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Engineering Correlation (Calculus a. (1,2) squarea from each corner and turning up c. 200 sq. ft.
Reviewer) b. (2,3) the zinc to form the side. What is the d. 216 sq. ft.
c. (-1, -2) volume of the largest box that can be so
d. (2, 5/2) constructed? 15. The velocity of a body is given by v(t)
1. The depth of water in cylindrical tank 4 a. 592.59 cu. in. = sin(xt), where the velocity is given in
m in diameter is increasing at the rate of 6. ___________ is the concept of finding b. 622.49 cu. In meters per second and " t " is given in
0.7 m/min. Find the rate at which the the derivative of composite functions. c. 579.50 cu. In seconds. The distance covered in meters
water flows into the tank. a. Logarithmic differentiation d. 599.95 cu. in. between t =1/4 and 1/2 second is close
a. 6.4 b. Implicit differentiation to
b. 2.5 c. Trigonometric differentiation 11. Find the coordinates of the vertex of a. 0.5221 m
c. 1.5 d. Chain Rule the parabola y = x - 4x + 1 by making use b. -0.5221 m
d. 8.8 of the fact that at the vertex, the slope of c. -0.2251 m
7. Find the area bounded by the curve the tangent is zero. d. 0.2551 m
2. The volume of the sphere is increasing defined by the equation x = 8y and its a. (-2, -3)
3 x 2
at the rate of 6 cm / hr. At what is its latus rectum. b. (3, -2) 16. Differentiate y = e cos x
2 x 2 2
surface area increasing (in cn /hr) when a. 22/3 c. (-1, -3) a. e (cosx - 2x sinx )
x 2
the radius is 50cm? b. 32/3 d. (2, -3) b. -2xe sinx
x 2
a. 0.3 c. 16/3 c. -e sinx
3 x 2 2
b. 0.24 d. 11/3 12. Given the function f(x) = x - 6x +2. d. e cosx - 2x sinx
c. 0.4 Fnd the first derivative at x = 2
d. 0.5 8. If y = x lnx. Find a. 3x - 5 17. Three sides of a trapezoid are each 8
a. -1/x b. 8 cm. long. How long is the fourth side
3. Find the height of aright-circular b. 1/x c. 6 when the area of the trapezoid has the
cylinder of maximum volume, which can c. -1/x d. 7 greatest value?
be inscribed in a sphere of radius 10 cm. d. 1/x a. 10
a. 12.81 cm. 13. If the first derivative of the function is b. 8

b. 11.55 cm. 9. Car A moves due east at 30 kph, at the constant, then the function c. 16
c. 15.11 cm. same instant car B is moving S 30 E with is__________. d. 12
d. 14.12 cm. the speed 60 kph. The distance from A to a. Linear
B is 30 km. Find how fast is the distance b. Logarithmic 18. Differentiate y = sec(x + 2)
2 2
4. find the area in the first quadrant between them separating after 1 hour c. Sinusoid a. -cos(x + 2)cot(x + 2)
2 2
bounded by the parabola y = 4x, x = 1 a. 38 kph d. Exponential b. 2xcos(x + 2)
and x = 3 b. 36 kph c. cos(x + 2)
2 2
a. 9.955 c. 45 kph 14. Using the two existing corner sides of d. 2xsec(x + 2)tan(x + 2)
b. 5.955 d. 40 kph an existing wall, what is the maximum
c. 5.595 rectangular area that can be fenced by a 19. A statue 3 m high is standing on a
d. 9.555 fencing material 30 ft. long? base of 4 m high. If an observer's eye is
10. A box is to be constructed from a a. 250 sq. ft. 1.5 m above the ground, how far should
5. Find the maximum point of y = x + 1/x piece of zinc 20 sq. in. by cutting equal b. 225 sq.ft. he stand from the base in order that the
angle subtended by the statue is a 24. Find of y = 3sin 2x 11.3 cu. m. to obtain minimum surface
maximum. a. 3 cos 4x area. 34. Find the area bounded by the y - axis
a. 3.41 m b. 2 sin 2x a. 1.22 and x = 4 = y2/3
b. 4.41 m c. 6 cos x b. 2.68 a. 12.8
c. 3.51 m d. 6 cos 2x c. 1.64 b. 25.6
d. 3.71 m d. 2.44 c. 56.8
25. If the distance x from the point of d. 30.6
*20. What is the area of the largest departure at a time t is defined by the 30. Divide the number 120 into two parts
rectangle that can be inscribed in a semi- equation x = -16t + 5000t + 5000, what such that the product of one and the 35. A triangle has variable sides x, y, z
circle of radius 10? is the initial velocity? square of the other is maximum. subject to the constaint such that the
a. 2 √ 50 a. 2000 a. 30 and 90 perimeter is fixed to 18 cm. What is the
b. 100 b. 5000 b. 60 and 60 maximum possible area for the triangle?
c. 1000 c. 0 c. 40 and 80 a. 14.03
d. √ 50 d. 3000 d. 50 and 70 b. 15.59 sq. cm.
c. 17.15 sq. cm.
21. Find the partial derivative with 26. Find the slope of the tangent to the 31. Evaluate: Lim (2 - x) d. 18.71 sq. cm.
2 2 2
recpect to x of the funcyion xy - 5y + 6 curve x + y - 6x + 10y + 5 = 0 at the a. b e

a. 2xy point (1,0) b. e 36. The cost of a product is a function of
b. xy - 5y a. ¼ c. ∞ the quantity x of the product: C(x) = x2 -
c. y - 5 b. 2/5 d. 0 400x + 50. Find the quantity for which
d. y c. 2 the cost is minimum.
d. 1/5 32. Water is running into a hemispherical a. 2000
22. In the curve 2 + 12x - x , find the bowl having a radius of 10 cm. at a b. 3000
critical points. 27. Differentiate y = arc sin cos x constant rate of 3 cu. cm/ min. When the c. 5000
a. (-2,18) & (2, -14) a. -2 water is x cm. deep, the water level is d. 0
b. (-2,18) & (-2,14) b. 1 rising at the rate of 0.0149 cm./min.
c. (2,18) & (2,-14) c. 2 What is the value of x? 37. Find the slope of the line tangent to
d. (2,18) & (-2,-14) d. -1 a. 2 the curve y = x3 - 2x + 1 at x = 1.
b. 4 a. 1/3
23. A man on a wharf 3.6 m above sea 28. Evaluate the limit lnx/x as x c. 3 b. 1
level is pulling a rope tied to a raft at approaches positive infinity. d. 5 c. 1/4
0.60 m/sec. How fast is the raft a. 0 d. 1/2
approaching the wharf when there are 6 b. -1 33. Find the area bounded by the line x -
m of rope out? c. 1 2y + 10 = 0, the x-axis, the y-axis and x = 38. Water is running out in a conical
a. -0.95 m/s d. infinity 10 funnel at the rate of 1 cu. In. per second.
b. -0.75 m/sec a. 50 If the radius of the base of the funnel is 4
c. -0.65 m/sec 29. Determine the diameter of a closed a b. 75 inches and the altitude in 8 inches, find
d. -0.85m/sec closed cylindrical tank having a volume of c. 100 the rate at which the water level is
d. 25 dropping when it is 2 inches from top.
a. in./sec c. 10.7 49. Given a cone of diameter x and c. 25.55, 46.7
b. in./sec d. 11.7 altitude of h. What percent is the volume d. 20.45, 35.6
c. -1/9πin./sec. of the largest cylinder which can be
d. in./sec 44. What is the second derivative of a inscribed in the cone to the volume of 54. Find the equation of the normal to
3 2 2
function y = 5x + 2x + 1? the cone? i>x + y = 5 at the point (2, 1)
39. What is the area between y = 0, y = a. 30x a. 2.12 a. x = 2y
3x2, x = 0 and x = 2? b. 18 b. 2.25 b. x + y = 1
a. 24 c. 30 c. 2.86 c. 2x +3y = 3
b. 6 d. 25x d. 2.51 d. y = 2x
c. 8
d. 12 45. Evaluate the limit of lim(x + 3x - 4) as *50. Find the minimum distance from the 55. Find the equation of the curve at
x approaches 3. point (4,2) to the parabola y = 8x every point of which the tangent line has
2 2 1/2
40. If y = (t + 2) and t = x , datermine a. 54 a. 4 √ 3 a slope of 2x.
a. x5/2 + x1/2 b. 14 b. 2 √ 3 a. y = -x + C
b. 2(x + 2) c. 18 c. √ 3 b. y = x + C
c. 3/2 d. 72 d. 2 √ 2 c. x = -y + C
d. letter b d. 1x = y + C
46. The rate of change of function y with 51. Find the area enclosed y the curve x
41. Find the area between the curve y = respect to x equals 2-y and y = 8 when x + 8y + 16 = 0, the x - axis, the y-axis and 56. The radius of spheres is r inches at
cosh x and the x-axis from x = 0 and x = 1 = 0. Find y when x = ln2 the line x - 4 = 0 time t seconds. Find the radius when the
Select one: a. -2 a. 8.67 sq. units rates of increase of the surface area and
a. 1.667 sq. units b. -5 b. 9.67sq. units the radius are numerically equal.
b. 1.333 sq. units c. 2 c. 10.67 sq. units a. 2π in
c. 1.125 sq.units d. 5 d. 7.67 sq. units b. 1/4π in
d. 1.175 sq. units c. π in
47. If y = 4 cos x + sin 2x, what is the 52. Find the equation of the normal to x d. 1/8π in
42. Find the second derivative of y by slope of the curve when x = 2 radians? + y = 1 at the point (2,1).
implicit differentiation from the equation a. -4.94 a. 2x +3y = 3 57. Given a cone of diameter x and
2 2
4x + 8y = 36. b. -2.21 b. y = 2x altitude of h. What percent is the volume
a. -9/4y c. 2.21 c. x + y = 1 of the largest cylinder which can be
b. -16/9y d. -3.25 d. x = 2y inscribed in the cone to the volume of the
c. 32xy cone?
2 2 2
d. 64x *48. Differentiate y = log10(x + 1) 53. A poster is to contain 300 cm. sq. of a. 0.56
a. 4x(x + 1) printed matter with margins of 10 cm. at b. 0.44
43. Find the area in sq. units bounded by b. log e(x)(x + 1) the top and bottom and 5 cm at each c. 0.65
2 2
the parabolas x - 2y = 0 and x + 2y - 8 = c. None of the choices side. Find the overall dimensions if the d. 0.46
0 None of the choices total area of the poster is minimum.
a. 9.7 d. 2x(x + 1) a. 22.24, 44.5
b. 4.7 b. 27.76, 47.8
58. The area enclosed by the ellipse d. 1.0
(image) is revolved about the line x = 3. 68. The distance of a body travels is a
What is the volume generated? 63. Find the volume generated if the area function of time t and is defined by: x(t) =
a. 365.1 between y = cosh x and x - axis from x = 0 18t + 9t .What is its velocity at t=3?
b. 360.1 to x = 1 is is revolved about the x - axis. a. 18
c. 370.3 a. 3.43 cu. Units b. 54
d. 355.3 b. 4.42 cu. Units c. 36
c. 3.83 cu. Units d. 72
*59. If y = 2x + sin 2x, find x if y' = 0 d. 2.83 cu. Units
a. π/2
b. 3π/2 64. What is the area bounded by the
c. π/4 curve y = x , the x-axis and the line x = -2
d. 2π/3 and x = 1?
a. 5.24
60. A Norman window is in the shape of b. 2.45
a rectangle surmountedby a semi-circle. c. 5.42
What is the ratio of the width of the d. 4.25
rectangle to the total height so that it
will yield a window admitting the most 65. Find the approximate increase by the
light for a given perimeter? use of differentials, in the volume of the
a. 1 sphere if the radius increases from 2 to
b. 2/3 2.05 in one second.
c. 2 a. 2.12
d. ½ b. 2.51
c. 2.86
61. Find the area bounded by the d. 2.25
parabola, x = 4y, and y = 4.
a. 33.21 66. The integral of cos x wuth respect to
b. 21.33 x is
c. 13.23 a. csc x + C
d. 31.32 b. sec x + C
c. -sin x + C
62. The area bounded by the curve y = d. sin x + C
2x , the line y = 6 and the y-axis is to be
revolved at y = 6. Determine the centroid 67. Evaluate: Lim
of the volume generated. a. infinity
a. 1.24 b. 1
b. 0.56 c. 0
c. 1.8 d. 2
Basic Engineering Correlation (Advance b. The graph shows symmetry with 12. A cylindrical tank is 12ft. In diameter
Mathematics and Differential Equation respect to x=0. 8. The laplace transform of t is and 8=9 ft high. Water flows into the
Reviewer) c. The graph is not a periodic function. a. 1/s-1 tank at the rate of /10 cuft/sec. It has a
d. The following shows an odd function. b. 1/s hole radius /2 inch at the bottom. The
1. Solve the equation y"+6y+9y=0subject c. 2/s time the tank will be full if initially it is
to the conditions y(0) =-4 andy (0) = 5. 5. If A = 25 eπ/42 i and B = CiS π\4 then A d. 1/s empty is
a. y = (11x-4) e + B is_____" a. 76 min
-3x o
b. y = (-7x-4) e a. 39.68∠125.62 9. Determine the value of the Legendre's b. 65 min
3x o
c. y = (-7x-4) e b. 40∠75 polynomial function P2(2). c. 56 min
d. y = (-11x-4) e c. 53.26+ 32.11i a. P2 (2) = 2.5 d. 50 min

d. 32.26+23.11i b. P2(2) = 5.5
2 2
2. Solve the homogenous equation (x +y ) c. P2 (2) = 4 13. The indicial equation of the Bessel's
2 2
dx+2xydy=0 6. Which of the following power series is d. P2(2)=1 equation x y" + xy' + (x - 9) y =0 is
2 2 2 2
a. x (x +3y ) = c a solution to the differential equation y" a. r - 9 = 0
2 2 2
b. x(x +2y )=c + y' = 0 ? 10. The rate at which a solid substance b. r + 3 = 0
2 2 2 2
c. x (x +2y )=c dissolves varies directly has the amount c. r + r - 9 = 0
2< 2 2
d. x(x +3y ) =c of undissolved solid present in the solvent d. r + r - 3 = 0
and as the difference between the
3. The expression equivalent to ∫01+I 6z2 a. saturation concentration of the 14. The solution to the equation
dz is equivalent to substance and the instantaneous x2y'+xy'+x2y=0 if x=0.5 is approximately
a. -4+6i concentration of the solution Five grams equal to
b. -z+Zi b. of A are placed in solvent B .the solution a. 0.7652
c. -3+3i when saturated will hold ten grams of A. b. 0.5118
d. 4+4i If 2 grams of A dossolved in 1 hr, how c. 0.9385
many grams of A will be in solution in 2 d. 0.5
4. What can be concluded about the hrs?
function that the graph below depicts? c. a. 7 g 15. The different equation y" + 3y' - 4y
b. 5 g =2x is
c. 4 g a. first order linear different equation
d. 3 g b. second order non homogenous linear
different equation
11. Find the differential equation whose c. second order homogenous linear
general solution is y = C1x + C2 e . different equation
7. The differential equation dv = (y -
a. (x + 1)y" - xy' + y = 0 d. second order homogenous linear
3vy)dy is said to be
b. (x - 1)y" + xy' + y = 0 different equation
a. linear in y
c. (x + 1)y" + xy' +y = 0
b. non linear in V
d. (x - 1)y" - xy' + y = 0 16. The
a. The following shows an even function. c. linear in V
d. non linear in x
c. 200 years (2x2 — 24"-2,942y = 0 when Frobenius' d. sin x cos y = ln (C cos x)
d. 180 years method is applied.
a. ri 0,r2 = 2 29. The ganeral solution of the ordinary
21. Find the equation of the curve at b. r, = r2 = 2 different equation with c = constant is
is equivalent to the function 2
every point at which the tangent line has c. = 1,r2= 2 a. - In(1 - 2 y) = x 2 + c
a. f(x) = e 2
a slope of 2x. d. = 0,r2 =1 b. In(1 - 2y) = x + c
b. f(x) = 1/1-3x 2 2
a. y = x + C c. - 1 In(1 - 2 y) = x 2 + c
c. f(x) = cos 3x 2 -x2
b. y = -x + C 25. Find a power series for the function d. 2 y = 1 + ce
d. f(x) = sin 3x 2
c. x = -y + C
d. x = y + C 30. The differential equation given is
17. The expression (3+2i)6 is equivalent
3 5 correctly described by which one of the
to a. x-x +x - +... 2 2
22. The order of the different equation 2 4 following choices: d y/dx + bxy dy/dx =
a. -2035- 828i b. 1+x +x +...
2 4 f(x)
b. -352+ 936i c. 1- x +x +...
3 5 a. non-linear, second order, non
c. 729+ 64i d. x+x +x +...
d. 2187-128i
b. non linear, second order, homogenous
26. The order of the differential equation
a. 2 c. linear,second order homogenous
18. What is the order of the differential is
1/3 2x b. 4 d. linear. Second order, non
equation (4 + y") = e
c. 3 homogenous
a. three
d. 6
b. one-third
31. Which of the following is true about
c. one
23. A water container whose circular the Fourier coefficients of f(x)= x if -π ≤ x
d. two
cross section is 6 ft in diameter and a. 3 ≤ π the value of f(π/2) is

whose height is 8 ft. is filled with water. b. 4
19. The indicial equation of ODE 2xy"+(l+
It has a hole at the bottom of radius 1 c. 1
x)y'-2y=o is
inch. The time it will take if the tank rests d. 2
a. 2r2 - r =0 a.
on support so that its 8 ft height is in a
b. r2 -2 +l=O
horizontal direction and the hole in its 27. The expression ∫0πi cos z dz is
c. r2-2r =0
bottom is equivalent to
d. r2-r =0
a. 25.46 min a. 13.098 b.

b. 29.4 min b. 23,097i
20. The population of a certain
c. 28.95 min c. 13.097i
municipality increases at a rate to the
d. 24.95 min d. 11.55i
square root of the population. If the c.

present population is 90,000, how long
24. Determine the values of the 28. Solve (cos x cos y - cot x)dx - sin x sin
will it take for the population to reach
constants r in the indicial equations of y dy = 0
the given ordinary differential equation a. sin x cos y = -ln(C cos)
a. 210 years d.
b. sin x cos y = ln (C sin x)
b. 150 years
c. sin x cos y = -ln (C sin x)
32. Sugar decomposes in water at a rate a. 40 hrs.
proportional to the amount still b. 50 hrs. 43. The simplified form of (3 + 2i) is
unchanged. If there were 50 kg of sugar c. 30 hrs. a. 2,034-1781i
present initially and at the end of 5 hours d. 45 hrs. b. -2,034+1781i
this is reduced to 20 kg, how long will it c. -2,035-828i
take until 90% os the sugar is 39. Determine the Fourier coefficient a() d. 2,035+828i
decomposed. of the function f (x) = 3x2 + 4, —1 < x <1.
a. 12.56 hr a. ao = 5 44. The radius of conversence of the
b. 15.72 hr b. ao = 1 power series
c. 16.41hr c. a = 0
d. 14.12 hr c. d. as=10

33. In the higher-order differential 40. The differential equation (x (not sure
equation (4 — x2 )y'''-4y1+y = 0 , x = —2 +4xy+y )dx-xydy=0 is yet)
is a/an point. a. variable separable
a. focal b. linear differential equation
b. ordinary d. c. exact
c. regular d. homogenous a.
d. singular
41. The differential equation
34. Evaluate cos(3 + 5i)

a. -.99 + 0.28i
b. 0.53-3.59i c.
37. A certain quantity increases at a rate
c. -73.47 -10.47i proportional to q itself. If q = 25 when t = can be classified as
d. -3.72- 0.51i 0 and q = 75 when t =2, find q when t = 6. a. exact
a. 675 b. variable separable d.
35. A new water pump has a capacity of b. 576 c. linear but not homogenous
60 cu m/day. If its capacity goes down by c. 756 d. linear and homogenous 45. Which of the following is a
15% every year, in how many years will d. 657 differential equation of the first order of
the capacity go down to 20 cu m/day? 42. A spherical tank whose inner degree one?
a. 4.72 yrs. 38. Calculate the time in hrs, that it will diameter is 2 meters is filled with water a.
b. 7.32 yrs. take to reach the fatal conc. Of 40% (density 1 g/cc). If a tank has a hole 1 cm
c. 8.6 yrs methane in a kitchen measuring 15 ft x in diameter at the bottom, the time the 46. Find the differential equations og the
d. 3.72 yrs. 12.5 ft x8 ft for a leaking stove. The rate tank will be totally empty is family of lines through the origin.
of leak is 15 cuft of 100% methane/hr. a. 3.61 hrs. a. xdy - ydx = 0
36. Which of the following is the solution Assume no fresh air is coming in. The gas b. 2.41 hrs. b. ydx + xdy = 0
2 2
to the Bessel's equation x y" + xy' + (x - rate is measured at the rate conditions c. 4.21 hrs. c. xdx + ydy = 0
y ) y=0 prevailing in the kitchen. d. 6.31 hrs. d. ydx - xdy = 0

47. Solve the c. y = C e t = 0. If the current dies down to 15
equation d. y = C e amperes in 0.01 sec, fid i after 0.1 sec. 60. A tank and its contents weigh 100 lbs.

a. 0.003amp The average heat capacity of the system
51. The principal 4th root of 5 + 12i b. 0.001amp is 0.5 Btu/ lb.F. The liquid in the tank is
a. 1.62 + 0.39i c. 0.004amp heated by an immersion heater which
a. b. 1.49 + 1.86i d. 0.002amp delivers 100 Btu/min. Heat is lost from
c. 0.73 + 1.75i the system at a rate proportional to the
d. 1.82 + 0.55i 56. Solve the differential equation : x(y - x difference between the temperature of

b. = 1,determine y when x = 2. the system (assumed uniform
52. Evaluate 143 - 41). a. 1.55 throughtout at any instant) and the
a. 1.28+ j0.98 b. 1.63 temperature of the surrounding air, the

b. 1.76+ j0.54 c. 1.48 proportionality constant being 2
c. c. 2.23+ j0.21 d. 1.8
Btu/min F. If the air temperature
d. 1.61- 0.931 remains constant at 70 F and if the initial
57. How can the differential equation a temperature of the tank and its contents
2 2
d x/dt + B(t) dx/dt + c = D(t) best be
is 55 F, the temperature of the tank as a
described? function of the is
53. Solve t/25
5 6
a. linear, homogenous and first order a. T=120+65e
a. y= -x +cx -t/25
b. second order and non homogenous b. T=12-6.5e
b. y=x -t/25
6 5
c. homogenous and first order c. T=120-65e
c. y=-x +cx -t/25
48. Solve the different equation 6 5
d. linear, second order and non d. T=-120+65e
d. y=x +cx
a. y=(2x + 11)2)
b. y=(2x - 5) 61. Which of the following is a solution of
54. What is the differential equation of a
c. y=(x -5) )
2 58. Evaluate sin ( 3 + 4i ) the wave equation
family of parabolas having their vertices
d. y=(x +11)
2 a. 0.14 -0.75i
at the origin and their vertices on the x-
b. 3.85 - 27.02i
49. Determine the general solution of c. -0.96 + 4i
a. xdy + ydx = 0
xdy + ydx = 0 d. -0.09 + 0.75i
b. 2ydx - xdy = 0 a. u=ex cos t
a. ln (xy) = c
c. 2xdy - ydx = 0 b. u =(x + at)6
b. ln x + ln y = c 59. A body weighing 1960 N is pulled by a
d. dy/dx - x = 0 c. u = ln(ax-t)
c. xy = c constant force of 492 N along a
d. u = sin(kx)sin(at)
d. x + y = c horizontal plane where in the coefficient
55. When a simple electric circuit,
of friction between the body and the
containing no condensers but having 62. A low radioactive material is used in
50. Find the equation of the orthogonal plane id 0.20. Determine the velocity
inductance and resistance, has the biochemical process to induce biological
trajectories of the system of parabolas after 20 seconds.
electromotive force removed, the rate of mutation. The isotope is made in the
y =2x+C. a. 13.1 m/s
decrease of current is proportional to the experimental reactor of the Philippine
a. y = C e
x b. 10.57 m/s
current. The current is i amperes t Atomic Energy Commssion, now
b. y = C e
-x c. 8.25 m/s
seconds after the cutoff, and i = 40 when Philippine Nuclear Research Institute,
d. 9.06 m/s
and ship to the chemical plant. It has a heat of iron is 0.11 Btu/lb F. The b. u(x,y)=f(x)e-2y+4y c. 2,034-1781i
half life of 8.06 days. The plant receive common temperature, approached by c. u(x,y)=f(x)e-2y+2y-1 d. -4.19-9.11i
the shipment of the radioactive material the iron and water as time approaches d. u(x,y)=f(y)e-2x-2x-1
which on arrival contain 1 gram of the infinity is 75. A body whose temperature is 180 is
radioactive material. The plant uses the a. 68.5 F 70. Find the general solution of y' = ysec immersed in a liquid which is kept at a
o o
material at the rate of 0.1 gram per b. 58.4 F x. constant temperature of 60 . In 10
week. The time it will take for the c. 48.34 F a. y = C sec x tan x minutes the temperature of the
o 2 o
radioactivity to last is d. 38.43 F b. y = C (sec x - tan y) immersed body decreased to 120 . How
a. 4.74 weeks c. y = C (sec x - tan x) long will it take for the body's
b. 3.24 weeks 67. The rate f decay of radioactivity d. y = C (sec x + tan x) temperature to decrease to 90 ?
c. 5.4 weeks elements is usually assumed to be a. 15 min.
d. 4.34 weeks proportional to the number of atoms 71. Determine the value of c such that b. 20 min.
that have not decayed, where &#955 is the function u(x,t) = e -256 sin 2x will be a c. 25 min.
63. Solve the differential equation dy - the proportionality consatnt. If at time solution of the heat equation given d. 18 min.
xdx = 0, if the curve passes through (1, 0). t=0 there are Xo atoms of a given
2 2
a. 3x + 2y - 3 = 0 elements, the expression for the number 76. the equation y = cx is the general
b. 2y + x - 1 = 0 of atoms, X, that have not decayed (as a solution of
2 by
c. 2x + 2y - 2 = 0 function of time,t,&#955, and Xo) is a. y' = x/2y
2 a. 1
d. x - 2y -1 = 0 a. Xo/(1+λt) b. y' = 2y/x
b. 4
b. Xo(1-λt) c. y' = y/2x
-λt c. 8
64. A 10-ohm resistor and a 5-henry c. Xoe d. y' = 2x/y
-λt d. 2
inductor are connected in series with to d. Xoe(1-e )

a 50-volt source at time t = 0. Express the 77. Find the radius of the convergence of
72. The expression (5+2i)7 is equivalent
current I as a function of time. 68. Which of the following is a term of
2t to
a. i = 5(1 - e) the power series representation solution
2t a. -15939+ 1846C1
b. i = 5(e - 1) of the higher order differential equation
-2t b. -703919-68880i
c. i = 5(1 - e ) 3 y" —2 x y = 0
2t c. -116615+60422i the series
d. i = 5(1 - e ) a. a1
d. 78125+128i a. |x| < 2
b. 4
b. |x| < ½
65. Evaluate cosh(5 + 6i) c. 4a2
73. Find the principal 5th root of 5+121. c. |x| < 8
a. 201.72 +74.21i d. 1
a. 1.64 +1.38i d. |x| < 1/8
b. 57.22-193.43i
b. 1.38+1.641
c. 71.25-2073i 69. The solution to the non
c. 1.67+0.13i 78. Radium decomposes at a rate
d. 74.20 - 0.28i homogeneous partial differential
d. 1.62+0.391 proportional to the amount at any

o instant. In 100 years, 100 mg of radium
66. A 50 lb iron ball is heated to 200 F
74. Evaluatecos(2+3i). decomposes to 96 mg. How many mg will
and then plunged immediately into a
equation a. -2,034+17811 be left after 100 years?
vessel containing 100b lbs of water
o a. u(x,y)=f(y)e2x-4x b. 2,035+828i a. 88.6
whose temperature is 40 F. The specific
b. 90.72 d. u(x,y)=A(y) +B(y)e-9x b. 1.61 + 0.93i
c. 92.16 c. 2.08 + 1.79i
d. 95.32 83. Solve xy'(2y -1) = y(1-x) d. 2.08 + 0.93 i
a. ln (xy) = x + 2y + C
2 d.
79. A certain subxtance increases at a b. ln (xy) = 2y - x + C 88. If dy = x dx, what is the equation of y

rate proportional to the square of the c. ln (xy) = x - 2y + C in terms of x if the curve passes through

instantaneous amount. After 5 days the d. ln (xy) = 2 (x - y) + C (1,1)?
3 91. Solve the equation
amount is doubled. Determine the time a. x - 3y + 2 = 0
before the amount is tripled. 84. A tank initialy contains 400 liters of b. x + 3y + 2 = 0
a. 40/3 water. Salt solution, containing 1/8 kg of c. x - 3y + 3 = 0

b. 45/3 salt per liter of solution flows into the d. 2y + x + 2 = 0 a. y =cIe
5x+ c

c. 20/3 tank at the rate of 8 li/min and the b. y =c Ie

-5x+ c -3x
d. 25/3 solution, kept well-stirred, flows out of 89. Evaluateln(5 +j3). c. y =(c x+ c )e
I 2

the tank at the rate of 4 li/min. Find the a. 1.28+ j0.98 d. y =(c x+ c )e
I 2

80. Evaluate sinh(6 + 5i) amount of salt in the tank after 100 b. 2.54+ j0.866

a. 57.22 –193.43i minutes. c. 2.23+ j0.21

b. 201.71+ 74.201 a. 80 kg d. 1.76+ j0.54
c. –20.74 + 71.25i b. 85 kg
d. –0.27 – 0.96i c. 75 kg 90. Which of the following power series
d. 70 kg is a solution to the differential equation
81. Which of the following is true about
the Fourier coefficients of 85. A mothball loses mass by evaporation
at rate that is proportional to the surface

area. If half tha mass is lost in 100 days,
how long will it take the radius to

decreases to half its initial value?
a. ao=7
a. 255 days
b. ao= 0
b. 275 days a.
c. ao=10
c. 243 days
d. ao=5
d. 234 days

82. The solution to the homogeneous t
86. The laplace transform of e is
partial differential equation 2 b.
a. 1/(s-1)
b. 1/(s+1)
c. 1/(s-1)
d. 1/s
a. u(x,y)=A(y)cos 3x+B(y)sin 3x c.
b. u(x,y)=A(y)e3x +B(y)xe3x 87. Evaluate cosh ( 3 + 5i)
c. u(x,y)=A(y)e3x +B(y)e-3x a. 2.86 + 9.61i

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