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DHA Prometric Exam 02-01-2014

Q-1 The action of histamine stimulation of gastric secretion

Q-2 One of the following antibiotics is resistant to penicillinase


Q-3 Inderal is pure b -adrenergic receptor blocker

Q-4 - Which of the following is NOT betamethasone side effect


Q-5 The term shock signifies : hypoperfusion

Q-6 Which of the following is NOT true about infiximuab -IL-1

Q-7 The usual daily dose of phenytoin in the range of: 300-600

Q -8 The drug of choice to control pain during acute

myocardial infarction is : morphine
Q-9 Correct method of parentral administration of potassium
is :
Slow I.V. injection

Q-10 When concidering drug therapy for hypertention , which

is true? beta-blokers should be avoided in asthmatic patient

Q-11 Role of carbidopa in treatment of Parkinsonism.

Decrease dopamine metabolism in peripheral vessel

Q-12 which of the following are characteristic for Erythrosine:

should be used in pregnant woman if need
Q-13 which of the following change color of the urine to red Nitrofurantoin

Q-14 The optimal size for ophthalmic drops: < 10μg

Q-15 Daily recommended dose for vit. C in male :- 90mg/day

Q-16 Heparin can be monitored through APTT

Q-17 B carotine is precursor of : Retinol

Denaturation will happened in body for which

compounds? proteins
Q-19 antihypertensive used in pregnancy ?
Alpha Methyldopa

Q-20 Desmopressine used in :- nocturnal enuresis &diabetes insipidus

Q-21 Ampicilline has similar action cephalexin

Q-22 Relative bioequivalent compared between std. drug

&test drug acc. To :- AUC (Area Under the Carve )
Q-23 which of the following make water retention:
Q-24 protamine sulphate is anti dote of:- HEPARINE
Q-25 purified water can not used in:-
a-ophthalmic preparation

b-IV solution

c-oral preparation

d-oral suspension

Q-26 Active immunity can be conferred by :- vaccine

Q-27 Not expected with inhaled smoke of cannabis

Q-28 Enkefaline as peptide used in similar in action to morphine

Q-29 a.c stands for before meal
Q-30 q.q.d stand for every four hour
Q-31 one question was find gravity of given substance
gravity = weight/volume
Q-32 5ml sol.amp has conc 0.2%, what will be the amount of
drug? 10mg
Q-33 The substance converted in full powder form by which
a-Reduction, b- evaporation, c-Sublimation, d- Maceration
Q-34 The process of Dry heater is Sublimation
Q-35 Most commonly used dosage form is
a- Injections, b- syrups, c- soft Capsules, d- Tablets

This is all which I remember wish u all the best

Regards, Tayyeba Adil

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