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Music and Dance - Class 3 

Subtask:  Music and Dance - Grade 2  Timeline:  1 class - 25-30 minutes 

Expectations Addressed: 

C1.2: apply the elements of music when singing, playing an instrument, and moving 
C2.2: describe ways in which the elements of music are used for different purposes in the music they 
perform, listen to, and create 

Learning Intention:  Success Criteria: 

The learning intention is for the students to  I can… 

understand music vocabulary such as beat, as  - Follow along to the beat of the music 
well as being able to demonstrate what beat  - Keep my distance away from others so everyone 
and rhythm look like in a song.   can do the movements 
- Synchronize with my classmates after practicing 
- Maintain consistency with my pace 

Assessment:  Opportunities for Descriptive Feedback: 

● Modelled  Assessing the students on their  During the instructions 
● Shared  mobility in being insync with other  During the activity 
● Guided  students, maintaining a consistent  After the lesson 
● Independent  pace, and are able to work in 
Practice  groups.  
● Other 

Resources:  Differentiation:  Accommodations/Modifications (ELL/IEP): 

Youtube  Have students find the beat by  Dependent on their IEP. 
tapping on their laps or desks, or 
clap the beat. 

Beginning/Engagement:  Ask the students to explain to you what a beat is, and how they find a beat in a 
song. After they have explained, tell the students what the difference between 
beat and rhythm. A ​beat​ is the steady pace found within a song. A ​rhythm​ is 
the time length of a note, kind of like a syllable. Demonstrate what you mean 
with the worksheets:
Have the students clap for the beat first, restart, then have them clap the 
rhythm. Do this for all the songs in the PDF.  
Then play a few rounds of “Pass The Beat” to enhance the learning. 
Explain the next activity. 
Middle:  Students will be listening to a full song, and during the song, they will find the 
beat of the music. Demonstrate it with them for the first song (we will rock you), 
then play the other songs and have the students try and find the beat. Instead 
of clapping this time, demonstrate for them a simple two step. When the feet 
meet together, that is a beat. Step, together (beat), step, together (beat). 
Happy - Pharrell Williams : 
We Will Rock You - Queen : 
You’re Welcome - Moana : 
Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast : 

Wrap-Up:  Have the students come back to the carpet, and discuss how they feel after 
that exercise, as well as what their favourite beat was today. 


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