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Executive Summary

Health and Wellness Monitor by Vita Sentry

Vita Sentry is a company which makes medical devices to develop the quality of diagnosis and monitoring
of arterioles. It has a vibrant team of individuals expertise in diversified specialization working towards
the common goal.

About Arterioles The

An arteriole is an essential component that helps in the process of blood circulation. Vita Sentry is one of
the first medical device companies to map the internal behavior of arterioles. The primary functions of
arterioles are:

 Identifying and adjusting metabolic needs

 Regulating blood pressure in the entire system
 Monitoring thermal requirements in the body

Problems addressed

As per the current issues, the challenges that are faced by the non-invasive technologies are the changes
occurring in the vascular tone.


What is Proprietary technology?

The technology developed by Vita Sentry is called Proprietary Technology, which measures the arteriolar
diameter (effective diameter may vary from 40 to 100 µm)

It measures the parameters, i.e., Cardiac Output(CO) and System Vascular Resistance(SVR) independently.

Value Proposition

 Proprietary Technology measures blood pressure with minimum or no calibration.

 It measures real-time Arteriole behavior


Individuals suffering from frequent blood Pressure issues can be the potential clients for Vita Sentry
devices. Also, this technology can be ideal for doctors or medical specialists who are unable to diagnose
the actual reason for fluctuating blood pressure levels.


The global market for this health and wellness monitor is divided into three segments:

 Continuous BP monitors
 Holter monitoring
 Self-BP monitoring

In 2014 the global market for BP monitoring devices was $2 billion. The US market leads with 45% of the
market share amounting to $145 million and Europe chasing towards 36%.

The wellness monitor shares the platform with other developing technologies in the competitive market.
But comparing the features on a specific basis, the BP24 wellness device is declared as a clear winner.

Business Model

The business model of Vita Sentry is unique. Firstly, it creates a concept and then adds the touch of the
latest technology to it and gives it a shape of a complete product.

The device developed for measuring BP and hypertension can be targeted towards hospitals and other
medical distribution channels like pharmacy, e-commerce retailers, etc.

Financial projections

The company aims to collaborate with new retailers and project the following targets:

 30 new retailers in Year 1

 90 new retailers in Year 2
 170 new retailers in Year 3

The projected sales for the subsequent years are growing and indicating better performance YoY.
However, it will increase the overall profitability of the firm – enhancing the ROI for the investors and
other stakeholders.

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