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1-One of the following antibiotics is resistant to penicillinase :

a-penicillin V b-penicillin G
c-floxapen d-ampicillin

2-The latin abbreviation for " Every Night " is :

a- a.c. b- o.n. c- p.c. d- i.c. e- c.c.

3-Which of the following is responcible for buffering

a-magnesium b-chloride c-bicarbonates d-
potassium e-troponin

4-Which of the following is released by bacterial infection?(…. by bacterial cell wall during
there growth)
a-endotoxin b-exotoxin c-antibiotics
d-cytotoxin e-non of the above

5- A disease modifying drugs in rheumatoid arthritis:

a-gold preparations b-hydroxychloroquine
c-methotrexate d- a and b
e- a , b and c

6- A solution is made by dissolving 17.52 g of NaCl exactly 2000 ml. What is the molarity of
this solution?
a- 3.33 b- 0.15 c- 1.60 d-3.00 x 10 -4 e-1.6x10 -4

7-Propranolol is often prescribed with hydralazine to

a-reduce the reflex tachycardia b-prevent the accumulation of hydralazine.

c-prevent systemic lupus ( SLE ) due to hydralazine.

d-prevent oedema e-increase absorption of hydralazine

8- Correct method of parentral administration of potassium is :

a-fast I.V. injection b-slow I.V. injection c-I.M. injection

d-IP(intraperitoneal) injection

9-which of the following need filtration before IV infusion

a- mannitol b- dextrose 5% c- insulin
d- Suspension e- emulsion

10- The mechanism of action of Buspirone through

a-5HT1a angonist b-GABA agonist
c-dopaminergic agonist d-dopaminergic antagonist
11- which of the following change color of the urine to red Nitrofurontion
12- which of the following is antiarrythmic class ΙI
13- ceftazidime is:-

a- first generation cephalosporin b- second generation cephalosporin

c- third generation cephalosporin d- fourth generation cephalosporin
14- diazepam used in
15-can't be used as monotherapy in mild HTN:-
a- hydralazine b- losartan c- pindolol
d- atenolol e- hydrochlorothiazide
16- adsorption are affected by the following except:-
a- physical Rx b- chemical Rx c- irreversible
d- reversible e – B,C
17- Charcoal produce its action through
a) adsorption b)neutralization c)a & b

18- all are causes of 2ry HTN except:-

a- phyochromocytoma b- cholinergic agent c- sod. intake
19- drug after metabolized in liver it will become:-
a-polar b- non polar
c- lipophilic d- insoluble e more polar
20- metal used in rheumatoid arthiritis
21- - In digoxin induced arrythmia , what is not recommonded?
a-stop digixin administration
b-phenytoin administration
c-give lidocaine
d-give digoxin immune fab
e-electrical cardioconversion

22- ointment used for :

a-Carrier of drug
d-Increase absorption
e-Increase distribution
23- about nor epinephrine not true :-
a-increaser B.P
c-used in cardiogenic shock
d-effective orally
24- The conc. Of ionized & unionized in acidic media calculated by
Handerson hansalbrg equation
25- Which of the following drug has side effect lupus like syndrome
a- lidocaine b-minoxdile
c- procainamide d-hydrochlorothiazide

26- How need prepare benzacainamid conc. 1:1000,30cc of benzocainamid solution?


a-30 b-50 c-80

d-100 e-130

27- Class IV anti arrhythmia is

Ca channel blocker
28- Vit A avoided in:-
a) Rickets b) blindness c) pregnancy
d) scurvy e) a &d

29- Not expected with inhaled smoke of cannabis:-

a)increase pulse rate b)anorexia
c)preceptal changes d)vascular changes of eye.
30- the dose of drug is 0.5ml per day and the total amount of the drug Is 100ml what is the
total dose ?sol.= <200 >

31- How these are arranged according to increasing range

γ β α
32- which are not side effects of reserpine
A)diarrhea b)psychic depression c) hpotension d)…..e)….

33- what is wrong about reserpine

a) Cross bbb b) used for hpertention c) orally ineffective

34- which glucocorticoid show maximum anti-inflammatory activity when used systemically
I chose dexamethasone

35- what is phase I in heart cycle

Options were about repolarization and depolarization of K Na ana Ca

36- Cyproheptadine is pharmacologically

I chose anti histamine

37- labetalolo is
I chose option block both α and β receptors

38-which is not macrolide

a) Erymax b) erythromycine c) azithromycine d) chloramphenicol

39- angina pectoris occur

I chose option when oxygen demand is more than supply

40- mechanism of anti anginal drugs


I chose decrease contractility of heart muscles

41- Dissociation of a compound in aqueous is described by

a)pH b) solubility c)pKa d) a and c d) none

42-protein binding cause except

I choose decrease elimination half life

43- cholestyramine resin is used as

I choose hyperlipidemia

44- Pharmacokinetically false about Digitoxin

I choose bioavailability is 90-95% orally

45- Vancomycine is
I choose none of above

46- Unit of radioactivity is not

I choose none of the above
( units were given bacquarel rontgen )

47- one question was about hospital formulary a new drug will be preferred r not

48- in the treatment of hyperthyroidism should

Different salts were given in options

49-one question about which is not Ca channel blockers

50- 51 two calculations question very easy
52- miscibility occur
a) Polar +polar b) polar + non polar c) non polar+ non polar
d) all three e) none

these are those questions which I remembered.came in test of 30-01-20014 at 3:30pm

best of luck all these

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