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Chapter 16 – Leadership

Leadership: a process whereby one individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common

Purpose and function of Leadership:

 Leadership brings an org and its people to greater performance
 Good leadership motivates more than good management does

Leadership effectiveness: Leader’s Skill or ability to elicit the best from followers, to motivate them, and
to work within the contingencies of employees’ situations and tasks at hand
Leadership theories and models:
 Great Man/Woman Theory
o Leadership is based one’s natural abilities (“Great leaders are born, not made”)
o Not famous anymore due to lack of evidence
 Trait theory
o There are physical and personality traits commonly found in good leaders
 Concept of:
o initiating structure (task orientation)
 Focuses on work structure and organization
o consideration (relationship-orientation)
 inter-personal aspect of leadership
 Style and Participative theories: Different ways on how to elicit cooperation, commitment,
action from followers
o Autocrats: Command and control followers
o Democratic leaders: Allow some authority and freedom
o Laissez-faire leaders: Complete freedom
Descriptive Leadership
theories explain what
leaders are and what they
are not
Behavioral or prescriptive
leadership theories explore
leadership behavior. They
don’t just focus on inborn
Contingency Leadership Theories say that there is no one best way to lead an organization because you
should be able to adjust methodologies and skills contingent to the needs of situation and followers
Follower-centric branch of leadership:
 Follower engages in matching process between his schema of ideal leader and the actual leader
o The farther the present leader is from the ideal schema, decreases overall impression of
the leader

Leadership studies in Asia and the Philippines

 Asian leaders possess emotional competencies (AIM, 2002)
o Factors of emotional intelligence in Asian Managers
 Emotional literacy
 Self-confidence
 Self-management
 Self-motivation
 Dynamism
 Collaboration
 Social consciousness
 Asian Managers: Collectivist | Western Managers: Individualistic (Nolasco, 2008)
 Transformational leadership is important to employees’ attitudinal outcomes of job satisfaction,
trust in leader, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior (Francisco,
o “When a leader challenges, enables, inspires, models, and encourages, he or she creates
opportunities and conditions for work to serve a higher sense of purpose. This elevates
mundane and routine daily activity into something that can satisfy higher order needs”
 Nine positive traits of Filipino leaders (Lanuza and Wells, 2005)
o finance and business interest
o desire to lead
o desires challenge
o takes initiative
o wants autonomy
o optimistic
o enthusiastic
o authoritative
o ability to think creatively and experimentally

Family Orientation in Asian Organizations: A Leader’s Challenge

 Family honor comes before individual honor (Jocano, 2001)
 “a successful family corporation is one that has a healthy family and a healthy business” – AIM
Family Corporations Group
 To manage and lead a family corporation, the following need to be managed:
 These components need to be articulated, communicated, planned for, and resolved among
family members

Leadership in Non-Profit Organizations

 Vision is key to leadership
 Non-profits may not have as much resources for rewards and motivation
 So usually they rely on empathy of members, identification with org vision, sense of urgency to
resolve problems
 Leaders of NGOs must be willing to fight battles on the ground, mobilize people and resources
 Vision, persistence, courage to transform other people’s lives are needed

Leadership in times of Change

 Steps to leading change (Kotter, 1996)
o Create urgency
o Form a powerful coalition
o Create a vision for change
o Communicate the vision
o Remove obstacles
o Create short-term wins
o Build on the change
o Anchor changes in corporate culture
 Implicit Change Leadership Theory (Magsaysay and Hechanova, 2017)
o Focuses on schemas of change leaders
o Followers’ schemas on ideal change leaders
 Strategic and technical
 Execution
 “A strategy is only good as its execution”
 Need to be hands-on in making decisions and driving action, but need to
balance with empowerment and coaching
 Social
 Character and resilience

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