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Bread is a staple food prepared by baking dough of flour and water. It is popular around the

world, and is considered one of the world’s oldest foods. Bread may be served in different forms

at any meal of the day, eaten as a snack and is a basic food worldwide; it has come to take on

significance beyond mere nutrition, evolving into a fixture in religious rituals, secular cultural life

and language. Empanadas are some of those traditional bread snacks that you can have access

to anytime and anyplace in the city. Empanada making is claimed to be an art mastered by

those with delicate hands, and an unwavering patience. (Pat Cadsawan, 2018)

The dish was carried to Latin America and the Philippines by Spanish colonists, where they

remain very popular to this day." Filipinos love empanada and nearly every province within the

Philippines has their own versions. The empanada in the Philippines usually contains meat such

as ground beef, pork or chicken and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, peas, onions, raisins,

cheese and/or egg. Optional fillings include raisins, hard-boiled egg and olives. It is served as an

appetizer, snack or as an accompaniment to a larger meal.

The name comes from the Spanish verb empanar, meaning to wrap or coat in bread. First

introduced in Galicia, Portugal and Spain by Moorish invaders. Usually the empanada is made by

making circular-shaped dough patty over a stuff filling creating its typical semi-circle shape. It is

made with flour and may be savory or sweet, filled with meat, vegetables, fruits, cheese, and/or

peppers. There’s plenty of variation with the stuffing, reckoning on the ingredients available

within the area. (Albano, 2018).

The Filipino empanada is a quintessential merienda (mid-day snack) consisting of a flaky crust

traditionally filled with ground beef sautéed with onions, peas, raisins and potatoes. Ironically,

empanadas can be found in kitchens all over the world- so many cultures have their own

version. (Acosta, 2014)

Nowadays people were unconsciously choosing an artificially made food product that has a less

healthy nutritional content over the conventional foods that is said to be “good for our health”

that is available in the market. Promoting a healthy and convenient way of eating by introducing

varieties of Veggie Breads to the public consumers would also benefit not just the consumers

with the its health nutrition content it have but also helps the Filipino farming industries in the

country as well. A healthier variety of empanada is what we are in cognizance. We would like to

linger the interest of the buyers and also the consumer with our version of empanada. This

study will provide satisfaction to the people in San Pablo City by making different variety flavors

of empanada. The researchers will aim to grasp the feasibility of building an empanada

establishment in San Pablo City and what sort of flavors does a person wants by conducting

evaluation and methods.

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