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Name _________________________ Class________________ Date ___________


Directions: Using the Job Attributes Checklist below, place a check mark next
to those statements that apply to you. Based on your responses, answer the
questions that follow.

1. I enjoy working with numbers.

2. I enjoy working outdoors.

3. I enjoy working with my hands.

4. I enjoy selling.

5. I like working with people.

6. I prefer to work alone.

7. I like supervising other people.

8. I like knowing exactly what I am supposed to do.

oose a business idea that interests you. Based on your checklist, are your
interests a good match for your business idea? Why or why not?

2. Based on your checklist, identify another type of business that would be a

good choice for you and explain why.
Name_________________________ Class________________ Date __________

Directions: Read each of the following situations. Then circle the answer that
best suits your personality. Use your responses to find out if you are suited for

Situation Column A Column B Column C

Getting Along with If there’s a party, A party with new No parties for me.
Others there I am! I enjoy people. I don’t think I’m a loner.
A friend from another being around all so. I’ve got enough
school invites you to a types of people. friends.
party. You won’t know
many people there.
Leadership I’m the one for the I am good at Yeah! I’ll be the
The student council is job. I’ve got some carrying out others’ president. My
electing officers. They great ideas on how ideas and campaign
are looking for a to improve things suggestions, but promises will be
candidate for president. around the school. I’m not sure I want no classes, off-
I’ll work well with to be in charge. campus lunches,
the administration, and five study
the faculty, and the halls a day.
Risk Taking Risk? Who cares if Risk? I don’t know. Risk? Me, take a
A friend approaches you there’s a chance I I prefer a sure risk? Find
about investing in a new can come out on thing, but it sounds yourself someone
idea. You may lose your top? I’m not afraid exciting! else!
money, but you could of taking risks!
triple it.
Independence I’ve been looking I like to do it on my Move out and
Your parents are going out for myself as own, but cross the street
to move to another long as I can sometimes it would by myself? No
state. You are trying to remember! I don’t be nice to know way! I need
decide whether to move need anybody to they were there if I someone to hold
with them or stay in your help me. needed them. my hand.
hometown alone.
Self-confidence I can do anything; I I’m pretty sure I can I don’t think I can
You are asked to take a can be anything. do it, but I hope I do it. I’ve never
new job. You know very do it right! been any good at
little about the job and doing new things.
what is required.

APTITUDE TEST (continued)

Determination and I’m like the little I’ll do my best, but When the going
Patience engine that could— if it’s too hard or gets tough, I get
A project you are gotta make it, gotta takes too long, I going! See ya!
working on is getting make it! don’t know if I’ll
very difficult. finish!
Goal Setting I know where I Goals are a good Why waste your
You are preparing for an want to be next thing, but I don’t time setting
interview, and you may year, in five years, always stick with goals? If it’s
be asked about your in ten years, for the them. meant to be, it will
goals. rest of my life! be!
Need to Achieve Don’t know what A good, loyal You worked here
At your going-away we’ll do without worker. Always did for how long, and
party, what would you. You gave so what others asked. you did what?
people say about your much to the
contributions to the company.
Creativity I’m an idea I can add to the Me? Creative? I
Your teacher is looking machine! I’ve got a ideas of others, but haven’t had an
for someone to suggest ton of ideas I’ve I don’t usually think original thought in
a new fundraiser for an been waiting to up original ideas. this decade.
organization. share.
Decision Making I can size up the I like to think about Decisions? I’m
Some major changes situation and things for a little not the one to
need to be made in your decide what’s best while before I make ask. I change my
organization. Decisions on the spot. a decision. I hate to mind more often
need to be made decide before I than most people
quickly. know all the details. change clothes.

Determining the Results:

For each answer in Column A, give yourself 10 points.
For each answer in Column B, give yourself 5 points.
For each answer in Column C, give yourself 0 points.
90–100 What are you waiting for? Get started today!
75–85 You will do fine. It might be a little scary for you at times, but you will be
50–70 You might want to start out working for someone else!
Below 50 Take a good look at your work ethics and work to improve them.

What do your test results indicate?

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