Gordons and Questions

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A. Health Perception and Management Pattern

The client’s health perception and management pattern is just the

same when she was not pregnant and during pregnancy. The client
has an average health as described by her. She takes over the counter
drugs if needed just like Biogesic and Neozep. She doesn’t have any
bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol and etc. She didn’t had any
experience of vehicular accident. Client’s general health appearance is

B. Nutritional and Metabolic Pattern

The client’s nutritional and metabolic pattern is maintained. The client
has enough time to prepare for her meal because she wakes up early
so she never skips her breakfast before and now that she is already
pregnant. The client drinks 6-8 glasses of water a day. The client has
experienced weight gain because of pregnancy, she didn’t experience
weight gain before pregnancy. She has no eating discomfort, no
presence of skin problems, no dental dental problem. The client’s
height is 5’1’’ and the client’s weighs 124. 254lbs and now 132.254lbs
that she is pregnant.

C. Elimination Pattern

The client’s elimination pattern is just the same. She excretes once a
day every morning, voids urine 4-5x a day. She doesn’t have any
excessive perspiration and no difficulties in bowel movement and

D. Activity and Exercise Pattern

The client has sufficient energy to supply to the demands of her
activity. Now that she is pregnant, she regularly walks every morning.
She is not engaged in any sports activity before pregnancy

E. Sleep- Rest Pattern

The client’s sleep and rest pattern is maintained. She sleeps 7-8 hours
a day, the client is well rested and doesn’t have any sleep gaps before
and during during pregnancy. She doesn’t feel any pain

F. Cognitive Perceptual Pattern

The client doesn’t have any hearing difficulty, no experiences of blurry
visions, no changes in memory, no difficulty in learning, and doesn’t
feel any pain as of the moment.
G. Self-perception and Self-concept Pattern
The client thinks negatively about the physical changes she
experienced. The client is not confident about her body. But the client
doesn’t experienced mood swings just like before when she was not
pregnant and she also didn’t experienced losing hope.

H. Role-Relationship Pattern

The client says that they are only 2 in the family living together with
her husband. The client said that family remains positive to work things out
together when facing family problems. Her husband stands as the provider as
she is just a housewife. The family doesn’t have any health problems as of
the moment. Client is happy and contented towards her personal links.

I. Sexually Reproductive Pattern

The client is aware of her sexual orientation. The client is aware of her
valued gender identity. The client is aware of his sexual preference.

J. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern

Family remains positive and works together amidst challenges. The
client finds her husband as a helpful person she can talk about
problems. Client doesn’t take any drugs or alcohol. Client is a positive-
thinking person.

K. Value-Belief Pattern
Her family is the most important person for the client and religion is
also important for the client.
1. What are the important nursing assessment for evaluation and
nutritional requirements during pregnancy?

The client has enough time to prepare for her meal because she wakes up
early so she never skips her breakfast. The client drinks 6-8 glasses of water
a day. The client has experienced weight gain. No eating discomfort, no
presence of skin problems, no dental dental problem. The client’s height is
5’1’’ and the client’s weigh 132.254 lbs.

2. Outline a Nursing Care Plan

3. What would be the important factors to assess if she is well


Since the client’s fluid intake is 6-8 glasses of water/day which is normal, and
the client’s skin goes back rapidly to its normal position upon performing skin
turgor test examination, we can therefore conclude that the client is well
hydrated or doesn’t have a problem with hydration.

4. What would be the best advice to a known smoker like her, taking
into consideration the teratogenic effects of cigarette smoking?

The client is not exposed to any teratogens.

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