the median drawn to BC, then AB2 + solution, we say that the system is consistent. When
AC2 = 2 (AD2 + CD2) it has no solution we say that the system is
inconsistent. Let the system of equation be
Formula 8:
Slope Intercept form: All straight lines can be written a1x  b1y  c1  0
as y = mx + c, a2 x  b 2 y  c 2  0
where m is the slope of the straight line, c is the Y
intercept or the Y coordinate of the point at which x y 1
  
the straight line cuts the Y-axis. b1 c 2  b2 c1 a1 c 2  a 2 c1 a1 b 2  a 2 b1

Formula 9: and (a1 b2  a2 b1)

Point slope form. The equation of a straight line a1 b1
passing through (x1, y1) and having a slope m is y – (i) If a  b , the equations are consistent with
2 2
y1 = m(x – x1).
unique solution.
Formula 10: a1 b1 c1
Two point form. The equation of a straight line (ii) If a  b  c , the equations are consistent
2 2 2
passing through two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is
with infinite solutions.
if r>1;
a1 b1 c1
(iii)   ,
a2 b2 c 2 the equations are inconsistent a(1  r n )
= if r<1
i.e, no solution. 1 r

Arithmetic progression (Key points): a

3. The sum of infinite G.P. = when IrI <1
1 r
A series in which each term (except first term)
differs from its preceding term by a fixed quantity Geometric Mean:
is called an Arithmetic progression (A.P.) and the
fixed quantity is called the common difference. If 1. If three positive numbers a,x,b are in G.P. then
a is the first term and d is the common difference x is called the Geometric Mean (G.M) between a
of an A.P. then that A.P is a + (a+d) + (a+2d)+..... . and b. The G.M. between two positive numbers a
If the same quantity is added (multiplied) to each and b is a.b
term of an A.P. then the resulting series is also an
2. If three numbers are in G.P., then they can be

1. n th term of an A.P: Tn = a+ (n -1) d. a

taken , a, ar..

2. Sum to first n terms of an A.P. = Sn = 3. If four numbers are in G.P., then they can be
n a a 3
2a   n  1 d taken as 3 , r ,ar,ar
2 r
3. If we know the last term of a series then =
n 4. If five number are in G.P., then they can be
a  l where l is the last term.
2 a a
taken as , ,a,ar,ar 2
r2 r
Arithmetic Mean:
Harmonic progression (Key points)
1. If a,x,b are in A.P. then x is called Arithmetic
mean (A.M) between a and b. The arithmetic If the reciprocals of the terms of a series form An
ab A.P., then the series is called a Harmonic progres-
mean between a and b is . sion (H.P.). If a,x,b are in H.P., then x is called
Harmonic Mean between a and b.
2. If three numbers are in A.P., then they can be
taken as a – d, a, a+d. 1. The harmonic mean between two non zero num-
3. If four numbers are in A.P., then they can be bers a and b is .
taken as a – 3d, a – d, a + d, a + 3d.
2. If A, G, H are the arithmetic mean, geometric
4. If five numbers are in A.P., then they can be mean, harmonic mean between two positive
taken as a – 2d, a – d, a, a + d, a + 2d.
numbers then A  G  H and G2  AH
Geometric progression (Key points)
3. The sum of first n natural numbers =
A series in which each term (except first term) is
n(n  1)
obtained by multiplying the preceding term by a n 
fixed quantity is called a Geometric progression 2
(G.P) and the fixed quantity is called the common
ratio. If a is the first term and r is the common 4. The sum of first n natural numbers =
2 n(n  1)(2n  1)
ratio of a G.P. then that G.P is a  ar  ar  ...... .  n2  6
If every term of a G.P. is multiplied by a fixed real
number, then the resulting series is also a G.P. If
every term of a G.P is raised to the same power, 5. The sum of cubes of first n natural numbers
then the resulting series is also a G.P. The
reciprocals of the terms of a G.P. is also a G.P. n2 (n  1)2
=  n3  4

1. nth term of a G.P : ar n1

6. The sum of first n even integers = n(n + 1).
a(r  1)
2. The sum of first n terms of a G.P = 2
r 1 7. The sum of first n odd integers = n .
using all of the digits with out repetition = (n – 1)!
Arithmetico Geometric progression (Key × (111..n times) × (Sum of the digits)
Formula 9:
A series in which each term is the product of two Sum of all the n digit numbers that can be formed
factors so that the first factor is a term of an A.P
using all of the digits with repetition = nn1 ×
and the second factor is a corresponding term of
(111..n times) × (Sum of the digits)
a G.P is called Arithmetic Geometric series.
Formula 10:
In an AGP series a + (a + d)r + (a + 2d) r 2 + ..... Sum of all the n digit numbers that can be formed
using all of the digits with out repetition and zero
nth term = {a + (n - 1) d} r n1 . is one the the number = [(n – 1)! × (111..n times)
× (Sum of the digits)] – [(n – 2)! × (111..(n-1) times)
1. Sum of first n terms = × (Sum of the digits)]
a dr(1  r n1) a   n  1 d r Formula 11:
 
1 r 1  r 2 1  r  Sum of all the n digit numbers that can be formed
using all of the digits with repetition and zero is

dr one the the number = [ nn1 × (111..n times) ×
2. Sum of infinite terms = 1  r 1  r 2 if |r|<1
  (Sum of the digits)] – [ nn2 × (111..(n-2) times) ×
(Sum of the digits)]
Permutations and Combinations
Formula 12:
Note: Factorial of zero is 1 (0! = 1) Number of selections out of ‘n’ articles where atleast
one article can be chosen = 2n  1
Formula 1:
“r” distinct objects can be arranged in “r” places Formula 13:
in r! ways. If n similar articles are to be distributed to r per-
Formula 2:
sons, x1  x 2  x 3  .....  xn  n each person is eli-
Out of “r” objects “a” objects are similar, “b”
objects are similar . . . the these “r” objects can gible to take any number of articles then the total

r! ways are = (nr 1) C(r 1)

be arranged in ways.
a! b! ...
Formula 3: Formula 14:
“r” objects can be selected out of “n” objects in
Cr ways. If n similar articles are to be distributed to r per-

Formula 4: sons, x1  x 2  x 3  .....  xn  n each person must

“r” objects can be selected out of “n” objects and get minimum one article then the total ways are =
n n n1
arranged in = Cr  r!  Pr ways. Cr 1

Formula 5: Formula 15:

If a function can be done in x ways and for each If n persons are seated around a circular table then
of these functions the other function can be done they can be arranged in (n – 1)! ways.
in y ways then both the functions can be done in
x × y ways. Formula 16:
When two dice are rolled, any number from 2 to 7
Formula 6: happens for (n – 1) ways. Also, any number from 8
If a function can be done in x ways and the other to 12 happens for (13 – n) ways.
function can be done in y ways then either of the
Formula 17:
functions can be done in x + y ways.
When 3 dice are rolled, any number from
Formula 7: 3 to 8 can happen for C2
. Division of m+n+p objects into three groups is given
20 n
13 to 18 can happen for C2
(m  n  p)!
by 9 happen for 25 times
m! n! p!
10 happen for 27 times
If any of m,n or p equal to each other we have to 11 happen for 27 times
divide by that factorial. 12 happen for 25 times

Formula 8:
Sum of all the n digit numbers that can be formed

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