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Performance Management by Vanessa Villaluz

The Makati Girls Club <3

Job Performance
Record of outcomes produced on a specified job function during a specified time period. As a
construct, it cannot be defined by a single empirical manifestation.

Performance Management
Total Performance Management System:
1. Starts with the company’s mission and vision, which
2. Determine organization strategy and desired organization culture, that
3. Shapes objectives (what organizations want to achieve), and
4. Competencies (how they want objectives achieved)
a. Core - required of everyone in the organization regardless of job level
b. Role-specific - performed by people in a given role
c. Functional - specific to a particular function

Objectives of Performance Management

For the employees For the supervisor For the organization

- clarify expectations - system to provide feedback - align to organization’s goals

- motivate employees - check progress for goal - a shared understanding of
- link performance to career attainment and discuss ways how to behave
advancement, promotions, to attain goals - the basis for performance
and pay increases review, improvement, and
- provide information for
selection and recruitment and
training, intervention

The Performance Management Cycle

Process 1: Performance Planning

Facilitates the achievement of organizational objectives and highlights employees’ contribution
to the overall performance of the organization
1. Clarifying performance goals or expected outcomes
2. Delineating scope of work and decision/ escalation points
3. Impact of role to the business
4. Stakeholder’s expectations
5. Required competencies
6. Available support
7. Key norms in performing
8. Task lists
9. Rewards and consequences of performance
10. A documented commitment of the employee

Process 2: Performance Review and Feedback

Clear scoreboard and mechanism to track performance. Be sensitive about damdamin,
Sandwich approach

Process 3: Training and Development

1. Seminars and workshops
2. Job enrichment - giving additional opportunities to gain experiences and competencies
outside of their normal work
3. Job rotation - exposing individuals to different roles to expand expertise
4. Coaching: Performance (assisting employees to perform better), Career (assist in
identifying and preparing for their desired careers or roles) and Developmental
(developing certain competencies for higher roles). Ateneo CORD’s 6A Coaching
Framework: Aim, Assess, Affirm, Advance, Act, Achieve

Process 4: Performance Rewards

1. Extrinsic
2. Intrinsic

Measuring Job Performance

Objective Performance criteria - measures of job performance that are tangible and easily
quantified, SMART.

Subjective Performance criteria - KSAs

Sources of Performance Ratings

● Peer-rating
● Self-appraisal
● Subordinate rating
● Customer rating

Methods of Rating Performance

Comparative Performance Methods
● Rankings
● Paired comparisons
● Forced distribution

Individual Performance Methods

● Graphic rating scales
● Behaviorally-anchored rating scales (BARS)
● Checklists

Problems and Pitfalls in Performance Management

● Leniency/ severity errors
● Central tendency bias
● Halo effects
● Recency effects
● Personal biases

Roles in Performance Management

1. Top Executives:
a. Communicate the key role of performance management in the organization
b. Link organization with department/ unit goals clearly
c. Set clear performance expectations for the organization
d. Communicate progress in the achievement of organizational goals
e. Role modeling of key values and competencies
2. Line Managers
a. Set performance goals and expectations with individual employees
b. Monitor performance
c. Give feedback
d. Look our for employee development
e. Link performance with rewards
3. Employees in partnership with supervisors
a. Review performance meetings
b. Participate in setting performance
c. Evaluating peers (if warranted)
4. HR specialists
a. Facilitate competency building of line managers and employees in performance
b. Evaluate the effectiveness of the performance management system

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