Assignment Questions

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(wherever required, this is to be done for the last 4 financial years).

1. What is the name of the company ? What is the year of AGM the latest balance sheet reveals?
2. Who are the promoters of the company ?
3. State the management and shareholding pattern of the company.
4. What are the products manufactured by the company ?
5. What is the installed capacity and the capacity produced (including capacity utilisation) ?
6. Is the company doing any job work ? If so, please provide the details.
7. State top 3 suppliers and 5 users of the company’s products
8. Who are the top 5 competitors of the company and what are the Total Income / % EBIDTA to
TI and % PAT to TI of these competitors ?
9. What is the sales turnover / Total Income of the company (excluding other income)
(standalone and consolidated) ?
10. What is the break up of other income into Other Operating income and non-operating
11. What is the EBIDTA of the company ? Has the EBIDTA improved or decreased ?
12. What is the balance sheet size of the company ?
13. What is the authorised capital, issued capital and paid up capital of the company ?
14. How much % age of the company is through right issue and through bonus issues ?
15. State the total borrowings of the company with possible break up.
16. How much of borrowings have been repaid during the respective financial year ?
17. What is the average borrowing rate of the company ? If it is high, why ?
18. What is the average no of days of sundry debtors ?
19. How much has been provided as sundry debtors write off during the year ?
20. What is the total imports of the company during the year ? Please state the % age of imports
to total cost of raw materials spent ?
21. What is the size of the exports of the company and % of export turnover to total turnover ?
22. What are the types of audit conducted during the year and who are the auditors for the same?
23. How many employees are there in the company ? What is the productivity per employee ? Is
it in line with industry standards ?
24. What is the SWOT analysis of the company ?
25. What according to you is the USP of the company ?
26. What is the % of dividend and the total amount of dividend (Rs. Lacs / cr.) declared by the
company ?
27. What is the payout ratio of the company ? Is it in line with industry standards ?
28. What is the face value of the equity share and what is the latest market price of each equity
share ?
29. What is the EPS of the company / Price Earnings ratio and Dividend yield of the company ?
30. In your opinion, how strongly or weakly the company is placed in its respective industry ?
(Read : Management Discussion and Analysis for the same).
31. What are the RoA and ROCE of the company ?
32. In your assessment, how professional the company has been in its core operations and
substantiate your claim.
33. What is the amount of CSR allocation during the year ? How much of the same was spent
during the year ?
34. State which are the activities for which the CSR funds had been spent and how much is the
estimated beneficiaries of the same.
35. What are the risk management practices followed by the company and do you think any more
risks are there which remain unaddressed ?
36. What are the rewards and recognitions received by the company during the year ? State them
in detail.
37. How many direct subsidiaries and indirect subsidiaries are there for the company ?
38. Has the company initiated forward and backward integration projects ? If so, please state. If
not, please state what can be a relevant forward and backward integration projects possible
for the company.
39. Has the company issues Employees Stock Options ? If so, how much and what has been the
exercise price ? How much of equity capital increase happened for the company as a result of
ESOP exercise ?
40. What is the total amount of exchequer contribution by the company and state the details of
the same ?
41. What is the type of Accounting Standards followed by the company ? State in detail the
definition of this Accounting Standard.
42. State the amount of investments held by the company during the year ? Are they liquid and if
so, how much is liquid and how much is illiquid ? State reasons for the same.
43. What is the composition of the board ? According to you, is the board broad based and if not,
please state why.
44. What is the amount of contingent liabilities reflected In the balance sheet of the company ?
State the details of the same.
45. According to you, what are the employee welfare measures provided by the company ?
Enumerate them.
46. Is the company in expansion / diversification / modernisation mode ? If so, state the cost of
the project and the means of finance of the same. What is the expected date of completion
of this program ? If there is a capacity addition, what is the capacity addition envisaged ?
47. What is the cash and bank balance position of the company ?
48. Based on the company’s D:E ratio, what do you suggest – Dividend or Buy back option ?
Substantiate your claim.
49. What are the related party transactions in the company ?
50. State the key 10 ratios of the company.
51. What is the average salary of an employee in the company ? Bring a fine tuned figure to the
extent possible.

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