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Mata Kuliah : Sosiolinguistics

SKS/Semester : 2/4
Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris Reguler A
Dosen : Dr. Regina, M.Pd.
Class/Room : B+/15
Waktu : Rabu, 09.20 – 11.00
GC Code :

Day/Time Meeting Topics Sources Presenter

Wednesday, I Introduction: What is Holmes (1990: 1-17) Lecturer
06/02/2019 sociolinguistics?
Wednesday, II What do Sociolinguists Study? Wardhaugh (2006: 1- Lecturer
13/02/2019 20).
Wednesday, III Language Choice in Multilingual Holmes (1990: 21-31) Lecturer
20/02/2019 Comms: Choosing your variety
09:20–11:00 or code
Wednesday, IV Diglossia, Pollyglossia, Code- Holmes (1990: 32-53); Lecturer
27/02/2019 switching/code-mixing Wardhaugh (2006)
Wednesday, V Languages, Dialects, and Wardhaugh (2006:25- Group1: Hafiz Al Basar;
06/03/2019 Varieties 54) Irma Widya Mita; Silvius
09:20–11:00 Analdi
Wednesday, VI Pidgin and Creoles Wardhaugh (2006:58- Group 2: Dery Athama Putra;
13/03/2019 86) Resa Arsita.
Wednesday, VII Codes Wardhaugh (2006:88- Group 3: Fitrianti Ulfah;
20/03/2019 117) Delitya Islamy Putrie
Wednesday, VIII (Mid-Term Test)
Wednesday, IX Speech Communities Wardhaugh (2006:119- Group 4: Tiara Utami; Indah
10/04/2019 132) Eka Asriani.
Wednesday, X Language Variation Wardhaugh (2006:135- Group 5: Murni Sabila;
24/04/2019 159) Dewita Nuraini
Wednesday, XI Some Findings and Issues Wardhaugh (2006:162- Group 6: Safira Istiqa;
08/05/2019 189) Meilisa Chrisanti.
Wednesday, XII Change Wardhaugh (2006:191- Group 7: Azia Wahyu
15/05/2019 217) Noviyanti; Indah
09:20–11:00 Martiningsih
Wednesday, XIII Words and Culture Wardhaugh (2006:221- Group 8: Lisa Ma’rufi;
22/05/2019 240) Nursikin
Wednesday, XIV Ethnographies Wardhaugh (2006:242- Group 9: Ulil Albab Adha;
29/05/2019 257) Nurbaiti
Wednesday, XV Solidarity and Politeness Wardhaugh (2006:260- Group 10: Syf. Ismia Yufitha;
12/06/2019 282) Lisa Nur Agustia.
Wednesday, XVI Final Exam Submitting Task
Pontianak, February 06, 2019

Dr. Regina, M.Pd.


Holmes, Janet. 1990. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Wellington:
Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2008. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.
Notes: - The group must submit soft copy (folder) of the summary of the topic and the presentation
(power point) before the presentation. Use group name for the name of the folder.
Individual Tasks:
1. Every student has to submit a one page handwritten summary of the discussed chapter of the
week to the lecturer before the group presentation starts.

2. Write a paper on the sociolinguistic issues in your area supported by sufficient data and
references. Submit the paper on a final exam date.

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