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Correct version of the Memo from page 25:

Dear colleagues,
Many thanks for attending the highly productive meeting held yesterday and I apologize for letting it run
over time. I hope this did not cause too much inconvenience. As promised at the end of the meeting, here
is the list of action points and decisions which we agreed on during the meeting:
1. The HR Director will look into the suitability of doing psychometric tests for all applicants to
management positions within the organization and will report you back at the next meeting which
will be in a month.
2. In future, when interviews for posts in the company will be hold, a trained interviewer from the
HR department will chair the interview panel and the head of the concerned department will also
be present.
3. The HR Department will design a standard application form intending to be used by candidates for
all posts in the company.

4. The HR Director will propose in writing to the Board of Directors that there should be made a
change in company’s policy having the effect that all vacancies should, if possible, be filled up
internally and that external applications should only be considered if no suitable internal
candidate can be found.
Many thanks for your contributions on these subjects.

Example of Memo:

Dear colleagues,
Firstly I want to thank you for the feedback received during today’s meeting. It’s a pleasure to organize
those brain-storm meetings with you. Even if we had not much time, some specific aspects of our business
were established:
1. The new Manager will establish face to face meetings with every one, in order to obtain the
necessary feedback for new ways to motivate us.
2. The HR Department decided to provide every year for entry and middle employees from Sales
Department, a full paid holiday in one’s of company’s hotels chain.
3. Starting from 1 January 2016, all company’s computers will work only with Windows 10. This
change is especially for security reasons. Don’t worry, between 10 and 15 of January 2016, work-
shops will be held in order to get familiar with this new operating system.

4. We won that lawsuit intended by Dynamics Limited so we can all be happy because finally the
company will get her money back. The Manager decided to equally share the amount with all
employees taking into consideration that holidays approach.
Many thanks for your opinions on these subjects and don’t forget: “Work hard, play hard!”

Bogdan-Daniel Duțescu

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