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Mogadishu University

Faculty of Computer Science

Information Technology (IT)

 Abdihafid Mohamed Shidane
 Abdirahman Mohamed Mahi
 Abdullahi Mo’lim Badal
 Mohamed Mohamed Hadi
Mr. Abdulkadir Jeilani Mohamud
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

May, 2017


Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

Project Title: Online Tailor Management System (OTMS)

By :

1. Abdihafid Mohamed Shidane

2. Abdirahman Mohamed Mahi
3. Abdulahi M Badal
4. Mohamed Mohamed Haadi

Project advisor: Eng:Abdulkadir Jeilani mohamud

Academic year: 2016-2017

The Project Committee of the Department of Computer Science, the Faculty of

Computer Science and Information Technology of Mogadishu University has
approved this final project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Approval Committee:

Mr:Abdulkadir Jeilani mohamud Eng: Mahamed Hussein Hassan

Advisor Co-advisor

Faculty approval:

Eng.Mohamed Hussein Hassan Ga’al

May, 2017

June, 2012


We hereby declare that this Project Report pertaining Online Tailoring Management
System is our original work and has never been presented for a degree in any other
university. Therefore, no alteration/duplication of this work whatsoever without our


We dedicate this project to our parents. Whose patience, understanding, support and
most of all love has made the completion of this work possible.


First of all Praise and much thanks be to the Merciful Allah, who granted us the
opportunity to successfully complete our academic studies.

Next, we thank our parents, who were very helpful and helpful many times. their support
and encouragement helped us a lot in completing this project successfully.

We are gratefully to acknowledge the CS department at large and also thanks to the DEAN
of the computer science and information technology in Mogadishu University
Eng.Mohamed Hussein Hassan Ga’al.

Our thanks also go to our most significant academic instructors in the University for their
tireless and ambitious efforts to educate us at their best level.

We would also like to thank highly to our project supervisor Mr:Abdulkadir Jeilani
mohamud. It is unforgettable that his collaboration by constantly providing meaningful
suggestions and affective guidelines.

We do here by expressing our deeply thanks to all students, individuals who directly or
indirectly supported us their golden time, comments, and feedback on this project by
incorporating much of their feedbacks.

Finally, we would also like to grant our deep sense of gratitude to everyone, who
contributed to our project development process through encouragement, technical support
and much more cooperation and for being helpful to the finishing of this project.

Approval .......................................................................................................................................... i
Declaration ..................................................................................................................................... ii
Dedication ......................................................................................................................................iii
Acknowledgement .........................................................................................................................iv
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................... v
List of tables ................................................................................................................................. viii
List of figures ..................................................................................................................................ix
Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................x
Chapter One ................................................................................................................................... 1
Project initiation ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the study ................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Scope of the study.......................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Geographical scope ................................................................................................ 3
1.2.2 Content scope ........................................................................................................ 3
1.2.3 Time scope ............................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Case study ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Stakeholders................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Current/existing systems ............................................................................................... 4
1.6 The limitation of current systems .................................................................................. 4
1.7 Problem statement ........................................................................................................ 4
1.8 Proposed solution .......................................................................................................... 5
1.9 Risks................................................................................................................................ 5
1.10 Project constraints ......................................................................................................... 5
1.11 Project organization ....................................................................................................... 6
Chapter Two ................................................................................................................................... 8
Literature Review ................................................................................................................... 8
2.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Origins of the Term Bespoke tailoring ........................................................................... 8
2.2 Developments in Tailoring Industry ............................................................................... 8

2.3 Becoming a Twenty-First Century Tailor Shop ............................................................... 9

2.4 Moving online ................................................................................................................ 9
2.4.1 Distance tailoring. ................................................................................................ 10
2.4.2 Integrated backend solutions............................................................................... 10
2.4.3 Social media marketing. ....................................................................................... 10
Chapter Three .............................................................................................................................. 11
Planning and Requirements ................................................................................................. 11
3.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 System requirements ................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Waterfall model ................................................................................................... 11
3.2 General requirements .................................................................................................. 14
3.2.1 User requirements ............................................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Functional requirements ...................................................................................... 14
3.2.3 Non-functional requirements (NFR)..................................................................... 14
3.2.4 System requirements ........................................................................................... 15
Chapter Four ................................................................................................................................ 17
System Analysis and Design ................................................................................................. 17
4.0 Introduction: ................................................................................................................ 17
4.1 Use case diagram ......................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Activity Diagram ........................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Class Diagram ............................................................................................................... 25
4.4 Sequence Diagram ....................................................................................................... 26
4.5 State Diagram ............................................................................................................... 29
4.6 Deployment diagram ................................................................................................... 30
4.7 Database Design ........................................................................................................... 31
4.7.1 Entity relationship diagram ERD (database diagram) .......................................... 31
Chapter Five ................................................................................................................................. 34
Implementation ................................................................................................................... 34
5.0 Introduction: ................................................................................................................ 34
5.1 Line of Codes ................................................................................................................ 34
5.2 Database table and fields ............................................................................................. 37
5.3 Hardware and software requirements ........................................................................ 41

5.3.1 Hardware requirements ....................................................................................... 41

5.3.2 Software component system requirement: ......................................................... 41
Chapter Six ................................................................................................................................... 42
Testing .................................................................................................................................. 42
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 42
6.2 Types of testing ............................................................................................................ 43
6.2.1 System testing ...................................................................................................... 43
6.2.2 Unit testing ........................................................................................................... 44
6.3 Documentation ............................................................................................................ 45
6.3.1 Program documentation ...................................................................................... 46
6.3.2 System documentation ........................................................................................ 46
6.3.3 Technical documentation:.................................................................................... 47
6.3.4 Architecture/design documentation.................................................................... 48
6.4 User manual ................................................................................................................. 49
6.5 User instruction ............................................................................................................ 49
Chapter Seven .............................................................................................................................. 53
Conclusion and Recommendation ....................................................................................... 53
7.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 53
7.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 53
7.2 Recommendation ......................................................................................................... 55
Reference ............................................................................................................................. 56

Table 1.1 stakeholders ................................................................................................................... 4
Table 3.1Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................... 15

Figure 3.1 water fall diagram ....................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4.1Use case diagram of Tailoring management system ................................................... 20
Figure 4.2Create User activity Diagram ....................................................................................... 22
Figure 4.3customer Activity ......................................................................................................... 23
Figure 4.4Manage User ................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 4.5Class Diagram ............................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4.6Sequence Diagram ....................................................................................................... 28
Figure 4.7State Diagram............................................................................................................... 30
Figure 4.8Deployment Diagram ................................................................................................... 31
Figure 4.9Entity relationship diagram ERD .................................................................................. 33
Figure 5.1Feedback Table ............................................................................................................ 37
Figure 5.2Bottom Order Dress Table ........................................................................................... 37
Figure 5.3Customer Information Table ........................................................................................ 38
Figure 5.4Customer Information Table ........................................................................................ 38
Figure 5.5Top Order Dress Table ................................................................................................. 39
Figure 5.6Home page ................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 5.7User Registration.......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 5.8Store dress page........................................................................................................... 40


The project is aimed to automate the tailoring sector which is manually maintained. After
the automation this will mean better services and good keeping of records, data integrity,
data security, quick search and also paperless environment. The project has mainly tackled
management of information for the customers and in decision making. Every user of the
system will have to log into the system using username and password so that security and
authentication will be ensured. Once logged in, a customer can make and order, check
dress status or even give feedback. The system administrator is able to manage customer
information and also update records.



1.0 Introduction
Online tailoring management system is a system aimed to assist in management of
tailoring activities within the industry. It will provide online services to customers such
as: measurement submission to their tailors, check whether their garments are finished and
also help in proper keeping of records. This will ensure availability of right information,
information safety, easy storage, access and retrieval. The study aims at building a
computerized tailoring management system that would be more effective and efficient
than the existing manual system

1.1 Background of the study

Anyone who has ever attempted to make a garment quickly understands that the most
important element of the final product is how well a garment fits. Tailoring is the art of
designing, fitting, fabricating, and finishing garments. The word “tailor”, which first
appears in the Oxford Dictionary in 1297, comes from a French word—tailler—meaning
“to cut”. The Latin word for tailor was sartor, meaning someone who patches or mends
garments; the English word “sartorial”, for something related to tailored garments, is
derived from this word.
The art of tailoring dates to the early middle Ages. Some of the earliest tailors were linen
armorers by trade, meaning they created custom, padded linen garments that were worn
under chain mail to protect the wearer from the chafing associated with heavy armor. From
this occupation, the earliest tailor’s guilds were born in Europe. Tailoring began to
diversify in Western Europe, between the 12th and 14th centuries. Before this time,
garments were generally made from a single piece of cloth and were created for the sole
purpose of covering or concealing the body; individual style was of no particular interest
to a garment’s maker or wearer.

There are different methods of tailoring and every tailor may practice one or a couple of
Local tailors - they usually have a showroom or shopfront where the clients can choose
fabrics from samples and the garments are produced locally. This is the most traditional
form of tailoring.
Distance (online) tailors - clients order garments from an out-of-town tailor (for example
via e-commerce websites) enabling cheaper labo ur to be used. Customers should take
their measurements by themselves and choose fabrics from an online catalog. When the
garments are ready they are shipped to the customer.
Traveling tailors - they travel between cities to provide to the customers a more personal
service (than distance tailors) by giving them the opportunity to see the fabric samples and
meet the tailor in person. They stay in local luxury hotels for short periods of time, where
they meet the customers and take their measurements. After 3-4 weeks the order is shipped
to the client.

Tailoring has been known to be dominated by unlearned people. It has been seen as a
profession for the drop outs in the Somalia systems and elsewhere. Tailors use traditional
manual systems to book in their clients. The clients have to travel to location of the tailor
shop to get their measurement taken. These measurements are written on papers or books.
This method pose a high threat in terms of security of their information i.e., can get lost,
unauthorized people can easily access the information, data confidentiality and integrity
not maintained. No proper backups and the system is tedious. Online tailoring
management system will solve all these problems and automate the tailor shops and
enhance accessibility irrespective of geographical locations provided there is internet.

1.2 Scope of the study

The Online Tailoring Management System will permit to register and deliver
measurements to the tailor for the next process to follow. It also maintains clients’
information and generating various reports about the tailor shop. The main users of the
project are clients and system Administrator. It also enables customers to check the status
of their garments i.e. if ready or not for collection. The system provides information about
the cost, the fabric type the customer want his/her dress knit from, the duration a customer

wants the dress finished, the type of material to be used, quantity in terms of pairs needed
and most importantly, the system computes the total cost and avails that information to
the customer. However, online payment has not been achieved, but the customer is
expected to pay either via mobile money transfer services like EVCplus, E-MAL, E-
DAHAB or cash when they come to pick their clothes.
1.2.1 Geographical scope
Developing this system of Online Tailoring management system has contributed a group
of students whose their number is four students studying at Mogadishu University which
locates in Mogadishu cityand the study will conduct one the main tailors in Mogadishu
1.2.2 Content scope
This will develop Online Tailoring managements system that will enhance data retrieval,
storage and security. It is also cost effective since it will cut down on travelling cost to get
your measurements taken and also going to check if your clothe has been made and is
ready for collection
1.2.3 Time scope
The study will be cross-sectional study it will conduct from February 2017 up to May
2017. Interview will use in this study as a data collection tool.
In order to develop this system, it took two month and now with help of Allah we have
1.3 Case study
After we have made a carefully discussion between us, we have decided to Damxa tailor
shop as a case study for our project.
This shop seems to be one that is worth to work computerized system and because of that
we prefer it
1.4 Stakeholders
Stakeholder analysis is a tool for obviously defining key stakeholders for a project or other
activity, understanding where stakeholders stand, and developing cooperation between the
stakeholders and the project team. The main objective is to confirm successful results for
the project or the changes to come.

Stakeholders are the people or organizations who can be positively or negatively affected
by change or action within the organization. They can also be the ones having a positive
or negative impact. And there is two types of stakeholders
 Primary stake holder: those who are directly affected, either positively or
negatively, by an organization's actions.
 Secondary stake holder: those who are indirectly affected by an organization's
 The following table should be used in this section to list the stakeholders:
Stakeholder Interest Importance
Developers High Very important
Employee Medium Fairly important
Manager High Excellent
Suppliers Low Low
Table 1.1 stakeholders

1.5 Current/existing systems

The tailor shops used by the manual books to manage their operation as its backbone for
work. After we have conducted analysis to the system, we found that there are many
limitations. After we have conducted a careful analysis, observation and research to the
existing system used by the tailor shops and nomadic, we have discovered these

1.6 The limitation of current systems

 The customer has to come to the shop whenever needs dress and consumes
transport money
 The customer can’t know whether his dress is ready/finished or not
 The data of the customer may lost
 There is a threat about the security

1.7 Problem statement

Currently customers have to walk to the tailor shops to get their measurements taken
for the tailoring of their garments. Their details are taken and kept on papers.

Customers too need to move from their offices to go and check for the clothes whether
there complete or not. This is time consuming and costly. Due to the manual systems
in use, the whole process tends to be slow. Customers too have no prior information
on cost of netting their garments.

1.8 Proposed solution

The proposed online tailoring management system will eliminate all these manual
interventions and increase the speed of the whole process. The system will allow
customers to register online and successfully submit their measurements. The system
has inbuilt validation system to validate the entered data. The customer can login to
the system to check on the status of the clothes for collection. The system will show
the already completed garments for clients to collect. The system also provides
information about the cost of each garment the customer intends to get knit. This data
will be stored in the database for further reference or audit.
1.9 Risks
Some of the risks and threat that can affect this project are:-
 Hosting: some host may be unreliable
 Security risk: hackers and virus attack
 Time: not able to complete the project in time
 Cost of resources: not having adequate budget
1.10 Project constraints
Project constraints may cause that you fail your search because sometimes you can
meet many constraints like afraid of the position or the place you are seeking your
project when we are saying like that we show some of them while searching case
If we talk another constraint we sow is to move the case study place without
confidence of manager and other staff, everyone in the place at least asks you who are
you and what do you want? So that you must explain what you are and what you need

1.11 Project organization

Chapter one:
We discussed in this chapter the introduction of the system, Scope of the system, Case
study, the scope of the project, stakeholder, background of the information, problem
statement, proposed solution, risk of the systems
Chapter two:
We will discuss in this chapter literature review and all topics related to the
literature review
Such as overview of literature review and some theories related to this topic

Chapter three
In chapter three, we will discuss planning and requirements or methodology and
its introduction and requirement analysis.

Chapter four
We will discuss in this chapter System Analysis and Design and some related
terms such as
a. Project's main features along with their corresponding requirements.
b. Use Case Diagram.
c. Activity Diagram.
d. Class Diagram.
e. Sequence Diagram or collaboration Diagram.
f. State Diagram
g. Deployment Diagram
h. Database Design (ERD).

Chapter five
In this chapter would be discussed implementation of the projection and concepts
around this topic

Chapter six

In chapter six, would be talked about project testing and all requirements of the
system testing

Chapter seven
In this chapter, we will discussed Conclusion and Future Improvements



2.0 Introduction
Literature review is a text written by someone to consider the critical points of current
knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological
contributions to a particular topic. Main goals are to situate the current study within the
body of literature and to provide context for the particular reader.(Cooper, 2010)
A tailor makes custom cloths wear of various styles like jackets, skirts or trousers that go
with them, for men or women. An alterations specialist adjusts the fit of completed
garments, usually ready-to-wear, or restyles them. Designers choose combinations of line,
proportion, color, and texture for intended garments. They may have no sewing or
patternmaking skills, and may only sketch or conceptualize garments. (Lancaster, 2013)
2.1 Origins of the Term Bespoke tailoring
According to English Hardy (2003), a good tailor should be able to overcome all of the
potential shortcomings, and not only create a masterpiece that fits, but should also guide
his client towards a style that is better suited to his/her body. He says that a skilled tailor
can make simple clothing from common cloth, but with time and practice they can learn
to create garments of great beauty that provide significant protection to their wearer.
(Hardy, 2013)
2.2 Developments in Tailoring Industry
In Uganda, there has been development of tailoring school where a total number of 50
students are currently enrolled. They also currently employ four staff members who are
specialized in different areas of dressmaking and designing. During the last two years, 58
students have successfully graduated from this institution, some of which have chosen to
team up in order to start up their own businesses.

The school strongly encourage students to form teams, since it is easier for a group than
for a single individual to handle the challenges of establishing an own
business.(Margaret, 2011)
According to Richard (2012), he brought a rebellious streak to the heritage of suit making;
he has become a pillar of the modern menswear establishment. His bold color and
innovative twists have proved irresistible to the rock n' roll elite.
Modernization of the style and approach of the traditional tailors to current designs has
brought increased profits, time wastage and also reduced the number of tailors who
depended on traditional technologies within the Saville Row in London (Oswald,
2.3 Becoming a Twenty-First Century Tailor Shop
The growth of online retail and advances in web technologies has enabled smaller
bespoke manufacturers to re brighten cottage industry practices to reach global audiences.
Bespoke industries are experiencing a strong resurgence with the advent of collective
digital market places such The ruling cited the oxford English
dictionary definition of bespoke as "made to order", and considered that despite the fact
a bespoke suit was "fully hand-made and the pattern cut from scratch, with an
intermediary baste stage which involved a first fitting so that adjustments could be made
to a half-made suit", while a suit made-to-measure "would be cut, usually by machine,
from an existing pattern, and adjusted according to the customer's measurements", "both
fully bespoke and made-to-measure suits were "made to order “In that they were made to
the customer's precise measurements and specifications, unlike off-the-peg
suits".(Michael 2011)
2.4 Moving online
According to Custom Tailors and Designers Association-CTDA (2012) At Gaebler, we're
seeing a trend in tailor shop startups toward a greater integration of technology with
traditional tailoring business activities. While many older shops are hesitant to embrace
technology-rich business models, younger entrepreneurs are capturing market share by
leveraging technology on multiple fronts:

2.4.1 Distance tailoring.

Distance tailoring allows startups to expand their reach beyond thegeographic limitations
of the local marketplace. Customers perform their own measurements (with guidance) and
place orders online. Although many tailors use this approach to take advantage of cheap
labor overseas, it's possible to leverage a distance tailoring framework.(,
2.4.2 Integrated backend solutions.
Tailor shops are like any other SMB (small and medium business) in the sense that there
are multiple behind-the-scenes business tasks that must be routinely performed. With
today's technology, accounting billing, inventory, shipping and other software solutions
can be integrated to create a highly functional and seamless backend system.
(, 2012)
2.4.3 Social media marketing.
Social media resources like Facebook and Twitter allow tailorshop startups to convert
satisfied customers to brand advocates. By actively engaging your customers on these and
other sites, you can encourage positive conversations around your products and your brand
(, 2012).
As the technology of garment production is advancing, many small-scale suit
tailors are gradually developing their capacity to garment manufacturing level
while others are still struggling to be considered in the industry. (Leykun,



3.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses about planning and requirement of the research which illustrates
the most significant portion of the research and how the system will be implemented
logically, the upcoming of modern Tailoring management system, Selling Garment
operation was manually done which lead to a slowdown in transactions. This manual
system involves posting transactions from one ledger to another which human handles.
However, for the effective functioning of the tailor system, the tailor systems must be
handled and efficient; otherwise many risks can’t be recorded or solved easiest way.
The online Tailoring system will ease the work of clients by allowing them to send
their measurement online thus cutting on transport expenses and time. It will ease
communication between the tailor and the client and also to access each other.

3.1 System requirements

A system development lifecycle (SDLC): is a technique that is used to show how the
proposed system will develop. In this case, the lifecycle used will be a waterfall model.

3.1.1 Waterfall model

It is comprised of the stages that the developer will use when developing the system. It is
a sequential models hence the name waterfall. The developer has to finish with one stage
before going to the next one. It comprises of the feasibility study, analysis phase, design
phase, coding phase, testing phase, implementation phase and finally the maintenance
phase. It is a simple model and easy to use and understand. With waterfall development
based methodologies, the analysts and users proceed sequentially from one phase to the
next. The deliverables from each phase are voluminous and are presented to the project
sponsor for approval as the project moves from phase to phase. Once the phase is approved
by the sponsor it ends and the next phase begins.

Figure 3.1 water fall diagram

Feasibility study

Here, we will carry out a study to gain an understanding of the customers’ current system
and problems experienced in this system through interviews, observations, participations
etc. we will use the obtained data to determine the viability of the system being proposed
in terms of technical, economic and social feasibilities.

Requirements analysis
At this stage, we will gather information about what the customer needs and define the
problems the system is expected to solve. We will also include customers’ business
context, product functions and its compatibility. We will gather requirements such as
software like the programming language to use, database model and hardware needed such
as laptop, printers etc.


At this stage we will make an overall design of the system architecture and physical design
which includes User interface and Database design. It’s at this stage that we will identify
any faults before moving onto the next stage. The output of this stage is the design

specification which is used in the next stage of implementation.


At this stage, we will begin coding as per the design specification(s). The output of this
step is one or more product components built according to a pre-defined coding standard
and debugged, tested and integrated to satisfy the system architecture requirements.


In this stage, we will ensure both individual and integrated whole are methodically verified
to ensure they are error free and satisfy customer requirements. We will involve both unit
testing of individual code modules, system testing of the integrated product and
acceptance testing conducted by or on behalf of customer. We will ensure bugs found are
corrected before moving to the next stage. We will also prepare, review and publish
Product documentation at this stage.


It is done once the product has been tested and certified as fit for use. The system is
prepared for use at customer site. We will do delivery via internet or physical delivery
depending on user needs.


This stage occurs after installation. It involves making modifications on the system to
improve performance. Such changes are user initiated or as a result of bugs being
discovered which were initially not known. These modifications are recorded for
documentation and system update.

Benefits of waterfall model

 It improves on quality: getting requirements and design first helps to

catch and correct possible errors at the design stage than at the testing
stage, after all components have been integrated.
 Simple and easy to understand and use
 Easy to manage due to the rigidity of deliverables and review process
 Phases are processed and completed one at a time

3.2 General requirements

3.2.1 User requirements
It is very important to get users of the system fully involved such that the problem of
change management does not arise. The system is expected to be:

 Easy to learn and use

 Improve on the efficiency of information storage and retrieval
 Produce results faster i.e. measurements submission or checking clothe
status, therefore reducing on time wasted during to and fro travelling.
 Provides attractive interfaces with easy navigation throughout the system
 Faster, flexible and convenient.
 A system that stores data and produces reports timely and accurately
3.2.2 Functional requirements
Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of the system. This behavior
may be expressed as services, tasks or functions the system is required to perform.
Therefore the proposed system is able to:
 Capture customer information, store it and make it available at the time of need.
 Present the users with a real-time display on the garments status.
 Generate reports accurately and timely
 Search and display customer information details
 Computes the total cost of a garment depending on the selected fabric, type of
material, quantity and duration and avails that information to the customer.

3.2.3 Non-functional requirements (NFR)

Non-functional requirements are requirements which specify criteria that can be used to
judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. This is contrasted with
functional requirements that specify specific behavior or functions. Systems must exhibit
software quality attributes, such as accuracy, performance, cost, security and
modifiability plus usability, i.e. easy to use for the intended users. NFRs help to achieve
the functional requirement of a system. Thus the proposed system does the following:

 The system has high performance and reliability level. The mean time

between failures, mean time to repair, and accuracy are very high.
 The system has user-friendly interfaces. This ensures the ease with which
the system can be learned or used. The system can allow users to install
and operate it with little training.
 Handles growing amounts of work in a graceful manner as can be readily
enlarged i.e. the ease, with which the system can be modified to handle a
large increase in users, workload or transactions.
 The system prevents unauthorized access to the system with user
authentication via login-on system.
3.2.4 System requirements
Hardware requirements
Table 3.1Hardware Requirements


Computer 1 250
Processor: core2dual or above
3GB RAM or above
500 HDD or above

External back up (disks) – @ 500 GB 2 110

Research and internet costs 60

Printing and photocopying 30


Software Component System Requirement:

 Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox
 Operating System: Windows XP, 7, 8.1,8 and Linux.
 Back end: SQL Server.
 Front end: C# is done using ASP.NET.



4.0 Introduction:
The system analysis and Design are the activities involved in specifying how the software
will actually work.

The system analysis and design phase in development is to refine the project goals into defined
functions and operation of the intended application. System requirements are documented by using
the Unified Modeling Language (UML).

These techniques are using diagramming technique such as use case diagram, sequence
Activity diagram and class diagram. Use case diagram explains about the system,
And the association between the system and its environment. Use case diagram is
Through actors whereby the actors are modeling the processes that involved in the system
and to give a view about overall system functions.
Sequence diagram explains the scenario of the use cases. The actor actions and sequences
of the cases. Meanwhile, collaboration diagram presents the interaction which are
occurred among objects in the system. Class diagram is a view of classes and objects
involved in the system.

4.1 Use case diagram

Use case diagrams consist of named pieces of functionality (use cases), the persons or
things invoking the functionality (actors), and possibly the elements responsible for
implementing the use cases (subjects).

Use case, which describe how people interact with the system. Use case give you a
structured way of capturing the behavioral requirements of a system, you can reasonably
create a design from them.


Use Cases

System boundary boxes


Actor: An actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in one or
more interactions with your system. An Actor Include all user roles that interact with the

Use Cases: A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide something of
measurable value to an actor, a Use case is a collection of related success and failure
scenarios, describing actors using the system to support a goal and is drawn as a horizontal

System boundary boxes: You can draw a rectangle around the use cases, called the
system boundary box, to indicate the scope of your system. Anything within the box
represents functionality that is in scope and anything outside the box is not.

Associations: Associations between actors and use cases are indicated in use case
diagrams by solid lines. An association exists whenever an actor is involved with an
interaction described by a use case. Associations are modeled as lines connecting use cases
and actors to one another, with an optional arrowhead on one end of the line. The
arrowhead is often used to indicating the direction of the initial invocation of the
relationship or to indicate the primary actor within the use case.


Suit Order

Shirt Order

Trouser Order

BTM Finish

TP Finish

Update Customer/user infromatin

store Record

Update Record

System login/logout

Customer Top Order

Customer Buttom Order Admin

Customer Feedback


Figure 4.1Use case diagram of Tailoring management system


4.2 Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are used during the design phase of complex methods. Alternately, the
Activity diagram can also be used during analysis to break down the complex flow of a
use case.

An activity diagram is a graphical representation of an executed set of procedural system

activities and considered a state chart diagram variation. Activity diagrams describe
parallel and conditional activities, use cases and system functions at a detailed level.

In our system there are a lot of activities diagrams, so we take the most important activities
that we used frequently. And they are as following:

Action b

Edge (control flow)

Decision node

Initial node

Final node

Action: An action is an individual step within an activity, for example, a calculation step
that is not deconstructed any further. That does not necessarily mean that the action cannot
be subdivided in the real world, but in this diagram will not be refined any further.

Edge (Control Flow): Edges, represented by arrows, connect the individual components
of activity diagrams and illustrate the control flow of the activity.

Decision node: The diamond represents a conditional branch point or decision node. A
decision node has one input and two or more outputs.

Initial node: The initial node is the starting point of an activity. An activity can have more
than one initial node; in this case several flows start at the beginning of an activity.

Final node: The activity final node indicates that an activity is completed. An activity
diagram can have more than one exit in the form of activity final nodes.

Figure 4.2Create User activity Diagram


Figure 4.3customer Activity


Figure 4.4Manage User


4.3 Class Diagram

The class diagram is the main building block of object oriented modeling. It is used both
for general conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application.
A class diagram describes the types of objects in the system and the various kinds of static
relationships that exist among them. Class diagrams also show the properties and
operations of a class and the constraints that apply to the way objects are connected. The
UML uses the term feature as a general term that covers properties and operations of a
class. A class represents the operations and attributes of one or more objects within your



+CustID +Age
+Name +Tell
+age +user name
+tell +password
+user name maange +confrim password
+password +Secrest question
+confirm password
+secret question +1 +get and set adminID()
+1.* +get and set age()
+get and set CustId() +get and set tell()
+get and set CustName() +get and set Username()
+get and set age() +get and set password()
+get and set tell() +get and set confirm password()
+get and set user name() +get and set sercret question()
+get and set password() +1
+get and set confirm password()
+get and set secret question() Buttom dress
+Dress code
+*.* +Dress type
+Quantity 1.*
+yards per dress
+T_price per dress
+Total price
+*.* +T_yards
Store Dress record
Buttom dress +CustID
+Trouser height +Dress Code
+Dress code +Trouser width +price per unit
+Dress type +Calf width +Noyards
+Quantity +OrderDate
+yards per dress +comment +get and set Dress code()
+T_price per dress +get and set price per unit()
+Total price +get and set drescode() +get and set Noyards()
+T_yards +get and set dresstype()
+Duration +get and set quality()
+CustID +get and set yards per dress()
+Trouser height +get and set T_price per dress()
+Trouser width +get and set Total price()
+Calf width +get and set T_yards()
+OrderDate +Get and set Duration()
+comment +get and set CustID()
+get and set trouser height()
+get and set drescode() +get and set trouser width()
+get and set dresstype() +get and set calfwidth()
+get and set quality() +get and set orderdate()
+get and set yards per dress() +get and set comment()
+get and set T_price per dress()
+get and set Total price()
+get and set T_yards()
+Get and set Duration()
+get and set CustID()
+get and set trouser height()
+get and set trouser width()
+get and set calfwidth()
+get and set orderdate()
+get and set comment()

Figure 4.5Class Diagram

4.4 Sequence Diagram

The main purpose of a sequence diagram is to define event sequences that result in some
desired outcome. The diagram conveys this information along the horizontal and vertical
dimensions: the vertical dimension shows, top down, the time sequence of messages/calls
as they occur, and the horizontal dimension shows, left to right, the object instances that
the messages are sent to.

So that the sequence diagram of our project is as follows:


Once you have completed the sequence diagram, look at the corresponding collaboration
diagram. If necessary, make necessary edits to make it readable.

Lifelines: A lifeline represents an individual participant in a sequence diagram. A lifeline

will usually have a rectangle containing its object name.

Messages: Messages are displayed as arrows. Messages can be complete, lost or found;
synchronous or asynchronous; call or signal.

Execution Occurrence: A thin rectangle running down the lifeline denotes the execution
occurrence, or activation of a focus of control.

Self-Message: A self-message can represent a recursive call of an operation, or one

method calling another method belonging to the same object.



Execution Occurrence


User Tailor System System Database

1 : Log In()
2 : authenticate()

3 : acknowledge()
4 : Log In or wrong Password()

5 : Enter Dress Name()

6 : Search For the dress()

7 : acknowledge for the search()

8 : dress found or Not()

9 : request for issues() 10 : dress status:issued()

11 : dress issued()

12 : LogOut()

13 : LogOut succesful()

Figure 4.6Sequence Diagram


4.5 State Diagram

The term "UML state machine" can refer to two kinds of state machines: behavioral state
machines and protocol state machines. Behavioral state machines can be used to model
the behavior of individual entities (e.g., class instances). Protocol state machines are used
to express usage protocols and can be used to specify the legal usage scenarios of
classifiers, interfaces, and Ports.

Simple State


Initial State

Final State

Simple State: Simple State represent situations during the life of an object.

Transition: A solid arrow represents the path between different states of an object.

Initial State: A filled circle followed by an arrow represents the object's initial state.

Final State: An arrow pointing to a filled circle nested inside another circle represents the
object's final state.




Make Order

Provide Order


Figure 4.7State Diagram

4.6 Deployment diagram

The deployment diagram shows how a system will be physically deployed in the
hardware environment. Its purpose is to show where the different. Components of the
system will physically run and how they will communicate with each other. Since the
diagram models the physical runtime, a system's production staff will make considerable
use of this diagram.

Device Node: A device is a physical computational resource with processing capability

upon which artifacts may be deployed for execution. Devices may be complex (i.e., they
may consist of other devices).

Dependency: A dependency is a relationship that signifies that single or set of model

elements requires other model elements for their specification or implementation.

Component: A component represents a modular part of a system that encapsulates its

content and whose manifestation is replaceable within its environment.

Database Server

Application Server

Web Server

Client 1 Client 2 Client N

Figure 4.8Deployment Diagram

4.7 Database Design

The database design is a must for any application developed especially more for the data
store projects. Since the chatting method involves storing the message in the table and
produced to the sender and receiver, proper handling of the table is a must.

In the project, user table is designed to be unique in accepting the username and the length
of the username and password should be greater than zero.

4.7.1 Entity relationship diagram ERD (database diagram)

An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the

interrelationships between entities in a database.

Are a major data modeling tool and will help organize the data in your project into entities
and define the relationships

An ER diagram is a diagram that helps to design databases in an efficient way.

Building blocks of ERD

There are three basic elements in ERD:

 Entities: are the "things" about which we seek information.

 Attributes: are the data we collect about the entities.
 Relationships: provide the structure needed to draw information from
multiple entities.
Types of Relationships

There are many types of relationships; it can be classified into one-to-one, one-to-many,
many-to-many, and many-to-one.

One- to – many relationships: The relationship that associate one entity to more than one
entity is called one -to - much relationship: for example a man can marry four wives so
for one man may have more than one wife, hence this is an example of one-to-many

One-to-one relationship: For each entity in one table there is at most one associated entity
in the other table.

Many-to-many relationship: is a relationship between many entities, for example the

students are taking many courses in the university, so there is many to many relationship
between students and courses.

Many-to –one relationship: The relationship between EMPLOYEE and Manager is an

example of many to one relationship.





T otalyards
T otalPrice

DressT ype
QT Y DressCode
Duration Priceperunit
ButtomHeight NoYard
ButtomWidth purcheseperunit
CalfWidth purchasedprice
yardsperdress dressim age
T otalyards im agedata
priceperItem DressDescription
T otalprice State
CustNam e
Comm ent
UserNam e
Confirm Password
DressT ype
T opHeight
T opWidth
T otalyards
T otalprice
T rouserHeight
T rouserWidth
Comm ent

Figure 4.9Entity relationship diagram ERD



5.0 Introduction:
When the system was tested, the implementation phase started. An important phase in the
system development life cycle is successful implementation of new system design.
Implementations simply mean converting new system design into operation. This is the
moment of fact the first question that strikes in every one’s mind that whether the system
will be able to give all the desires results as expected from system. The implementation
phase is concerned with user training and file conversion. The goal of the implementation
phase is to implement a system correctly, efficiently, and quickly on a particular set or
range of computers, using particular tools and programming languages In Online Tailoring
Management System, no person can log in without any account.

5.1 Line of Codes

using System;
using System.IO;

public partial class TailorRecord : System.Web.UI.Page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (Session[“USERNAME”] == null)


lblwelcomming.Visible = true;
lblwelcomming.Text = Session[“USERNAME”].ToString();


protected void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

stringcs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“DBCS”].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(cs))

SqlCommandcmd = new SqlCommand(“select count(*) from TailorRecord where
DressCode=’” + tbDressCode.Text + “’”, con);
string result = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString().Trim();

if (result == “1”)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), “Scripts”, “<script>alert(‘this
dress already stored’)</script>”);
tbDressCode.Text = “”;
tbpriceperyard.Text = “”;
tbNoyards.Text = “”;
tbpurchesedperyards.Text = “”;

else if (result == “0”)

HttpPostedFilepostedfile = FileUpload1.PostedFile;
stringfileName = Path.GetFileName(postedfile.FileName);
stringfileExtension = Path.GetExtension(35ilename);
intfilesize = postedfile.ContentLength;

if (fileExtension.ToLower() == “.jpg” || fileExtension.ToLower() == “.bmp” ||


fileExtension.ToLower() == “.gif” || fileExtension.ToLower() == “.png”)

Stream stream = postedfile.InputStream;
BinaryReaderbinaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);
byte[] bytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(“insert into TailorRecord values(‘” +
tbDressCode.Text + “’,’” + tbpriceperyard.Text + “’,’” + tbNoyards.Text + “’,’” +
tbpurchesedperyards.Text + “’,@Name,@ImageData,’” + tbDescription.Text
+”’,’Yes’)”, con);
SqlParameterparaName = new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = “@Name”,
Value = 36ilename


SqlParameterparamImageData = new SqlParameter()

ParameterName = “@ImageData”,
Value = bytes

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), “Scripts”, “<script>alert(‘this
dress successfully stored’)</script>”);
FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(“images//” + FileUpload1.FileName));

tbDressCode.Text = “”;
tbpriceperyard.Text = “”;
tbNoyards.Text = “”;
tbpurchesedperyards.Text = “”;
tbDescription.Text = “”;

5.2 Database table and fields

Figure 5.1Feedback Table

Figure 5.2Bottom Order Dress Table


Figure 5.3Customer Information Table

Figure 5.4Customer Information Table


Figure 5.5Top Order Dress Table

Some Components

Figure 5.6Home page

Primary source, 2017


Figure 5.7User Registration

Primary source, 2017

Figure 5.8Store dress page

Primary source, 2017


5.3 Hardware and software requirements

In order to use the Online Tailoring Management System, it is required the following
minimum requirements.

5.3.1 Hardware requirements

Processor : core2dual or above
RAM : 3 GB or above
HDD : 500 GB or above
Monitor : 14 Size or above
Keyboard : USB/ PS/2
Mouse : USB/ PS/2
5.3.2 Software component system requirement:

 Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox,Google Chrome 26.0 and

 Operating System: Windows XP, 7, 8.1,8 and Linux.
 Back end: SQL Server.
 Front end: C# is done using ASP.NET.



6.1 Introduction
Once coding phase is completed, the next phase is testing and debugging. Testing phase
is the process of executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors. Or, it
involves any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system
and determining that it meets its required results.

When the software testing is successfully done, the next step is debugging. Debugging is
the process of removing the error that has been uncovered during the testing process.
Debugging process starts with the execution of a test case. The results that are attained are
assessed and the actual and expected values are compared. Debugging is the process that
matches symptom with the cause.

In debugging process, there is a possibility of two outcomes:

 Cause is found and corrected.

 Cause is not found

Debugging sounds difficult and here are some reasons why it is so:

 The cause and symptom may be located remotely.

 Sometimes when some other error is corrected, the symptom disappears.

 Human error can cause a symptom.

 Timing problem can cause a symptom

 Non errors can cause symptoms

 Symptoms can be intermittent


 There is a possibility that causes are distributed across different tasks running on

different processors.

6.2 Types of testing

Integration testing is a software development process which program units are combined

and tested as groups in multiple ways. In this context, a unit is defined as the smallest

testable part of an application. Integration testing can expose problems with the interfaces

among program components before trouble occurs in real-world program execution.

Integration testing is a component of Extreme Programming a pragmatic method of

software development that takes a meticulous approach to building a product by means of

continual testing and revision.

There are two major ways of carrying out an integration test, called the bottom-up method

and the top-down method. Bottom-up integration testing begins with unit testing, followed

by tests of progressively higher-level combinations of units called modules or builds. In

top-down integration testing, the highest-level modules are tested first and progressively

lower-level modules are tested after that. In a comprehensive software development

environment, bottom-up testing is usually done first, followed by top-down testing. The

process concludes with multiple tests of the complete application, preferably in scenarios

designed to mimic those it will encounter in customers' computers, systems and networks.

6.2.1 System testing

The process of performing a variety of tests on a system to explore functionality or to

identify problems. System testing is usually required before and after a system is put in

place. A series of systematic procedures are referred to while testing is being performed.

These procedures tell the tester how the system should perform and where common

mistakes may be found. Testers usually try to "break the system" by entering data that

may cause the system to malfunction or return incorrect information. For example, a tester

may put in a city in a search engine designed to only accept states, to see how the system

will respond to the incorrect input.

6.2.2 Unit testing

Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an

application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper

operation. Unit testing is often automated but it can also be done manually. This testing

mode is a component of Extreme Programming a pragmatic method of software

development that takes a meticulous approach to building a product by means of continual

testing and revision.

Unit testing involves only those characteristics that are vital to the performance of the unit

under test. This encourages developers to modify the source code without immediate

concerns about how such changes might affect the functioning of other units or the

program as a whole. Once all of the units in a program have been found to be working in

the most efficient and error-free manner possible, larger components of the program can

be evaluated by means of integration testing.

Unit testing can be time-consuming and tedious. It demands patience and thoroughness

on the part of the development team. Rigorous documentation must be maintained. Unit

testing must be done with an awareness that it may not be possible to test a unit for every

input scenario that will occur when the program is run in a real-world environment.

6.3 Documentation
In development for computational software product, documentation is the information that

describes the product to its users. It consists of the product technical information manuals.

(Including. the technical manuals that help facility descriptions)

The standard documentation is responds for specific set of instruction in defined manner

in documentation data base is the phrase used to describe any software for creating

database and managing the information stored

The term is also sometimes used to mean the source information about the contained in

design documents, detailed code comments, white papers, and blackboard session notes.

So that the major principle of documentation resource that helps managers at all levels to

improve their performance. To provide an important knowledge base for those involved

in managing for document of all kinds. With weekly updates it keeps you in touch with

the latest project document management.

Purpose of documentation is the use to support a tool or a process. Classical

documentation is a set of documents printed on paper. Documentation (to document) also

refers to the process of providing evidence.


6.3.1 Program documentation

The program documentation is a kind of documentation that gives a comprehensive

procedural description of a program. It shows as to how software is written. Program

documentation even has the capability to sustain any later maintenance or development of

the program. The program documentation describes what exactly a program does by

mentioning about the requirements of the input data and the effect of performing a

programming task.

6.3.2 System documentation

Documentation of the system consists of all of the documents relating the system itself

from the requirements specification to the final acceptance test plan.

The purposes of this documentation Server is considered. The subject of system

documentation could occupy several books; this document discusses some basic ideas.

The characteristics of good system documentation are considered such as what form the

documentation should take. The requirements of system documentation are considered

and an attempt is made to define what system documentation should do.

The system documentation should describe the specific implementation of a given system

rather than provide generic documentation.

System documentation should be reasonably self-contained; however it will often be a

component of a wider collection of documentation and it is reasonable for it to reference

other documents.

The documentation needs to be up to date, but does not necessarily have to be recent. If

the system has remained completely unchanged for a long period of time, the

documentation can remain unchanged for the same period of time.

Documentation needs to be sufficiently comprehensive to for fill its purpose.

System documentation can provide an introduction and overview of systems. New

Administrators, contractors and other staff may need to familiarize themselves with a

system; the first thing that will be requested is any system documentation. To avoid staff

having to waste time discovering the purpose of a system, how it is configured etc. system

documentation should provide an Introduction.

6.3.3 Technical documentation:

When the most of the programmers needs to create software they use the term of software

documentation. There must be some text along with it to describe various aspects of its

intended operation. It is important for the code of documentations to be systematic. On

the other hand not so verbose that it becomes difficult to maintain them.

This documentation may be used by developers, free sample and also the end customers

or clients using this software application. Today we see lot of high end applications in the

field of power energy transportation networks, aerospace, safety, security, industry

automation and a selection of other domains. Technical documentation has become

important within such organizations as the basic and advanced level of information may

change over a period of time with architecture changes. Particularly in the software field

the technical documentation has gained lot of importance in recent times.


6.3.4 Architecture/design documentation

The mean of Architecture documentation is a special kind of design document.

In method architecture documents are third derivative from the code it means that design

document being second derivative, and code documents being first.

The documentation has descriptions of design requirements, Architecture/design (data

structures, architecture, user interface, and procedural design), technical documentation,

and end user instructions. The documentation is mainly produced in order to provide some

historical record.

Actual little in the architecture documents is specific to the code itself. These documents

do not describe how to program a particular routine, or even why that particular routine

exists in the form that it does, but instead merely lays out the general requirements that

would motivate the existence of such a routine. A good architecture document is short on

details but thick on explanation. It may suggest approaches for lower level design, but

leave the actual exploration trade studies to other documents.

6.3.5 User documentation

The user documents are usually far more diverse with respect to the source code of the

program, and instead simply describe how it is used.

In the situation of system, the code documents and user documents could be, successfully

equal and are worth adjoining, but for a general application this is not often true.

Typically, the user documentation describes each feature of the program, and assists the

user in realizing these structures. A good user document can also go so far as to provide

thorough troubleshooting assistance. It is very important for user documents to not be

confusing, and for them to be up to date. User documents are not being organized in any

particular way, but it is very important for them to have a thorough index.. It is very

important for user documents to not be clear, and for them to be up to date. User

documentation is considered to constitute a contract specifying what the software will do.

Good user documents as they would be well aware of the software architecture and

program design procedures used.

6.4 User manual

User manual Capabilities and Requirements:

Every user who is going to work with this project is required to have the following


 A user should know how to use a compiler, particularly Microsoft office programs.

 A user should take some training about the project.

 A user should also have a basic knowledge about C# with and Ms SQL server


6.5 User instruction

 Whenever you run project, it will display the login page that prevents the system

to login the unauthorized users.

 Only two users can access this project and they are:

Administrator, student/ Users the system can access his or her own pages. Only

the administrator can access whole system.


Default home Page

Primary source, 2017

Login page

The login page requires a correct user account and password to be entered and pressed the
login button. If you entered a wrong user name or password it displays a notice appropriate
to you

LogIn page

Primary source, 2017


Other Pages
Create account page

Primary source, 2017

Store dress page

Primary source, 2017




7.0 Introduction
After more exhaust and great attempt we successfully ended the other phases although we
recognize that there can’t be any complete thing done by human being but also we did our
best and our project is completed successfully. According to our effort we really think that
we did our best and this project is completed ninety five per cent (95%) with good user
interface design.

The Online Tailor Management System provides online services through all parts of
Somalia people and other part of the world. It simplifies all the Online Sales services and
saving their time by making the user requests and services towards their request
electronically. The administrator has its own administrative pages to manage his/her
operations by firstly login to the system.

This web application is developed using the latest technologies including ASP .NET 4.0
using C# codes in Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server
2014 as the backend. The system fully implements its required goals and requirements
specified in the requirement specification and make the users to gain their required online
Tailor services effectively.

7.1 Conclusion
In this book, we discussed about how our system is working; we also provided some
guidelines of how the user will deal to this system and what strengths or weakness it has.


Every project has some strengths and weakness; so, we would like to mention some of the
strengths and good features that Online Tailor Management System (OTMS).

This system is very friendly system and it has a good interface that can be usable by every
person who is computer literate.

What is more, if the user make a mistake it generate an error message that easily
understandable by the user and it gives you the solution of that problem.


On the other hand, every system has its own weaknesses, so, In this project, only problems
that you might face is alerting messages that appear whenever you misuse to the system,
and if you are not familiar with this system you might find it difficult to manage it, please
don’t confuse, just read carefully what the message is carrying out and then you will get
the solution easily.

Future Enhancement

This project was developed by using different types of software, so, if someone trying to
develop this project, or enhance some of the its functionalities and features, he\she should
be able to know how to use ASP.NET 4.0 with C#, SQL SERVER 2015 and internet

We have used ASP.NET 4.0 with C# and SQL server 2014 as front end and building the
application, Microsoft SQL server Back end.

Scope of the project

Scope of this project is very broad in terms of other manually taking sales.

Few of them are:

Can be used anywhere any time as it is a web based application.


Software performance

 Fast accessing, precise and reliable information

 It provides Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the users.
 Providing habitual activities of any other online Tailor management
 The data will be stored in a secure database file.
 The system should be accurate.
 The system should be collaborative and flexible.
 The system should capable to work 24 hours.
 The system should minimize accessing time.
 The system should provide adequate interface.

7.2 Recommendation
As SODE’s development team, we are happy for this project to finish, and this system has
strengths and weakness. The strengths of this project is that it can do all fundamental
services of the Tailor Management System, but, we left the weaknesses for the next
students or any other developers. This system can accept extensibilities and we wish all
possible enhancements.


Cooper, H. (2010). Synthesizing Research: A Guide for literature Reviews
Lancaster (2013) Tailors in UK;
"Hardy Amies UK stores to close following sale to Fung Capital". Retail Week. 2008-11-11.
Retrieved 2009-10-08.

Day, Peter (2003-04-29). "How secret agent Hardy Amies stayed in Vogue during the war".
Margaret-Head of Tailoring School Uganda, (2011).

Custom tailors and designers association (2012),

Tailor Shop.htm

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