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Music and Dance - Class 1 

Subtask:  Music and Dance - Grade 2  Timeline:  1 class - 25-30 minutes 

Expectations Addressed: 

C2.1 ​express personal responses to musical performances in a variety of ways 

C3.2 ​identify, through performing and/or listening, a variety of musical forms or pieces from different 
communities, times, and places 

Learning Intention:  Success Criteria: 

The intention of this lesson is to show the  I am able to… 

students how you can make sounds with your  - Listen to instructions 
body, as well as identifying different musical  - Follow a sequence of sounds in a crescendo 
instruments within a song.  (rain sounds) 
- Follow a sequence of sounds in a decrescendo 
(rain sounds) 
- Listen attentively to hear the musical instruments 
being played in each song 
- Identify different musical instruments in a song 

Assessment:  Opportunities for Descriptive Feedback: 

● Modelled  Assessing:  Before and during rain sounds. 
● Shared  - Ability to listen and   
● Guided  distinguish different  During music listening portion of the lesson. 
● Independent  instruments 
● Other 

Resources:  Differentiation:  Accommodations/Modifications (ELL/IEP): 

Youtube  Allow headphones for students be  Focus on what is recommended and 
more attentive to the sounds  administered in the IEP if needed. 
being played in the song. 
Using visuals for students who 
have difficulty understanding 

Beginning/Engagement:  Have the students come to the carpet to start the lesson. Explain to the 
students that we will be making sounds with our body to create a rain storm. 
Show the students a video on what it looks like. Once the video is finished, have 
the students sit in a circle. Ask the students what movements the students did in 
the video. Repeat it for them. Explain to the students the activity. 
First, I will start the motion. The next person will wait a few seconds before 
starting their motion, and so on until the entire circle has a turn with that motion. 
Then I will start another motion, and the students will repeat as before until the 
circle has had a turn. After this, explain the next activity 
Middle:  Students will sit down at the carpet. We will discuss the 5 families of instruments: 
woodwind, brass, string, keyboard, percussion. Ask the students what 
instruments would be in those families.  
Students will be listening to a variety of different music from around the world.  
1) Cree Indigenous: ​ 
2) Italian Tarantella: ​ 
3) Chinese Festival: ​ 
4) Caribbean Steel Pan Drums: 
Before starting the videos, have the students understand that we have to 
respect the cultures that the songs are coming from, as well as be attentive to 
the instruments being played. Have students listen to each of the songs. After 
each song, have the students talk to their elbow partner (think-pair-share) to 
discuss what instruments they heard. 
To add a move element to the lesson, I will be teaching them how to dance to 
the Tarantella, step by step. Have the students follow the steps, and then do it 
as a group once they have the base down. 

Wrap-Up:  Have the students come back to the carpet to discuss what we just did. Ask the 
students which instrument they think is easiest to pick out, and why that is easier 
for them. Ask the students what they found similar and different about the 
songs they heard. 


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