An Evidence-Based Protocol

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An Evidence-Based Protocol for Nurse Retention

Article  in  The Journal of nursing administration · November 2008

DOI: 10.1097/ · Source: PubMed


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Milisa Manojlovich
University of Michigan


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Volume 38, Number 10, pp 441-447
Copyright B 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


An Evidence-Based Protocol
for Nurse Retention
Ericka Gess, MS, RN, PCCN
Milisa Manojlovich, PhD, RN, CCRN
Sharon Warner, BSN, RN

Registered nurse turnover can drastically affect the 36% per year.2 Current literature estimates eco-
quality of patient care while costing more than 1 nomic costs of nursing turnover to be 4 to 5 times
billion dollars. The ongoing nursing shortage higher than what hospitals typically calculate. There
makes it hard to replace nurses, necessitating a are hidden, indirect costs that account for 79% of
novel approach to reduce nurse turnover. The losses including a 4% loss during predeparture, a
authors discuss an evidence-based protocol that 15% loss while the position is vacant, and an 81%
improves organizational commitment among loss while the new hire reaches a productive level.1,3
nurses as a way to retain nurses through facilitating Others claim that in addition to the decreased
autonomy, improving communication, and offering productivity of a new employee, indirect costs also
recognition and rewards to nursing staff. include the cumulative effects of turnover, such as a
decrease in staff morale and group productivity.4,5
Nursing turnover is a dysfunctional human re- Guidelines for calculating turnover costs are avail-
source issue when an institution loses nursing staff able in the literature.6 High costs of turnover can be
whom it would rather retain. Nursing turnover has crippling in a healthcare industry where the cost of
negative consequences when it occurs at high rates, care is skyrocketing and insurance company reim-
resulting in diminished continuity of care, de- bursement rates are dropping.
creased productivity, and increased risk for patients As nurse leaders, we are accountable for
and nurses.1 The ongoing nursing shortage is a ensuring that appropriate levels of competent staff
magnifying issue for nursing turnover because, are available to provide safe and quality patient
although the shortage is not necessarily the root care. To reach this goal, nurse leaders, human
cause of people leaving the profession, it does make resource, and other administrators have long
replacing those nurses increasingly difficult, thus worked together to retain nurses. Although re-
worsening both situations. High rates of staff nurse search evidence exists to demonstrate the delete-
turnover are detrimental not only to nurses and rious effects of nursing turnover and the value of
healthcare economies but also to the safety and nurse retention, there is little guidance in the
well-being of patients. literature on how to apply the research evidence
Nationwide, the average registered nurse turn- in a clinical setting. This article seeks to provide an
over rate is estimated to be approximately 15% to evidence-based protocol comprised of a compila-
tion of current evidence-based strategies for nurse
Authors’ Affiliations: House Supervisor (Ms Gess), Univer- retention that nurse leaders can tailor to their own
sity of Michigan Health System, and Staff Nurse, Telemetry needs and use within any healthcare setting. The 3
Unit, Veterans Affairs Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Michigan; authors developed this protocol based on personal
Assistant Professor (Dr Manojlovich), University of Michigan
School of Nursing, Ann Arbor; and Staff Nurse (Ms Warner), and professional interest in finding ways to reduce
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, nurse turnover.
Egleston Hospital, Georgia. Focusing interventions on nurse retention can
Corresponding author: Ms Gess, University of Michigan
Health System, C108 Med Inn 1500 E Medical Center Dr, SPC be viewed as a cost-effective way to address the
5804 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ( high rates of nursing turnover, as this is an area

JONA  Vol. 38, No. 10  October 2008 441

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
where implementation of evidence-based strategies tributing factors but has offered few tested solu-
can generate immediate results. The protocol tions to address the problem of nursing turnover.
described within this article was derived from The interventions within this protocol were identi-
interventions identified within current published fied as potential solutions to the identified prob-
research. The authors chose nurse leaders as the lem, but to our knowledge, the efficacy of these
focus group to target for this protocol, as current interventions has not yet been tested. Therefore, we
and previous research on nurse leaders and also provide evaluation tools to be used in con-
employee relationships has identified a positive junction with the protocol, which will measure the
correlation between nurse leaders’ behaviors and effectiveness of these interventions in increasing
employee satisfaction and retention.7,8 nurse retention.
Much of the research on organizational com- Accurate measurement of turnover is impor-
mitment and nursing turnover occurred during the tant for effective turnover management and evalu-
1970s and 1980s, with further clarification and ation. To calculate the rate of turnover within an
expansion of the associated constructs occurring organization, raw data from employees’ person-
throughout recent years.8 Organizational commit- nel records should be obtained. Duxbury and
ment has received most of its attention in research Armstrong,14 Hoffman,15 and Price16 developed
because of its consistent relationship to turnover.8 turnover indicators that have been validated. These
Organizational commitment may be seen as part instruments were combined to create the Nursing
of a larger cluster of constructs describing the Turnover Measurement Form. This evidence-based
individual-organizational relationship and includes retention protocol is designed to help nurse man-
organizational identification, job loyalty, job agers measure turnover in an easy and consistent
attachment, and job involvement.9 Previous re- manner over time (Table 1). The self-reported
search findings on organizational commitment Anticipated Turnover Scale developed by Hinshaw
have identified positive correlations between ante- and Atwood17 is a validated tool that is also
cedents of organizational commitment (ie, autonomy, helpful for managers in understanding staff nurses’
recognition, and communication) and nurse reten- perceptions and intentions to quit. Items on the
tion.8,9 Therefore, this protocol for nurse retention Nursing Turnover Measurement Form are shown
focuses on development of these 3 areas: autonomy, in Table 2.
recognition, and communication to increase organi- These tools should be used in conjunction
zational commitment. with the strategies to increase autonomy, recog-
We used a 3-component definition of organiza- nition, and communication. These tools will
tional commitment because this core definition has assist in identifying areas of weakness within
essentially remained the same over time.8,10,11 We organizations where increasing organizational
define organizational commitment as consisting of commitment by focusing on these areas could
identification with the goals and values of the be beneficial to decreasing staff turnover. These
organization, a willingness to focus strong effort tools, when used together, will create a protocol
toward helping the organization achieve its goals, for nurse leaders to be able to easily implement
and a strong desire to maintain membership in the and then measure the outcomes. Preintervention
organization.11,12 By increasing organizational and postintervention data should be collected to
commitment, our goal is to foster the development assess the effectiveness of the protocol and
of a workforce committed to organizational goals whether there was any impact on staff turnover
and mission, decrease nurse turnover, increase staff with its initiation. For staff members who
morale, and increase productivity. choose to leave, exit interviews should also be
conducted, as they are an invaluable source of
Description of Protocol and information regarding areas of improvement
within organizations.
Evaluation Tools
The recommendations in this retention protocol
are based solely on an extensive review of the
Protocol Implementation
literature. Interventions addressed in the protocol The first step toward implementing the evidence-
focus on autonomy, recognition, and communica- based protocol requires the nurse leaders who will
tion. These variables were selected because they be using it to conduct an assessment of their
positively influence job satisfaction, organizational organization to identify what is currently being
commitment, and retention.8,9,13 Most of the done to increase staff autonomy, recognition, and
literature on nurse retention focuses on the con- communication. Items on this assessment are

442 JONA  Vol. 38, No. 10  October 2008

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Evidence-Based Retention Protocol
Components Retention Goals Strategies to Achieve Goals

Autonomy Encourage staff members to seek Provide time during monthly staff meetings for educational
learning experiences both within in-services by staff members
the organization and on their own Dedicate a resource binder to staff in-services to ensure they
are available to all staff members at any time
Provide a bulletin board in the staff break room where staff
members can post an educational material that they
have developed or obtained from internal or external
learning opportunities that could provide support for
evidence-based practice
Encourage staff members to share information gained from
their experiences in organizationwide conferences or
related skill competency activities
Encourage and support creative Include staff on committees where patient care policies and
freedom in practice critical care pathways are developed
Be open to changes in current practice and fostering a culture
where this is encouraged and promoted
Give incentives for and then implement nursing suggestions
for better patient care
Support and develop a participative Empower staff nurses to use their clinical knowledge and
management structure with shared expertise to develop, direct, and sustain their own
governance professional practice through participating n decision
making within the organization
Recognition/ Acknowledge a job well done Start an e-mail Bkudos line[
rewards Arrange a night out for staff
Use media within the organization to publish thank you’s
and acknowledgements
Provide positive feedback Charter a celebration team
Let staff members know through an e-mail or hand-written
note about their positive accomplishments
Place a spotlight in the internal newsletter on recognizing
employees who are Bcaught[ doing something right
Communication Listen to what nurses are saying Provide time during staff meetings for employees to discuss
about patient care their concerns
Maintain an open door policy with staff
Be visible on the units and rounding frequently with
staff members
Implement shared governance Encourage nurses to network with colleagues and
models and increase collaborative collaborate among other units and departments
communication Dedicate key positions on committees where patient care
policies and procedures are decided by staff nurses
where effective communication is essential.

shown in Figure 1. A baseline assessment using the then during the annual performance review
evaluation tools should then be done to determine process for the duration of their time with the
what is working well and what could be done organization.
differently. Once this is done, nurse leaders should
then examine the strategies discussed below and
set forth in the evidence-based protocol for increas-
ing autonomy, recognition, and communication As nurses encompass the largest segment of health-
to identify which would be good tools for them care workers today, empowering them and creating
to implement to fill the identified needs. This a practice environment where they are able to
would then allow for maximum utilization of the make decisions and be supported in their actions
organization’s resources and reduce redundancy in are very important. Autonomy is a job character-
repeating activities that are already in place or have istic that has been identified in the literature as
been found to be ineffective. The evaluation tools being a fundamental component of both job
should then be used to measure the effectiveness satisfaction and organizational commitment for
of interventions by being conducted at 6-month many nurses13,17,33 and also significantly related to
intervals during the first year for new hires and turnover.18-20 In general, autonomous and satisfied

JONA  Vol. 38, No. 10  October 2008 443

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Items on the Nursing Turnover Measurement Form
Indicator Definition Formula Calculation Rate

Accession Percent of new nurses who stayed during a (No. of new nurses hired/average no.
rate specified period of time of staff nurses employed)  100
Separation Percent of nurses who left at a specified (No. of nurses who quit/average no. of
rate period of time staff nurses employed)  100
Stability Percent of nurses employed at the beginning (No. of nurses at the beginning who
rate of the period and who still stayed at the remained/total number of nurses at
end of the period of time the beginning)  100
Instability Percent of nurses employed at the beginning (No. of nurses at the beginning who
rate of the period but who left at the end of the quit/total no. of nurses at the
period of time beginning)  100
Survival Percent of newly hired nurses who stayed (No. of new nurses remained/total no.
rate during a specified time of year of new nurses)  100
Wastage Percent of newly hired nurses who left during (No. of new nurses who quit/total no.
rate a specified period of time of new nurses)  100

nurses are likely to retain their jobs. Moreover, ences with other members of the organization and
autonomy is reported to be the most important be open to implementing changes in current
factor that increase nurses’ productivity and practice based on the evidence obtained through
improves the quality of nursing care.20 these learning experiences. Some examples of this
The following strategies to develop and pro- are providing time during monthly staff meetings
mote autonomy in practice are based on the for educational in-services by staff members and
literature. One strategy to enhance autonomy in dedicating a resource binder to staff in-services to
practice is for management to encourage staff ensure that they are available to all staff members
members to seek learning experiences both within at any time, providing a bulletin board in the staff
the organization and on their own.18,20 By encour- break room where staff members can post an
aging and supporting staff in this way, nurse educational material that they have developed or
leaders recognize the value of further staff develop- obtained from internal or external learning oppor-
ment and education. Nurse leaders should also tunities that could provide support for evidence-
provide opportunities for staff members to share based practice, or encouraging staff members to
information that they obtain through these experi- share information gained from their experiences in

Figure 1. Anticipated turnover scale.

444 JONA  Vol. 38, No. 10  October 2008

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
organizationwide conferences or related skill com- Effective reward and recognition programs are
petency activities. vital to retaining well-qualified hospital employees,
Nurse leaders should also do more to en- actively engaging them in satisfying patients,
courage and support creative freedom in prac- managing scare resources, and improving the
tice.13,20,21 Instead of focusing on maintaining the organization’s performance.29 Recognition is an
status quo, management should support staff oftentimes overlooked way of showing apprecia-
members in developing new and innovative ways tion and commitment within an organization. The
of providing care.22 By allowing employees to following strategies can be implemented to recog-
develop methods of providing care based on evi- nize the staff members’ work and accomplishments
dence and their own unique knowledge base and in a healthcare organization.
experiences, staff members will be more empowered One strategy to further recognition within an
and able to function independently. Examples of this organization is nursing leaders doing more to
would be staff inclusion on committees where acknowledge a job well done.28-30 By providing
patient care policies and critical care pathways are acknowledgement of positive staff work and
developed, managers and hospital leaders being accomplishments, nursing leaders will be fostering
open to changes in current practice and fostering a a positive practice environment where staff mem-
culture where this is encouraged and promoted, and bers feel valued and appreciated. This will also
giving incentives and then implementing nursing lend toward achieving the positive outcomes of
suggestions for better patient care. decreased turnover and increased organizational
Another strategy to enhance autonomy in commitment. Some examples of staff recogni-
practice is through the support and development tion from nursing supervisors and managers are
of a participative management structure with starting an e-mail Bkudos line,[ arranging a
shared governance.13,20,23 Nursing shared gover- night out for the staff, and using internal media
nance is a managerial innovation that legitimizes within the organization to publish thank you’s
nurses’ control over practice while extending their and acknowledgments.
influence into administrative areas that were pre- Another strategy in staff recognition is
viously controlled only by managers.24,25 Some providing positive feedback.22,30,34 By providing
examples of a participative management structure positive feedback, management is focusing on
with shared governance are empowering staff what was done right and celebrating these posi-
nurses to use their clinical knowledge and expertise tive accomplishments. This helps create a culture
to develop, direct, and sustain their own profes- that is not punitive but is focused on celebrating
sional practice; encouraging nurses to network the positive outcomes. Some examples of this
with colleagues and collaborate among other units strategy are chartering a celebration team, manage-
and departments; and dedicating key positions on ment letting staff members know through an e-mail
committees where patient care policies and proce- or hand-written note when management notices
dures are decided by staff nurses.25,26 something positive they have done, and a spotlight
in the internal newsletter by nurse leaders on
recognizing employees who are Bcaught[ doing
Recognition something right.
Recognition of the value and meaningfulness of
one’s contribution to an organization’s work is a
fundamental human need and an essential requisite
to personal and professional development. People Communication and openness to feedback are 2
who are not recognized feel invisible, underval- very important concepts in any organization. Using
ued, unmotivated, and disrespected. Most nurses the right tools and techniques for various types of
are dissatisfied with the recognition they receive communication is also critical. Leaders within an
from their employer.27 This lack of recognition organization can often adopt a specific style of
leads to discontent, poor morale, reduced produc- communication that may not always be understood
tivity, and suboptimal care outcomes. Inadequate by staff members. Droppers31 states, Bone of the
recognition is cited as a primary reason for turn- most common communication mistakes leaders
over among employees and is linked to decreasing make is to communicate with the same level of
nurse satisfaction.27-29 complexity they’re comfortable working with.[(p62)
Recognition can be embodied in many forms, The following strategies have all been designed to
both tangible (ie, monetary rewards or medals) and help facilitate more effective communication
intangible (ie, verbal praise or acknowledgement). between staff members and management.

JONA  Vol. 38, No. 10  October 2008 445

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
One strategy to develop a more effective Town hall meetings are used for big picture ideas and
communication is when nurse leaders listen to messages. Small group discussions that can occur
what nurses are saying about patient care.13 As during walking rounds can be used for questions and
nurses are the primary caregivers at the bedside, dialogue. E-mail should only be used for short,
they are the most attuned to what is happening in concise time-sensitive communications that typically
this arena. When nurse leaders actively listen to do not require discussion or can lead to misinter-
what their staff nurses are saying about patient pretation. By incorporating these simple strategies for
care, they are demonstrating a true commitment to communication, nurse leaders will ensure that infor-
their staff. Listening to staff also provides valida- mation is provided to staff members in a clear,
tion of staff concerns and conveys a greater sense concise manner that is easy to understand.
of commitment from hospital leadership to the
staff members. Examples of how management can
actively listen are through providing time during
staff meetings for employees to discuss their Nurse turnover should be viewed from a change
concerns, management having an open-door policy perspective where growth and improvements are
with staff, and managers being visible on the wards not only possible but necessary. Nursing turnover
and rounding frequently on the unit with staff has an immense impact not only on the nursing
members. staff and profession itself but also on the economy
Another strategy to facilitate better communi- of healthcare systems. This protocol will be help-
cation within the organization is implementation of ful in providing evidence in the areas of nurse
shared governance models and increased collabo- autonomy, recognition, and communication for
rative communication.13,23,25 Shared governance nurse leaders to use when addressing the critical
models based on participative management philos- issues of nurse retention and turnover.
ophies have been implemented in nursing settings The profession of nursing will be unable to
to promote professional practice and subsequently compete with other career opportunities unless we
enhance the quality of work life of nurses.24,25,31 provide adequate rewards and recognition to our
Some examples of how shared governance models most valuable assetsVour employeesVand develop
can facilitate communication are by encouraging better communication standards in the clinical
nurses to network with colleagues and collaborate setting and provide clinical practice opportunities
among other units and departments and dedicating and responsibilities that match the registered
key positions on committees where patient care nurse’s knowledge and skill and facilitate auton-
policies and procedures are decided by staff nurses omy and empowerment of staff. Encouraging
where effective communication is essential. nurse leaders to be actively involved and suppor-
Nurse leaders can also facilitate better commu- tive of nursing staff is also critical to decreasing the
nication by incorporating clear communication rates of turnover. With a healthcare system in
systems.29,31,32,35 Keeping communication simple crisis, now is the time to create an environment
and clear to ensure understanding is an important that serves the interests of our patients, protects the
strategy. According to Droppers,31 certain methods public safety, and ensures the ongoing viability of
are best used for specific types of information. nursing.


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