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Q1 : The organs of the urinary system include:

1- kidney 2- ureter 3- urinary bladder 4– urethra

Q2 : What is the function of :
1- Kidney : produce urine
2- Ureter : transports urine toward the urinary bladder
3- urinary bladder : temporarily stores urine prior to
4- urethra : conducts urine to exterior
5- THE URINARY SYSTEM (all done by kidneys):
1) filter blood plasma, separate wastes, return useful
materials to the blood, and eliminate the wastes.
2) regulate blood volume and osmolarity.
3) produce hormones }}}}} what is the hormones the
kidneys produce ?
1. renin 2. erythropoietin 3. calcitrol
4) regulate acid-base balance of the body fluids.
5) detoxify superoxides, free radicals, and drugs.
1 : how many of kidneys : two ( right and left ) kidneys
2 : Who is super and way : Left kidney more superior than
right (due to liver) .
3 : where the kidneys are located ? The kidneys are located
approximately between the levels of T12-L3 .
4 : Notch at medial border (hilus) for renal artery & vein,
ureter .
5 : Each kidney surrounded by 3 layers of CT:
1- renal capsule 2- adipose capsule 3- renal fascia

6 : what is the function of all layers ?
1 renal capsule : innermost layer of dense CT
2 adipose capsule : middle layer protecting & insulating
3 renal fascia : outer layer holding kidneys in place in
abdominal cavity
7: The medial surface of the kidney is concave with a hilum
carrying renal nerves and blood vessels.
8 : The renal parenchyma is divided into: an outer cortex and
inner medulla.
9: Extensions of the cortex (renal columns) project toward the
10: dividing the medulla into 6-10 renal pyramids.
11: Each pyramid is conical with a blunt point called the
papilla facing the sinus.
12: The papilla is nestled into a cup called a minor calyx,
which collects its urine .
13: Two or three minor calyces merge to form a major calyx.
14: The major calyces merge to form the renal pelvis.
15 : Urine Flow: Kidney to Urinary Bladder
16: Normally urine is composed of water .
-Urine collection :
-Ducts within each Renal paillae→minor calyx →major calyx
→ renal pelvis →ureter
17: which are the functional units of the kidney:

18: A nephron consists of :
i. blood vessels: afferent arteriole- glomerulus efferent -
ii. renal tubules: proximal convoluted tubule- loop of Henle-
distal convoluted tubule . ( PCT-LOH-DCT-CD)
**Part of nephron :***
➢ Renal corpuscle – 1st part of the nephron
The components of Renal corpuscle :
1- Glomerulus 2- Bowman’s capsule
glomerulus – capillary network
Bowman’s capsule – double layered
capsule of epithelial tissue (inner visceral
layer/outer parietal layer), surrounding
glomerulus .
➢ Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT):
The simple cuboidal epithelium of the PCT has numerous
microvilli on the apical surface which increases the surface
area for absorption.
➢ Loop of Henle : When the PCT straightens out it forms a
tubule that descends toward the renal papilla of the
pyramid(renal medulla). This descending limb ascends
toward the renal corpuscle. This loop is called the loop of
➢ Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT) : When the ascending limb
of the loop of Henle reaches the renal corpuscle it becomes
the distal convoluted tubule. The distal convoluted tubule
performs both absorption and secretion
• The nephron does all of the following except: Filter

-Filtration occurs across “endothelial capsular (filtration)
membrane” junction between glomerular endothelium &
-results in formation of “filtrate” in capsular space
-Most Microvilli are found in proximal convoluted tubule cells.
-Most (85%) nephrons classified as “cortical nephrons”
–“cortical nephrons” : corpuscle located within corte .
-Some (15%) classified as “juxtamedullary nephrons”
–“juxtamedullary nephrons: corpuscle at junction of cortex &
-Efferent arterioles branch into a second capillary network,
the peritubular capillaries, which surround the renal tubules.
-The capillaries which surround the loop of henle of
juxtamedullary nephrons are longer & straighter, therefore
known as vasa recta
-Reabsorption & secretion occur between the renal tubules &
peritubular capillaries
-Extremely important to regulate the rate of filtration that
occurs at the glomerulus (glomerular filtration rate “GFR”)
- To regulate glomerular BP, we have a feedback system :
the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA)
- juxtaglomerular cells of the afferent arteriole – recognize if
renal BP is too low & then can respond
- Juxtaglomerular cells secrets renin when there is a fall in
sodium ion concentrations.

- macula densa cells of the distal convoluted tubule –
recognize if decreased filtrate produced or too many solutes
within filtrate & then can respond
-- Ureters –
Once urine is formed, it will move from the pelvis of the
kidneys into the ureters
- retroperitoneal, muscular tubes running from kidneys to
urinary bladder
- lined with transitional epithelium
- transports urine primarily by peristalsis
** Urinary bladder : Hollow muscular organ that temporarily
stores urine prior to “micturition”
- Lined with mucosa of transitional epithelium with rugae
- Muscularis of 3 layers of smooth muscle known as “detrussor
-Internally have “trigone” – triangular area formed by
openings of ureters & urethra
- Micturition reflex – stretch receptors in wall of bladder
stimulate smooth muscle of detrussor muscle (involuntary)
; stimulation of internal urethral sphincter (involuntary) &
external urethral sphincter of skeletal muscle (voluntary)
• The type of epithelium that forms the lining of the
urinary bladder and ureter is transitional epithelium
which is capable of stretching

• Urethra : Transports urine out of body
- Inner urethral sphincter of smooth muscle;
- external urethral sphincter of skeletal muscle
-Anatomically different in men & women :
- Correct sequence for the urine flow through the kidney
towards the urinary bladder is : renal papillae, minor calyx,
major calyx, renal pelvis, ureter -
- he male urethra extends from the through the prostate and
out the penis.
- a. Bladder neck


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