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Tên : Nguyễn Khánh Linh

Link fb :

Well, you know , these days we can find an item which runs on Artificial Intelligence almost
everywhere such as laptop , photoshop, airlines, a list without end . Today , I will share with you
my description of a smartphone which is a gift on my fifteenth birthday.

It was bought by my parent in Hoang Ha mobile which is about 4 kilometers from where I live.
To be honest, I can’t know the accurate price but I guess the price range is around 14 million VN
dong. When I received the smartphone , I felt very happy and over the moon because I have
been always wanting it .

Personally speaking, there are a lot of reasons that I am interested in it. Firstly , I need the
smartphone because it is very necessary for me to study. It helps me find the myriad of
information and look up the new words on a built-in dictionary. From my perspective , I strongly
believe that if I don’t have my smartphone, I won’t broaden my knowledge and have deeper
insight into everything. Especially, I can improve self-study skill which is one of the most
important skills in the today’s world. Besides, apart from studying, I use my smartphone as an
entertainment tool such as watching movies , listening to music , playing videos game and
surfing the Internet. Most importantly, it helps me keep in touch with my friends and relatives. In
addition, it keeps me stay up-to-date with the breaking news.

In my point of view, it is very convenient and is a great technological invention.

Nhận xét:
- Mắc rất nhiều lỗi ngữ pháp và phát âm (nên tra từ điển OALD để nghe cách phát âm
đúng và tập theo)
- Mắc một số lỗi diễn đạt lủng củng, chưa tự nhiên.
- Bố cục bài nói ổn, có chia ý rõ ràng tuy nhiên một số ý chưa có supporting idea. Em
không nên quá tham về số lượng các ý, mà nên chú ý develop từng ý một. Ví dụ: keep
in touch với friend ra sao? (chat chit hằng ngày chẳng hạn); cập nhật breaking news ra
- Nên luyện tập thêm rồi hẵng đi thi nha.
- Có thắc mắc gì, em cứ thoải mái inbox page nhé.

BAND ĐIỂM: 5.5 - 6.0 (nếu giám khảo dễ tính thì sẽ được 6.0 đó)

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