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Ciliwung River

Arif Tunggal P. Alam


Ciliwung river is one of the great river with a length of river flow which reached 120 km
across Bogor, Depok , until Jakarta.Ciliwung river is one of the resort is famous for the beauty and
cleanliness. Ciliwung river also is one of the first transport path of the river that became the driving
wheels of the economy in Jakarta. But now, Ciliwung river has lost its beauty. Ciliwung now
become one of the polluted river that every time the rains come resulted in floods in Jakarta. There
are several causes that lead to contamination of the river Ciliwung , such as garbage that has
accumulated, the number of illegal settlements around the banks of the river and the lack of
maintenance Ciliwung river by local government.
The first cause which resulted in a polluted river Ciliwung is the number of waste dumped in
river. According to head officer of Jakarta DepKes, Eko Bharuna, as much as 6300 tons of garbage
produced each day and as much as 3,000 tons of waste in rivers. This can cause many problems.
Other than to cause pollution of river water Ciliwung trash buildup can cause siltation of the river
which resulted in the lack of the ability of the river to collect water, so that when the rains come, the
volume of water collected by the river is very little and can increase the potential for flooding.
The second cause is the increasing number of settlements located along the banks of the
river Ciliwung. DKI Jakarta Provincial Government says there are at least about 70 thousand
residents who live along the riverbanks Ciliwung. This has become one of the causes of
contamination of the river Ciliwung. Increasingly high number of settlements along the riverbanks
Ciliwung result in narrowing of the river that can reduce the capacity of these rivers. In addition, the
increasing number of settlers, it will increase the amount of garbage in the river Ciliwung.
Next, besides these two problems, lack of attention to local government on Ciliwung river
was one factor that led to polluted rivers Ciliwung. As a more responsible parties, local
governments should pay more attention to the circumstances and condition of Ciliwung. The way
that local government can do such as pay more anttention to the Ciliwung cleaness by clean
Ciliwung river once a month using adequate equipment.
As a conclusion, it is necessary mitigation measures to reduce pollution of rivers Ciliwung.
As citizens who love the environment, the need for awareness of the importance of personal
hygiene and environment as well as the need for real action that is starting to dump trash in its
place. As a government, there needs special handling as do the cleaning of mass across the river to
reduce silting Ciliwung river. In addition, required the relocation of residents living near the
riverbanks in order to reduce the narrowing Ciliwung river.
Arif Tunggal P. Alam
In this article, titled “the dangerous of cramming”, the writer want to inform us that
crammings can disturb our sleep time. The resault from many research said that cramming also can
impact to our sleep cycle which has ravies so midely. Disturbtion in the regular sleep cycle can
temporary intellectual lapses. But there are some stimulans which will increase alertness when we
cram, they are coffeeand a few of aphetamines. However, coffee drinkers should watch out for
Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, an onset of anxiety, panic, headaches and a frustasing inability to
sleep. They have to know about that because they should be able to snap back fairly quickly and
there are many problem of student who want to get a good sleep time. The best formula to follow
when finals arrive is one that student have been taught for years moderation.

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