TCW Activity

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2nd Semester, A. Y. 2019- 2020

TCW 101

Name: Date:
Program: Year & Section:

I. Explain the following concepts:

a. Globalization
b. Economic Globalization
c. Globality
d. Division of Labor
e. Hegemony
f. Crisis of ideological legitimacy
g. Protectionism
h. Tariff
i. Conglomerate
j. Nation-state
k. Interstate system
I. Regionalism
m. Global governance
n. Economic development
o. Digitalization
II. Compare and contrast the following:
a. Globalization and internationalization
b. Dependency and World Systems Theory
III. Enumerate and briefly explain the following:
a. Distinct qualities of globalization
b. Forms of economic dominance
c. Division of the world according to world systems theory
d. The Global Divide and the member countries and characteristics
e. Stages of Internationalization
f. Global Institutions
g. Effects of governance fragmentation

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