Interactions - Between - Port - and - Inland - Terminals - Genoa - Case

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Action Plan for Good Practice Transfer

Hinterland Transport
Interactions between Ports and Inland




1.1 The maritime Genoese harbour cluster and space governance

1.2 Presentation of terminal operators in Genoa
1.3 Logistic node function of the port of Genoa
1.4 Triennial operational plan of port of Genoa
1.5 Integration between information technology and port reality
1.6 Role of port authorities and port telematics systems ( UIR-NET, E-port )
1.6.1. Focus on E-port
1.6.2. Focus on Uirnet


2.1 Agenzia delle Dogane ( Customs Agency )

2.2 Guardia di finanza ( Finance Police )
2.3 Maritime Health
2.4 Certifying Agencies
2.5 A.I.D.A. – integrated automation-excise customs clearing
2.6 The ‘ preclearing’ – Advanced customs clearance of goods
2.7 Single Window


3.1 Third Pass

3.2 Genoa Fast Corridor
- Project phases
- Results
3.3 MOS 24
- Platform actors
3.4 B.R.U.C.O.
- Berths at Genova Voltri
- Dry port over the Apennines
- Connection systems
- Necessary potential for the dimensional leap
- Bankability
3.5 Ligurian Ports: integration among ports
3.6 Greenport


4.1 The hinterland area of NorthWest Italy
4.2 Option Rivalta Scrivia: focus on Terminal Rivalta and Interporto Rivalta Scrivia
4.3 Option Alessandria
4.4 The hinter port and logistics: rail investment planning in the port of Genoa




Ports are increasingly an integral part of our economy, they are strategic places of exchange,
produce wealth, development and, last but not least, culture. With the exponential growth of the
traffic, especially over the last few decades and with the phenomenon of globalization, the ports
have become a reality in continuous movement and growth, but also operating places of extreme
complexity, especially in their logistics functions of transport management. In the current
evolution of maritime transport the large ports of final destination are now natural venue of
logistics function of increasing volumes, interchange because there meet and are managed both
maritime and land transports. The table below shows the Italian traffic data based on 2011
throughput whereto Genoa gained a primary role under national direct ports. The case of "Gioia
Tauro" has to be relativized as port of transshipment ( HUB port ).

Savona, Genova, Trieste, Monfalcone,
La Spezia, Livorno Venezia,


Ravenna, Ancona, Bari

67,5% 5,1%

Napoli, Salerno

This work aims to analyze measures taken by the port and territorial reality to make more
organized, fast and efficient this complex logistics network, through ad-hoc development policies.
In order to consolidate the position of the harbour at national and international levels, the Genoa
Port Authority has seen reasonable to implement a new IT supported management system of the
operating cycle, enabling the port to respond to changes that have affected the maritime and land
transport sector, coping with the new needs expressed by users waiting on completion of the new
infrastructures to link with the hinterland. As part of a reorganization of the Italian ports,
enhancing IT supported port logistics system and Genoese of course, was one of the crucial steps.
Through the exchange of good practices between the partners participating in the project Port
Integration it will be possible proposing solutions, data and information flow necessary for the
proper management of logistic flows. The desire to expand over the borders, characterised in
particular by the European trends of interconnection between EU States, the various modes of
transport and the amount of operators involved have led to increasingly stringent requirements in
terms of rapid exchange of information.
This work is divided into four sections: the first section is intended to provide general guidance on
the reality of Genoa, on port spatial structure, on commodities traded, on the role of Port
Authority in the Port of Genoa and on the work done by the same Administration to support
automatization of the maritime operations, with the help and cooperation of all bodies,
institutions and Actors involved. The chapter concludes with an analysis of some projects affecting
the genoese maritime economy which is increasingly framed through the existing link relation.
The second section looks at Genoa and the change in the "ways of working", through a real
technological revolution linked to the transfer of information regarding cargo flow and the
position of carriers/hauliers. This has had a crucial importance to achieve and boost automation in
logistics processes by offering a high-quality service to end-users as well as achieving a significant
reduction of the turn-around-times. In order to consolidate the position of the harbour at national

and international levels in recent years there have been implemented new systems for lifecycle
management, enabling the city and specifically to the Port to respond to changes that have
affected both the maritime and land transport sector and to the new needs expressed by users.
The Port Authority has therefore studied and implemented a project, called E-Port, aimed at the
reorganization of the port of Genoa and at using a computer supported management tool to
handle the information log of cargo and port container flow.
This is a virtual infrastructure aimed at ensuring an advanced operational management of port
traffics, in which all stakeholders have access to real-time data, it will be interesting to analyze the
interface and integrations with Aida systems ( Integrated Automatic Customs & Excise ) and the
UIRNET network ( telematics system road ) towards the point of view of the Single window.
The third section deals with the conditioning factors of the scenario, then follow the Hinterland
initiatives of the port of Genoa and the infrastructural plan analysis of the third pass and the
relation to related European projects such as the corridor 24 and the TEN-T networks. Eventually
will be touched theme of "green port" with reference to the Port Environmental energy plan
( Peap ) prepared by the Genoa Port Authority, Genoa and Muvita Foundation.
The fourth and last section focuses on the relationship between Port and Hinterports, analyzing
stake holders and tools used, those under-and those not yet–utilized to reciprocally optimize their


The port of Genoa is the first domestic port in terms of cargo handled: in fact it manages the 10%
of goods loaded and unloaded in Italian ports. The Italian port system of dues and VAT contributes
to the Treasury with about 7 billion € per year, 4 billion € originated by the Ligurian ports whereof
2 billion € from the port of Genoa only. The port of Genoa is a natural outlet to the sea of the most
industrialised regions of Northern Italy and is situated in an excellent strategic position towards
the European commercial and economic hinterland. It develops from the East towards the West,
from the Marina Duca degli Abruzzi, in the middle of town, up to Voltri, extending uninterrupted
for 20 kilometers length. The port can accommodate ships of any type and handle solid and liquid
goods of any kind and size, operating 13 connected terminals. The presence of the Ferry Terminal
and Cruise Ships harbor Terminal hosted within the most ancient part of the historic port
completes the pattern of the offer.
The area occupied by the port infrastructure is equal to about 7 million square meters, which can
be accessed through various access points placed at the main traffic rout.

Boundaries of the Port of Genoa

Although it has about 20 miles of coastline, and 7 million square meters dedicated to port
activities, the port of Genoa needs logistical and infrastructural reorganisations in order to acquire
new trades and get closer to the market share that, ideally, would be in the range of reachability
for a port situated in such a position in the Mediterranean basin.
To penalize operability and efficiency is mainly the port territory. Liguria, "squeezed" between the
sea and the Apennine mountains, is avid of plain areas, where carrying out any type of
infrastructure is complex and costly.
The main feature of the port of Genoa lies in being "in the city", this causes that the road linking
infrastructures related to port Gates flow directly into urban arteries, where they generate a
promiscuity between freight flows of port matrix and urban flows, both private and public. There
are three main functional components around which the multiplicity of port activities may be

• areas dedicated to commercial traffic ( containers, bulk carrier liquid/solid, conventional
freight ), located in the area of Sampierdarena and Voltri;
• industrial areas ( steel, oil terminal, construction and ship conversion ) located to the East and
West of the port area;
• areas dedicated to passenger traffic ( ferries and cruises ) in the historic port area; accordingly
as an unstable system, characterized by frequent congestion.

1.1 The Maritime-Port Genoese Cluster and the Space Governance

Over the last thirty years the ports have experienced exponential growth in productivity, which led
to a relocation of industrial activities on a global scale and geographical upheaval in markets. The
phenomenon has been accompanied by a systematic growth of competition between ports,
caused by the reduction of transport costs, eroding the geographical protection up to the creation
of port hinterland.
However over the last thirty years, productivity, trade and increasing market shares have not
secured a proportional increase in the value added and macroeconomic benefits arising from the
existence of the port, especially at local level. There has been a gradual weakening of relationships
between port and land, and more specifically between port production system and socio-
economic system of the province of Genoa, thus leading to the phenomenon known as
demaritimisation: according to this theory the system faces an economic downturn as maritime
port functions-until you get to a loss of character and of the "port manufacturing culture".
This situation is not attributable solely to the Genoese structure but to the entire national Italian
panorama which has seen, in alternating fashion:

• a depletion of the marine port-industry;

• lower investments;
• loss of priority ranking in political choices;
• repositioning of available resources/factors of the local system, towards other sectors deemed
more strategic for the regional development.

In parallel to this situation, facing the technology and organizational transformation, the port
industry, transport and logistics, led centrally by the Ministry of infrastructure and transport and
localy by the port authorities, has made accurate investment in the territory as a "space" by
increasing control over transportation cycles and industrial logistics. The study of the port logistics
cluster genoese has highlighted the need to pursue not only port management strategies who may
increase the effectiveness for the benefit of their users, but also keeping in mind the
characteristics relevant to the local economy in terms of use/remuneration of inputs and creating
added value at local level.
It is in this perspective that is taking on, the theme of ‘’port governance", understood as a set of
interactions between subjects that give rise to particular choices of the Government. The Genoese
cluster must be addressed focussing on the space understood as "scarce public resource"
susceptible to alternative uses, but at the same time a critical factor of success for the port and
even a fundamental condition to generate and withhold income. Out from the study of the
Genoese port logistics cluster, there were two significant results, which can be extended to
territorial strategies of port cities:
1) the choice of policies vocated to the strengthening of the cluster as a possible territorial
strategy aimed at economic growth, tied to the port industry, targeting the retainment of
knowledge intensive management activities ( organisation of logistic, forwarding, brokerage,
trade, telecommunications, marketing, promotion, research, governance ) which lay an emphasis
on trucking and logistics culture, on subsequent research and development activities, learning
capacity and introduction of innovative processes, rather than mere execution of highly

standardized operating procedures, although now highly specialized and eventually capital-
2) the possible role of regional authorities, in a strategy of strengthening and consolidating
the port logistics cluster, turning the port into a system that is able to orchestrate a network of
activities by linking them to the territory according to precise logical functionalities.

1.2 The commercial port

Presentation of Terminal Concessionaires

In its commercial aspect, the port of Genoa has obviously inside areas intended for handling and
sorting activities. In addition to dedicated container terminals there are locations, structures and
spaces used for port operations related to the movement and storage of cargo ( food and non-
food products ), the handling and storage of liquid bulk cargo ( chemicals and food ). Related
indeed to the container terminal, in their immediate surroundings were born a series of depots on
and off docks intended for storage and repair. This work provides a brief summary of the terminals
of the port of Genoa and a focus on the four major container terminal showing technical

Container Terminals


1. Voltri Terminal Europa S.p.A. – VTE / Prà Distripark Europa S.p.A. PDE
Voltri Terminal Europa, under the direction of the group where Singapore-based PSA
International's owns majority as shareholder, has handled more than one million TEU in 2011.
Thanks to its strategic position on the open sea, with a waterdepth of 15 metres and 1200 meters
of port front line divided into 5 modules, the terminal can accommodate four full-container ships
simultaneously and ro-ro vessels. VTE is equipped with 8 post-panamax cranes, 2 super post-
panamax cranes, 23 RTG’s and 3 RMC. The port is connected to the Voltri Distripark structure,
managed by Pra Distripark, a member of the Group, allowing 20,000 square meters of storage area
by providing a range of services for operators. The VTE moves nearly 60% of the total
containerized traffic handled by the port of Genoa. About 8% of containers are transshipped, the
remainder is moved 15% by rail and 77% by road, with a turnover of about 4,000 trains and
500.000 trucks yearly.

2. Porto Petroli di Genova S.p.A.

Porto Petroli di Genova is extended over a total area of 345,000 sq m ( including sea surface ). The
Terminal features both ground structures and offshore facilties. It offers 4 385 meters of jetties
and Wharf which can accommodate 10 ships simultaneously up to 130,000 dwt. The off-shore
facilites include a discharge platform connected to the shore by a pipeline allowing to discharge
crude carriers up to 500,000 DWT.

3. SECH - Terminal Contenitori Porto di Genova S.p.A.

This Containerterminal where PSA owns a minority share, with a total area of more than 200,000
square meters was originally planned to accommodate vessels with a capacity up to 5,500 TEUs.
The structure offers a quay line of 526 metres equipped with 4 post-panamax cranes and 1 super
post-panamax crane. The Terminal is designed to expand thanks to ongoing reclaiming of Calata
Bettolo, designed to double the current surface and the capacity per year. There are intensive
deepening works ongoing with the result of accommodating up to 10,000 TEU’s vessels on the
inner berth.

4. Ignazio Messina&C. S.p.A.

The Terminal is fully equipped to manage and store all commodities. The yard covers an area of
250,000 square meters, comprises 30,000 m2 of covered storage and managed in 2011 about
205,000 TEUs, 102,000 tons of general cargo and 23,445 linear metres of rolling cargo. The
Terminal is expected to grow by a further 63,000 square meters which will be reclaimed further
from adjacent Ronco and Canepa yards.

5. Terminal San Giorgio S.r.l.
St. George Terminal ( TSG ), where Gavio Spa holds the majority stake ranks as number one multi-
purpose Genoa terminals. The company operates in the port since 2006 and is able to handle the
full range of products, namely, containers, general cargo, project cargo, steel products, yachts and
ro-ro ships. The terminal covers a total surface area of about 80,000 square meters, with 600 feet
of mooring line.

6. Getoil S.r.l
Getoil S.r.l. covers a surface of 4,200 sq m and has 8 insulated and heated tanks for a total capacity
of 10,000 m3 used for storage of petroleum products, and 4 pipelines. The company operates in
the maritime trade of the bunker, import and marketing of fuel oil and bitumen.

7. Silomar S.p.A.
Silomar S.p.A is a terminal equipped for the handling and storage of vegetable oils and fats,
mineral oils and chemicals in bulk with a flashpoint above 65° c. The terminal covers 20,000 square
meters for a total capacity of 78,000 m3, and comprises 2 heating and 1 nitrogen distribution

8. SAAR Depositi Portuali S.p.A.

Located on an area of about 33,000 sqm, offers a total capacity of 85,000 m3 storage with
Sampierdarena oils, which has an additional 11,000 square meters with a storage capacity of
22,000 cubic metres, ranks as one of the leading groups in the Mediterranean dedicated to
discharge, storage and handling of liquid bulk cargo.

9. Rolcim S.p.A.
Daughter company of the Swiss group HOLCIM-ranks as one of the main Italian distributors and
shippers of cement. The terminal of Genova has 6 silos with a storage capacity of about 18,000

10. Genoa Metal Terminal S.r.l.

Genoa metal terminal Ltd., a member of the Steinweg group, a world leader in primary goods
logistics operates a 90,000 square meters terminal with LME and LIFFE approved warehouses. The
company is highly specialized in the handling, storage and transportation of non-ferrous metals,
scrap metal, steel alloy, chemicals, raw materials and Break-bulk metal commodities and offers a
full range of services in terms of maritime and inland transport. In 2007 GMT handled over
500.000 tons of cargo.

11. FO.RE.S.T. S.p.A.
Campostano group, is dedicated to discharge, manipulation and storage of forest products,
namely, wood pulp, kraft paper, wood. The Terminal covers an area of 16,500 sq m ( 8,500 sqm of
covered sheds ), and in 2007 the company moved 159,000 tons of cargo.

12. Gruppo Spinelli – Industrie Rebora

Genoa Port Terminal Industrie Rebora-Spinelli-Group covers a total surface area of 110,000 square
meters and can handle both cargo and containers, giving users the full range of integrated logistics
services. Considerable renovations such as a dedicated area to IMDG goods and reefer park are
due to be completed soon.

13. Terminal Frutta Genova S.r.l.

The terminal is dedicated to loading/unloading, store and handle perishable goods. The Terminal is
positioned as a logistic platform for fruit and non-ferrous metals, which serves not only the
internal market, but also central and Eastern Europe. The surface on which it is located is of
70,000 sq.m., with a cooling capacity of 13,400 pallets in a refrigerated area of 14,000 square

14. Terminal Rinfuse Italia S.p.A.

The company is highly specialized in bulk traffic ( coal, ores, iron and steel, pig iron, scrap, rock
salt, fertilizers, kaolin, sand, white powder ) and on the Italian territory is present in the ports of
Genoa, Marghera, Vado Ligure with a total traffic volume exceeding 7 million tons. In 2011 the
port facility of Genoa recorded a hit of 1,452,993-throughput. The Terminal operates 7 cranes and
covers a total area of 162,000 square metres, with a capacity of 60,000 sqm warehouse. The
company Euroports group, is a network within European ports that spans over several countries
including Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Finland, Bulgaria and Italy. Euroports management
team is based in Luxembourg and is primarily focused on achieving efficiencies and synergies
through a planned portfolio of activities. This activity is highly questioned under environmental
compatibility aspects.

1.3 Port of Genoa and the logistic node function

The port is considered since ever a source of exchanges and communication between States and
often different realities. The most widely accepted concept of port is the one describing it is a
maritime State asset destined for "public uses of the sea", ( national defense, sea transport, fishing
and other related activities ). In this regard, the Italian law, namely under article 4 of law 84 of
1994 stipulates that the Italian ports are to be divided into two categories. The first includes the

port areas that serve the military defense and State security, the second distinguishes three
classes based on the relevance of the Port ( 1st international class, 2nd class national, 3rd class
regional ). Article 4 provides, moreover, that the ports in the second category may also have
commercial, industrial function and passenger service, oil , tourism and fishing activities.
As a matter of fact the changes occurred e.g. the evolution of public uses of the sea and the crisis
of the traditional conception of the maritime domain, have caused that the port was no longer
considered a local issue, a place of transit, but took over the role of "market", center of services,
element of supply logistic, an integrated tile of a "system". The port of Genoa, particularly
favoured by its strategic geographic position and placed in the center of the important industrial
and commercial area of Northern Italy and Southern Europe, became a real node of a complex and
comprehensive logistics network, putting at service of users and goods, qualities of experience and
professionalism, which are determined by a centuries-old maritime tradition.
Over the past year, notwithstanding the economic crisis, the social confrontations of North Africa
and the Japanese disaster, trades have recorded a positive trend: today Genoa is the first Italian
port in terms of total cargo handling and is among the first Mediterranean ports of final
destination for containerized transport. It is always to emphasize, but this applies not only to our
port, but also to all national ports, that transshipment modality appears having a reduced appeal,
same applies to rail transport, and instead there is a constant growth of road haulage ( about 85%
of goods transported by road in our port ). Unfortunately, the result of this trend can only lead to
greater urban congestion and pollution.
The rapid increase of cargo traffic in the port of Genoa is no doubt linked to the fact of becoming a
reference point for major management company of port services on a global scale. Over 150
services connect Genoa to major ports around the world. The proximity to major centers of
industrial production and consumption in Italy ( Milan and Torino are only 150 km far ) and its
proximity to major industrial areas in Central Europe, as Basel ( Switzerland ), Munich ( Germany )
and Vienna ( Austria ), may make the Genoa port an ideal gateway to the South for maritime
traffic to and from Europe as well as the natural reference point for trade with the Far East.

The strategic position of Genoa and Ligury

These are good fundamentals but with the globalization of logistics industry, a serial number of
decisions consistent with the ongoing transformations in the maritime port sector were taken and,
especially, in the transport market. These decisions became guidelines to further develop the
economy and the territory.
The intensification of trading , through the transports, increases common wealth and economies
flourish when transport works efficiently. In a nutshell, the adopted measures to simplify and
speed up the multiple port operations, where concentrated in the enlargement of structures
dedicated to the accomodation of containers and conventional cargoes, the development of
intermodal networks to expand gradually the catchment area towards the industrial areas of
Europe and eventually the creation of appropriate intermodal centres. In this connection the
Genoa port undertook a project aimed at creating an "extended port", looking at the area of
Alessandria due to her central location in respect to motorway and rail axis linking Genoa and
markets in North Italy and southern Europe ( Switzerland, Bavaria ).
In this context, in recent years, there have been especially developed daily railway connections
with the Interporto of Rivalta Scrivia ( RTE ) located halfway from the mainroute Milan-Turin. The
Rivalta Europe Terminal, it is important to remember, is part of the telematic system port of
Genoa ( E-Port ), but it is connected, in cooperation with the National Association of Interports
( UIR-Net ), also with the Customs Agency, thus being able to anticipate customs procedures
related to loading/discharging and to facilitate, through tracking electronically goods, customs
clearance activities.
In the hinter-port a significant importance the distripark, i.e. the area dedicated to the interchange
of goods, which would serve originally mainly small and medium-sized industries. Consequently
with the development of maritime transport Genovese the distripark concept has evolved: today
is considered an advanced logistic platform, an area, i.e., located upstream from the port terminal
and integrated with an intermodal transport system, an area where added value can be given to
simple loading and discharging of containers.
Ultimately, the distripark, is the area where you can free manipulate goods taking advantage from
tariff relief, because "free area" or "free port" ( preferential customs rules ). From what has been
said so far, therefore, we can no longer regard the port as something foreign from the urban
context in which it is posed, but you have to think at it as a kind of proactive and dynamic reality,
whose boundaries become much wider, identify them with the boundaries of the borough
municipality or of those municipalities influenced by economic activities related to maritime trade.
With regard to land transport, rail and road, it is fair to say that it doesn't have a sufficient capacity
to cope with the traffic volumes handled by container shipping wherefore the non-rationalization
of flows would mean a total saturation of the infrastructure with a tendency to a progressive
paralysis. The northern European experience is emblematic: more than 50% of the containers
passing Rotterdam or Hamburg are destined to - or coming from - less than 50 km. far from the
port. This minimizes transport and makes compatible urban with shipping volumes.
Italy missed a single port of reference; indeed, until the second world war this role was covered by
Genoa and production was concentrated on the Northwest, Genoa failed however in the years to
make the dimensional leap forward and traffic fragmented over 8 ports in North Italy and others in

Northern Europe, resulting in a patchwork development on the land and exponential growth of
the mileage. Today our average distance departing or arriving from the ports is 250 km, which is 5
times as much as that of the ports of Northern Europe: consequently about 1.25 billion km are
driven in North Italy tours per year, mainly by road, which saturate the entire existing network.
The subdivision of traffic on different ports allowed so far to use the whole of highways of
Northern Italy; nowadays, however, all were saturated and the boomerang effect multiplies
mileage and pushes toward paralysis.
The presence of a dry port must be a kind of magnet to guide land use achieving the result, as in
Northern Europe, that more than 50% of the traffic moves from/to a radius less than today does.

1.4 The Trennial Operations Plan of the Porto di Genoa ( P.O.T.).

The three-year operational plan, port finance instrument, concerns the strategies of development
of port activities and interventions aimed at ensuring compliance with objectives in the port
master plan ( PRP ), is passed by the Port Committee and is subject to annual review. The three-
year operational plan 2012-2014 represents an important phase of planning and programming of
the activities of the Institution because if on the one hand coincides with the time horizon in which
interventions will be completed under the current Port master plan, on the other hand marks a
transition towards a new infrastructural development.
At the top this document gives an overview of market trends and prospects of development of
trade, in particular, after a macro economic framework overview, the various segments of traffic
( containerized traffic, conventional, liquid/solid bulk cargo, passenger handling ) are analyzed,
first with a description of what is the situation at European level, and then at Genoa’s. In the first
part is further analyzed what is the shipbuilding and ship repair sector, giving importance not only
to the market trend, but also to the prospects of development.
The second part describes the strategic lines for the period, in terms of planning of port works,
European policy in the port sector, social budget, logistics and rail transport, reorganization of port
operating cycle and environmental policy.
As regards the planning of port works, it describes the reprogramming of the works for this year,
the schedule for the three-year period and, finally, the activities preparatory to drafting of new
Port master plan, including the filling of calata Bettolo. The area Calata Bettolo is a multipurpose
infrastructure with different uses: container terminal, bulk food storage, bunkering depots and
ecological services. Filling Calata Bettolo is an expansion and reorganization of the entire multi-
purpose area, developing the terminal capacity in terms of available docks and areas and
warehouses for the goods.
The objectives of the work are: create spaces suitable to satisfy the growth of containerized traffic;
rationalise and strengthen existing functions of the poles and of bunkering; create a new
ecological platform for port waste management.

The new Calata Bettolo Project

It is further more stressed the port authority's role towards the European policy. We refer to some
of the projects that we will cover in this second chapter of the work in which MOS 24 and Genoa
Fast Corridor see Genoa among the protagonists.
After a quick stint on the social report, which was launched in 2010 and is now next to completion,
culminaties in three paragraphs of considerable importance concerning precisely what underlies
decisions for programs being implemented and, moreover, being precisely the topics to which we
refer in our work and that we consider worth of major importance for the development of Genoa
and beyond.
Which are the programs for the inner harbour, where logistics and rail transport play a pivotal
role; the reorganization of the port operating cycle, where we talk about the one-stop shop; and
finally there is the attention to the environmental policy, which is taking on increasing importance,
of course, whereto we have added the green port and cross reference to the PEAP ( Port
Environmental energy plan ).

1.5 Integration of IT technology and port reality

As was explained in the previous paragraph, the port and the wider area of Genoa is an actor in
the physical distribution of goods, absolving to a "nodal function". The latter can be summarized

• services given to loading units ( consolidation, control, maintenance, repair );

• services given to carriers/hauliers ( transfer from ship modules to train/truck, technical
assistance for the Organization of combined transport );
• services to transport cycles ( computing, business assistance, documentation ).

Cargo-handling has always been accompanied by a massive flow of documents and information.
With the introduction of container and with the growth of international trade, the need to use and
exchange information quickly, securely and at low cost, took a decisive role in determining the
competitiveness of a call.
Particularly over the last decade, productivity was affected by periods of rapid development of the
terminal, one of the major factors was the development of information technology. Electronics
applied to communication has allowed the development of quite some number of applications,
among which the Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ), which enables data transfer without further
interpretations or human involvement, because such communications is computer-to-computer.
The spreading of EDI technology in the field of transport is to correlate with a number of factors,
among which we highlight:
• the relative ease of development and use of EDI, which relies essentially on existing
technologies, such as information technology and telecommunications combining radio and
• the significant reduction in the cost of hardware and software, and their subsequent wider
spread at large user groups of the transport sector;
• technological development of telecommunications and the capillarization of the networks;
• the globalization of markets and orientation of production processes towards the just-in-time
and, in General, towards the rapid acquisition/distribution of goods;
• the strong dependency of any acceleration of operations project on the availability of
documents and information in a timely fashion or in real time and their accepted
standardization ( ISO/SMDG ).

Through the port EDI interchange it became possible sharing internal and performing B2B
information exchanges based on standard form elements through computers. That way a targeted
dissemination of data can be processed by multiple users. The Carrier and the Shipper, along with
the other port operators companies and public sector, such as customs, may communicate by
interacting quickly and in a very detailed and accurate way. As a result all services to cargoes, from
collection to distribution, and to carriers can be arranged in the most effective and efficient
In the import-export trade, EDI systems have led to specific results: rapid preparation and
completion of documentation and troubleshooting of possible bottlenecks and documentary
inadequacies to deal with and solve them in real time. Errors have been eliminated, handling
operations streamlined , accelerated transfers of more consignments. Incidentally, it can be said
that there is a direct causal link between the intensification of electronic contents in the treatment
of information and qualitative/quantitative traffic increase particularly of containerized goods.
There are estimations that EDI systems have contributed to port efficiency by a comfortable 20-
25%. The choice of the IT system capable to program operations has been a delicate and difficult
one because it had to involve a global number of subjects.

1.6 Role of the port authority and it systems

With the introduction of law 84/94 it was provided to create inside ports, Port Authorities. The
latter is an institution shall have legal personality under public law operating in its territorial given
area and under the supervision of the Ministry of infrastructure and transport. The tasks that the
port authority does cover are the address, scheduling, coordination, promotion and control of port
operations and commercial and industrial activities carried out in ports, with powers of regulation
and Ordinance. The port authority can carry out routine and special maintenance of the common
parts within port boundaries.
Also outsources and controls the supply of activities aimed at provision of services to port users.
The tools that allow the port authority a programmed and planned management of the port are
the three-year operational plan ( POT ) and the Port master plan ( PRP ). The POT determines the
development strategy of Port activity. The second ( PRP ) designs in detail the assignment of each
port area.
As far as the port of Genoa, just to cope with the increase of trade that has been registered in
recent years and the need to absorb organisational stress of such a complex port system, the Port
Authority of Genoa has implemented a thorough reorganization of the port processes based, but
not only, on the deployment of new technology infrastructure. The port authority has experienced
innovative work on the Genoese node, focusing particularly on transport management, trying to
achieve the broader coordination and greater integration of all available information forming part
of the most significant national projects already operational or under construction.
The results achieved in recent years by the port authority and the representative associations of
operators in the field, allow to earmark the expected intervention programs as high skilled,
capable to attract investment in the Genoese logistic node not only from industry interested in
developing expertise in logistics, but also from science and research fields.
The investments, were certainly possible, via resources made available by the Industry programme
2015, but also through the close cooperation with the National Association of Interports (UIR-Net),
entrusted by the Ministry of transport, in accordance with 2004/L.311 note with the construction
of the platform for the management of national logistics network.
UIRNet, had as a scope the realization of an integrated logistics platform, owned by the State,
dealing with the management of national logistics network with the aim of ensuring the
connections between the different modal interchange nodes, thus improving the fluidity, the
reliability and security of transportation of goods. UIR-NET works by interacting with the Genoese
port telematics system ( E-port ) with the aim of coordinating the truck traffic present on our
roads ( about 4 thousand trucks daily gravitating over the port ).
The interaction between the two systems ( E-port and UIR-net ), allows to compare and combine
all information related to the position of trucks approaching Genoa, acquired by UIRNet platform,
with any information related to documents of goods transported or to be transported, acquired by
E-Port, allowing you to intervene quickly and to manage, in the best way, any particularly
problematic situations that often come to stand in the vicinity of port infrastructure.

This makes possible to inform, in advance, the vendors of the imminent arrival of cargo and, in the
event of any problems, propose in a short time how to resolve operational hiccups. UIRNet,
through special emergency information acquired by E-port, can send messages to drivers in a
timely manner, telling them, for example, the alternative routing for better access to gates, or can
provide detailed information about the availability of parking areas. Information in possession of
UIR-NET can reach trucks, when they still are just 150 km far from the port of Genoa: in this way,
the warning may reach the driver about two hours in advance. The areas affected by the coverage
of the UIR-NET platform Ligury are highlighted in the figure below.

Coverage of the UIRNET platform related to the Port of Genoa

The mentioned IT systems have the purpose to integrate the TEN-T networks in which the port of
Genoa took an important coordinating role for activities of technological enhancement to be
developed under the 24 Corridor.
The project aims to integrate all the different public and private systems, which concur to define
the system of data and information altogether circulating. This in order to develop specific
functions of co-modality to be available to users operating in the logistics chain, as a function of
increased availability and use of intermodal transport and Motorways Of the Seas.
Motorways of the Seas, as very well known, are alternative transport modalities to road and
represent the major opportunity of shifting cargo modality.
A truck driver, instead of crossing Italy from North to South or vice versa, can embark on one of
the many shipping lines that create the framework of the Motorways Of the Sea and reach
destination avoiding traffic, fatigue, pollution and consumption of the vehicle.
It is necessary to remember that the Government has set up a system of economic reimbursement
up to 30% of the cost of the tickets to drivers choosing the motorways of the sea ( Ecobonus ). In

spite of this, as from 2002 to date, despite various assignments were set ( 50 million euros in 2008
and 77 million put into the 2011 household budget ), the motorways of the sea have recorded an
increase of traffic far too limited.

Italian Motorways of the Seas

In this context, trying to improve as much as possible the long-standing situation of transportation
the Government, in January 2011, unveiled the New National Logistics Plan, on the basis of the
2006, but renewed. "In the new National Plan we nominate 47 times the word port, just to
demonstrate the importance given to this sector. What is good for the ports is also good for the
country". In the new plan the hinterland Genova-Ligury plays a key role and, before being
presented, the fundamental suggestions by port authority, shippers, terminal operators, National
Institutions and local government bodies were taken in account.
The challenge that Genoa has to face now is killing the turn around time of entry and paramount
of exit of cargo carrying vehicles from the port.
The subject of innovation and of technology, in support of Genoa's port system is undoubtedly the
paved road to pursue thus it shall be possible to improve timing and working methods of all
stakeholders in the supply chain.
Since 2003, the year of the start of the collaboration between the authorities and associations of
port operators, important goals have been achieved in the area of computerization of port
practices, which made the port of Genoa competitive at European level, with the main ports of the
North Range.
As an example in 2009, in the container sector alone, for about 1.5 million TEUs handled were
submitted more than 2.5 million customs declarations electronically and coordinated through the
telematics system, nearly 10 million overall data ( commercial, operational and customs ). In

addition, there are more than 3500 daily operations relevant to support input and output
operations of port terminals passing through the telematic system.
The operators widely recognized that such results led to minor conflicts in relationships, greater
reliability and security of port components and, consequently, better qualification of professional
The general IT reorganization of the port and the role that the port authority exercises, aims to
address the relationships between the various operational components toward shared goals of
competitiveness, reliability and safety of the cycle. So technology has become a strategic support
to increase the quality of services offered by the port and also serving to absorb organizational
stress situations. Confronted with a more complex reality the Autorità Portuale di Genova and
operators' associations have felt having to respond with more innovative systems of governance.
For example by setting up a Permanent Technical Committee, which has the task of supporting the
work of the port authority in the consolidation of the telematics system by interfacing the system
with other existing systems; to this end it was also further strengthened the collaboration with the
Customs Agency, supporting the new telematic development processes of the customs
administration, and encouraging a constant exchange of experience between operators and public
administrations in order to facilitate technological innovation processes imposed by the European
The Coast Guard had the role of facilitating the integration of the electronic system of the port of
Genoa ( E-port ) and VTS.
The Guardia di Finanza already work directly with E-port applications at customs gates performing
functions of controlling transit traffic flows. In the basin of Voltri, for example, the operations of
control of the vehicle, are reduced to keying in the fleet number of the container in transit, its
documentation and the subsequent authorisation on exit.

In this regard, the port of Genoa has represented exactly due to its size, articulation, lines of
development, a testing ground particularly qualified and the road transport sector has certainly
represented, as has already been pointed out, a soil particularly responsive in measuring the
effects of the work of reorganization and computerization.
With the digitalized E-port system comes clear the scope of gradually dematerializing most of
documents pertaining to the operating cycle, being working phases still too much conditioned by
the paper element and, consequently, achieving greater simplification and fluidization of traffic.

1.6.1 Focus on E-Port: the IT system of the port of Genoa

E-Port was started in 2004 on initiative of Genoa port authority, in agreement with the
Associations of Ship’s Agents ‘Assagenti’, Forwarders, ‘Spediporto’, Customs District of Genoa, the
command of the Guardia di Finanza and Vte terminal. It was developed by Elsag Datamat and
Telematic Hub, dealing with spreading computer assisted and telematic services in logistics, locally
and nationally. Hub Telematica is the heart of call centers, while Elsag is the center of the

infrastructure and of the entire system. The call centre Hub of Telematics is the de facto call
center for E-port and monitors electronic procedures, incomplete documents , troubleshoots and
report any abnormality of the system.
The Call center of E-port interfaces with a second level call center, staffed by operational
technicians, operational 24/7. There is also a systems call center at third level, which deals with
restoring the system infrastructure and troubleshooting the connections, networks, equipment
and so on. With the E-port project, from 2004 the port authority has entrusted the task to Hub-
Telematica to design the first phase of digitalization of the port of Genoa and, in particular, that of
the import cycle documents. The first objective of the system was, as mentioned above, reorder
the exit of the containers in the port basin of Voltri. The project was presented in 2005, approved
by the port authority and came into operation in May of the same year.
The key points identified in terms of achievements, may be summarized as follows:
1. certain predefined Times for carrying out the import traffic operations;
2. an exponential reduction of time saved in the gate out cycle of heavy load vehicles;
3. a general improvement in the level of sustainability of production and working pattern of the
various operators involved in the cycle;
4. a "physical" increase in the number of lanes as a result of remotely controlled procedures
previously performed manually. The following flowcharts highlights documents and operators
involved in import and export processes with the support of the telematics system E-port.

By this action started the full review, in line with the new customs regulations ( Reg. EC 1875/2006
with effect from January 1, 2011 ) of ways of presenting Export Cargo Manifest ( whereas in Genoa
the IMPORT CARGO Manifest since long time was supportes by telematic infrastructures ). During
the 2008 E-port system has been developed to the production of information necessary for the
compilation of the MMP and connecting with trucking companies for completing the notice of

arrival for import export. The Export Cargo Manifest allows to speed up and simplify the
operations related to the "Exit Visa". Therefore this document summarizing all goods loaded in the
port of Genoa for a given ship is , no longer presented in paper form to the Customs Agency, but
through the E-port system and dedicated service centres. The E-port project, from January 2010,
did another step ahead. The E-delivery of the ‘delivery orders’ previously handed over in paper to
the gates. The delivery order is the document by which the driver collects the goods at import port
after discharge. The "delivery order" as paper document was issued by the shipping agent and
delivered to the forwarding agent, who in turn turned him physically to the truck driver. Since
2010 these steps are dematerialized and performed remotely, speeding up procedures for delivery
of goods avoiding queing up at Gates of trucks: maritime agencies send delivery orders as
electronic vouchers at E-port system, which forwards them to gate and forwarder for appropriate
interventions. The electronic management system of delivery vouchers facilitates remittance in
terms. In other words the delivery coupon has an expiry date by which the driver must present
himself at the gate for pickup. In case of delay ( storage/detention occurring ) the delivery order
must be put back in terms by ship’s agent – through the collection of dues - and given back
eventually to receiver or forwarder. This procedure caused waiting times and frictions among
driver/terminal gate/receivers/ship’s agents.
Whenever the driver showed up late at the gate the forwarder was obliged to perform a physical
move to the ship’s agent premises to pay normally small fees and returning the physically
corrected delivery order to the driver, waiting in the queue.
Now the delivery order is transmitted as an electronic order and the forwarder has available an
escrow account. The forwarder enters the new delivery order with a new date of validity and
provides it to the driver and the terminal gate. This way the win-win factor of E-port was
represented by the capacity to interlace in a fast, affordable and secure way all partners and
technological assets operating in the port of Genoa.
In particular, the port authority and the Maritime Authorities ( Coast Guard ) are watching with
great attention to the integration with the various components of the VTS to ensure, in terms of
information management "sea side" borne, a systematic openness in relation to specific
operational needs of the port community and consequently access to all relevant information, for
an optimal integration with the documentary cycle "land side".
The stakeholders of port operations integrated within the system are Forwarders, Shipping agents,
Terminals and Trucking companies. Within E-Port they are represented by several trade

• the Association of freight forwarders and Couriers;

• the Genoese customs brokers association;
• the Departmental Council of customs brokers;
• the Association of Ship’s agents and ship’s brokers;
• the Maritime Terminal Operators, Section of Confindustria Genova;
• the various trade union components for the Trucking.

The various associations, like the institutions involved, play a key role by providing their expertise
and experience and promotional support necessary for a complex system like E-port.
Here a highlight of the role and responsibilities that the different categories of operators have
within the E-port system.

The Ship Agent

• Compiles and transmits the Import cargo manifest ( MMA )

• Compiles and transmits the export cargo manifest ( MMP )

The Terminal

• Sends messages of gate in and gate out

• Conveys acceptance, or refusal of loading orders
• Broadcasts each evening a gate out summary
• Transmits messages of gate in
• Enters ship’s opening and closing dates
• Enters loading confirmation or ‘hold’ orders
• Receives loading lists
• Receives discharging list
• Transmits loading in E-Port

The Ship’s Agent ( or Carrier )

• Transfers to the system the Delivery orders and subsequent changes

• Enters in the system the ship’s voyage
• Enters discharging orders in the system
• Enters loading lists

The Custom’s broker

• Performs and keys in customs declarations

• Links Customs declarations to Delivery orders and forwards via E-Port re loading orders
• Tranfers via E-Port loading orders linked to customs declarations issued in Genoa and
inland custom
• Includes port dues to customs declarations issued in internal customs offices

The Terminal Gate clerk

• Checks and releases the import container to the driver
• Troubleshoots errors and links with Forwarder, Call center and driver
• Liaise with Guardia di Finanza for the check of documentary papers

• Stops release of cargo in case of inoperation of the terminal ( eg bad weather )
• Checks and keys in entry data of drivers
• Performs check of IMDG authorization to discharge

Road Haulier

• To perform a pick up delivers transport order to gate clerk and receives road documents
• Checks Via E-Port if container is free for release, sends prearrival ( driver name/plate ) to
gate clerk to initiate security checks.

Documents involved in IMPORT cycle:

• Delivery Order ( Ship’s Agent )

• Customs declaration ( Custom Broker )
• Release in Terms ( Association of Ship’s Agent )
• Daily gate out ( Terminal )

Stake holders:

Ship’s Agent

• Enters E-delivery order or E-amendment releasing cargo to Forwarder/Receiver

Custom’s Broker
• Performs and enters Customs clearance
• Links customs clearance to delivery orders and forwards pick up bookings to gate via E-port

Associations of Forwarders and Ship’s Agents

• If delivery orders’ validity expire jointly put in terms the document in real time

The Terminal
• Retrieve from E-Port prenotice of pick up and revalidated delivery orders. Enters
concurrence or stops delivery. Enters gate out daily.

The gate clerk

• Checks validity of pick up booking e registers driver and plate

Call center of 1st and 2nd level

• Monitors the system, users help-desk, actively checks with operators in case of failures

1.6.2 Focus on UIRNet: the logistic platform for the hauling industry

UIR-NET is a stock company founded in 2005 by a group of Interport Companies, with the task to
design and construct a logistics platform to enable the interconnection of modal interchange
nodes in order to improve the efficiency and safety of transport throughout the country. The
platform is based on open and modular info-telematic solutions and is geared to manage logistics
processes and freight transport in order to achieve a system network through the interaction
between the elements of the production chain ( production – transport – logistic ).
UIR-net network system involves a broad community of stakeholders including:
• institutions, which will have beneficial effects generated by increased safety and
transportation efficiency;
• nodes and infrastructure managers: managers of Interports, ports, logistic centres and logistic
• road hauliers ( owner-operators, SMES, large companies, which carry out transport services
both nationally and internationally );
• logistics companies;
• industry providers.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport stays behind of the project, and in addition to the
specific objectives of the initiative which are defined by Ministerial Decree 18T of 2005 and by a
subsequent Convention, has proposed for UIR-NET the role of extended electronical arm of the
Department of land transport and intermodal transport. Also under the auspices of the Ministry
being developed an agreement with the Central Committee of road haulage for the integration
between the UIR-NET Platform and an intelligent system of access to border crossings gates.
The partnership between the Group Finmeccanica and UIRNet allows easy integration with other
systems for maritime traffic, port activities ( e.g. E-port system for Genoa port authority, and the
VTS – Vessel Traffic Service ) and for the control of dangerous goods and hazardous wastes.
SLALA Foundation today ( North West logistics system of Italy ), FAI ( Italian Haulage Federation )
and Confartigianato Transport are supporting the UIR-NET project, proposing a series of territorial
cooperation initiatives. Even the regions have expressed interest to participate to Regional
Dispatcher in order to implement the macro-logistical areas provided for the plan for logistics. In
this context, different regions are in favour of financing the initiative by European funds and
integrate projects and allocate resources for innovation of the territorial system of logistics and
In March 2009, UIR-NET has signed an agreement with the Customs Agency, aimed at setting up a
system for the monitoring of transport and movement of goods wherever Customs operation will
be performed during the execution of the transport and/or on transfer between two logistics
platforms ( Ports/Hinland Terminal ) with the utilization and control of electronic seal.
To do this, it was created a workgroup UIR-NET-Customs to build up a demonstrator between the
port of Genoa and the Interporto Rivalta Scrivia with RFId Technologies and OCR readers of license
plates and identification of containers. This will be installed at the entrance/exit of the road and

gates whilst only RFId readers at the entrance/exit of railway gates. UIR-NET also will ensure
continuous monitoring of vehicles along the route of origin/destination and transfer between
nodes, and shall provide management of logistic information related to three key components
( seal, license plate, alpha prefix and container number ), to be sent to the Customs in order to
receive authorizations- where necessary - for gate in and gate out.
This experimentation and subsequent dissemination throughout the country will facilitate customs
clearance, accelerate transport operations, creating – among other things – the conditions for the
development of "extended port" which altogether will induce reasonable benefits to
transportation and logistical components of our country.
UIR-NET has also signed an agreement with the Port Authority of Genova, to handle the info-
telematic interchange of business and customs information in order to improve access/exit of
vehicles/freight from the port with the scope to provide fluidification of traffic
unloading/reloading vehicle. The system thanks to monitoring running vehicles, provides
information to terminal operators on the time table of arrival of vehicles, communicate to drivers
the presence of loading/unloading orders, communicate to them the operational status of the
terminal and in case of blockage of the port activity provide information for the deviation of
means themselves into Parkings and/or other operational centers for unloading and reloading of
Initially these services will be provided:

• SMART TRUCK which allows hauliers an easy travel planning and monitoring of the operational
situation. It also allows to interact with the drivers and logistics centers connected to UIR-NET,
but also to prevent and handle emergency situations. The advantage is an optimization of
global flows, through more efficient management of the individual resources and operations.

• CONTROL TOWER which allows a node to have information, accurate and close to real time,
related to vehicles travelling towards it. For each incoming truck the Inbox node may know its
time of arrival (ETA), may receive warnings about the road conditions that impact on ETA and
can obtain beforehand cargo documentation (if entered by the haulier). The node can also
communicate to incoming drivers its ability to instantly receive or unavailability in receiving
them (e.g. for lacking documentation), allowing them a rescheduling of the journey. Its
benefits are integration of nodes with trucking fleets and more efficient management of
logistics nodes, achieving a more regulated stream of vehicles.

• BOOKING represents an extension of Control tower, and enables haulier organizations and
disponents to book access to a number of services. You will then have a clear reduction in
waiting times with the booking of arrival trucks for loading and unloading of goods and an
easier search for travel services.

• DANGEROUS GOODS: an extension of Smartruck which adds to it a powerful tool of control of

dangerous goods documentation.

• FREIGHT TAXI which enables a transport supplier ( with available cargo space ) or shipper ( who
has the goods to be shipped ) to secure more business opportunities. With Freight Taxi
companies offer a selection of available capacities and means of loading and can load
shipments in a timely manner. This will be an increase in the rate of saturation of resources
and a reduction in empty journeys, achieving a great efficiency in meeting supply and demand.

To date, these modules have passed the first two tests at MIT ( Ministry of infrastructure and
transport ) and first tests started in Genoa.


The last decades have been characterized by a wide diffusion of information and communication
technologies, which have had a strong impact in all areas of life. In this context, Public
Administrations national and european, have entered as promoters of what has been called the
information society.
The customs sector has seen many community interventions aimed to the promotion and
development of a modern system of trading goods and services, fast and safe, to allow the
European Union to become hopefully the most dynamic economy and more competitive in the
world already by 2010, in accordance with the Lisbon strategy.
We moved then from a national administration heavily bureaucratic and slow to a Community
administration that does not eliminate the prerogative of individual States but ensure that the
single market can really become such without internal barriers, through the use of
communications technology and information technology, as far as protection and safety of data.
The mission is to find the balance between efficient controls and rapidity of trade. The main
purpose is to create computerized customs clearance processes and a modernization of customs
procedure through a simplification of controls. In the paragraphs below will be made a
presentation of the Italian customs system still judged yet one of the bottlenecks of the national

2.1 Customs agency

The Customs Agency depends from the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Department for fiscal
policies and is a public body with legal personality. The top structure is articulated:

o Head of Structure / Central Directorate

o Regional Structure
o Regional Districts constituded by
-Customs (Customs Offices)
-Finance Technical Offices (UTF)
-Customs chemical labs

Custom Controls are associated with arrival and departure of ships.

In the case of exit of the goods from the Customs territory, it has the task of checking that the
products are free for export, not subject to specific constraints or preventive authorisation by
other bodies ( e.g. the export of works of art subject to consent by the Ministry for Cultural

With the collaboration of the customs broker, the Agency releases to the exporting company
( shipper ) the so-called customs declaration, namely the confirmation of the correctness of the
In case of arrival of goods from abroad, the customs, in addition to regular traffic control, is
responsible for the collection of customs duty. After cataloguing of goods according to the
customs tariff, they first check if goods are free from EU import quotas, if any import license is
necessary, or if this importation is prohibited completely. The second step is to calculate duty, if
any, to which goods may be subject.
The customs territory is circumscribed by the maritime Customs line, formed from by the sea limit:
but seawaters are within the Customs line. Customs territory are as well so-called internal waters
and the territorial sea, exception made for the use and consumption of machinery, materials and
other products used or consumed at sea in the performance of particular activities.
Shall be treated as tax-free territories, although situated within the customs territory, the so-
called free trade zones, which include the ports and free warehouses. These areas are subject to a
special customs regime, allowing to perform, free of any constraint, customs operations relating to
loading, discharging and transfer of materials and goods on their warehouses and their trading,
manipulation and transformation. Even in those areas, however, the customs officials and tax
police officers can access and run investigations on goods deposited and inspect the commercial
The ship's captain, upon arrival, shall provide to the Customs the so called cargo manifest. At
departure must submit to customs, to the endorsement, the so-called departure manifest. Any
ship cannot leave without the written permission of customs and of the port authority.

2.2 The guardia di finanza ( finance police )

The Guardia di Finanza is a special police Body dependent from the Ministry of economy and
finance and provides monitoring and protection of the interests of the State at national borders
and at all customs points of free zones and inland Customs, as well as at ports and airports and
extends its institutional function in partnership and in support of the controls exercised by
customs. It is the oldest Police Body of Italy.
A special Department of the G.d.F., called "Finanza Mare" will board upon arrival of ships to check
in detail the of quantity of goods of monopoly ( liquor and cigarettes ) on board, the evidence
found from the manifest of departure from previous Italian port of call. Goods of monopoly are
placed under seal during the stay in port and can be used just after the start.

2.3 Maritime health

If the ship arrives directly from a foreign port, the ship’s agent is obliged to notify the Office of
Maritime Health, who has to check that there are no cases of contagious diseases. The assessment

can also be done via radio, according to statements by the Captain. In case of doubt, however, the
Maritime health officials are the first to board and if no existence of cases of contagious diseases is
found, allow the free circulation, i.e. permission to go ashore and boarding.
The granting of "free pratique" is a paramount fact in the maritime contracts, since it establishes,
for contracts of hire, or charter parties, the time at which the ship can be regarded in all respects
operational and at the same time by the acceptance of readiness letter ( notice of readiness lent ),
presented by the Captain, and accepted by the agent, start counting demurrage.
Maritime Health Office also carries out the control over foodstuffs intended for landing and meant
for import into Italy and/or other EU country, ensuring that quality and packaging are conform to
the regulations.
In doubtful cases, the Office will be analyzing product samples from the provincial Office of
hygiene and prophylaxis.

2.4 Certification bodies

Many goods in transit through the maritime ports are subject to their intrinsic nature to the most
various controls and certification by official bodies internationally recognized.

• In particular: meat, livestock, frozen fish and similars must obtain from the Provincial
Veterinary Office a certificate attesting to the absence of contamination by pathogens,
approved for use in human nutrition.
• In some cases are prompted laboratory analysis of hygiene and prophylaxis ( e.g. in case of
importation of frozen meat for the ascertainment of the presence of salmonella ).
• In case of coffee imports a "quality certification" by the specialized laboratory of the Chamber
of Commerce may be required.
• Vegetables, fiber and wood with bark must obtain a certificate from the competent
phytopathological Observatory for plant diseases certifying the absence of pests harmful to
environmental health.
• In the case of importation of fresh fruit, the Office of the Institute for foreign trade ( I.C.E ) will
examine the quality and caliber of fruits to show compliance with the Purchase Declaration.
• Or By G.d.F., in the case of ships carrying scrap metal ingots, cargo will be analyzed to ensure
that it is radioactivity free: the discharging can only start after obtaining certificate of
compliance. This is not feasible with containerized cargo which is obviously screened after

In conclusion it can be said that the vast amount of information passing inside a port terminal and
the number of stakeholders involved highlight the importance to use appropriate computer media
to manage it.

2.5 AIDA - Integrated automation customs excise duties

AIDA is the information system of the Customs Agency, built and evolved over the years, which
today represents the state of the art of Community customs systems. The system provides on-line
customs clearance wherein controls are integrated and transmits to entities both national and
community administrations the information contained in the customs documents.

AIDA was created through:

• a parallel process of "telematization" and business process re-engineering of services and
related activities to shape them according to the needs and opportunities of ICT related
• interventions and solutions within the framework of e-Government by interacting systems of
entities involved ( on-line control of the documentation attached to the customs declaration –
unification of controls – single-window approach );
• training/information online;
• generalized electronic access to services and information.

Aida handles in real-time, every year, more than 10 million customs declarations. Quality and
quantity of goods, value, mode of transport, countries of origin and destination, are some of the
captured data then used for monitoring and analysis of trade flows. These data are then
transmitted over the network to other interested bodies such as the National Institute of Statistics
or State Accounting. With a chance at last to have digitally signed electronic document, in lieu of
many paper documents.
The system supports electronic customs clearance of goods and allows you to connect with
traders and businesses, other Governments, in full compliance with the European directives.


Integration with customs systems of all other member states

High level of availability, effiiciency and efficacy

Conncts users via secure connections

Real time operation

Provides indispensable help with customs offices:

• reduction of the time required for customs clearance

• reduction of storage of goods at customs
• online transaction processing for all customs procedures.

In order to protect the safety of citizens, national and Community budgets, the legitimate trade
and fovour competition of enterprises, the system has therefore the goal to find the balance
between speed and the effectiveness of controls, by integrating within it also the risk analysis
modules to fight fraud and counterfeiting of goods.
The service enables economic operators to submit electronically documents and declarations ,

• import/export declarations;
• transit declarations;
• summary statements of national and intra-Community sales processes;
• summary statements of arrival and departure of goods by sea and by air;
• statements of electricity consumption;
• natural gas consumption declarations;
• declarations of provisions to hauliers;
• summary declarations by customs approved deposits ( oil/ gasoline /spirits ) of accounting.

Pursuant to any entry, operators get a receipt of the submitted declarations. Wherever possible,
approved users with electronic signature, get immediate access to customs procedures without
any further passage through customs offices.

2.6 Pre clearing: anticipated customs clearance of goods

This is a project of strategic importance that could increase the productivity and capacity of ports
speeding up customs obligations and decongesting the quays: compared to the old system ( which
provided for the pick up and selection of containers to be transferred and tested only in freight
landing place), the new procedure makes it possible to pre advise to terminal operators
information on the checks to be carried out. As a result operators can channel directly to the exit
Gates all containers not affected by verification, with considerable cost savings.
Practically, it’s the ability to anticipate the moment of wired acquisition of clearance documents
( MMA ), prioritizing the physical arrival of goods at port terminal facilities, allowing economic
operators to know, prior to landing, the control channel selected by the customs information
system, or making them straight away available for reforwarding.

The pre-clearing benefits not only Customs ( more time available for the risk analysis ), but also to
the entire chain of operators ( from the Maritime Agency, Container Terminal, international
shipping lines etc. ).
It is obvious that old dilemma which is defined as the ability to maintain a proper balance between
control and speed of trade can only be dissolved with the recognition of the reliability of traders
who come to the customs. To do this the European Customs Code provides for the issuance to
operators who so request to be a so called certified AEO ( authorized economic operator ).
Through an auditing process, which consists in the knowledge of the operator's organisation its
risks and its reliability are "measured". In other words it evaluates the risk of a subjective trader in
order to facilitate the reliable ones ( White/Black List ).
AEO certification, which is part of the CSP ( Custom Security Program ), can be requested by all
those traders whose activities have impact on customs legislation such as importers, exporters,
domestic and international carriers, shipping agents, shipping houses, customs warehouse
operators, customs agents etc.
When you consider that in EU Customs are introduced approximately 180 million customs
declarations per year ( each one every 5.5 seconds ) and that for same are carried out
approximately 6 million physical checks, you understand how important is "knowledge" of traders
and adapting controls towards them based on reliability ( represents a step forward in the
bureaucracy ).


In the current momentum of world trade, a favorable geographical position as that of Genoa is not
enough, alone, to attract and develop trade flows: this natural asset should be supported by
targeted and effective control procedures.
Inefficiencies attributable to this create a dilatation of storage time of goods in port facilities and
additional costs affecting Italian companies importing and exporting, with considerable
expenditure of resources and loss of competitiveness vs . European partners, besides it does not
allow worldwide logistics operators to have certainties in transport times.
The cost of this inefficiency has been quantified in at least 2 billion euros (but if we consider the
traffic lost in favour of ports in Northern Europe this would be more than 5 billion euros), in
terms of movements within the terminal, of loading and unloading costs, additional expenses for
storage of goods, with increases in transportation costs, insurance and banking generated by
delays in the release of goods.
Suffice it to say that in Italy, unlike other EU countries, there are 18 entities controlling powers
often overlapping in their operations.
This situation causes, many Italian trade and logistics operators to move part of their operations in
other EU countries better organized under administrative/procedural profile. The phenomenon of
distortion of traffic to other EU Member States (and neighbouring Northern Europeans, such as
Slovenia) would represent , according to some estimates, about 30% of the of the whole trade
market or better the catchment area of our country.

If those operations would remain entrenched in the Italian territory, the resulting development
of the volume of trades would have beneficial effects in the logistics sector, also in terms of
By DPCM No. 242 November 4, 2010 implementation has been given to the provision in article 4,
paragraph 57 of December 24, 2003, n. 350 establishing what the Italian legislator called ‘one
stop shop’ through a series of customs measures to achieve coordination of the offices and
efficiency, such as:

• more flexible organisation of customs staff, to ensure full operation (H24), as is already the
case in other Member States of the European Union;
• alignment of service hours of all bodies which exercise functions of control over the
goods, in particular at the points of entry and exit of goods from/in the Italian territory,
packing them up , wherever possible, in the same place (creating multifunctional service

The single window facility has as its end the simplification of importations and exportations,
offering to operators the opportunity to present, mainly through electronic means to a single
entry point, all requests related to the obtainment of the necessary documentation for which
one or more competent administrations (e.g. certifications, approvals, import and export licenses,
waivers, etc.) are responsible in order to perform import/export operations
Article 4 of the same law entrusted to a decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, to be
adopted on proposal from the Ministry of economy and finance, in agreement with the Ministers
concerned and with the concurrence of the standing State/regions/autonomous provinces
conference , the task of defining the terms of completion of various sub-functional administrative
procedures for the performance of customs operations.
The Decree specifically stipulates the details of preparatory provisions to the conclusion of
procedures of customs operations, defining its terms and attributes a central role of coordination
of the mechanism to Customs . By analogy with the provisions of the modernised Community
Customs Code (CDCA), in relation to the establishment of a one-stop-shop customs, that the
Italian legislature seems to confuse with the single window (art. 26: CDCA "If, in relation to the
same goods, controls should be carried out ,other than customs controls ,by competent
authorities other than the Customs authorities, customs authorities shall undertake, in close
cooperation with other authorities, to let carry out such checks, whenever practicable, at the
same time and in the same place where customs controls are performed (one-stop); to that end,
the Customs authorities carry out the coordinating role "), the coordination of the Single Window
system is attributed by Italy to customs.
In particular, at the time of submission of the customs declaration, the Customs office where the
goods are presented, will send electronically to the competent authorities the data collected
necessary for the initiation of own proceedings by jurisdiction, communicating the results
electronically to the Customs Office which will define the customs procedure. This requires the
creation of an interoperable system allowing dialogue electronically between all administrations

involved in the mechanism in question, which according to the decree must be completed within
three years after the activation of the customs ‘single window’ .
A special "manual" procedure will be made available in case of unavailability of the
administration’ computer systems involved in the project.
Finally, a very important provision attributed to regional directors of Customs Agency the task of
defining special conferences of local services (to be launched within thirty days after the entry into
force of the decree in question), to proceed with the harmonization of Office opening hours of
participating administrations at the customs points of single window , taking into account the
specific needs of trades , obligations arising from collective agreements in force and other
operational needs.
These functions will be integrated under the Customs computerised "AIDA" (Integrated Customs
Automation), an interactive system ensuring dialogue between private operators and customs,
and which should be interconnected to the computer systems used by other administrations.
Each administration concerned should also identify, in their organization, a contact person for the
one-stop shop.

1. Project : a third line through giovi pass

The project to build a third line pass connecting Genoa with North Italy and Europe is an idea
that is discussed since more than a century. Today the preliminary draft, September 29, 2003
approved by the CIPE (scheduled for 2011 and started in time but still partly financed -: 1 Bn€ vs
an initial total budget estimation of 5 Bn€, ) grows to about 54 km length with 15 km of
interconnections. The line is expected to develop from the junction near Fegino up to the plains
of Novi Ligure, almost entirely in tunnel, except for a short stretch on the surface at Serravalle for
rescue manoeuvres. The line would connect with the Genoa Turin in Novi and directly to Milan
via Tortona, reducing the two routes to 71 minutes and 51 minutes respectively.

Length 53,9 km
Km Tunnels 38,9 km
Km on surface : viaducts,bridges 15,0 km
Max slope 12,5 %
Max speed allowed 250 km/h; 100-160 km/h*
Minimum bend radius 4500-1000 mt
Power supply 3 Kv c.c. (compatibile cin 25 Kv c.a.)
Interconnections 15 km

The third pass was considered a necessary intervention, after a series of studies by assessing the
demand for rail transport in the Genoese area, linked to goods and passengers. Levels of study are
diversified checking both national and international traffic demand, on the Genoa-North and
regional demand. In terms of goods were considered future flows of conventional goods and
containers, that, in 2020 for the port of Genoa, were estimated at about 4 million teus. For
passenger transport it has been considered increasing trains from 390 to 440 a day in Genoa, this
guaranteed by an agreement between RFI and the Liguria region, once powered the node itself.
Based on these assumptions and technical considerations related to the characteristics of the
track (speed, sidespeed for the various routes, timing and relay, locking sections,
interconnections, etc.), some ideas were drawn up of potential increases in traffic on the Genoese
Apennines lines and on the possible third crossing. The analysis of data shows that the strong
increase in demand is due both to the railway component of cargo traffic and by local passenger
traffic (regional trains). Freight traffic growth is due mainly to the strengthening of links with the
port system which should provide by rail 50% of the carriage of containers, and between 40%
to 50% of conventional cargoes. According to the analysis presented it can be seen that the
current situation of railway links between Genoa and the North do have a residual capacity of
25%, which, although enhanced with contributions on the city railway junction, will no longer be
able to meet the demand of traffic as from 2015. These data have highlighted the need for a new
crossing that would alleviate the traffic of existing lines, absorbing most of the long-distance
The Third Pass dei Giovi Project involves the construction of a new double track line with
characteristics of High Speed/high capacity, which complements and strengthens the existing lines
of communication amongst the Ligurian port system, the Po Valley, Northern Italy and the links
between Genoa and Milan and Turin. The project includes:
• the main (Genoa-Tortona) line of a length of about 53 km, mostly in tunnels;
• interconnections in Liguria (Genoa railway junction, towards Voltri, Sampierdarena, Genova
Brignole, Genoa Principe and East side);
• interconnections in Piedmont (railway siding and "shunting" of Vado Ligure, connecting
with the Interport of Rivalta Scrivia, connecting the line towards Milan and Piacenza).

Rail network Port of Genoa

The total cost of the work today amounts to €6.2 billions with end of the works planned for
2020 and the benefits deriving from the implementation of the new line of third rail pass are:

• expanding the potential catchment area of the port of Genoa from the Po Valley to Central
• decongestion of the Genoese port area
• improving accessibility to the area of the Po Valley and North Italy
• greater integration between the port and Hinter-port activity
• improvement of technical limitations of the current track and
• reduction of transit times and transport costs

Currently the railway system serving the territory of Genoa is conditioned by a number of factors
that determine poor efficiency and a non viable alternative to road transport. First problem is the
senescence of paths, affected by slopes, bends and tunnel without adequate gauge; the railway is
suffering by the overlapping of tracks with road and highway systems, having to compete with
these for the utilization of areas included in coastal and Apennines corridors conditioned however
by hydrogeological problems. In addition ,the proximity to urbanization determines the difficulty
of restructuring and expanding of the elements of the system and, on the other, the need to
respond to a strong demand for urban mobility by using rail for shorthaul with high number of
The design was carried out involving different areas of the province of Alessandria, which, thanks
to the upcoming construction of a logistics platform of more than 2 million square meters, stands
to become a major intermodal node between the Mediterranean and Europe.
A new modern infrastructure, efficient and paramountly speedy , will allow the Genoese port to
maintain leadership in the Mediterranean and the high-relief position in European and global port
panorama, alternatively taken in recent years.
The materialization of the project will allow the shift of part of the traffic from road to rail thus
contributing to the dispatch , by rail, of port volumes.

3.2 “Genoa fast corridor” (Tiger Demo)

This project has the objective to decongestion traffic in the port of Genoa by new operational
solutions, promoting multi-modalities to the hinterlands and more specifically with the Interport
of Rivalta Scrivia using Corridor 24 (Genoa-Rotterdam).
The Genoese geographic territory shape , characterized by the Apennine foothills not far from
sea, has always been limiting the availability of areas where to store incoming containers. To
solve this lack it was created the dry port of Rivalta Scrivia ,which is run by two companies:
• Interporto Rivalta Scrivia (bulk cargo and conventional freight) founded in 1963
• Rivalta Terminal Europa SpA (containerized traffic) established in 2006

Genoa Fast Corridor aims to:
• launch a service of shuttle trains without having to wait for the third pass .
• decongestion the port of Genoa through the use of the existing railway network and the
infrastructure of inland dry-ports;
• a door to door service of high quality thanks to intermodal solutions and computer assisted
• An important reduction of transittime of goods within the port of Genoa by using the tools
"extended port" and "railway dry port";
• Reducing environmental impact in door to door transport using train shuttle services until
dry-port or to the final destination.

The project partners are Liguria region, the Port Authority of Genoa (APG), Rivalta Europe
Terminal (RTE) and S. Giorgio Terminal (TSG). P&T and Novaconsult are also the technical
secretariat, while CircleCap and NewDeal are technical providers. Within the "Genoa fast corridor"
project technical innovations have regarding computerization and automation of customs
procedures (eCustoms), through the use of web services, process innovations and a TOS systems
integration (Terminal Operating System) with the Italian Customs Agency's AIDA.


I - RFID eSeals have been tested in coherence with the Multi Annual Strategic Plan of European
Customs (MASP) and in collaboration with the European Agency Joint Research Center.

II- This activity was also included in the collaboration with the Italian Customs Agency: real-time
tracing of the route between the port of Genoa (both from ATI-S.Giorgio Terminal/Ignazio Messina
& C and from VTE) and dryport (Rivalta Terminal Europe) of containers sealed with RFID.

III-Reading stations at port gate and at the gate of the dry port capture information on the
integrity of the seal and customs status of the container.

IV- The Terminal captures information via CARGO.

V- It was used a system of tracking and tracing of vehicles throughout the intermodal logistics

VI- It was designed the the rail signalling system and related automation at the dry port, in order
to further optimize the railway shuttle service movements between the port of Genoa and RTE.


• The improved connectivity shifted the threshold of convenience, generally estimated between
300 and 500 km, to prefer railway vs road when commuting to inland locations.

• During the test phase it was achieved a saving of 23 per cent of the occurring waiting time
between discharge from the vessel and its reloading on the train, equal approximately to 1
day. Shuttle trains used to test the project were employed between the Rivalta Terminal and
the VTE (Voltri Terminal Europa) of Genoa, since S.Giorgio terminal is not yet equipped with
appropriate tracks which the port authority has granted : the ambition of the project is to
create a system of subsequent convoys taking place on the traditional rail network.

3.3 MoS 24
MoS 24 is The CPC's management platform (Centers for promoting co-modality) and offers
advanced services that allow from one side to reduce road traffic by moving cargo onto trains and
ships, on the other hand to integrate better ports with their hinterlands. The system is divided into
several functional areas and covers different needs of intermodal transport management.
Transportation management can be divided into three fundamental moments:

• Transport Planning
• Booking services necessary for Transport
• Monitoring of transport and goods

Here a practical example of what could be a typical use of the platform. A forwarder is in charge
of organizing the transport of goods from Central Europe (eg. Germany) to a country of North
Africa. The operator , registered to the system, connects to the platform and searches possible
solutions to transport the load that was given to him.
MoS 24 provides a planning function driven by search criteria entered by the user such as place
of origin, destination and date of availability to the carriage of the goods, indicative timeframe of
delivery, other criteria (cost or minimum time, minimum environmental impact). On the basis of
calendars being made available by various transport operators and minimizing interchange times,
the platform offers to the user a list of possible routings, combining different modes of transport.
The Planning search algorithm looks for solutions that guarantee:
• the shortest shipping time;
• privileging maritime transport and rail/fluvial i.o. road.

Once the optimal route is found, the forwarder can make reservations on the means necessary
to carry out the transport from source to destination. The platform "links " the different

reservation systems of different transport operators provided , of course , that these are
integrated with 24 MoS, and the reservation of the trip for the user will appear as a single
When carriage starts , the platform starts tracing means of transport and goods carried,
showing, if available, also custom permissions, details of any delays, information about the status
of the goods (entry/exit from the terminal, embarked/disembarked, moving, etc). In one package
with the core functions to help manage the macro process just described, the platform offers
additional features that allow to manage and configure the platform itself, a cartographic module
(GIS) to support planning and Tracking and Tracing displayed on a map of routes and goods, a
form for reporting management. There is a middleware module, not directly visible to the user,
which is responsible for dealing with interfaces and manages data from various external systems.
All information handled by the platform can be made available to the various players involved in
the supply chain: the status of transportation may be available either to the shipper /forwarder,
Transport Organizer or, upon request, by the receiver of the goods who may connect to the
platform and access this information, with different detail of data. In addition, the platform will
provide interactive replies to transport and goods questions by providing integration with third-
party applications and systems, becoming a true service provider. This last feature is based on the
web service that will allow client systems allowed to query the platform with search parameters
relating to transport and goods.
The actors of 24 MoS platform intend primarily providing service to the the shipper or forwarder
(which are treated equally in the platform ), permitting the Organization of transport, booking,
document exchange and track and tracing in single-window logic.





















3.4 B.R.U.C.O. (Bi-level Rail Underpass for Container Operations)

B.R.U.C.O. is the project that the group S.I.T.I. (Politecnico di Torino and the Compagnia di San
Paolo) in collaboration with a group of Ligurian entrepreneurs has developed with the goal of
combining the available sea draft of Genova Voltri to the plains in the province of Alessandria
using a dedicated tunnel of 39 km at high potentials (1,000 correspondent trains per day), a
"conveyor belt" of containers with capacity of 10 million TEUs per year.
This link integrates with the versatility of the third pass, dedicated to serving passengers and
other cargo of the Ligurian ports. The B.R.U.C.O. is fully automated and requires no staff on
board , the loading and discharging of containers are as well fully automated. This ensuring cost
efficient management , safety for people and objects , lowering ecological impact and transport
costs. The system aims to integrate many existing infrastructure: sea-side (Genova Voltri) sea

waters and the breakwater of Voltri, with 15 metre draught, shore-side the almost 3,000 hectares
of intermodal centres in the province of Alessandria and the Po Valley.

The project fundamentals are:

o Quays of genova voltri.

The plan to use for commercial purposes the breakwater of Voltri using 1700 metres of
operational platforms located on a structure that is already based at 20 meters depth under sea.
The dam will be enlarged towards sea arriving at a width of approximately 120 metres
representing the space required for the movement of the conveyor belt composed of wagons,
linking the platform with the dry port beyond the Apennines.
The shape of Voltri with a port basin 575 meters wide and depths of about 20 meters makes it
possible to operate the largest container ships in the world. It is interesting to note that Cetena
has done a simulation of a call of a ship of 18,000 teu, with success. The Virtual ship with a 450 m
length , most likely will represent the maximum attainable in this field.
When completed, the Harbour will then offer 3,400 metres of quay to host 8 large ocean going
ships and 4 berths for ships of Mediterranean size and a global capacity that can exceed 10
million TEUs.


The dry port, as will be extensively explained in the section on interports, should be located
beyond the apennin, so that the path of the railway belt, characterized by a remarkable structure
dimensions (diameter 11 metres), emerges directly in the province of Alessandria. The required
surface, determined by the forecasts of traffic, is around 800 hectares and can be created in
modular form and grow according with increasing needs.
The objective pursued is that the existence of this large port may challenge the current
patchwork development pushing towards greater rationality acting as done in Hamburg and
Rotterdam where more than 50% of containers are destined within a radius of 50 km. with a
strong reduction of road transport and the environmental impact.


The B.r.u.c.o. project would employ special wagons by 80 feet (25 meters) so you to carry 4x 20’
‘ft containers or 2 by 40’ ; the containers are arranged on double deck to save space in the dock
and have adequate transport capacity within a very limited space, to facilitate the automatic
loading of the shuttle. The shuttle would be composed by 4 waggons to transport 32 teu with a
length of 120 metres. The connecting tunnel has a diameter of approximately 11 m and allows the
two running lines (single and return) with the height of the load on the platform that exceeds 6
metres; This would allow to easily carry trailers (mainly for the motorways of the sea) and
exceptional transports. The length of the tunnel was estimated over a length of about 38 km. and

should connect with a path entirely underground, Genova Voltri with dry port in the province of
Alessandria, minimizing the environmental impact.


B.r.u.c.o. is the first solution that goes beyond the actual needs of Northern Italy expressed by
current market of the Po Valley of 7 million TEUs. It can reach a potential of 10 million TEUs and
coul be carried out in stages with an initial equilibrium point around 3.5 million TEUs. This means
no need to predict anywhere new fills for port developments and it allows for better preservation
of the coastline.1


The dry port in the province of Alessandria is 50 km. far from the Ligurian coast and this mileage
saving legitimate the request of a fee that, without increasing the overall cost, guarantees an
income sufficient to cover the entire work.

A container discharged in Genoa with final destination Milan ( or v.v.) faces flw costs:

Port expenses from Stowed to Gate Out (or vv) 100 € @ container
loaded on Truck
Transport Genova – Milano 270 € @ container
Total 370 € @ container

The new set up costs according to the prototype plannong :

Port expenses 100 € @ container

Train shuttle 30 € @container
Road Transport from Alessandria to Milan 180 € @ container
Total 310 € @ container

We refer to a similar situation that occurred in the transportation of oil in the first years after the WW1 ; traffic
through the port of Genoa progressively raised up to 40 million tons, with the result of fill the coast with storage
tanks and the highways of an inunterrupted column of trucks. The problem was solved with the construction of the
pipeline that released the highways and shifted the tanks over the Apennines in less congested areas and adjacent to
areas of processing and consumption.

This result allegedly provides a 60 € per container that could be used to finance the work. To
give an idea of the dimensional jump of the technology, 60 € per container means a toll of about
1,400 € per train, which corresponds to what is currently paid in the port of Genoa by a train for
the sole shunting in and out of a train carriage; that means , with the same figure on one side , an
obsolete system with low productivity, pays only few kilometers to the train from/to rail Park
off/on dock ; on the other hand, thanks to the technological leap, the whole work could be
financed is both port civil works and the hinterland connection beyond the Apennines.
It is worth to consider that according to the promoter’s presentation in the first case the cost
curve is necessarily a steep growing one ; in the second case it is expected to halve them in a
reasonably calculated depreciation time.

3.4 Ligurian ports: integration among ports

Ligury region,150 km of coastline encompasses the ports of Genoa, Savona and La Spezia, and
represent the main Italian port pole and one of the most important in the Mediterranean. The
Ligurian regional government and Port Authorities of Savona, Genoa and La Spezia, to whom the
Italian Parliament has assigned the management of ports with the port reform bill of 1994, are
fully aware that, in order to respond effectively to market requirements and to offer optimal
services to cargo in transit, they must join forces and act as a single port and logistic system
through constant collaboration on port planning, rail transport, relations with hinterlands and
international promotion.
In this way in recent years the Ligurian ports have become a reference point for major
international companies specialized in the management of port terminals and major shipping
groups in the world. The ports of Genoa, Savona and La Spezia are multi-purpose ports that have
a total of about 50 private terminal, equipped to accommodate any type of ship and container
vessels up to 13,000 Teus in Genova and 14,000 Teus in La Spezia. APM /Maersk jointly
participate with the Italian State to the development in Project Financing of a state of the art
Terminal capable to host a 18,000 Teus vessels and with a capacity of 1,5 MTeus.
Joint promotional activities of Ligurian ports stem from the need to present a port system that
adds to the variety and quality of services, the special feature of being able to count on three
maritime ports within a radius of 150 kilometers, all wrapped up in one region, Liguria. The law
84/94, which includes the "promotion" among the tasks of the Port Authority, has in fact
accelerated the process of integration between the three ports of Liguria who, as unique example
in the Mediterranean basin, have joined forces in 1998 to create the Association "Ligurian Ports",
specifically created to market , globally, the image of three ports meeting all customers
In this scenario, the ports of Savona, Genoa and La Spezia are in a privileged position compared to
routes across the Mediterranean : within a radius of 500 km from them , is found one of the
richest and most productive areas of Europe, including Italy, Switzerland, Northern Austria and
southern Germany, Ligurian ports constitute therefore their natural sea facing.

This relation is determined by the fact that the Ligurian ports are linked to Europe by rail and
motorway corridors which are pillars of the Trans-European Transport Network: the corridor
Genoa-Rotterdam to Switzerland and Central Europe and the Tirreno Brennero to Austria,
Germany and Eastern Europe. In addition, North of Ligury touches the Po Valley, which links the
Italian regions of Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia Romagna: an area always at the Centre
of the Italian and European economic system, with a great tradition in the fields of industry and
transport. This macro region comprises not only airport hubs for freight and passengers to but
as well intermodal and logistic centres on the transport axes , able to offer all services needed
goods along the distribution path to markets. The table below is a list of the major nodes in the
Northwest or intermodal terminal and logistic areas, with whom the Ligurian ports are connected.



Ligurian port authorities are strongly committed to promoting a more efficient integration
between Ligurian ports and hinterland areas: in particular, the rail freight system is seen as a key
element to ensure the integration between the different nodes of the network infrastructure:
ports, logistic areas, markets.
To ensure an efficient rail service, the Ligurian Ports have two objectives:

• on the one hand, further enhancing the capacity of penetration into European markets,
engaging the Swiss Loetschberg tunnel as well as Gotthard or Brenner, through the
implementation of major new infrastructures (the Genoese Third Pass and the

• on the other side , taking advantage of the many opportunities provided by existing rail
infrastructure that still have significant capacity margins ,through a railway service
management more flexible and more responsive to logic and industrial costs, providing shuttle
services between ports and the hinterland by means of dedicated traction.

3.5 Greenport
A short paragraph is dedicated to the concept of "Greenport" referring to the work carried out by
the port authority and by the Province of Genoa who collaborated in the creation of an
instrument for planning and coordination, "energy and environmental Plan of the port" (PEAP),
fully financed by internal resources (80%, port authority ,Genoa province 20%) and assigned to its
realization to the Muvita Foundation with the support of the ATS Muvita Intelligent Energies.
The PEAP aims to orientation and promotion of the use of renewable energy sources and the
increase of energy efficiency in the port area.
The definition of the plan implied a serious projectual activity by raising the awareness of all
local authorities interested in economic and environmental benefits induced by an intelligent
energy management, and last but not least operate as stimulus to local businesses active in the
fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy to become the first beneficiaries of the induced
investment economic opportunities in the Port area. In parallel with the technical elaboration , an
intensive awareness-raising activities and information of port operators on the project , was
carried out, through the insertion of the PEAP in the port authority's website, meetings,
workshops and conferences presenting the initiative, direct communications activities on all
categories of persons and public and private entities potentially interested in the initiative, and
the creation of an area dedicated to "green port" within the Genoa Port Center.
The PEAP configures an important opportunity for companies that are suppliers of goods and
services in the field of energy regeneration. For this was launched as an information and
communication activities,but with the assistance of institutional representatives and associative
sector companies involved (CCIAA, Confindustria, Assedil Assistal, CNA,

Confartigianato),developed linking the request of technologies by port operators with the offer
by companies mainly from Liguria.
Part of this activity was carried out as market research among local companies to identify
companies able to offer itself as a supplier, later incorporated "Energy Plus ", a catalogue of those
companies was made available to port operators in conjunction with the presentation of the PEAP.
The PEAP has identified, analyzed and synthetized into an operational tool called "guidelines for
the installation of equipment for the production of energy from renewable sources", applicability
and localization characteristics of power plants linked to a set of technologies that can be used in
a port, usable in civil installations buto also those more specifically related to the port and to the
activities that take place there .
It was also identified a first set of investments feasible within the next 2/3 years, on the basis of
diagnostic analysis on the buildings, facilities and prototype areas , limited to actions related to
the introduction of renewable energy from wind sources, solar thermal and photovoltaic, among
whom was also included the port authority project for the electrification of the quays.The
economic evaluation of plant engineering projects in the short and medium term was estimated
at about 58 M €.


In this section, we will carry out a comparative analysis of projects submitted by institutions,
companies and Administrations that have shown a genuine interest to support the role of the
hinterport of Genoa, subjectively establishing which of these can be considered preferable . The
ultimate goal is not to determine which inner harbour is the preferred over others, but rather lead
to identify a logistic framework and infrastructure set up , together with a clear strategy to be
pursued in the sake of port development and of an efficient big, functional and sustainable
hinterport. Presently the hinterland potential initiatives for the port of Genoa are the following 12:

Alessandria Smistamento New Intermodal Centre at Casale Monferrato

Interporto di Novara (CIM) Parco Logistico Alessandria (PLA)
Interporto di Arquata Scrivia Parco Logistico Integrato San Bovo (POLIS)
Novi Ligure
Logistica Gavio at Rivalta Scrivia Rivalta Terminal Europa (RTE)
Rivalta Scrivia
Logistic Terminal Europa (LTE) Sistema San Bovo (SISBO)
Castellazzo Bormida Novi Ligure
Nuovo centro intermodale e polo logistico Pozzolo Villaggio delle merci dell'Oltrepò Pavese Bressana
Formigaro Bottarone

4.1 View of the area “Alessandria” and the northwest network

Nationally, the main area that has gained a real big hinterport vocation lies in the Alessandria
area, behind the port of Genoa. As far as the port of Genoa, and in particular as regards the
containerized transport, the construction of a big system is essential in order to

1. Overcome the shortage of spaces destined to handling containers ;

2. Concentrate the original functionality of the quays to loading and unloading from the ship;
3. improve current port operation;
4. develop trade policies aimed at the acquisition of new shipping groups;
5. reduce road and motorway congestion deriving from port traffics.

Rivalta Scrivia and Alessandria today represent a compulsory solution to support the growth
needs of the port. The prospects of growth in containerized traffic at the port of Genoa could
cause the structure to reach in short time 4 million Teus handled: twice the maximum amount so
far achieved.
Such a scenario would be sustainable only if half of the goods entering and leaving the port move
by rail and then became possible a quick and convenient shuttling back and forth . Which are the
reasons of the underutilization of the rail mode ?

• There is, on the one hand, the main railway operator's decision to increase the tariffs (which,
for example, has had negative immediate consequences for the port of La Spezia);

• Physical and infrastructural limitations causing excessive maneuvering within port areas.

• Consequently shunting operations within the port account for about 30% of the total cost
structure of a train on medium distance . In the case of a link between Genoa and Milan, for
example, on approximately 3,000 euros of total costs, EUR 900 are attributable to one way

Appropriate investments, could boost to 500,000 Teu each the capacity of the two hinterport
areas. Their coexistence is, theoretically, possible: provided that the forecasted traffic volumes are
actually reached and that therefore the prospect of a rapid shuttling and containers distribution
from the port is achieved. In this regard, we must also note that currently all potential hinterport
areas are predominantly served by truck mode while the railway is mainly used for greater
distances east of Milan , such as Bologna( Emilia) and Padua ( Veneto ).

4.2 The Option Rivalta

The Option Rivalta is currently in a better situation compared to the other perspective. The
hinterport Rivalta Scrivia's is located in the province of Alessandria, in the Po plains , more
precisely next to the town of Tortona and its location is very favorable crossing the central lines
of trade between Southern and Northern Europe, between the Mediterranean and Alpine belt. The
container terminal – Terminal Rivalta Europe-was formed in February 2006 by stripping of a
corporate branch of the Interporto Rivalta S.p.A., owner of the infrastructure within which it is
located. This provision has led to the creation of two distinct legal entities: the Interporto Rivalta
and Terminal Europe.


The first, also called "the city of logistics", is active mainly in warehouse logistics, insists on a total
area of 1,250,000 sqm , and more specifically includes:

• aprons for outdoor goods storage and cars;

• halls for the & pick pack and fine logistics;
• halls for the handling of white goods appliances ;
• yards for handling containers and semi-trailers;
• processing plants and workshops;
• o bonded warehouses (temporary custody, foreign state goods);
• deposits for handling raw materials and commodities;
• cold stores for fresh/frozen (+8/ -30 C°) and controlled temperature (+8/+15 C°);
• food and ancillary and complementary processes;
• deposits for the movements of products for retail and industry;
• deposits for cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

The Europe Terminal performs the function of "dry dock", across the network of hinterport
services defined as "extended port ". Business development strategies of the terminal make it
possible to identify a range of Terminal Services Europe can offer:

• inner harbour Quay;

• modal truck/rail interchange for goods on arrival and departure;
• transit point and exchange for rail traffic;
• support operations center for import-export and trade development of Ligurian ports;
• Central storage, handling and processing of outdoor goods and containers ;
• warehouse logistics services managed directly or by 3PL

The stated goal is to create a platform for the development of intermodal traffic over an existing
area of about 800,000 m2 capable of providing a wide range of services for the benefit of
economic operators (4PL) .
The Europe Terminal is the first Inland Logistics platform capable of operating under the control of
the Customs District of Genova and whilst not aiming to revolution existing patterns, is gifted
by being placed in district and territory where VAS can be offered successfully to customers in
order to rationalize operational processes.
The terminal was built on an area directly linked to the railway station of Rivalta Scrivia on Novi-
Tortona track line and the internal railway siding is able to dispatch incoming trains from the
station through the use of two locomotives owned by the terminal.
The Terminal Europe positions itself in a territorial context of high strategic importance at the
crossroads of the main railway lines linking the countries of North-East with the countries of
Western Europe (Corridor V) and the connecting lines between Genoa and the ports of Northern
Europe (III Pass and European priority Pass No. 24).

Targeted Customers interested in terminal operations are the following:

• port terminal operators, for the integration of transit services for import-export goods;
• shipping companies, looking for alternative route for the reorganization of Terminal activity;
• M.T.O., in search of ideal conditions for the development of an efficient network;
• rail carriers looking for economies and balance of railway routes;
• hauliers, increasingly throttled by economic and operational conditions ;
• national and international freight forwarders, looking for alternatives to the existing restricted
customs space within port area.

Strengths of the interporto Rivalta Scrivia and the Rivalta Terminal :

• the possibility of offering a service already currently operational, with three couples of trains
daily shuttling with Voltri terminal;

• the space owned by the structure has (1.2 million sq m of extra expansion territory, with a
chance to reach 500 thousand Teu per year capacity current trades that totaled about 100,000
• the availability of modern equipment for the handling ;
• the liaison with the same customs authorities at the port of Genoa;
• the close relationship of corporate nature with terminal operators present at the VTE;
• the participation of RT to the railways operating companies Fuori Muro and

In contrast, delicate aspects are inherent with the hesitance by other terminal operators
operating in the port to deliver part of their business to a perceived competitor: this would be
possible only if there were elements of cogent need in doing it.
In order to bring a guarantee of neutrality in the work of Rivalta Scrivia terminal, the Port
authority of Genoa is allegedly considering the opportunity of taking minority shares in the
company RTE.
Rivalta Terminal Europe as said is able to offer rail transports from the port of Genoa, but also
from other ports of Liguria (Spezia and Savona/Vado) to Rivalta with low bed cars and
locomotives of new generation. Currently are managed on terminal 10 couples of trains r/t from
Voltri Terminal Europa per week, with the aim to increase the traffic by the end of 2012 to 15
couples per week.
Shunting in Genoa is performed by Fuorimuro railway , now participated by Rivalta with 33% of
the capital , while in Rivalta all manoeuvres are carried out directly by a fully owned , subsidiary
Riters . Container transfer in import is done under A3 (temporary housing) without issuing any
customs document. This mode, which is the result of a special agreement that RT Europe has
stipulated with the Customs Agency, guarantees considerable cost savings for customers ,since it
is no longer needed the issuance of the T1 or clearance for the transit of goods within the national
territory. This allows the departure of containers within 48/72 hours after discharge, resulting in
a significant decrease in costs tied to the port demurrages.

RTE Container Traffic

4.3 Second hinterland option

Second hinterland option, that of Alessandria, was born under the patronage of Slala in an area
of 550,000 sqm originally owned by FS logistics. The project involves FS ( Italian State Rway) Slala
logistics, Port authorities of Genoa and Savona and Finpiemonte.
A fundamental step was the formalization, with the deliberation of the Committee on February
15, 2007 , to launch a project of using approximately 280,000 m2 of the ranging station
(Alexandria) as dry port ( hinterport ).
The reasons which led the Genoa Port Authority to do this choice are briefly as follows:

• as for the railway network, the central location of the big area Vs four Ligurian routes;
• as far as the road network, the area is adjacent to the motorway exit Alexandria South along
the A26 and has dedicated road link already approved by the Municipality;
• location is next to the city of Alessandria, but in a sparsely populated area and characterized
by small industrial installations;
• a suitable location, from the point of view of railways, to facilitate international links because
of converging lines in Alessandria relationships with several railway undertakings;
• localization within a large railway structure and thus able to ensure interventions on lines and
waggons ;
• location that favors a rail management to port of destination thanks to a control room
established by RFI in the Genoa railway district
• an existing high capacity of lines

The strong point of the hinterport of Alessandria is linked primarily to the availalable railway
infrastructure. Several issues are however still outstanding: in addition to the significant
investment necessary to operate (93 million euros, of which 58 should come from Government
grants), there are some technical problems, related to the road connection between the shunting
areas and the interlocked road network , and questions on the management model .
It is evident that , even when the development of a hinterland strategy represents a common
shared choice , obstacles and issues to be resolved are multiple and complex.
Shaping a big hinterland area within Ligury-Alexandria is now a close reality, it will play a very
important function in promoting the competitiveness of the two ports of reference increasing the
container handling capacity , both incoming and outgoing, and also playing a role in clustering pre
loading occurrences ( e.g. security ) .
This reality is available, immediately in Rivalta Scrivia and , more complex, but apparently more
favoured by operators and institutions, in Alessandria.
Looking at both solutions from a different point of view it is necessary to point out that
certainly it does not represent an optimal solution. For the system as a whole, in fact, stopping a
box in Alessandria causes a higher incidence of motor traction to reach target markets.
Approximately 37 percent of incoming goods in the port of Genoa are directed towards the Milan

Milano is located 150 km from the regional capital of Liguria, while Alexandria only 80. Once
reached the hinterports of Alessandria or Rivalta Scrivia, the goods will be transported on truck to
final destination: a solution that doesn't really satisfy needs of Ligurian ports nor especially of
Regione Lombardia, who would prefer to have traffic allocated closer to final destinations.

4.4 Hinterport and logistics : rail infrastructures in genoa plan

One of the priorities in the context of planning, is the development of appropriate levels of
utilization of rways as port connection mean. The commonly shared goal, is being able to
redevelop the railway sector responding in an even more incisive way to port needs and to those
of the territories concerned starting with the urban context in which the port is located.
The development of rail transport in the port of Genoa has recorded, after a strong contraction
which have taken place in the years 2009-2010 ( -33%), an increase in 2011 both in import and
export loads, of 16% vs previous year.

Railwaggons yearly thruput

This increase is part of the general performance of traffic handled in the port of Genoa in the past
ten years and represented in the chart below. In particular, we can highlight how, in a first phase
corresponding to the yeasr 2000-2004 period in which rail transport has registered a decline
compared with that of the trades (in growth), in the subsequent period prior to the crisis of 2008-
2009 the same vice versa increased overproportionally to the development of port handling
activities. When the economic crisis hit , the reflections and the difficulties recorded in the sector
at local level, have magnified the contraction of the rail mode and this is continued also in 2010.
As from 2011 the above named increase of 16% , is more proportional to traffic and indicate a
possible resumption in rail modality which seems confirmed in first and second quarter of 2012

Traffic flow ( all containerized trades ) vs rail utilization

The task to relaunch rail transport in Italy and, in particular, in the ports, has been repeatedly
stressed that has to pass through the improvement of the competitiveness of the sector. It is also
well-known that the approach to the improvement can only be on multiple profiles:

• opening of the market to competition (liberalisation);

• more efficient use of the network and of the available resources ( optimization) ;
• modernization of infrastructure;
• introduction of innovative solutions in management.

The logic conclusion was to search with Ferrovie dello Stato and particularly with Rete
Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A. valid and shared solutions in a short/ medium time which by
completing on the port side the broader works on the railway junction of Genoa and in view of
the new pass line, could better qualify the port on the side of the rail sector.
It was therefore signed a memorandum of understanding with Rete Ferroviaria Italiana whose
contents deal with the delicate "question of harbour railway" to clarify the two scopes within the
institutional role of the signing parties :

• investment programming;
• regulatory of services.

Particularly with regard to the "railway investment programme" of Port Authority we refer both
to the works placed in previous operative schedules which are confirmed, and to new
interventions to be included in the next three-year programming.
Common goal of all interventions is to improve the port and railway infrastructure endeavouring
to eliminate or significantly reduce the business continuity solution represented by the
compulsory shunting and manoeuvering.

Here is the financial / technical synthesis of already programmed and designed interventions :

1) Rugna Bettolo Park: construction - in the context of the broader project of Calata Bettolo and
connections - of three bundles of tracks (thirteen tracks of which 10 operational) to service the
area.. Time expected between 2012 and 2015, total budget of €9 million. The intervention will
be completed with the necessary shunting automation and electrification of the line up to the
tunnel for the external Park of Campasso.

2) Area of Sampierdarena: realization of a first batch of the new railway mainstream to the
system between Calata Inglese , Ethiopia and connection with internal park of Fuori Muro, and
to a new facility on Libya and Canepa piers connecting West of the Fuori Muro. Acc . expertise,
implementation forecasted by 2013, dedicated allocation of € 3.2 million.
Altogether already programmed interventions amounted to € 14.2 millions and their completion is
expected in 2015.
Consistent with the stated objectives of development of the rail traffic the P.A. has, in agreement
with RFI, decided to take action on the key points of the "railway issue" represented by the
completion of electrification ‘ last mile ‘ and of the technological equipment necessary for the
safe movement of trains.
The relevant contents of the agreement signed can find logical inclusion in new three-year plan
2012-2014 which can give financial solution for the agreed interventions that, in collaboration
with RFI, will be properly designed in the time frame.

In particular must be seen :

3) The restructuring of part of the Gallery Campasso, exclusive port use, up to the junction with
the line to St. Limbania, with the construction of a railway access to the port (and removal of two
existant) and associated electrification. The intervention will allow trains to reach (or leave) from
the outside Park Campasso till the new tracks Rugna - Bettolo without change of locomotives
and will also allow transit of out of gauge containers today only possible from Sampierdarena.
The investment will be completed with the necessary safety equipment in Passo Nuovo area
where the line crosses the port roads with complete electrification until Rugna Bettolo Park. It is
also envisaged the completion of electrification between Ponte Ronco towards the Park of
The planned investment was estimated in €3 million and will be developed in the period between
2012 and 2014 and this in connection with the performance of the work in progress on relevant
areas (Bettolo and Ronco Canepa).
That way well the terminal Area of Sampierdarena and in particular in the service of the main
container terminals , will avail of a railway operation model based on a more efficient operational

5) The renewal of the Park Fuori Muro with an extension towards the West, the building of a
second access track and the completion of the new railway backbone with interconnection
related to the Park. The project also provides for the installation of new automation systems and
safety as well at points of interference with road traffic. The investment was programmed in € 15
millions and will be developed starting in 2014.

6) The achievement, within the Voltri, of a new beam of electrified tracks up to the root to be
placed in the North of the current internal Park to be dedicated mostly to the "shuttling " to the
port's hinterports with evident effects of economy and operational timetable . The planned
investment in 4.5 million will develop from 2014 onwards and has to be seen in connection with
ongoing autonomous interventions by RFI in Voltri (enlargement to 7 tracks dedicated to freight
service) and with the construction of the new viaduct of access to the Terminal . The Executive
Programming stands in 2012-2013 biennium.

5. Results and Recommendation

The work, which was developed in a pyramid structure, has the ambition to bring in light the
‘’values and needs’’ of the port and the Genoese hinterport understood as integral parts of a
system. Commercial ports constitute the meeting point (node) required between maritime and
land carriers. The function of a commercial port, function meant as a set of preconditions
produced by an element or by a system of interconnected elements, is therefore the acceptance
of the ship carrying goods and the physical link of goods to (or from) the hinterland.
Maritime trade represents a key factor of economic development, and often the very survival of
a given territory, depends from the ability of ports of being equipped with adequate structures
and superstructures adequate to the volume and importance of the current and foreseeable
traffic. Study of the current situation has shown that the port spaces in the Genoese node and
primarily rail and motorway networks are close to saturation.
Consequently the prospects of increasing the modal shift to rail are, at present, still limited.
A number of structural and infrastructural interventions have been highlighted , some already
operational and some under construction, without them it would be impossible to achieve a
more balanced modal rail/road split.
Recalling an example already examined in the previous chapters the present residual capacity of
the rail network is insufficient and an expansion of rail flows up to saturation would not permit a
sign For this reason some interventions provided within railways network , such as the
enhancement of the node and the realization of the third pass, are crucial for ensuring the
development of the port of Genoa, which connected via rail with integrated logistics platforms
could increase its cargo-handling capacity (particularly referred to unitized / containerized cargo).
It was also carried out a preliminary analysis of the programmatic plans adopted by the Port
Authority and related private initiatives on the hinterport issue.
The start of the global economic crisis of 2008 has inevitably slowed down the construction of a
solid infrastructure, leading to a downward revision of both quantity and quality of project
proposals and investments.
The Port Authority have been therefore compelled to review their policy plans, focusing on those
initiatives actually feasible and more easily achievable and trying to enhance as much as possible
what is already in their possession; in this sense it reviewed the construction projects of its
logistical system, focusing on Alessandria Smistamento and betting on the interporto di Rivalta
Without doubts, computerised systems dedicated to genoese logistics nowadays are
representing the most valuable support to the work of all transport operators involved , but they
could remain an isolated effort reality if not assisted and supported by concrete political support
actions, such as a leaner legislation (read : customs controls), and a solid basic infrastructure.
Summary diagram are showing all port-related Genoese engineering projects which were
analyzed in four previous chapters.

General recommendations for the strategic development of an inland terminal

Over the last few decades, Italian inland container terminals have been growing to provide a clean,
and punctual solution to the actual transport problem.
“The Genoa case” has shown how bimodal inland terminals are becoming an intrinsic part of the
transport system, particularly in gateway regions like Liguria which has a reliance on trade for its
strategic location near significant economic production area of Italy.
The study has indentified the “strategic location” of an inland terminal as the first step linked to
the cluster formation of logistical activities.
This choice depends on the availability of rail and road connections and the accessibility distance
between hinterland and port infrastructures.
In fact the main obstacle is the lack of convergent economic interests which has meant a low
development of national railways to get a better modal shift to/from the port.
Time gap between the approval of project and its implementation has delayed each stage in the
life cycle of an inland terminal from construction to maturity.
Low public funding and Low marketing level have further complicated the existing situation.
Although the setting of inland terminals is a dominant paradigm in the development of hinterland
transport, they present limited network skills in terms of storage capacity, distributed customs
services, ancillary services (internal Usmaf office for goods control), temporary and fiscal
Obviously we have to be aware that inland terminals produce several common benefits as value-
added services development (Impulse on R&D and ICT solutions) and the creation of direct and
indirect jobs on logistics field (IT / Technical / Transport).
The development of inland terminal in the north-west of Italy has clearly underlined an emerging
functional relation between Genoa port terminals and their hinterland and each decision should
take place with consideration to the decongestion of road connection and port area (better use of
quay space) by reducing port storage, speeding up the throughput, increasing transported
volumes through an efficient railway system.
The importance of sustainability policies looks at the synergy between inland terminals and rail
transport as the solution for pollution and CO2 emission problems.
The study shows these hubs tend to be particularly close to a port facility (often less than 150 km),
to assume a service function to the seaport facilities. So hubs shouldn’t be seen as a potential
competitor to port terminals operators but an opportunity to increase container traffic despite
actual inadequate situation: expensive port railway shunting rates, efficient road door to door
services, not adequate private competitors to national rail carrier (monopoly).
Moreover hinterland transport between ports and inland terminal should be made in coordination
with the urban planning of the communities involved (cities and regions), selecting ICT, supporting
the workflow management of transport and document exchange, planning on short/long period
targets, defining complementary infrastructures (i.e. shuttle trains)
A further conclusion of this study is to understand which interactions and strategies between port
and inland terminals are necessary.

Investments in port and inland transportation access remain essential to the continuing
development of the regional economy but they must be supported first of all by a national logistic
plan by macro which studies traffic flows and potential market (Supply and demand analysis).
This plan could choose new projects with careful consideration to geographical and market
conditions, full use of existing transport infrastructures, financial environment and opportunity for
return on investment respecting the protections of landscape and land resources.It should also
contain safety and security plans (5% of transported goods are dangerous goods) developed for
example through European funds and partnership with european states.
There is no single strategy for development of inland Terminal but this spatial change must be
supported also by National legislation for example giving autonomy to the Port Authorities:the
commitment of an investor such as a Port Authority could be perceived as a risk mitigation
strategy in addition providing chances in the development of facilities, related activities and
financial involvement. (Long port concept)
The role of “Best practices” could only be applied successfully by taking into account the relative
uniqueness of specifical political situations.

E-PORT Reorganization of the entry and exit procedures of •Fixed times to carry out import operations
•Port Authority containers in the harbour through a telematic network Operational • Paper less documentation
• Maritime Authority which brings together all parties involved in the • Exponential reduction of lost time for trucks;
• Shippers and Forwarders Association operations of container traffic portals. • Improved sustainability of the production
• Genoese customs agents Association • The project was the result of a desire expressed by all processes and of working conditions
• Departmental Council customs agents parties involved in container traffic, which have of the various operators involved in the cycle;
• Various ship Agents Association and Maritime Brokers recognised the real need to share knowledge. The • "Physical" increase in the number of lanes
• Terminal Operators section of Confindustria Genova remote computing was the best instrument that could available at gates as a result of :
lead to this goal through a high level of reliability and • Remote control procedures previously
• Components for motor transport
• Guardia di finanza performed manually
The project can be summarized in a "process" consisting of • Ability to relate to other technological assets
• Hub telematics (computer product maker an exchange of information and a "product" consisting of a already operating in the port of Genoa,
computer software such as integration with VTS

CUSTOMS TELEMATIC • EU The telematic network is formed by the Customs

SYSTEM • CUSTOMS AGENCY computerised systems: Operational •Drastic reduction of the time required by
- E.D.I (Electronic Data Interchange), wanted by European customs clearance
Community since80ies and in Genoese port operating • Reduction of goods demurrage for customs
only in 90ies, which allows exchange of data between • Paperless documentation
Customs Forwarders– Customs Agency at national • Connections via high security web
and community level. • Use of digital signature
- Aida (Automation integrated Customs and Excise) the • Online transaction processes for all customs
service enables economic operators to submit procedures
electronically documents and statements.Also provides
electronic customs clearance of goods and allows B2B
and B2C, other Governments, EU countries.
At E.D.I and AIDA were interfaced with the E-PORT
system to optimise efficiency of the customs service

VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE • Selex S.p.a. ( Web Master ) Operational • Streamlining vessel traffic flow
(V.T.S.) • Port Authority A computerized monitoring system for the operational • Web support for public and private users
• Coast Guard management of ship traffic and scheduling of vessel • Increased safety and security
movements to prevent congestion and dangerous situations. • Time savings
Increases the quality of port operations in periods of high
traffic density and specifically is used to schedule arrivals
and departures by optimizing the management of time

TELEMATIC SYSTEM • Port Authority of Genoa The electronic system provides for the tracking of vehicles Under construction PRELIMINARY PROJECT OBJECTIVES:
HAULIERS • Uirnet (Web Conceiver) approaching the port gates, gathering all information about Create an operational interface between trucking
( UIR NET ) • Elsag Datamag ( Web Master ) their position through control centres of corporate fleets. companies and individual drivers, port and
• Società autostrade per l ‘ Italia ( Highway concessionaire ) The report takes place in real time, in coooperation with maritime port control, but particularly between
Autostrade per l’ Italia(directly involved in UIR-NET port and hinterport to create a rational
project) and indicates all accidental events or emergencies integration between UIR-NET and E-Port, for
on roads of connection with the port. The service provides the first time, opening up the door to an
an alert-system for hauliers, they will be put in a position to operational interface between ports, interports
know in advance any cause (including forecasts) that and trucking industry
prevents access to the port facilities Also would allow
truckers, who get to know 20-25 km from the port
beforehands if the port will give the go ahead. If temporary
access is denied, the system will automatically calculate an
alternative route and send the truck driver in a parking lot or
indicate an alternative to avoid stops.
LIGURIAN PORT SYSTEM • Port Authority of Genoa Creating an "integrated port system" consisting of the three Joint
• Region Liguria ports of Liguria: Genoa, LaSpezia, Savona Marketing action • Enter European markets by linking with
• Association Ligurian Ports established new Swiss tunnels taking full advantage
• Ministry of Foreign Trade of the opportunities offered by the existing
• Ministry for economical development Non operational rail infrastructure
• Liguria International

GENOA FAST CORRIDOR • Port Authority of Genova  Development of the Genoa rail network – Rivalta Project started
• Regione Liguria Scrivia with "Shuttle Trains" to speed up the transfer of  Decongest the Port of Genoa transit time
TIGER • Rete ferroviaria italiana ( RFI ) containers on corridor 24 . Based on the train shuttle of goods ( containers ) through the use of
(Transit via Innovative Gateway • Trenitalia between the Terminal in Voltri, S. Giorgio Terminal the rail network and of a dry port
concepts solving European- • Terminal San Giorgio and the hinterport of Rivalta Scrivia which will be  increase quality of door to door service
Intermodal Rail needs) integrated by: computerization and automation of (Test: time reduction of 22%)
customs procedures (eCustoms) experimental use of  reduce the environmental impact
eSeals RFID, using a tracking system of transportation
throughout the intermodal logistics chain
CODE 24 • Port Authority of Genova • It is a project that aims at the active presence of the port Non operational • The inclusion of the port in the priority
of Genoa in traffic that run along the corridor 24. The Network TEN-T and development of port
project has as its assumptions: To prioritize completion hinterland centred on intermodality –
of port works (works on railway and maritime traffic) getting a strong role of interface between
and major connecting infrastructure (third pass ) hinter- local ports and national port policy for
port development, strengthen the link between those who govern the port activation of
infrastructural component and key service component to funding and carry out the works that will
promote interoperability and optimal use of the provide access to the public corridor
different modes of transport awareness of port community with respect
to the socio-economic importance of the
corridor Genoa-Rotterdam

MOS 24 • Port Authority of Genova It’s a european project for the construction of a complex Under construction • The activation of the funding and the
intermodal logistics system along the corridor 24 carrying out of the works that provide
access to the corridor development of

TERZO VALICO • Ministry Infrastructure and Transports • That project would consist essentially in a tunnel Genova- Under construction • Double the transport capacity of containers
• Region Liguria Novi Ligure approximately 34 kilometres long connected to/from the port of Genoa
• Region Piemonte directly to the Code 24, with the construction of a double
• Region Lombardia track line with High Speed and High Capacity • Exploit potential expansion of
• Provincia/ City of Genova characteristics. Intermodalism from the port of Genoa vs.
• Provincia/ City of Alessandria Po river and further to Central Europe in
• Provincia/ City of Pavia
• RFI • Achieve greater integration between the
• TAV port and hinterport activities
• ISpa
• Italferr
• Cociv
• Port Authority of Genova
B.R.U.C.O. The plan is prepared by the National Institute on territorial • Logistic project for Northern Italy with the aim of Non-operational • Developing a shuttle system with
Innovation Systems (sites), an association formed by the combining the deep waters of Genova Voltri to the plain but potential of 10 million TEUs per year.
Politecnico di Torino and the Bank foundation Compagnia di San in the province of Alexandria using a dedicated tunnel 39 cost-effective and safety management for
Paolo km long with high potential a real continuous conveyor Included people and things : reduce carbon footprint
belt for container. The port area of Voltri will have a in the last Genoa
capacity of 3.2 kilometres of linear docks P.Authority PRP



Voltri terminal europa S.P.A. – VTE

Voltri Terminal Europa S.p.a

Location :
Prà Voltri Terminal

Surface Area :
Terminal 1,100,000 m2 (6 modules)
Distripark 20,000 sqm. covered warehouses

Equipment :
Quay cranes 8 post-panamax type with 16 width
Quay cranes 2 super post-panamax type 18 width ;
Quay cranes 2 super post-panamax delivery by Nov of 2012
20 RTG transtainers
3RMC transtainers

Quay Length:
1,450 mt ( 6 modules )

Berths :
5 simultaneous ocean going full containers
3 ro/ro berths

Draft :
15 m.

Railway tracks:
8 tracks by 950 mt each

Other services:
800 slots for temperature controlled cargo
1.000 slot for IMO containers

SECH - Terminal contenitori porto di Genova S.p.a.

Location :
Calata Sanità

Surface Area
Terminal 205,000 sq mt

Quay cranes 2 post-panamax type with 16 row
Quay cranes 3 superpost-panamax type 19 row
8 RTG transtainers
6 RMC transtainers

Quay Length
526 mts

5 simultaneous ocean going full containers
3 ro/ro berths

14,5 m.

Railway tracks
3x 370 mts each

Truck Gates: 5 Covered shed for customs and vet check points


2007 364.920 1829
2008 314.512 551
2009 244.882 1118
2010 316.866 1126
2011 280.019 845


Nino Ronco and Canepa Piers

Surface Area
Terminal 261,000 sq mt
Capacity: Full teus 6579
Empty teus 3077
Reefer Plugs: 24
IMO Storage : 305 teus
Covered warehouse : 11,000 sqm
Car Parking : 6,524 sqm
Rolling Stock Park : 30,792 sqm
Internal Service station : 10,000 sqm
Quay cranes 5 panamax type
3 RTG transtainers
44 Forklifts
25 tugmasters
62 trailers
1 Lokotruck

Quay Length
900 mts
2/3 Lo/lo berths
1 ro/ro berth

10-12,5 mts.

Railway tracks
5x 440 mts each


2007 261.824 131.215 171.638
2008 235.802 105.513 173.373
2009 216.994 73.660 143.377
2010 244.525 36.292 126.242
2011 205.498 23.445 102.116


Ponte Libia Pier

Surface Area
Terminal 142,452 sq mt fenced area

1 x Mobile Fantuzzi 130 T – twin lifter
1 x Mobile Fantuzzi 120 T – twin lifter
1 x Mobile Fantuzzi 80 T –
1 x Mobile Gottwald 100 T –
7 Full Reach Stackers
12 Front Stacker
8 Trucks
Specialized in OOG, Heavy Lifts,Special Project Cargo,Yachts

Quay Length
1000 mts
2/3 Lo/lo berths
3 ro/ro berth

11-12 mts.

Railway tracks
Under construction


2007 10.969 106.042 362.567
2008 32.307 85.132 381.310
2009 31.336 80.040 583.871
2010 40.715 61.963 674.398
2011 48.020 52.260 964.570


Calata Inglese
Calata Massaua
Ponte Etiopia

Surface Area
Terminal 140,000 sq mt fenced area
Covered sheds : 9,000 sqm

1 x Mobile Fantuzzi 100 T – twin lifter
2 x Mobile Fantuzzi 120 T – twin lifter
2 x Mobile Fantuzzi 150 T
11 Full Reach Stackers by 45 T
9 Front Stackers
1 Stacker Fantuzzi - 32 tonn.
1 Stacker Fantuzzi - 24 tonn.
8 Trailers da 2,5 a 16 tonn.
14 Trailer da 40 a 60 tonn.
12 MAFI tugmasters
5 CVS tugmasters
50 MAFI trailer by 20’

12 MAFI trailer by 40’

Quay Length

6 Lo/lo berths
3 ro/ro berths

13-14 mts.

Railway tracks
2 x 500

Reefer Plugs


2007 98.502 33.230 356.084
2008 118.816 30.056 349.991
2009 108.368 35.277 341.192
2010 121.784 20.431 416.836
2011 145.261 16.642 420.483


ASSAGENTI- Associazione Agenti Raccomandatari e Mediatori marittimi

Association founded in 1945 to protect the interests of categories representing maritime agencies,
representatives of liners , of tramp ships , cruise ships, maritime brokers specialize in sales and
charter, in the areas of liquid loads (tanker) and dry cargo ; manning agents involved mainly in
crew handling; operators of pleasure boats ( Yachts ) licensed ship agents and brokers; airline
agents, general agents and inland agents.


INTELLIGENT ENERGY, MUVITA ATS company that was created to allow the implementation of in
energy saving and to give the necessary support to local authorities in the preparation of
municipal energy plans and SEAP, if the institution participates in the "Covenant of mayors".


autonomous institution governed by public law who carries out the function of general interest
for business and consumers and promotes the development of the provincial economy. The Genoa
Chamber of Commerce, at a glance, performs three types of activities:

• administrative tasks: keeping books, lists, roles, registers and certifies the main events
that characterize the life of any enterprise

• undertaking promotional activities and economic information: business support, promoting

economic development and monitoring, study and analysis of data on the local economy

• market regulation activities: settlement of disputes arising from economic relations

between business and business and between business and citizens.

CETENA, Center for the study of Naval Technique, is a company of the FINCANTIERI group
dedicated to the research and engineering studies in naval and maritime field. Since its founding
in 1962, CETENA conducts researches in national and international level and performs consulting
in support and in co-operation with shipbuilder and shipowners, Navies and the Academic World.

CIPE, established in the year 1967, the CIPE is an organ of political decision-making in the
economic and financial fields who carries out the function of programming coordination of
economic policy to be pursued at national level, and international community; examines the
general socio-economic situation for the adoption of short-term measures; identifies and
addresses the actions that are necessary for the achievement of the objectives of economic policy;
allocates financial resources to development programmes and projects; approves the main public
investment initiatives in the country.

CIRCLECAP a company focused on innovation, technology and digital marketing, business partner
in the provision of advisory services, with a focus on business efficiency and innovation.

PORT COMMITTEE consists of the President, the Secretary-General, by the Chief of Coast Guard of
the port, by 6 institutional members, 6 representatives of business , 6 workers ' representatives,
1 representative of the Ferrovie dello Stato (after the railway liberalisation, a representative of
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana- owner of the railway tracks ). Its tasks include approving the POT, adopt
the PRP, approve the budget and final accounts, deciding on authorizations and concessions,
deliberate, appoint and revoke the Secretary-General, decide the staff plan of the operational and
technical Secretariat.

CNA (NATIONAL CONFEDERATION of crafts and small and medium enterprise) whose mission is to
enhance the world of craft and small and medium-sized enterprises, as a partner in developing
and promoting economic and social progress. The CNA of Genoa is an organization structured and
disseminated in the territory, a capillary system of companies capable of offering integrated
services and customized advice to businesses, a modern structure that provides its associates with
assistance, protection, information and innovative solutions for development.

CONFARTIGIANATO greater trade union of artisan enterprises providing them information,

representing the general interests, caring on relationship with the negotiating counterparts and
with public institutions , aims to operate, to represent and protect the artisan sector in the
various institutional offices nationwide.

CONFINDUSTRIA Genova, Association of the Industry in the province of Genoa since 1945, today,
with 1130 member companies for a total of 60,000 people, is among the top ten associations of
Confindustria system. Through membership of aggregated members of some important trade
associations, the number of enterprises rises up to 1730 and that of employees to over 83mila.
Among its activities:
a) Promote, in society and at the entrepreneurs, the awareness of social and civil values and
behaviors typical of entrepreneurship in the context of a free society in development;
b) Exercise the representation of its members towards institutions and administrations,
economic, political, social and cultural organisations , and other components of the Confederal
c) protect the interests of members in the economic, trade, legal and tax system , even entering
into employment contracts and collaborating in resolving individual and collective disputes;
d) designate and appoint its representatives in the offices of external representation, promoting
and protecting its representativeness within provincel;
e) resolve any disputes between individual members and among the various internal components,
stimulating solidarity and cooperation of entrepreneurs members;
f) provide information, advice and assistance to member companies in all areas of General and
sectoral interest, even by means of special and specific services;

g) promote training and professional and entrepreneurial culture as well as the growth and
development of member companies;
h) carry out any further action or activity that, in the context of roles and benefits attributed to
territorial Associations in the system is deemed to be in accordance with the Statutes.

DEPARTMENTAL COUNCIL OF CUSTOMS AGENTS — National Council of the association of port

forwarders and custom agents : keeps formation of national register ,decides on conflicts of
competence between departmental councils, decides on appeals proposed against the action
taken by the departmental councils, prepares tariff (now better : reference rate) for the
professional services of customs agents on the basis of the proposals of the departmental

ELSAG DATAMAT, the Finmeccanica group company, operates directly and through subsidiaries in
the fields of ICT, automation, security, logistics and transport. Since June 1, 2011, following the
merger by incorporation into Selex Communications S.p.a, Elsag Datamat has ceased to exist and
the acquiring company took the name SELEX Elsag S.p.a.

FUORIMURO FuoriMuro Port and rail Services Ltd is a private company that has acquired the
business of "Port-rail services FERPORT" after winning the tender launched by the Genoa port
authority for the grant of the exclusive railway operations within the port of Genoa.

EUROPORTS GROUP international group which includes TRI Italy, TRI has main Office in
Luxembourg and manages a significant portfolio of European port companies. Euroports's
management ensures operational efficiency, technological exchange at the European level and the
implementation of a coherent strategy.

HUB TELEMATICS a company dealing with telematics services in the transport sector and that
has as its reference shareholders associations in Spediporto , the departmental Council of
customs agents and the Genoa Maritime Agents Association. HuB is the direct expression of the
community of Forwarders and Shipping agents in the port of Genoa, founded with the purpose of
disseminating information and telematic services in shipping and logistics, locally and nationally

LAW 84/94 (article 4: Classification of ports)

1. National seaports are broken down into the following categories and classes:
a) category I: ports or port areas, aimed at military defense and security of the State;
b) category II) class I: ports or port areas of international economic significance;
c) category II, class II: ports, or specific port areas, of national economic significance;
d) category II, class III, ports or specific ports: port areas, regional and inttraregional economic

HUB ports like Gioia Tauro are classified, for the purpose of art. 4 January 28, 1994, law No. 84,
international economic significance and posted in category II, class I, with commercial fishing
function, recreational and tourism. (see: article 8, paragraph 11 bis, February 27, 1998, law No.
1.bis. All ports being seat of a Port Authority belong to one of the first two classes of category II.
(see: article 8 bis, paragraph 1, lit.a) law 27 feb 1998 , n 30 )

2. The Ministry of Defence, by own decree, issued in consultation with the Ministers of transport
and public works, determines the characteristics and proceeds to identify ports or port areas of
category I. With the same measure are regulated activities in the ports of the category and its bays
and waters. (see: art. 2, para. 1, law No. 647 December 23, 1996).

3. the ports, or the specific port areas of category II, classes I, II and III, have the following
a) commercial ;
b) industrial and oil;
c) passenger service;
d) fishing;
e) travel and leisure.

4. The dimensions, typological and functional of harbours of category II, classes I, II and III, and
membership of each port to such classes shall be determined, after hearing the Port Authority or,
unless otherwise established, maritime authorities, by Decree of the Minister of transport and
navigation, with particular reference to the current and potential international catchment area or
nationwide taking into account the following criteria:

a)global traffic entities and their components;

b)operational capacity and ability resulting from operating features and safety conditions in
relation to environmental hazards of facilities and equipment, both for embarking and
disembarking passengers and for loading, unloading, maintenance and storage of goods and
equipment and services suitable for the supply, maintenance, repair and assistance in kind of
vessels and boats;

c) level and efficiency of services in connection with the hinterland.

5. for the purposes referred to in paragraph 4 the Minister of transportation and navigation shall
establish, within 60 days from the date of entry into force of this Act, a decree, which is sent to the
regions, they have to express opinions within the next 90 days.

After this futilely elapsed term the opinion is meant to be in favorable sense.

The Decree, with any modifications made following the opinion of the regions is subsequently
transmitted to the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic for the expression
of opinion, in the terms provided for by the respective regulations, by the competent standing
committees by subject; after these terms the Transport Minister adopts the final decree.

MMA (IMPORT MANIFEST) which lists all goods that enter in the port and is useful for comparison
with what is indicated in the Bill of Lading.

MMP (EXPORT MANIFEST) which lists all goods that, once all customs controls are performed ,
have a chance to leave the port.

NEWDEAL, company formed in 1995 by the Union of technicians, coming mainly from Italimpianti,
with professionals and experts working in the field of environmental protection. Through the
professional figures present in each project, spanning from chemical engineering, civil and
environmental engineering, physics, geology and architecture applied to the territory, or in
collaboration with other professionals and selected corporate partners , the company guarantees
a global intervention capacity, being capable of providing in fixed timing, answers to problems
with competence and reliability.

P&T (PORT & TERRITORY s.r.l ) was born in October 1997 at the initiative of managers and
specialists from big industries, plant engineering groups and institutions of the Genoese port, to
make available to the public the value of national and international experience gained in the
planning and management of complex systems.
Fields of intervention are sectors of the port and territorial systems, which was the subject of the
social mission of the company, P&T enhances the factors of territorial excellence, promoting
logistics solutions, infrastructure, technological, managerial and organizational, aimed at the
rehabilitation and protection of the natural and built environment, to support employment and
and development based on sustainable economic activities, improving social conditions and
quality of life.

PEAP (PORT ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY PLAN) tool to guide and promote the use of renewable
energy sources and the increase of energy efficiency in the port area. With the environmental
energy plan Genoa port has an operational tool to have a port increasingly "green" and to create
development in energy saving and renewable energies. For its innovative character, the
Environmental energy plan of the port of Genoa has been recognized as an official Partner of the
sustainable energy Europe campaign of the European Commission.

POT (TRIENNIAL OPERATIONAL PLAN) concerns the strategies of development of port activities
and interventions aimed at ensuring compliance with objectives fixed in the PRP, is approved by
the port Committee, is subject to annual review, is a finance instrument.

PRP (PORT MASTER PLAN) defines and draws the lines and scope of overall port planning,
including the areas intended for industrial production, shipbuilding and road and rail
infrastructure, also identifies the characteristics and functional target of the areas concerned,
cannot collide with city planning instruments in force.

RFI (ITALIAN RAILWAY NETWORKS), sole public manager of national railway infrastructure, is
responsible for all the railway lines and installations, including stations and carries out its duties
with a mission to open the Italian and foreign market, economic and environmental
sustainability, innovation and quality, optimization of processes, products and services to the
public: companies, institutions citizens.
Among its main activities:-
 maintenance and safe circulation
 providing access over the network to trains of all companies in the frame of European
transport market liberalization
 enhancement of technology, network infrastructure and investments on High Speed/High
Capacity tracks
 economic exploitation of the railway infrastructure and accountability on all stations
 development of technologies and systems for sustainable infrastructure growth
 the offer inter alia, of sea links with Sicily and Sardinia and healthcare services

SELEX, a FINMECCANICA company, designs and develops large systems for Homeland Protection,
systems and radar for air defence, battlefield management, naval defence, air traffic management
and airports, coastal and maritime surveillance.

TERMINAL OPERATORS SECTION , a section of Confindustria ( see CONFINDUSTRIA), links together

companies operating in the sector and targets national issues relevant to the sector itself.

Association born in 1946 which is, at national level, the most important Association of
"FORWARDERS" and joins 20% of Italian forwarders and 90% of those in Liguria.

UIR- Unione Interporti Riuniti National Association that brings together all the Italian freight
villages and has as main objective to consolidate and develop intermodality in the transport and
logistics through a stable relationship between freight villages, ports, companies and institutions,
such as freight interchange systems in the cluster "land-sea".
UIR conducts information, awareness raising and solicitation in respect of members, legislative
and governmental institutions, and the economic categories, placing itself as a qualified partner to
help address issues relating to the development of national transport and logistics system.

UIR-NET project of development of the national platform for integrated logistics and
intermodality. The initiative aims at networking services in the areas of transport and logistics. The

system aims at a direct involvement of all actors in the field of road transport, integrated logistics
centres and associations. Two priority objectives: improving the efficiency of services and increase
interport safety standards along the entire supply chain process.

VTS (VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE) automatic system for maritime traffic control implemented by the
competent authority of a Me







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