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Discovering Nature:

The Benefits of Teaching

Outside of the Classroom
Are there really positive benefits when teachers engage young children Jill L. Jacobi-Vessels
in meaningful learning experiences about the natural world outdoors?
This article substantiates the positive learning benefits found in
When asked to think about their favorite places to with lasting memories. While a little hesitance to open
play when they were little, many early childhood teach- the classroom door may be understandable, the rewards
ers tell exciting tales of ‘forts’ behind bushes, making of class time spent with nature clearly outweigh the
‘soup’ from grass and pine cones, or catching tadpoles drawbacks. Research shows that experiences in natural
in a creek. Some remember quiet moments of soli- settings provide multiple benefits to young children in-
tude watching the clouds drift by or sunlight flickering cluding increased physical activity, reduced obesity, and
through the leaves of a tall tree. In spite of fond memo- improved concentration and enhanced social skills.
ries of outdoor play and a desire to support children’s
development, many early childhood teachers are reluc- Physical Benefits
tant to take the class outside. It can be very difficult for working parents to find
Teachers who did not spend enjoyable time outdoors the time or energy to engage in active play with their
when little may be even more hesitant to open the children. Dinner and laundry do not take care of them-
classroom door and explore the great outdoors. Some selves, but still must be done after a hard day at work.
teachers do not feel that they know enough to be effec- Children’s television programming may be a very tempt-
tive when teaching about the outdoors, and others avoid ing distraction tool. It is important, however, to know
going out because they dislike getting dirty or being too that patterns of active or sedentary behaviors begin to
hot or cold themselves (Copeland, Kendeigh, Saelens, form as early as infancy and that early television viewing
Karkwarf, & Sherman, 2012). Smearing on sunscreen habits carry over to preschool and beyond (Certain &
and putting on coats and hats is a lot of work. Is it really Kahn, 2002). Television viewing is sedentary by nature
worth the effort? and has been linked with reduced bone mass in chil-
dren, which may lead to more frequent fractures (Wosje,
Koury, Claytor, Copeland, Kalkwarf, & Daniels, 2009).
Nature play sets Sedentary behavior may contribute to obesity. In spite
of heightened awareness, obesity is a growing concern
the stage for in this country and the prevalence of being overweight
lifelong approaches in young children continues to rise (Ogden, Carroll,
Curtin, McDowell, Tabak, & Flegal, 2006; Sherry, Mei,
to learning. Scanlon, Mokdad, & Grummer-Strawn, 2004). The
good news is that regular physical activity reduces the
health risks associated with being overweight. In fact,
overweight individuals who are physically active have
Benefits of Nature Play to Children
lower health risks than those with normal weight who
are not active (Blair & Brodney, 1999). The message is
Nature play can be an effective teaching strategy across
clear, children need to get up and move.
the curriculum and may provide children and teachers

4 Vol 41, No 3, 2013 Dimensions of Early Childhood

Discovering Nature: The Benefits of Teaching Outside of the Classroom

their children play outdoors in an

effort to protect them from neigh-

Photo courtesy of GLOBE/Pre-K, Phoenix Magnet

borhood safety issues (Farley, Meri-
wether, Baker, Watkins, Johnson, &
Webber, 2007; Kalish, Banco, Burke,
& Lapidus, 2010; Molnar, Gort-

Elementary School, Alexandria, LA

maker, Bull, & Buka, 2004). Many
young children now spend the hours
that used to be spent playing whole-
neighborhood ‘hide and seek’ watch-
ing television and playing video
games. This migration from playing
in the yard to playing a video game
has led to what Richard Louv (2005)
Children’s curiosity can be a tool to help them develop scientific inquiry, a focused calls ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’. While
and systematic approach to observation, documentation and investigation. this is not a medical diagnosis, Louv
points to the increase in childhood
Childcare center practices have a by layers of mulch or rubber, sand- depression, obesity, and shortened at-
strong influence on children’s over- boxes, and wheeled toys. Some tention spans as products of lost time
all level of physical activity (Finn, playgrounds, however, are missing communing with nature.
Johannsen, & Specker, 2002). One the greener ingredient. Outdoor
might hope that children would have play spaces with ample vegetation
time for active physical play while at may actually increase the amount
childcare. Unfortunately, preschool- of physical activity over that of the Children need to
ers spend as much as 89% of their
time in childcare engaged in seden-
typical commercially produced play-
ground structures planted in a bar-
get up and move.
tary activities. (Brown, Pfeiffer, Mc- ren surface (Trost, Ward, & Senso,
Iver, Dowda, Addy, & Pate, 2009; 2010). Rocks and hills tempt chil-
Sugiyama, Okely, Masters, & Moore, dren to climb or race to the top while While running and jumping on
2012). Is it truly developmentally using muscles to balance and adjust playground equipment keeps chil-
appropriate to ask a preschooler to to uneven terrain. Fjortoft (2001) dren moving, exposure to plant and
sit still for 89% of the day? found that the rocks and slopes in a animal life has great rewards. The
Children are intrinsically moti- nearby forest provided Norwegian cognitive benefits of sustained out-
vated to move when given extended kindergarten children frequent bal- door play in plant rich environments
playtime in settings that are abun- ance and coordination challenges. spill over into the classroom, provid-
dant with plant and animal life. Indeed, the children who played in ing children with increased attention
In a two- year study, Bell, Wilson, the forest had better motor skills than after they go back inside (Holmes,
& Liu (2008) found that children the children who spent their time on Pelegrini, & Schmidt, 2006). In-
who lived in greener neighborhoods the traditional playground. deed, Faber Taylor and Kuo (2009)
were less likely to gain in body mass found that a twenty-minute walk in
index than children who lived in Cognitive Benefits the park increased the attention of 7-
neighborhoods with less vegetation. Approximately half of American to12-year-old children with ADHD
The outdoors, where curiosity and preschool children do not have an more than a twenty-minute walk
nature invite children to rush from opportunity to play outside under downtown or through a neighbor-
log to anthill and back again, is an parent supervision each day (Tan- hood. They suggested that “doses of
ideal setting for children’s physical don, Zhaou, & Christakis, 2012). nature” may be a safe and inexpen-
development. Finding an appropriate place to play sive tool for helping children with
can be challenging. Parents who live ADHD. In a similar study, children
Many American playgrounds offer in the Netherlands with ADHD
climbing equipment, slides cushioned in urban neighborhoods may not let
showed greater concentration skills

Dimensions of Early Childhood Vol 41, No 3, 2013 5

Discovering Nature: The Benefits of Teaching Outside of the Classroom

when in the woods than they did examine, compare, and experiment risk-takers who have a voice in what
when visiting a nearby town (Van when faced with unknown plants, they create and learn through nature.
den Berg & Van den Berg, 2010). animals, and physical environments. Teachers who provide nature play
In a U.S. nationwide study, parents During nature play, children take in set the stage for lifelong approaches
of children diagnosed with ADHD a wide variety of information that is to learning. When they encourage
reported the effects of different types not available indoors. They use all children to investigate, ask questions,
of leisure activities on their children’s of their senses as they explore and and seek solutions, children begin
symptoms. The children showed create in outdoor settings. They may to trust their own ideas. In early
fewer symptoms after play in green see a lizard scamper under a rock, childhood classrooms, everything has
natural settings than after playing smell the rain, hear squirrels chastise its purpose and place. Unit blocks
indoors or on installed playgrounds. them from the tree tops, stroke the and foam bricks are for building in
(Faber Taylor & Kuo, 2009; Kuo & soft surface of a dandelion, or taste the block area. Scissors, glue, and
Faber Taylor 2004). tomatoes ripe from the vine. paint are for masterpieces created
According to Howard Gardner in the art area. While the structure
(1999), knowing about nature is Social/Emotional Benefits and predictability of the classroom
an intelligence of its own. Gardner Nature play provides rich fodder meets many of the needs of children,
added naturalistic intelligence to for young imaginations, growing vo- nature play offers different and im-
his theory of multiple intelligences. cabularies, and budding social skills portant experiences for children that
Naturalistic intelligence includes as children negotiate themes and include real and open-ended objects
the ability to identify plants and scenarios and settle disputes. Chil- (Talbot & Frost, 1989).
animals and their relationships with dren rather than teachers often direct Children experience stress and
other parts of the environment and nature play, thus building a sense irritability for many reasons and
to understand one’s own relation- of competence and collaboration. often struggle to find socially accept-
ship to other living things. By The Nature Action Collaborative for able ways to relieve strong emo-
fostering naturalistic intelligence, Children (NACC) provides universal tions. Reading in the shade of a tree
we help children become stewards principles for connecting children or tending flowers in the sunshine
of the environment. Teachers sup- with nature. According to NACC, can provide children with a sense of
port the development of naturalistic children should ‘be respected as peace and freedom that they cannot
intelligence by providing early and competent, powerful learners and
frequent exposure to local plants
and wildlife. Such exposure helps

Photo courtesy of Dora L. Lewis Family & Child Development Center,

children establish respect for living
things and the natural world around
them (Wilson, 1993).
Teachers can use children’s cu-
riosity about nature to help them
develop scientific inquiry, a focused
and systematic approach to observa-
tion, documentation, and investi-
gation. Scientific inquiry involves
several stages, including wonder and
exploration, taking action, extending
and clarifying questions, searching
Richmond, VA

for patterns and relationships, and

sharing ideas (Chalufour & Worth,
2003; Worth & Grollman, 2003)
and is evident in many forms of
children’s nature play. Children are Block play is not just an indoors activity. Creative use of natural materials to provide
intrinsically motivated to observe, building materials can be an innovative approach to a traditional activity.

6 Vol 41, No 3, 2013 Dimensions of Early Childhood

Discovering Nature: The Benefits of Teaching Outside of the Classroom

necessarily find indoors. Frustrations

with friends who would not share

Photo courtesy of Westlake United Methodist Preschool,

may melt away when the classroom
door opens. In his book, Last Child
in the Woods, Richard Louv states
that children “bring the confusion of
the world to the woods and wash it
in the creek” (Louv, 2005, p. 7).
Many early childhood teachers
seek to instill in children a sense
of belonging not only within the
classroom but also in the commu-

Austin, TX
nity and the world. Nature play
provides hands-on opportunities to
teach children to care about other
people, living things, and their Teachers play an important role by helping children connect with nature.
environments. Personal interactions A positive attitude and modeled curiosity can go a long way.
with nature help children develop
a caring and respectful attitude for in-depth opportunities to explore to talk about their hobby. Teach-
all living things (Basile & White, nature with the time and resources ers and children can enhance their
2000). Children who know and available? It is helpful to remember own nature environment by planting
value the plants and creatures that there is more out there than the a tree on the playground or tending
around them may be more likely fenced-in playground. container gardens.
to personally find ways to protect
and preserve the environment Bringing the Indoors out and
(Blanchard & Buchanan, 2011). Many of the same the Outdoors in

Making Nature Play activities can take Viewing animals up close can
be fascinating and exciting. Feed-
Part of Every Day place both indoors ing stations such as birdfeeders and
corn trays for squirrels are relatively
Research provides clear evidence and outdoors. inexpensive and bring nature to the
that taking the class outside into classroom window. When children
green spaces is worth the effort. If a center is fortunate enough learn that the red birds are cardinals
Opening the door to nature play to be located near a field or small and the brown ones are sparrows
is not as difficult as it may seem. woods, it has a ready-made, cost- they may search for the names of
Taking one step at a time rather free location for play. Teachers who other birds that they encounter at
than climbing the whole mountain work in urban areas may feel that the feeder and enthusiastically share
will make the journey enjoyable for nature is not available to them yet their newfound knowledge with
all. The following sections provide cities abound with pigeons, worms, friends and family. Because the birds
some ideas to make the adventure as and squirrels. Regular walks through are local, the children are more likely
smooth as possible. the neighborhood or visits to a to see them repeatedly and apply
nearby park provide ample opportu- what they learn in other settings.
Finding Time for Nature nities to discover nature’s best. We Outdoor spaces lend themselves
In childcare centers, outdoor time simply need to be attuned to the easily to many of the same activi-
is often scheduled with little oppor- dandelions forcing their way through ties that take place in the classroom.
tunity to spend extra time because the cracks in the sidewalk and other Children may enjoy reading books
other classes are waiting for their instances of nature in the city. Many on a blanket on the grass, writing
time to use the playground space. neighborhoods are home to dedi- and drawing in nature journals to
How then can teachers give children cated yard gardeners who are happy document the growth in the garden,

Dimensions of Early Childhood Vol 41, No 3, 2013 7

Discovering Nature: The Benefits of Teaching Outside of the Classroom

or painting the shadows cast by a creature outside and, with teacher a little time outdoors in the morning
tree. Adding portable play equip- permission, bring it into the class- before it gets too hot. When pos-
ment that is typically used indoors to room, they should be taught to un- sible, direct children to play in shady
the playground can increase the level derstand what the creature needs for areas as they reduce sun exposure
of physical activity (Hartle, 1996; survival so that they can temporarily and increase physical activity (Bolde-
Kreichauf, Wildgruber, Krombholz, meet those needs. After a short visit, man, Blennow, Dal, Martensson,
Gibson, Voegele, & Nixon, 2011). the creature should be released so Raustorp, Yuen, & Wester, 2006).
Block building may take on new that it can thrive and children learn Even when adventuring in shady
meaning outdoors, especially when to do no harm. Because it is native spaces, sunscreen is an important
the typical unit blocks or waffle to the area, the creature will likely precaution for all children.
blocks are supplemented with rocks survive after release and will not Winter presents different challeng-
and natural pieces of wood. A con- harm the local ecology (Hachey & es. Some teachers are reluctant to go
tainer of magnifying glasses, plastic Butler, 2012). outdoors when it is cold but children
jars with holes in the lids, binoculars, may not get to play outside at all if
and trowels can lead to in-depth the class does not go out. Short days
exploration and discovery. With a
little brainstorming and creativity, all
Teacher in winter mean that it is often dark
when children arrive for care and dark
types of indoor learning centers can engagement with when they leave. Making a snowman
be transferred to the outdoors. Meals
and even naps can be successfully children outdoors and watching icicles drip are adven-
tures not to be missed. Bundling up
conducted outside (Torquati, Gabriel,
Jones-Branch, & Miller, 2011).
enhances learning. in appropriate clothes and waiting
until the sun has had time to warm
Teacher engagement when chil- things up a bit will help keep every-
dren are outdoors increases their one comfortable and having fun.
activity levels and enhances learning Thoughts on Safety
It is important to ensure that all
(Trost, Ward, & Senso, 2010). A Appropriate supervision and plants and animals brought into the
positive teacher attitude and mod- teacher interaction is just as im- classroom pose no risk to children
eled curiosity can go a long way portant outside as inside. Teachers and are allowed by regulation and
toward encouraging children to should place themselves strategi- policy. Plants such as amaryllis or
explore the world around them. cally to ensure that children remain mistletoe may seem harmless but
Teachers play an important role by within both line of sight and range are actually serious health hazards.
helping children connect with nature of voice. Simple precautions and Teachers should print lists of non-
and by providing ongoing and ac- common sense will reduce the risk of toxic and toxic plants to take along
tive support of children’s learning illness and injury. Teachers should when shopping and post them in the
(Dowdell, Graya, & Malone, 2011). remove hazardous or broken materi- classroom to raise the awareness of
Teachers can encourage children’s als. They should also know the local others. Care is also necessary when
familiarity with nature by bring- flora and fauna so that they are able selecting animals to be brought
ing items from outdoors into the to identify and avoid hazards such as into the classroom. Well-intended
classroom. Tending indoor plants a large patch of poison ivy. A well- donations must also be reviewed for
gives children additional opportuni- equipped first aid kit and a cellular safety. Years ago, a parent offered to
ties to build a sense of responsibility phone are important nature adven- donate tropical fish to the classroom
and to care for living things. Be- ture tools and should always be with science center. The fish were actually
ing the plant waterer for the day is the teacher. piranhas and had to find friendly
a job with real value that children Teachers must take weather condi- waters elsewhere.
recognize. An acrylic fish tank is a tions into consideration when decid-
fairly simple and low-maintenance ing whether or not to go outside. Be Conclusion
addition that may hold a variety aware of extreme heat or cold and
of creatures such as fish, snails, or of possible air quality advisories. In So many of us have forgotten or
hermit crabs. If children find a living summer, it may be possible to spend never known the joys of spending

8 Vol 41, No 3, 2013 Dimensions of Early Childhood

Discovering Nature: The Benefits of Teaching Outside of the Classroom

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Dimensions of Early Childhood Vol 41, No 3, 2013 9

Discovering Nature: The Benefits of Teaching Outside of the Classroom

Wilson, R. (1993). The importance of environmen-

tal education at the early childhood level. Environ-
About the Author recently at the University of Louisville
mental Education and Information, 12, 17-24.
Early Learning Campus. She teaches
Worth, K., & Grollman, S. (2003). Worms, shadows, Jill L. Jacobi-Vessels, Ph.D., is an graduate and undergraduate courses in
and whirlpools. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Assistant Professor in Early Childhood early childhood education.
Wosje, K. S., Khoury, P. R., Claytor, R. P., Cope-
land, K. A., Kalkwarf, H. J., & Daniels, S. R. Education at the University of Louisville
(2009). Adiposity and TV viewing are related to in Louisville, Kentucky. Jill has over
less bone accrual in young children. The Journal of
twenty years of experience working with
Pediatrics, 154, 79-85.
young children. She is a former Direc-
tor of early childhood programs, most

10 Vol 41, No 3, 2013 Dimensions of Early Childhood

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