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Employment has constantly been viewed as one of the critical social issues. The main reason
beyond its importantly is that, it doesn’t just influence the economic growth of the society but it
also has hug affect in the stabilization of the society. Employment determines how the overview
of the society looks like, the way it will be developed by. it likewise impact how the people
characterize themselves. Envision if colossal quantities of individuals are without jobs, the
outcomes must be radically calamitous. Despite the fact that this may seem like "baseless" dread,
it may in the long run move toward becoming reality on the off chance that we don't address it in
time. Truly, the majority of the nations are experiencing the slower-than-anticipated economic
recovery and ascend in joblessness. With reference to the Global Employment Trends 2014
arranged by the International Labor Organization (ILO), there are around 202 million individuals
who were jobless in 2013 around the globe after the 2008 worldwide financial crisis. Amongst the
jobless, around 73 million youngsters were unemployed (International Labour Organization 1982).

As per of the International Labor Organization rules, an individual is unemployed if the individual
is (a) does not has a job, (b) presently accessible for work and (c) looking for job. in the real-world
the execution of these rules is mostly difficult. Whereas employed people are moderately simply
classified in many nations, the issue of characterizing unemployment people to how to determent
them between unemployed or out of the labour force, particularly as indicated by criteria (c) isn't
uncontroversial. For example, the necessity of quest for new employment is alluring since it
requires active manifestation to add-on to the labour force, yet it additionally categorizes a big
number of non-searchers as out of to the labour force. A number of economic specialists would
contend that availability and ability to work are adequate to recognize specialists in the labour
force from the individuals who is out of in the labour force. Besides, while the requirement of
employment might be significant in industrialized nations where the majority of the populace takes
part in paid work and where there are clear channels for the trading of work market data. This
would not be the same situation in numerous od developing nations where inquiry might be costlier
and quest for new employment conduct is less important, particularly in extensive rustic divisions
(Byrne, D., & Strobl, E. 2004)

Youth unemployment

With less experience and limited skills than numerous grown-ups, youngsters frequently
experience a number of trouble in order to getting work. The worldwide youth joblessness rate,
which has since quite a while ago surpassed the other age groups and yet, the biggest youth
unemployment rate increment was recorded in 2009. at its pinnacle, around 75.8 million
youngsters were unemployed. However even after getting work, these youths still face job
instability with little chances for aptitudes improvement, progression and joblessness. They will
probably be in vulnerable occupations, which would have negative affect in their future
employment and salary prospects. as a matter of fact, youngsters make up an unbalanced number
of the global working poor. A significant number of whom work in the casual economy, is
constrained, however according to the available data, youth represented 23.5 percent of the
aggregate working poor, contrasted and just 18.6 percent of not poor workers. (UN Point on Youth

In the Middle East and North Africa, a district which has gained ground in instructive levels among
youths from both gender, roughly 25 percent of youngsters in working age are jobless. It is critical
to highlight that in weak taking economies, youngsters have restricted or no social safety nets on
which to fall back, thus some of these youths might stand to remain out of work. Therefore, the
unemployment rate does not catch the full degree of troubles confronting youngsters in developing
economies, where young individuals will probably accept to any job opportunity.

The issue of youth unemployment has sustained to deteriorate in the developed economies. Where
the highest unemployment rate was recorded in 2009 since measurement started in 1991. And then
some nations of the European Union got great rate of youth employment in 2011 which was 45.1%
in Greece and 48.9 in Spain. However, in the same year, the number of youth unemployment in
UK has touched 1 million which was a very high record. In a portion of these nations, the rate of
joblessness much greater among youth than grown-ups. Besides, in the nations of OECD around
12.6% of young individuals, which represent a quite big number of youngsters (22.3 million). were
latent in the final quarter of 2010, neither in occupations nor in instruction or preparing,

abandoning them progressively defenseless against prohibition from the labour market (United
Nations publication, 2011)

Malaysia like many other developing country sufferings from youth unemployment issue, where
the youth unemployment rate exceeded by three time the national average rate, which mean that
10 of every 100 young individuals are jobless contrasted with three out of 100 employees from the
other other words, one from four graduates would be remained jobless for six months.
These youth like many of us growing up with the believe that a university certificate is the ticket
to a successful life, but this doesn't make a difference anymore. even with university certificate
there is a huge number of young individuals are not able to find job that could offer for them
reasonable salary that consistent with the rising cost of living (Bee Yin, 2018)

Youth unemployment could also lead to the marginalization and prohibition of youngsters. There
is indication that, joblessness could make youth face greater risks of lower future earnings,
working in temporarily jobs which would repeated the unemployment term, and wage poverty.
Moreover, youngsters with incapacities keep on facing gigantic difficulties in the work advertise.
Also, the ethnicity among youth especially in the countries where there is more than one race living
in it, is a factor in their social avoidance and marginalization. Likewise, to increase efficiency of
work and sale more products, companies usually looking for employees with more experience and
skills. thus, this would reduce the job options that available for youth and constrains them with
limited portion of jobs because of their lack of experience and skills. However, in some situations
the companies accept inexperience workers, but they will offer a low salary which would not attract
much workers to work with other cases, when firms want to make large profit, they will
employ many young individuals, so they can decrease their aggregate sum of wages and earn larger
profits (Thomas B., 2015)

Literature review:

Mlatsheni and Rospabe (2002) conducted a research in order to determine the components that
impact youth unemployment in South Africa between different groups, particularly race and
genders groups by utilizing the multinomial logit. they used an observation from the October
Household Survey 1999. their independent variables were age, gender, race, experience and
background. In this research they found that, the youth from Africans and Indian have little chance
to get job comparing with white individuals. The individuals whom their ages between 15 to 24
years old, have a lower chance to get job by 30 per cent than the individuals with age above 24
years, this is implying that, youth unemployment is stronger among youngest individuals. Further,
they observed that, to be living in urban zone essentially decreases the youth of getting into
employment, also they found that, education play an important role in the potentiality of getting
job. The entire society might be suffering from the large number of youth unemployment since
there is a connection between youth joblessness and genuine social issues, such as drug and crime.
(Mlatsheni, C., & Rospabé, S. (2002)

There are different kind of age discrimination (Osborn and Kleiner, 2005). For instance, an obvious
case would be youth individuals who is lack of experienced will be given a low pay jobs, for
example, photocopying and running different errands, on other hands, adult individuals will be
given a better job. (Ozcan, Ozkara, and Kizildag, 2011). Another obvious case of youth employee’s
discrimination, is that when senior individuals upgraded over younger ones because of their
seniority. in this case youth workers have the right to complain specially if they are equally
qualified but get less paid

A study was done in the USA which on religion discrimination specifically for Muslim women in
the work environment, and the choice that they took to cover their head, the examination
demonstrated that despite the fact that Islam in the second biggest religion on the world, the
stigmatism related with ladies wearing headscarves has directed to inimical discrimination in the
work environment. Besides Muslim Americans confronted a huge discrimination because of

allegation regarding with the connection of their religion and the terrorist attacks assaults
confronted by the nation. (Kadiresan, V., & Javed, N. K. 2015)

Ahmad and Azim (2010) conducted a research in order to analyze the young participation in the
labour market in Pakistan. by utilizing miniaturized scale information of Labor Force Survey
(2006-07) of 32744 families. Consequences of Logistic Regression examination propose that age,
gander, preparing, area, instruction level and qualities of family unit have noteworthy effect on
business probabilities of youth in Pakistan. This investigation demonstrates that a critical number
of youth begins their vocation early which can be expensive for efficiency and profit further down
the road. These youngsters confront higher joblessness rate toward the beginning of their vocation
which bit by bit diminishes with increment in age. It was likewise noticed that there exists a
noteworthy distinction amongst male and female youth work advertise results in various areas of
the nation. Joblessness rate among female youth is considerably higher than that of male youth in
all locales of nation. A vital finding of the examination is about the young in Balochistan which
are all the readier to work yet most drastically averse to get work when contrasted with youth in
different territories. It has additionally been presumed that young are an assorted social gathering
with various qualities and demeanors about work in various areas of Pakistan.

Another study was conducted by Booysen and Nkomo, in South Africa and they stated that,
generally there is discrimination based on ethnic and gender because of the historical and political
background of the nation. The discrimination exists between men and women, where’s by the men
of both skins (dark and light) agree with that males should be managers but the women with dark
skin disagree with that. from this we can see that, Elements managers discriminating while at the
same time assigning errands is because of the persona made by the general public of two
fundamental factors; sexual orientation and race (Horwitz, F. M., Browning, V., Jain, H., &
Steenkamp, A. J. (2002).

Ratsamy Phomphakdy and Brian H. Kleiner (199) conducted a research on approaches to dispose
the discrimination in a workplace. In this examination they used four elements to refer to
discrimination at workplace, which are age, gender, background, and cultural. as standards on
which individuals are employ, fired, given raises and rewards. Equally, different scholars have
discovered particular treatment towards workers as discriminatory in view of age, race, religion,
and sexual orientation (Kadiresan, V., & Javed, N. K. 2015)


Employment discrimination considered as unfair conduct toward workers since, they are
participating in a social groups and discrimination toward them contravene the fundamental human
right of equal treatment, and in this manner, falls into the area of unethical behavior (Petersen and
Dietz, 2008). this unethical conduct could show itself as discrimination toward employees.
Dishonest practices in the working environment, to be specific, practices that abuse bribery, fraud,
lies to managers, subordinates, and associates, the distortion of corporate records, deception of
clients, and the utilization of insider data. That work discrimination could be added to this rundown
of unethical practices is regularly disregarded.


The primary standard of utilitarianism contends that "the ethically adjust activity is the one that
boosts net social advantages, where net social advantages measures up to social advantages less
social costs" (Schumann, 2001, p. 97). Utilitarianism can be seen as the position that, the end
legitimizes the methods, as long as the outcomes of acts accumulate a bigger number of advantages
than hurt crosswise over partners with respect to elective activities. worker discrimination as a
zero-entirety diversion (when not employ individuals from one gathering implies employing
individuals from another gathering) infers washouts and victors of discrimination. However,
generally, employment discrimination lead to undermines the execution of the organization
workforce, as capable individuals from the discriminated group are avoided from adding to the
organization (Dietz, J., & Kleinlogel, E. P. 2015).

Distributive Justice:

Distributive Justice similar to the utilitarian standard, the distributive justice rule advises an
evaluation of ethicality based on results, centering, notwithstanding, on the conveyance of
advantages and expenses instead of aggregate net advantage. As per this standard, an ethically
rectify act is the one that bring a fair circulation of advantages and expenses for everybody who is
influenced by the act (Schumann, 2001, p. 101). For instance, the distribution should be Equal
with the goal that everyone gets a similar share, and then should be fair so everyone gets an offer
that is proportionate to their input and necessities, therefore, according to that those individuals
who in need get a lopsidedly extensive share. However, when we apply the same concept on
employment discrimination will find that, Employment discrimination usually led to unequal and
unfair distributions, thus work discrimination does not constitute ethically right action (Dietz,
Kleinlogel, Colella & King, 2016).

Moreover, employment discrimination does not pass the test of Rawls’s (1971) three standards of
distributive justice, which equally liberty, equal opportunity, and the difference. It violates the
principles that each individual from a general public independent of their membership in a social
subgroup has equality in both area (Liberties and opportunities) for instance Rawls stated that, the
individuals who has the same skills and capacity and have the passion to utilize them, ought to
have similar prospects of progress without looking at their social class level (Dietz, Kleinlogel,
Colella & King, 2016)

Discrimination could be the main reason for youth unemployment, since a lot of individuals cannot
find job after graduated from university because of their age, race, gender or they might find job
but it’s not related with their major, and some of them might accept that job, because with this
discrimination they no longer have the freedom to choose their job. This discrimination against
young people are unethical and against the Global Goals 2016, which its main aim to protect the
planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity (Sustainable Development Goals,
2016) since this could have negative effect on their life and well-being because each one these
young individuals has been studying at the university for many years with their own dream job but

after they graduated didn’t get that, so they will be very disappointed. During the long
unemployment period these youths might come across a number of low profile job which is not
suitably with their qualifications and with low salary, they might reject it at the beginning but at
the end they will accept it because they need to pay for their life expense.

There is an immense worry on discrimination at work environment particularly at managerial level

in the Malaysian context regardless of numerous executions of good administrative practices by
the Malaysian government. Article 8(2) of the Federal Constitutions was revised in 2001 to forbid
victimization toward Malaysians on the grounds of religion, race, plunge, and place of birth or sex.
Malaysia is one of only a handful couple of nations which requires a photo of the potential workers
connected to their certifications. The need to separate one from another or to contract and delegate
undertakings and obligations in a one-sided way in light of these statistic contrasts, for example,
age, race, sexual orientation and others would able to be viewed as some type of discrimination
(Keleiner and Keleiner, 2001).

The hiring and selection process should be based on the skill and qualifications and should be the
only side the managers looking at, but this is not always the case. In Malaysia one observed case
of gender discrimination where females are always related with inconsequentiality and males are
ascribed as authority figures is drilled usually. The racial discrimination is common in Malaysia
as well (Daily Express, 2014). For a country which comprises of three exceptional and similarly
imperative races, Malaysia neglects to show this decency with regards to work environments in
companies. Numbness and lack of experience make it difficult for employers to understanding that
they are being one-sided or special towards certain portrayed workers. This demonstrates an
obstruction for decent work environment connections. Once the connections are not steady
between partners, it begins to influence their activity execution which obviously impacts the
general execution and effectiveness of the association. An examination led on impacts of
discrimination demonstrated that workers have a tendency to end up more stressed and
demotivated therefore, they endeavor to leave this job and try to find job somewhere else (Naidoo,

Age discrimination happens in the situation where the skills and capabilities of workers are ignored
because of their ages (Peng and Kleiner, 1999) This is common situation in businesses in Malaysia
where the salary of any individuals will rely upon his/her state (being older or higher in position)
rather than anything else (Topper, 2009). In addition, even youth workers with high capabilities
need to work long time in their life in order to get an advancement or increase in salary. However,
the solution to dispose from age discrimination depends on the hands of Malaysian companies,
they need provide some course for managers to educate and train them to know that age is just a
number. (James, McKechnie, Swanberg, and Besen, 2013).

A delayed evolution from universities to work life, which might include a time of joblessness or
longer time at university, might have a negative impact that would Continue for long period. Such
a postpone prompts disintegration of abilities, which may eventually result in bring down lifetime
profit. The more period youths took as disconnected, the more hard will be to help their integration
into the labour market. However, despise of the fact, that transitory and part time job might assist
youth employees to cross in the labour force, they likewise chance prompting determined
employment insecurity. Thus, an absence of good work opportunities, implies that numerous
youngsters, especially in developing nations, wind up working in low-paid and perilous
occupations which give no prospects to advancement.

The transition of youth individuals into work denotes an important period in the life cycle. It
connotes a vital phase of independence, the utilization of scholarly learning, social and economic
efficiency, also sets the stage for a person potential earning limit, work choices and the likelihood
of progression. As a result, the way in which a youngster enters the labour market impacts his/her
long lasting employment experiences. how and when this change would happen affect the well-
being of that individual and his associations with all people around him.

Youth individuals in all areas are has more probability to be unemployed or to work in powerless
jobs comparing with grown-ups. They are at more serious danger of gaining lower salaries in a
low efficiency work, working in hazardous or unsafe conditions, working underneath their aptitude

or instructive level, working extended periods or less hours than needed, holding a short-time job,
having few or no prospects for progression as well as lacking job stability. Also, such these
hindrances among youth in the labour market imply that numerous youth laborers lack bargaining
power and are poorly situated to arrange improving their circumstance.

Young unemployment could cause disappointment and low confidence, and might prompt
expanded vulnerability among some youngsters to drugs, infection and wrongdoing. Goldsmith,
Veum and Darity (1996, 1997) found that being unemployed effect confidence, and cultivates
sentiments of externality and helplessness among young people. Additionally, they found evidence
that the psychological engraving of unemployment holds on. The jobless seem to have a greater
inclination to commit suicide. In addition, joblessness can decrease the life expectancy of workers.
(Essays, UK November 2013)

Survey results:

For the purpose of this report, a survey was conducted a number of respondents from different
nationality (Chinese, Indian and Malay), Kazakhstan, American, Biracial, Arab, Somali and
Japanese who working legally in Malaysia, from various fields ranging from students to other
professions. The respondents had educational background ranging from high school to PhD Level.
the majority of them has working experienced less than a year and their income per month less
than RM 1000. Their responses to questions ranged on a 5 point Like scale of strongly Agree,
Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree.

In the believing of that employment and career development opportunity 72.1% of respondents
(agree and strongly agree) are concerned about that it should be depend upon skill and education
of youth, while 11.1% disagree with that.

From Analysis, large percentage are disagreed in believing that all the people are given equal
opportunity of job which was 42.9%. However, 31.7% agree to that. The rest of the percentage
are on a neutral ground in believing that all the people are given equal opportunity,

In the case of youth discrimination at workplace most of the respondents agree with that there is a
huge discrimination for youth in term of gender, age, race, ethnicity and experience. on the other
hand, in the case of job opportunity more than half on the total percentage disagree with that there
is equality of job opportunity between male and female. And yet, this was the same in the case of
ethnic minority and transgender where most of the respondents disagree with that the job
opportunity are equal for them. Moreover, the majority of respondents disagreed with that there is
an equal of salary and promotion opportunity in the basis of ethnic minority. While, large
percentage are on a neutral ground in believing that the job opportunity for male and female are

A high percentage of respondents believed that the right of equal employment opportunity for all
age, gender, ethnicity and race must be protected under law. and they believe that the interfere
with an employee's right to join, organize union an unlawful labor practice which should be
protected under law as well.

Respondents also stated that diversity of ethnicity and transgender are important for company
growth. On the other hand, they believe that sexism is not right for company growth and employers
should not promote it. In addition, they agree with that there should be an equal minimum wage
for all the employees including transgender.

The discussions above show that the youth unemployment and their discriminating at workplace
are worldwide issues and there are many country sufferings from it. Also, from the survey we can
see the clear awareness of people to towards youth discrimination at workplace, which mean that
discrimination really exist in Malaysia on the basis of gender, age, experience, ethnic. in addition,
from the survey result we can observe that most of the Respondents were with experience less than
one year and their salary didn't exceed Rm1000 which not even equal to the minimum wage in

Malaysia, this implying that, with the difficulty that facing new graduated to find jobs they have
been used by employers to increase their profits through unethical way by paying them less then
they deserve. Hence, there is unfair labour practices towards youth particularly new graduated
student. The Human Resource Departments should keep their eyes closely on the haring and
selection process to reduce any workplace discriminations. Diversity in term of gender, age, ethnic
and culture at workplace will let the employers to improve the quality of treatment among the
workers in the businesses. This could be done by training and educate the managers and employers
assigning errands to manage all individuals with fair manner without looking at their age, gender,
ethnic. The Internal improvement of organization will be the most ideal approach to start on
settling this issue of discrimination.


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