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Ethan Richards Pd.

Industry and Immigration

Lesson 1 Innovation Boosts Growth

Key Terms
Entrepreneur - people who build and manage businesses or enterprises
in order to make a profit, often risking their own money or
free enterprise -people who build and manage businesses or
enterprises in order to make a profit, often risking their own money
or livelihoods
laissez faire - the absence of government control over personal and
economic life
protective tariff - the taxes on imported goods designed to protect
industry - is the production of goods or related services within an economy
patent - official rights given by the government to an inventor for the
exclusive right to develop, use, and sell an invention for a set period of
Thomas Edison - (1847–1931) was an American inventor. He held over
1,000 patents for inventions, including the light bulb, an early movie
camera, and an alkaline battery
Bessemer process - method developed in the mid-nineteeth century for
making steel more efficiently
suspension bridge - bridges that have a roadway suspended by cables
time zone - any of the 24 longitudinal areas of the world within which
the same time is used
mass production - production of goods in large numbers through the use
of machinery and assembly lines
cash crop - crop grown for sale

Academic Vocabulary
stimulate: to excite to action
component: any of the main parts of a whole
diversify: to add variety or balance
dominate: to be more powerful or successful than others

Lesson Objectives
Interactive Reading Notepad • Lesson 1
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Ethan Richards Pd. 3

1. Analyze the factors that encouraged industrialization in the United

States in the late 1800s.
Pro-Business government policies are factors that led to rise of
the US industrial revolution in the late 1800’s
2. Explain how new inventions, scientific discoveries, and technological
innovations fueled growth and improved the standard of living.
Some Revolutionized communications are Railroads and
Telephones. Some of the innovations that fueled the growth is Steam
power and Electricity.
3. Explain the challenges faced by the South in industry and agriculture in
the late 1800s.
Some of the challenges the south face in industry and agriculture in
the late 1800s is there were too many crops being harvest and sold
for prices that wasn’t beneficial for the farmers to support them self.
4. Describe the impact of industrialization in the late 1800s.
The impact of industrializations opened up many new jobs. Opening
more jobs with machinery produce good much faster and more
money input.

American Industry Grows: Text

1. Identify Cause and Effect As you read “American Industry Grows,”

use this graphic organizer to record factors that encouraged the growth of
industry in the United States (the causes of industrialization) as well as
industrialization’s effects.

Interactive Reading Notepad • Lesson 1

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Ethan Richards Pd. 3

2. Analyze Interactions Among Events What technological innovation

changed the oil industry in the mid-1800s? How did this change
encourage the growth of industry in general?
Steam engine made it easier to created gasoline and find oil.

3. Summarize the impact of immigration on the U.S. workforce and the

growth of industry during the nineteenth century.
During the second industrial revolution was taking place,
immigrants came to the US looking for new homes and work. This
opened the US to an huge economic opportunity.

4. Integrate Information From Diverse Resources Use evidence from

the text and the excerpt from Horatio Alger’s Ragged Dick, or Street
Life in New York to describe the rags-to-riches idea that captured the
American imagination. According to the idea, what personal qualities
lead to success?
“Horatio Alger story” became a synonym for a person, real or
fictional, who rises in life from rags to riches. Actually a story
about the rise from rags to respectability rather than riches,
Ragged Dick is set at a time when two interrelated trends were
shaping American lives. Both urbanization, or the growth of cities,
and the spread of industry posed new challenges to society.
People moving from the countryside to cities were confronted
with different ways of living and working than in the past. Mixing
fact with fiction, Ragged Dick describes this new urban world and
advises young boys how to best succeed in it.

Innovation Drives Economic Development: Text

5. Draw Conclusions Several major inventions during the Industrial

Revolution had an important impact on life in the United States. In
your opinion, which single innovation had the biggest impact on
the nation and why? Cite evidence from the text to support your
In my opinion I would have to stay the steam engine was the
biggest invention that was made. The reason I say that the steam
engine is the biggest invention that was made because it open the
eyes of the US on different moving vehicles and it also open our
eyes on want else can this engine do. Then they remodel the
engine and that’s how the modern car was made.

6. Identify Supporting Details How did railroads and factories cause a

“spiral of growth” during the Industrial Revolution? Identify details that
explain and support this idea.

Interactive Reading Notepad • Lesson 1

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Ethan Richards Pd. 3

Railroads transported large amount of different good for long

distances quickly and effortless.

Industrialization and the New South: Text

7. Compare and Contrast As you read “Industrialization and the New

South,” use this graphic organizer to compare and contrast
industrialization and agriculture in the old and new South. Consider factors
such as what the South did with raw materials like cotton, wood, and iron
ore; what kinds of crops southern farmers grew; and what transportation
systems linked major southern cities.

7. Explain an Argument The text asserts that southern farmers’

overdependence on one major crop—cotton—was extremely risky.
What evidence is given to support this claim?

Interactive Reading Notepad • Lesson 1

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Ethan Richards Pd. 3

The price of cotton because buyers of cotton started to purchase cotton other
places than the south because of their textile factories. They started
looking in Egypt and India.

The Effects of Industrialization: Text

9. Identify Cause and Effect During the Industrial Revolution, many people
moved away from farms and into cities. What caused this migration? What
effects did moving into the city have on the people who chose to do this?
Farming machines kept getting more and more advanced causing
many farm workers to lose their job, so they move to the city.
Because of rural industry people became more bound to the
countryside, there were more jobs. Some people had to move to get
to these jobs. At the same time cities attracted merchants and
industry-laborers. They moved to the cities and settled around them.

10. Draw Inferences What were some benefits of industrialization to the

United States? What were some problems that it caused? Use details
from the text as well as your own ideas and experience to list and explain
at least two significant “pluses” and two possible “minuses” of
It increased productivity, which enable production of a large variety
of products and service economically. This in turn leads for
improved standards of living for the entire society or the economy.
Another major advantage of the Industrial Revolution was that it was
the beginning of a wave of new material goods that could be used to
improve people's lives. Early in the Industrial Revolution, for
example, cloth came to be made much more cheaply than it had been
However, Urbanization was causing started getting out of hand.
Cities were overpopulated, and neighborhoods became dirty and
unsafe. It was even worse for the workers. Industrialization also
contributes to negative environmental externalities, such as
pollution, increased greenhouse gas emission, and global warming.

Interactive Reading Notepad • Lesson 1

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