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Chapter 15 – Conflict

Definitions of Conflict:
 Real or perceived unsatisfied needs/interests of multiple parties, such that it results to a rivalry
when one tries to exclude others
 Presence of goal incompatibility between or among interdependent individuals/groups, such
that one interferes in the other’s achievement of goals (marketing vs finance)
 Discord between, within, and among individuals/groups due to org factors

Typologies of conflict:
 Task-based and relationship-based conflict
o Task-based: about substantive content of tasks
o Relationship-based: From the persons
 Circle of Conflict
o Data Conflicts: lack of or misinformation, varying views on data
o Relationship conflicts: due to strong emotions, prejudices, stereotypes
o Values Conflicts: diverse beliefs/ideologies
o Structural Conflicts: Geographic, physical, or environmental factors that hinder
o Interest Conflicts: Competitive interests

 Based on loci:
o Intrapersonal: within an individual, if has a conflict with role, values, interests
o Interpersonal/Intra-group: Presence of disagreements among group members
o Intergroup/Inter-organizational: Between two or more groups
 Focused on outcome:
o Constructive conflict: leads to positive org changes
o Destructive conflict: leads to org stagnation

*Conflict management requires interventions to reduce conflict if too much or promote conflict if too
Conflict Management Styles:
 Thomas-Kilman’s five conflict management styles
o Competing: assertive and uncooperative (pursue’s own concers at expense of
o Accommodating: cooperative and unassertive (self-sacrificing)
o Avoiding: unassertive and uncooperative (withdrawing, not dealing with conflict)
o Collaborating: cooperative and assertive (works together to find solutions)
o Compromising: moderately assertive and moderately cooperative (partially
satisfying for both parties)
o *Filipino managers usually collaborative and compromising. Reflects pakikisama and
togetherness and bayanihan

Forms of conflict interventions:

 Resolving sources of conflict based on Moore’s Conflict Circle

 Facilitating interest-based negotiation of agreements or settlement of conflicts

o Approaches:
 Conciliation
 Done when parties not ready to negotiate due to emotions
 Third-party attempts to build atmosphere of trust and cooperation
conducive to negotiation
 Negotiation: Conflicting parties jointly look for mutually ok solutions
 Mediation: Facilitated by impartial, third party
 Repositioning of Parties toward Conflict Reduction or Resolution

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