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Name: Santosh Hariharan ID: IIMASMPBL0419101/VCNOW/ Center: Aundh Pune

Electric Motorbike XYZ

Increasing pollution awareness among people and increasing government support in the form of
subsidies are the key factors driving the growth of Electric Two wheelers in the market. Electric
motorcycles use electric battery for propulsion and do not produce any emissions. Moreover, these
electric two-wheelers are virtually silent and do not cause noise pollution. Electric two-wheelers can
man oeuvre through congested streets; can be charged from traditional wall outlets and can have a
removable battery Electric two-wheelers are much cleaner than their Petrol-powered two-wheeled
counterparts on most metrics. Petrol two-wheelers emit approximately double the CO2. Electric two-
wheelers have the potential to improve local air quality and greenhouse gas emissions compared to
Petrol two-wheelers. There are some fundamental performance issues that put them at a
disadvantage, including speed, range, and recharging time. Their operating costs can be significantly
lower, however, thus counteracting some of the performance issues.

Stringent emission norms expected to benefit the India electric motorcycles/two wheeler market.
The Indian government has made clear its intention to transform the country into a nation that runs on
only electric vehicles by 2030. Govt Funding and Initiatives on EV is also contributing to growth driver.

Environment: This is a major awareness picking up with CO2 emission and global warming which is
a key driver for XYZ electric vehicle.

The other key drivers of the electric motorcycle perception from a consumer prospective are as

1. Purchase Price: The price has to be competitive or even lower than the existing petrol
2. Fuel/Electric recharge cost: XYZ will take max 6hrs or at least 30 mis for a fast charge v/s
very less time to refill.
3. Refuel or Recharge time: Electric takes time. So need to have many fast charging points.
4. Refuel or Recharge range: Brand XYZ is at 200km v/s a Pulsar at 500km for a full tank.
5. Maintenance cost: Very low for XYZ v/s a Pulsar or Apache or similar.
6. Acceleration: Much better than pulsar 200 till 80 km/hr
7. Speed: 105 for XYZ v/s 120

Brand Prism

User Image: Environment

Friendly, Efficiency, Low noise.

Physique: Bold, Sporty & Light. Personality: Fast , Furious &

Elegance Redefined. Electric trendy & Young

Relationship: Intelligent & Culture: Digital Future on

Smart Wheels

Self-image: Technology
powerful, Electric, Controllable
Brand Positioning Statements

Fast & Furious: Close to Petrol version speed’s and high potential of increasing the speed in future
with technology.

Environment Friendly: With Govt push for electric, CO2 emission reduction, possible tax subsidies,
low noise and maintenance free this is an emotional & social responsibility that the customer should

Electric Superbike which will unleash the power of the future with technology and Intelligent with
regenerating high powered system.

Efficiency with acceleration with top speed of 105 km at low charging costs at a reasonable range
makes it light with a muscle in power

Digital Future on wheels with the technologically possible advancements this electric superbike will
all replace the existing fuel hogging counterparts since it’s possible to give all the features at a much
lower cost. One-time charge, Power acceleration (0-100) in seconds, low maintenance, safety,
comfort, technology all this with high performance.

Market Segment Target & Brand Proposition.

The Indian government is taking initiatives such as FAME-II, offering subsidies and tax
exemptions to buyers to promote electric two-wheelers in the country. With the rising cost of
fuel at International and national level, increasing levels of pollution and congestion in
transport system specially in Urban areas, higher running and maintenance cost of vehicle,
the electrically charged bikes have very bright future in area of personal transportation. The
ease, convenience and zero emission charges are the need of world today. Usage of electric-
bikes will also contribute to the petroleum economy as an improvement which helps in
reducing the overall petroleum consumption. This may result to clean environment, healthy
livelihoods & cost effective generation. To take care of the consumer and to promote the
Brand and the concept of Electric Bike itself there needs to be various steps taken.
1. Awareness of Electric Vehicles as whole
2. Creating Fast charging stations and related EV infrastructure.
3. Govt subsidies and Tax benefits
4. Marketing the features and benefits of EV Bikes.
5. Making EV bikes performance equal to or better that existing Petrol versions. The
Brand xyz today is not far away.
6. Company manufacturing XYZ brand should also have a road map for building higher
performance and higher speed, light vehicle versions and sports models to capture the
various markets.
7. Bring down the finished product cost of the vehicle to the consumer
8. Company should create Events for EV Bike owners and prospective buyers.
9. Company should target all type of customers including women.
10. Should create test drive for prospective buyers.
11. Create a large dealership network across the country and sell EV’s in the same
showrooms as the petrol versions.
Story Board

Get ready for the Ride of the Future, that will be more silent, very economical, paced
as you like, low maintenance, environment friendly, smooth and safe and above all
with clean pollution free that gives you a more “US TIME” while you travel together
one behind the other or beside the other, talking and hearing as normal while
travelling or at the stop light at a much affordable price. Welcome to the Future “Plug
and Go” Bike of the Future.

Brand XYZ... Digital, & Smart. Future ko Jagao!!!

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