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The concept of consumer behavior is very complex to understand since every human brain thinks differently.
Impulse buying behavior is one type of consumer behavior, which depends on the person and certain factor
around him, which can influence this behavior. There are many factors, which may affect depending on the
occasion. The marketers and retailers tend to use the maximum as possible to exploit the customer by using
the impulsive behavior so that they can utilize the maximum out of it. Impulsive buying has been considered
a pervasive phenomenon in the western lifestyle and has been receiving increasing attention from consumer
researchers. The retailers today are using the visual merchandising tool differentiate themselves from their
competitors and to be a prominent leader in the market to attract the customers. The reason of writing this
paper is to identify the relationship between consumer impulsive buying behavior of customers in retail store.

Impulse buying is generally referred to as ”unplanned buying”, where purchase is made without much
thinking, that is purchases made by shoppers without advanced planning. In fact it has been found out that
unplanned purchases account for 27% - 62% of purchase in a department store context (Bellenger et al, 1978).
Broadly ,impulse buying is influenced by several personal, social, economic and cultural backgrounds; varying
not only among customers buying similar products but also under different buying situations.


The study focuses on the consumer behavior, which causes impulsive buying. Impulsive buying is
psychological, and often leads to consumer purchasing things that he did not pre-plan. Our scope is limited to
how firms utilize this consumer behavior of impulsive buying to increase their sales. This study also covers
the factors that affect this type of buying behavior in the consumer.


An impulse purchase or impulse buying is an unplanned decision to buy a product or service, made just before
a purchase. One who tends to make such purchases is referred to as an impulse purchaser or impulse buyer.
Attempts are made to increase demand through various means.


● To understand the concept of impulsive of the consumers.

● To study the factors that influence this type of behavior in the consumer.

● To understand how marketers analyze and use this consumer behavior to increase the consumers’
basket size, and their sales.

● To analyze difference in male and female impulsive buying behavior.

Ho1: Factors influencing who urge for impulse purchase.

Ho2: Factors such has who purchase window display promotional offers staff behavior.

With changing lifestyle and hovering demands of customer, retailers in India, similar to their counterparts
around the globe are putting in their best to formulate and reformulate their marketing strategies such that no
stone is left unturned. For many years, marketing researchers have considered issues relating to consumers’
store choice across various purchasing situations (More and carpenter, 2006). Starting from apparels to
footwear, from jewelry to even FMCG and grocery items, both organized and unorganized retailers are trying
to reach out to more and more customers in order to satisfy them and in turn increase their own profitability
and goodwill in the market. Thus, a retailer’s marketing objectives can be classified into three broad categories;
attraction that focuses on consumers store entry decision; conversion that relates to consumer decision about
whether or not to make a purchase at a store; and spending that represents both value and the composition of
their transactions (Taushiff & Gupta,2013).

Ramanathan & Hari (2011) observed from their study that due to the recent changes in the demographic system
of consumers, and the awareness of quality conscious consumption, consumers preferred to buy different
products both from the organized and unorganized retailers. Sinha and Banerjee, (2004) In their study
concluded that store convenience and customer services positively influenced customers store selection, while
Guptha,(2012) concluded in her study that attributes like convenient operating hours accessibility where the
factors which lead to customer loyalty and nit store appearance.

Impulse purchase or impulse buying is unplanned or otherwise spontaneous purchase. Impulse items can be
anything, a new product, samples or well-established products at surprisingly low price. Customer who has to
not preplanning to purchase a product they have to see the product and they decided to purchase. Purchasing
is, generally definded as, a consumer’s unplanned purchase which is an important part of buyer behavior. An
impulse purchase or impulse buy is an unplanned decision to buy a product or service, made just before a
purchase. Following are marketing communication mix which affect consumer’s Impulse Buying Behavior In
the market: Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations. Drive purchasing undertaking.
The discoveries of the investigation show that charge card, special methodologies, window show, sensation
prompts and item association, for the most part, impact the motivation purchasing conduct of shoppers. (B.
Bhojak, M. Gangani, P .Goswami, v. parmar, B. Patel, & P. P rajaapati, 2014)



Impulsive buying behavior is a type of consumer behavior, which induces the consumer to buy things that
were initially not on the shopping list. This behavior leads to unplanned shopping. This behavior of the
consumer is psychological and it can be a benefit to the marketers only is used properly. The marketers need
to analyze and interpret different ways to convert this behavior into increasing sales, by using certain strategies
and including the consumer to buy things, that he might feel can be helpful and was not planning to buy. This
creates a need to understanding the customer needs, making what they require, and other related products
available to them.


This study uses a quantitative approach as we are trying to study the impulsive buying behavior of the
consumers and how it can be beneficial


1. Primary Data: The primary data include that which is collected from the customers directly with
interaction This include data got with personal interaction:

2. Secondary Data: In the study of secondary data someone other than user. Secondary data is the
data that have been already collected by readily by and available from other source. Information from
secondary sources. i e not directly compiled by the analyst may include published or unpublished work
based on researches:


 The instrument was limited to a quantitative

 Sample was geographically limited and the age range was narrow. Data collected in other areas
may produce different result.

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