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Music Workstation in Te T3 Reference Guide en Al Synthesis System =~ TABLE OF CONTENTS HOW TO READ A DISPLAY PAGE CHART 1. PROGRAM MODE (PROG A / PROG B) Editing in Program mode .. Effect on Edit Program parameters Page 0 Oscillator. Page | VDF1.. Page 2 VDF2 (only for DOUBLE mode) . Page 3 VDAL ... Page 4 VDA2 (only for DOUBLE mode) « Page 5 BENDIMG ... Page 6 Effect... Page 7 Write.. Page 6 Effect, Reverb group EARLY REFLECTION Group. DERAY Group CHORUS Group FLANGER Group PHASE SHIFTER (Phaser) Group. ‘TREMORO Group... EQUALIZER Group OVERDRIVE Group EXCITER Group... ENSEMBLE Group . ROTARY EFFECT. COMBINATION Effects Group. 4, COMBINATION MODE (COMBI, Controlling extemal MIDI tone generators. Editing in Combination mode Page 0) Performance Bait Internal EDIT PROGRAM MODE (E.PROG) .. ae STRUCTURE OF THE T1/T2/T3 PROGRAM PARAMETERS... FUNCTIONS IN EDIT PROGRAM MODE es EFFECT PARAMETERS EFFECT PLACEMENT Page | Performance Edit External 5. EDIT COMBINATION MODE .. Function of EDIT COMBINATION mode... Page 0 Internal Page 1 Intemal2 Page 2 External... Page 3 MIDI-| Page 4 MIDI-2 Page 5 Controller Assign Page 6 Effect... Page 7 Write SEQUENCER MODE (sea). What is a Song ?. What is a Pattern ? Sequence data memory Beat (time signature). Functions in Sequencer mode. 7 PO RECIPLAY (play and realtime recording) Play. a Realtime recording. Punch In recording Recording multi-channel data .. PO-3 Track Program... PO-4 Track Volume... Synchronizing with external MIDI devices Page | Track Parameters Page 2 MIDI Parameters Page 3 Edit Song Page 4 Edit Measure age 5 Edit Pattern 101 Page 6 Effect 106, Page 7 Song, 1-106 7.GLOBAL MODE . Ww Functions in Global mode ut Page 0 Global 12 Page 1 Drum Kit 1 . se . . . cena 4 Page 2-4 Drum Kit 2:4 sun son seen ool IS Page 5 User Scale sno lS Page 6 Protec... sn a seen senna 16 MIDI Data Dump . comarca 7 Page 7 Data Dump veel 8. DISK/CARD MODE . 7 ory Functions in Disk/Card mode File Loading from disk 122 Page 0 Disk Load-1 122 Page 1 Disk Load-2 Saving to disk... 129 Page 2 Disk Save All 130 Formatting a disk 132 MIDI data file 133, Page 3 Data File. 133 Program Card loading and saving 135 Page 4 Card .. 135 Page 5 Card Save 138 1,12, T3 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION .. 1139 ERROR MESSAGES 152 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS 134 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING .... 155 MIDI Implementation Chart 156 ‘Multisound List Drum Sound List HOW TO READ A DISPLAY PAGE CHART P0-5 OSC1 Pitch EG (Oscillator 1 Pitch EG) ——O Start Level 99 +99" [Determines how the pitch of Oscillator I varies over time. 788 = approx Bat [Attack Time 0-99 Voctave above astack level a | Anack Level 99-499 O picnof Release love! osellator ole ; Sinem key is Dvr _ | Decay Time 0-99 wien ey ERT | Retease Time 0-99 sete’ time” paleace ume 89 = appron Release Level -99 49 octave below Ge [EGLevel vel =99 499 | Determines to what degree the effect ofthe pitch EG will vary in esponse Sens | to key velocity T —|EGTTime Vel. 99-499 | Determines 10 what degree the total time ofthe pitch EG will change in Sens. | response to key velocity 6 6 3 @ P0-5 OSC1 Pitch EG (oscillator 1 pitch EG) : Indicates that the display is for the fifth line of page 0; Oscilla- tor Pitch EG. @® The display for this page @ Cursor position key to move to this parameter @ Parameter name © Contents or value (number) range of parameter © Description of parameter function * The “cursor” isa parameter whichis displayed in reverse video. Operation Guide T1/T2/T3 Operation Guide, Reference Guide Errata Sheet Please make following corrections to your T1/T2/T3 operation guide, reference guide. oe wong correct [ps1] r2-1] mbt Ghaanet WAI-AI6 [AL-AI6 1-16, no change [P3-1]F2-1| MIDI Channet [1-16 Al—Al6 [AI—Al6—> 1-16 [no change aon saan | a NRE rcpt lth iS | ee ee 6 | stent) ee test Se |e a ee ee, ee fees] | fara fea fom re Rleabmiem eT GP (Bea | [areas ‘6 Po VRE Bam SI [GL GP gS Cols ete, m [Silom mies ise, imc oe eee ea) Bam ise Se [ae || ee E /EIBamAasist SSS ca OBES | | | [a/R AG SL 2Som) eae (SSB 88-Ce.. | Toa 130-759: gore Reference Guide page wrong correct 54 (In the middle on the right) ‘Regardless of the MIDI channet setting, all Timbres will sound when you play the keyboard, and note data will be transmitted from MIDI OUT on all MIDI channels speci- fied in the Combination. (Timbres whose Timbre Program, is off will not produce sound, so you will normally tum unneeded Timbres off.) ‘All the Timbres will sound when playing the keyboard, regardless ofthe MIDI channel settings, when Combi Mode is set to Master in Global Mode. (Timbres whose Timbre Program is off do not produce sound. Always tur off any ‘Timbres which are not in use.) ‘When the Combi Modes set to Multi playing the keyboard produces the sound of the Timbres whose channel corre- sponds to the Global MIDI channel. page wrong correct ‘*When you select a T1/T2/T3 Combination, each Timbre will transmit the specified program change message and 55, volume change message from MIDI OUT on its own MIDI (Upper channel. (However, Timbres whose MIDI channel matches para: the global MIDI channel will not transmit from MIDI craph) our) ‘© When an external program is set for each Timbre, playing the keyboard outputs note data of all the MIDI channels assigned to each Timbre through MIDI OUT. When you select a T1/T2/T3 Combination, each Timbre will'transmit the specified program change message and volume change message from MIDI OUT on its own MIDI ‘channel. (However, Timbres whose MIDI channel matches the global MIDI channel will not transmit from MIDI OUT), ‘Add to page 110 after P7-7 Add to page 113 P7-8 Copy from Combi (Copy from Combination) SONGB@_—_ SONG. pSource Combi Ne Song Scale Ture HAS. | BEN Metronome Foot Controller Curve 'P0-4 Combi Mode (Combination Mode) GLOBAL GLOBAL Master T HEDT“channe1 from MGB FilnScore TCOPv] Pere? suitch Pelariee ee? [BD |Souce Combination | co0-C99 [Number of combination ro make a copy of fa [Combi Mode pene Combinatio Made Switch a icoPy} | Execution of copy —_ iE ke ‘The pron canbe setin te Can Mote Connon Only te Tink whos chanel une comes ‘Tomateacopy of cash Tint seing ote seeted Com ‘iaton cto Tec I- 8 of he Son parameters "Te flowing seting: wl be opie Ir program, tolume evel varios dete. pan ps. Key window ‘easy winds, MIDI chanel of each Timbre, and citectgrameten, Nothing her than the shove wil Operon of MIDI OUT. et. ae pay iret in Combination nde nd Sequencer mode Each Tobe requis | watk when ain Combiation Sound onthe Sequence. exepthal eae sundae he Combination sound wil be roduced on each ck he MIDI ches ar alsete he are number Mode) when te Timbre MIDI chanel eng ave been ‘hanged in is mode * This seing doesnot fect operations in te Progra Mode and Sequence Mose "In Master Mode, lying te Keyboard proces he sound of he Times hose proras ve beens regardless ofthe Timbre MID une! eines. Seine ‘he chanel ofeach Timbre tothe umber f th chanel ‘nan enteral MIDI tone generar ember you to repacefaye the Tinbre one with he tne ote MIDI tone gener on he T1727, ‘he Gio! MIDI chanel wil und when plying the ‘eyhardin Mul Mae. Dip rough MID snl ly Tinbres who chaos have bee et ‘umber ther than ht ofthe Glob MIDI cha In Mali Mode. dita npr on be eyo wil ‘up trough MIDI OUT ofthe Gb MIDI chanel 15 well asa he Time MIDI ern in which he eel progr has been se. (Tarte exter rogram OFF hen you wan! he cab opt {og MID! OUT for eny the Glob! MIDI chien) ‘Velo curve and atetoach curves of Titre I wil be wed when the aber of be Gta MIDI chan) oor not erespnd otha of any Tanbe MIDE care ‘“Tepiace the following items on each page. Right side of page 141 Lett side of page 140 2-5 gvotax excuse atssAces ' Won't recive shes Sequencer is Playing, Recording except Func © 38 function Code List Function Code List ne eserition ee] Description Ee aoa i: Lise) ‘Teansaitted shen |fere| GTCLETSTALGTAY tecoive sen 19 ee a ET hequst Message ss ae EST Gpoporotoy || & easit moe ‘| AL oe se sa sar sine IP | Ae onset st ser eter S]ofafala} | |e ter ae 48 | ALC AULTTSOOND RARE DIME Hote oF Ho. Se 8a | AL anism mae on est 0]0]5]O)0) | | resyot te tet te | ton caer tne 3 io | eta tan ar tvs fore] | Iie et ia ar | paaesren cance pr ora caer es/oa te | alt Procearpaeuteret lar aeaeesT ©/0(8]olO/o| of outs suv ree) oo | at cna ie cue Cet teped 10 ts | camtnrier presser ses Se eee eee. era ¢o | rota paneer bar ris | Memmi nate on ever — |o/Oo[0/o/o|o}. me ce | ae rrecu naustr oe or te | A seer ot or eet 8/8/83] 5/00) °}e rose res 49 | COMBINATION PARANETER DUP Bs Bh Message ‘0& | GLOBAL DATA DUMP REQUEST @/d}oldidlejo WOE fo | i canter ranere on fered & | sie oraione cori sea a sewer [6 /O|9]0]O] | fs « sesree 48 | ALL SEQUENCE DATA DUMP Ss No i8 changed by 15 | MULTISOUND PARAMETER DUMP REQUEST fojojojojo ‘NODE 1} GLOBAL pata oom SH or Sequence 11 | reoceax eatve ecausst | 6 |} Ja: any oraee $2 | ont meso 2h | anterior wrt ese | Jol? } |' ao 44 | WULTESCUND PARANETER DUN n ° fs | team mtu rm eon | sem sa ue oe gjefejojo} |, “ z $ 23 | DATA LOAD COMPLETED. 4C | ALL PROGEAN PARAKETER DUAP Jolo}ololojelo 24 | ATA va exaee | o 2 | ni eae ‘| Cotes pees Sr 8 a | mt cory ce | A omnertn ert oor \e|S|o]o]o}elo ft) A Ste or oa |9|9/9]/9]6]9 | tesa on 8/0/9/3/9/8]o & | Minrwconomrncse on — }8/0/3/9}9/9]o fc | aecseame rer ne 18|8/8]8}3 ce | tose cance jeletglojo © | paren cance 3{e}°}°} | S| sea Miron newer ewes 0) ) | || si.| te ren nae cat | | Right side of page 144 uu on__|_ gor 2) oot oats r “ie Teseripion Face an 8 | SCL WADEE 100 ovo | ye o4rs i (00 sees | ode Bate ote D neo 060. | Progran Bank (ote 8-3) (011 Obas | care Versation OTE © tae ke] Te ere Baas OTE 8) un out_| aor Frceloor FaceT? tage tod Craeila Tain acing U 8) VIDL_1W DATA FORT EHEOR x ayte ese pion Five nD | BIORTE Hee aio on6 AVpI TF DATA FowaT Exon 2H 11) ou os ‘Transits whe nesage sien Where ig a evFar Im tbe MDI IW eessage (ex 28) ATA LoaD coveLETED r [erie Tescripiion Farts iF EROS Hoes ‘oo on, ava Loan coveLereD 2 ‘raraate hia acasoge then DIT LOD, PHOGESING ave eee conpletec 20) ora Low soe r [ane = ese = Fab BTS | ETGUSTIE FEE 0010 0100 DvTA Lon EaROE on uu ou iat "Fareeite Cle dertuge Woon NTN DOD POCEST 51) NTE covrLeTeD Tava ot been ctopleted (ex protected t ote ooor | weiTe conpuaTeD poem ea Teenie frcw’atar | wire et a8 uous | sor noi wr “Transat tBTs-bessage Wow DUTH-VATTE IDT Bas Boon complete 3g) Te ea t ie basco 7 Fasc, | EICOSIVE HEADER ura 0010 | eEITe Raoe ze ‘Wosseits this essaae a DTN VTE WT nun] gor aa) Teck raoceas sl cee RT a Denes Ficia dn 08 | BICUSTE HOE ‘101 1001 | TRACK PaocRAK BAT CAGE so 1400 nan | HIDE Chanel of the TRACK { 000 ove | rosran dans ore 3-1) ing, This seseage i available on Receives and Transnita this message in Sequencer mode. Receives this estoge and data, ‘Tranemite Func * 23 or Func = 24, and it designates The track program bank for the fortheoning Program Change on each MIDI Ehennel. Sransmite thie moceage pricr to the Progras Change message Shen track progeam has been changed by SW or Sequence data, This iz the only system exclusive message recognized vhile the sequencer te pley ROM revision 25 or lacer 1, PROGRAM MODE (PROG A / PROG B) In this mode you can select and play Programs (sounds) from memory. Use PROG A to select Programs AO) - A99, and PROG B to select Programs BOO ~ B99, Programs can be selected using the BANK/PAGE keys (0— 9), Program select keys (0-9), the A/V keys, a footswitch, (PROG UP/DOWN) of MIDI program change messages. »A00 Aeroglide 0+06 F+00 L+90 V+00 ——— T+84 A+BG R+O9 E+00 When you press a BANK/PAGE key (0 - 9, upper row) the ‘upper place of the Program number will appear, and the names of the 10 programs in that bank will be displayed, Next, press a program select key (0 ~ 9, lower row) to select a Program. If you press only a program select key, the lower place of the Program number will change. Editing in Program mode ‘*If you want to use a footswitch (o select programs, set the foot controller setting of each program to Program Up or Program Down (see page 29) ‘*If you want to select programs via MIDI, set the Global mode setting Program Change to “o” (see page 112). A00 Aeroglide — Stl 829:Voices St2 a7? MNagicOrgan tee F242"Ef00 urea T+09 Area R+a0 E+000 Aso oe fF 6 4 (OSC Balance “10=+10 [Adjust the volume balance of OSCI and OSC2 in Double mode VDF Cutoff | 10 +10 | Adjust the cutoff frequency of VDFI and VDF? (tone) VDA Level “10-+10 | Adjust he level of OSC! and OSC2 (volume) DWV | Vetocty ‘Sensitivity “10-410 ‘Adjust the sensitivity of tone and volume to key velocity After Touch 10-10 | Adjust the sensitivity of tone and volume to afertouch (pressing dovn onthe keyboard after playing @ note) A | Atack Time “10—+10 | Adjust the attack time of VDFI,2 and VDAI2 Release Time “10 +10 __| Adjust the release time of VDFI,2 and VDAI.2 He | Diysprtect Balance “10—+10 | Adjust the balance of direct and processed sound for Effect 1.2 | # You can also edit major program parameters in Program mode, by pressing a cursor position key and using the value slider and the / 7 keys. This can be especially useful during a live performance. “Editing these settings will automatically affect the corre- sponding Edit Program parameters ‘After using these editing operations, you can write your edits into memory using the Edit Program mode writing operation. ‘© When editing, press CURSOR UP to retumn to the previous display. Effect on Edit Program parameters When these parameters are changed in the “+” direction, Program parameters in Edit Program mode will be affected as follows, (Changes in the “-" direction will have the opposite effect.) PROGRAM Mode Parameters Effect of a positive value setting on each parameter OSC Balance | OSCI Level OSCI Level will change in the “+” direction, OSC2 Level OSC2 Level will change in the opposite direction as OSC1 (#1). VDF Cutoff VDFI,2 Cutoff ; "4" change (*1) VDA Level OSCI,2 Level Velocity Sense | OSC1,2 EG Level Vel Sense ‘The sign of the number will remain the same, and only the OSC1.2 EG Time Vel Sense value will change. (*2) DFI.2 Vel Sens BG Int VDFI,2 Vel Sens EG Time -Editing in the *-” direction will only decrease the value. VDAI.2 Vel Sens Amplitude The sign will not change. VDAI,2 Vel Sens EG Time Parameters set to 0 will be unaffected, and will remain at ‘After Touch ‘After Touch Pitch Bend 0. ‘After Touch VDF Cutoff ‘After Touch VDA Amplitude Pitch MG After Touch VDF MG After Touch Attack Time VDF1,2 Attack Time “+” change (*3) VDAI,2 Auack Time Release Time | VDF 1,2 Release Time VDAI,2 Release Time ‘ECT1,2 Balance change (*1) Dry:Effect Balance| (#1) Five times the value will be added to the value, or for negative (-) values, subtracted from the value. {Value=V, 5 x V} (+2) When the value is +10, the parameter value will increase 100% (twice). When the value is -10, the parameter value will decrease 100% (0). (1+ (V/10)] (#3) For the VDF, three times the value will be added. Forthe VDA, 5 times the value will be added. (Or, if the sign is negative, subtracted from the value.) [VDF1/2.... 3x V, VDAI/2... 5x VI - The resulting values are limited to the range of each parameter. - For Programs other than Double mode, adjustments to OSC Balance and VDA Level will have the same effect. 2. EDIT PROGRAM MODE (E.PROG) ‘This mode is where you edit Program parameters, such as EG settings and the selection of a waveform, ‘*Toedita Program, you must first select tin PROGRAM A, or PROGRAM B mode. ‘* You can also edit Programs in conjunction with PRO- GRAM mode editing (performance editing). ‘© When you finish editing, press WRITE to write your edits into memory. (If you select another Program before doing 0, your edits will be lost.) ‘© While editing, you can press COMPARE to listen to the original un-edited Program. If you press COMPARE again without editing, you will return tothe Program being edited. In EDITPROGRAM mode, the upper numeric keypad selects, pages, and the lower numeric keypad selects edit functions. (For details, see the Operation Guide.) STRUCTURE OF THE T1/12/T3 PROGRAM PARAMETERS, 0561 PITCH EG Vor ES WaT EG Changes the pitch of th (Changes the tonal quatos Changes the volume sound over tire. of ha sound oer tine. cof sound over tine. | { | O51 FH ‘Sets the wavetorm type || Sets the tonal sd abate ih Gullo oe sound PIGS Vor NG rr ea| | Beart lib te tal ales {Wats} OA EFFECT Etc stings used inthe PROGRAM mode ‘ose2 Sets he wavelom yp, base ich and amount of turing reativa i OSC 1. f 056 2 PITCH EG ‘Oranges the pitch athe sound overtime. (Changes the tonal qualtes of ha sound ver time. ‘ey Snatly 180 Tracing Tier Tooss ——][oonvoner Eset Ky vty ROHR exon || Eft ol ator noc [erect ot conor {the svength at which the keys |] on the sound nthe sound Jon the sound. fre suc) on tho sound FUNCTIONS IN EDIT PROGRAM MODE ‘Press the upper row of numeric keys (0—9) to select the various function pages. Use the CURSOR UP/DOWN keys to select the parameter item to edit, and. use the CURSOR POSITION keys ([A]—{H)) to select the parameter. Page Function Parameter to be edited POOsc 0-1 OSC Mode Oscillator mode 0-2 Assign / Hold Poly/mono and Hold settings 0-3 OSC1 Multisound / Levet Oscillator 1 waveform and level 0-4 (OSC2 Maltisound / Level Oscitlator 2 waveform, level, and pitch (DOUBLE mode) 0-5 SCI Pitch EG Change in oscillator I pitch over time [_ 0-6 OSC2 Pitch EG ‘Change in oscillator 2 pitch over time PL VDFI 1 YDF1 Cutoff VDF cutoff frequency 1-2 VDF1 KBD Tracking How key position affects VDF1 1-3 DF 1 EG Int/Vel Sense EG intensity and velocity sensitivity of VDF1 1-4 VDF EG Time Vel Sense How key velocity affects VDFI EG Time 1-5 \VDFI EG Time KBD Track How key position affects VDF1 EG Time 16 VDFI EG Change in VDF1 cutoff frequency over time 7 P2 VDF2 2-1 VDF? Cutoff ‘VDF? cutoff frequency 2-2 YDF2 KBD Tracking How key position affects VDF2 2-3 YDF2 EG Inv/Vel Sense EG intensity and velocity sensitivity of VDF2 2-4 VDF? EG Time Vel Sense How key velocity affects VDF2 EG Time 2-5 VDF2 EG Time KBD Track How key position affects VDF2 EG Time 2-6 YDF2 EG Change in VDF2 cutoff frequency over time P3VDAL 3-1 YDA\ Velocity Sense How key velocity affects VDAI 3-2 YDAI KBD Track How key position affects VDAI 3-3 VDAL EG Time Vel Sense How key velocity affects VDA} EG 3-4 VDAI BG Time KBD Track How key position affects VDAI EG 3-5 VDAI EG Change in VDAI over time P4 VDA2 41 VDA2 Velocity Sense How key velocity affects VDA2 42 WDA2 KBD Track How key position affects VDA2 43 VDA2 EG Time Vel Sense How key velocity affects VDA2 EG 44 VDA2EG Time KBD Track How key position affects VDA2 EG 45 VDA2 EG ‘Change in VDA2 over time PS SA Pitch bend How the joystick affects pitch and cutoff frequency 5-2 Afier Touch How aftertouch affects tone 5-3 Pitch MGI Pitch modulation (vibrato) 5-4 Pitch MG2 Pitch modulation (vibrato) 5-5 VDF MGI VDF modulation (wah-wah) 5-6 VDF MG2 VDF modulation (wah-wah)

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