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Three are ex-officio and four are

regular members. The three ex-officio officers are
When they impeach impeachable officers. (1)Chief Justce as presiding officer, (2)Secretary of
Justice and (3)One representative of the Congress.
In the Sereno Case, the cooperative fact doctrine In the case of Chavez v. JBC, the Supreme Court
apply. said that the Constitutiton must be interpreted
verba legis. When Justice Davide argued that “one
Public officers may be de jure or de facto representative of the Congress” means that there
1. De jure - qualified under the government should be one representative in the House of the
whether it is a legal position or not Representatives and one from the Senate.
2. De facto - the Supreme Court held that in all However, Chavez argued that and the Court agreed
cases involving them, all of their previous acts that there should be one representative from both
are considered will be binding and valid. the Senate and the House of the Representatives.
On the other hand, the regular member are
Therefore all issued appointments of Sereno are (1)Representative of the retired justices of the
considered valid. As a de facto officer, all of her Supreme Court, (2)Representative of the private
votes in the JBC are valid. All of her decisions are sectors, (3) Representative from the Integrated Bar
valid. of the Philippines and (4) Law professor who need
not to teach in a law school because there are some
In the case of Francisco v. HOR, what is a professors who teach law but not in a law school.
complaint initiated?
The Supreme Court held that initiation will start if EXECUTIVE BRANCH
it is referred to the Committee on Justice. Because
sometimes, the complaint will not even elevate. Presidential Immunity from suit with regards to
writ of Amparo and writ of habeas corpus
In the case of Ombudsman Gutierrez v. Speaker
Del Monte, can there be two complaints In the case of Rodriguez v. Arroyo, the writ of
simultaneously considered by the Committee on amparo is an extraordinary and independent
Justice? remedy that provides rapid judicial relief, as it
It can only take initial measures because the House partakes of a summary proceeding that requires
of Representatives revised the rules. They can only substantial evidence to make the appropriate
proceed as a joint referral with two complaints. interim and permanent reliefs available to the
petitioner. Meanwhile, the writ of habeas data
When they exercise their checks and balances provides a judicial remedy to protect a person’s
powers. right to control information regarding oneself,
particularly in instances where such information is
When they confirm the appointment of the being collected through unlawful means in order to
President through the Commission on achieve unlawful ends. Supreme Court held that
Appointments. this is curative because of missing persons or
possible victims of extra-judicial killings. In this
Who are the officers subject to the confirmation of case where Arroyo was a respondent, the Supreme
the Commission on Appointments? Court allowed such because (1) it was a
1. Heads of the Parties presidential immunity from suit, (2) there was
2. Ambassadors, public ministers and consuls nothing in the allegation that will mitigate that the
3. Officers of the AFP from the rank of cornel to president had personal knowledge of the missing
naval captain person.
4. All members of the Constitutional
Commissions In the case of BOAC v. Cadapan, there is no need
5. Four regular members of the JBC to file a motion for execution of a writ of amparo
or a habeas corpus. An amparo proceeding is not
How many members are there in the JBC? criminal in nature nor does it ascertain the criminal
liability of individuals or entities involved. Neither conditions provided by law, based on real
does it partake of a civil or administrative suit. contributions to the economic growth and
Rather, it is a remedial measure designed to direct general welfare of the country. In such
specified courses of action to government agencies agreements, the State shall promote the
to safeguard the constitutional right to life, liberty development and use of local scientific
and security of aggrieved individuals. Contrary to and technical resources.
the ruling of the appellate court, there is no need to
file a motion for execution for an amparo or habeas The President shall notify the
corpus decision. Since the right to life, liberty and Congress of every contract entered into in
security of a person is at stake, the proceedings accordance with this provision, within
should not be delayed and execution of any thirty days from its execution.
decision thereon must be expedited as soon as
possible since any form of delay, even for a day, No other than the President is allowed to sign a
may jeopardize the very rights that these writs seek financial and technical assistance agreements.
to immediately protect. Now if the President wishes to withdraw his
signature, the Supreme Court was asked if the
In one of the cases during the Malolos exercise of cancelling the financial and technical
Constitution, a mother was arrested by security assistance agreement an exercise of quasi-
guards in a subdivision in Bulacan accusing her extrajudicial function of the Supreme Court?
children who were stealing. It was then
investigated and a writ of Amparo was filed. Writ of Amparo
However, the Supreme Court denied it since the Boac v. Cadapan: in this case are UP students
respondents were private persons. who are lost, and when Palparan was put to jail
Fr. Roberto Reyes v. Secretary of Justice:
In the case of Rev. Fr. Robert P. Reyes v. Secretary he issued writ of Amparo because of the
of DOJ, writ of Amparo is only filed for missing
takeover of the Manila Peninsula Hotel. The
persons. Fr. Robert P. Reyes cannot use the said
writ for his benefit because he is not even missing Supreme Court held that the writ of Amparo
in the first place. can only be filed on the missing person

In the case of Napico Home Owners Association, Only the president can sign the financial and
there were informal settlers in the said private technical assistance agreement (FTAA) [See
subdivision. They were about to be removed so Art. 12 Sec.2(4)]. The president decided to
they went to the Supreme Court and issued a writ withdraw the signature on FTAA. The
of amparo. However, the Supreme Court also question raised in the Supreme Court was: was
disapproved such because it is only applicable in the exercise of cancelling the FTAA an
cases where there are missing persons. The exercise of quasi-judicial function of the
informal settlers even argued that if ever they
president? No, it is a purely administrative
would get evicted, they would be considered as
missing persons. But then, the court still denied the signature on the part of the president. Because
motion. quasi-judicial is where you decide for the 3rd
National Economy and Patrimony parties. If the president itself withdraws on his
signature, it is an administrative signature.
Paragraph 4 and 5, Section 2 of Article 12
states that: The President may enter into Commission on Appointments
agreements with foreign-owned Ad interim appointment: this is an
corporations involving either technical or appointment issued by the President if
financial assistance for large-scale Congress is not in session.
exploration, development, and utilization - First discussed in the case of Matibag
of minerals, petroleum, and other mineral
v. Benipayo
oils according to the general terms and
- Paguia v. Office of the President: the independence of the Office of the
Paguia questioned the qualifications of Ombudsman.
CJ Davide when he retired to become The President has the power to remove special
the ambassador to the UN. The Court prosecutor? Yes.
dismissed the case because Atty. Independence of Constitutional Bodies
Paguia has no personality to sue - Funa v. Duque: President Arroyo
because on the time he filed the designated Duque to become a member
petition he was undergoing his of the board of the following: GSIS,
indefinite suspension. PhilHealth, ECC, Pag-ibig in addition
- Justice Philip Aguinaldo v. JBC: to his being chairman in the Civil
there are 6 vacant seats in the Service. The question raised was the
Sandiganbayan. Judge said that the designation correct? Supreme Court
PNoy did not follow the clustering of held that Duque by accepting
appointing in Sandiganbayan. additional responsibilities as a member
Supreme Court held that clustering is of the board, he is violating the
not prescribed under the Constitution. independence of the Civil Service
The JBC cannot infringe the president Commission. The president has control
in appointing. It is a personal discretion in appointing in the corporations, but
by the president. Duque himself should be independent,
therefore he has to vacant his position
Midnight appointments: in the board member.
- De Castro v. JBC: JBC membership - Civil Service Commission v. BBM:
has the power to recommend to the can BBM prescribe conditions for the
president. Supreme Court held that it is release of funds of the CSC? The
valid but the period, covered only on Supreme Court held that under the
election on judiciary, the Court said no. Constitution, CSC enjoy fiscal
Executive positions only. autonomy. Whatever appropriation,
- What is the rule of appointing Congress approved for their office
powers of mayor and governor must be released automatically.
during the election ban period?
None. They cannot appoint during the Proportional Appointment:
election ban period. The Supreme - Funa v. Villar: when the Chairman of
Court held that they cannot appoint on COA ended his term, GMA promoted
mass appointments because there is an Villar as the Chairman. Funa question
existing Civil Service Rule that mayors is the term valid? Supreme Court held
and governors cannot mass appoint. that Villar will serve for a maximum of
- Cannot appoint up to the 3rd civil 7 years.
degree of consanguinity or affinity. - Civil Service Commission cannot
While for the president, he cannot substitute its own judgment to the
appoint up to the 4th civil degree of discretion of the appointment. The
consanguinity or affinity. appointment will always be vested on
the head of the agency. The power of
Power of Removal the Civil Service is to deny and
The president has no power to remove the approve, and not substitute.
Deputy Ombudsman because that will destroy
Law on Public Officers:
Ombudsman Carpio Morales v. Court of
Appeals: three powers of ombudsman as per
Supreme Court (IPIS):
a. Investigatory
b. Prosecutory
c. Impose Sanctions
- The Supreme Court held that the
powers of Ombudsman is subject to the
review of Court of Appeals within the
exercise of its general position.
Condonation of wrongdoings of public
servants should not be allowed.

Yap v. COA: COA disallowed Yap’s


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