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Learn to build a strategic marketing plan

Deep-dive business review to Summarize the drivers and inhibitors Use strategic questions to
1 2 3
look at every area of the brand. currently facing brand. Map out the help you frame the key
risks and opportunities for future. issues facing your brand.
• Market: Macro view, economic indicators,
consumer behavior, technology, political 1 What is the core strength your
Drivers Inhibitors brand can win on?
• Consumer: Target, buying habits, trends,
consumer enemies, key insights Factors of strength or Weaknesses or How tightly connected is your
inertia that accelerate friction slows brand consumer to your brand?
• Channels: growth channels, major your brand’s growth. down, leak to fix
customers, available tools and programs 3
What is your current
Opportunities Threats competitive position?
• Competitors: Performance, positioning,
innovation, pricing, distribution, perceptions. Changing consumer Competitor launch, 4
How engaged are consumers in
• Brand: Funnel, reputation, tracking results, needs, technologies, trade barriers, the purchase decision?
pricing, distribution, financial analysis. channels, legal, customer preference. What is the current business
situation your brand faces?

Annual Marketing Plan
Lay out elements of a 1
Brand Vision: Be first ‘healthy cookie’ to generate craving, popularity and sales of a mainstream cookie. $100 Million by 2024.
Analysis VisionIssues and Strategies Execution Plans
marketing plan on P&L forecast
• Sales $30,385
Key Issues
1.What’s the priority choice for growth: find
• Use awareness to drive trial of the new
Use “where are we” questions to uncover
one page and in a • Gross Margin
• GM %6 $17,148
new users or drive usage frequency among
Grays. Target “Proactive Preventers”.
Suburban working women, 35-40.Main answers that frame the overall strategic plan.
• Marketing Budget $8,850 2.Where should the investment/resources
Message of “great tasting cookie without the

formal presentation. • Contribution Margin

• CM%
focus and deployment be to drive our
awareness and share needs for Gray’s?
guilt, so you can stay in control of your
health”. Media includes 15 second TV, Questions to ask Planning Elements
3.How will we defend Gray’s against the specialty health magazines, event signage,
• Taste drives a high conversion of Trial to proposed Q1 2014 ‘healthy cookie’ digital and social media
1. Where could we be? Vision/Purpose/Goals
• Vision
Purchase launches from Pepperidge Farms and Sampling
• Strong Listings in Food Channels Nabisco? • Drive trial with In-store sampling at grocery,
• Exceptional brand health scores among Strategies Costco, health food stores and event
Early Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand 1.Continue to attract new users to Gray’s 5
sampling at fitness, yoga, women’s 2. Where are we? Analysis
• Purpose among niche.
2.Focus investment on driving awareness
and trial with new consumers and building
networking, new moms.
• Low familiar yet to turn our sales into loyalty
a presence at retail. • Support Q4 retail blitz with message 3. Why are we here? Key Issues
• Values • Awareness held back due to weak
3.Build defence plan against new entrants to
defends with consumers and at store level.
focused on holding shelf space during the
competitive launches. Q2 specialty blitz to
• Low distribution at specialty stores. Poor
2 Goals grow distribution at key specialty stores.
4. How can we get there? Strategies
• Goals coverage.

• Low Purchase Frequency among most
• Increase penetration from 10% to 12%,
specifically up from 15% to 20% with the
core target. Monitor usage frequency
• Launch two new flavours in Q4/15 & Q4/16.
Explore diet claims, motivating and own-

• Brand Idea Risks

• Launch of Mainstream cookie brands
among the most loyal to ensure it stays
Competitive Defence Plan
5. What do we need to do? Execution & Measures
(Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco).
• Increase awareness from 33% to 42%, • Pre Launch sales blitz to shore up all

• Key Issues
• De-listing 2 weakest skus weakened our in- specifically up from 45% to 50% within the distribution gaps. At launch, heavy
store presence core target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%. merchandising, locking up key ad dates,
• Legal challenge to taste claims Close distribution from 62% to 72%. BOGO. TV, print, coupons, in-store

• Strategies
Opportunities • Hold dollar share during competitive sampling.
• R&D has 5 new flavors in development. launches. Grow 11% post launch gaining up • Use sales story that any new “healthy”
• Sales Broker gains at Specialty Stores to 1.2% share. Target zero losses at shelf. cookies should displace under-performing
• Use social media to convert loyal following. and declining unhealthy cookies.
• Tactics
We start with our five strategic questions
and transfer over to your marketing plan
Annual Marketing Plan
Questions to ask Planning Elements Brand Vision: Be first ‘healthy cookie’ to generate craving, popularity and sales of a mainstream cookie. $100 Million by 2024.

Analysis 1 Issues and Strategies Execution Plans

1. Where could we be? 1 Vision/Purpose/Goals

P&L forecast
• Sales
• Gross Margin
Key Issues
1.What’s the priority choice for growth: find
new users or drive usage frequency among
• Use awareness to drive trial of the new
Grays. Target “Proactive Preventers”.
• GM % 56% loyalists? Suburban working women, 35-40.Main
• Marketing Budget $8,850 2.Where should the investment/resources Message of “great tasting cookie without the
• Contribution Margin $6,949 focus and deployment be to drive our guilt, so you can stay in control of your

Forecast 3
• CM% 23% awareness and share needs for Gray’s? health”. Media includes 15 second TV,
Drivers 3.How will we defend Gray’s against the specialty health magazines, event signage,
2. Where are we? 2 Analysis • Taste drives a high conversion of Trial to
• Strong Listings in Food Channels
proposed Q1 2014 ‘healthy cookie’
launches from Pepperidge Farms and
digital and social media
• Drive trial with In-store sampling at grocery,
• Exceptional brand health scores among Strategies Costco, health food stores and event
Early Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand 1.Continue to attract new users to Gray’s sampling at fitness, yoga, women’s
among niche.
2.Focus investment on driving awareness
and trial with new consumers and building 5
networking, new moms.
3. Why are we here? 3 Key Issues • Low familiar yet to turn our sales into loyalty
• Awareness held back due to weak 4a presence at retail.
3.Build defence plan against new entrants to Execution
• Support Q4 retail blitz with message
focused on holding shelf space during the

• Low distribution at specialty stores. Poor Goals Strategies
defends with consumers and at store level. competitive launches. Q2 specialty blitz to
grow distribution at key specialty stores.

coverage. • Increase penetration from 10% to 12%, Innovation
• Low Purchase Frequency among most specifically up from 15% to 20% with the • Launch two new flavours in Q4/15 & Q4/16.

4. How can we get there? 4 Strategies loyal.

• Launch of Mainstream cookie brands
core target. Monitor usage frequency
among the most loyal to ensure it stays
Explore diet claims, motivating and own-
Competitive Defence Plan
(Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco). • Increase awareness from 33% to 42%, • Pre Launch sales blitz to shore up all
• De-listing 2 weakest skus weakened our in- specifically up from 45% to 50% within the distribution gaps. At launch, heavy
store presence 5
core target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%. merchandising, locking up key ad dates,

• Legal challenge to taste claims Close distribution from 62% to 72%. BOGO. TV, print, coupons, in-store
5. What do we need to do? 5 6 Execution/Measures Opportunities
• R&D has 5 new flavors in development.
• Hold dollar share during competitive
launches. Grow 11% post launch gaining up
• Use sales story that any new “healthy”
• Sales Broker gains at Specialty Stores to 1.2% share. Target zero losses at shelf. cookies should displace under-performing
• Use social media to convert loyal following. and declining unhealthy cookies.

Beloved Brands
The playbook for how to build a
brand your consumers will love.

How to think strategically
Write a brand positioning statement
The playbook for how to create a

Come up with a brand idea
Write a brand plan everyone can follow
Write an inspiring creative brief
brand your consumers will love
✓ Make decisions on marketing execution
✓ Conduct a deep-dive business review
✓ Learn finance 101 for marketers
Annual Marketing Plan
Brand Vision: Be first ‘healthy1cookie’ to generate craving, popularity and sales of a mainstream cookie. $100 Million by 2024.
Analysis Issues and Strategies Execution Plans
P&L forecast Key Issues Advertising
• Sales $30,385 1.What’s the priority choice for growth: find • Use awareness to drive trial of the new
• Gross Margin6 $17,148 new users or drive usage frequency among Grays. Target “Proactive Preventers”.
• GM % Forecast 56% loyalists?3 Suburban working women, 35-40.Main
• Marketing Budget $8,850 Key Issues
2.Where should the investment/resources Message of “great tasting cookie without the
• Contribution Margin $6,949 focus and deployment be to drive our guilt, so you can stay in control of your
• CM% 23% awareness and share needs for Gray’s? health”. Media includes 15 second TV,
Drivers 3.How will we defend Gray’s against the specialty health magazines, event signage,
• Taste drives a high conversion of Trial to proposed Q1 2014 ‘healthy cookie’ digital and social media
Purchase launches from Pepperidge Farms and Sampling
• Strong Listings in Food Channels Nabisco? • Drive trial with In-store sampling at grocery,
• Exceptional brand health scores among Strategies 5 food stores and event
Costco, health
Early Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand 1.Continue to attract new users to Gray’s sampling at fitness, yoga, women’s
among niche. 2.Focus investment
4 on driving awareness networking, new moms.
Inhibitors and trial with new consumers and building Distribution
• Low familiar yet to turn our sales into loyalty
a presence at retail. • Support Q4 retail blitz with message
• Awareness held back due to weak 3.Build defence plan against new entrants to focused on holding shelf space during the
Advertising defends with consumers and at store level. competitive launches. Q2 specialty blitz to
2 at specialty stores. Poor
• Low distribution Goals grow distribution at key specialty stores.
coverage. Analysis • Increase penetration from 10% to 12%, Innovation
• Low Purchase Frequency among most specifically up from 15% to 20% with the • Launch two new flavours in Q4/15 & Q4/16.
loyal. core target. Monitor usage frequency Explore diet claims, motivating and own-
Risks among the most loyal to ensure it stays able.
• Launch of Mainstream cookie brands steady. 5 Competitive Defence Plan
(Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco). • Increase awareness from 33% to 42%,
Goals • Pre Launch sales blitz to shore up all
• De-listing 2 weakest skus weakened our in- specifically up from 45% to 50% within the distribution gaps. At launch, heavy
store presence core target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%. merchandising, locking up key ad dates,
• Legal challenge to taste claims Close distribution from 62% to 72%. BOGO. TV, print, coupons, in-store
Opportunities • Hold dollar share during competitive sampling.
• R&D has 5 new flavors in development. launches. Grow 11% post launch gaining up • Use sales story that any new “healthy”
• Sales Broker gains at Specialty Stores to 1.2% share. Target zero losses at shelf. cookies should displace under-performing
• Use social media to convert loyal following. and declining unhealthy cookies.
Annual Marketing Plan Cookies

Brand Vision: Be first ‘healthy cookie’ to generate craving, popularity and sales of a mainstream cookie. $100 Million by 2024.

Analysis Issues and Strategies Executional Plans

P&L forecast Key Issues Advertising
• Sales $30,385 1. What’s the priority choice for growth: find new • Use awareness to drive trial of the new Grays.
• Gross Margin $17,148 users or drive usage frequency among Target “Proactive Preventers”. Suburban
• GM % 56% loyalists? working women, 35-40.Main Message of “great
• Marketing Budget $8,850 2. Where should the investment/resources focus tasting cookie without the guilt, so you can stay
• Contribution Margin $6,949 and deployment be to drive our awareness in control of your health”. Media includes 15
• CM% 23% and share needs for Gray’s? second TV, specialty health magazines, event
Drivers 3. How will we defend Gray’s against the signage, digital and social media
• Taste drives a high conversion of Trial to proposed Q1 2014 ‘healthy cookie’ launches Sampling
Purchase from Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco? • Drive trial with In-store sampling at grocery,
• Strong Listings in Food Channels Strategies Costco, health food stores and event sampling
• Exceptional brand health scores among Early 1. Continue to attract new users to Gray’s at fitness, yoga, women’s networking, new
Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand among niche. 2. Focus investment on driving awareness and moms.
Inhibitors trial with new consumers and building a Distribution
• Low familiar yet to turn our sales into loyalty presence at retail. • Support Q4 retail blitz with message focused
• Awareness held back due to weak Advertising 3. Build defense plan against new entrants that on holding shelf space during the competitive
• Low distribution at specialty stores. Poor defends with consumers and at store level. launches. Q2 specialty blitz to grow distribution
coverage. Goals at key specialty stores.
• Low Purchase Frequency even among most • Increase penetration from 10% to 12%, Innovation
loyal. specifically up from 15% to 20% with the core • Launch two new flavours in Q4/15 & Q4/16.
Risks target. Monitor usage frequency among the Explore new diet claims, motivating and own-
• Launch of Mainstream cookie brands most loyal to ensure it stays steady. able.
(Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco). • Increase awareness from 33% to 42%,
specifically up from 45% to 50% within the Competitive Attack Plan
• De-listing 2 weakest skus weakened our in-
store presence core target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%. Focus • Pre Launch sales blitz to shore up all
for sales is to close distribution gaps going distribution gaps. At launch, heavy
• Legal Challenge to tastes claims merchandising, locking up key ad dates,
from 62% to 72%.
Opportunities • Hold dollar share during competitive launches BOGO. TV, print, coupons, in-store sampling.
• R&D has 5 new flavors in development. and continue to grow 11% post launch gaining • Use sales story that any new “healthy” cookies
• Sales Broker create gains at Specialty Stores up to 1.2% share. Target zero losses at shelf. should displace under-performing and
• Explore social media to convert loyal following. declining unhealthy cookies.
Annual Marketing Plan Stage Lighting

Brand Vision: Be the lighting brand Broadway directors see as essential to their show. Make Gray’s a $100 Million brand by 2022.
Analysis Issues and Strategies Executional Plans
P&L forecast Key Issues Content Marketing
• Sales $30,385 1. How do we shift Gray’s from a product-led • White Papers on the impact of lighting.
• Gross Margin $17,148 launch into an idea-led brand to own “magic”? • Video story telling of our case studies, using
• GM % 56% 2. How do we use loyal advocates to establish our loyal directors to tell story.
• Marketing Budget $8,850 Gray’s in the production house buyer’s mind? • Video interviews of patrons to highlight the
• Contribution Margin $6,949 3. How do we defend against entry of impact of the lighting.
• CM% 23% mainstream lighting (GE, Philips) into the high- Influencer Program
Drivers end stage lighting segment? • Use key influential directors
• In theater tests and director’s brand Strategies • Tell story through social media
satisfaction converts trial to purchase. 1. Content marketing to get Broadway directors • Film one of the demos
• Strong support from the Broadway directors— to book a demo program and trade up Distribution
creates key influencers to go to new markets. 2. Use demo program to sign up highly • Support Q4 sales blitz with message focused
• Exceptional brand health scores among Early motivated theater directors and drive share on holding shelf space during the competitive
Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand among niche. 3. Use high performance claims to defend launches. Q2 contractor blitz to grow
Inhibitors against new entrants with most loyal high distribution at key contractor stores.
• Awareness weak—especially with production volume directors to hold onto key customers.
Social Media
houses—who are more focused on price. Goals • Social Media program
• Low distribution at product houses segment • Increase penetration from 10% to 12%, • East coast sales blitz
due to poor sales coverage. specifically up from 15% to 20% with the core • Direct mailer nationally
• Low repeat frequency, even among loyal. target. Monitor usage frequency among the
Directors need to re-sell each new order. most loyal to ensure it stays steady. Competitive Attack Plan
• Increase awareness from 33% to 42%, • Pre Launch sales blitz to shore up all
Risks distribution gaps. At launch, heavy
• Launch of Mainstream lighting brands (GE, specifically up from 45% to 50% within the
core target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%. Focus merchandising, locking up key buyer dates,
Philips). BOGO. In-theater demo.
• De-listing 2 weakest skus in contractor for sales is to close contractor gaps going from
62% to 72%. • Claims data vs competitors
segment weakens overall presence • Industry advisory panel
• Legal Challenge to competitive claims • Hold dollar share during competitive launches
and continue to grow 11% post launch gaining Innovation
Opportunities up to 1.2% share. Target zero losses at shelf. • Building new product pipeline.
• R&D has 5 new designs in development. • Explore lighting options for social media
• Sales Broker create gains at contractors • New face recognition claims.
• Explore social media to convert loyal following.
Annual Marketing Plan
Brand Vision: Apple wants everyone in the world to be part of the future and be the world’s first. $1 Trillion brand valuation

Analysis Issues and Strategies Executional Plans

P&L forecast Key Issues Advertising
• Sales $30,385 1.How do we battle Samsung/Google in • TV advertising to highlight new
• Gross Margin $17,148 smart phones? features and challenge competitors.
• GM % 56% 2.How do expand beyond our saturated • Media: TV, specialty magazines, event
• Marketing Budget $8,850 North American market? signage, digital and social media
• Contribution Margin $6,949 3.What technology platform will be next Retail
• CM% 23% round of surprising innovation? • Display new phones and MacBook
Drivers 4.How do we strengthen and leverage pros, with new messaging around
• Growth coming from 55+ consumers. our bond with our most loyal Apple design, speed and new features.
• Retail store sales, +15%, builds loyalty users? Mass Channel Distribution Blitz
• Closed gap w/Samsung on phone Strategies • Support Q4 retail blitz with message
innovations. 1. Regain smart phone leadership focused on holding shelf space during
Inhibitors 2. Geographic expansion into China the competitive launches. Q2 specialty
• Lack of true innovation in mobile 3. Build out cloud community blitz to grow distributions.
phones. 4. Use higher service to tighten Innovation
• Service ratings, due to longer lines. community • Launch innovation each year including
• Falling behind on laptops. Goals phones, tablets, online music, watches
Risks • Increase penetration from 10% to and personal computers. Launch
• Samsung has returned to mobile, 12%, specifically up from 15% to 20% specific products for China.
unscathed by exploding phone issues. with the core target. Monitor usage Launch Plan
• Trade disputes could impose duties, frequency among the most loyal. • Pre Launch hype for June/Sept launch
higher costs cut into profits. • Increase consideration from 33% to periods to shore up earned media. At
Opportunities 42%, up from 45% to 50% within core. launch, heavy merchandising, locking
• Explore switching to Apple chip • Focus for sales is to close mass up key ad dates, TV, print, in-store.
technology for laptops, replacing intel. channel distribution gaps 62% to 72%. B2B Fortune 500 Sales
• Invest in e-commerce opportunities. • Hold dollar share during competitive • Revamp sales program with new
• Continue to improve design of mobile. launches and continue to grow 11% discounts for trading up to premium
post launch gaining up to 1.2% share. phones and laptops.
Marketing Plan definitions
• Vision: The vision should answer the question, “Where could we be?” Put a stake in the ground that
describes an ideal state for your future. It should be able to last for five to 10 years. The vision gives everyone
clear direction. Write in a way that scares you a little and excites you a lot.
• Brand purpose: The purpose has to answer the question, “Why does your brand exist?” It’s the underlying
personal motivation for why you do what you do. The purpose is a powerful way to connect with employees
and consumers, giving your brand a soul.
• Values: The values you choose should answer, “What do you stand for?” Your values should guide you and
shape the organization’s standards, beliefs, behaviors, expectations, and motivations. A brand must
consistently deliver each value.
• Goals: Your goals should answer, “What will you achieve?” The specific measures can include consumer
behavioral changes, metrics of crucial programs, in-market performance targets, financial results, or
milestones on the pathway to the vision. You can use these goals to set up a brand dashboard or scoreboard.
• Situation analysis: Use your deep-dive business review to answer, “Where are we?” Your analysis must
summarize the drivers and inhibitors currently facing the brand, and the future threats and untapped
• Key issues: The key issues answer the question, “Why are we here?” Look at what is getting in your way of
achieving your brand vision. Ask the issues as questions, to set up the challenges to the strategies as the
answer to each issue.
• Strategies: Your strategy decisions must answer, “How can we get there?” Your choices depend on market
opportunities you see with consumers, competitors, or situations. Strategies must provide clear marching
orders that define the strategic program you are investing in, the focused opportunity, the desired market
impact and the payback in a performance result that benefits the branded business.
• Tactics: The tactics answer, “What do we need to do?” Framed entirely by strategy, tactics turn into action
plans with clear marching orders to your teams. Decide on which activities to invest in to stay on track with
your vision while delivering the highest ROI and the highest ROE for your branded business.
The playbook for how to create a
brand your consumers will love
Our marketing training will help realize
Our marketing training will help realize
the full potential of your marketing team
the full potential of your marketing team

Strategic What
your brand 2
Thinking want does best Statement
What your
does best
Annual Marketing Plan
Brand Vision: Be first ‘healthy cookie’ to generate craving, popularity and sales of a mainstream cookie. $100 Million by 2024.

Analysis Issues and Strategies Execution Plans

P&L forecast Key Issues Advertising
• Sales $30,385 1.What’s the priority choice for growth: find • Use awareness to drive trial of the new
• Gross Margin $17,148 new users or drive usage frequency among Grays. Target “Proactive Preventers”.
• GM % 56% loyalists? Suburban working women, 35-40.Main
• Marketing Budget $8,850 2.Where should the investment/resources Message of “great tasting cookie without the
• Contribution Margin $6,949 focus and deployment be to drive our guilt, so you can stay in control of your
• CM% 23% awareness and share needs for Gray’s? health”. Media includes 15 second TV,
Drivers 3.How will we defend Gray’s against the specialty health magazines, event signage,
• Taste drives a high conversion of Trial to proposed Q1 2014 ‘healthy cookie’ digital and social media
Purchase launches from Pepperidge Farms and Sampling
7.3" • Strong Listings in Food Channels Nabisco? • Drive trial with In-store sampling at grocery,
6.8" • Exceptional brand health scores among Strategies Costco, health food stores and event
8" Early Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand
among niche.
1.Continue to attract new users to Gray’s
2.Focus investment on driving awareness
sampling at fitness, yoga, women’s
networking, new moms.

Gray's' 32" 5" 18"

weekly" Inhibitors and trial with new consumers and building Distribution
6" • Low familiar yet to turn our sales into loyalty
• Awareness held back due to weak
a presence at retail.
3.Build defence plan against new entrants to
• Support Q4 retail blitz with message
focused on holding shelf space during the
2.2" Norm' monthly" Advertising defends with consumers and at store level. competitive launches. Q2 specialty blitz to

• Low distribution at specialty stores. Poor Goals grow distribution at key specialty stores.
coverage. • Increase penetration from 10% to 12%, Innovation
• Low Purchase Frequency among most specifically up from 15% to 20% with the • Launch two new flavours in Q4/15 & Q4/16.
4x"per"year" loyal. core target. Monitor usage frequency Explore diet claims, motivating and own-
2" 45"
• Launch of Mainstream cookie brands
among the most loyal to ensure it stays
Competitive Defence Plan

0" 1x"per"year" (Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco).

• De-listing 2 weakest skus weakened our in-
• Increase awareness from 33% to 42%,
specifically up from 45% to 50% within the
• Pre Launch sales blitz to shore up all
distribution gaps. At launch, heavy
store presence core target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%. merchandising, locking up key ad dates,

Gray's" Norm" Dad's" • Legal challenge to taste claims

Close distribution from 62% to 72%.
• Hold dollar share during competitive
BOGO. TV, print, coupons, in-store
• R&D has 5 new flavors in development. launches. Grow 11% post launch gaining up • Use sales story that any new “healthy”
• Sales Broker gains at Specialty Stores to 1.2% share. Target zero losses at shelf. cookies should displace under-performing
• Use social media to convert loyal following. and declining unhealthy cookies.

Analyze 3
Performance Plans

Beloved Brands
The playbook for how to build a
brand your consumers will love.

How to think strategically
Write a brand positioning statement
The playbook for how to create a

Our marketing training workshops provoke new thinking

Come up with a brand idea
Write a brand plan everyone can follow
Write an inspiring creative brief
brand your consumers will love
✓ Make decisions on marketing execution
✓ Conduct a deep-dive business review
✓ Learn finance 101 for marketers
Our marketing training workshops
will provoke new thinking
Learn strategic thinking methods, looking at core strength, competitive
landscape, consumer relationship, engagement and situation you face.
Brand positioning statements start with a consumer profile, then uses our
consumer benefits ladder, with functional and emotional benefits.
With marketing plans, we go through each element needed for a long-
range brand strategy roadmap and the annual marketing plan.
Learn to make smart decisions on marketing execution with your creative
advertising and media choices.
With brand analytics, learn to write a deep-dive business review, looking
at the marketplace, consumer, channels, competitors and the brand.

We will get your people ready to to win in the market

Beloved Brands
The playbook for how to build a
brand your consumers will love.

How to think strategically
Write a brand positioning statement
The playbook for how to create a

Come up with a brand idea
Write a brand plan everyone can follow
Write an inspiring creative brief
brand your consumers will love
✓ Make decisions on marketing execution
✓ Conduct a deep-dive business review
✓ Learn finance 101 for marketers
Get it on both Amazon
and Apple Books.

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